#Try not to do it often cause I don't wanna get heat damage
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I swear straightening my hair before I go out is such a confidence boost 😍
#I don't usually look hot but straightening my hair is a game changer#Try not to do it often cause I don't wanna get heat damage#feeling myself#going to see hairspray the musical!#live laugh girlblog#just girly things#just girly posts
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TCS Part 11: Snakes And Secrets
A couple weeks pass and it's startin to get real cold durin the day. Ah'm realizin that the cold and Ah don't mix cause Ah've been feelin sad more often. Then again me and Jacklin's been kinda distant when Ah dunno why.
"Are you going to watch the Qudditch match Toby?"
Ah turn to Jacklin. She really likes Quidditch so maybe if Ah go to games that ain't even our team it'd make things better.
"Yeah Ah'll go. Just gotta get a scarf and all."
"A scarf?"
"Too cold to me. Ah don't think Ah'll ever get used to sudden cold snaps. Snowy January sure but once it's Halloween till Christmas we're in this weird no man's land where Ah dunno how much to put on to keep warm."
Ah take a breath cause Ah talked more than Ah thought Ah did.
"I would only have the winter cloak but bring the scarf just in case you need it."
No long explanation. That don't sound good to me but maybe Ah'm overthinkin everythin.
"Ah'm ready now."
"Excellent. Now we can get to the stands in time to get a good view of the Quidditch pitch."
Ah say nothin as Ah follow Jacklin. Ah rub my eyes as Ah walk to the Quidditch field. Ah realize Ah can't be hidin this so Ah gotta ask it.
"Jacklin did Ah do somethin wrong?"
She turns to me once we sit down.
"Why do you ask Toby?"
"Ah just feel like everybody don't wanna be wit me."
"Oh. No. You didn't do anything wrong. Holly knows that she can come to you if she needs help. I didn't mean to ignore you either. I simply had questions about the monster in the chambers that I didn't want to concern my father over."
Ah groan. Ah really was worryin over nothin but this ain't exactly what Ah wanna know either.
"After what happened to Tim's camera, I have too many questions that I don't have the answers to."
"Like what?"
"You mentioned light as in direct sunlight is capable of damaging the film. How exactly does heat affect film?"
Ah sigh and try to think.
"Ah dunno the exact science behind it but Ah know when Pop once forgot film in the car, his pictures turned out weird. All the colors didn't look right cause the heat messed wit the stuff that actually makes pictures."
"Is it possible to melt the film?"
Ah look at her.
"What? How do ya know the film's melted?"
"When Headmaster Dumbledore opened Tim's camera the night of his attack, the Hospital Wing was dark so the film couldn't have been exposed to light. But when he opened it, all that was inside was... is jelly the right word? The film was so hot, it was more of a liquid."
Ah say nothin for a while.
"Ain't nothin normal Ah know that can do that. Ya almost gotta light it on fire when ya wanna destroy the film to make that happen. What'd the camera itself look like?"
"It didn't look any different on the outside to me. I don't think Tim would be careless to make mistakes like that so it must have happened when he was attacked. That's why I've been trying to figure out what can cause a camera's film to melt without burning anything else."
"Oh. Ah dunno that then."
Ah try to imagine a monster that really wants to melt a camera but Ah shake my head once Ah get dizzy.
"Ah'd just rather watch the game than think bout it."
"I understand, Toby. I simply wanted to assure you that you didn't do anything that would make me want to ignore you. I also didn't want to overwhelm you with my own questions since I know you don't want to get involved in this mystery."
"Good. Good."
We watch the game and Ah think of somethin.
"Did ya ever find out why yer dad was here?"
"Yes. He couldn't say in it public, but in his letter he told me that it was part of the punishment Headmaster Dumbledore gave him. Since my father usually turns down the invitation to attend the first match of the season, he was required to do it this year. Now they're considered even."
Ah nod along to this. At least he ain't in trouble no more. Then Ah look at the field and recognize someone on Hufflepuff.
"Say ain't Hufflepuff's Seeker the same one ya faced last year?"
"You mean Joe Larkin? Yes I managed to learn more about him. He's Irish and speaks Gaelic just like your family. His real name is Iósaf which is an Irish spelling of Joseph."
"Oh. What part a Ireland's he from?"
If he's from Cork like us other Kwimpers it'd almost make us related.
"He's from Ulster Province in a county called Donegal. It's the largest part of Ireland with native Gaelic speakers."
"Oh. That ain't close to me then."
Ah look again and point at the girl in blue.
"What bout Ravenclaw? Ah didn't see her last year."
"That's Margaret Lee. Our captain told me a little about her. She's a Fifth year student like Jodie. Her family was originally from Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong is a British colony, the people living there can easily move here for better job opportunities. The same can be applied to other colonies and members of the Commonwealth."
Ah just nod long cause Ah really don't know much about politics.
"Is she good?"
"I'm not sure since I personally never played against her. She's a new Seeker as well. It's typical for Fifth year students to take over as Seeker once the Seventh years graduate."
"What's so important bout bein a 5th year?"
"A Fifth year student typically has the perfect balance of years learning how to work with your team and years as a starter. Since you can only try out as a Second year or older, that would give you three years to learn and three years to play."
Ah remember Jacklin sayin our captain made a big stink about Jodie needin to practice and wonder why.
"If it's all normal why's Jodie needin to practice a big deal?"
"The problem is that not all teams follow that strategy. When Terrence Higgins graduated last year, Slytherin didn't have a backup Seeker. Therefore, they needed to not only have tryouts but the extra practice. Captain Oliver had an issue because Slytherin scheduled their practice at the same time as ours at the very last minute."
"And that's.... rude?"
"In a way yes. The Quidditch pitch is usually reserved for practices well in advance. Last minute schedule changes are well... underhanded. It not only causes some confusion but it also causes concerns that the other team can learn about special plans."
Ah let out a breath cause this' way too confusin than it needs to be.
"Ah just hope no one gets hurt today."
"We all do Toby. That's really all that matters."
As we watch the game Ah start gettin a gut feelin Ah'm more sure about sharin.
"Yer gonna be gettin extra lessons on duelin right?"
"Come again, Toby?"
"From Lockhart. Yer gonna be gettin extra lessons so you can keep yerself safe right?"
Jacklin's lookin at me like Ah said somethin that ain't happened yet.
"Well yes. It would be nice if we had a Dueling Club. At least for students at the O.W.L levels and above. If Voldemort has more than one horcrux out there, who knows what type of trouble exists as well."
"So you'd join if ya had the chance?"
"Of course I would. Being the daughter of Gryffindor's Heir would make me a big target."
Ah suddenly get why Quirrell attackin her last year was a big deal. Jacklin's dad's one of the wizardin kings. He might be able to protect himself but Jacklin's still learnin and wouldn't stand a chance.
"How come there ain't no club when duelin's part of Godric's history?"
"That I'm not sure of. I think interest goes up and down based on what happens in the world. When Voldemort was gaining power, father highly advocated for a Dueling Club. Actively knowing how to duel is how Voldemort was defeated the first time."
"Cause Dumbledore's real good at it."
"Yes but also because he had a large group of followers led by father. He had to directly fight against Voldemort's followers, so Headmaster Dumbledore could fight Voldemort himself."
Ah can only imagine Jacklin's dad usin his wand to cast spells and he just looks cool doin it. Completely takes my mind off the game.
Time Skip
"Now don't forget to read my book Year with the Yeti by our next lesson."
Ah look up from my notes and realized Ah ain't written anythin down. Ah don't think Ah'm gonna do well in this class. Ah hate that Ah ain't doin good cause a teacher don't wanna use textbooks Ah can follow. Ah just let out a sigh and put my stuff away. As Ah follow Jacklin out the door, Ah see her stop.
"Why'd ya stop?"
"There's a sign up sheet for a Dueling Club. It looks like your gut instinct was correct again, Toby."
Jacklin pulls out a quill when Lockhart of course shows up.
"Ah Miss Gryffindor. I see you're signing up for the Dueling Club. How lovely of you to join. The Headmaster had asked me to facilitate the club. He believed it was important for the younger students to practice defensive spells. Of course, I said I would be honored to do so. What do you wish to gain out of joining?"
Ah look close at Jacklin. She seems nice for real this time.
"Of course I would be interested in joining, Professor. My arm won't be healed until after the end of the year. I want to make sure I have extra protection. Dueling is also part of my family history, so I think it's important to at least give it a try."
Ah start to write my name too like Ah'm on auto pilot.
"Ah'll sign up too then."
Lockhart looks at me.
"And why is that, Mr Kwimper?"
"Ah wanna do better at sayin spells and Ah think this'll be good practice. Ah really wanna pass your class."
He takes a minute to think of somethin to say.
"Splendid. Can't wait to see you both."
He walks outta the room and Ah still got a bad feelin bout him. Like he don't wanna have anythang to do with me.
"By the way Toby, did you have any plans for Christmas this year?"
"Not that Ah know of. What bout you?"
"My father suggested that I stay here so Madam Pomfrey can keep an eye on my arm."
Ah squint at her.
"Why do you gotta stay here if yer arm's healin? Ah had a broken arm before and they didn't have all this watchin."
Jacklin and Ah get pushed aside by some older students rushin to get to class.
Ah move back from against the wall and kinda forget what we were sayin.
"Did you say you'll want to stay here during the break, Toby?"
"Well Ah'm gonna have to write to Pop bout that. Ah dunno if Holly'd wanna stay here or not either."
"I understand, Toby."
Jacklin and Ah keep walkin and Ah get another question.
"What's Christmas like here? Gotta have a big feast at some point."
"Oh yes, father told me all about it. On Christmas Day, there's a feast with a lot of roast turkey, two types of potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce. Dessert of course is pudding and there were hidden Sickles inside each one."
My stomach growls at me.
"Ah think mah stomach's sayin it really wants turkey."
"Isn't your Thanksgiving coming up soon?"
"Yeah it's next week. Don't remind me of it cause Ah'm gonna be hungry all week just thinkin bout Pop's turkey."
Even though Ah was tryin to make a joke, Ah ain't lyin bout feelin hungry. Especially the turkey part since Ah really miss Pop and his turkey. Maybe Ah should sign up to stay for Christmas after all.
Time Skip
It's the first day of duelin club and Ah already feel sick. Vince is there with his friends and Ah just can't help but think about me attackin him. Ah know he said mean stuff to Holly but Ah still feel bad.
"Are you alright, Toby?"
"Noooo. Vince's here. Ah don't wanna get in another fight with him."
"I wouldn't worry about that, Toby. Professor Lockhart would be supervising us. Vince wouldn't risk starting a fight."
Ah take a deep breath and watch Lockhart come in.
"Ah welcome everyone to our first Dueling session. At the request of the Headmaster, Professor Snape will be assisting me in my demonstrations."
Ah look at Snape and he kinda looks annoyed at Lockhart talkin.
Lockhart walks up some steps to some type of stage.
"Now for today we're going to practice some basic spells and establish dueling etiquette."
Snape joins him on the stage.
"First we face our opponent and while raising our wands we bow."
Ah watch them both bow.
"Now we each walk 10 paces."
They both turn around and walk.
"Now we turn. 1. 2. 3."
Snape casts his spell first.
Lockhart goes flyin across the stage. Some of the girls look real worried. Ah jump a bit because Ah wasn't expectin him to go that far. He looks stunned but gets up.
"Yes, thank you Professor Snape. You managed to figure out that I wanted to demonstrate the best spell for beginner duelists."
"It would appear so."
Ah can tell Lockhart's feelin embarrassed because Snape caught them off guard.
"That students was the disarming charm. Since it doesn't cause the victim direct harm, this is perfect spell to use if you want to end a duel peacefully. Of course, it's very easy to block so it shouldn't be your only option. In fact, Professor Snape showed you a more advanced version. A simple version is to simply disarm your opponent as opposed to mimicking the Knockback Jinx."
"Professor, perhaps you should teach the students how to block such an elementary spell."
Lockhart turns to Snape. Ah get the feelin Lockhart's still feelin sore about Snape usin that spell.
"Yes. Of course. Let's have a pair of students demonstrate. Mr. Kwimper and Miss Gryffindor if you please."
We start goin up to the stage when Snape speaks up.
"Miss Gryffindor has already sustained an injury. Should she fail to block Mr. Kwimper's spell we'll be sending her to the Hospital Wing again. Perhaps we can have Mr. Everett from my House substitute."
Ah gulp as Ah see Vince come up to me. Ah know Snape don't wanna see Jacklin get hurt because he is a nice guy, but why'd he have to pair me up with Vince?
"Now bow to your opponent and take your paces."
We do our duelin nice stuff and get ready to duel.
"1. 2. 3."
Before Ah can say a spell Vince already has his wand lit.
Ah feel myself fly across the stage just like Lockhart. Ah quickly grab my wand and say the first spell that comes to mind.
Vince lands hard on his butt and looks real mad. He points his wand at me again.
A giant snake appears out of his wand. Everybody's lookin scared since nobody thought Vince could do that.
"Students please! This is supposed to be about disarming each other."
Lockhart ain't able to get control of the class. Nobody knows how to get rid of the snake as it slithers closer to Jacklin.
The snake turns from her. Ah get down on my knees so Ah can look directly at it.
"Ya better leave her alone! Just cause Vince made ya appear don't mean you can bother mah friend!"
The snake looks like it's bout to strike when suddenly Ah hear Snape say somethin.
"Vipera Evanesca!"
The snake disappears into a cloud of smoke.
"Get up, Mr. Kwimper."
Ah stand up and notice everyone lookin shocked at me.
"Ahem. I believe we're done for today. You're dismissed students."
Lockhart even looks shocked but all that matters to me's that nobody got hurt.
Ah turn and realize Pacer joined the club too.
"Oh hey Pacer. Why'd everybody look spooked?"
"You vere speaking in Parseltongue."
"Ah was?"
"Yes. How did you not hear yourself?"
Ah realize that Ah forgot nothin Ah say when Ah talk to snakes sound normal to other people.
"To me Ah don't sound no different when Ah talk to animals. Always sounds like Ah'm speakin how Ah always do. No idea why that is cause nobody ever pointed it out till Jacklin did last year."
"Dat is incredible. Vhy did you not tell me you vere a Parselmouth?"
Ah just shrug since it ain't like Ah wanted to keep it secret.
"Never came up when we'd talk. Kids usually think Ah'm weird if Ah tell 'em Ah can talk ta animals. Ah know it happens in the magic world but Ah don't get why y'all looked so scared a me."
"You mean Jacklin never told you vhy Parseltongue is so rare?"
"Well yeah she said it ain't somethin you can teach. Yer either born that way or yer not."
Pacer shakes his head like Jacklin didn't tell me the whole story.
"It is said dat being a Parselmouth is a sign dat a vizard uses dark magic. Salazar Slyterin vas a Parselmouth and he is vhy the chamber vas created."
"So? Just cause a lotta wizards who talk to snakes use dark magic don't mean Ah use dark magic. Ah don't just talk to snakes y'know. Ah can talk to just bout any animal."
Pacer sighs and Ah figure there ain't much Ah can do bout it to change his mind.
"You need to vatch yourself, Toby. I don't vant you getting hurt because the oder kids say you're the Heir of Slyterin."
"Oh. Ah'll uh.. Ah'll be careful then. Thanks Pacer."
Before he can say anythin else Ah go back to mah dorm alone.
Time Skip
A couple days pass and Ah figure out somethin. Turns out Pacer ain't the only one who's scared of me bein able to talk to snakes. Even though Vince was the one who called the snake Ah'm the one they're scared of.
"Toby? Are you alright?"
Ah turn to see Jacklin.
"Why's everybody thinkin Ah'm some kinda monster?"
"It's because they don't know the truth. They're trying to put everything together based on what they do know. And what they do know is that the Heir of Slytherin is a Parselmouth. Even though it's rare, once it appears in a magic family, it then gets passed onto their descendants. Since everyone in that classroom saw you speaking Parseltongue they mistakenly believe you're the Heir of Slytherin and that you opened the Chamber of Secrets."
"But Ah didn't. Ah couldn't've attacked the cat cause you were right next to me. Ah couldn't've attacked Tim neither cause everybody in mah dorm'd know Ah was feedin Trevor."
Ah see Holly walkin towards the door.
"Holly where're ya goin? This' yer free period."
Holly looks spooked and turns to me.
"Ah have ta use the girl's room!"
She then leaves before Ah can say anythin else.
"See even Holly's makin like Ah'm doin somethin wrong. Just ain't right here."
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"Ever since the chamber's been open, Holly's been lookin real sick an actin real weird. Every time Ah wanna ask how she's doin, she's makin it out to be like Ah'm botherin her. Am Ah havin a fuzzy moment where Ah just ain't seein somethin other people can clearly see?"
Jacklin thinks and Ah dunno what to think.
"No. Even though you're her brother, you shouldn't be worried about her like a parent. You show your concern and try to reach out to her. You can't be held responsible for everything she does. Nothing that's going on with the other students is your fault here. Even if you tried to explain the situation, they likely wouldn't believe you."
Ah just sigh as Ah hear the bell toll.
"Time to go to Astronomy."
"Yes, I think the class will help take your mind off your worries."
We start walkin to the Astronomy Tower when Ah hear that voice again.
"Another mudblood has been claimed."
Outta nowhere Ah jus get this feelin that Ah gotta run up the stairs.
"Toby wait!"
Ah hear Jacklin but Ah don't care. Ah gotta figure out what happened. Sure enough Ah see Pacer on the floor petrified. The light comin in through the window's makin it look like a spotlight.
"Mr. Kwimper?"
Ah turn and see McGonagall.
"Professor it's Pacer he-"
"Yes, yes. Professor Sprout is on her way. As for you Mr. Kwimper you'll have to come with me."
"But Ah didn't-"
She puts her hand up.
"This is out of my hands, Mr. Kwimper. Headmaster Dumbledore specifically asked me to take you to his office once the rest of Gryffindor was safely in the Astronomy Tower. If you can come with me."
Ah go quiet and follow her. Last Ah want's to be in anymore trouble than Ah think Ah'm already in.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @bioshockpunch, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis,
@vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters,
@pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @elvispresley4life.
#toby and the veela#the chamber of secrets#hp au pacer burton#hp au joe lightcloud#gilderoy lockhart
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The real question is.. Does dying does not affect the hair and scalp like Im so skeptical but I dont wanna regret dying my hair later either
It depends, if you use bleach to lift your natural color as long as you either go to a professional or follow the instructions carefully then your scalp will be just fine and it wouldn't impair it. Your hair well there will always be damage cause your opening the cuticle and removing color then depositing color. But as long as you use hair masks and ensure you take care of your hair. Your fine.
I personally don't love bleach. I prefer a hi lift dye it's a bit more gentle but slow. You might have to go back in to get the right lift if you're going blonde. It takes me two months to get the perfect base color so I can give my hair a month long break. But the important part is just taking care of your hair and being patient. As long as you do that you're fine. I know these kpop boys are not taking care of their hair. They're using body wash as shampoo on bleached hair. Not hyunjin though he buys expensive hair products the other members use. Everyone else I know they arent using a conditioner let alone a deep conditioner, leave in treatment and serum. that's why the girl's hair looks beautiful they're taking care of their hair. The boys aren't. I blame the stylists for bleaching color out of compromised hair but everything else is on the boys.
I've been dying my hair since I was 15\16 so I've made a lot of mistakes but it's still going strong with how much I abuse it. I do have a lot of breakage right now but that's because I flat iron my hair every two days. Not from dying it. The only thing I regret when it comes to dying it is dying it a dark color that takes forever to fade. I did that last month I hated hot pink hair and went through hell to get it out never again.
But when it comes to bright colors they're not damaging at all most are conditioners with color have all the fun with that. Blue, Green, purple, pink do not harm the hair at all. The damaging part is how you get it out. Letting it fade with hot water and shampoo perfect. Don't bleach it out it's my biggest pet peeve. It's so much unnecessary damage. Use dyes that fade the moment you drink water. You will have to redye it often but that's better than crying because the green won't come out. Trust me.
My favorite dyes are Lime Crime, Manic Panic, Iroiro, and Ion pretty colors and fades amazingly. Iroiros's pink needs to be diluted though. I like artic fox it fades well but their undertones are all over the place. Do not use Splat or Punky Colors. I used Splat in high school it doesn't come out it's basically fabric dye. Punky Colors, was what I used for the pink and I struggled to get it out The same happened with the orange, and the blue and the green I never learn don't use punky colors. I want to try Lunar tides and Good Dye Young the dye by Hayley Williams from Paramore. But I need to do more research.
I hope any of this was of help. Dying your hair is fun and you just have to read the instructions, do what works for it, take care of it and don't over use heat like me. And do tons of research.
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For the fake fic title, if you're still doing it: Why do you hate me? (I honestly don't know where I came up with this lol)
X-Men AU!!! Found Family + Anxceit friendship. TW: child soldiers, child endangerment, abuse etc
(So typical X-men universe set up: some people are born with the X gene, which typically triggers during puberty, giving that person a mutation which normally results in cool powers. Many people hate mutants for their differences (/ bad press of people using their mutant powers for the evilz) and so most mutants live in hiding. The Xavier Institute is a school set up by an extremely powerful mutant which seeks to provide a safe space for young mutants to learn to manage their powers, get a regular education and hopes to see peace between humanity and mutant kind. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is a group of mutants who believe humans will never let mutant live in peace and do various anti-human, pro-mutant vaguely terrorist-y actions (there’s like a billion version of the x-men and these details may not be correct for all the versions all of the time because comics but this is the vague idea))
ANYWAY PLOT - Containment breach at the Super Secret Child Soldier Lab (SSCSL) - Subject VII has escaped. Subject VII is only 6-7 years old but his mutations were artificially triggered much younger than is normal. He can warp reality and create very sophisticated illusions, but has very limited control over his powers.
Cut too - Virgil and Dee, a couple of teenage mutants living on the street. They find a little boy with a buzzcut wandering around The Bad Part Of Town and Virgil immediately decides they need to adopt/help him (Dee makes more of a fuss about how this is not their responsibility and the kids barely even talking and do you know how hard I work just to keep you and now you wanna add another mouth to feed?? Huhh?? but obviously does not actually say no) (Dee is like. Barely any older than Virgil he’s just dramatic).
Naturally, just as the three of them have had time to bond, the SSCSL and other assorted bad guys show up to try and take VII back. There’s a big fight, Virgil and Dee have a lot more experience with flight and would probably have ended up dead if the X-men (Patton and Logan) hadn't shown up to save them.
But they lose VII.
Patton and Logan take them back to the Xavier institute to recuperate and offer to let them stay. They can go to school there, get some training and help the X-men track down VII and the whole SSCSL. Virgil says yes, Dee says no.
(So, reasoning - Virgil's mutation developed when he was 12. It was not pleasant. Various students at his school were injured and the media set up a which hunt for the mutant that caused the chaos. Virgil ran away from home because he was worried about the backlash on his family and about hurting anyone else again. So to him, this school full of mutants who can help him control his power, can offer him stability and a return to normal structures and routines, who are promising to help him get in contact with his parents if and when he’s ready?? This is like every fantasy he’s ever had come true
Unlike the other characters, Dee’s primary mutation is physical. He was born with it, its very obvious and its resulted in him being rejected for most of his life. He bounced around increasingly disturbing foster homes before running away when he was very young, so most of his memories are of living on the streets and surviving on his own. So, to him, number one: all adults are inherently untrustworthy idiots and number two: stay at a school? where they expect him to have a curfew? and, what - write essays? follow all their random arbitrary rules? rely on them for food and heat and all that shit? Completely ludicrous.)
It doesn't occur to either of them that the other one isn't going to agree with them. The resulting argument is epic and cruel, both hurling accusations at the other (Ungrateful /controlling are two of the big ones..) and both basically feeling hateful and 100% betrayed. Dee leaves and although they look for him, he’s got a lifetime experience of hiding and they cant find him.
CUT TO - 5 years later. Virgil is a (semi) well adjusted 19 year old junior X-men. He’s still a bit withdrawn, but is very close with Patton and Logan. He’s still holding out hope of finding VII one day and still firmly pretending he’s not listing out for any possible news of Dee (there were rumours some years ago of him joining the brother hood of evil mutants but then it all went quiet) who he, of course, hates for his betrayal.
BUT THEN - mysterious knocking at the door in the night. Dee, now wearing a hat and cape and calling himself Janus, has returned. And he’s brought with him a little boy with a buzzcut and a tattoo of XXII on his foot.
Janus and Virgil need to put aside their resentment and work together to help XXII, who really does not seem interested in helping them, and hopefully use any clues he can give them about the SSCSL to track down VII. But that's difficult when they’re both still struggling with their own trauma and have no idea how to reconnect - both of them want to ask why do you hate me but are a bit too scared of the answer. ...
This already got way to long so mutant power/ extra back story descriptions under cut!
Patton - 22/27 years old. An extremely powerful telepath/empath. It takes him serious concentration and focus to not hear peoples thoughts and its almost impossible to not feel their feelings. Some people dislike him because of this as they feel he's spying on them. Grew up in the Xavier institute and 100% believes in and is committed to the future where humans and mutants live in harmony. Has pretty limited life experience in the real world. Sometimes floats. (inspired by professor X)
Logan - 21/26 years old. Fires destructive laser beams from his eyes. Was in a car accident when he was younger leaving him with permanent but apparently harmless brain damage - until his mutation developed and he slowly realised that no matter how much he trained he just couldn't control his power. Has to wear specialised eye guards at all times to keep himself from accidentally destroying everything around him. Had big plans to go to university and was angry at his mutation for a long time for getting in the way of that. Eventually enrolled online and is now a very dedicated teacher at the Institute. (inspired by cyclops)
Janus - 15(?) / 20(?) His primary mutation is lizard/snake like scales over most of his body, but especially the left side. Has oversized fangs, and yellow eye and a short lizard tail. His secondary mutation makes him immune to almost any sort of mental based mutation (so Logan could still knock him on his ass with his lasers, but Patton cant sense anything form him and Virgil cant whammy him). Spent a lot of his life on his own and got by being sneaky, cunning and charming. Initially took Virgil in because he saw that his powers could be useful for keeping them both safe, but eventually Virgil became his first real friend.
Virgil - 14/19. Shadow manipulation and ‘draining’. Virgil can make himself (and with practice, people he touches) literally disappear into the shadows. He can also direct shadows as powerful energy ‘blasts’, but in order to do so he has to drain any surrounding living things of their energy. When his mutation first developed he took out half of the school hall where his exam was being held, leaving 15 students in a coma. (inspired by rouge/shadow cat)
VII - 6? / 11? Reality warping/illusion powers. One of the institutes first successful subjects. He was able to escape by changing the wall of his cell into a door. He finds it hard to talk but can project his ideas as lifelike illusions who can talk for him. One of his best is the image a handsome grown up Prince and he will often use this Illusion as an avatar to communicate. When he was 6 he did have some hazy memories of outside the SSCSL and expressed a desire to go home. Current status is unknown.
XXI - 7. Illusion powers (reality warping has been removed from the program by his time as subjects proved too difficult to control). Has no memories of outside the institute and is extremely uncooperative with his new captors/guardians. He does not understand the affection they’re trying to show him and lashes out a lot, often by creating a lot of extremely disturbing and graphic illusions. Bites.
#sanders sides#anxceit#virgil sanders#janus sanders#roman sanders#logan sanders#patton sanders#fake fic meme#remus sanders#sidespart writes#x men au#giving it its own tag because ive been thinking about this one for a while and might do some more with it.#Anonymous
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asking this as a curious art student who dabbled in textiles casually with embroidery, but in regard to texture heavy weaving and big ol intricate pieces like those ferns and flowers you just reblogged, how does textile art maintenance work? like in keeping stuff clean and not dusty, i always have this impression it has to be very careful bc all these pieces seem so intricate and delicate, like if you touch them the composition will be ruined. i figure i could have asked to a professor in my arts department too but i wanna hear from you :)
it depends on the materials and composition, basically, and how fragile the piece is, as well as what problems are found with its storage/display and present conditions. i haven't taken any classes in textile conservation (yet!) so this is all just direct knowledge from working with the medium.
when caring for work like the fiber bouquets by alyssa ki, for example, i would try to keep it in a climate controlled environment and away from environments that generate a lot of dust/high traffic areas. textiles are often quite forgiving in terms of touch/disturbance, i would try to be careful with the work but if something moved out of position it would be very easy to correct it. especially if the work was steam set (i have no idea if it was, but if i made work like that i would steam set mine) the fibers would have developed a sort of 'memory' as to their positioning, and want to return to that position.
if it got dusty i would shake out the work and lightly go over it with a duster. if the work is covered in dust and i've determined it's structurally sound enough to handle it, i'd carefully remove any non-textile elements of the work and very carefully place it in the dryer on NO HEAT and a 'delicate tumble' setting for 5 mins - this would get any dust off the work while minimizing damage to the textile, and i could put it back together afterward. i've done this with wool tassel garlands and cotton macrame planters i've made as well as woven tapestries and they come out good as new.
if it got a spot or something on it i would spot treat it like any wool garment, or worst case scenario, dry clean it. a handheld steamer is helpful in these situations. i would be careful when considering introducing things like heat or moisture to the work, though. textiles, just like paintings and woodwork, can change depending on the room's climate and sun exposure. prolonged sun exposure can lighten colours if the dyes aren't lightfast, washing can also cause dyes to bleed and stain, etc.
heat and humidity can cause protein fibers (sheep's wool, animal hair, etc) to expand, and cold + dryness can cause the fibers to contract. over time this expansion and contraction can cause wool to felt, which is desirable in some instances but fundamentally changes the properties of the fiber so it's important to keep in mind. washing wool in hot water and agitating it can cause it to felt very quickly, for instance, but incorrect storage can cause this to happen over time as well. this is why people talk about wool being difficult to care for because you can't just toss wool textiles in the washing machine on hot and tumblr dry them, they require cold water and gentle agitation and shouldn't be subject to sudden changes in temperature. it's not more difficult to care for exactly, just has different needs than other fibers but those needs do mean they require a bit more care.
acrylic/synthetic fibers can't be exposed to heat either or they'll melt like any other plastic, and they don't retain memory the same way animal and cellulose fibers do. they also shed microplastics when washed and these pollute water supplies so it's also something to keep in mind. i follow alyssa ki on instagram (lol) so i know that the yarn the artist uses uses is usually a blend of acrylic and wool, so i would stay away from heat and only use a steamer on it from a distance to keep it from getting damaged.
all this sort of stuff n more has to be considered when dealing with textiles but that's generally the way i approach textile maintenance :-)
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Movie Nights Are New
Little Fic for sin-tastein art! http://sin-tastein.tumblr.com/post/160827353747/sintastein-20-minutes-into-netflix-and-chill-and
“Which one should we watch the first or second?” “Just bloody pick one before I change my mind.”
The bluenette scrambles his decision before thrusting the rejects away messily on the tv stand, gently cleaning the disc before popping the sucker in. Looking back he smiles as Murdoc stretches his arms behind the ratty old couch stained from years of damage and made his way over. It wasn't often he partook in one of his Grotesque films, if anything thing it was once in a blue moon, But he wasn't going to complain if it meant doing something other than sweating over a torn up note pad in a room full of smoke.
Pressing play Murdoc gives a guff of acknowledgment towards the movie, scooting over a tad for his singer to sit by. As the movie starts up he gives a small smirk to the familiar soundtrack used for their very song A1.
“So unfulfilling, I was waiting for the drums to kick in” Murdoc announces quietly causing 2D to give a slight chuckle.
This is nice he says to himself as he catches glimpse at the other, tuned in fully to the story that's been unwound a million times, noticing the soft heat emanating at his side,clenching up at certain scenes. No sound other than the blaring vintage disc as all bandmates were tucked away to their own devices.
“That's you, your bub.” Stuart says out of nowhere pointing to the zombie chained on screen.
It takes Murdoc a second to comprehend what was said through his half sober mind but when he does he jerks his head to 2D in offense, watching as the singer laughed maniacally at his own joke.
“I'm sorry, i-it's I know it's not that Funny, but I cant its just so stupid that i'm picturing it” “Dents?” The Satanist asks with a subtle calm “Yeah?” “Shut the fuck up” “Im trying im sorry!” He yells again with more laughter than the last causing the Bassist to smile in return, leaning closer to the giggling mess.
Thirty minutes in and he grows bored and fidgety, noticing the man more closely at his side,when his breathing hitched in surprise, when his pulse speed fast, his senses were overpowered by butterscotch. He wondered if he noticed it too? He asked himself stealing another glance towards the man in question.
Not a chance this guy is balls deep in he replied to himself in defeat as he watches the horror junkie stare wide eyed at the screen.
He adjusts his posture hoping to reel Stuart back in but to no advances, there was a movement but only just a tad before he was sucked in again to the film. Biting his lip in irritation Murdoc leans down to his ear and gives a breathy whisper to the other, a smirk upon his lips.
“Im hungry.”
Dents looks to him in wonder There we- Before handing him the popcorn bowl with a smile. Go..
Numbingly taking the bowl he stares into the half eaten mess, dissociating for a good minute or two before asking himself what the hell happened.
Twenty minutes remaining and no such luck, In fact he gave up fifteen minutes ago (he knows, he's been counting) and like always waiting was pure hell. He Rested his elbows on his knees in defeat,dragging his hands along his face while the Songbird relaxed against the back,arms behind his head. How long was this movie again?
He debated every so often if he should just put things in action, yet every time he looked to see the man happily enjoy the apocalyptic fantasy even he couldn't pull him away. So like whatever man was left he waited, looking to the blue tuned dark hair in the low light room. His eyes traveled down the skinny frame leaving his mind open to all the pretty sounds to be made once you hit the right spot, if you touched the right places. Sitting, waiting, hardening.
Eyes blurred bloodshot to the screen as he watched the credits roll, feeling the Bluenette stretch his arms with a satisfied grunt.
“I don't know, I think the Night of living dead was better, jus got that- you know? That old horror movie vibe, It's all black in white?” Stuart says looking over to Murdoc for input.
Murdoc sits up and looks over to Stuart tiredly as the Singer gives a toothless smile.
“You hungry? We could get some fried chicken or somef-”
The hobgoblin interrupts his question by yanking him close, attacking him with a lust filled kissed to the cushions below.
‘Ow Mudz!,mudz..” Stuart chimes with a warning of his teeth,breathing the name a second time around.
He minded his teeth to only graze, using mostly his tongue to get the job done. Murdoc encouraged his front man to wander,smiling at the hands starting to grip his hair and back, kissing the tunes from the bluenettes throat. Delighted with his response he settles on a small patch of skin near his ear, not only to tease him more with the sounds of what he was doing but to feel the breath of his moans, he figured it was a win-win.
“Mu-mmm~ Mur-…”
With a final nip of the ear he lurked further, kissing at the exposed collarbone from the button up cardigan. As he pushed his hands under to explore the fragile frame he listened to all the little gasps his Star had to offer as he ran his nails over his ribs teasingly.
“L-lemme-” Stuart tries to talk through the heavy sighs.
Murdoc looks up and captures his lips once more,charmed as Stuart nipped for entrance, smiling at his obedience, the little surprise at his length of tongue, no matter how many times he's exposed to it. Lavishing in the semi-controlling kiss the green hands began to explore further upwards tweaking at his nipples chuckling against the jolt of the man's body.
Soothing into the touch he let the other continue his way, watching him open his shirt with the help of his teeth, nice little skill, good multi-tasking. He told himself as he rested his head back with another moan arching his back to the feel of the lips at his stomach.
Feeling the crisp air against his skin he hardened at the sight in front of him. He looked to the eyes glazed over in lust as the Bassist hook his thumbs into his underwear, confident to keep eye contact with every new hicky forming closer to the prominent bulge in his jeans.
Jesus how can he do this so calmly. He thinks as his face goes red
As soon as the zipper stops a hand in his hair halts his actions.
“I wanna, I wanna cum with you” he asks brushing the hair through his fingers.
Murdoc shifts their positions lying on his side and leaves kisses on his neck once more. A hand reaches under to grasp him and he nearly dies from the sudden relief.
“You're too good for me Dents”
“Keep talking” He pleads as he shakingly goes to work on the others belt.
Murodc gives a rare moan as he finally feels contact to his shaft, mummering encouragements to each pull from the skillful fingers threatening to edge him to insanity.Thrusting his hand under the pillow he gets a comfortable leverage to the man's hair while he reveled in the bliss that is his calloused hand.
“I couldn't fucking wait till that damn movie was over, looking at you like that” He murmurs into his ear
“Imagining so many pretty positions for you~”Murdoc chuckles as Stuart grips tightly onto his cross, blush spreading down his chest as he quickens his hand.
“Anywhere my mouth could wa-nder-mnnff, Sweet Satan you might just kill me”
Burying his head into Stuart's neck he tries to compose himself, finding it harder to do with the gasping and pleading of faster. He keeps his hand teasingly slow much to 2d’s discomfort and watches him buck into his hand to gain more friction. Placing soft kisses on the forming bruises he grips his dick tightly biting his lip at the others sultry moan.
“You do this alot, you grab my cross during stuff like this” “Mudz!” “I love it, especially when you ride me-when it’s balled up in your fist” one more full stroke. “Fuck, plea-lease” He says clenching his eyes closed trying to relax against his demon like nature.
Figuring he had enough he quickens his pace, watching the relief wash over him, eyeing his body as it shakes with the much needed pleasure releases tentatively from the weeping slit. He was so close, and if he kept it up so would he.
As he thumbed the tip in small circles he felt himself starting to rise at a quickened pace as every movement suddenly felt so right, another moan slipped past as he whispered The singers name unevenly, Noticing that both their movements started to get shaky
2D came with a loud groan as he balled the chain in his first, biting his fingers against the noise while Murdoc hid his in the nape of his neck kissing out his high, mumbling sweet nothings against each peck.
“Perfect, your fucking perfect”
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