#Transience of Life
turiyatitta · 1 year
Walking the Tightrope
A Meditation on Life, Breath, and ExistenceIn our vast and infinite universe, there’s a remarkable dance that each living being performs, the perpetual tango between life and death. Every day, we navigate this tightrope, threading the narrow path that distinguishes the vibrant hues of existence from the void of non-existence. This intriguing equilibrium that defines our existence, balancing on…
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trailofleaves · 29 days
“All through your life, the most precious experiences seem to vanish. Transience turns everything to air. You look behind and see no sign even of a yesterday that was so intense. Yet in truth, nothing ever disappears, nothing is lost. Everything that happens to us in the world passes into us. It all becomes part of the inner temple of the soul and it can never be lost. This is the art of the soul: to harvest your deeper life from all the seasons of your experience. This is probably why the soul never surfaces fully. The intimacy and tenderness of its light would blind us. We continue in our days to wander between the shadowing and the brightening, while all the time a more subtle brightness sustains us. If we could but realize the sureness around us, we would be much more courageous in our lives. The frames of anxiety that keep us caged would dissolve. We would live the life we love and in that way, day by day, free our future from the weight of regret.”
— John O'Donohue
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madcat-world · 7 months
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Thy Winter is Forever - J Edward Neill
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albertwasabi · 1 year
sneaking back into tumblr town, becloaked and hooded, huddled amongst the reddit refugees..
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echoesoftheinfinite · 5 months
I don't want to be a phase
A leaf in each season
An eye with no vision
A wind that has gone
A king without a throne
A drop of water that falls and soon dries
A hurricane which comes and swiftly passes by
A day won't return
A fire that no longer burns
A gaze no more amazes
Above all, I don't want to be a phase.
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vintage-tigre · 6 months
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stressfulsloth · 2 years
You know what disco elysium place I want to know more about? Ubi Sunt?, the only geographical location in elysium with a punctuation mark in it's name. Fond of socialism and sheep. Facing crushing poverty and total entroponetic collapse. It is literally being eaten by the pale. Named after a latin phrase from the vulgate bible commonly used to mean nostalgia, translating to "Where are those that came before us?"
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kradogsrats · 4 months
just checking in real quick to reaffirm that the Merciful One's teleportation is the second sexiest thing in 5+ seasons of this show, coming in narrowly just behind Aaravos's s2e9 primal rune spellcasting
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worldlywritr · 3 months
Throughout our lives, we create countless moments and memories. These experiences shape our understanding and provide us with a sense of meaning. Yet, despite their significance, time will inevitably erase them.
In the end, we are mere transient echoes, barely a whisper in the infinite expanse of time.
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rainmothseventeen · 2 months
Perspective life advice philosophy bullshit I'm thinking about:
1. Stupid little things are what make up the human experience and everything is transient and you shouldn't feel guilty for moving on from places and people and things. Just appreciate them when they're there and appreciate that you got to exist with them.
2. If you're good and afloat then help other people but just because you can't help others doesn't mean you don't care. Take care of yourself first and like yourself because you're a person.
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tarpitbell · 2 months
You did not have to come for my throat yo
(story on AO3, called Marks of Transience, by notsevensamu)
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soulmaking · 4 months
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Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time (trans. C. K. Scott Moncrieff)
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trailofleaves · 4 months
Haiku # 757
Spring morning… every green leaf aglow with sunlight
Spring twilight… facing each other the sun and moon
Enjoying its solitude a flower growing on barren rocks
The years passing… every autumn I count the leaves as they fall
Le poème… ce petit oiseau qui donne joie à mon cœur
Even the memories are leaves blowing in the autumn wind
Waking from a dream to a room floating in the light of the moon
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pepprs · 1 year
like at some point i have ti admit it to myself. it’s a 2am delirious ramble after a hard sad day. but i don’t think i like my job very much actually. i mean i do i love it and it was made for me and i made it for me too. but how come something that i love and was made for me and that i made hurts so bad and so primally? how can i like something that brings me so much stress and grief and despair so regularly?
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isai-64v16 · 7 months
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vintage-tigre · 6 months
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