fangirlyness · 8 months
Tsukutabe favourite scenes - Episode 1
This post is inspired by @littleragondin who had done a series of posts of their fave scenes from Tsukutabe (She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat)!
I thought it'd be fun to do the same except I'm probably unable to choose just one from each episode… So I will rank my top 1-3 scenes! (And of course, thank you so much to @furritsubs for translating and subbing this show - Your efforts have brought me so much joy!).
#2: Nomoto having her love for cooking framed as something she should be doing for a man (or child)
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Nomoto receives a comment tying her worth to her capacity to provide for a man or child. From Nomoto's reaction, it must be an all-too-common occurrence for her. 
The music here is pensive and troubling, and her face expressionless - a stark contrast to the opening scene where the sound is lively and fun, and she's bright and joyful.  Both times, she's doing something she loves, and you can see she's so caught up in cooking the frustration away here that she doesn't even realise she's made too much minced pork. She loves cooking, and right now, she's not enjoying it.
This is also the first time the show touches upon society's harsh expectations on women, paving way for the later reveal of Kasuga's painful and stifling childhood. 
As an aside, I appreciate that Sayama did not play along with their manager's comments to Nomoto. However, it's interesting that she didn't say anything to counter him either. By staying silent or ignoring it, she's complicit in perpetuating their manager's gendered views. Makes sense - they're in the workplace, their (male) manager is their superior, and such views on women can be the norm. Whether Sayama (or Nomoto) speak up or not, it's a lose/lose.
#1: Nomoto's face journey as she watches Kasuga eat (for the first time)
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Here, we can see Nomoto's growing discomfort with Kasuga's silence. She's used to people openly and loudly applauding her food (both online and in-person) - and used to people twisting her love for cooking into what it's not. 
Yet Kasuga wordlessly eats. And eats. And eats. And Nomoto remembers the reason she cooks in the first place. Nomoto is stunned, and overwhelmed, and holding back happy tears. I love the journey Nomoto's face takes as she makes this realisation. It's as if watching Kasuga eat this first time has mended her heart from the pain of earlier (scene #2 above). 
In the end, Kasuga simply appreciates Nomoto's meal and thanks her. And that's all Nomoto needs.
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fangirlyness · 7 months
Tsukutabe favourite scenes - Episode 2
Tagging as #TsukutabeFaves in case anyone wants to filter out these long posts. Other fave scenes by episode.
#3 Nomoto recognising what it's like to have food prepared for her
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Nomoto cooks for herself in both sickness and health.  As an adult, she's been on her own and (presumably) content with that.   Then in comes careful, gentle, thoughtful Kasuga - not to save Nomoto - but to be her friend and ally.  Nomoto's soft and subdued smile - different to her usual highly expressive one - says this is something new and precious for her.  
#2 Kasuga offering to cover Nomoto's food expenses
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Growing up, Nomoto's absorbed ideas about a woman's purpose: to cook for and provide for one's husband and children.  It hits harder when deep down, she knows (and has pushed aside the fact that) she's never been attracted to men (or anyone at all until Kasuga) - so uhhhh, what husband?  Women are expected to cook (not as a hobby), and to not be paid for this work.  Nomoto doesn't think she should be paid either and makes a big case for it, several times.  I always laugh at how Nomoto explains with such flourish why Kasuga shouldn't pay her - it's like she's selling wares!  Her hands are hilarious.  
And Kasuga, listens, and requests again for Nomoto to take the money.  This may be the first time someone's seen Nomoto's skills as worthy of compensation, rather than as an expected service. 
On initial viewing, I thought this scene was mainly showing Kasuga's fairness.  And later knowing about her childhood, it now seems more than that. 
Kasuga's seen her mother slave by the stove, with little appreciation and remuneration.  Kasuga was slaving, too.  She knows the value of cooking, the effort it takes.  She knows it can hurt a person when their sole purpose is reduced to cooking and cleaning. 
And she doesn't want to do to Nomoto what was done to her and her mother.  
Her father, and by extension brother, felt entitled to her and her mother's labour.  By asking Nomoto to accept payment, Kasuga shuts down that entitlement:  She's saying, "You're not only here to cook for me".  
Finally, by standing up and offering to clean, Kasuga forever changes the nature of their arrangement thus far where Nomoto was the only one to cook and clean.  Now, at the sink, they're standing alongside as equals. 
Without words, Kasuga says: "We're here together".
#1 Sharing a meal for the first time
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Onigiri comforts Nomoto when she's in pain, and brings nostalgia for when her mother soothed her in childhood.  Decades later, it's Kasuga who soothes Nomoto with this same dish.  
Here, their relationship shifts from one where Nomoto only watches, to one where they're both enjoying food together.  No longer is Nomoto the delegated provider; both she and Kasuga are now active participants in this routine they've developed.
As this scene ends, a gentle piano starts for the first time on the show.  Whenever this song comes, I'd know Lesbian Activity of Significance was afoot, and I'd be brimming with glee! (On the official soundtrack, this song is titled "LOVE?").
Bonus (cheating, kind of):
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I love that this episode overall highlights Kasuga's kindness for others.  While Kasuga's facial expressions are restricted, the care she provides is wholehearted and full.  When Nomoto wishes she were stronger, less of a mess, and more like Kasuga - Kasuga gently puts a stop to that (as seen in the pic above).  
So that's episode two.  Thank you for reading! 
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fangirlyness · 7 months
Tsukutabe favourite scenes - Episode 3
Tagging as #TsukutabeFaves in case anyone wants to filter out these long posts. Other fave scenes by episode.
#3 Kasuga smiling
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I still don't really understand why Kasuga smiled here but it's so cute, I don't care!   Kasuga's embarrassment and Nomoto's gentle ribbing about it?  It's so playful and sweet!  Whaaaaa!!!  I love how Nomoto leans in as Kasuga turns away.  Don't be shy, Kasuga!!!
#2 Watching each other eat
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When Nomoto watches Kasuga eat, nothing else matters.  Her initial surprise gives way to amusement, which gives way to HEART EYES.  Her face adores Kasuga and "LOVE?" starts playing.  I am so giddy with the Feels.   The first time I saw this, I could not contain my excitement!  It's Lesbian Activity of Significance! And I love how stunned Nomoto is when Kasuga calls her name.  Caught giving heart eyes!  Ahhh!  (Chef's kiss). 
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And Kasuga watches Nomoto too, in a different, more careful and subdued way.
For Nomoto, the adoration was so full-hearted, she had to be snapped out of it.  
At this stage, I can't quite place it for Kasuga.  I'm thinking maybe she might feel safe and warm with Nomoto? 
Kasuga has an aversion to alcohol through a bad experience, and hasn't touched it since.  She shares this with Nomoto who gets it, and who questions what people get out of putting others down.  We've seen others controlling what Kasuga consumes - the rice portion, the beer.  And we've seen the opposite from Nomoto.  Nomoto just... Lets Kasuga be who she is, and actively encourages her to have more of what makes her happy.  Kasuga's had a fearful, stifling childhood, and she's spent her adult life finding and being who she is.  And Nomoto honours that. 
Kasuga's got a serving of alcohol too, though there's no pressure to drink it.  And while watching Nomoto, Kasuga feels safe enough to try a sip, and a second. And Nomoto's mouth-full-of-food smile at Kasuga is just! so! darling!  
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Everything about this meal - from the making of the gyoza, the cooking, and the eating - has been a partnership and shared experience. They're equals all the way.
It's such a treat watching these two watching one other while they discover who they are to themselves and each other.  
#1 Nomoto's squee!
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That's it. 
That's my analysis. 
Runner up: Preparing food together for the first time.
It's practice for when they DO live together, hehehehehehe. (This scene is my Real #3 but I didn't have the brain power to give it the write up it deserved. So it's a runner up).
Additional theme: Kasuga observing and remembering what Nomoto says 
I love the way Kasuga quietly notes what Nomoto likes and wants.  She's always watching and listening, and it shows how she values Nomoto.  They've known each other a short time, yet the impact they've had in each other's daily lives is apparent, and beneficial.
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Kasuga saw Nomoto's joy for the sauce plates, and how much she wanted to go to the farmer's market in the last episode.  Kasuga is attentive and thoughtful, and shows her care with actions.  Some people might keep notes on their phone whenever their partner says they like something, except Kasuga would probably just remember the 2743 items in her head.  
Thanks for reading!
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