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ubikibla-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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Grazie a @pinucciosono che è venuto a #Ragusa per parlare ai ragazzi del liceo del suo libro #trumpadvisor 📖🇺🇸 🇮🇹 Un libro originale e divertente, un ottimo esempio della nuova scrittura comica e satirica. #booksellersofinstagram #ubikibla #vivoragusa (at Libreria UBIK IBLA)
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plus4 ¡ 7 years ago
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Stephen Miller #stephenmiller #senioradvisortothepresident #notthatstephenmiller #trump #trumpadvisor #trumpspeech #caricature #illustration
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zorancuckovic ¡ 4 years ago
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#Repost @kitiekath #Trump #TrumpAdministration #TrumpAdvisor #TrumpAdvisors https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUg_-SFrC3/?igshid=1dmy4wcme7e9e
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prevnews ¡ 6 years ago
Trump's advisor talks about
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Conditions must be met before the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, such as the security of their Kurdish allies, said Sunday John Bolton, the national security adviser to US President Donald Trump. Visiting Israel since Saturday, Bolton told reporters that the United States wants Turkey to guarantee the protection of Kurds in Syria, according to US television channel NBC News. Ankara does not hide its intention to launch an offensive against them to avoid the formation, at its doors, of an embryo of Kurdish state likely to revive the separatism of the Turkish Kurds. So far Washington's allies in the fight against jihadists, Kurdish fighters in Syria fear that the US withdrawal will leave them helpless against Turkey. .... Read the full article
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lospeakerscorner ¡ 7 years ago
Al via la XXVI edizione di Positano Mare, Sole e Cultura
Al via la XXVI edizione di #PositanoMareSoleCultura
POSITANO (SA) – A Palazzo Murat sabato 23 giugno alle 21 parte la XXVI edizione di Positano 2018 Mare, Sole e Cultura, in programma fino al 13 luglio. 
Alla serata inaugurale, alle 21, saranno presenti Pinuccio,autore di Trumpadvisor (Mondadori) e Francesco Sole, autore di #ti amo (Mondadori) insieme con Giulio Giorello e, naturalmente, Aldo Grasso, presidente della rassegna letteraria, che…
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notiziebari ¡ 7 years ago
Venerdì alle 18 nella Galleria nazionale della Puglia "Girolamo e Rosaria DeVanna" nell’ambito dell’iniziativa del Parco delle Arti “Bitonto Città dei Festival: Viaggi Letterari nel Borgo - VII Edizione”, il celebre comico barese...
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cosenzapage ¡ 7 years ago
Un sud dolce-amaro nel racconto di Pinuccio, in viaggio tra Puglia e Calabria in compagnia del Presidente americano. L'inviato di Striscia la Notizia a Cosenza per presentare il suo “TrumpAdvisor”
http://www.cosenzapage.it/media/2017/12/IMG-5c9d8c25c93a194ed18c10d03f3f6465-V.jpg - #CosenzaPage COSENZA – Donald e Pinuccio a spasso per il sud Italia. Questo viaggio surreale se l’è inventato Alessio Giannone – l’inviato pugliese di ‘Striscia la Notizia’, meglio noto come Pinuccio – e lo racconta nel suo libro, “TrumpAdvisor”, edito da Mondadori, che già nel t...
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veritablevirgo2 ¡ 7 years ago
Disgraced Lt General and former Senior #TrumpAdvisor Michael J #Flynn doesn’t like the #treason label, but what else can you call someone who allegedly colludes with a foreign power to sway a national election. #TooBadSoSad #LockHimUp #DominosFallOneByOne #WeAreGonnaGetYouDonald
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succorcreek ¡ 7 years ago
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Wake up Little Susie This is a snap shot of the cloud archive where there are several posts per topic. This was taken on Sept 26 2017 so check the front page topic cloud for the updated list. Here are the Series Articles You Need So Wake up little Susie!!!! A swift kick on the arse might help out here trump dictator (57) Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder (42) russiagate (38) deceit (36) http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp (30) trump psychopath (29) trump putin (26) daca (25) trump hitler kim jong-un (24) meme (23) series (21) putin (20) creative civil disobedience (18) lies (18) trump (17) divide conquer rule (16) minions (16) oligarchy (16) psychopath (16) bully (15) con artist (15) military campaign (15) racism (15) global warming (14) gop (14) white supremacy (14) complicit (13) evil clowns (13) heartless (13) russia (13) #Trumpnarcissisticpersonalitydisorder (12) bully lack of compassion (12) cycles of abuse (12) death by marginalization (12) trump gop vampires zombies (12) trump lack of compassion (12) Bannon (11) heart of stone (11) white house briefings (11) women (11) #evilclown (10) #trumpbully (10) #trumpmeme (10) 15 lies (10) con strategy (10) dictator trump (10) dictators (10) gangster trump gop (10) harvey (10) hitler (10) kellyanne conway (10) psychopath greed (10) ptsd (10) strategies (10) xenophobia (10) youtube (10) #ambassadormeme (9) #liarliar (9) #trumppirate (9) children (9) comey (9) computer games (9) congress (9) cruelty (9) epa (9) genocide (9) goals of psychopath (9) hates people (9) idaho (9) mar a lago (9) parody (9) political psychopaths (9) protest (9) stealing from poor giving to wealthy (9) syria (9) trump lies and deceit (9) white house (9) #archetypalpsychology (8) age regressed behavior goals thoughts language (8) bullies (8) complicit criminal melania bullied by trump (8) conned (8) donald trump machiavellian (8) end of compassion (8) gangsters (8) gays (8) gop reapeal (8) healthcare (8) investigation (8) judge roy cohn (8) liars (8) mccain (8) mythomania (8) no compassion no remorse (8) no is not enough (8) pelossi (8) poor and marginalized (8) propaganda (8) spicer (8) tricksters (8) trump blitzgrieg (8) trump bully (8) trump healthcare (8) vlad the impaler (8) #ambassador (7) #cohn (7) #hungergames (7) #katnis (7) #panem (7) #trumpputin (7) #trumprussia (7) #trumpsnow (7) Trump the Russian Oligarch (7) assad (7) books (7) bromance (7) civil rights (7) dark triad (7) donald trump jr. (7) dutarte (7) empower women (7) fbi (7) felons (7) film (7) fox (7) glamor (7) gold (7) greed (7) http://ift.tt/2kE3I0B (7) hypnotized (7) kushner (7) lack of compassion (7) maga (7) negative model (7) no wall (7) psychopathy test (7) psychpathy (7) putin dutarte (7) repackage (7) resist (7) russian oligarch (7) russian spy (7) scale (7) schizophrenia (7) someecards (7) spin minions (7) turned (7) undead (7) vampires glamour (7) van helsing (7) war against own people (7) white house zombies (7) #carterpagememe (6) #notmypresident (6) #pageliar (6) #pagememe (6) #putin (6) #question (6) #resist (6) #russa (6) #russiagate (6) #trumpadvisor (6) #trumpdictator (6) #trumppissing (6) aid (6) book (6) covfefe (6) creativity (6) environment (6) eracism (6) first nations (6) florida (6) grab them by (6) jeff sessions (6) john wayne gacy (6) juggaloes (6) lgtbq (6) liar (6) mall wall (6) maya angelou (6) melania (6) mother earth (6) narcissistic rage (6) nature (6) political pirates (6) trump evil clown (6) trump racist (6) trump vampire (6) trump vampire zombie apocalyse gop (6) tv episode (6) vampire (6) video (6) war against nature (6) white entitlement (6) white house spokesperson (6) #presidentsnow (5) #propaganda (5) #trumppropaganda (5) #trumpsuit (5) 1984 (5) age 17 (5) alternate truths and alternate realities (5) bait and bleed (5) batman and joker (5) bigly (5) blind (5) blindness of the soul (5) border wall (5) denial (5) denies russian ties (5) dictator (5) distraction (5) dreamers (5) edward r murrow (5) ethnicity (5) evil clown (5) evil clown archetype (5) fake news (5) graffiti (5) hoodwinked (5) https://goo.gl/uj6yWC (5) hurricane harvey and irma (5) jarad kushner (5) killed sarin gas (5) kim jong-un (5) kimmel (5) koch brothers (5) las vegas (5) las vegas russian meeting (5) late night (5) love acts (5) manipulated (5) mars attacks (5) media (5) metaphor (5) mobsters (5) moscow circus (5) news (5) nukes (5) pirates (5) psychopath trump (5) puppet on string (5) respect (5) revenge (5) sarah huckabee sanders (5) satan (5) see no color (5) sexual preferences (5) shit storm (5) splc (5) stevie wonder (5) threat (5) thrown under bus (5) trump and cohn (5) trump kim jong-un mania (5) trump liar (5) trump russia (5) trump tower (5) trump twitter storm (5) unraveled (5) wealthy elite (5) white supremacists (5) #gacy (4) #grimm (4) #grimmstales (4) #hanselandgretel (4) #hanselgretel (4) #trumpdeceit (4) #trumpgoldenshowers (4) #trumpnationalparks (4) #trumppee (4) #trumppissingon (4) #trumpprogaganda (4) #trumprivers (4) #trumpshitstorm (4) #yellowstone (4) amazon.com (4) archetype (4) art and graffiti (4) articles (4) bannon thief (4) beef (4) boa constrictor (4) book hitler (4) brinksmanship (4) climate accord (4) climate change (4) clown phobia (4) con (4) consistent psychology (4) creative u (4) crimestop (4) deregulation (4) donald trump gop Bannon divide conquer rule fight among yourselves (4) donald trump trumpkin carving party (4) doublespeak (4) dystopia (4) eva braun (4) feed lot (4) gandhi (4) gasing (4) george orwell (4) global warming shamers (4) hispanics (4) hitler's killing fields (4) homophobic (4) human rights (4) hurricane (4) hurt (4) ivanka (4) james bond (4) kellyanne conway complicit (4) kindle (4) la times (4) mar-a-lago (4) mother nature (4) mueller (4) murder (4) narcissist Kim Jong-un (4) national monuments (4) nazi women (4) nfl (4) political zombies (4) psychic vampires (4) psychological game (4) psychopathic dictators (4) psychopaths worse in time not better (4) reality control (4) regressed teen ideals language behavior goals (4) rope (4) rosetta stone (4) russian trolls (4) sarah huckabee sanders complicit (4) schumer (4) self promotion (4) serial killer (4) sessions (4) sharknado (4) sink hole (4) slaughter (4) sold out (4) south park (4) strategy (4) tactics of war (4) testimony (4) the donald (4) theft (4) thugees (4) thugs (4) torture (4) trump border wall (4) trump evil clown jester (4) trump guide (4) trump hitler (4) trump mccartheism (4) trump mexico border wall (4) trump misogynist (4) trump propaganda (4) trump thief (4) trump tweets (4) tweet (4) tweet baiting (4) vampires (4) war against one's own people (4) #shitstorm (3) #trumpenvironment (3) #trumphispanics (3) #trumpmexico (3) 50's movie (3) Kim Jong-Un beheading (3) alien (3) alien invasion (3) amazon rain forest (3) apocalypse (3) archetypal psychology (3) art (3) avatar movie (3) ben carson brain skull drilling (3) ben carson frankenstein (3) ben carson racisist (3) blackbeard trump pirate (3) brain (3) brand jamming (3) bullied (3) can't forget (3) captain hook (3) Articles in Series of Posts There are some very critical posts to have available to fill your "tool box" to understand and deal with dangerous narcissists and political psychopaths including new material found exclusively on this site: Trump War Against You and Nature: military methods Reverse Robin Hood archetype. And there are series of articles with key Youtube videos: The pirate metaphor Critical Thinking Skills Here are 3 ways to access articles that are series of 3 to 12 articles: 1. Check the list below and we'll seek to update that list from time to time 2. use the search bar on your right to search a topic of interest 3. Use the topic cloud below that has numbers of articles by each topic. Most topics are expanded in the 10 books by Dr. Bunch:http://bit.ly/2qsf6zC Click Here: Catalog of Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts: Narcissists Use Military Strategies to: Divide Conquer and Rule Actors / Singers: New Civil Rights Suffragettes Trump Builds The Mexico Wall but designs it Food Truck Wall with Ivanka Style 6 articles Golden Age of Pirates and Dictators with documentary video links Trump in Bed with Alt Business Right: ALEC alec.org Koch Brothers Smaug from Lord of Rings Smog: Trump to shred you if by his Gold Pile Trump the Robin Hood that Steals from Poor Gives to Rich: 6 parts Gidget and Donald Trump's Minions Spend Spring Break in Moscow Can you repackage and Evil Clown like Trump? Rise All Mocking Jays. Now. President Trump = President Snow of Hunger Games Symbolism of Beheading: Trump removing the voice of people Trump to Decompile Federal Government for Divide Conquer Rule Trump and Minions: Fairy Tale Hen House Thieves No eggs for you Bully Enslavement of the Voice and Soul: Hoodwinked Defined Trump Verbal Violence is intended to destroy Part 1 Cut your heart outhttp://ift.tt/2k1ZlRM Part 2http://ift.tt/2k1ZlRM Part 3 Refusing the kiss of the vampirehttp://ift.tt/2y5kyAz Part 4 Schumer took the Love Bait will you?http://ift.tt/2k16oKR Part 5 We're all on his shit list including ESPNhttp://ift.tt/2y67nj1 What is age 17 Regressed? It is an adult acting like a 17 year old boy regressed to that age In: actions beliefs goals ideals and even language.... Bullies and psychopaths don't grow up they become more skilled at what they do. And we state in articles and books we have nothing against 17 year old boys. They just should not be presidents statesmen and leaders. These are the 12 Tools to stop bullies: catalog Diverse articles on Age Regressed 17 Year Old behavior ideals goals languageArticles on the similar goals of Kim Jong-un Putin Dutarte and Trump See more in the Topic Cloud Below Be sure to sign up for articles by email. See our confidential promise on submitting your email for this: we'll never give it out or EVEN see it. Sign up because we'll have many more posts on Bullies World Genocide Age Regressed Psychopaths and Narcissists Bullies: Pt 1http://ift.tt/2jZReFG Pt 2http://ift.tt/2y67on5 Pt 3http://ift.tt/2k23HZd Pt 4http://ift.tt/2y67oDB Pt 5http://ift.tt/2k0xnpF Mythomania Part 1 When men think they are Savior Christhttp://ift.tt/2y5kAZd Mythomania Part 2 When your president is Mythomanichttp://ift.tt/2k0iAvh Mythomania Part 3 Trump psychopath but not psychotichttp://ift.tt/2y5kBfJ Mythomania Part 4 Trump's fantastical inner storyhttp://ift.tt/2k1ZnsS Mythomania Part 5 Mythomania in India: the rapist guruhttp://ift.tt/2y67qeH Mythomania Part 6 Juggaloes Counter to Evil Clownhttp://ift.tt/2k1EzBN Mythomania Part 7 Kim Jong-Un Dininghttp://ift.tt/2fPDJ6E other info on mythomania: 1. Two Books in catalog above on that:catalog of tools 2. other references here:http://ift.tt/2jYc73M . Heart of Stone: GOP and Trump Healthcare Article 1 Don't move to Idahohttp://ift.tt/2y67qLJ Article 2 NO CBOhttp://ift.tt/2k0rLM1 Article 3 Killing those you lovehttp://ift.tt/2y5kErV Article 4 Psychopaths Delight in Depriving Othershttp://ift.tt/2hwqZlG Article 5 You're screwed if you live in one of these states http://ift.tt/2huLEKm Article 6 Rapehttp://ift.tt/2k0rNU9 Article 7 America's pooresthttp://ift.tt/2y67rPN Article 8 Soup Nazi http://ift.tt/2k0rLM1 Series When Wives and Lovers are "Turned" into junior vampires or co-criminals: Psychopaths (or Vampires) Select victims (Vampires "glamour" hypnotize prey and select persons are "turned" into a vampire with drops of the vampire's blood) Groom them Punish and Reward cycles bring submission See in the Books by Dr. Bunch this whole process plus there are different types of "minions" a. some just insanely jump on board like Kellyanne Conway b. some are selected groomed and trained in the Abuse Cycle like Donald Trump and most Psychopaths with their wives and lovers. But the result from minions a or b is the same despite a different origin and process of conversion: real death of others or death of the soul and the psychopath's famous scheme: death of all by marginalization Pick any key word above and search Books and Topic Cloud Below for more on that. Post 1: Melania and Forced Lies at the UNhttp://bit.ly/2xn8B7O Post 2 Melania Lies at UN Luncheon toohttp://bit.ly/2jOJiXD Post 3 Melania models both lies and disempowerment for womenhttp://bit.ly/2xYbOMO Post 4 Twitter Blows up: Twilight Zone of Melania http://bit.ly/2jQr3B3 Post 5 Complicit and Co-criminals: Breaking our hearts but must be stoppedhttp://bit.ly/2xXLWAy Post 6 Lessons from film Van Helsing though a story of a werewolf relative brother mythology helps us understand human mental disorderhttp://bit.ly/2jPF7Lg Post 7 Complicit Women: Bonnie and Clyde and other criminalshttp://bit.ly/2xXFXLV Post 8 When girls grow up to be bullies and psychopathshttp://bit.ly/2xxZ4cJ Psychopaths Pirates Vampires and more: Run flee tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive: Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs bully pedophiles cannibalism complicit co-criminals cycle of abuse kellyanne conway complicit narcissist psychopath abuse sarah huckabee sanders complicit series trump abuse women bullies #trumpbully #stopbully #trumpmentalhealth http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp
Wake up Little Susie
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jimflanigan ¡ 8 years ago
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TripAdvisor or TrumpAdvisor? Donald Trump is having his first press conference today in almost half a year. Despite all the things that have gone on in the last 6 months, I really want the first question to be this ...
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cosenzapage ¡ 7 years ago
L'inviato di Striscia la Notizia a Cosenza per presentare il suo "TrumpAdvisor"
http://www.cosenzapage.it/media/2017/12/IMG-5c9d8c25c93a194ed18c10d03f3f6465-V.jpg - #CosenzaPage COSENZA – Donald e Pinuccio a spasso per il sud Italia. Questo viaggio surreale se l’è inventato Alessio Giannone – l’inviato pugliese di ‘Striscia la Notizia’, meglio noto come Pinuccio – e lo racconta nel suo libro, “TrumpAdvisor”, edito da Mondadori, che già nel t...
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notiziebari ¡ 7 years ago
Lui è Alessio Giannone, in arte Pinuccio, inviato di Striscia la Notizia, nato dal web ed oggi autore del suo primo libro, Trumpadvisor. Ieri, presso la libreria “Il ghigno” di Molfetta, la presentazione ha richiamato il pubblico delle grandi occasioni, d’altronde quello del barese, è un percorso di crescita esponenziale,...
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notiziebari ¡ 7 years ago
Alessio Giannone, meglio noto come Pinuccio, attore, regista, inviato di Striscia la notizia e fenomeno della satira politica “made in Puglia”, sarà a Molfetta venerdì 8 dicembre alle ore 20 per presentare il suo libro “Trumpadvisor. Donald e Pinuccio in viaggio per il Sud Italia”. L’evento...
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notiziebari ¡ 7 years ago
Il simpatico Pinuccio, inviato di Striscia la Notizia, stasera sarĂ  a Terlizzi.Il giornalista-comico a partire dalle 19 sarĂ  infatti al Mat Laboratorio Urbano per presentare il suo ultimo volume, "TrumpAdvisor",...
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notiziebari ¡ 7 years ago
Notizie Bari. Il simpatico Pinuccio, inviato di Striscia la Notizia, sarà prossimamente a Terlizzi.Il giornalista-comico verrà infatti al Mat Laboratorio Urbano per presentare il suo ultimo volume, "TrumpAdvisor", il 30 novembre. L'appuntamento è organizzato dal Collettivo ZebÚ...
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succorcreek ¡ 7 years ago
Wake up Little Susie
This is a snap shot of the cloud archive where there are several posts per topic. This was taken on Sept 26, 2017, so check the front page topic cloud for the updated list. Here are the Series Articles You Need So,  Wake up little Susie!!!!
A swift kick on the arse might help out here
trump dictator (57) Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder (42) russiagate (38) deceit (36) http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp (30) trump psychopath (29) trump putin (26) daca (25) trump hitler kim jong-un (24) meme (23) series (21) putin (20) creative civil disobedience (18) lies (18) trump (17) divide conquer rule (16) minions (16) oligarchy (16) psychopath (16) bully (15) con artist (15) military campaign (15) racism (15) global warming (14) gop (14) white supremacy (14) complicit (13) evil clowns (13) heartless (13) russia (13) #Trumpnarcissisticpersonalitydisorder (12) bully lack of compassion (12) cycles of abuse (12) death by marginalization (12) trump gop vampires zombies (12) trump lack of compassion (12) Bannon (11) heart of stone (11) white house briefings (11) women (11) #evilclown (10) #trumpbully (10) #trumpmeme (10) 15 lies (10) con strategy (10) dictator trump (10) dictators (10) gangster trump gop (10) harvey (10) hitler (10) kellyanne conway (10) psychopath greed (10) ptsd (10) strategies (10) xenophobia (10) youtube (10) #ambassadormeme (9) #liarliar (9) #trumppirate (9) children (9) comey (9) computer games (9) congress (9) cruelty (9) epa (9) genocide (9) goals of psychopath (9) hates people (9) idaho (9) mar a lago (9) parody (9) political psychopaths (9) protest (9) stealing from poor giving to wealthy (9) syria (9) trump lies and deceit (9) white house (9) #archetypalpsychology (8) age regressed behavior goals thoughts language (8) bullies (8) complicit criminal melania bullied by trump (8) conned (8) donald trump machiavellian (8) end of compassion (8) gangsters (8) gays (8) gop reapeal (8) healthcare (8) investigation (8) judge roy cohn (8) liars (8) mccain (8) mythomania (8) no compassion no remorse (8) no is not enough (8) pelossi (8) poor and marginalized (8) propaganda (8) spicer (8) tricksters (8) trump blitzgrieg (8) trump bully (8) trump healthcare (8) vlad the impaler (8) #ambassador (7) #cohn (7) #hungergames (7) #katnis (7) #panem (7) #trumpputin (7) #trumprussia (7) #trumpsnow (7) Trump the Russian Oligarch (7) assad (7) books (7) bromance (7) civil rights (7) dark triad (7) donald trump jr. 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And, there are series of articles with key Youtube videos: The pirate metaphor Critical Thinking Skills Here are 3 ways to access articles that are series of 3 to 12 articles: 1. Check the list below, and we'll seek to update that list from time to time 2. use the search bar on your right to search a topic of interest 3. Use the topic cloud below, that has numbers of articles by each topic.  Most topics are expanded in the 10 books by Dr. Bunch: http://bit.ly/2qsf6zC
Click Here: Catalog of Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs
Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:
Narcissists Use Military Strategies to: Divide Conquer and Rule 
Actors / Singers: New Civil Rights Suffragettes
Trump Builds The Mexico Wall but designs it Food Truck Wall with Ivanka Style, 6 articles
Golden Age of Pirates and Dictators, with documentary video links
Trump in Bed with Alt Business Right: ALEC alec.org Koch Brothers
Smaug from Lord of Rings, Smog: Trump to shred you if by his Gold Pile
Trump the Robin Hood that Steals from Poor Gives to Rich: 6 parts
Gidget and Donald Trump's Minions Spend Spring Break in Moscow
Can you repackage and Evil Clown like Trump?
Rise All Mocking Jays. Now. President Trump = President Snow of Hunger Games
Symbolism of Beheading: Trump removing the voice of people
Trump to Decompile Federal Government for Divide, Conquer, Rule
Trump and Minions: Fairy Tale Hen House Thieves, No eggs for you
Bully Enslavement of the Voice and Soul: Hoodwinked Defined
Trump Verbal Violence is intended to destroy Part 1 Cut your heart out http://ift.tt/2k1ZlRM Part 2 http://ift.tt/2k1ZlRM Part 3, Refusing the kiss of the vampire http://ift.tt/2y5kyAz Part 4, Schumer took the Love Bait, will you? http://ift.tt/2k16oKR Part 5, We're all on his shit list, including ESPN http://ift.tt/2y67nj1 What is age 17 Regressed? It is an adult acting like a 17 year old boy, regressed to that age In: actions beliefs goals ideals and even language.... Bullies and psychopaths don't grow up, they become more skilled at what they do. And, we state in articles and books, we have nothing against 17 year old boys. They just should not be presidents, statesmen, and leaders.   These are the 12 Tools to stop bullies: catalog  Diverse articles on Age Regressed 17 Year Old behavior, ideals, goals, language Articles on the similar goals of Kim Jong-un, Putin, Dutarte, and Trump See more in the Topic Cloud Below Be sure to sign up for articles by email. See our confidential promise on submitting your email for this: we'll never give it out or EVEN see it. Sign up because we'll have many more posts on Bullies World Genocide Age Regressed Psychopaths and Narcissists Bullies: Pt 1 http://ift.tt/2jZReFG Pt 2 http://ift.tt/2y67on5 Pt 3 http://ift.tt/2k23HZd Pt 4 http://ift.tt/2y67oDB Pt 5 http://ift.tt/2k0xnpF Mythomania Part 1 When men think they are Savior Christ http://ift.tt/2y5kAZd Mythomania Part 2 When your president is Mythomanic http://ift.tt/2k0iAvh Mythomania Part 3 Trump psychopath but not psychotic http://ift.tt/2y5kBfJ Mythomania Part 4 Trump's fantastical inner story http://ift.tt/2k1ZnsS Mythomania Part 5 Mythomania in India: the rapist guru http://ift.tt/2y67qeH Mythomania Part 6 Juggaloes Counter to Evil Clown http://ift.tt/2k1EzBN Mythomania Part 7 Kim Jong-Un Dining http://ift.tt/2fPDJ6E other info on mythomania: 1. Two Books in catalog above on that: catalog of tools 2. other references here: http://ift.tt/2jYc73M
 . Heart of Stone: GOP and Trump Healthcare Article 1 Don't move to Idaho http://ift.tt/2y67qLJ Article 2 NO CBO http://ift.tt/2k0rLM1 Article 3 Killing those you love http://ift.tt/2y5kErV Article 4 Psychopaths Delight in Depriving Others http://ift.tt/2hwqZlG Article 5 You're screwed if you live in one of these states  http://ift.tt/2huLEKm Article 6 Rape http://ift.tt/2k0rNU9 Article 7 America's poorest http://ift.tt/2y67rPN Article 8 Soup Nazi  http://ift.tt/2k0rLM1 Series When Wives and Lovers are "Turned" into junior vampires or co-criminals: Psychopaths (or Vampires) Select victims (Vampires "glamour" hypnotize prey, and select persons are "turned" into a vampire with drops of the vampire's blood) Groom them Punish and Reward cycles bring submission See in the Books by Dr. Bunch, this whole process, plus, there are different types of "minions" a. some just insanely jump on board, like Kellyanne Conway b. some are selected, groomed, and trained in the Abuse Cycle, like Donald Trump and most Psychopaths with their wives and lovers. But, the result from minions a or b is the same, despite a different origin and process of conversion: real death of others or death of the soul and the psychopath's famous scheme: death of all by marginalization Pick any key word above and search Books and Topic Cloud Below for more on that. Post 1: Melania and Forced Lies at the UN http://bit.ly/2xn8B7O Post 2 Melania Lies at UN Luncheon too http://bit.ly/2jOJiXD Post 3 Melania models both lies and disempowerment for women http://bit.ly/2xYbOMO Post 4 Twitter Blows up: Twilight Zone of Melania  http://bit.ly/2jQr3B3 Post 5 Complicit and Co-criminals: Breaking our hearts but must be stopped http://bit.ly/2xXLWAy Post 6 Lessons from film, Van Helsing, though a story of a werewolf relative brother mythology helps us understand human mental disorder http://bit.ly/2jPF7Lg Post 7 Complicit Women: Bonnie and Clyde and other criminals http://bit.ly/2xXFXLV Post 8 When girls grow up to be bullies and psychopaths http://bit.ly/2xxZ4cJ Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Run, flee, tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:
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