#Transformers OCs
errolluck · 1 month
Pssst hey
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Got u somethin :)
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Brought Kaon a friend <3
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They are gonna bite Starscream and torment him for hours until nap time.
Kaon's Ask Box! [CLOSED]
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asimp4bee · 3 months
Stormwave and Mayday also need cuddles!!!
(I’d include Mea but she probably gets plenty of cuddles from her boyfriend)
Can’t leave them out too!! The beans are even tinier with Mayday because she’s literally the biggest out of all four of them lmao
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Earth's two space stations developed sparks and Moon is not prepared to be a father.
He'll be fine. He just needs to adjust to having two small space stations who really really want to come visit their dad when they have human passengers on board.
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maydays-medbay · 4 months
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This is finally finished! I've been wanting to do a fanart challenge, but I've also really been wanting to draw TF ocs again, so here are some characters from some super cool people!!! Please please please go check these people out!! They are all awesome and lovely Liberator belongs to @dimorphodon-x Cullsiren belongs to @cuppajj
Gumnana belongs to @majachee
Seraph belongs to @onlineviolence
Flamewire belongs to me!!
Tandem belongs to @voiidbots
This template originally belonged to Reflinn on FA, and I have done some editing to fit more into the overall vibe
I had so much fun painting all of these, and I am so, so happy with the result!! You guys rock!
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cheesarbles · 4 months
Ah. I really don’t post art a lot do I…
Here’s some silo doodles
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I think silo and bumblebee would be great friends (not a ship)
Here’s a few tfa things, as well as some shockwave and starscream drawings because I was giving them swaggy designs
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And finally, as a birthday gift and partially part of an art trade, here’s a transformers sona I had made for my buddy @atlattacus this was fun to do
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That’s about all I have
I’m going to make a large comp of all my transformers refs here soon.
Oh hey btw if there’s a transformer, specifically from g1 or animated or prime that’d you’d like to see in my style, go nuts and leave a request in my ask box.
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drill-teeth-art · 3 months
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Sweet dreeeaaams~
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
You know the book/movie The Martian? What if that happened in the Earth and Unicron Au? A NASA mission gone wrong gets an astronaut stranded on Mars' surface with no way home or even to communicate with Earth, at least those with NASA, not Earth herself. Would Mars want to help or hinder this poor lost soul that just wanted to go home? I'm pretty sure Earth wouldn't appreciate that one of her children died on Mars and he could have prevented it. Though if I'm being honest, with how Mars' citizens died, I doubt he would try to get the little fleshy killed.
A quick little fic was required for this ask.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
Being the first astronaut to be sent to Mars should have been an honor, an accomplishment just as great as the Moon landing. But Gabriel always knew deep down that something was bound to go wrong. Something  always went wrong. The Russians sent dogs into space first for a reason. NASA however didn’t seem to care as much for human life now that they supposedly had space travel down. They wanted someone on Mars before China could get a man up there, and they were willing to go to any lengths to do so.
Gabriel wasn’t the first pick for the Mars mission. There had been two others chosen before him, but Abigail Knight had dropped out of the running for unknown reasons. Her runner up, Horace Gail, had been removed from the mission after he was discovered drugged to high heavens in his apartment a few weeks before he was meant to get on the rocket. That left Gabriel, the only other astronaut who actually knew the controls and went through the year-long preparation program to get used to living on Mars via simulation. 
He wasn’t exactly thrilled to be given the mission. Sure, he always wanted to travel to other worlds, but going with a crew that hadn’t run the simulation just felt risky. Personally, he would have preferred to dog out of the mission entirely and let the honor of first landing go to another astronaut if it meant he’d have a fully trained crew with him.
But again, NASA really wanted their man on Mars. So despite the risks, Gabriel found himself suited up, strapped into the rocket, and thrown into space. It was surreal. And quite frankly, the trip went far faster than he expected. Supposedly the science guys on the ground had made some sort of breakthrough that allowed for short range ‘skips’ as they called them. The shuttle would have momentary bursts of speed that allowed it to skip over huge portions of space without burning excess fuel. There was a lot of science involved, and Gabriel liked to think he knew his tech, but looking at the engines, he didn’t know what the hell was going on.
Strange blue liquid powered the whole thing. He was told not to touch it, and he obeyed without question. None of the crew knew what it was, or what all the strange ‘skips’ were about. But of course, NASA’s mission came first. So Gabriel wasn’t given time to question. The moment they were within range of Mars, a message was sent back and Gabriel was loaded up with an American flag and the express mission of getting to the surface in one piece and plopping it down. The looks he got from the crew indicated they really didn’t care if he made it back or not.
Very comforting indeed. This was why he would have preferred a team who’d run the simulation.
“Ready Gabriel?” The woman in the control room spoke through Gabriel’s in-built communicator as he stood before the hatch leading to the void outside. He sighed before replying.
“Ready. Let’s get this show on the road.” The woman laughed over the link. Gabriel never bothered to learn her name. It would have been nice to know now that he thought about it.
No time for regrets. His grand mark on humanity’s history was before him.
“Good luck! Doors opening in 3, 2, 1-” The woman’s voice was cut off as the hatch opened. Gabriel expected the rapid pull into space as the hatch decompressed, but it was still startling to be dragged toward the surface of Mars by the drone NASA assigned. Once upon a time, Astronauts got to the surface in pods. But in an attempt to save resources or something along those lines, now drones were the way forward.
Gabriel patiently endured his descent to the planet’s surface, his suit absorbing the worst of the shock as he adjusted to the gravity. He made a show of his first few steps, knowing the crew was watching from above. He planted the flag, repeated his scripted words, and then looked back up to the ship. He activated the link, trying to signal for pickup. All he got in return was static.
“Hey, console lady, what the hell is going on up there? I’m ready for pickup already.” Gabriel hit his communicator again, but no matter how hard he tried to get the signal through, he got nothing back. He watched on in growing horror as the shuttle hovered above him, and then slowly, its thrusters activated.
“Wait! Hold on! I’m still down here!” He screamed, not caring if his oxygen levels were in peril or not as he tried to wave his arms. Something had to have gone wrong. System failure perhaps? They couldn’t be leaving him. That wasn’t part of the simulation or NASA’s plan.
No response. The shuttle sped off, ‘skipping’ into the distance. Gabriel felt cold dread settle in his very soul. He ran through a thousand reasons why something might have gone wrong or why they might have been leaving him, but in the end, after about an hour of warring with himself… he knew the reason.
He was the dog sent into space. He was NASA’s little test to see if travel was safe and possible. They were leaving him behind. 
Gabriel cursed, he screamed, uncaring of how much oxygen he had left. He was going to die. He’d been left to rot on a world so far from home that Earth was practically a blimp in the distance. After everything he’d done in his life, this was how it was all going to end.
Why did the world despise him so-
“Hello!” Gabriel froze in his lamentations. He stood up from where he was seated on the ground sorrowfully regretting everything and looked around. There wasn’t a person, but there was… a rover?
“You look rather lost! Dad sent me out to see if I can help! Aunty is quite upset about this whole mess!” The rover was green, a rather bright hue. Its light glowed red, highly unusual. Gabriel didn’t recognize it, at least not at first. But soon enough, he began to remember the design. The rover was an old model, one of the ones sent out in the early 2000s. The paint was different, and last he recalled, the rover didn’t have any pre-recorded voice lines. But he knew this model, and it was clearly the one and only Spirit.
“Sheesh, you are going to run out of air at this rate! Let’s get you inside until Aunty can get Uncle Moon to send someone out to get you!” The rover rolled closer, prompting Gabriel to step back instinctually. He didn’t have time to run before the rover changed. Its wheels compacted, its entire frame contorted in a series of swift and smooth motion. In an instant, he found himself dwarfed by some type of robot, one which smiled down at him with bright red eyes, eager perhaps.  Gabriel knew for a fact NASA would have never let something like this rot out on Mars. It had to be something new, something strange and potentially dangerous.
“Oh hell no-!” He attempts to run, but the former rover grabbed him before he could and held him gently, almost like a precious stone. Gabriel was too startled to fight as the thing he knew to be Spirit quickly began walking with him in hand.
“Don’t be scared little guy! Dad will get this all sorted out!” Spirit smiled gleefully, its voice ringing out deeply but strangely like a child. Gabriel couldn’t speak, not as he saw more of the robotic beings approaching. There were seven others, and one by one, he noted their designs.
Sojourner, Marie Curie, Curiosity, Opportunity, the chinese model, and a few others. Each walked on two legs, each smiled, and each and every one of them regarded Gabriel with childlike interest. 
“Dad! We got him!” The rover held Gabriel up, grinning ear to ear, not that it had ears. Gabriel for his part screamed as the ground shifted like some sort of hangar bay, revealing a passage down into the very ground. He floundered as all the rovers walked into the passage, not at all afraid. Spirit soothed Gabriel with a few hushed words.
“Shh… Uncle Moon will send a drone to get you soon. You can stay with him and his colony until Auntie figures out how to get you back without trouble! So don’t worry Cousin! Everything is going to be alright!” Gabriel gawked as he was carried into the passage. He had no words, all he could do was stare in awe as something straight out of a sci-fi film played out before him.
“Mars, is he well?”
“Yes Earth, your explorer is safe. My little ones are keeping him company.”
“Good. Take care of him for me. I will try to reach out to Primus’s chosen to see if he might aid me.”
“Of course.”
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transform-artion · 8 months
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oH yEsss My favorite fembot from MTMTE, ERIS 💚✨🛐
(Edit: Guys she is not Canon,she is my Oc 😭 Her name is ERIS and this is a fake panel that I drew myself! thanks a lot for your nice comments OMG!!! 🥺✨)
I'm not very good at drawing Transformers, I'm new at this. I SPENT WHOLE DAYS ON THIS DRAWING, IT'S THE FIRST TIME I TRY TO IMITATE IDW'S STYLE AAAHHHHHH
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I was looking at more than 50 panels of the comics to try to do something similar 🧍🏻‍♀️
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candychameleon · 8 months
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More bust comms done! TFP Smokescreen, Rodimus, Fulcrum, and more TFOCs!
Taking a break from these for a bit, but thank you so much everyone who got one!
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chickenchirps27 · 24 days
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old ass art i found of my transformers ocs
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gentlenaa · 1 year
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Really wanted to draw the train transformers I have seen around with my boy Piston a long while ago, but just now I could do it! Here is Cucumber from @retr0scum and Ash Hopper from @noritaro!
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aecholapis · 3 months
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Artfight has begun and my first attack of this year is on @lets-try-some-writing 's characters Earth and Moon
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asimp4bee · 4 months
*points at voltage* grumpy old Ratchet hehehehe >:)
Leave him alone! He may be old but he's definitely not grumpy 😭😭
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Look at him!!! He's literal sunshine! (ignore the fact that he used to be a cold-hearted Decepticon soldier Ahem)
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planetformer-central · 3 months
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I've been working on oc refs to take a break from requests. Its surprisingly fun.
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errolluck · 1 month
Gives Kaon my sparkling oc (Gold Quake)
(How would Kaon react if I just gave em this bundle of joy)
Fun fact: Gold Quake can't talk, just makes moth noises (squeaks and hissing noises)
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Squeaker duo... A C T I V A T E D.
General rule: If it makes a unique noise, Kaon will like it. Period.
Kaon's Ask Box!
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drill-teeth-art · 7 months
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