#Trump can deflect everything even if he’s flat out lying
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taiwantalk · 10 days ago
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megacircuit9universe · 5 years ago
Hand Basket
TUE OCT 29 2019
So, over the weekend, Trump had something of a win, announcing that special forces had cornered the leader of ISIS, who then killed himself. 
that announcement came on Sunday, and then later the same day, he decided to attend a home game of the World Series in DC, hanging out in a skybox with his entourage.  But when Trump and Co. appeared on the Jumbotron... there came enormous boos from the spectators in the stands.
Those boos lead eventually to a prolonged chant of, “Lock him up!” from the crowd.
Granted, this was DC, which has a very liberal voting base, but this was also the World Series, which draws fans from all over the country.  Also, being the World Series... this was a globally televised event... making the boos and chants of the crowd all the more bold, because they knew the world was watching.
While some, even on the left, have condemned the actions of the World Series crowd for stooping to a level as low as that of the average Trump rally... it should be noted that there was no demagogue present to lead them on. 
This was a spontaneous reaction from ordinary people who had come to see a baseball game, and did not know beforehand that Trump would be in their midst.  Yet when they saw his face on the Jumbotron... even despite his big win earlier in the day... all they could think do was boo and call for his imprisonment in front of the world.
Needless to say, this is what might be called... a bad sign, for Trump.
When polls of random citizens are reporting fifty to fifty-five percent approval for both his impeachment, and his removal... and then you have this “poll” of a crowd of random sports fans, all of whom have enough money to have purchased world series tickets and traveled to DC for the game... and more than half of them also boo and chant, “lock him up,” it suggests that the GOP in both the House and Senate, are in for a very bad day come November 2020... and that they are still in deep denial about it.
In the last entry I talked about the strange phenomenon in which GOP power players have been tending to accidentally incriminate themselves in front of reporters, from Trump himself, to his Chief of Staff, to even Rudy Giulianni who accidentally butt-dialed not one, but two reporters late last week, allowing them to listen in on mysterious conversations in which he trashed Joe biden, and talked about the need for huge sums of money.
I speculated that perhaps pro-humanitarian bots might have subliminally manipulated these players into playing themselves... because it’s not really that hard to do when you’re dealing with individuals who already self delude daily about their own intelligence, and the justifiability of their actions.
And we’re talking about a group of men in the White House and Congress who, as I’ve pointed out before, already fought a two year campaign against Special Council Mueller... trotting out every play they had in their play book... until, in the end, they felt they had won.
Lying, distraction, confusion, and illegal power plays (such as firing Comey, McCabe, and even Sessions... and replacing the latter with a crony, Barr, to be the new AG, as fast tracked through confirmation by the Senate, and who quickly killed the Mueller probe) had won the day!
So now they had the green light to start throwing the 2020 election by extorting Zelenski into investigating Biden... on pain of no Javelins to defend his country against Russian invasion... a move made the very day after Mueller’s public testimony, dazed and doddering, had landed like a dud... in July of this year.
But only two months later... that call to Zelenski was exposed... and has lead to this impeachment juggernaut we are witnessing right now.
And since the whistleblower’s complaint first hit the news, the GOP has been thumbing through that same playbook that they convinced themselves had defeated the Special Council... and every single play has fallen flat.
So... it’s becoming painfully more clear by the day that the GOP does not have any idea what they’re up against this time around, in this new battle that came out of nowhere after they were kicking up their heels and celebrating the winning of the war.
It’s not just Trump and Mulvaney admitting to a quid pro quo and saying, “get over it” or Rudy butt dialing reporters, or idiot House Republicans storming the closed hearings to demand open hearings... that will definitely destroy them... it’s Trump thinking he can kill the leader of ISIS on his way out of Syria, and then go to a baseball game and think all will be forgiven.
And it’s GOP leaders saying for weeks that the whistleblower’s information was just third hand hearsay... confident that no first hand account could ever come to light... as it did today, in explosive fashion on the hill, when Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, of the NSC, decorated with a purple heart, came to testify as a first hand “earwitness” to the Zelenski call as it went down.
He not only corroborated everything the whistleblower said in that original complaint, but also every other line of testimony so far saying that this was not just one phone call, but a large scale, long term orchestration to force Z into publically announcing an investigation against the Bidens before he would ever see military aid, or meet with Trump in person, or get any other help or validation by the U.S.
In other words, this playbook... is worse than useless!  It’s working against them with every play.  Distractions don’t distract.  Deflections don’t deflect. Lies are immediately exposed. And that’s not when they’re just outright confessing their guilt in front of reporters by accident.
So how does a playbook that worked so well through 2017 and 2018... even through to July of 2019... suddenly become so toxic and worthless?
The short answer is Nancy Pelosi.
But the longer answer is the 2018 mid term elections.
There was a huge push to make sure Democrats got out the vote last November, with many online, and even in the mainstream warning that it could be the most consequential election of our lifetimes... because it could decide the fate of American Democracy itself.  It could be... many warned... the LAST time a free and fair election might ever be held.
And on election night, when the returns started to come in... even the left leaning news outlets were playing it like it was a big disappointment.  
It was only in the weeks to follow that the real implications of that election were fully grasped by the media... with several close races still contested, but leaning Democratic... that the House had been given a bigger mandate than any since Nixon was in office... the Senate had taken damage, even though it was supposed to be a safe year for them... and state Governorships and Legislatures across the board had turned blue.
The GOP continued to play this down through December, but by January, Trump knew he’d been slapped in the face by the electorate, and as a fuck-you, he fired Sessions and nominated Barr to replace him as AG.
Then as a second fuck-you, he refused to sign the new budget... shutting down the government for over a month... demanding money for his border wall, and then declaring a national emergency in order to steal funding for the border wall from the military.
But in that first face off... Speaker Pelosi won the shut down.  She forced Trump to capitulate, even though many were fearful she was being too inflexible.  And his national emergency declaration has also been over ruled by the courts all these months later.
I’m going to take a second to echo back here, the words of that Pronunciation Book Video from 2013, “I have been trying to tell you something for five years.”
Five years later was September 2018... a few months before this critical mid-term election.
I’m arguing now, that this election, handing the house back to the Democrats, and the Speakership back to Pelosi, was the decisive moment in which Trump’s playbook... along with his aspirations to dictatorship by decommissioning the Constitution... turned from shiny gold to poisonous lead, for the GOP.
They didn’t see it that way, because it seemed to have helped them defeat Mueller in SPITE of the elections. 
It confirmed a delusion... first created by a fluke electoral upset in 2016, that they were destined... and they were invincible.
Sometimes that shit flies.  Sometimes that shit does bring down democracies and turn them into dictatorships.  
But sometimes... that kind of thinking is exactly what leads would be cult leaders and their brainwashed flocks... straight down to Hell in a hand basket.
Trump... well known by this point for projecting... told us Baghdadi died screaming, crying, and wimpering.
A crowd of baseball fans, later that day, chanted, “Lock him up.”
It seems only a matter of time before we see this other, equally dangerous leader, acting out his descriptions about the former.
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