#Trent was her ex boyfriend who left her a month before she fell ill
ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] Don't want to be Dragged into it
My name is Nathan and I'm just your average run of the mill guy. I consider myself to be a decent guy. I'm actually a male nurse. I got dragged into a court case that I had nothing to do with and it all had to do with a dear friend of mine.
I live in a small town in Nebraska called Rainbow Lake which has a little under 8,000 people. We have a quaint downtown area that tourist visit primarily in the spring and fall. Christmas we have The Rainbow Lake Christmas Homes on the Lake. We also have nice Christmas decorations. Christmas is over with, so I will move on.
When Julia was 14 years old, she came to live in Rainbow Lake due to her parents being killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. It was two weeks before school started. The first couple of months she really hated the place. She came from Cocoa Beach Florida where she went to the beach every day. Her boyfriend was a surfer. About a week after she arrived, she received a tweet from him telling her he had found another girlfriend and wished her good luck. She cried on my shoulder for two days. Then she got over him.
I didn't have any friends. Neither did Julia which was surprising as she was and is a very beautiful woman. So we became friends which made our high school years bearable. I lived down the street from her. She lived with her elder Aunt Helen. She was a good person that Julia loved.
Julia went to California and I stayed in Nebraska as I had no desire to live there. I didn't hear from her for a couple of weeks and then I did. I wasn't happy that she was dating other guys but then I was dating someone from town. We agreed to do this as we'd never dated other people. The person that I was dating went into the army and was deployed to Iraq. She was killed about a year later when a fired missile hit the barracks were she was staying.
I remember Julia came home for the funeral as she knew her. We all were classmates. I hugged her.
She told me that she was involved with musician Trent Yardley. This I wasn't happy about as this guy was known to cheat. He had broken up with his partner but I had a feeling it would be short lived which it was. The partner became pregnant and then he dumped Julia. A couple of weeks after the baby was born, Trent started seeing Julia again but this time, it was secret. He didn't want to look bad.
Julia continued hanging around Trent. Unknown to her Trent had another woman on the side as well who had an very angry jealous boyfriend. I remember Julia telling me that she was with Trent with this jealous boyfriend called. Trent answered his cell phone. The guy threatened to harm him.. Julia could hear this guy threatening him. Trent laughed.
In the meantime, Aunt Helen became very ill. I was her nurse during the day and then another person took care of her at night. I finished my shift and drove the two hours to the Omaha Airport to pick up Julia. I had the radio on and heard the terrible news of Trent Yardley being murdered. I was halfway to Omaha.
I knew Julia hadn't heard the news because she looked happy. I didn't know what to do. I decided not to tell her. I kept the radio off. I noticed that someone had been following me shortly after we got outside of Omaha. When I turned off at the exit the person turned. Right before we turned unto Rainbow Lake Drive the car went in the opposite direction. It was about 5:30 pm on a Friday night. Julia wanted to go out for pizza but I talked her into staying home. I also decided to stay over at the house. I went upstairs and noticed that this black car was parked down the street. I didn't want to alarm Julia but I was concerned.
I decided to call my cousin who is a deputy and I told him about this. It was almost like the person in the truck knew that I had called because he got out of there fast. From the house on the 4th floor, I could see the highway. This vehicle go unto I-80 and headed west which was very odd.
Julia turned on the TV and there was the news. I pretended like I didn't know. She started crying and sobbing. She had seen Trent a couple of days earlier. That evening I spent the night in a room next to Julia but she came into my room to coddle with me. Well, we hadn't done that in a very long time. We fell asleep in each other's arms. We were on the 4th Floor of the house where no one could hear us which was a good thing.
I woke up early. The other nurse left and I was on my shift. The TV was on and the jealous boyfriend Brian Miller was arrested. I was shocked when I heard what had happened. Both men liked the same woman and they both decided to do an old fashioned dual. It would end when the first person got hurt except it didn't. They used a sword and got into a sword fight. Trent lost and Brian Miller didn't play fair.
The ex-partner of Brian Miller went into hiding. Aunt Helen got better and Julia decided to stay put as she had three months before she was starting work on a sit-com. I knew that someone was watching Julia. I hadn't been to my house much. I practically lived at the house. I never saw that black truck again but I had a feeling someone was watching.
Dr. Michael Rote was the town doctor. I never cared much for him and Julia never trusted him. He was a very judgmental self-righteous person that none of the younger generation trusted. My mom told me that was gossiping about Julia. Well, this wasn't a surprise. How he knew about her and Trent I don't know as Aunt Helen knew nothing about it. I knew about it of course but said nothing to him or anyone else.
This doctor had told people that I and I will quote this "I wasn't right" because I wanted to be a male nurse. He refused to work with me and made it difficult for me to work. I ended up having to drive 30 miles to Grand Island to work at a hospital. Prior to recently caring for Aunt Helen, most of my clients were in Grand Island.
Aunt Helen didn't like this doctor and basically told him to jump in the lake (well she used more colorful language) when he tried to talk her out of hiring me.
About a month after Julia was in town, she was fired from the sit-com. Why I don't know (probably the influence of Brian Miller). I remember that night very well. I had a bottle of wine and we both drank out it. Then we went to bed.
I noticed a week later that the tabloid papers weren't in the store. When I went to Grand Island, I knew why. The complete medical and social history of Julia was on display. There were pictures of me and her at the prom, pictures of us at High School Graduation. Most of the people in town refused to talk to the press and tried to chase them away. I knew who did this.
It was Dr. Rote who made a issue about Trent Yardley who played in a heavy metal band. According to Julia they were never in Rainbow Lake but a picture of them together in Rainbow Lake was in the magazine. The Dr. had gotten in trouble years ago for altering medical records by altering photos of someone who had died under his care. He was slapped on the wrist. It had to be him. I doubt anyone else in town would have done this.
I hated it when poor Julia had to testify. I could see she was nervous. Then she dropped her purse when walking pass him. She was grilled by both sides and she looked like she was sick. No one believed her until she threw up all over the witness box. Then she passed out which really surprised everyone. Turns out that she's pregnant and of course that came out. There was no doubt who the father was as it wasn't Trent as he'd been dead for several months.
We were the talk of the town for about a week. Not much else going on.
Dr. Rote for some reason didn't like me or my family. He told my parents that I was mentally delayed and that I would never be able to father children. My grandfather died under his care as didn't many others. How he stayed in business and why people went to him is beyond me.
We couldn't prove that the Dr. gave the medical and social information to the tabloids but I know he told someone that he had to pay off as I noticed he worked more hours.
I really as well as Julia felt sorry for Trent's partner who had 4 small children under the age of 10. She had been doing yoga while the two men were dueling. She saw Trent leaving very quickly while doing yoga. An hour later she went into the cottage where Trent had been staying (he had been banished to the cottage for cheating) and found him on the floor deceased. He had told her that they had planned a dual but told her it was a joke. It wasn't a joke. He had lied to her about being with this woman. The partner knew that Trent had seen Julia when they had separated but didn't know that they started back up again several months later.
Julia never told anyone that she heard this phone call. She was never asked. She didn't know about the duel either as she would have tried to talk him out of it like his partner did. The partner failed to pursue him not to duel with Brian Miller and I doubt Julia would have been able to talk him out of it either.
She was happy to come back to Nebraska.
Brian Miller convinced a jury that he and Trent had agreed to a duel without ending in death and Trent's death was an accident. It was no accident. The jury didn't hear about the phone call, not that this would have changed the verdict. He was acquitted of all charges. Basically end of story.
Well, not quite. Julia gave birth seven months later to a baby boy. We got married and had a couple of more kids. Julia retired from modeling and life went on.
submitted by /u/baronesslucy [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/37VWOg8
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flora-la-reina · 11 years
"I've only had two people see me, and I can't really explain how they did see me. Don't worry, babe, they'll see you eventually." He gave her an encouraging smile.
"You really think I can become visible to humans!" She said excitedly. Her eyes widened when she heard the word ‘babe’. She looked at Derek but flashes over her past flooded her mind. Instead of seeing Derek she saw Trent. She put her hands on her head, why was she remembering him now? 
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