#Triple Triad
missazurerose · 5 days
How do you play Triple Triad?
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I use a combination of custom (left) and recommended (right). My current computer recommended deck is a lot better than in was a couple weeks ago. Up until recently it kept shoving Fandaniel and Hermes at me.
My custom deck should come as a surprise to no one. It's called the French Elf deck. Ignore Squall. Edit: I did not think this post would go so far beyond my normal reach. I'm sorry if you stumbled upon this Ishgardian fangirl like this.
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sea-salt-sacrifice · 1 year
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"Heart of the Cards"
...because it isn't a Final Fantasy without the card games
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autumnslance · 6 months
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With the FF16 Collaboration site going live on the Lodestone, we have the list of rewards; we know the Glamour, Mount, and Minion are from the quests themselves (starting in Ul'dah, requires level 50 and completion of 2.0/"The Ultimate Weapon"). The rest of the rewards--various orchestrion rolls and Clive's Triple Triad card--come from the Gold Saucer and is going to cost a chunk of MGP.
Will they be available after the event? Uncertain; Noctis's card is available outside the FF15 event, so I expect that at least Clive's will be. But I don't know about the music.
To build back MGP (especially if you just bought the Regalia from the recent replay of FF15's event!), do the daily Cactpot, and any GATES you happen across/find doable. Play enough games at the Saucer (or in your housing if available) to at least get the 2 weekly Challenges. Challenge Log for the Saucer in general is very helpful. And don't forget Wondrous Tales sticker books from Khloe in Idyllshire; her possible rewards include MGP.
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nathilustra · 9 months
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my WoL's villain origin story is getting his ass handed at Triple Triad by an otter
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flourish-of-steel · 2 years
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new ultimate card just dropped
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brigriv · 1 year
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How do you store your cards? The disrespect...
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umbralaether · 7 months
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miqomarch day 5 — hobby
Triple Triad. She loves triple triad, and one day the tournament win will be hers.
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ethernalium · 5 months
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vgcartography · 6 months
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FINAL FANTASY VIII - Triple Triad cards, remade using high-res images of the monster models. don't ask me why. https://www.deviantart.com/vgcartography/art/Final-Fantasy-VIII-Triple-Triad-Cards-1035961903
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watchitnowulala · 3 months
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replaying ff8 rn.
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supersaiyanblonded · 5 months
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Triple Triad
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triplexmile · 2 years
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Selphie selfie!
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otherworldseekers · 6 months
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"Heh heh heh... What a perfect opportunity to field-test my latest creation!"
If Severia made Nero's triple triad card. (She may be a little biased.)
Vanilla GPOSE Challenge prompt 3: NPC
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spacevixenmusic · 2 months
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Source: Avatar: The Legend of Korra [2012]
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lagolepuri · 13 days
#4: Reticent (make-up day)
[Spoilers for the end of Dawntrail]
After a long day of gathering, Lago was enjoying a drink at the Neon Stein when the bartender, Melancholy, approached him with a request. Gulool Ja had regressed to an anxious, withdrawn state, and she wanted someone to try to get him back out of his shell. In Lago’s experience, when someone was being reticent, the solution wasn’t to talk at them more, but he agreed to give it a try.
Lago motioned the child over to a table and unfolded a board with nine squares on it. “Let’s play a game,” he said. “This is called Triple Triad.”
He dealt out five cards in a pile in front of himself and five in front of Gulool Ja. “Rules,” he said tersely. “Order, Fallen Ace.” Gulool Ja didn’t have the slightest idea what that could mean, but after a moment’s hesitation he nodded anyway. Lago nodded back. “You go first.” He flipped over Gulool Ja’s top card and handed it to him.
Gulool Ja examined it. In the center of the card was a picture of an outrunner unit on a blue background, surrounded by numbers along the card’s edge. It looked just like Cahciua. The child blinked slowly. He hadn’t seen Cahciua in some time. Did having this card mean in this game she was still on his team? Unsure of what to do, he placed the card on the board in the square closest to his hand, in the bottom right.
Lago drew his first card and placed it on the bottom row next to the outrunner. His card showed a sentry unit on a red background. He pointed at the numbers on the sides the cards touched. The sentry showed a six while the outrunner had a five. He waited for Gulool Ja to observe this and return his gaze, then said, “captures,” and flipped the outrunner card over to its red side.
Gulool Ja was only partly sure he was understanding the game, but something about what just happened called back his feelings of loss. Cahciua was gone. Otis was gone. The ones he trusted most were gone along with overwhelmingly many others. The sheer size of the devastation on his life was so great it was hard to even feel anything about it. He was still in shock. Others had come and declared themselves his family, but he wasn’t ready to feel anything about them, either. It was too much too fast.
Going through the motions, he drew his next card and froze. This card showed his father. Complicated feelings welled inside of him. But he also saw the numbers on the card. They were so much higher than the ones on the machine cards. Five glittering stars adorned the picture of Zoraal Ja. Gulool Ja understood he was holding something powerful, and he was eager to use that power to strike back at what he was feeling. Forcefully he placed the card in the center of the board and took revenge on the sentry.
Lago took all this in and slowly nodded. He leaned forward and flipped the sentry card over to its blue side. “Captured.” Gulool Ja had not thought it through, but placing a card in the center, most vulnerable square was a bold and aggressive move. Placing most cards there early in the game would simply be foolish, but a card as strong as Zoraal Ja was a challenge. “Take it,” the move seemed to say, “if you even can.” But of course Lago had prepared for this. Next to the center he played a card emblazoned with a pale knight wearing a horned helm. He pointed to the letter ‘A’ on his card where a number should be. “Ace,” he said, and flipped Zoraal Ja red.
Gulool Ja was devastated. He thought he held real power for a moment, but he was instantly defeated. This knight card seemed unfairly powerful. Was there such a thing as a six star card in this game? He drew his next card and his shoulders slumped. This card depicted…himself. One star hung in front of his portrait. His numbers were so low. On his left side he bore a six, but on the bottom, the side that would face his father or the knight, there was only a one. He looked up morosely at Lago, who had been waiting to say, clearly and softly, “Fallen Ace.” Puzzled, Gulool Ja looked down at the board. The one exposed side of the knight card bore the symbol of that unbeatable ace. He held his card over the space above the knight and looked up quizzically. Lago nodded. Gulool Ja placed his card down, and Lago flipped the knight to blue. “Captured.”
Gulool Ja was exhilarated now. A moment ago the board had been mostly red, but after the last move he was somehow in the lead again. He looked fearfully at the exposed six of his own card. A strong card played there could capture him easily. Lago’s next card was marked with a strange snow creature wreathed in sixes. Not quite strong enough. He played it next to the sentry card and recaptured it. Gulool Ja drew his next card, and saw Wuk Lamat. Her card was strong too, but Gulool Ja barely even noticed before slapping it down next to his own. She would defend him now. He was just relieved to be safe. He looked up at Lago expecting his next move, but Lago merely glanced down at the board and then back up to him, waiting. He examined the cards more closely. Along the bottom edge of Wuk Lamat’s card was that unbeatable ace. He took his father’s card in his hand himself, and flipped it back to his color.
Gulool Ja had already won now, whether he realized it or not, but there were still two plays left to be made. Lago placed down a terrifying looking dragon with two eights. If not for Wuk Lamat, it could have easily captured Gulool Ja, but no cards flipped. Gulool Ja picked up his last card and looked at it. A pale knight of his own looked up at him. He placed it in the final square, defeated the dragon, and the game was over. On the table rested six blue cards and three red.
“Well done, young King,” said Lago. He cleared and folded the board and put it back into his pack, but the cards he handed to the child. “I look forward to playing you again.” Then he hoisted his pack onto his shoulder and left without a further word. Gulool Ja ran to the bar to tell Melancholy the story of his victory.
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sasseebeee · 3 months
still cannot believe there is not a single g'raha tia card in triple triad. not even arraha. why would they do this to me.
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