#Tree Removal Richmond
lundtreeservice · 3 months
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At Tree Trimming Richmond, we offer top-tier tree trimming, and removal services in Richmond, VA.  We work diligently to meet the needs of our customers while adhering to industry quality standards.  We are committed to completing our work with diligence and extreme attention to detail.  Tree Trimming Richmond is your best choice when it comes to tree trimming, tree removal, tree pruning, stump removal, stump grinding.  Contact us today, our team is waiting to assist you!
Website: https://treetrimmingrichmond.com/
Call Us at (877) 759-1170
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5 Signs That Tell You it's Time for Tree Trimming
Trees are beautiful, but they can also be dangerous. Especially when there's a risk that they might fall over your home or roof or any accessible area to you. These can also cause hurdles when branches are reaching far and wide and some other similar issues. So, when you are having such issues, what do you need to do? Trim it. Several signs tell you its time to get service for tree trimming in Richmond, VA, or wherever you reside. We take a look below at those signs.
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its-time-to-write · 7 months
please don’t be - ch. 3
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table of contents glow (so other things can)
“It’s the south of France,” says Julia. “No one’s allowed to be sad in the south of France.”
“She’s not sad,” Nicola corrects. “She doesn’t feel anything, and that can’t be good.”
You shrug and watch the lemon trees sway in the breeze.
You can’t be expected to feel something, not when you’re empty inside. You’d have to have something left of you.
But Jamie… Jamie liked to take. It wasn’t a problem because you liked to give, but at some point something changed and he took your entire heart before you noticed it was gone. 
And you’d been so careful too. 
It’s not a problem. It’s summer, you’re on vacation in the South of France, and life couldn’t be better. You’re in a sprawling villa with three of your friends, a gorgeous beach nearby, and some of the best food of your life. 
You’re glowing.
And you’re going to some couture event that’s really just a party because Nicola’s technically here on work, so the three of you get to wear beautiful Versace dresses and mingle with Europe’s most beautiful and celebrated, all in a gorgeous chateau. 
Your brain replays, you should go back to school, so you shake your head to clear it of that choppy, beautiful voice and pretend the sky isn’t the exact color of your eyes. 
You take the tube of lipstick from Julia’s hand and decide it’s going to be smeared by the end of the night.
There’s nothing quite like losing your head in another country. It doesn’t count, in a way. The boy in front of you is nothing like Jamie and you don’t mind so much, except he doesn’t look into your eyes the same way, and he doesn’t quite know what to say in between kisses.
Not that he needs to say anything, god knows you and Jamie had your uninterrupted moments, but Jamie always knew exactly what you were thinking and exactly what to say. The buzzing in your head stops whenever he enters a room.
The buzzing has only gotten louder as the night progresses.
He pauses long enough to ask, “Can I get you a drink?” so you nod and smile and then knock your head against the nearest tree as soon as he’s gone. 
It’s not working. 
The whole point of this was to forget Jamie. To remove the last little shreds clinging to your memory.
He shouldn’t matter, he doesn’t, and yet…
You groan, and scrunch your eyes shut. It wasn’t supposed to matter, you knew better. But some floppy-haired pretty-boy prick-ass footballer had said the exact right combination of words to get you to fall so hard and so fast.
“You going back to school?” he asks one evening. You’re both bundled up and walking through Richmond, on the hunt for some coffee.
You shrug. “Don’t know. I’d like to go for a doctorate, but I’m not sure it’s necessary. Be fun, though”
Jamie throws back his head and laughs, pearly-white teeth glowing in the streetlight. “You’re the only fucking person I know who thinks a fucking doctorate is fun.”
He knocks into you, just a nudge, but it sets your arm ablaze. Every touch from him feels like fire.
You’re quiet, unsure what to say next. Jamie, though, Jamie knows what to say. Jamie always knows what to say. He knows where to go, what to do; you never have to think too much when you’re with him. He knows when to ask, and when to choose.
“You should do it,” he continues. “You should go back to school. Be fucking mint, like. I’d get to tell the lads I’m with a real fuckin’ doctor.”
And that was it. That was all it took for the tingling in your arm to shoot all the way to your chest. And sure, you didn’t have time at the moment, but you’d applied as soon as Jamie played his first match back on City turf.
He always knew the way to your heart. 
Fuck him for that.
There was a part of you that always thought he wanted more but was too scared to ask.
But you were wrong, so wrong, so fuck Jamie Tartt.
You hear footsteps on the gravel, so you open your eyes, expecting your drink, but are instead met with a stupid Gucci button up, rolled to perfectly showcase a stupid tattoo on a stupid forearm.
“Oh,” is all you can manage. “Sorry. I- I didn’t know you were here. Where’s…?”
“Inside,” comes Jamie’s short response.
“Oh,” you say again.
There’s a part of you that wants to leave, and leave fast, but another, more idiotic part of you wants to stay.
Just for a moment, just long enough for him to apologize, explain, something, although you know he won’t. So you should leave rather than be disappointed.
But you pause for half a second, still blinking up at him (when did he get so close?) and just as you resign yourself to the fact that you’re going to have to walk away, he speaks and breaks your heart all over again.
table of contents
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” —1 Corinthians 15:57
“Trees and Bees” By Wendy Richmond:
“It’s amazing what human beings are capable of. After witnessing the local wildlife population suffer because of a lack of shade, Jadav Payeng single-handedly planted what has now become a 1,360-acre forest. Gary Schempp safely removed and re-homed 30,000 bees by himself, which is definitely an outstanding achievement. Bees are currently at risk because of colony collapse disorder. Without them, some think it’s questionable whether humans could even survive. Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine, which successfully eradicated an illness that had claimed approximately 500 million lives in the 20th century alone. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. 
We enjoy so many wonders that our ancestors only dreamed about—electricity, running water, air conditioning, and international air travel. But even all the advances in modern science and technology cannot give us victory over sin and death. We may be capable of splitting atoms and mapping the human genome, but we are powerless against the enemy of sin. No wonder Paul exclaims, “Thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
God did for us that which all our modern technology and human intelligence could never do for us. He gave us victory over our sinful nature, defeating our greatest enemy—death itself. We can live in comfort thanks to human intervention, but we can live in eternity thanks to divine intervention. As with Paul, all I can say is, “Thank God!” Amen!🙏🕊🙌
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bumblebeeappletree · 3 months
Tammy visits a self-taught gardener in her extraordinary garden packed with produce inspired by Lebanese culture and cuisine.
During the strict western Sydney lockdowns, Sahar El-Chiekh transformed what was a dusty backyard into an extraordinarily productive cultural food bowl. By gathering advice from the online garden community and her creative approach to gardening in a rental property, Sahar's backyard has become a sensation. "I came out here to hide in the garden," says Sahar, but it prompted a pursuit to create a place of solace and empowerment. "If mummy can't be found (in the house), she's out in the back."
Sahar is passionate about cooking food from the garden and admits, "I'm not actually a great cook, but it's different when the produce is from your garden. I don't like to see anything go to waste." Much of her produce connects back to her Lebanese roots, with plants such as Egyptian spinach, eggplant, beans and chickpeas. Sahar says, these are "the flavour of my childhood." Egyptian spinach, traditionally known as Molokhia, has a gelatinous texture and is best suited in soups. Sahar says, "I find it easier to grow than English spinach" however seeds for this traditional variety were not easy to find when her parents moved here as teenagers. "Now you're seeing a lot more of them in middle eastern grocers, but in the past my parents had to go to a farm that grew them, just to be able to enjoy them in their home."
With an organic approach to her gardening, Sahar's advice is to harness companion planting. To control pests, Sahar grows marigolds to deter thrips, hibiscus to attract flea beetles away from her eggplants, and chickpeas to deter caterpillars from her tomatoes. To avoid powdery mildew, Sahar trains her zucchini vertically and removes all leaves growing below the developing fruit to improve airflow. "This is the first year I've done it and it's made a huge difference," says Sahar, who has also adopted an ingenious t-shirt support for heavier fruits that will be harvested for seeds. "I need to support the ladies" says Sahar.
Growing a garden in a rental property has its challenges, so to create a transportable garden, Sahar's uses large growbags for her various fruit trees. Her prized possession is a pomelo tree, which Sahar says is "in between a grapefruit and an orange." Her obsession with pomelo started twenty-two years ago. "I went overseas to Lebanon for a holiday… my auntie has a big citrus orchard in her backyard, and I used to sit under the trees and freshly pick and eat them. Then I came back to Australia I couldn't find them; it took me 20 years to hunt down this pomelo. Last year was the first year I tasted it… It's not bitter like a grapefruit, but not wet like an orange, it's perfect."
There are some standout structures in the garden, such as a rustic ladder and a walkthrough archway. "I always loved the idea of being able to walk through an archway," says Sahar, "I wanted to grow vertically this year so I could fit more in." Growing on the arches are tromboncino, Lebanese cucumbers, various tomatoes, snake beans, Richmond green cucumbers, and Cucu-melon. And they're not only lovely on the vine.
Sahar invites Tammy to taste some of her homegrown heritage saying, "we have gardened and now we're going to graze," with traditional dishes such as hummus, Fattoush salad, cooked beans and mloukheya a banadoura, a dish made with Egyptian spinach and tomato. "I think gardening and being able to cook from my garden, gives me a sense of empowerment," says Sahar, "Especially to be able to feed my kids and my family from something that I've grown, it brings us together. As we know, food is all about community, family, laughing and building memories. I think gardening and cooking go hand in hand."
Filmed on Dharug Country | Chester Hill, NSW
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 8.14
Air Force Day (Taiwan)
Até Asteroid Day
Balochistan Solidarity Day
Black Day (Parts of Pakistan)
Color Book Day
Commemoration of Wadi al-Dahab (Morocco)
Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland (Abkhazia)
814 Day
Energy Industry Employee’s Day (Poland)
Engineer’s Day (Dominican Republic)
Falklands Discovery Day (UK)
Faradda di li candareri (Descent of the Candlesticks; Sardinia)
Feast of the Tiger (Elder Scrolls)
Green Day (South Korea)
Husbands in Love Day
International Memorial Day for Comfort Women
International Nagging Day
Kaj Munk (Lutheranism)
Language Day (Orania)
La Torta dei Fieschi (Italy)
Liberty Tree Day (Massachusetts)
Love Donegal Day (UK)
Love Your Bookshop Day
Military Marriage Day
National Financial Awareness Day
National Mortgage E-Close Day
National Navajo Code Talkers Day
National Slap Someone in the Back of the Head Day (Garfield)
National Spirit of ’45 Day
National Tattoo Removal Day
National Women’s Empowerment Day
Navajo Code Talkers Day
Oued Ed-Dahab Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day (India)
Pramuka Day (Scouting Day; Indonesia)
Rapeseed Day (French Republic)
Romance Awareness Day
St. Arnold of Soissons' Day (patron saint of brewers and hop-pickers)
Social Security Day
Sports Day (Russia)
Tristan da Cunha (Saint Helena)
V-J Day
Wiffle Ball Day
World Calligraphy Day
World Lizard Day
World Prediabetes Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Altbier Day
Chock Full O’ Nuts Day
International Rosé Wine Day
National Creamsicle Day
Independence & Related Days
Anniversary Day (Tristan da Cunha; Saint Helena)
Anniversary of the Return to Power (Afghanistan)
Larsonia (a.k.a. Kingdom of Larsonia; Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Pakistan (from UK, 1947)
2nd Wednesday in August
Crayfish Premiere (Sweden) [2nd Wednesday]
Hump Day [Every Wednesday]
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World Calligraphy Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 14 (2nd Full Week of August)
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Weeks (thru 9.2)
Festivals Beginning August 14, 2024
Arkansas Valley Fair (Rocky Ford, Colorado) [thru 8.17]
Delcambre Shrimp Festival (Delcambre, Louisiana) [thru 8.18]
EAST (Suhl, Germany) [thru 8.18]
Gathering of the Juggalos (Thornville, Ohio) [thru 8.18]
Little League World Series (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.25]
Lyon County Fair (Marshall, Minnesota) [thru 8.18]
Middletown Grange Fair (Wrightstown, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.18]
Red Valley Festival (Olbia, Italy) [thru 8.17]
Sweet Corn Festival (Sun Prairie, Wisconsin) [thru 8.18]
Telluride Mushroom Festival (Telluride, Colorado) [thru 8.18]
Washington County Fair (Richmond, Rhode Island) [thru 8.18]
Feast Days
Alice Adams (Writerism)
Anniversary of Snick-Snacker’s Derek Foot (Shamanism)
Arnold of Soissons (Christian; Saint) [brewers, hop-pickers]
Assumption Eve (France, Holy See)
Assumption Vigil (Vatican City)
Athanasia (Christian; Saint & Matron)
Buck Dharma Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Burryman Day (Scotland; Everyday Wicca)
Carle Vernet (Artology)
Claude Joseph Vernet (Artology)
Day of Peace Between Horus and Set (Ancient Egypt)
Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia (Christian; Saint)
Eachanan (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Torches, Day 2 (In Honor of Diana; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Gary Larson (Artology)
Jacques Coeur (Positivist; Saint)
John Galsworthy (Writerism)
Jonathan Myrick Daniels (Episcopal Church)
Marcellus of Apamea (Christian; Martyr)
Maximilian Kolbe (Christian; Saint)
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (Artology)
Pieter Coecke van Aelst (Artology)
Ready Eddie (Muppetism)
René Goscinny (Artology)
Rice and Millet Day (Pagan)
Think About Infinity Day (Pastafarian)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [45 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 37 of 60)
Alice in Wonderland Ride, at Disneyland (Theme Park Attraction; 1958)
Baby Butch (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
The Book of Psalms, published by Faust (Book; 1457)
Born To Do It, by Craig David (Album; 2000)
Busman’s Holiday (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1961)
Caligula (Adult Film; 1979)
Can’t Buy Me Love (Film; 1987)
Can’t Stand Losing You, by the Police (Song; 1978)
District 9 (Film; 2009)
Dora the Explorer (Animated TV Series; 2000)
The Commitments (Film; 1991)
Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry (Anime Film; 2017)
Hang On Sloopy, by The McCoys (Song; 1965)
High School Musical 2 (Soundtrack Album; 2007)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (Film; 1998)
The Kill Order, by James Dashner (Novel; 2012) [Maze Runner #4]
Lemonade, by Internet Money (Song; 2020)
Les Miserables (Film; 1952)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Film; 2015)
Ma Perkins (Radio Series; 1933)
¡Mucha Lucha! (Animated TV Series; 2002)
No Way Out (Film; 1987)
One Ham’s Family (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Ponyo (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2009)
A Private Affair (Film; 1959)
The Quiet Man (Film; 1952)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film; 1975)
The Saint Intervenes (a.k.a. Boodle), by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1934) [Saint #14]
Saturday the 14th (Film; 1981)
Slums of Beverly Hills (Film; 1998)
So It Goes, by Nick Lowe (Song; 1976)
The Spirit Room, by Michelle Branch (Album; 2001)
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run (Animated Film; 2020)
Stop! Look! And Hasten! (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Straight Outta Compton (Film; 2015)
Student of Prague (BBC TV Film; 1938) [1st BBC Feature Film]
Tangled Television (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1940)
Ted Lasso (TV Series; 2020)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (Film; 2009)
Il Turco in Italia (Turk in Italy), by Gioachino Rossini (Opera; 1814)
The Way of the Dragon (Film; 1972)
Who’s Next, by The Who (Album; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Maximilian (Austria)
Alfred, Euzebije, Maksimilijan (Croatia)
Alan (Czech Republic)
Eusebius (Denmark)
Gisella, Svea (Estonia)
Kanerva, Onerva (Finland)
Évrard (France)
Maximilian, Meinhard (Germany)
Marcell (Hungary)
Alfredo (Italy)
Virma, Zelma, Zemgus (Latvia)
Euzebijus, Grintautas, Guostė (Lithuania)
Hallgeir, Hallgjerd (Norway)
Alfred, Atanazja, Dobrowój, Euzebiusz, Kalikst, Kaliksta, Machabeusz (Poland)
Mojmír (Slovakia)
Maximiliano (Spain)
Uno (Sweden)
Anahi, Athena, Tamara, Tamia, Tammie, Tammy, Tara, Taryn, Terra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 227 of 2024; 139 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 33 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 11 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 10 Av 5784
Islamic: 8 Safar 1446
J Cal: 17 Purple; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 1 August 2024
Moon: 70%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 2 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jacques Coeur]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 56 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 24 of 31)
Calendar Changes
August (a.k.a. Sextilis or Augustus; Julian Calendar) [Month 8 of 12]
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myranker01 · 16 days
tree service richmond Virginia
Alien Tree Service is known for its excellent customer service. They listen carefully to the needs of their clients, offering personalized solutions for every job. Whether you need tree removal for safety reasons or pruning to enhance the aesthetics of your property, their team is dedicated to delivering results that exceed your expectations.
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contractexo · 1 month
Commercial landscaping Exocontracet.com
Enhance your commercial landscaping in Vancouver with Exocontract.com! Obtain bin rentals, snow removal, landfill trucking, and other services in Burnaby, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and Richmond. Book your service today!
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abovaalltreecare · 1 month
Benefits of Systematic Tree Assessment by a Qualified Tree Surgeon
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Trees are vital components of our ecosystem, offering numerous benefits such as enhancing air quality, providing shade, and supporting wildlife. However, to maintain their health and safety, regular assessments by qualified tree surgeons are essential. Systematic tree assessment involves a thorough examination of trees to identify potential risks, diagnose diseases, and determine necessary interventions. Here are the key benefits of having your trees systematically assessed by qualified tree professionals.
1. Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment
A qualified professional has the expertise to accurately diagnose tree health issues such as diseases, pest infestations, and nutrient deficiencies. By conducting a systematic assessment, they can identify specific problems and recommend targeted treatments. This precision ensures that trees receive the appropriate care, leading to more effective and efficient solutions compared to generic treatments.
2. Enhanced Safety for People and Property
Trees with structural weaknesses or dead branches pose significant safety hazards, especially during storms or high winds. Regular assessments by a tree surgeon in Surbiton can identify and mitigate these risks. By pruning or removing dangerous branches and reinforcing weak structures, they can prevent accidents and damage to property, enhancing overall safety for residents and visitors.
3. Optimised Tree Growth and Development
Systematic assessments help in understanding the growth patterns and needs of individual trees. A professional surgeon can provide customised care plans that include proper pruning techniques, fertilisation schedules, and watering regimes. This tailored approach promotes healthy growth, allowing trees to develop strong structures and thrive in their specific environment.
4. Increased Longevity of Trees
Trees that are regularly assessed and properly maintained tend to live longer. By addressing health issues and structural problems early on, these factors can extend the lifespan of trees. This not only preserves the aesthetic and environmental benefits trees provide but also maximises the return on investment in tree planting and maintenance efforts.
5. Prevention of Invasive Species
Invasive pests and plants can cause significant harm to trees and the surrounding ecosystem. Tree surgeons in Twickenham are trained to identify and manage invasive species during their assessments. By implementing preventative measures and control strategies, they can protect trees from infestations that could otherwise lead to severe damage or even the death of affected trees.
6. Support for Urban Forestry
Urban environments present unique challenges for tree health, including limited space, soil compaction, and pollution. Systematic assessments are crucial for urban forestry management. They can recommend practices to mitigate these challenges, such as selecting appropriate tree species, improving soil conditions, and implementing urban-friendly pruning techniques. This supports the overall health and sustainability of urban green spaces.
7. Compliance with Insurance and Legal Requirements
Many insurance policies and local regulations require regular tree maintenance to prevent potential liabilities. A qualified tree surgeon in Richmond can help ensure compliance with these requirements through systematic assessments and documentation of tree health and maintenance activities. This can prevent legal issues and help in obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage. Conclusion
Systematic tree assessment by a qualified can offers numerous benefits, from accurate diagnosis and treatment to enhanced safety and optimised growth. By investing in regular assessments with a primary service provider like Above All Tree Care, you can ensure the health and longevity of your trees, support biodiversity, and enhance the aesthetic and property value of your landscape. Moreover, compliance with legal and insurance requirements can prevent potential liabilities.
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 8.14
Air Force Day (Taiwan)
Até Asteroid Day
Balochistan Solidarity Day
Black Day (Parts of Pakistan)
Color Book Day
Commemoration of Wadi al-Dahab (Morocco)
Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland (Abkhazia)
814 Day
Energy Industry Employee’s Day (Poland)
Engineer’s Day (Dominican Republic)
Falklands Discovery Day (UK)
Faradda di li candareri (Descent of the Candlesticks; Sardinia)
Feast of the Tiger (Elder Scrolls)
Green Day (South Korea)
Husbands in Love Day
International Memorial Day for Comfort Women
International Nagging Day
Kaj Munk (Lutheranism)
Language Day (Orania)
La Torta dei Fieschi (Italy)
Liberty Tree Day (Massachusetts)
Love Donegal Day (UK)
Love Your Bookshop Day
Military Marriage Day
National Financial Awareness Day
National Mortgage E-Close Day
National Navajo Code Talkers Day
National Slap Someone in the Back of the Head Day (Garfield)
National Spirit of ’45 Day
National Tattoo Removal Day
National Women’s Empowerment Day
Navajo Code Talkers Day
Oued Ed-Dahab Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day (India)
Pramuka Day (Scouting Day; Indonesia)
Rapeseed Day (French Republic)
Romance Awareness Day
St. Arnold of Soissons' Day (patron saint of brewers and hop-pickers)
Social Security Day
Sports Day (Russia)
Tristan da Cunha (Saint Helena)
V-J Day
Wiffle Ball Day
World Calligraphy Day
World Lizard Day
World Prediabetes Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Altbier Day
Chock Full O’ Nuts Day
International Rosé Wine Day
National Creamsicle Day
Independence & Related Days
Anniversary Day (Tristan da Cunha; Saint Helena)
Anniversary of the Return to Power (Afghanistan)
Larsonia (a.k.a. Kingdom of Larsonia; Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Pakistan (from UK, 1947)
2nd Wednesday in August
Crayfish Premiere (Sweden) [2nd Wednesday]
Hump Day [Every Wednesday]
National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World Calligraphy Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 14 (2nd Full Week of August)
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Weeks (thru 9.2)
Festivals Beginning August 14, 2024
Arkansas Valley Fair (Rocky Ford, Colorado) [thru 8.17]
Delcambre Shrimp Festival (Delcambre, Louisiana) [thru 8.18]
EAST (Suhl, Germany) [thru 8.18]
Gathering of the Juggalos (Thornville, Ohio) [thru 8.18]
Little League World Series (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.25]
Lyon County Fair (Marshall, Minnesota) [thru 8.18]
Middletown Grange Fair (Wrightstown, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.18]
Red Valley Festival (Olbia, Italy) [thru 8.17]
Sweet Corn Festival (Sun Prairie, Wisconsin) [thru 8.18]
Telluride Mushroom Festival (Telluride, Colorado) [thru 8.18]
Washington County Fair (Richmond, Rhode Island) [thru 8.18]
Feast Days
Alice Adams (Writerism)
Anniversary of Snick-Snacker’s Derek Foot (Shamanism)
Arnold of Soissons (Christian; Saint) [brewers, hop-pickers]
Assumption Eve (France, Holy See)
Assumption Vigil (Vatican City)
Athanasia (Christian; Saint & Matron)
Buck Dharma Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Burryman Day (Scotland; Everyday Wicca)
Carle Vernet (Artology)
Claude Joseph Vernet (Artology)
Day of Peace Between Horus and Set (Ancient Egypt)
Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia (Christian; Saint)
Eachanan (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Torches, Day 2 (In Honor of Diana; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Gary Larson (Artology)
Jacques Coeur (Positivist; Saint)
John Galsworthy (Writerism)
Jonathan Myrick Daniels (Episcopal Church)
Marcellus of Apamea (Christian; Martyr)
Maximilian Kolbe (Christian; Saint)
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (Artology)
Pieter Coecke van Aelst (Artology)
Ready Eddie (Muppetism)
René Goscinny (Artology)
Rice and Millet Day (Pagan)
Think About Infinity Day (Pastafarian)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [45 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 37 of 60)
Alice in Wonderland Ride, at Disneyland (Theme Park Attraction; 1958)
Baby Butch (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
The Book of Psalms, published by Faust (Book; 1457)
Born To Do It, by Craig David (Album; 2000)
Busman’s Holiday (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1961)
Caligula (Adult Film; 1979)
Can’t Buy Me Love (Film; 1987)
Can’t Stand Losing You, by the Police (Song; 1978)
District 9 (Film; 2009)
Dora the Explorer (Animated TV Series; 2000)
The Commitments (Film; 1991)
Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry (Anime Film; 2017)
Hang On Sloopy, by The McCoys (Song; 1965)
High School Musical 2 (Soundtrack Album; 2007)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (Film; 1998)
The Kill Order, by James Dashner (Novel; 2012) [Maze Runner #4]
Lemonade, by Internet Money (Song; 2020)
Les Miserables (Film; 1952)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Film; 2015)
Ma Perkins (Radio Series; 1933)
¡Mucha Lucha! (Animated TV Series; 2002)
No Way Out (Film; 1987)
One Ham’s Family (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Ponyo (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2009)
A Private Affair (Film; 1959)
The Quiet Man (Film; 1952)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film; 1975)
The Saint Intervenes (a.k.a. Boodle), by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1934) [Saint #14]
Saturday the 14th (Film; 1981)
Slums of Beverly Hills (Film; 1998)
So It Goes, by Nick Lowe (Song; 1976)
The Spirit Room, by Michelle Branch (Album; 2001)
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run (Animated Film; 2020)
Stop! Look! And Hasten! (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Straight Outta Compton (Film; 2015)
Student of Prague (BBC TV Film; 1938) [1st BBC Feature Film]
Tangled Television (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1940)
Ted Lasso (TV Series; 2020)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (Film; 2009)
Il Turco in Italia (Turk in Italy), by Gioachino Rossini (Opera; 1814)
The Way of the Dragon (Film; 1972)
Who’s Next, by The Who (Album; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Maximilian (Austria)
Alfred, Euzebije, Maksimilijan (Croatia)
Alan (Czech Republic)
Eusebius (Denmark)
Gisella, Svea (Estonia)
Kanerva, Onerva (Finland)
Évrard (France)
Maximilian, Meinhard (Germany)
Marcell (Hungary)
Alfredo (Italy)
Virma, Zelma, Zemgus (Latvia)
Euzebijus, Grintautas, Guostė (Lithuania)
Hallgeir, Hallgjerd (Norway)
Alfred, Atanazja, Dobrowój, Euzebiusz, Kalikst, Kaliksta, Machabeusz (Poland)
Mojmír (Slovakia)
Maximiliano (Spain)
Uno (Sweden)
Anahi, Athena, Tamara, Tamia, Tammie, Tammy, Tara, Taryn, Terra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 227 of 2024; 139 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 33 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 11 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 10 Av 5784
Islamic: 8 Safar 1446
J Cal: 17 Purple; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 1 August 2024
Moon: 70%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 2 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jacques Coeur]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 56 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 24 of 31)
Calendar Changes
August (a.k.a. Sextilis or Augustus; Julian Calendar) [Month 8 of 12]
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lundtreeservice · 3 months
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count-a-w-k · 2 months
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I had been talking to my mother for a few minutes when this random stranger approached me. I told my mother I’d call her back and ended the call. The stranger, a teenager, asked for my assistance as there was a man lying on the ground next to one of the park benches by the down ramp. So, I got up and went with him. The man on the floor was unconscious and the teenager was worried, as was his girlfriend (I think it was his girlfriend?) Anyway, the teenager, whose name was Aiden, was checked the man’s pulse while I dialled 999. We got through and I explained a little and passed my phone to Aiden who gave more information. The Emergency operator told us to remove his backpack and roll him flat on his back. As we did so, to our surprise he sat up right, then got to his feet. He was staggering, so we realised he was just drunk. Well, it was a warm day, and a lot of people were out enjoying themselves into the night. He staggered about, telling us to fuck off. We ended the call to the emergency services and Aiden suggested we get the guy to sit down on a park bench, which we managed to do. While Aiden made sure the guy was okay, I made conversation with his friend, whose name was Eloise. It was interesting listening to her point of view on life and also telling her about mine. In my eyes she will go on to do a lot of nice things for her future.
After a while I apologised, saying I couldn’t stay for a longer time as I needed to get back on the road. I bid them farewell and, hoping that the drunk man got home safely, made my way back up the ramp. Looking at the bridge before me, I said to myself ‘Alex it’s off into the unknown’ and, knowing I’d crossed my chosen PONR (Point of no return.), set off, I went ringing my bell to warn pedestrians I was coming.
Over the bridge I came to a junction and turned left, onto the Richmond road, towards Twickenham, about a 5 minute run. When I entered Twickenham High Street, I stopped and asked these Cocktail Bar staff members if I was going in the right direction for the River Crane, to which they replied ‘yes’ and gave more information. So, I carried on, passing Twickenham Green and then on for a couple of minutes until I turned right into a residential street, making my way towards a path by the river Crane. As I left the road and started on the path, I came to a point where the area ahead was dark. No light shined through the trees, and I couldn’t see the path before me. I took a photo and posted on Twitter with my comment ‘I wonder what’s lurking for me in there?’
I set off again, taking it slowly, with my front light focusing on the path, I made a little video for Twitter with my bike-mounted phone and then passed under a road bridge, laughing to myself “I hope there are no trolls waiting for me there!”. The route next to this river was long and very dark. Was I scared? No, I was just having a laugh, while thinking I felt like I was in a movie waiting for a serial killer to jump out the trees and murder me.
I rode cautiously along the darkened path until I made it to the Hounslow road, which I followed for a few hundred yards before turning right and onto rough path, through Leitrim Park in Feltham. Back on the main road I passed over Feltham train station pedestrian bridge then reached yet another path along the Longford River. Stopping for a brief moment, I noticed a faint glow on the horizon to my right - the dawn was already breaking for a new day.
Finally reaching the Staines road I immediately headed south-west. The straight road felt long and boring, as if there was no end to it, so when I saw a McDonalds by the road I decided to have a stop for twenty minutes. I needed a drink, so I bought a small cola and had a break, checking Twitter and smoking a cigarette. I dared not sit down, because I needed to keep the blood flowing through my legs, so I paced up and down. I also checked my location on my phone and noticed I was two miles from Staines bridge. I soon realised I would be climbing the hills shortly, as this was going to be the beginning of the fun part.
After a short while, I cycled through Staines High Street, noticing the quietness. A thought was running through my brain, ‘lucky I’m here at this time, as it maybe extremely busy later.’ Getting to the bridge I decided to record another video as I got off the bike and walked over. The water under the bridge was calm and the thought ran through my mind that this was the last time I would cross the Thames this journey. And, once I’d passed under the M25, I would be out of the London area altogether, and on towards Camberley. However, it was the challenge between the next towns of Egham and Camberley that would push me to the limit as I hadn’t travelled on that road in over twenty years.
After going through Egham High Street, I reached Egham Hill. Two possibilities were going through my mind, either quit now or go for broke. So, I decided to put myself to the test. For the first 352 yards, I cycled in a lower gear. I struggled for a bit until I said, ‘walk up part of the way until it flattens out.’ So, I did. Once I passed under a foot bridge I got back on my bike and kept on pedalling. The A30 is a strange road, hill climbs and descents. It was like being on a roller coaster at a fair ground! There was so little traffic I had the road all to myself.
I had to stop at one point to take a drink out of my bag, and realised that it was now full daylight. Swapping my glasses for tinted riding ones, I set off again. Passing through the level crossing at Sunningdale, I realised that I was in for another bloody climb. So I decided to walk a little. This went on for a while, alternating between walking and riding, until I reached a BP petrol station. I asked a couple who had just got out of their car if I was going in the right direction for Camberley, but they were not from the area. The staff, however, told me I was on the right road and to keep going as it was not far.
So I got back on the bike and carried on until I reached yet another hill, about to enter Camberley. I had arranged to meet a friend who lived in the area, at a local MacDonalds, but realised he wouldn’t be there for another hour. So I ordered my breakfast via the MacDonalds app and flopped down in a seat, dropping my bag on the seat- between me and the window. Because the drive-through was busy, it was almost twenty minutes before my food arrived, and I was drifting in and out of sleep as I waited. In my mind, I knew that after this rest the real challenge would begin. Portsmouth – or bust!
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richmondwaste · 3 months
The Need for Waste Disposal Services Concerning Construction Waste Management
The waste produced by Australian households, councils, industries, and construction sites is harmful to the environment in a variety of ways. Services related to construction waste management have become an absolute requirement in today’s society as a means of mitigating the negative effects of pollution caused by waste disposal. Services such as recycling and processing, as well as waste disposal and transportation, all positively contribute to environmental protection.
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Tracing the need for construction waste management services
As soon as waste leaves houses, industries, or any other construction site, the operations performed to transport, dispose of, process, and recycle the rubbish are considered to be part of waste disposal services. After separation, recyclable waste is sent to recycling units, while the rest of the garbage is either disposed of in landfills, burned, or safely compacted. Households, factories, and other business areas can all benefit from waste disposal services, which help maintain a clean and pollution-free environment. The organisation cannot effectively handle the garbage it generates on a regular basis on its own, so it contracts with waste disposal services for assistance.
What exactly falls under the purview of construction waste management?
Reputable waste management companies, such as Richmond Waste, offer waste disposal services. These services ensure that all waste is removed from urban areas by using the appropriate methods and exerting the necessary effort. Following that, the garbage is separated into biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste, and recyclable waste components are taken to recycling units.
Why are services for the disposal of waste even necessary?
Families and other organisations do not have access to the tools and strategies that waste management firms, which provide waste disposal services, have to manage and recycle garbage. These businesses use current and popular tools and strategies. Furthermore, managing a large volume of garbage necessitates the involvement of a group of trained experts who are better equipped to handle the situation.
Construction waste is any unwanted rubbish material or substance that is generated as a result of carrying out building operations. Excavation, site clearance, demolition, repair, and refurbishing are all activities that can result in its production. Every year, Australia creates approximately 27 million tonnes of garbage from construction sites, which accounts for 44% of the country’s total waste output. Some construction waste materials can be recycled, but to protect the environment from the dangers posed by others, they must be disposed of safely.
What are the many categories of garbage generated by building projects?
The following is a list of the many categories that can be applied to waste products from construction projects:
Degrading Materials
During construction activities, degrading materials are removed from the site. These materials mostly consist of rocks, mud, tree stumps, and rocks.
Materials Containing Asbestos and Insulation
Asbestos minerals are used in materials that provide heat and corrosion resistance in construction projects. This list includes a wide range of materials, such as floor backing, gaskets, resilient floor tile, asphalt roofing, pipe insulation, sprayed-on fireproofing, ceiling and wall insulation, and boiler coatings. If these materials are not managed properly, they have the potential to cause significant environmental damage.
Materials such as Concrete, Brick, and Tile
The following item on the list of construction waste products is the most common waste materials, the majority of which are not harmful to human health. They are disposed of in landfills and are occasionally recycled once there. Concrete bricks, on the other hand, require caution due to the presence of potentially hazardous elements within them.
Various types of wood, plastic, and glass
Without these materials, a construction project cannot be completed effectively, and the remaining component must also be treated properly. There are numerous methods for recycling and reusing them. Chip wood, plywood, lumber, shavings, and sawdust are all examples of wood waste used in construction. Plastic waste can include plumbing pipes and plastic sheets, among other things. The term “glass waste” refers to debris from broken glass surfaces such as shelves and windows.
Waste Composed of Metals Waste composed of metals includes bronze, brass, iron, steel, copper, and tin. These metals are employed in the building industry.
Cement, paint, and adhesives: The surplus of cement that is left over after construction activity must be properly treated as a hazardous waste material. Cans of paint, varnish removers, and other organic solvents all need to be disposed of cautiously as well.
Construction waste management with Richmond Waste
Richmond Waste is a local Waste Management services expert in Lismore, Ballina, Byron, Kyogle, and Richmond Valley council areas. With more than seven decades of experience, the company offers flexible services and understands local authority requirements.
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A Comprehensive Approach to Pest Control in Richmond Hill
Nestled within the Greater Toronto Area, Richmond Hill boasts a rich tapestry of suburban landscapes, lush parks, and thriving communities. However, amidst its beauty lies the persistent challenge of pest infestations, which can disrupt the tranquility of homes and businesses. In this article, we explore effective pest control measures tailored to Richmond Hill's unique environment, empowering residents and businesses to combat pests and preserve the serenity of their surroundings.
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Identifying Common Pests
Richmond Hill, like many suburban areas, is home to a variety of pests that can cause nuisance and damage. Understanding the common pests prevalent in the region is crucial for implementing targeted pest control strategies. Some of the most frequently encountered pests in Richmond Hill include:
Ants: These industrious insects can infiltrate homes and businesses in search of food and shelter, with species like carpenter ants posing a threat to wooden structures.
Mice and Rats: Rodents are notorious for gnawing through materials, contaminating food, and spreading diseases, making them a common concern for residents and businesses alike.
Cockroaches: Cockroach infestations can escalate rapidly, posing health risks and triggering allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Wasps and Bees: Nests built by wasps and bees around buildings can pose a threat to residents and visitors, especially those allergic to stings.
Bed Bugs: These nocturnal pests can hitchhike into homes and hotels via luggage and clothing, causing discomfort and distress to occupants.
Effective Pest Control Measures
Implementing proactive pest control measures is essential for mitigating infestations and preventing recurrence. Here are some tailored strategies for effective pest control in Richmond Hill:
Seal Entry Points: Conduct a thorough inspection of buildings to identify and seal cracks, gaps, and openings that pests could exploit to gain entry. Use caulk, weather stripping, or other appropriate materials to seal entry points and prevent infiltration.
Maintain Cleanliness: Keep indoor and outdoor spaces clean and free of clutter, as pests are attracted to food residue and organic matter. Regularly clean floors, counters, and storage areas, and promptly dispose of garbage in sealed bins.
Remove Food Sources: Store food items in airtight containers and promptly clean up spills and crumbs to deprive pests of a food source. Avoid leaving pet food out overnight and clean pet feeding areas regularly.
Trim Vegetation: Keep trees, shrubs, and bushes trimmed away from buildings to eliminate hiding places for pests and prevent them from gaining access via branches or foliage.
Proper Waste Management: Ensure proper waste disposal by securely sealing garbage bags and storing bins away from buildings. Regularly clean garbage and recycling bins to deter pests attracted to food residues.
Professional Pest Control Services: In cases of severe infestations or persistent pest problems, enlist the services of a licensed pest control professional. They can conduct thorough inspections, implement targeted treatments, and provide ongoing monitoring to ensure effective pest management.
Regulatory Compliance
When implementing pest control measures in Richmond Hill, it's essential to adhere to local regulations and guidelines governing pesticide use and pest management practices. Working with a licensed pest control in Richmond Hill provider ensures compliance with applicable laws and minimizes risks to human health and the environment.
Effective pest control is integral to maintaining a healthy and harmonious living environment in Richmond Hill. By identifying common pests, implementing preventive measures, and seeking professional assistance when needed, residents and businesses can effectively manage pest problems and preserve the beauty and serenity of their surroundings. Through collective efforts and responsible pest control practices, Richmond Hill can continue to thrive as a vibrant and pest-free community for all its inhabitants to enjoy.
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alextreeservicensw · 6 months
Regular tree removal North Richmond service is essential for maintaining the health, safety, and appearance of trees. Hiring a professional like Alex Tree and Garden Services ensures that tree service you get is done correctly, with consideration for the tree's specific needs and long-term health.
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