nlwhydonate · 1 year
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acti-veg · 1 year
which bank do you use? I don’t know which is the most ethical option
I use Starling, which is an online bank. They’re not ethically perfect or anything but no bank is really, they at least explicitly avoid investing in fossil fuels, mining, the arms trade or the military. Triodos is also an option I see discussed often so worth looking into them.
Your options will depend on where you are but do your research - Ethical Consumer, Good With Money and Good Shopping Guide are great sites for looking into things like this. Look into building societies/credit unions as well to see if that would suit your needs.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Triodos Bank closes its second project finance for rooftop solar with Recap Energy and Evli - Marketscreener.com Triodos Bank closes its second project finance for rooftop solar with Recap Energy and Evli  Marketscreener.com https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/EVLI-OYJ-135770475/news/Triodos-Bank-closes-its-second-project-finance-for-rooftop-solar-with-Recap-Energy-and-Evli-43983893/
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fashionbusinessfun · 1 month
Triodos Bank, sinds 1980 koploper op het gebied van duurzaam bankieren, heeft vandaag haar prestaties over de eerste helft van 2024 gepubliceerd. Het Halfjaarverslag 2024 is ook vandaag gepubliceerd. Leveren van positieve impact We kondigden een samenwerking aan met het...
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ambientalmercantil · 3 months
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perfectiongeekstech · 5 months
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erpinformation · 5 months
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regioonlineofficial · 6 months
Staatssecretaris Vivianne Heijnen (Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) en voorzitter Medy van der Laan van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken hebben donderdag hun handtekening gezet onder afspraken voor de verdere ontwikkeling van een circulaire economie. Daarmee versterken banken en overheid hun samenwerking om de transitie naar een circulaire economie te versnellen. Een circulaire economie produceert zo min mogelijk afval en kent geen onnodige verspilling van grondstoffen. Een dergelijke economie is onmisbaar voor het bereiken van de klimaatdoelen, het verminderen van druk op onze leefomgeving en het vergroten van de leveringszekerheid van schaarse grondstoffen. Alleen door met verschillende partijen samen op te trekken is de Nederlandse ambitie voor een circulaire economie haalbaar. Gezamenlijke aanpak Met bedrijven, gemeenten, provincies, rijksoverheid en dus ook met de financiële sector. Met de ondertekening brengen overheid en banken in beeld wat nodig is om de positie van circulaire ondernemers te versterken. Overheid en banken zullen jaarlijks de voortgang van deze afspraak en van de transitie bespreken. Banken en de overheid werken al samen in de Kopgroep Circulair Financieren, waar ze onder meer werken aan concrete oplossingen voor problemen waar circulaire ondernemers tegenaan lopen. Bijvoorbeeld de manier waarop het financieel risico door banken wordt berekend, waar lineaire business cases nog veelal het uitgangspunt zijn. De schaarse beschikbaarheid van grondstoffen of restwaarden van producten worden hier nog beperkt in meegenomen. Versnelling door banken Met het statement dat de NVB, de banken ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, ING, NWB Bank, Rabobank en Triodos Bank en de overheid hebben ondertekend, geven ze aan wat zij van elkaar nodig hebben om de transitie naar een circulaire economie te versnellen. Banken vragen aan de overheid bijvoorbeeld om te zorgen voor een gelijk speelveld voor ondernemers in de circulaire economie ten opzichte van de lineaire economie. De overheid vraagt van de banken onder meer om circulariteit in 2030 integraal onderdeel te maken van de beoordeling van financieringsaanvragen. Ook kennisontwikkeling van medewerkers over circulair financieren en een wederzijdse voorbeeldrol bij aanbestedingen zijn onderdeel van de afspraken. De betrokken organisaties onderschrijven dat financieren van circulaire bedrijven nodig is en extra aandacht vergt. Opschaling nodig Staatssecretaris Vivianne Heijnen: “We kunnen voor een gezonde toekomst van onze planeet voor onze kinderen en kleinkinderen niet op de huidige voet doorgaan met producten maken, gebruiken en weggooien en iets nieuws kopen. Nederland wil in 2050 helemaal circulair zijn. Dat wil zeggen een economie waarin grondstoffen steeds hergebruikt worden en er nagenoeg geen afval meer is. We werken hier hard aan maar we moeten nog grote slagen maken. Ik zie heel veel mooie circulaire initiatieven, maar ik zie ook dat er nog uitdagingen zijn om op te schalen. Circulaire initiatieven hebben ondersteuning nodig om groot te kunnen gaan denken en doen. Daarom ben ik blij met deze afspraken met de banken, die ons gaan helpen met de omslag van een lineaire naar een circulaire economie.” NVB-voorzitter Medy van der Laan: “Een circulaire economie is enorm belangrijk voor het bereiken van de doelstellingen uit het Klimaatakkoord en het Biodiversiteitsverdrag. Daarvoor nemen overheid en banken al deel aan bijvoorbeeld de Kopgroep Circulair Financieren. Overheid en banken versterken die samenwerking met deze afspraken. Als wij ieder onze rol en verantwoordelijkheden pakken, komen we er samen. Vooral een gelijk speelveld van circulaire producten ten opzichte van lineaire producten is belangrijk, samen met stimulering van de vraagzijde. Circulair producenten hebben tenslotte baat bij consumenten die vraag hebben naar hun producten. Dat draagt bij aan een bestendige businesscase, die de kans op financiering vergroot.”
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Innovation Revolution: Balancing Benefits and Costs for a Sustainable Future
The fight for a sustainable future hinges on innovation.  While traditional methods have brought us this far, advancements across various sectors are crucial for tackling environmental challenges and building a thriving future. Let's delve into the cost-benefit analysis of these innovations:
Environmental Benefits:
Reduced Air and Water Pollution: Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power drastically cut air and water pollution compared to fossil fuels.
Soil Conservation: Technologies like precision agriculture and vertical farming minimize land use and soil degradation.
Improved Energy Efficiency: Innovations like smart grids and energy-efficient appliances lead to significant reductions in energy consumption.
Economic Benefits:
Cost Savings: Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly cost-competitive, offering long-term economic benefits.
Job Creation: The transition to a sustainable future fosters the creation of new green jobs in clean technology and sustainable infrastructure.
Market Opportunities: Companies developing and implementing sustainable solutions gain a competitive edge, attracting environmentally conscious consumers and investors.
Examples of Innovative Companies:
Fintech: Companies offering sustainable investment options and green bonds facilitate environmentally conscious financial decisions. (e.g., Triodos Bank)
Proptech: Proptech firms develop solutions for smart buildings and energy management, leading to reduced energy consumption in the real estate sector. (e.g., NeST)
Climatech: Climate tech companies focus on innovative solutions for carbon capture, storage, and emissions reduction. (e.g., Climeworks)
Challenges and Costs:
Initial Investment: Developing and implementing new technologies often requires significant upfront costs compared to established methods.
Infrastructure Upgrade: Transitioning to a fully sustainable infrastructure necessitates substantial investments in renewable energy grids and sustainable transportation systems.
Call to Action:
While challenges exist, the long-term benefits outweigh the costs.  Here's how you can contribute:
Support Sustainable Businesses: Choose companies committed to environmental responsibility and invest in sustainable solutions.
Advocate for Change: Demand sustainable practices from corporations and policymakers.
Embrace Innovation: Stay informed about advancements and support the development and adoption of sustainable technologies.
Together, by fostering innovation and embracing a sustainable future, we can create a world where environmental benefits outweigh the initial costs, paving the way for a healthier planet and a thriving economy.
Explore further:
The World Bank - Climate Action for Sustainable Development: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/climatechange
Project Drawdown - Solutions to Reverse Global Warming: https://drawdown.org/
Let's be the generation that ushers in a sustainable future. Share this information and encourage others to join the movement!
#sustainability #innovation #climatechange #renewableenergy #greentech #fintech #proptech #climatetech
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enterprisewired · 8 months
Impact Investing: Catalyzing Positive Change in Finance
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Impact investing has emerged as a powerful force reshaping the landscape of finance, where financial goals coalesce with a commitment to generating positive social and environmental outcomes. This article takes an in-depth look at the essence of impact investing, its key principles, notable strategies, real-world examples, and the evolving role it plays in driving systemic change.
Unveiling Impact Investing
1. Defining Impact Investing
Impact investing goes beyond traditional financial metrics, incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into investment decisions. The primary goal is to generate measurable positive impacts alongside financial returns.
2. Dual Objectives
Impact investing seeks to achieve a dual bottom line—financial returns for investors and positive societal or environmental outcomes. Balancing these objectives distinguishes impact investing from conventional investment approaches.
3. Measuring Impact
Impact investors employ a range of metrics to assess the social and environmental effects of their investments. These metrics may include social return on investment (SROI), environmental footprint, and other indicators aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
What Are The Key Principles?
1. Intentionality
Central to impact investing is the intentionality of generating positive outcomes. Investors proactively seek opportunities that align with their values and contribute to addressing specific social or environmental challenges.
2. Additionality
Impact investments aim to go beyond what traditional markets or philanthropy might achieve. The concept of additionality emphasizes the need for investments to create positive impacts that would not occur without intentional intervention.
3. Measurable Impact
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Measuring impact is a core principle. Impact investors prioritize investments where the positive outcomes can be quantified, providing transparency and accountability in demonstrating the effectiveness of their efforts.
Strategies You Should Know
1. Thematic Investing
Thematic investing involves targeting specific themes aligned with impact goals, such as renewable energy, affordable housing, or healthcare accessibility. Investors allocate capital to projects or companies that directly contribute to the chosen theme.
2. Community Development Finance
Community development finance focuses on investing in projects that uplift underserved communities. This may include affordable housing developments, small business loans, or initiatives fostering community resilience and economic empowerment.
3. ESG Integration
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration entails evaluating traditional investment opportunities through the lens of sustainability. Investors consider factors such as a company’s carbon footprint, labor practices, and governance structures in their decision-making.
Real-world Examples
1. The Rise Fund – Education
The Rise Fund, co-founded by private equity firm TPG, has invested in the education sector with a focus on edtech. By supporting companies like DreamBox and EverFi, The Rise Fund aims to improve educational outcomes globally.
2. Triodos Sustainable Equity Fund – Renewable Energy
The Triodos Sustainable Equity Fund emphasizes renewable energy investments. It supports companies like Vestas Wind Systems and Orsted, contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable and clean energy future.
3. MicroVest – Financial Inclusion
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MicroVest directs its investments towards financial inclusion. By providing capital to microfinance institutions worldwide, MicroVest works to empower entrepreneurs in developing economies and promote inclusive financial systems.
Evolving Trends
1. Impact Measurement Innovation
As your investing matures, there is a growing focus on enhancing impact measurement methodologies. Innovations in data analytics and technology facilitate more precise and comprehensive assessments of social and environmental outcomes.
2. Mainstream Integration
Impact investing is transitioning from a niche approach to mainstream adoption. Large institutional investors and financial institutions are incorporating ESG factors into their decision-making processes, signalling a broader acceptance of impact principles.
3. Global Collaboration for Impact
The impact investing community recognizes the need for global collaboration to address complex challenges. Initiatives like the Impact Management Project and the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) foster collaboration, standardization, and knowledge-sharing.
Challenges and Considerations
1. Impact Washing
Impact washing refers to the risk of investments being labeled as impact without delivering meaningful positive outcomes. Rigorous due diligence and adherence to impact measurement standards are crucial in mitigating this challenge.
2. Trade-offs between Impact and Returns
Balancing financial returns with impactful outcomes can be challenging. Impact investors often face trade-offs, and navigating these requires careful consideration of risk tolerance, time horizon, and the specific impact goals.
3. Lack of Standardization
The absence of standardized impact metrics poses a challenge. Efforts to establish common frameworks for measuring impact, such as the Impact Reporting and Investment Standards (IRIS), aim to address this issue and enhance comparability.
The Future Trajectory of Impact Investing
1. Emergence of Impact Funds
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Specialized impact funds are likely to proliferate, focusing on specific impact themes or sectors. These funds will attract investors seeking targeted and impactful opportunities aligned with their values.
2. Technological Advancements in Impact Measurement
Continued advancements in technology, including blockchain and artificial intelligence, will play a role in refining impact measurement methodologies. This will enhance accuracy, transparency, and the ability to track long-term outcomes.
3. Regulatory Support for Impact Standards
Governments and regulatory bodies are expected to play a more active role in supporting impact investing by endorsing and regulating standardized impact measurement practices. This support will contribute to the credibility and integrity of investing initiatives.
Impact investing stands at the intersection of finance and positive social and environmental change, embodying a transformative approach to investment. As the field evolves, impact investors, fund managers, and policymakers will continue to collaborate, refine methodologies, and navigate challenges. The trajectory of investing holds the promise of a financial landscape where profitability converges with purpose, catalyzing a sustainable and inclusive global economy. As investors increasingly recognize the potential of impact, the ripples of positive change are poised to reverberate through markets, fostering a future where capital serves as a force for good.
Also Read: Option Investing: A Strategic Tool for Entrepreneurs
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spendenaufrufen · 10 months
Gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung im Crowdfunding – Eine Analyse 
Was ist gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung?
Der Begriff GSU (Gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung) ist heutzutage in aller Munde. Das bedeutet, dass Unternehmen, die soziale Verantwortung übernehmen, in der Regel so organisiert sind, dass sie sozial verantwortlich handeln können. Es gibt keinen „richtigen“ Weg zur gesellschaftlichen Unternehmensverantwortung (GSU). Stattdessen verfolgen viele Unternehmen eine breite Palette von Strategien und Initiativen, um die Welt positiv zu verändern. Die gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung gewinnt allgemein an Bedeutung.
Aufgrund moralischer Überzeugungen haben sich viele Firmen der gesellschaftlichen Unternehmensverantwortung verschrieben. Dies kann einem Unternehmen helfen, sich in den Augen von Investoren, Verbrauchern und Aufsichtsbehörden zu profilieren. Es verbessert auch das Engagement, die Zufriedenheit und die Produktivität der Mitarbeiter. Dieser Prozess kann einem Unternehmen helfen, seine soziale und ökologische Leistung zu verbessern. Er kann auch zu neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen führen, die dem Unternehmen helfen, sozialer zu handeln. gesellschaftliche unternehmensverantwortung
Arten die gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung
Die gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung wird in vier Kategorien unterteilt.
1. Verantwortung für die Umwelt  
2. Ethische Verantwortung 
3. Philanthropische Verantwortung
4. Wirtschaftliche Verantwortung 
Was ist die gesellschaftliche Philanthropie von Unternehmen?
Philanthropie konzentriert sich zwar in erster Linie auf finanzielle Spenden, kann aber auch Zeit und Ressourcen umfassen. Dieses Konzept kann genutzt werden, um den sozialen Wandel voranzutreiben. Es kann auch direkte Spenden an verschiedene Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen umfassen. Anstatt nur kurzfristige Hilfe zu leisten, konzentriert sich, deutsche Gesellschaft für ernährung  eine langfristige Lösung für die angesprochenen Probleme zu finden. Dieses Konzept kann durch verschiedene Formen des Gebens umgesetzt werden.
Gemeinschaften beschränkt sind. Sie können auch genutzt werden, um umfassendere soziale Probleme anzugehen.
Wenn es um gesellschaftliche geht, hört man immer öfter, dass das Unternehmen die von den Mitarbeitern gesammelten Spenden verdoppelt.
Ihre eigene Crowdfunding-/ GSU-Plattform (Gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung)
Alle Arten von Crowdfunding- und Fundraising-Kampagnen können über eine Plattform durchgeführt werden.
Verschiedene Organisationen wie ING und die Triodos-Stiftung haben ihre eigene, von gesellschaftliche-unternehmensverantwortung  entwickelte Plattform, auf der die Mitarbeiter einzeln oder nach Abteilungen Spendenaktionen organisieren können. Es ist auch möglich, Verbindungen zu den HR-Systemen herzustellen, wodurch auch Sachspenden (Arbeitsstunden oder Urlaubstage) möglich sind.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:
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everytold · 11 months
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fashionbusinessfun · 1 month
Triodos Bank announced today that Jeroen Rijpkema has informed the Supervisory Board that he is not available to extend his tenure beyond 2025. In line with the end of his term of office he will leave as CEO and Chairman […]
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intempl · 1 year
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Netherlands Triodos Bank bank account closure certificate template in Word and PDF format
Fully editable bank account closure certificate template of Netherlands Triodos Bank. The template is in .doc and .pdf file format, high-quality and easy to fill.
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brucemratliffmx · 1 year
La Sofom Konfío renovó su línea de crédito con J.P. Morgan
Konfío, Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Múltiple (Sofom), encargada de facilitar a las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (Pymes), el acceso a crédito y herramientas de pago, cobro y gestión, renovó su línea de crédito hasta el 2025 por un monto de mil 520 millones de pesos con el global J.P. Morgan.
Así, J.P. Morgan se convierte en el cuarto acreedor en este año con el cual Konfío renueva un instrumento de este tipo. 
Konfío ha sido respaldada por QED Investors, Kaszek Ventures, SoftBank, VEF, IFC, Lightrock, Accion, entre otros, y ha obtenido créditos de Goldman Sachs, Gramercy, J.P. Morgan, Triodos, Community Investment Management, BID Invest, Citi, entre otros.
Por otro lado, Konfío ha decidido aumentar en 66 por ciento el monto máximo ofrecido a través de su Crédito Empresarial, pasando de 3 millones a 5 millones de pesos. 
Hasta la fecha, Konfío ha aprobado más de 17 mil millones de pesos en soluciones financieras para más de 70 mil empresas en México. 
A través de su plataforma digital, Konfío ofrece tres soluciones financieras integrales: Crédito, Tarjeta Empresarial y Terminal de Pagos. 
La renovación de la línea de crédito con J.P. Morgan y el aumento en el monto máximo de los créditos empresariales son pasos significativos para profundizar el apoyo que Konfío ofrece a las Pymes en México. 
source https://www.quebanco.mx/la-sofom-konfio-renovo-su-linea-de-credito-con-j-p-morgan/ source https://quebancomx.blogspot.com/2023/07/la-sofom-konfio-renovo-su-linea-de.html
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life-nature · 1 year
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在制定到 2035 年实现净零排放的目标时,Triodos 不仅在挑战更广泛的金融行业,也在挑战我们自己。 作为一家在碳披露方面处于领先地位并且已经拥有低碳排放投资组合的银行,我们了解我们的出发点,并且我们可以看到实现净零的现实有多么困难。
金融部门可以在三个关键领域引领经济向净零转型,即:1)为能源转型提供资金; 2)刺激循环经济; 3) 使农业部门更具可持续性。
首先,为能源转型提供资金是一个巨大的机遇。 经济学家预测,到 2030 年,全球可再生能源市场价值将超过 2 万亿美元。金融部门必须优先考虑绿色能源基础设施——发电、储存和运输,这反过来将创造绿色就业机会。
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