#Tsams dazzle
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Hung up on the fridge, where all precious memories go.
They’re so father daughter core it makes me ill /pos
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tbsviovixx · 2 days
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Road to recovery
Fun Lil art thats been in the oven for MONTHS
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justdrawlynn11 · 2 days
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 days
Hey guys... I just think something just really cursed can happen to Dazzle.
We both know Dazzle is a ghost, right. And due to the suit, she can see and talk and all.
What if, just like the Canon Golden Freddy, Nexus using Negative Star power to crippled her and stuffed her inside her old suit again.
But the old suit is broken, so she couldn't move, couldn't see, just stuck in the endless darkness.
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pixzyn · 9 hours
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Could you do dazzle? :3
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Dazzle 💞
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liuyo29 · 29 days
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meagancandraw · 1 month
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A few weeks ago, The Lunar and Earth Show was falsely terminated. YouTube has not given the reason for the termination, nor why the appeals have been denied
Our best chance to get the channel back at this point is to make some noise to get YouTube's attention about the situation ourselves. There's a post that goes into more detail about how to do so here, but the best way to get their attention is to @ the official YouTube Twitter account, and make a polite and respectful post asking to reinstate the channel
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villetela · 2 months
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My SAMS Sun and Dazzle/Evelyn ref sheet(probably) with doodles. I LOVE the newest LAES ep so I definitely had to draw these two. + mr.puzzles and leggy of course XD
I also like to think Sun would have overalls too just to match with Dazzle/Evelyn.
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yukiphobia24 · 2 months
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I like the recent episodes.
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sabrondabrainrot · 29 days
It's back! Youtube re-instated the channel! I've been catching up. Here's some celebratory art!
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Why didn't I draw moon? More at 8...
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glade-constellation · 1 month
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This was originally going to be a drawing to help spread #bringbacklaes, but the show is back already! Very happy! Thank you everyone who put in time and effort to help bring it back. Can’t wait to see what else they have in store for us!
(Close Ups under cut)
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
Can we please, PLEASE talk about animatronic rights in TSBS?
Every animatronic in this show has some form of awareness. Even the ones who aren't possessed. Sun and Moon say that one day, they spontaneously gained intelligence. Every single character, even the staffbots who are way stupider, have SOME form of sentience. Even Spaniard, who was coded by Moon, is NOTHING more than coding, has some form of feelings and sentience. He can make his own decisions, talk for himself, think for himself, even if he can't move, Spaniard is a PERSON. The animatronics are PEOPLE.
But they don't have rights! This has been bugging me for so long, to do anything legal in the show they have to use fake identities. Buying a house? Gotta pretend to be human on the paperwork. Renting a studio? Put in a human name. They joke about it, but that's genuinely awful!
The animatronics aren't just coding anymore, they can have children, build bonds with each other, think, THEY'RE JUST WEIRD HUMANS AT THIS POINT!
This has been on the back of my mind for months now, but today's episode just reminded me of it. Moon says that since Dazzle is an animatronic now, being a helper in the daycare is one of her only options. CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FUCKED UP THAT IS??? WHAT??? Like. Even if she wasn't possessed by a human soul, these robots have real aspirations, real GOALS, real FEELINGS. Dazzle will never grow up. She will never go to college. She will never work her first job. She'll never get married and have a family of her own one day.
And you could say that's because she's a ghost and can't age, which, sure. But it's even worse for the kids that can!
Think about FC, think about Francine. They will grow up with nothing, once they're too old for daycare they will have NOTHING, no hope of school, no hope of work, no hope of life outside unless they pretend to be human.
It's messing with my brain, HOW IS THIS A BACKGROUND DETAIL IN THE STORY???????
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justdrawlynn11 · 2 months
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Bedtime. Wanted to draw something cute, Moon’s trying to be emotional support.
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tvboxi · 1 month
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meemo32 · 3 months
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