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notesfromachair · 5 months ago
SNL's Golden Year
Saturday marked the first episode of SNL’s 50TH anniversary season with guest host Jean Smart, a recent Emmy winner for playing another, albeit fictional, comedy stalwart of 50 years, Hacks stand-up, Debra Vance. Was the combination fun?  Yes.  Did it have some rough spots?  A few.  Sure. Never need to see this monkey again But were there any real memorable moments?  Of course! Can you say…
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dubljarnasims · 1 month ago
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Lavoie Tropiano
Part of the 6th generation of my legacy, Lavoie is the oldest child of Katarina and Nogales. No CC included in the download - please see the list and links below.
Parents: Katarina Lavoipierre & Nogales Tropiano Sibling(s): Pierre Tropiano
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Earrings - Overkill Simmer | Tina earrings
Hat - BokchoiJo | Floppy beanie
Necklace - Pralinesims | Shadow choker
Pants - Miss.Valentine | Chelsea pants
Shoes - Darte77 | Old boots
Top - Simstic-Fairy | Witchy loose off shoulder crop top
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Blush - Northern Siberia Winds | Blush n7
Eyebags - PoyoPoyo | Eyebags n2
Eyebags - Tamo | Basic eye bags
Eyebrows - RemusSirion | Eyebrows n35
Eyelashes - Twisted-Cat | 3D lashes no. 2
Eyeliner - RemusSirion | N59 karan
Hair - Joshseoh | Verona v1
Lips - RemusSirion | N303 juncea
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla default skin
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Sliders & Presets:
Body - Obscurus | Female body preset 4
Butt - CmarNYC | Enhanced butt slider
Dimples - Vibrant Pixels | Dimples slider
Ears - Luumia | Ear presets
Eyebrows - Magic Bot | Default eyebrow slider
Eyebrows - Obscurus | Eyebrow sliders
Eyes - marsosims | Eye size slider
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Forehead - Bloodmoon | Forehead height slider
Head - Northern Siberia Winds | Female head shape preset n13
Hips - Luumia | Hip shape slider
Jaw - Simbience | Jaw preset 01
Lips - LutessaSims | Female lip presets 011-014
Butt - CmarNYC | Enhanced butt slider
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Mouth - Teanmoon | Mouth scale slider
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Nose - Simbience | Nose preset #21-24
Shoulders - Dumbaby | Shoulder height slider female
Thighs - DaniParadise | Thigh slider
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@bloodmooncc @bokchoijo @joshseoh @lutessasims @luumia
@magic-bot @marsosims @missvalentine142 @northernsiberiawinds @obscurus-sims
@poyopoyosim @pralinesims @remussirion @simbience @tamo-sim
@teanmoon @twisted-cat @vibrantpixels
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mattnben-bennmatt · 8 months ago
Regardless of the extracurricular role she plays in Damon's life, Driver has become an expert at infiltrating close circles of male friends; she worked with Stanley Tucci and his screenwriter cousin Joseph Tropiano on Big Night, and played the chick-of-the-flick in Grosse Point Blank, which John Cusack wrote with longtime friends D.V. DeVincentis and Steve Pink. "[Being the girl] in these groups has meant that I've been allowed to do whatever I like," Driver says in her trailer as Damon and Affleck make catcalls from the curb. "Because all of these men have said, 'We've never got her quite right. We need you to fill in the blanks.' "
— From Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's interview with Premiere (January 1998).
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dubljarnasims-genealogy · 16 days ago
Generation 3
🌟 Sterling Dubljarna (6) married Gareth Maamtrasna - a case of literally falling in love with the boy next door. Sterling was the first of the Dubljarna family to leave Willow Creek. After high school graduation and marriage, Sterling and Gareth moved to San Myshuno, where she became the Chief of Staff at the hospital and Gareth pursued a career in politics. Gareth, a flirty sim, also spent time pursuing other sims and fulfilling his serial romantic aspiration. One of this extramarital relationships, with 🏙 Veronica Pratt, resulted in a child. Sterling never found out about any of the relationships. Gareth is also the progenitor of “The Chin” that pops up from time to time in the family.
Dubljarna/Maamtrasna children:
+16 🌟 Desdemona Maamtrasna m. Kestutis Jasaitis +17 Forrest Maamtrasna m. Sabine Shah
Pratt/Maamtrasna children:
+18 Belle Maamtrasna m. Shadow Stevens
Roosevelt Dubljarna (7) married his high school best friend and boyfriend, 🏙 Frankie Masterson. They remained in Willow Creek, living across the street from his parents. A dedicated bodybuilder, if Roosevelt wasn’t at home with his family, he was pumping iron at the gym.
Masterson/Dubljarna children:
+19 Venat Dubljarna m. Zak Andersen
Fitzgerald Dubljarna (8) married Samara Starnes. Moving from Willow Creek, they spent the remainder of their lives in Newcrest. Neither Fitzgerald nor Samara was employed, living off money from Fitzgerald’s trust fund.
Starnes/Dubljarna children:
+20 Woodhouse Dubljarna m. Stella Ruiz +21 Quentin Dubljarna m. Sierra Meadows +22 Topaz Dubljarna (Jade’s twin) m. Edo Duhalde +23 Jade Dubljarna (Topaz’s twin) m. Ernesto Delgado
Darius Dubljarna (9) married Mariposa Lopez, a distant cousin of his nephew  Woodhouse’s wife, Stella. They married and remained in the house Darius grew up in, raising their 5 children in close proximity to his brother, Roosevelt,  and uncle, Houston.
Lopez/Dubljarna children:
+24 Miguel Dubljarna m. 1) Penelope Hemingway, 2) Makenzie Cook +25 Hernando Dubljarna m. Cedar Eldon +26 Angel Dubljarna m. 1) Powell Rapids, 2) Prescott Winkelman +27 Brooklyn Dubljarna m. Brenner Veldt +28 Marisol Dubljarna m. 1) Austin Silver, 2) 🏙 Finnegan Gilliland, 3) 🏙 Logan Eggleston
Merian Dubljarna (10) married Jan Zbrowski, a foreign exchange student. Merian was named after Maria Sibyllla Merian, an entomologist and one of the earliest known naturalists to document their observations of insects. (Seriously, Maria Sybilla Merian made some very beautiful illustrations and was kind of a badass, especially given her life choices during the period in which she lived.)
Dubljarna/Zbrowski children:
+29 Agata Zbrowski (Ruta’s twin) m. Dante Wenders +30 Ruta Zbrowski (Agata’s twin) m. Marley Leigenfeldt +31 Bronislaw Zbrowski m. 39 Sofija Jasaitis
Tamika Dubljarna (11) married Giuseppe Di Silva, a dark and handsome stranger with a mysterious past. Exactly how did his nose end up so crooked, anyway? She and Giuseppe stayed in the house she grew up in and raised their family there, along with her younger sister and her wife. Moving to Giuseppe’s hometown was never an option - he would never say where it was.
Dubljarna/Di Silva children:
+32 Morenci Di Silva m. Eloy Tropiano +33 Sedona Di Silva m. Zephyr Saltz
Isabella Dubljarna (12) married Mathilde Heu. They lived in the house Isabella grew up in, raising their daughter in the same house as her cousins.
Dubljarna/Heu children:
+34 Autumn Dubljarna m. 🏙 Aqua Song
⚰️ Mourning Goth (14) married Ken Sakamoto. Inheriting the Goth family mansion, she and Ken raised their two children in the house and remained close with their extended Dubljarna family.
Goth/Sakamoto children:
+35 ⚰️ Kelvin Sakamoto m. 🏙 Arianna Tinker  +36 ⚰️ Gothika Sakamoto m. Austin Silver
⚰️ Valentine Goth (15) married Jerome Mann. They decided to move to Del Sol Valley and pursue their dreams - hers, of being a bestselling writer and his, becoming an actor. They both panned out and worked odd jobs to scrape enough money for bills, with occasional dips into the Goth family coffers to make ends meet.
Goth/Mann children:
+37 ⚰️ Patience Mann m. Wilmot Coronado +38 ⚰️ Temperance Mann m. Clifton Mayer
0 notes
sinapsimagazine · 8 months ago
Fungo malsecco in costiera amalfitana, controffensiva Coldiretti per tutelare i limoneti
Emergenza “Mal Secco” in costiera amalfitana. Dopo il grido d’allarme delle scorse settimane arriva una robusta richiesta di interventi avanzata da Coldiretti. Dopo i sopralluoghi effettuati con il Consorzio di tutela del Limone Costa d’Amalfi Igp e con il professore Antonio De Cristofaro dell’Università del Molise nelle zone interessate, il direttore di Coldiretti Salerno Enzo Tropiano fa il…
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diaridicineclub · 1 year ago
Il sogno di Samira di Nino Tropiano (2022) vince il Premio Diari di Cineclub al 41. ValdarnoCinema
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m-ultraarticles · 2 years ago
Report: Transcript of leaked audio shows ESEA players coordinating ... - Dot Esports
Multiple players were reportedly discussing plans to fix the match.Several players from ESEA CS:GO teams Rebirth and Russian Canadians are complicit in a wide-spanning match-fixing scheme, according to an audio recording obtained by Dust2.Rebirth players Sebastian “retchy” Tropiano, Kevin “4pack” Przypasniak, and Carson “nosraC” O’Reilly can reportedly be heard on the recording discussing details…
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gentlemans-code20 · 2 years ago
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#ArtistVanguard - Stanley Tucci
Actor Stanley Tucci was born on November 11, 1960, in Peekskill, New York. He is the son of Joan (Tropiano), a writer, and Stanley Tucci, an art teacher. His family is Italian-American, with origins in Calabria.
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389 · 5 years ago
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Giorgio Tropiano
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culturaoltre · 2 years ago
LE COLAZIONI DI UN TEMPO, di Teresa Tropiano
LE COLAZIONI DI UN TEMPO, di Teresa Tropiano
LE COLAZIONI DI UN TEMPO, di Teresa Tropiano C’era un tempo in cui ci si alzava  molto presto al mattino per recarsi al lavoro. La colazione non era fatta di latte e caffè, biscotti, cappuccino e cornetti o cereali, corn flakes, muesli, yogurt (mio nonno direbbe : ciā sònde sti muchèminde)  Soprattutto non si andava al bar a fare colazione poiché la vita era molto sacrificata soprattutto per…
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notesfromachair · 6 months ago
Pod from a Chair: It's Book Launch Week!
We are over the moon (on top of 30 Rock perhaps!) to announce the upcoming official release of The Chair’s newest endeavor — a book on all things Saturday Night Live. Isn’t she lovely? Join Holly while she interviews our beloved Chair, Steven Ginsberg and his co-author (and husband and all around brilliant guy) Stephen Tropiano, about their incredible new book, The SNL Companion: An Unofficial…
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dubljarnasims · 2 months ago
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Liberty Tropiano
Part of the 6th generation of my legacy, Liberty is the youngest of the Lavoisier-Tropiano crew. No CC included in the download - please see the list and links below.
Parents: Cerise Lavoisier & Kearny Tropiano Sibling(s): Bylas Tropiano, Lavinia Tropiano Partner(s): Jack Valence
✨ DOWNLOAD HERE (Google Drive)
Earrings - Pralinesims | Hades earrings
Flowers - Melancholy Maiden | 4 flowery accessory
Nails - Blahberry Pancake | Short natural nails for female sims
Necklace - Lewbertsn00tles | Lola kitty necklace
Pants - SLYD | Noel culottes
Rings - Pralinesims | Cheria L & R
Shoes - Jius | Patchwork boots
Top - MarsmerizingSims | Hinata top
Hair/Makeup/Skin Details:
Blush - Northern Siberia Winds | Blush N7
Eyebags - ddarkstonee | Eyebags n1
Eyebrows - RemusSirion | Eyebrows n63
Eyelashes - Kijiko | 3D lashes (uncurled)
Eyeliner - ddarkstonee | Eyeliner n10
Eyeshadow - Soloriya | Tuva
Freckles - Pralinesims | N13 ellen
Hair - Icchi | French braid v2
Lips - Northern Siberia Winds | Lips n35
Teeth - Yooniesim | Imperfection teeth set
Skin - Luumia | Vanilla skin default
Eyes - Pralinesims | Oasis v2 default
Sliders & Presets:
Breasts - Magic Bot | Default boobs slider 2v
Butt - CmarNYC | Enhanced butt slider
Eyebrows - Magic Bot | Default eyebrow slider
Eyebrows - Miiko | Eyebrow slider
Eyebrows - Miiko | Eyebrow slider 02
Eyebrows - Obscurus | Eyebrow sliders
Eyes - Evoxyr | Visions eye preset 03
Eyes - marsosims | Eye size slider
Face - Luumia | Face asymmetry slider
Forehead - Bloodmoon | Forehead height slider
Hips - Luumia | Hip shape slider
Lower Legs - CmarNYC | Enhanced lower legs slider
Mouth - Magic Bot | Default mouth slider
Mouth - PlayersWonderland | Mouth preset n54
Mouth - Teanmoon | Mouth scale slider
Nose - Evoxyr | Bad memory nose preset 05
Nose - Magic Bot | Default nose slider
Nose - Obscurus | Nose slider n2 & n6
Shoulders - Dumbaby | Shoulder height slider female
Thighs - DaniParadise | Thigh slider
🐌 Many thanks to the CC creators! 🐌
@blahberry-pancake @bloodmooncc @ddarkstonee @evoxyr @icchixxxxxx1
@jius-sims @kijiko-sims @lewbertsn00tles @luumia @magic-bot
@marsmerizing-sims @marsosims @the-melancholy-maiden @miikocc @northernsiberiawinds
@obscurus-sims @pw-creations @pralinesims @remussirion @theslyd
@soloriya @teanmoon @yooniesim
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starburns · 4 years ago
In the early 1960s, a second wave of sitcoms gave that backbone of American patriarchal society — the nuclear family — a much-needed makeover. Although they advocated the same pro-family values, The Addams Family , Bewitched, and The Munsters, all of which debuted in the 1964-1965 TV season, had definite gay appeal. They represented the “other” kind of American family — the one that didn’t live in the white-picket-fenced-in world of the Nelsons and the Cleavers. The Addams Family and The Munsters were domesticated ghouls and monsters who thought they were normal and everyone around them was odd. Like many gay men and lesbians, the Stephens family had a secret — Mom’s a witch! But witchcraft sure made their lives more colorful than Ozzie and Harriet’s.
- Stephen Tropiano, The Prime Time Closet
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wadbot · 3 years ago
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cafebrk1.wad: Coffee Break Episode 1 MAP07: Deadly (-312, -80, 0) Author: Matt Tropiano Date: 2012-07-22 Description: Started in 2009-ish, Coffee Break was intended to be another 32 map megawad. Unfortunately, due to a busy schedule, laziness, and other excuses, I didn't finish it. But I do have 11 maps, so there's that. Submitted for your approval are 11 short maps designed to challenge all sorts of Doomers. All were made with lots of tender love and care, and with pistol starts in mind.
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spaceradars · 5 years ago
so I just watched s02e22 of m*a*s*h aka “george”
and i just have so many things to say here i go:
so first we have this young man, george, who ends up in our favorite m*a*s*h unit aka the 4077 (where else could it be?) and among other things, his face is full of bruises. he pays special attention to hawkeye and as soon as he can he engages this conversation with him in which he literally confesses hawk that the reason he was all beaten up is because of the fact one night, not so long ago and while being drunk with others from his unit, he unintentionally admited being a homosexual so he got beaten up  (remeber we’re talking about the army/society in the 50s) 
yet, before daring to confess anything, he tells hawk “you care about people” as if to say “listen i’ve seen you around, you seem to care. please tell me i was not mistaken and that you’ll understand my situation (and, of course, care)”
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and hawkeye, all of sudden looks so serious (i don’t mean to say that he knows what’s coming but maybe he does) so the thing is this kid tells him what happened. 
so then we have hawkeye and trapper discussing the incident with frank, who literally refers to the kid/his sexuality as “disgusting” (and it makes me want to punch him in the face more than the usual amount)
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(that “go operate the flag” exchange it’s just gold but that’s not the main thing here) 
anyway the thing is they have an argument about it that even includes the following (+ frank responding with: “normal is everybody doing the same thing.” and trapper being like “what about individuality?” and frank being like “individuality is fine, as long as we all do it together.”, i swear this show is everything)
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anyway the thing is here we have a frank that will literally do anything to have this kid dishonorably discharged from the army just because he’s threatening his definition of what is normal (“what’s normal, frank?”).
the worst thing (or at least the thing that kept me thinking about this episode for three hours straight) is the fact that, almost fifty years later and even more considering we’re talking about a show set in the 50s, society hasn’t completely changed in some aspects, and there are many franks out there, ready to get rid of anyone who even dares to mess with their definition of “normal”, just by not fitting in it. of course the show has a message of acceptance and of understandment and it’s evident and it’s also clear (and not only in this episode), since despite frank’s efforts to dishonorably discharge this kid, he’s stopped by both hawkeye and trapper who are not here just to sort of mock/prank frank into not doing what he wants to do (as usual) but also to make the audience understand that frank is the one who’s wrong (as usual)  —not george.
and also, george’s not there to be mocked or laughed at by us as an audience (many other, and even modern, shows/pieces of media should take notes), neither he is mocked by someone we’re supposed to sympathize/empathize with and i think that’s the best part. i know maybe it’s not even that deep and/or this may be too personal but can’t help but to think about how many times i watch a show, a movie, or even read a book in which the character/ some of the characters i’m supposed to sympathize with have shitty behaviours like it’s a normal thing (and i don’t mean like conscious choices made by the creators/writers but just shitty behaviours because “it may be funny”/“that’s the way they are!!!1!!!!” or something) and i had never thought of that (also i don’t mean that characters cannot grow or become better despite those things, but you know, sometimes they’re written that way just for the sake of being assholes and THAT’S what sucks) so i found it to be a great episode after all, i’m very glad.
anyway, reading about this episode on its wikipedia page i found something from gay tv  historian Stephen Tropiano about the episode’s relevance and i think it sums it all up perfectly:
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(also i have so many thoughts i’m sorry this is so long and probably messy but it’s so hard to put some things into the exact words i want to use, this whole thing took me three hours)
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citizenscreen · 8 years ago
BIG NIGHT (1996) - 10 Reasons Why It’s One of My All Time Favorite Films
BIG NIGHT (1996) – 10 Reasons Why It’s One of My All Time Favorite Films
Following is a special, guest post by Sergia Flores…
Big Night: 10 Reasons Why It’s One of My All Time Favorite Films
Classic film blogger and creator of the soaring Once Upon a Screen recently texted me a question that made my head explode. It went like this: “What is your favorite movie of all time?” WHAT? Are you KIDDING me? ONE movie? No. So I texted back, “I can’t answer that.” And I winced…
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