#Treasure tarot
ravenbloodshot · 4 months
My assumption is Asahi from treasure isn't as shy as he acts on camera
You may be surprised to know that he's quite a mature, reasonable person off camera than he his on (he may act more reserved/shy on camera and that's not exactly an act bc he actually is reserved/shy but off camera he has more of a voice). He can act as the level headed Judge, juror, and executioner in Treasure when there's fights/disputes and likely is the go to member for advice.
I really like his energy. He can confront ppl when he knows their doing bad things, and idk if he's a singer in treasure, but he's the type to be singing all day nonstop. You guys know when your absent-mindedly doing things like cleaning your house and your singing a random tune. That's basically how he is.
I'm also seeing he's a lover of women and is quite romantic himself (may be the type to write love letters to a crush or place flowers at random places for his lover to find). Very cute guy with a good balance of maturity and assertiveness.
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skylinesnsunshines · 7 months
treasure reading: haruto ideal type + as a boyfriend
hi everyone <3 long time no chat, im actually back and happy new year! :'). i apologise for not being consistent and absent this last year, my life has made a 360 and i had a lot going on which caused me to stop focusing on tarot. however, i've been slowly getting into it and i feel like i now have a better grasp on my life so i am now doing readings again. i'll be pickier on who i do readings for but still feel free to send your requests. hope you enjoy! <3
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: ethereal visions tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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6 of swords, queen of wands, 6 of cups rx, ace of swords rx | phoenix | house nine: spiritual growth | servant
honestly, interpreting these cards made me laugh so hard because I feel like I don't even need to go fully in-depth for you all to know what his ideal type is like. 6 of swords tells me that haruto looks for someone who doesn't necessarily show interest in him initially. as an aries, i can envision him really loving the chase and that even in a relationship, he still feels like he continuously chase his partner. the archetype that i feel he falls for is the attractive, independent, go-getter that doesn't settle for less. queen of wands describes someone who is physically attractive and is fiery, someone who isn't afraid to stand out or express their opinions. i think haruto wants someone who is as if not more outspoken than he is. 6 of cups rx tells me that he wants someone more mature than him, wether that would be in age or in mindset. subconsciously, i feel haruto likes someone a bit random, or scattered mentally. i think he finds it endearing that his person has many ideas and wants to explore it with him.
the phoenix tells me that haruto wants someone who can always reinvent themselves after hardships and can turn the negatives into positives. house nine is known as Sagittarius, a fire sign that trines haruto's Aries sun. haruto could look for someone who he has a spiritual connection with, or someone who is well-travelled and is constantly on the pursuit of knowledge. i think haruto could possibly want someone religious, as the servant details someone who lives to serve others which could also include a higher being. with the Sagittarius + servant card, haruto could want someone who shares the same faith or belief systems as him. i feel like this card also indicates a person who serves others, but is happy with not taking the spotlight as they are doing it out of the goodness of their own heart not for recognition.
king of cups, king of swords, the world, temperance rx | cobra | capricorn: ambition, realism and methodical steps | artist
i can definitely see that haruto will take on the provider role with the two king cards coming out. i feel that haruto is very much into traditional relationship roles. king of cups + swords tells me that haruto acts as an emotional rock and focuses on communication with his s/o. in a relationship, haruto seems to be mature and understands the importance of emotional fulfilment as well as being able to communicate and discuss many different topics. he could also be someone who starts random conversations or debates cause he loves hearing and exchanging ideas with his significant other. the world card is interesting to see, because i feel like this represents haruto as a well-balanced boyfriend, could even indicate some sort of husband material as this card is the end of the major arcana. the temperance card in reverse does tell me that haruto has a tendency to have an all or nothing mindset. so once he loves his person, it's gonna be very hard for him to move on, and that applies for so many other things as well such as jealousy, giving gifts, spending time, etc.
the cobra represents a teacher or a spiritual guardian, so again as i reiterated i feel haruto wants someone who he has a spiritual connection with. haruto could be said as someone who is ever-present and ever-loving, just like the cobra. the Capricorn reminds me again of the traditional gender roles, but it also tells me that haruto values tradition and that when he is with a partner, he loves focusing on building tangible things that helps him and his partner grow in the relationship. haruto could be a grounding figure for his partner, as he also loves to continuously work towards something when in the relationship. the artist tells me that haruto aims to express a dimension of life that is just beyond the five senses, and that he loves to inspire his partner to see life symbolically. haruto could also be the type to use music to express his feelings, so I feel like this boy would use music and lyrics to detail how he really feels towards his person.
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astroyongie · 7 months
Treasure February Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
Love: he is in a type of relationship however it doesnt feel like it is something official. From what I can see, Hyunsuk is seeing one of his close friends regularly but they aren’t into something serious 
Career: he is just so frustrated, and I believe that he isnt enjoying being an idol so much at the moment, mostly due to some of the companies decisions for him and for the group overall. Hyunsuk also is fed up with delays when it comes to his projects 
Self: he is doing better than what he had been doing a few months earlier. I suppose that he is working on himself a lot so he doesnt dwell on misery and also being around people he likes helps a lot 
Love: this is complicated, because I have a feeling Jihoon is seeing someone but that person might be gaslighting him and he probably havent clicked on it yet. He is single tho, but he really likes this one person who wont be giving him much in return 
Career: he is pushing forward, he is being impassable and going for what he wants. Jihoon isnt scared of asking the company what he wants and his energy is also something YG appreciates so they tend to give him what he requests when it comes to his career. He pretty much had things how he wants it 
Self: he is doing fine, if I may say, he doesnt have a single fuck to give to anyone in the world, he doesnt care about anything but himself at the moment and thus prioritizes only himself through the process
Love: his situation is a little bit similar to Jihoon, he too is seeing someone that he truly likes but that person isnt giving him green lights for something serious and is keeping it casual “for the sake of the careers”. He is accepting it. 
Career: I do have a feeling that he doesnt like being an idol, or at the very least he just doesnt like how Treasure are going artistically speaking which annoys him a little, but at the same Time he doesnt complain about it because he knows saying anything will only bring him problems 
Self: mentally its rough, I think Yoshi is still battling a lot of emotional and mental issues and grieving that he has yet to heal and overcome 
Love: at the moment I dont think he is seeing anyone nor interested in anyone mostly because he is scared to get into a relationship and be toyed again or be hurt so he prefers to keep himself away from people who could potentially be a threat for his heart 
Career: he has been procrastinating a lot, not doing much doing trainings, not taking things as seriously as he used to mostly because he doesnt see the point in doing so. Junkyu thinks the group lacks in progress and that it isnt worth to push too hard 
Self: both physically and mentally it is complicated. He is a men that gets easily trapped in certain patterns of thoughts which impacts his energy negatively. Physically his body also feels a little weaker than usual. He needs to be careful with falls 
Love: boy is single and heartbroken from the previous relationship he had. He is still not over it and I believe this is something rather recent and that he has been trying to hold it in for long but its starting to be too much for him 
Career: Jaehyuk has a very powerful sponsor behind him and due to that he is living rather comfortably with his life and the projects for him are already set so he doesnt worry much about things his other members do 
Self: he has been holding his head high, he has been trying to assert a certain dominance over his group as well because he wants to be seen as someone capable, as someone reliable, as someone capable of leading 
Love: he is single, as his last relationship didn’t work much due to Asahi being too focused on his career and having very little time for his relationship. And at the moment this continues. 
Career: I feel like he hasn’t been very close to his members lately, he hasn’t been in contact with them whenever they are on private schedules or in solo times and he usually retrieves whenever he doesnt have schedules out of necessity of this mental health 
Self: despite all, Asahi is someone hot tempered and very strong mentally and he knows how to deal with things to make his life easier and smoother. He is doing rather okay at the moment 
Love: this man is in a relationship but not out of love but out of interest. The person he is seeing have a stable financial background and Haruto is using that for himself as he needs to be secure and while still being in control of things 
Career: listen, honestly this man seems happy with his career and with his job, he would change much and what people say about him doesnt seem to be affecting him as much as he might often let on. Haruto is a thick head and he knows to play out things 
Self: he needs to be careful, I feel that often Haruto gets stuck in old pattern which could make him do through a very dark path. He needs to be careful In the situations he puts himself in, so there wont be anything bad attached to his name 
Love: Doyoung is in a relationship but things aren’t going very well. I see that Doyoung is extremely jealous of his partner and because of this, there’s often arguments, but also he gets just extremely moody and sets unrealistic goals for his partner which again, leads into conflict 
Career: he isnt very happy with how things are going on inside the industry, but it doesnt feel like he mind it either. Almost like he is used to it and he now just doesnt care. He will do this job when needed
Self: Doyoung is okay, both physicaly and mentally he is doing strong, being sociable yet independent and molding things, shaping things the way he wants them to be in his life 
Love: Jeongwoo is also still in a relationship (I believe it must be the saem as the last time). This person is older than him it is someone that supports him financially as well. Honestly, despite that which could be an initial red flag, the relationship seem to be something long term success 
Career: he needs to be extra cautious with things. I have a feeling that Jeongwoo can rub people the wrong way but the things complicate when he rubs people he shouldn’t in the wrong way. This could have impact on his career 
Self: honestly he is doing well, he has the money provided by the company but also his family and his partner. He is living a very luxurious life and kind of being generous to the people around him since he likes to show his wealth to others 
Love: this man is also in a relationship at the moment, something that came out as an opportunity after he and his partner have been talking for a while. It feels still new, so they havent been dating for long 
Career: he is so bored with whatever YG is pulling on them. He doesnt like the concept, he doesnt like the music and he doesnt like anything about the group at the moment. If YG keeps this up, Junghwan might become like some of his members and detach himself from enjoying performing 
Self: he had been through some rough phases, both mentally and physically . I do feel like he had been battling some type of diseases ? (Dont know if that makes sense) due to a very bad karma, but things are slowly getting bette r
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risathefairyofshampoo · 2 months
Treasure tea?
Treasure Tea Time : July
1. Member
8oW, The Chariot, The Hierophant, Temperance R; 3oP R
This member might be working on a solo project/ release. Solo king. (What I also can say is that he might be working on a backup... He is kinda scared that the group won't be it anymore) 🤴
2. Member
3oP, QueenoW, 8oS R, 8oW, QueenoC R, The Artist; 9oW
They had/have a comeback, right? I see this member motivating the team and being a sunshine all the time. His energy is very comforting. But he might feel not that good himself. I see some anxiety and fears. 🌻
3. Member
7oC R, 8oS R, 3oC, Death R, 4oC R; The Moon R
Tbh I think X isn't that happy about the comeback. Like so far, the members don't seem to like it that much 🙁
4. Member
PageoS, 7oW R, 5oW, QueenoS R, 7oC R, QueenoW; The High Priestess
The members might not be enjoying their comeback, and X feels the same. He might be looking up his name on the Internet and sees hate comments. He isn't happy. 💬
5. Member
The Tower R, The Fool R, Strength, 8oP R, AoS; 3oP
X is kinda being delulu about the comeback, and about things getting better. He is very motivated and happily working with the members. 🌾
6. Member
6oS, 4oP R; 10oP
This member is seeing someone!! I can feel he is very happy ^^ But when it comes to his career he isn't happy. I see that he isn't really getting paid... His attitude towards his job and how things are going for treasure isn't that good. He got used to it but he isn't happy. I can feel that he just wants to wait for things to end 📉
7. Member
QueenoC, The Lovers R, 9oP, KingoS; The Empress
This member is singel but eh is crushing on someone! I kinda think he wants to tell them about his feelings, but something is weird... The person might be out of his reach or there is something else... The thing is I really see him wanting to pursue this person but there is a certain problem that makes him go like 'nah... It would work. I shouldn't get my hopes up' 💘
8. Member
The Emperor R, The Chariot R; 7oC
This member is busy thinking about his career. Literally, all members are worried about their career. Most, that's the feeling I'm getting, want to leave the group and go soli or do something else. Like youtube, insta, modelling, and like said, working as a solo artist. Anyway this member is really worried and he knows things aren't going well but he is trying to remain positive and a little delulu. 🌪
9. Member
The High Priestess, QueenoC R, 6oP, The Artist; 5oS R
I see this member being very worried about Treasures career. He wants to save everything... Idk if treasure take part in producing or something but liek I literally see him producing stuff... He might be learning how to do it, if he's not already producing something. I do think he wants to save not only the members but also himself. He wants to solce things out and actually be the saviour💡
10. Member
7oC R, QueenoP; 7oP
This member is single but!! There is some energy that I'm feeling. He has been going gon some dates... With the same person!!! So he is very happy. When it comes to his career he knows about the whole thing but tbh I feel like the company is favouring a lot and he has this 'I'm safe' feeling to himself. Like whatever happens he will be good 🔑
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 1 month
Treasure General Energy Check In (August)
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Overall Energy: 2 of Air-It seems they are indecisive of which path to take right now. Or they aren't sure which direction they are going in. I don't think they have much say in the direction, so there could be confusion on their part of where they are going right now, looks like there are different pathways, could be pertaining to their concept.
Hyunsuk (3 of Cups)-It seems he is enjoying the love and support from his close friend group right now. This card gives me some ritualistic vibes, so not sure he performs some sort of rituals. I mean it doesn't have to be dark or spiritual. It just seems the energy of others fuels him or allows him to be creative. This is a time of celebration for him.
Jihoon (Page of Pentacles)-Looks like he is working on something. He is trying to work out how to begin a project. Pages are amateurs, so he is just starting to try to master something right now. It seems he is highly focused on working on whatever he is working on.
Yoshi (The Magician rv)-It seems he isn't really able to utilize his skills at the moment or manifest what he would like. Reversed, could also mean manipulative energy, so he might want to be careful with that. But he may seem to struggle to master his skills right now. I feel it more that.
Junkyu (10 of Cups)-It seems he feels very loved and supported right by family and close loved ones. He feels complete right now. He is in a happy and comfortable place. He has all he needs from an emotional/spiritual perspective.
Jaehyuk (The Mother)- Similar to the empress in Tarot. He is tuned into his feminine energy right now. He is in a place of creative energy. This is a good time for him to work on something creative and maybe he is. He may also be very good at nurturing himself and others at the moment. I see him as the card shows, as pouring a lot of love and creativity out there.
Asahi (8 of Swords)-There are mental traps he is kind of putting himself through. He could limit himself or have self-defeating thoughts that keep him stuck. He is free to do what he wants, but he should let go of the blinders and remove the thoughts that keep him back. Yeah, easier said than done, but that is how it goes.
Doyoung (2 of Pentacles)-He is trying to balance the many responsibilities or priorities he has right now. There are many opportunities he is trying to balance right now. He might be juggling other things besides his idol life. There may be different goals he is trying to work on as well.
Haruto (3 of Wands)-He is looking ahead to all the things he wants to do. This energy is a bit passive and stagnant, so he might need to get a push to go where he needs to go. He might be waiting for things to come, but he might have to take action for it to happen. It may be a long journey ahead, but it will take longer if he doesn't push himself to try.
Jeongwoo (8 of Pentacles)-He is focused on work right now. Trying to get all he needs to do to get to the end goal. This is a card of diligence, focus and hard work. Not much else to say about this. I also see this as doing the work for others, but not particularly doing it for his enjoyment.
Junghwan (The Father)-Similar to the Emperor card. He is in control of his life right now, obviously not complete, because he is an idol. But the parts he can, he does have control. He stands in his power, and he is confident about what he can do. He is willing to take action when need be. He plans things out and strategizes how to make it happen. He is structured and has very good discipline. And is able to have emotional control over things. Good energy to have in this messy industry. I like it.
Bonus Reading: I wanted to add Yedam and Mashiho to this reading, because both were my faves in the group, and I wanted to check on them to.
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Yedam (9 of Pentacles)-This is a card of independent freedom. I feel he feels successful in his own right. He enjoys his independence and doing things he wants. He is proud to stand on his own. Going solo was right for him.
Mashiho (Queen of Swords)-He seems pretty clear on what he wants. He is smart, logical and diplomatic in his approach. But there is a cold and calculated energy here, like this woman is blocking the sun, like it is hard to warm him up, that's weird. I got see what his sign is. It is also a bit of a detached energy. He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve to easily, but he is observant, factual, and willing to listen to what others have to say but will cut you when you cross the line. I am kind of surprised by this energy, it is not bad, just surprised.
Anyway, overall, the energy of them seems good or normal, nothing crazy here.
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theninthdoor · 11 months
Hiiii can you do a reading for treasure and zerobaseone thank you
Treasure || eight of cups, queen of wands: Are they on a hiatus? (actually, that's a pretty dumb question since they are in YGE 🤡 their groups are always in some hiatus) Either way, I see them taking a step back from the spotlight for a little to change up their image and/or concept. Behind the scenes, they are studying the market and what's big right now, and might even be working with some professionals to figure out what's likely to be the next big trend in Kpop. I also feel that the members are being pushed to change their public images a little in order to appeal more to the general public - and specially the South Korean public. It's not something that are too bothered about, though, since they understand how the idol industry works.
Zerobaseone || ten of swords, three of swords: The members are absolutely exhausted… We have the Sun and the Star at the bottom of the deck, which is telling me that they have been working day & night these past few weeks, and that has completely drained them from all energy, excitement, happiness, even. I also believe there have been some rifts within the group because of the severe exhaustion they are feeling - they can barely stand to look at each other at this point; everything and everyone gets on their nerves. For some members, there might be some issues with them feeling homesick or having second thoughts about making a career out of this, but it's likely only a temporary thing. Once they get some real rest, it should pass.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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outsidereveries · 1 year
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— haruto (treasure)‘s issue and future career reading
>> twitter request <<
disclaimer: i have no knowledge of him and this issue. my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
knight of cups, king of pentacles, six of wands, three of pentacles, five of wands rx • the hanged man
i see that he doesn’t care. i am certain his focus is on him being in the group. although the last card being kinda out of place in comparison to the first four, i think he’s just avoiding the management’s talks about this whole issue. idk.
he’s not sorry for the words, he stated his opinion. and it looks like he was being honest at that time. at least i appreciate him for his honesty. however him not being considerate about his words is not okay, especially in this questionable world.
five of cups rx, the empress, six of pentacles, ten of pentacles rx, ten of wands • two of wands
i see what’s the issue here. although his career is quite okay, he has to take responsibility for his sayings, and i am sure he will. i can see him taking a choice - leaving by his will or being kicked out. i don’t see him taking a hiatus like yedam and mashiro before doing that desicion of theirs. i don’t see him staying because of the group’s career reading.
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hwnglx · 1 year
Is Haruto from treasure dating?
4ofw, 6ofc, aceofp&3ofw, hangm, magic, death, pagofc
yes, there seems to be someone he's had a crush on and known for a long time and recently reunited with. although i get very joyful and stable emotions, it seems he often finds himself contemplating on how his flings could fit into his life, especially concerning his career. this lead to him sacrificing the course their connection is taking for the sake of focusing more on his skills as an artist. it doesn't seem like it took a huge toll on their bond though, due to it not being overly serious and fairly new anyway. very sweet and playful dynamic.
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leonaluv · 2 years
Why did Yedam and Mashiho really leave Treasure? It’s unfortunate the group lost two standout members :[
I haven't done any readings on treasure and I don't know much about the group. 💌 From my perspective using cards . 🤧 For idols to want they stay now they need to be a lot more easy on them.
Authority  figure was over and just watching  Yedam very closely  it. Idol system seems to be about the king of swords here. Normally this card for me is chill energy, but its giving an authority figure. Sword energy can be somewhat slow but not as slow as the pentacle energy. In a way Yedam had been just over it. Careful making decision news and not as emotionally fulfilling The eight swords show up when someone is in their head about things.
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The eight swords show up when someone is in their head about things. Having anxiety and worrying every day.  It just seems to feel like a loop for him and just nothing new Yedam could get out of it.  He did enjoy what he could get out of the group and networked came out of. He is receiving a lot of invites to work on different projects.
. In a group setting Yedam has a schedule to, and they always have to sometimes follow a certain image of who they have to be. They can want them to have their hair a certain way, and act etc. He has that more of a chill and he had connections out of the group. He felt that Yedam can still have that king energy without the need of the group.
Mashiho ace of cups with the knight of swords New love entering into your life, and he just wanted to return home. Ace of cups can be just self.
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Wow, just see that Yedam king of swords and he is more relax, plan. He may have this plan for long time.  Mashiho wanted to do something new and more fun also love. The fool card that comes up for him. The beginning of something new being able to show yourself and not care about other people's opinions. Laughing at yourself and helping others laugh. The idol system in that way can be stricter, and I know some idols get told to keep a mysterious image and not talk on shows. They really be the goofiest person in group . The destroyer energy he wanted to shake things up. He will achieve more in his life and is preparing for a new one.
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ashley--nicole · 2 years
New reading up on my channel!!
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ravenbloodshot · 6 months
that’s true it def might be scripted but if you could look into it just to humor me lol that’d be great! have a good day 🤍
There isn't a couple that came out of the show. I do see that some of the women have an interest in a Treasure member after the show and vice versa. I see maybe an exchange of numbers, but besides that, no one is truly dating or seeing anybody. I think they all had a lot of fun filming the show, they enjoyed it very much and wouldn't mind doing it again.
Somebody may be experiencing heartbreak and not feeling like it's appropriate to jump into another relationship. While someone else is trying to get with this heartbroken person (kind of chasing them and flirting with them, but this heartbroken person isn't having it).
The atmosphere on set
(P.S I've never watched the show) I wonder of the people on the dating show were kind of "unfaithful" to each other, like no one really picked a person and stuck with them the entire show. There's just an energy here of "at any moment your man can become her man" or "your girl can become his girl." This system could have been something the guys and girls ended up falling into on their own (wanting to experience/flirt with as many ppl on the show) or it could have been planned by a producer or such to make sure no one got too attached to each other.
I sense some competitiveness and a bit of rivalry. Multiple ppl could have had their eye on a single person (kind of how Singles Inferno had one or two ultra pretty ppl that had all the girls/guys at their beck and call).
Idk if ppl were cooking on the show, but the food was likely very good and appetizing. Probably everybody's favorite part of filming the show
There could have been a lot of judgement passed towards a specific person who joined the show after recently getting out of a relationship. They could've only been broken up for like less than a month and revealed this on the show. Whoever this is was judged heavily for this. (Ppl saw them as a bit too wild and not wifey material).
How Treasure members felt about being on the show
For some reason, I don't think they were taking this that seriously. Or that interested in the girls themselves.
It just seem like a chance for them to prove their "that guy" and flex their prowess. Like a vibe of "I get all the girls". Like they viewed it more like a competition than an actual dating show.
How the girls felt about being on the show
Ooooh this isn't good. The girls didn't really like the experience. They felt like they weren't the priority on the show (like I suspected, this isn't a "real" dating show just fan service). They felt like the whole point of the show was to make the members look good
They may have also sensed that the guys weren't taking it too seriously
I'm also seeing that they may have gotten A LOT of hate from treasure fans after the show. I'm talking death threats and stalking
Poor girls..... They feel like the hate they're receiving wasn't worth being on the show.
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mirion7 · 1 year
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Red dwarf tarot card - The Empress
Featuring drunk Holly whom I love oh so much (cannot get over the fact she's a computer and still managed to get wasted somehow like dang go gurl)
Next card is The Emperor and I think it's obvious it'll be Holly (because lets face it who else could it be, he has IQ of 6000)
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astroyongie · 2 months
Treasure July Reading
note: Please take it lightly and enjoy <333
Love: he is still single at the moment and still not looking for any type of relationship. It also seems like Hyunsuk doesn't really believe in dating in the conditions he is in at the moment. 
Career: he is very confused about what the company is trying to do with them. To him this doesn't make much sense and he is wondering if the company truly has the best management for them. 
Self: some people around him might have noticed how his behavior has changed. He has been more cold, more reserved, less talkative and when he speaks it's very harsh. some people might be seeing him as bitchy and arrogant lately 
Love: I believe that Jihoon has recently gotten into a relationship. this is super new and probably has like one week old. this isn't his ex but someone compelled new who was interested in him and he accepted them as his new partner 
Career: he is in the same mental state as Hyunsuk when it comes to the career. He thinks that what they are currently doing isn't enough and that the management of the group is shit because they don't feel like they are working like the other groups. 
Self: there’s here some big energy that shows a very low emotional being with jihoon. of course this is just energy, but it seems like his mental health hasn’t been the best lately, there’s a lot of dark thoughts and so much little hope when it come to the world around him 
Love: he is still dating the same person he was back in May. things seem to be doing well for them and they are creating positive memories and also this relationship helps Yohsi being connected with his inner child. it's a very lighthearted relationship 
Career: I sense a lot of changement when it comes to his career. i have no idea if this is something positive or negative, but there’s changes for Yoshi that will happen very briefly 
Self: he is okay and doing fine. health wise everything seem to be good and even mentally he is happy and content. a lot of jo around him 
Love: him and the idea he used to date have recently broken up. At the moment Junkyu is going through a breakup and his heart seems to be grieving this relationship. i think he wasn't expecting his partner to leave them (as they were the one breaking up with him). 
Career: he is actually happy with how things are going. Junkyu thinks this is the best way to keep their population and to be successful. he believes that success and recognition comes with the “work smart not hard”
Self: he is doing fine too, both mentally and physically. as his self energy is very chill and calm and he mostly focused on living the day, day by day despite his breakup. 
Love: Jaehyuk is still dating the same person he was back in May, things seem to be doing well and his partner has been more in touch with his work too. I guess they often follow him throughout their schedules (this could be a hint). in any case, they are developing their relationship 
Career:money is coming to him and because of that he is happy with how things are going. as long as he gets payed for the work he produces, Jaehyuk doesn't care how the company manages the group 
Self: some issues here, mostly minor. I feel like he has been just a little overwhelmed or perhaps exhausted physically but other than that he is doing okay. a little bit introverted, i don't feel like he spends time with his teammates outside schedules 
Love: this is a very complicated situation.. I think that Asahi is still dating his partner but they are currently in a very sensitive spot after a big argument concerning their privacy and how to manage the relationship. There is the possibility that the relationships ends in the next days if they don't reach a common ground 
Career: Asahi has been very disorganized. I feel like he doesn't come in time to his training, and he doesn't particularly put a lot of effort into his work lately. This is because his mind is also very solicited by all the stimuli in his life. the company is also over committing him to stuff he doesn't need 
Self: he is transforming at the moment, his energy is shifting and he is realizing a lot of things. This potentially can also be due to this almost break situation he is in. 
Love: Single after his breakup in may and currently Haruto isn't looking for a relationship since his mind is already too full of his responsibilities and burdens as an idol and as a son for his family. things aren't easy for him
Career: for some reason this topic can be a little sensitive.. without putting much info, it seems like haruto is having some financial issues (that isn't concerning the company) and because of that him and his family are struggling for a few things 
Self: he is moving on with his life. despite the issues he is encountering, Haruto doesn't want to dwell on what's complicated as he wants it keep pushing forward 
Love: Doyoung is still dating the same person but there’s some issues here. due to schedules and also his partner’s life they haven't been together much lately. that type of separation makes Doyoung anxious, scared even because he doesn't trust to have his partner away for too long  
Career: he doesn't believe in the company nor their promise. i don't feel like his sponsor has been very present either in his life lately. he is just doing his job as per requested, but he is getting sick on how the company and some members treat him 
Self: he is very apathetic in my opinion, his energy is very low yet quite neutral as if he didnt care about the world (this could potentially show some emotional distress as well). 
Love: He is still single but he has a huge fat crush on someone that he is trying to get but he is way too awkward to actually get them to his side. Also Jeongwoo has some behaviors that his partner might find a little weird. he is overly moody and jealous whenever they speak to someone else, despite not even being in a relationship with them 
Career: he is all good with his company. he is the type of idol who is very well protect and has the good people by his side and because of that, no matter the decisions of YG he will follow them without much trouble
Self: he is physically and emotionally okay it seems, his energy is rather on the positive stance. He has been very focused on his work, into practice but also financially stable and productive 
Love: He is still in a relationship with the person he has been for the past couple of months. Junghwan is happy with his relationship since they are very secure and sure of their feelings. he is also making sure his partner are able to enjoy things (financially speaking) 
Career: I see some conflicts here. Junghwan probably had a huge fight with one of the managers when he started complaining about a few things. but i also see a conflict with fellow members for smaller things that could be solved with time and communication. 
Self: oh hum.. well i wasn't expecting this, but Junghwan needs to be very careful who he calls friend and perhaps listening to his manager would be more wise since he might have done a few things that could be potentially problematic
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dullahanastasia · 2 years
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A while back I had the inspiration to illustrate a set of Shovel Knight Major Arcana cards! While I had fun sketching the first pieces of the set, I gradually lost the time and energy to follow through with this project. They were sitting around in my folders and then Ko-Fi for a while. Afterwards I figured to share them here as well!
Truth be told, I actually quite enjoy the execution of some of these drawings! Though the chance of completing this project is incredibly slim, there always lies the possibility of me repurposing these drawings into another Shovel Knight related art project in the future!
Bonus points goes to those that can guess which major arcana cards these represent!
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cardboardheartss · 4 days
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Can you read it hehehe
Overall energy for YG boy group
Open up your heart, Distance
It seems like this group will be able to attract many international fans and these fans will be dedicated to the members.
Public’s thought on debut song
Let go rx, Confession, Gambling
Not again… it seems like it will sound like the known yg sound that we’ve been hearing for god knows how long. It seems around this time it’ll be revealed why YG has no other producers, this could be because of the money they spend outside the company like gambling or they’re just bad with finances and know they have to pay the repercussions.
Overall career for YG boy group
7oW rx, 8oW, 3oC, The Magician, KoS
I believe the boys will experience a lot of hate for just existing, this will obviously push them to the brink and they’ll openly express how they see these comments and how much it tires them. They’ll continue to prove that they are an excellent group and will work together and prove the haters wrong.
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theninthdoor · 1 year
Hey ~ how r u I hope life is treating you well ❤️‍🩹
Is it okay if I ask a love reading for treasure members + the ex members yedam and mashiho
Thanks 🦋
Hyunsuk || ace of wands, the magician rx: This is a passionate little fling. The Magician rx worries me, though… I think he's leading the other person on, making them think this is going to evolve into something else, but deep down he already knows it won't. Hopefully he'll come clean soon.
Jihoon || seven of cups, knight of swords rx: Single. He has options, but nothing seems to work out, so he's just really frustrated with his love life right now.
Yoshi || ten of swords, two of swords: He's single, too. His last breakup broke up down, completely… he's not ready for new love yet.
Junkyu || ten of swords, queen of pentacles: There is someone he's been pursuing, but keeps getting rejected. His love interest is instead focused on their career, and pushing him to do the same.
Jaehyuk || six of wands, four of swords rx: He's enjoying singlehood; meeting new people, exchanging phone numbers and all that. I don't see him dating, only flirting and enjoying the attention he's getting.
Asahi || two of pentacles rx, five of swords: A connection ended because either him or the other person didn't have enough time to spend here; or they didn't want to make the effort to make space and/or time for the other. He feels like someone else was chosen over him, too.
Doyoung || ten of swords, the tower: Clearly single. Went through a very bad breakup recently.
Haruto || eight of pentacles rx, page of pentacles rx: No one has caught his attention yet. He's single and not actively looking for love. I just feel like he has veeery high standards and he's not dating because no one is capable of matching them.
Jeongwoo || seven of pentacles rx, eight of wands: He's been texting someone for a while now, but it's taking a long, long time for things to get over the talking stages. Someone here is making the other wait, purposely.
Junghwan || knight of wands, the high priestess: I don't see an actual relationship here, but he's been meeting people here and there. Can't get much else from him.
Yedam || the star, knight of cups: He's been pursuing an idol, I believe. Things seem to be going well, even though I feel they don't have a whole lot of time to meet these days. He could've been a really big fan of this person already, and that's why he made that step towards them.
Mashiho || ten of pentacles, seven of swords rx: I think his family has recently introduced him to someone they would like him to end up with?? (it's weird because I've never gotten a message like this before lol). He's been getting to know them, but no feelings have developed so far.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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