#Tristan: Magnificent. We can set it during the 70's. The commonly agreed golden age of the sport. The killer years as they are often named.
lordofthestrix · 6 months
“Hey… Can we try something new?”
One day later. "The longer you continue staring in my direction with that darling look of disbelief, trying to ascertain how much of my mind is lost, the greater risk of missing the start of the race." The shade of private, complicit mischief of his tone grew in strength over the unintelligible melodies of anticipation provided by the gathered crowd. "Were you not the one expressing your disappointment over the dull lack of novel thrills this era provided you so far? I certainly hope you were not expecting passivity or predictable half-measures on my part after hearing eternity was moving too slow to keep you enraptured. Whenever the world fails to be stellar, it is only natural for me to step in." One silhouette further neared the other in what was generously deemed a private box. "And so... Let this be our introduction to the modern ascension of horse racing. Watch them down there, Rory. Willingly trapped inside their thin, chromed steeds. Prepared to catapult themselves like raging bullets for a raving audience. Having no certainty of reaching the flip side considering the increasing number of fallen with each passing event. For all naive, modern interpretations of the past as unmerciful humans continue creating new coliseums." His hand extended an invitation to the collection of small flags disposed for them. "Why don't you select a favorite machine? All games are enhanced when there is something on the line. Money is trivial and meaningless but surely we can decide on far more fun gambling possibilities."
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