#Trailer Parts in India
milimeters-morales · 1 year
and you just know Miles immediately told Pavitr about how Gwen put her shoes on Miles’s bed and they just shudder together in disgust
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rajatexports · 1 year
Trailer Parts Manufacturer India - Rajat Exports
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jbk405 · 6 months
Okay, so, either the trailer for Monkey Man was horribly put together, or I completely misunderstood what was presented, because I had NO IDEA what I was getting into. The entire plot took me completely by surprise several times.
This film is deliberately political. I can't recall the last time I saw an action film have such a clear focus on government. It's relatively common for the Big Bad to be a person in government -- that makes them an even bigger threat because in addition to the Criminal Thugs they employ they also have the Police and Media on their side -- but when this happens their actual politics don't matter. They're also a drug dealer, or human trafficker, and that's what the hero is fighting against. Usually we don't even learn what their politics even are. We may see them give a speech saying "Family values!" intercut with them doing drugs and having sex so we know they're a hypocrite, but that's the extent of it. In this film we know that the villains are part of the Hindu Nationalist movement, and are encouraging violence against religious minorities and gender-nonconforming people throughout India.
The condemnation is so direct that I'm not surprised Netflix backed out of distributing out of fear of the backlash in India. The only way the film could have been bolder would be if they used actual political party names instead of the "We're not actually saying 'Bharatiya Janata Party'" angle.
I was also completely unprepared for the inclusion of the hijra temple commune. I was already surprised just by the mention of crime against trans people on the news in the film, but then the main characters finds himself rescued and rehabilitated and welcomed into their society with open arms. They counsel him both philosophically and physically, and prepare him to resume his quest. And then they join him!
A literal army of trans women toppling the oppressive power structure was not on my BINGO card, I'll tell you that.
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This movie was intense and an experience, and if you can see it in theaters I say you go right now!
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ltstrikesback · 5 months
TLDR: Monkey Man was so beautiful and so much more than meets the eye.
Spoilers below/me being mildly pretentious:
As someone who has not gone to the movies to see anything other than queer films lately, my girlfriend got us tickets to Monkey Man. She practices jujutsu and likes John Wick and thought this movie would be similar.
I am a huge Dev Patel fan, though, when I saw the trailer before a viewing of Love Lies Bleeding, I figured I might not actually end up seeing it. I didn’t think I was the target audience. I also don’t love action heavy, guns blasting movies in theaters themselves because it’s a bit sensory overload for me. I felt myself make a mental note to watch it on streaming and already forgetting to do so. Flash forward to me and my partner in the theater and I was in awe.
This movie is about a small village who is violently forced off their land so the elite can build a factory. Dev Patel’s character—Kid—is a child the day the village is expelled. He witnesses his mother’s murder and years later seeks revenge on the man who killed her. When he fails to enact his revenge, he finds himself in a city wide man hunt, ending with him falling into a river, drowning. But he is saved! By a small community of hijra—trans women—who live in a temple nearby.
Walking into this movie I didn’t expect social commentary or politics. I anticipated a Rocky type movie, contained to the story of one individual’s hero’s journey. (People keep mentioning John Wick as a comparison. I just mentioned it in this very post but I haven’t actually seen it for the record.) Monkey Man is specifically not about one individual or one individual’s revenge. This was my takeaway. The message we see over and over is that there are things in this life bigger than ourselves. It is literally impossible to save yourself by yourself—you need community.
I’ll take a step back now to acknowledge that I am not sure how familiar everyone is with current politics in India. I myself have limited insight but have friends who are personally affected by the current climate. There is a strong wave towards Hindu nationalism under PM Modi. It’s yet another instance of what feels like the whole world turning to fascism. The movie uses real clips from real instances of social clashes to paint the landscape of this fictional city. Also, I was reading into the backstory and potential censorship of this film and learned the villain’s colors were originally orange, not red. A clear parallel to the current Hindu nationalism at hand. There are clips of crowds attacking trans people. There are boos at the mention of Muslims and Christians. There are scapegoats in this film that are intentionally pulled from real life.
Now to jump back in—I have to say I was completely moved by the entire sequence at the temple. The temple is dedicated to Ardhanarishvara—a god who is part woman and part man. The hijra community has found a home here, albeit on the outskirts of society. The leader tells Kid, “no one will come looking for you here.” Their status in society protects him in a serendipitous way. They are also the ones that nourish him and help him train for his next mission. Not only that, but we see this community smile, laugh, flirt, and fight. I loved the scene with Kid and the drummer, with the girls cat calling him from afar (same). It was so tender to see trans joy, even in mundanity, amidst persecution.
When Kid has self-actualized and essentially is Hanuman, the part monkey God the movie is named after, he takes on the political elites. There is a moment he is surrounded by bodyguards in this hotel sequence. He’s outnumbered and out comes our hijra fam to the rescue. They take down these men. And it is so fucking amazing. I mean, really, it’s so fucking amazing to see them fight for themselves, for each other and be the hero.
To wrap up, I also wanted to touch on the fight sequences’ production. I mentioned I don’t really like fight scenes because I get sensory overload but the music in this film resolved this issue for me. It wasn’t pure screams or gunshots. There was a really fun soundtrack that added a great twist to the film. Kind of reminds me when they break out electric guitars in Chinese historical dramas. Just another thing about this movie that really worked. At least for me personally.
Last thought—my take away is not necessarily to say “put Dev Patel in everything” which is happening in the online discourse. (There’s a weird opposite-of-cancel-culture thing that happens sometimes where audiences obsess and then forget about actors or artists. Idk.) Rather: let this man do whatever he wants. Give him your funding, give him your resources! He should not have to kill himself to tell his stories!
*Sigh* my heart has been so full since watch this. A huge shout out to Dev and his team.
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jiminsass-istant · 2 months
I did lol when i saw ppl saying it's released in my country but of course i didn't say anything to anyone 😂
Funny thing is it's first found by a jk (closeted or full on tkkr who doens't like jm) acct @97ARCHIEVES. And now mfkrs(tkkrs) are posting pics cropping jm out and using one part of jk saying "I miss our members" as a gotcha moment 😭 like y'all say u won't watch the show yet the first one in line to tune in?? Going"i think this was unscripted guys 🥹" Lmaoo. It's a big jk acct btw found under TK kissing fan arts going "omg" so you know how that works. This jk acct didn't even retweet travel show announcements or promotions just has been using jk's pics cropping jm to post since the first time the show was announced, mfkr had no problem going "Jungkook with taehyung??" When tae dropped those pictures but sure won't post a single jm pic. Has history of being jm and jkk anti anyways with 320k+ followers
Lol. Thanks for summarizing all events of past 1 hour, anon. I was fully online and saw everything live.
Of course a tkker LOL. So tuned in. Are they from india too? the big jk page? No wonder they saw it first. So tuned in.
The "i miss members" XD XD. I just knew they would use THAT. They will ignore all the wholesome moments because they are hungry for screenshots taken out of context. That's what they do. It's kinda funny seeing their struggle since the travel show was announced. Actually since they enlisted..no wait..actually since they travelled together in NY.
Anyway, I'm not gonna entertain too much TKker discourse unless there's good material to troll. Insignificant Spoilers ahead:
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mileapo · 1 year
ELLE Exclusive: Mile And Apo Chat About Their Upcoming Movie Man Suang
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ELLE: Did you expect such long queues of fans awaiting you in India?
Mile & Apo (M & A): India was always on our bucket list to visit and explore, all thanks to its rich culture and diversity. And when it comes to the fans, we actually did have an idea of our Indian fanbase because our tags are always filled with their appreciative posts. But such a huge welcome was totally unexpected! The moment we saw fans waiting for us at the airport, we were ecstatic, to say the least.
ELLE: How did you embody your new characters in Man Suang?
Apo: We had several workshops with the director to get into the characters, as we had to go back in time to represent them. I also gave myself a lot of time to master this traditional Thai dance; its glimpse can be seen in the trailer, and it is now one of my favourite takeaways from the shoot.
Mile: I studied the way people used to live back in that time period because there were very rare representations of that time in movies or series for us. I researched the politics of this era, as well as the migration or export and import of culture, as multicultural representation is a big part of my character. I also learned to play some traditional musical instruments which is something new for me.
ELLE: Describe your characters’ roles in the film.
Apo: My character’s name is Khem; he is like an underdog in that era’s social scenario. He has this aspiration to climb the social ladder. Khem is a layperson who’s from a slave community. So to go above and beyond in this social drama, he uses traditional Thai dance. And as we know, Man Suang is a place for entertainment for up-per-class people. This is where anyone can be anything they want without being judged. And this is a mystery for him because this place is where class barriers are broken.
Mile: I play this character called Khun Chat, whom I would describe as a very sorted and defined man with a clear goal and a vivid mission, and he’s really true to him-self and his goal. Since day one, he’s the same person, and this is portrayed through the beauty and aesthetic of the movie. And along the journey, you will see the layers of his thoughts and character develop.
ELLE: What makes Man Suang different from other mystery or suspense films made in Thailand?
Apo: For me, it is the uniqueness of the story, which showcases an extremely different era, as well as the different sexuality of the characters, which will come to life through this set of hardworking actors. It’s not the typical static movie; this one is round and dynamic. There is a much-needed grey area in everyone’s character; nobody’s too good or too bad, which will be seen in a very organic way for the plot development.
Mile: The biggest key is the naturalness of each character, and that brings charm to the story. Man Suang has a cast that plays these diverse characters, and the plot itself deals with numerous issues that have some complexity, be it through the music, the suspense of the story, or the aesthetics.
ELLE: Which was your favourite scene to shoot for the film?
M & A: The shoot was overall a very different experience for both of us. And when it comes to our favourite shot or scene, we will surely say it has to be our emotional scenes because that’s where we feel more connected to our characters. And we expect that’s where the audience will see our characters in a different light as well.
ELLE: Will Man Suang release in India?
M & A: That is something we are surely hoping for. No matter which channels people can watch it on, we would love it to reach a global audience because its story is a mixture of cultures–whether it’s Thai, Chinese or even Indian. One of the biggest reasons for making this movie is to showcase our Thai culture to an international audience.
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vernanonix · 6 months
With Pokemon Legends Z-A releasing in 2025, we’re probably looking at Gen 10 releasing, or being announced at least, for the 30th anniversary and releasing sometime in 2026 as part of the 30th anniversary celebration. I’m ok with Gen 10 and the 30th anniversary coinciding like this as they’re both major milestones, but I’m also iffy on how TPCI will handle Gen 10.
Like, on one hand, Game Freak likes to lean hard into Gen 1 nostalgia. But on the other hand, everything about the PLZA (can we call it “Plaza”?) trailer says they’re listening to the fanbase for once - i.e. the later release date, Pokemon Z actually happening, and Megas returning.
So what could happen with Gen 10? I have some guesses that maybe I’ll expand into two bingo cards eventually: one for hopes and one for realistic expectations. For now though…
New region set around Italy, India, or China
A new mega-esquse mechanic
A soft reboot similar to Black and White (no old Pokemon can be caught until post-game)
Full national dex available after beating the game
Return of the Battle Frontier
Realistic expectations:
Kanto/Johto part 3 (like how GSC was Kanto part 2)
A weird and uninspired battle mechanic (hello Dynamax)
Kanto pokemon thrown in your face every 10 minutes with some Johto mixed in
Pikachu gets a new form and a new hat
Still limited to 400 pokemon until DLC
Burned Tower is now a Battle Tower
I mean, it could honestly go either way.
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tierra-paldeana · 7 months
( ge.eta-related fun facts! )
// okay, here comes a ge.eta-related infodump-
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as someone from spain, i need to say that ge.eta isn't really south asian/indian, but ca.lé (iberian, and especially spanish, ro.mani). i am aware that ro.mani people in general have been suggested to have originated in india though, which explains this widespread belief in the fandom i guess?, and if true would mean it isn't 100% incorrect (i thought it was outright confirmed but apparently it's still debated? apologies if i'm wrong on that front), but there's plenty of proof in her design, team set-up and even her battle theme to demonstrate that she's cal.é/rom.ani
(as a disclaimer, while i am not ca.lé myself, i am from spain and live in an area widely populated by ca.lé people, so i am just giving my two cents, as ca.lé people have influenced and created very representative parts of our culture as a whole, and should be talked about more often!):
her battle theme features instruments and cadences that are common in flamenco (spanish guitar) and pasodoble (trumpets), with flamenco being a spanish music genre which has been agreed upon was created by the andalusian ca.lé, and pasodoble being also a music genre that's prominently featured in bullfighting, whose origins aren't all very clear, but is agreed to have both spanish and french origins (which ties into things that are discussed below). while i'm not super familiar with the french side of things, chunks of her theme are also extremely reminiscent of music featured in the kalos games.
design wise, she follows the very common artistic representation, from her beautifully thick eyebrows to the golden accents in her clothes and bits in her parted pitch black hair and even in her eyes - golden accessories, especially worn around the neck, are a symbol of high status and wealth in ca.lé society, tying nicely into her champion position.
most ca.lé people live in spain, with smaller populations in portugal and southern france, and this is mirrored in her Pokémon team, with Pokémon first introduced in paldea (espathra, glimmora, kingambit, veluza) and kalos (gogoat, avalugg + chesnaught in the DLC). espathra being in her team and being based on an ostrich and on cleopatra could also be a nod to the (very erroneous, mind you) belief that ro.mani people originated from egypt.
her english and spanish names, gee.ta and ságita, both reference the scientific name of the threeleaf arrowhead (Sa(gitta)ria trifolia), as well as sound very similar to the spanish exonym used by payos (non-calé) to refer to the ro.mani, gitan.o. sagitta comes from latin (meaning 'arrow'), which imo lends itself into the zodiac constellation Sagittarius, referencing ties rom.ani/ca.lé people have to fortune-telling, seen as an exclusively female profession in their culture.
there's probably other things that i'm missing or have forgotten, but those were the ones that stood out to me the most- from the moment i saw her in the first trailers, she struck me as super familiar in vibes, and after a bit of both digging and consideration, i feel super happy to see such nice ca.lé representation in a pokémon game based on the iberian peninsula, my homeland!
while doing research for this, i learned that the exonym used to refer to romani people in english and the one in spanish come from the same erroneous belief that they came from egypt. in english, said exonym can be and is often viewed by english-speaking ro.mani people as offensive, but the spanish equivalent isn't really seen that way where i live, which is why i use the spanish one but not the english one! just wanted to clarify-
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stellarred · 7 months
The scene in ST: Picard Season 1: Et in Arcadia Ego Pt 2, where Picard's soul meets Data, keeps turning over and over in my head.
I think of how Data revealed a hand of Q cards in the very beginning of the series, so clearly Q had something to do with that. What better person to help Q reach Jean-Luc Picard than his "professor of Humanities?"
Did Q use Data to help him connect with Picard in the end of Season 1? Was Data being used as a channel for Q?
There are meta-analyses posted by other Tumblrs, describing how Q is represented by a butterfly.
"I am the gentle flutter of a butterfly."
"Humans with your griefs and pains... are like butterflies with your wings pinned."
It was a butterfly, or rather, a moon moth that essentially led Picard's soul to Data, and then to Picard's synth body, created by Dr. Soong.
Data even remarked as he released a butterfly from his hand (As in: "Open your hand, Data. Follow me, the butterfly, Picard!"--Q), that "A butterfly that lives forever isn't a butterfly." That sounds a bit odd that "Data" said that. Who lives forever, and is leading Picard to the synth body, thus saving Picard from death?
It's possible that it was Data that Picard was speaking to. But, what if Q was also talking, too? Through Data?
Data said something about Picard dreaming of him. Picard then happily said that he dreamed of Data all the time.
But, how interesting it is that Q was part of Picard's dream with Data in it. How many times has Q been hinted at in Picard's dreams?
What I'm saying is that Picard isn't ready to have Q in his familiar form with, dark, luscious hair and all in Picard's dream.
Picard would still see Q as an enemy, and his stubborness, since he has so much repressed love for Q, would call it a nightmare, not a dream.
So, Q would have to be hinted at. In plain sight, and yet, hidden from being so obvious.
So, instead what if Q essentially "piggybacked" on Data to reach Picard in his dreams?
The other thing that I, as an audience member hoped, was when Data got Picard to say that he loved him, Q was also trying to hear Picard say those words to him, albeit indirectly to him.
If Q is manifesting himself as the butterfly, and has used Data (That sounds nasty to put it that way, I know.) as a means of reaching Picard, then wouldn't Q also want to feel in some way, Picard saying that he loves him?
Receiving Picard's love is Q's greatest desire. I wouldn't put it past him to find a roundabout way of getting Picard to say that he loves him.
The last thing I noticed is how when you start to see objects in the darkened room where Data is sitting across from Picard, there are Hindu figurines on the table, such as a Buddha figure, (Buddhism was also in India) an Indian-looking tower-like object, and a third object that looked potentially Indian. The camera focuses on these objects very quickly, but it also focuses on them twice, once in the opening of the scene and a second time around the moment when Picard gets up out of the chair to step into the light. What's so special about these objects that we see them twice? In Picard's sitting room. With a faceless mantle clock and the cosmos sparkling overhead? Who's the interior decorator here?
A meta-analysis done on Q's clothing at the end of Season 3 revealed that the eight-pointed star brooch on Q's costume was a navaratna with rubies, which just so happen to be Picard's birthstone. It's extremely interesting that there was the, for lack of a better word, the Indian connection with Q's red and black costume brooch in S3 and the objects of Indian design in the final episode of S1.
In Season 1, if Q is involved in Picard's "dream" with Q (Queen) cards (Season 2 trailer reveal!) and later with this mysterious butterfly that pretty much saves his Favorite's life ("I am the gentle flutter of a butterfly " Season 2), why not a third connection? (Q's interesting choice in jewelry in Season 3).
There are simply too many odd connectors for it all to be coincidence.
My curiosity lies in how Data ultimately fits in Q's role in this.
Q IS present in Season 1.
Did Data serve as a connection for Q to help create a connection between himself and Picard?
****Just a quck mention: When I listened very carefully during the second that Data lays down the Q cards in Episode 1, I swear I thought I heard a two-second "fluttering" sound.
I looked up on YouTube the sound of butterflies flitting around.
I listened to one video of a group of butterflies flitting their wings, and I heard the same sound.
You'd have to turn your volume way up when Data shows the five cards. But, I swear I thought I heard a 1-2 second sound of wings flapping.
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armynoonas · 27 days
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August
Days remaining: 🐨 282 🐱 292 🐿 46 🐥 283 🐻 282 🐰 283 🐹 is home 💜
Week 24 Jin’s Discharge & FESTA Week 28 ARMY Day & Torchbearer Jin Week 29 Torchbearer Jin
Week 36 (02-08)
Highlights: Right People, Wrong Place - World Premiere: Busan International Film Festival, Special Trailer NEVA PLAY (feat. RM) [Official Video] Run Jin - EP.4 | A Dangerous Invitation from Jin Are You Sure?! - Season Poster (Winter ver.)☃️ Jimin The Truth Untold - Exhibition Announcement Tae on Weverse - Post w/Tannie, answering comments Tae on KakaoTalk GC I AM STILL - Preview 1 - Seven, Special Posters, Special Photos, Official Photo 2
Week 37 (09-15)
Highlights: Joon Day - Weverse post, Instagram post 1, post 2, 2024 RM DAY, Joon’s Birthday!! RPWP - Busan Film Fest Run Jin EP.5 - A Dangerous Invitation from Jin 2 Hobi on Instagram Tae on Instagram
Week 38 (16-22)
Highlights: 2024 Chuseok Greeting Joon on Weverse - part 1, part 2 Jin Weverse Live Run Jin - EP.6 - The Prince of Tennis Jin x Fred Jewellery, reel 1, reel 2, photos 1, photos 2 Hobi on Weverse - Chuseok Greetings Hobi on Instagram - stories w/Tae, IU concert story 1, story 2, story 3, story 4 Are You Sure?! - PHOTOBOOK Visualizer, Episode Highlights, Preview in USA🗽, Preview in Jeju🏝️, Preview in Sapporo⛄️ Tae on Instagram - stories, IU concert JK on Weverse - Chuseok Greetings JUNG KOOK: I AM STILL
Milan Fashion Week: Jin on Weverse, Jin on Instagram, Jin on Instagram (afterparty) W Korea reel 1, reel 2 Madame FIGARO reel 1, reel 2, photos VOGUE Taiwan reel VOGUE India reel Cosmopolitan Korea reel 1, reel 2 Esquire Korea reel 1, reel 2 L'Officiel Singapore reel BAZAAR Taiwan reel marie claire reel 1, reel 2 WWD Japan reel eyesmag reel Gucci on Twitter
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partisan-by-default · 9 months
The trailer for "Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food" promised a sunny if melodramatic story of uplift in a south Indian temple town. A priest's daughter enters a cooking tournament, but social obstacles complicate her inevitable rise to the top. Annapoorani's father, a Brahmin sitting at the top of Hindu society's caste ladder, doesn't want her to cook meat, a taboo in their lineage. There is even the hint of a Hindu-Muslim romantic subplot. On Thursday, two weeks after the movie premiered, Netflix abruptly pulled it from its platform. An activist, Ramesh Solanki, a self-described "very proud Hindu Indian nationalist," had filed a police complaint arguing that the film was "intentionally released to hurt Hindu sentiments." He said it mocked Hinduism by "depicting our gods consuming nonvegetarian food." The production studio quickly responded with an abject letter to a right-wing group linked to the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, apologizing for having "hurt the religious sentiments of the Hindus and Brahmins community." The movie was soon removed from Netflix both in India and around the world, demonstrating the newfound power of Hindu nationalists to affect how Indian society is depicted on the screen. Nilesh Krishnaa, the movie's writer and director, tried to anticipate the possibility of offending some of his fellow Indians. Food, Brahminical customs and especially Hindu-Muslim relations are all part of a third rail that has grown more powerfully electrified during Mr. Modi's decade in power. But, Mr. Krishnaa told an Indian newspaper in November, "if there was something disturbing communal harmony in the film, the censor board would not have allowed it." With "Annapoorani," Netflix appears to have in effect done the censoring itself even when the censor board did not. In other cases, Netflix now seems to be working with the board unofficially, though streaming services in India do not fall under the regulations that govern traditional Indian cinema. For years, Netflix ran unredacted versions of Indian films that had sensitive parts removed for their theatrical releases -- including political messages that contradicted the government's line. Since last year, though, the streaming versions of movies from India match the versions that were censored locally, no matter where in the world they are viewed. [...] Nikhil Pahwa, a co-founder of the Internet Freedom Foundation, thinks the streaming companies are ready to capitulate: "They're unlikely to push back against any kind of bullying or censorship, even though there is no law in India" to force them.
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cupidsbower · 9 months
More thoughts about Dunki
I wrote my review right after seeing the film, because I was off to spend a couple of weeks in the bush right after and wouldn't have internet. Now I've had more time to think about it, I've got a few additional thoughts.
The first half of the film is stronger than the second half. It's not because the second half is bad, but because it's missing a beat, to drive home the themes and really pay off the tragedy at the end.
What it needed was a sequence about the humdrum life of living as a refugee in England, with the main goal of working and making money, in a country that doesn't feel like home, and not having much of a life of their own. It wouldn't even need to be long - maybe 7 to 10 minutes. A series of jump cuts of Manu driving her taxi as she steadily gets older, maybe watching life happen in the back seat via her rearview mirror, or as she expands and hires other dunki arrivals who have managed to get visas by claiming refugee status, and perhaps with her starting to take pills for headaches. And/or Balli working his way up from statue to overworked sewing machinist to tailor who hires other dunki arrivals, always sending money home, but with never enough money to marry. Although honestly, I can't be the only one that assumed Balli and Buggu were a couple, right? And that's a big part of why they wanted to leave India? It's the only thing that makes sense, because surely all three of them wouldn't really be single all that time! Making that more overt would have added to the characterisation and overall tragedy of the story - especially the ending, when they are back in India.
It would be harder to add in a bridging sequence like that for Hardy, just because of the way the film is structured, but it could still have been done - showing him acting as the replacement son for Manu's parents, and doing tasks for them.
The story needed that sense of time passing to link the flashback sequences better to the current day sequences, to emphasise all that they had lost and won - their rising wealth, but more importantly their rising regret for what they had to give up to achieve that wealth.
With that extra beat, the themes would have been deepened, but it would also have made the ending more poignant.
The more I think about the emotional shape of the film, the more that gap bothers me. There isn't enough sense of four lives not-fully-lived as a result of the dunki trip and the regrets that brings with it.
Anyway, I still enjoyed the movie. Not enough to see it again at the cinema, but I'll definitely watch it again on streaming, and I still recommend it. It has a lot to enjoy, despite my quibbles.
I suspect that a lot of people who have written reviews saying Dunki is boring were expecting an action film like Pathaan or Jawan. Expectations can ruin a film if they are off target, and the terrible trailers really didn't help in that regard. Dunki does have some action sequences, but it's not an action movie. Go in expecting something more like Swades, but a tragicomedy. That should set you up to enjoy it.
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mariacallous · 2 years
In 2010, Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan starred in a film called My Name Is Khan that served as a critique of Islamophobia in the United States in the post-9/11 era. In the movie, Khan goes on a journey to the United States to meet the American president and tell him that having an Islamic last name doesn’t make him a terrorist. In real life, however, his name has made him a target at home.
A year after Narendra Modi became India’s prime minister in 2014, Khan said there was a climate of intolerance in the country that “will take us to the dark ages.” Two days later, a senior leader of the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and an acolyte of Modi, Yogi Adityanath, said Khan spoke the language of terrorists and equated him to the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorism attacks. Adityanath threatened Khan, saying he would be out of business if a “huge mass” of Indians, implying Hindus, boycotted his films. Since then, fringe political outfits linked to the BJP—and even some BJP leaders—have repeatedly attacked Khan.
The latest attack began when the trailer of Khan’s latest film, Pathaan, was released last month. Hindu nationalists of the BJP and those linked to the party expressed three major objections. First, that actress Deepika Padukone should not have worn a saffron-hued bikini in a song titled “Besharam Rang” because saffron is a sacred color in Hinduism. Second, the bikini was a few centimeters too revealing to be approved by the far right’s cultural police. And third, and more tellingly perhaps, they slandered Khan for his fitness, questioning whether the 57-year-old’s chiseled “six-pack” abdomen could possibly be real.
The charges were ludicrous. Bollywood actresses have worn saffron in sensuous songs before, but it’s never been so controversial. Moreover, Padukone wore a green skirt and several other colors in the song. The attack didn’t make sense, but it was nonetheless vicious. One protester on air, who was later revealed to be an actor himself, dared Khan to dress his daughter in a green bikini instead of Padukone, a Hindu actress. Green is a sacred color in Islam, and Khan’s wife is also Hindu.
“Had Deepika worn a saffron bikini opposite a Hindu actor, there would have been no controversy,” Hartosh Singh Bal, political editor of the Caravan, told Foreign Policy from Delhi in a phone interview. “It is all because [Khan] is a Muslim.” Several male Indian actors have flaunted abs before, and rare have they met with such ridicule.
Many people believe that the insidious campaign to discredit Khan emerges out of Hindu nationalists’ broader effort to humiliate minorities into accepting their secondary status in a country they want to claim for themselves. There have been frequent calls by the BJP to turn India into a theocratic state—a Hindu rashtra or a country predominantly of and for Hindus. As part of that bid, they hope to control Bollywood itself, the country’s biggest cultural force and its most effective messenger.
After #BoycottPathaan trended on Twitter, #BoycottBollywood soon followed. There were several well-crafted tweets, as if coordinated with one another, calling on directors to change their scripts and fall in line—or risk a total boycott. But this was not the first time Bollywood came under attack. Scholars who studied the trend between August 1 and September 12 discovered thousands of ghost accounts created over these months that solely tweeted with the hashtag #BoycottBollywood. More than 300 accounts each tweeted over 1,000 tweets on Bollywood over that nearly month and a half, “suggesting organized behavior,” said Joyojeet Pal, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan who conducted the study. Junior politicians of the BJP and of its affiliates were also discovered to be pushing the content.
Outrage on social media was to a large extent manufactured, but it is hard to say how many Indians genuinely approved of the sentiment. An investigation by news website the Wire revealed that many of the news stories that defamed Khan and called for Pathaan’s boycott reflected the views of political partisans rather than genuine protesters. Meanwhile, Pathaan has enjoyed enormous ticket sales, a resounding rejection of the calls to boycott Khan’s movies and Bollywood more generally.
Fans thronged cinemas in cities across India and at screenings abroad to see Khan return to the screen after a four-year hiatus. The controversies instigated around him—including outright falsehoods about how he had supposedly donated millions of dollars to Pakistan and was caught spitting at the funeral of Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar—did little to dampen public enthusiasm for his movie.
As Khan hopped between buildings, dived off planes, and walked on the facade of a skyscraper, all to save India from a terrorist attack, Indians across faiths seemed proud that Bollywood could also produce its own version of Mission Impossible and were eager to applaud Khan’s reinvention from romantic heartthrob to action hero. Even Indians abroad, who are arguably among the biggest believers in Hindu nationalism, rushed to screenings in the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The movie has reportedly smashed box office records in India, and in the first 16 days since its release, it earned nearly $10 million.
Meera Rizvi, a professional scriptwriter whose maternal ancestors were ethnic Pashtuns like Khan’s, said she had little interest in watching the movie but attended a screening as an act of resistance to bullying from Hindu nationalists. “Bullies have been empowered by the right-wing government, and they think they can do whatever they want,” Rizvi said. “I went to see the movie to stand up against the bullying Khan has been subjected to.” Many others said they believed it was all a useless controversy. Anju Dhawan, an interior designer, said she didn’t understand why there was controversy at all. “Shah Rukh is an actor. Hindu, Muslim has nothing to do with it,” she told Foreign Policy from Karnal, India.
The crowds, however, did not indicate a rejection of political polarization. At least two highly educated professionals FP spoke to believe in Hindu nationalist propaganda, making unsubstantiated allegations against Khan. Political analysts told FP that Pathaan’s success did not indicate a change of mood in a nation still in thrall of Modi and the BJP’s broader political agenda. “It showed that Hindu nationalists still do not have the ability to wipe out the appeal of a celebrity who is a Muslim, just like Indians would cheer a Muslim cricketer,” Bal said. “It didn’t mean the mood of the country has gone a certain way.”
Last week, Indian press reported that Modi called on his ministers to refrain from making unnecessary comments that overshadow the government’s developmental work. But that message has come far too late to rein in the mob, said filmmaker Anurag Kashyap. “It was about controlling their own people. Things have gone out of hand now,” Kashyap said. “When you stay silent, you empower prejudice and you empower hatred. It has now got so much empowered that it is a power in itself. The mob is out of control now.”
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tipsyjaehyun · 2 years
Hi Rain!!
Share your thoughts about "class". Please. I have watched it and totally fell in love with faruqdhruv!! The chemistry was insane man! I didn't expect this!! They gave me feels!! After watching a lot of bl shows all over the world, my country giving a couple with pure chemistry, I'm bit giddy..oofff. they deserve a fandom for sure and i'm in it. I liked veersaba's chemistry as well. Actors were so good.Overall I enjoyed watching the show. Now I want season 2..
i haven't watched elite, dropped after 1 or2 episodes, cuz i didn't get a grip. Class got me hooked up right from the trailer. And now I think i'm falling into class fandom. But no one else is giving the hype it deserve, and no one is talking about it. Idk. Just saw ur post about, got hyped up since I knew you from young royals fandom, so yeah!!!!!
I'm from India, btw.
Hello! This took me a long time to answer (hello Sunday!), but I’m finally here. And getting to meet people from Young Royals fandom is like a major throwback, so hello again, old friend! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
So, first of all, being from India and seeing mainstream queer Indian shows has been, well, not so nice experience. We have seen many queer sub-characters come up in shows like The Fame Game, Cobalt Blue, Four More Shots Please, etc. but I personally have never seen an Indian show give its queer characters a love story, which is full of pining and longing and romance and intimacy and silly texts, just like their “straight” counterparts.
So, you can imagine my surprise when I watched Class. Faruq and Dhruv were the best part of the show for me. They gave us everything with FaruqDhruv! Teenage infatuation, fascination, missing someone, wanting to be with them, first love, bliss, first time, literally everything. And the best thing was they did not shy away from showing us the realistic part of being a queer teenager in an Indian household. The blatant homophobia, pressure of coming out, wanting to tell your friends but being scared of their reaction, etc.
And the last scene… Uff! I’ll be replaying that scene forever. When Faruq says, “Main aa gaya (I’m here),” I got goosebumps! One of my other favourite scenes was the rooftop scene, when Faruq told Dhruv about his uncle. The entire aesthetic – music, cinematography, colouring, everything, was so on point. I’m so glad the makers of the show took their time with them and gave us such a perfect sweet couple.
And finally, I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that Netflix would probably have them make 3 seasons of the show, so we’ll definitely get FaruqDhruv back later this year or early next year! And just like you, I cannot wait to have them back!
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salmankhanholics · 1 year
★ Maneesh Sharma on directing Salman Khan in Tiger 3, “Want to portray Tiger like I’ve seen him as a movie buff”!
Sep 28, 2023
Yash Raj Films released ‘Tiger Ka Message’ video yesterday, which was like a prelude before the trailer of the highly anticipated Tiger 3. The video became viral and added onto the excitement for the film. This is the third film in the franchise, which stars Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, after Ek Tha Tiger (2012) and Tiger Zinda Hai (2017), which were directed by Kabir Khan and Ali Abbas Zafar respectively.
Maneesh Sharma has taken over the reigns for Tiger 3. Speaking about taking charge of the franchise and his aim, he said in a statement, “Over the last decade, Tiger had become perhaps the most iconic character in Bollywood. And getting the opportunity to take over the reins, to take his story forward came with an inexplicable excitement. I want to portray Tiger like I’ve seen him as a movie buff - larger than life, towering over you with his star power. I am excited that I get to add a deeper layer to his journey.”
In ‘Tiger Ka Message’, it was revealed that Salman aka Tiger is in peril after being framed as Enemy Number 1 of India. This video sets up the plot of the film that will show how Tiger goes on a life-threatening mission to hunt down his enemies in this vengeful action entertainer. Tiger wants to clear his name for his country, for his family and he won’t stop at nothing.
Sharing what all is at stake this time around, Sharma added, “This time, it’s not only about saving India, but about standing up for himself and his family. And for a man, for Tiger, that is the core of who you are - an area where each one (even Tiger!) feels vulnerable. And he will do it with a vengeance. India’s No 1 agent is India’s Enemy No 1 this time and I think people will have fun watching this edge of the seat action entertainer!”
Interestingly, Aditya Chopra, the head honcho of Yash Raj Films, ideated the video and came up with a dialogue that has gone viral. Added Sharma,
“We are also delighted to see how the dialogue ‘Jab Tak Tiger Mara Nahin, Tab Tak Tiger Haara Nahin’ has gone viral! The video was conceptualised and written by Aditya Chopra and this dialogue is also a masterstroke from him! It’s a total paisa vasool big screen dialogue that will create hysteria when Salman says it on screen!”
Tiger 3 is a part of the YRF Spy Universe, which kicked off in 2012 with Ek Tha Tigerfollowed by Tiger Zinda Hai (2017), War (2019), and Pathaan (2023). It was Ek Tha Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai’s humongous success that cemented Aditya Chopra’s belief that he could introduce two more larger-than-life spy agents, Kabir aka Hrithik Roshan in War and Pathaan aka Shah Rukh Khan in the YRF Spy Universe. YRF intends to interconnect every spy film in the post-Pathaan world. Tiger 3 follows the events of Tiger Zinda Hai, War, and Pathaan.
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khushiambient · 9 months
Movie Marketing Guide in the Digital Era - Expert Strategies
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Launching an impactful movie marketing campaign stands as the initial step in ensuring a film’s triumphant journey at the box office. Even colossal film studios such as Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, and Walt Disney Pictures allocate upwards of $150 million for their marketing endeavours, whether orchestrated in-house or entrusted to professional movie marketing agencies. This substantial investment underscores the undeniable significance of film marketing, even for franchises with an enormous built-in fan base. Furthermore, the film industry remains in a perpetual state of transformation, as evidenced by the encroachment of streaming platforms on the traditional theatre market share.
An IFOP market research study reveals a shifting landscape, with 29% of respondents indicating they now frequent cinemas “less often,” while 11% have sworn off theatre visits altogether. The ascent of streaming giants like Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, and Hulu necessitates a re-evaluation of film marketing strategies by producers, who must adapt to this evolving terrain. If you also are seeking Movie Marketing in India to make your brand visible in such a competitive market then must get in touch with Khushi Ambient Media Solution. At Khushi Advertising, we provide dynamic marketing partnerships with the film industry to help you achieve your desired impact. Our collaborations with leading production houses and blockbuster movies enable you to showcase your product or service to a vast national and global audience.
What is Movie Marketing?
Movie marketing is the way movies are promoted and advertised to get people excited about watching them. It’s like telling a story about a movie to make people want to see it. Movie makers use different strategies like trailers, posters, social media, and sometimes even special events to create a buzz and build interest. They want to reach as many people as possible, so they use various channels and platforms to spread the word. The goal of movie marketing is to attract a big audience and make the movie a success at the box office, so it’s an essential part of the movie-making process.
Traditional and Digital Film Marketing
As previously mentioned, traditional marketing methods are losing their effectiveness in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Consequently, businesses are shifting their focus away from traditional marketing and placing greater reliance on digital marketing. According to research by Statista, budgets allocated to traditional marketing are on the decline, while digital marketing budgets continue to see consistent growth. This shift from traditional to digital marketing is also pertinent to the film industry. For example, a new film can often generate more buzz through word-of-mouth on social media platforms than through conventional advertising methods like posters and billboards. The film industry is undergoing a transformative process, and a successful marketing campaign must be agile enough to adapt to this prevailing trend. In today’s highly digitized world, a well-rounded film marketing strategy must be centered around digital channels to remain relevant and effective.
Film Marketing Channels in the Digital Era
In addition to the advantage of reaching a wider audience through virtual advertising channels, digital marketing offers a more straightforward way to gauge performance and audience engagement. Most, if not all, virtual platforms provide in-house tools for monitoring the effectiveness of your campaign. These insights enable you to promptly adjust or discontinue your campaign if it’s not effectively reaching your intended audiences. Conversely, if your digital marketing campaign is performing exceptionally well, you can choose to bolster it. This ensures that your film continues to captivate your target audience and possibly even extends its reach to new markets, if fortune favors. Given these numerous benefits, filmmakers employ various digital marketing channels to promote their new films. Choose the best advertising and movie marketing agency in India with Khushi! Take your brand to the next level – Contact us now. 
Social Media
Social media platforms are undeniably the primary choice for digital marketing channels, and the reasons behind this preference are compelling. The most evident advantage is the massive and continuously expanding audience, with a staggering 4.80 billion social media users in 2023, and projections indicate this number could swell to six billion within the next four years.
Additionally, people dedicate an average of 144 minutes per day to social media and messaging apps. Therefore, it’s not solely about reaching a wide audience on these platforms; you also have a remarkable opportunity to engage with users who invest a significant amount of their daily lives in these apps.
If you’re considering promoting your film through social media, it’s important to focus on specific channels and apps:
Facebook, with nearly 3 billion monthly users, where 67.5% of them actively engage daily.
TikTok, an app known for its remarkable engagement, with users spending an average of 10.85 minutes per session.
Twitter, experiencing a remarkable 30% increase in usage among people aged 17 to 34.
Instagram, the fourth-most used social media app, closely following Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp.
As demonstrated, social media has transformed into a central hub for social interactions. It offers an exceptional platform for filmmakers and producers to share teasers, official trailers, and press releases, effectively connecting with their audience.
Streaming Platforms
In this section, we’re focusing on promoting your film via streaming platforms, not on how to get streaming services to buy your entire movie. In the realm of digital marketing, one of the most widely used streaming platforms is YouTube. Over the years, YouTube has proven to be a valuable resource for marketers, offering substantial returns on investment. Apart from its extensive user base, what makes YouTube stand out is the relevance consumers find in its ads. According to a 2022 study conducted by Google, 59% of respondents perceived YouTube ads as more pertinent compared to advertisements on television and other streaming platforms. So, if you’re devising a film marketing strategy for independent films or any other cinematic endeavor, leveraging the marketing potential of YouTube could be a smart move. Unlock the power of Khushi Ambient Media for unparalleled advertising success and movie marketing excellence. Elevate your brand and reach new heights today. 
Stages of Film Marketing
Audience Identification: Filmmakers start by identifying their target audience. They consider factors like age, gender, interests, and location.
Marketing Strategy: A marketing plan is developed, outlining how the film will be promoted to reach the intended audience effectively.
Teasers and Trailers
Teasers: Short teaser videos are released early on to create intrigue and generate excitement without giving away too much of the plot.
Trailers: Longer trailers come later, offering a more comprehensive look at the film’s storyline and characters. They aim to capture the audience’s interest.
Posters and Merchandise
Posters: Visually appealing movie posters are designed to grab people’s attention and provide a glimpse of the film’s mood and theme.
Merchandise: Creating merchandise like t-shirts, toys, and collectibles with the film’s branding helps in building a fan community.
Social Media Hype
Platforms: Filmmakers use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to connect with fans and followers.
Engagement: Behind-the-scenes content, interactive posts, and contests engage the audience and build anticipation.
Press Releases
Media Coverage: The film generates interest through news articles, interviews with the cast and crew, and coverage in magazines, newspapers, and entertainment shows.
Premieres and Festivals
Festival Screenings: Films may premiere at film festivals like Cannes or Sundance, generating buzz and attracting the attention of critics and industry professionals.
Special Events: Exclusive screenings and premieres with red carpet events can also generate excitement and media coverage.
Wide Release
Theater Release: The film is released in theaters, supported by advertising, promotions, and advanced ticket sales to draw audiences.
Home Release
DVD/Blu-ray: After the theatrical run, the film is released on physical media like DVDs and Blu-rays.
Streaming Platforms: It’s also made available on streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Disney+.
Awards Campaigns
For Contenders: Films with award potential launch campaigns to get noticed by award bodies, including the Oscars, Golden Globes, and others.
Long-Term Promotion
Anniversary Editions: Some films release special anniversary editions with additional content to keep the fanbase engaged.
Director’s Cuts: Director’s cuts with extra scenes or alternate endings can reignite interest.
Franchise Expansions: Successful films may lead to sequels, spin-offs, or merchandise that keeps the brand alive.
Experience the difference with Khushi. Let us be your marketing and branding solution partner, leveraging our years of expertise in cinemas, malls, and airport advertising, and our successful collaborations with top Indian brands across various industries.
This blog originally posted here:
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