#Transfem Wind Master
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bijoumikhawal · 5 months ago
thinking about Ming Yi/He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan and their relationships to women....
Like obviously Shi Qingxuan is insanely transfem coded. Maybe you think they're transfem nonbinary/genderfluid or she's still putting on her male form partially because Shi Wudu hates when she's out and about presenting feminine, but either way that's not a cis man.
But also. Ming Yi, her bestest friend, also shapeshifts into a woman. It's noted that Qingxuan encourages people to do it and tries to convince them (because she enjoys it and assumes others must too), but it's noted that people are uncomfortable with it in the narration iirc. We only really get to see Xie Lian's reaction to her suggesting it and he reads as at least somewhat uncomfortable, though him and the deal with him dressing up in drag whenever a Situation occurs is a seperate thing. But Ming Yi, who LOVES to complain and be cranky, never says one word that I immediately recall indicating he's uncomfortable with it. Xie Lian is easily able to politely talk his way out of it with no hard feelings between him and Qingxuan, so it's not like he "had" to.
Further, crucially, He Xuan's anger comes from the deaths of his loved ones as well as his destroyed life. His sister, his fiancee, his mother, and his father- mostly, women that he cared for. Now, obviously this can be criticized as a bit too close to fridging (generally I think people's accusations that MXTX is a misogynist don't hold much water- its obvious to me that she's portraying misogyny as common but not delving too much into it because she's writing M/M romance first and foremost). But I'm also turning the reparative reading of it in my head, of the specifics of He Xuan and the value he places on his relationships with women.
Further, as part of that reparative reading, the misogyny that Shi Wudu enforces. I know he's some people's babygirl and I won't yuck a yum, but he does immediately discard the lives of 5 people as utterly worthless (3 of them being women). Yes, as Water Tyrant, hes implied to kill a lot of people, and since he targets sailors that don't give him tribute, probably mostly men. But, when we are asked to personalize the people he kills, to know their names and the specifics of their deaths, we are given 5 specific people, and three of them are women. These lives he sacrifices for Shi Qingxuan, his "brother".
Notably, during the last scene we get of the Shi siblings and He Xuan, the thing that makes He Xuan rip Shi Wudus arm off is him trying to kill Shi Qingxuan. "You won't survive without me, this is a mercy". Though Shi Qingxuan is in a masculine form, Shi Wudu can be read as enacting misogyny; you can't live without a man protecting you, so it's best to kill you if I'm going to die. More specifically, this man should be a relative; he tells Shi Qingxuan to seek out Pei Ming before this, iirc, and then seems to decide it isn't good enough. Even though Shi Wudu disapproves of Shi Qingxuan being a woman in public, he is used to seeing Qingxuan present as such because Qingxuan did so to hide from the Reverend during childhood.
And yes, arguably Shi Wudu doesn't like Qingxuan presenting as Lady Windmaster because it's a bad memory; but I think it can be both. It's both "this reminds me of a scary part of our lives", and "this is something gross and beneath you, and I can't believe you'd do it in public". And even as Shi Wudu dislikes it, he frequently is controlling towards Shi Qingxuan in a way that is both "I am your older siblings and I've had to protect you all our lives so obviously I know best" and "I am your older brother, and you are a woman who cannot be trusted with her own life" if you acknowledge that Qingxuan is, indeed, transfem.
Its not only that you can read the Water Palace scene as "He Xuan feels something for Shi Qingxuan other than hatred but refuses to back down on revenge", you can also read it as "He Xuan watches another woman he has some feelings towards be attacked by Shi Wudu, directly this time". And obviously yes: He Xuan is the villain in that scene and he's threatening both Shi siblings with violence. The only innocent person in that room is Shi Qingxuan. There is no babying here, only some thoughts I've had about these three characters and their relationships to women.
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bugcreations · 7 months ago
Master post for my most favorite subject when it comes to my MK1 stories - my fankids! They each mean so much to my little hearts in different ways and I'm always looking for ways to make them better, so please ask about them! For now here's the info on them…
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Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8
Likes: Fashion design, poetry, "fancy things", the color pink, butterflies, weaving
Hates: Stormy days, dull colors, mint flavors
Astrid, as you can probably guess, is the princess of Outworld! She has a pretty neutral image, some praise her for her fighting talent, polite, charming and witty personality and fashion-foward mindset, while others show disdain for her as she’s a result of a once formerly forbidden relationship, and…she inherits Tarkat.
However, Astrid has a strong heart, and she doesn’t see her Tarkat as a burden or a struggle, rather an obstacle that makes her stronger each time she comes back from overcoming bursts of her infection. She’d rather focus more on the things she wants to do, which involve fashion design, poetry, and hoping to explore Earthrealm and the unique cultures it can offer, something she wants to do a tad bit more than becoming Empress.
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(Note this one technically a windwolf fanchild - I HC Fujin to be a girl, and Nightwolf to be transfem in this timeline. Ed Boon dont fuck them up!!!!)
Mankato, otherwise known as Blue, is the definition of crafty and fun! He has autism and ADHD, mainly expressed through his energetic and disorganized nature, and his intense interest in owls! He lives and breathes owls, through art. He loves to paint, draw, sketch and color owls and all in his favorite colors, which are the primary colors.
Blue is pretty much your definition of a “silly little guy,” he’s the heart of gold of the team and also the shortest! But despite his small, sweet personality, he has impeccable fighting skills, which he can put to good use thanks to his mom’s wind talisman! He greatly aspires to be as important and strong as his Uncle Raiden, and wishes to be something like a Champion like him someday. But for now, he’s too busy having adventures with his friends and painting…wait for it…owls.
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5’3
Likes: Owls, primary colors, soft clothing, sushi (with salmon and avocado only! It’s his safe food), adventure, arts and crafts
Hates: Anything bitter tasting, loud parties, people touching his braids
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Nanami is a total butch, reckless girl - she’s sassy, brave, and dresses like Adam Sandler. She’s got a big interest in boxing and basketball, and her athletic skills also aid her in kombat. While she definitely struggles with issues like her impulsiveness, her dads’ constant smothering, and her secret insecurities, she doesn’t let that show, as she just tries to do what she wants.
She’s the fighter of the group, she’ll protect them at any costs as she feels the most comfortable around them. If anything were to happen to any of her family and friends, she would never forgive herself.
Age: 17
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5’5
Likes: Tigers, basketball, gaming, blue and orange colors, sports, boxing
Hates: Dresses, flowers, the color green, mushrooms
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💚Kung Wei💚
Kung Wei is a bit of the jokester of the team, as he’s cowardly, often talks as if he’s full of himself, and throws himself into rather dumb situations for attention. He’s not a bad person at all though! He just likes to enjoy the wild side of life, and everyone constantly talks about how he’s a mini copy of Kung Lao.
Like Nanami, he too has insecurities, mostly rooted in being compared to all these great heroes in his family and scared he will also be forced into the dangers they have experienced. While his dads try to help him realize he doesn’t have to live like that, Kung Wei has some deep down anxiety that makes it hard for him to think otherwise.
Age: 16
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5’8 Likes: Animals, food (especially involving shrimp), nature, skateboarding and board games (even though he loses half the time) Hates: Horror movies, lemons, insects, Vaternians (he’s terrtified of them)
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❤️Spindle❤️ And now for my most favorite fankid, and makes up a large majority of my stories, my Reivik fankid!!!! Spindle was born and raised in Chaosrealm, so he’s a bit of a unique person when it comes to who he is! He’s a bit socially awkward often, under the impression others don’t trust him, but if he’s comfortable around othetrs (typcially his friend group) then he becomes witty, friendly and very joking as well. His intelligence comes from the ability to observe his surroundings and others in crystal clear ways in order to figure out how he can make others like him, since he always believes they don’t at first.
He may crack jokes and all, but he has the worst secret of the group - a type of curse he was born with, called Flesh’s Teeth. The way Spindle's curse works is like this - Any part of Spindle's skin can open up to create a mouth of razor-sharp teeth with a long snakelike tongue, and his eyes will glow red. Spindle gets much more ruthless, bloodthirsty and Ravenous in this form as due to his curse.He will go out of his way to attack anyone he finds delicious (Relatives are immune to his craving). When he eats his fill (typically 100 - 150 pounds), his nose will start bleeding, he will black out and not remember anything when he wakes up an hour later. His manifestations are spontaneous, but they typically occur every two weeks or so.
Spindle is always living with the fear that he will kill someone close to him, even if not his actualy family - and so he thinks everyone has a right to not like him, and that it is up to him to change it. However, what he doesn’t realize is that he is the glue of the group, and his friends are always there for him, even during his worst moments.
Age: 17 Sexuality: Pansexual Height: 6’0 Likes: The color blood red, hyenas, human anatomy, sewing, the smell of wood Hates: Bright lights, huge crowds, being questioned, tight spaces
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takendruid · 2 years ago
Linked Universe zombie apocalypse AU
(apologies that it's so long, I don't know how to add a 'read more' option)
I've come up with a zombie apocalypse AU for Linked Universe set in BOTW and idk if people will see it? But I want opinions. So here's a quick rundown.
Time and Twilight are grandfather and grandson, and are also both half zombie. They were bitten by Midna and left Malon and the ranch so she wouldn't be harmed, only to find out they were immune to full zombification. However, they still show signs of rotting. Time in his face visibly, and Twilight hidden.
Wild and Warriors are brothers. Wild has complete memory loss and also lost his right arm in trying to protect Zelda from a Zombie when it all started. TP Zelda was BOTW Zelda's mother, and died protecting her with Wild. Wild has no memory of anyone or anything, but does remember his skills as a knight and how to use sign language. The three travel around with Impa and Purah.
Wind and Tetra travel around together, and Wind's sister is safely with Malon on Lon Lon ranch.
Hyrule, Legends, and Ravio are siblings, and Legends and Ravio are twins. Hyrule is the older brother. Legends is closeted transfem (also can't transition properly because zombie apocalypse), meanwhile Ravio is very much out and living as a trans guy and has been for two years. The rest of the Links are cis guys (yes, even Wild).
Sky, SS Zelda (called Phoenix), and Groose are a travelling trio. They have a cat called Fi, named after Sky's previous master who taught him how to use a sword. Groose is an idiot who keeps on almost getting himself killed, but I stays alive!
4swords was originally a group of brothers, but the rest died and left Green alone. He wears all their colours and even matching bracelets they all had. He's the oldest of the group of brothers, and none of them were born in the same year - nevermind day.
I had originally considered DID for 4swords but decided not to in the end. I'm not against it, I'm just a singlet and I don't want to misrepresent it in a simple AU I'm doing that systems could find. I don't want to upset them in any way. I have OCs who are systems, but they are my own personal characters with lives and personalities that I built myself - not an AU of a pre-existing character twice over.
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luxuriainash · 3 months ago
Mini-Bio References!
Names, pronouns, genders+sexualities, text post tags, signoff emojis, and tags for things we associate with the respective system member or that they relate to are all listed below! The list'll only have people who actually have text post tags, though, so for a better list, check our pronouns.cc!
Sora - any; "easy on the they" - transmasc genderfluid, bisexual // post tag: #sky says stuff ; signoff emoji: 🌅 // relatable/self tag: #sys: sky
Terra - he/him - trans man, bisexual // post tag: #terratalk ; signoff emoji: ⛰️ // relatable/self tag: #sys: terra
Aqua - she/her - trans woman, bisexual // post tag: #aquatalk ; signoff emoji: 🪷 // relatable/self tag: #sys: aqua
Strelitzia - she/her - intersex trans woman, lesbian // post tag: #strelsings ; signoff emoji: 🍓 // relatable/self tag: #sys: strel
Vanitas - she/he/it - transfem nonbinary, butch lesbian // post tag: #vanipost ; signoff emoji: 🥀 // relatable/self tag: #sys: vani
Brain - he/him - nonbinary, bisexual // post tag: #brainblog.txt ; signoff emoji: 🪶 // relatable/self tag: #sys: brain
Bragi - he/it/mirror (yours) - mirrorgender, bisexual // post tag: #the poet's bragging ; signoff emoji: 🍁 // relatable/self tag: #sys: bragi
Bryn - any - intersex genderfluid trans man, bisexual // post tag: #untitled.rtf ; signoff emoji: ⌛️ // relatable/self tag: #sys: bryn
Baldr - he/him - transmasc agender, gay (as an umbrella term) // post tag: #voice from beyond the gate ; signoff emoji: 🔅 // relatable/self tag: #sys: baldr
Xehanort - she/they/xe - trans woman, bisexual // post tag: #young master's logs ; signoff emoji: ⚔️ // relatable/self tag: #sys: xeha
Eraqus/Ryoji - any - intersex mirrorgender, bisexual // post tag: #like eras past ; signoff emoji: 🌕 // relatable/self tag: #sys: era
Hermod - he/they - nonbinary, bisexual // post tag: #bottled messages ; signoff emoji: 📜 // relatable/self tag: #sys: hermod
Aerith - she/any - transfem nonbinary, bisexual // post tag: #sending flowers ; signoff emoji: 🌻 // relatable/self tag: #sys: aerith
Ametrine - he/it/they - nonbinary, bisexual // post tag: #first class delivery! ; signoff emoji: 🔮 // relatable/self tag: #sys: metri
Shiloh - it/he - transmasc nonbinary, gay // post tag: #on silver winds ; signoff emoji: ☄️ // relatable/self tag: #sys: shiloh
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theaviskullguy · 2 years ago
So, Rider takes the place of our link, here. He's the royal knight to Princess Zelda.
now i kinda lied- the story is gorai-centric (not even goraichi. cute ship but lets give our gays a chance). Because Rider and Zelda, in their trek under the castle, are acompanied by Rider's childhood friend and local Shieka Warrior, Goggles.
Anyways we all know how the beginning goes- Encountering Ganondorf's festering corpse, Master Sword gets almost killed, Link looses an arm. Here, it's a bit different.
Rider doesn't loose just an arm. The Gloom hits him much harder, and he ends up loosing strength in pretty much all his body- arm included, but also his very core. Goggles tries to rescue him, but is also got by the Gloom- for him, in his eyes (blind goggles anyone??)
So Rider wakes up in the beginning area, arm replaced by Rauru's and a zonai core in place of a heart. Not only can he use the Zonai abilities, but he can overexert himself and power the zonai devices a lot more- but at risk of passing out.
Goggles is also on the island, being cared for by steward constructs working on healing him. When Rider encounters him, Goggles has some of his eyesight back, but barely any- his eyes are still caked with gloom so he wears a bandage around them. Luckily, the gloom isn't hurting him beyond his lack of eyesight- in fact, it allows him to see and recognize patches of gloom all across hyrule.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. The two go down from the islands and head to Lookout Landing, where they're given the task of helping people all across Hyrule. Now, for the sages!
Disclaimer, I've only beat the Wind and Water temples and I'm working on the Lightning temple now. So, grain of salt.
-Army is our Sage of Wind. He's a proud half-Rito (looking like a Hylian despite the feathers growing all over him, a bit like a Harpy. Anyways, Rider and Goggles help him save Rito Village from a blizzard. And to thank them, Army travels with them.
-Aloha is Sidon's younger brother ("by like 2 years!!!" "zora years, maybe") and is the Sage of Water. The gang help him purify the waters of Zora's Domain and get rid of all the sludge around it- and he aids them with his powers of water manipulation (and he's kinda crushing on army ngl,,,,)
-There is no proper sage of fire. Mainly cause I love the Gorons, but for an AU they're hard to like. make people take their place. Anyways, for lack of a sage of fire, the gang are joined by Avi and Skull- Avi being a scientist who created a cannonball similar to what Yunobo's vow is, and Skull being an expert hunter and marksman- and a refugee from Lurelin Village.
-We got some transfem Mask as the Sage of Lightning. Chieftess of the Gerudo, the gang aids her in making sure the desert is safe again. As thanks, Mask joins them and is the source of snark of the party.
I'll talk about the Square Gang if asked :D
heyyyy i have a coroika totk au if people wanna hear it
its rider-centric
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beatle4-11 · 3 years ago
Thank you @profdanglaisstuff for the tag!
Your Name:  I’ve been going by Eddy online for a while now <3
How Many Sugars: I’m from the U.S. South, so like 4 scoops to a pitcher? Gimme that sweet tea lol. 
Character(s) you relate to most: Probably Stede if I’m being honest. People underestimate him a lot, and yes he can be a bumbling idiot, but he always manages to escape every situation he’s in through some strange and incomprehensible plan of his own devising. People hc him as autistic, which yeah that’s me. Plus he thinks Ed is hot as hell, lmao.
OTP?: Stede x Ed forever, obviously. I’m a big fan of people putting Izzy In Situations, but only in fanfic. I don’t know if I would like him to actually get with anyone in the show. But fanfic is fun to read. Huge fan of Jim x Olu and Lucius x Pete, they are SO cute <33
NOTP?: In the fanfic realm nothing is really off the table for me. I’ll read the crackiest shit out there if it’s well written. In the show there are obviously many pairings I would not want to see, like Steddy Hands, Blackhands, anyone x Jack, etc. 
If you were a pirate captain, what would you call your ship?: I would call my ship The Night Wind (I used a name generator and it sounds cool as hell).  
What position would you have on a pirate ship (bosun, captain, powder monkey, master gunner, surgeon, etc.): I would be the guy who kinda fumbles around doing odd jobs. I don’t think I’m particularly suited for ship work, but I pick things up pretty easily. I don’t know anything about pirate ships, lol. 
Favorite OFMD Fics or Arts?: Leda House and The Kraken ‘Verse by @dragonmuse 100% that’s the universe I’ve most fallen in love with. And it is ever expanding! I’m constantly in awe of how in-depth it all is. Plus every author/artist on the OFMD Creatives Discord, y’all are the freaking best <33
Biggest Wish for Season 2?: Backstories backstories backstories I want to know EVERYTHING
Favorite Quote: “Fascinating” The low voice Taika does in that scene, the way he takes that sharp breath between his teeth, UUGHHHH. Simple, yet effective!
Favorite Minor Character: Frenchie!!!!! I love him so much I hope we get to learn more about him next season <33
Favorite Episode: It’s a hearty tie between 6 and 9. Six because it’s so fun and the bathtub scene??? In the words of Roach, it’s sooo visceral. Nine because duh, it gave us the kiss (and also The Abandonment but we don’ttalkaboutthat-) and I actually screamed so loud the first time I watched it I had to go back and replay it like 5 times. I shipped Ed and Stede from the get-go, but god episode 9 punched me in the throat in the best way possible. 
Has OFMD caused you to reevaulate your gender?: Ah yep, haha. It wasn’t really the show itself, it was mostly fics that explored all the gender on that blessed ship, but I’ve gone by she/they pronouns since May. Not very long, but it was quite a while in the making. Transfem Ed fic was what pushed me over the edge, especially Vera’s first Kraken ‘Verse fic, Kiss My Lipstick On. I cried when I finished reading it, haha.
Favorite Cast/Creator Quote or Interview: The one I made a comic of! Taika talks about the purposeful fantasy of the world OFMD is set in, like the full moon being present during “you wear fine things well” because,, well it’s what would be most romantic. So that’s what it was! And of course, the Con and Nathan panel that happened last weekend <3
Do cats have knives in their feet?: yeah and they steal children’s breath! 
Song that Makes You Think of Stede Bonnet: Oh god so many. Uhhhh right now I think my top answer is A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers. I think of it as a song from the perspective of all the people who watched him “die” in the fuckery, those who knew he wasn’t happy in his life. I imagine there must have been at least a few people who cared a little for him, they would be shaking their heads over how sad a life he lived, never really getting to be break free. Little do they know, he’s running off to reunite with his pirate boyfriend :)
Song that Makes You Think of Izzy Hands: Ha. So many sad songs, lol. I think Burned Out by Dodie Clark. I think it’s a very romanticized version of his relationship with Ed, looking on as Edward created and cemented his legend as Blackbeard. And his subsequent relationship with Stede, (in Izzy’s mind) pushing Izzy to the side for something that was doomed to fail from the start. It’s a very tired song, someone who’s been pushed to the brink one too many times (and it’s his own fault, dummy man). 
Tags: @bloody-bunni666 @hungryhungryhobbits @theurbanspaceboi @izzyxhands @vampyash (no pressure tags <33) 
OFMD tag meme / question game
Hey I made an OFMD ask meme / tag meme / survey. IDK if this is too much a 2012 thing, but fill out and tag 5 friends if you want to play. @batsarebetterthanpeople @wearfinethingsalltoowell @strawberryliqor @cracktheglasses @bemusedlybespectacled @ofmd-alsaurus @kaizen-crow
Your Name:
How Many Sugars:
Character(s) You Relate To Most:
If you were a pirate captain, what would you call your ship?
What position would you have on a pirate ship (bosun, captain, powder monkey, master gunner, surgeon, etc.)
Favorite OFMD Fics or Arts?
Biggest Wish for Season 2?
Favorite Quote:
Favorite Minor Character:
Favorite Episode:
Has OFMD caused you to reevaulate your gender?
Favorite Cast/Creator Quote or Interview:
Do cats have knives in their feet?
Song that Makes You Think of Stede Bonnet:
Song that Makes You Think of Izzy Hands:
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