bxrningembers · 6 months
⁉️ { gimmie one for everyone chief }
Send ⁉️ for a headcanon about my character that you probably wouldn’t expect.
Alastor killed a lot of the past Overlords is something that is rumored, speculate, and all but outright confirmed in canon, but they never go into why. While this isn't the case for all the Overlords he killed, I think many were selected to be knocked off by Satan/*whoever his canon contract holder is* while my blog will keep that this person is Satan, my HC is that he was basically acting as a Hitman when he took out a good number of these Overlords.
Sir Pentious
Star, you know all my HC's for the snek! Even the ones not posted here! So this is for other peeps to read. Pentious as a child didn't have friends growing up outside of his older sister Olivia, who was two years older than him. He had two other older sisters, but they were distant and in their late teens and nearly married off when he was still around 5-6, so he did really know them. He had a lot of paid friends. Basically, his parents paid other children to play or befriends with him, but they were never true friends.
I try to keep my Stolas very close to Canon, but I have since decided on a few HC's for him. You get one for now. Stolas never met his mother, and it isn't because she doesn't exist or is dead but because Paimon discarded her after she had Stolas as his need for her was done. He could have imps do all the rest for him as far as Stolas' upbringing. It isn't about hating her or anything ether, more it's more of an alien thought process of "I need this many kids, each to fill a role. I don't need this extra stuff." Aka, very logical and apathetic. She is out there alive, though.
Valentino had ties to the previous Overlord of the lust district, and it wasn't too unlike the relationship he has with Angel Dust. She (see bellow) was also his contract holder, and Alastor's "killing" (assuming that is actually what happened as we only know that angel steel can kill sinner demons) her freed him, if not nulling/breaking his contract.
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Abel died a virgin and is still a virgin even after so many years in heaven and/or reincarnations.
Is very interested in learning as much as she can about Hell, not simply because no living person has been there and she hopes to tell the living what to expect, but she suspects that she is doomed to go their when she dies for accidently helping demons. She thinks of it as preparing for what is to come.
Has worked a job or two with Striker on the rare times the imp hybrid has been in the pride ring. He doubts Striker remembers him, but he has some fond memories of it.
Miss Hiss
This is more a scrapped idea than an HC as I haven't had a chance to use her. But I originally was going to make her a current year suicide character. But I got inspired by the Great Depression and how many people just killed themselves because of losing everything financially.
Rose Ars Goetia
Another scrapped idea rather than HC, I originally was going to make Rose just an imp or a Sinner demon. I had even toyed with bringing Negaduck into the HH fandom in the same way as a Sinner demon. (He would have been less modern and killed during the Salem witch trials via the "lighter than a duck" drowned session, thus his duck form.) But seeing all the Sinner ocs and such I wanted to try something less common with her. Thus, she is a Goetia that mingles with lower class undercover.
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