#Trade Mark Registration In Delhi
services-plus · 1 year
Trade Mark Registration In Delhi | Services Plus
Services Plus facilitates trade mark registration in delhi. Trademark registration is a crucial legal process that aids in the protection of a company or individual's brand identity and reputation. It grants the owner of trademark exclusive rights to use it and forbids others from using it without permission. To ensure that their trademarks are correctly registered and protected, firms and individuals should obtain professional advice.
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trademarkzone · 23 days
"Secure Your Brand with Trademark Brand Registry Services"
Make sure the Trademark Brand Registry is protecting and establishing the legitimacy of your brand. You may protect your intellectual property, improve the perception of your brand, and obtain cutting-edge tools for administering and upholding your trademark rights by registering your trademark. Secure your trademark with the Trademark trademark Registry right away to avoid leaving it exposed.
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ccalegalfirm · 8 months
The Importance of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Gurugram: Key Considerations
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International agreements and Indian national laws control intellectual property rights (IPR) in Gurugram, India. All works of literature, art, inventions, designs, names, symbols, and pictures utilized in trade are considered intellectual property. The following is a general summary of intellectual property rights in Gurugram in accordance with the larger legal framework of India:
Patents: The Indian Patents Act of 1970 governs patents in India. Applications for patents are processed by the Patent Office in Gurugram, which is governed by the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks.
Trademarks: In India, trademarks are governed by the Trademarks Act, 1999. The authority in Gurugram for registering trademarks is the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Brand names, slogans, and other identifiers for products and services are protected under trademark law.
Copyrights: The 1957 Copyright Act protects copyrights in literary, artistic, and musical works. Copyright registrations are handled by the Copyright Office in New Delhi, India.
Designs: Industrial designs in India are protected by the Designs Act, 2000. Design registrations are under the jurisdiction of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks.
Trade Secrets: India does not have a legislation that specifically addresses trade secrets. On the other hand, common law rules and contractual agreements safeguard trade secrets and confidentiality.
Geographical Indications (GIs): The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, protects GIs, which designate goods as coming from a certain area.
Plant Varieties: The rights of farmers and the protection of plant varieties are governed by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001.
To safeguard their intellectual property rights in Gurugram, Gurugram residents and enterprises must be aware of these laws and rules. To negotiate the complexity of intellectual property rights and provide appropriate protection, speaking with legal specialists or intellectual property professionals is advised.
Content Source - The Importance of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Gurugram: Key Considerations
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mylawyeradvise · 8 months
Protection of Unregistered Trademarks | IP Attorney in Delhi NCR | IP Lawyer in Delhi NCR |
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Even if an unregistered mark lacks the legislative protection that registered marks have, the law recognises unregistered marks that have gained ample reputation without registration. In the event that a registered mark is misappropriated, the right holder may file a trademark infringement lawsuit against the infringer. However, the right holder is entitled to seek protection under the rule of passing off for the infringement of unregistered marks. The idea that “a man should not sell his goods under the false illusion that they are the goods of another man” underpins a claim for passing off. The passing off law prohibits one individual from misrepresenting the goods or services of another. Passing off is a type of unfair trade competition in which one person attempts to benefit from another’s popularity in a specific trade or industry. The central issue in this tort is if the defendant’s actions deceive or mislead the general public, causing uncertainty between the two industries’ operations. Read more
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brandliaison01 · 1 year
Are you still confused? Why do you need BIS certification? Let us clear it to you.
The BIS registration is entirely voluntary. However, the government of India has made adherents of Indian Standards mandatory for certain types of products for a variety of reasons, including the interests of the public, preventing harm to animal, human, or plant wellness, environmental safety, the eradication of illegal trade practices', as well as security for the nation. The Indian Government mandates the implementation of Standard Marks for these kinds of goods are listed below https://www.bl-india.com/bis-registration-mandatory-product-list.php?info=&id=9#top
See from the list, if your product is under this mandate category. To stand out in this competitive market you must have to complete the BIS registration fast! 
Register and get certified with us, if you meet all the requirements and all the documents needed, you are able to submit on time, we would try our best to complete your registration with the lowest possible time.
What do we assure you in our BIS certification service in Delhi?
We provide a wide range of BIS Certification by utilizing advanced technological resources. This authorization is a method for supplying a third-party assurance that the item's safety, quality, and dependability to the consumer as a whole. Aside from that, the testing services are provided using cutting-edge technology and in accordance with the requirements of our loyal customers.   
We provide a variety of BIS CSI Registration services. 
We provide this registration services within the specified time frame by utilizing cutting-edge technology.      
Why is BIS authorization and Certification necessary?
A BIS certification is required for producers of electronic goods such as automotive equipment, cylinders as well electronic goods, and so on, as well as the chemical fertilizers and ingredients industries. If their businesses are not granted BIS authorization, manufacturers engaging in these types of goods are not permitted to advertise and sell the items they manufacture in the domestic marketplace.
Why did the Government make these Standards?
Government never takes action in an individual business's policy matters. Unless the government deems it important to modify certain legalities. Those are bound Electronics Company Products to continue operating on an ample good-quality platform in order, i.e., bringing the product's quality to its consumers' / customers' expectations. Taking this into account, and to further reinforce the credibility of electronics businesses and their customers, the Indian government has mandated BIS certification India.
Such certifications, when viewed objectively, do assist Electronic Manufacturers in keeping up with competitors. When we look closely, the entire BIS involvement appears scientific, as if it was designed to build an Electronic Business that is 'Quality Product' friendly. The BIS was established.
Is the consequence of BIS certification services skin-deep or bone-deep?
Many companies that previously viewed such certification as a pointless time-wasting exercise were forced to eat humble pie after witnessing the positive effects it brought about. The BIS has the greatest long-term impact. Registration compliance implies a commitment to only generating high-quality products. The concept was clear: soon after such unveiled thought begins to work, it will become a kind of habit to consciously think of only obtaining the best quality products.
Why is a BIS Certificate essential for your business?
As we all know, the electronics sector is an important player to India's international trade policy.  Any business that imports and sells electronic devices such as phones, LED televisions, and LED lights in the country must file a registration with the BIS certification, or the items being imported will be re-exported.
BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)
The BIS is the national standards body in India that promotes and regulates goods as well as products standards. The BIS has established 8 central, 4 regional, as well as 3 branch labs in India for analyzing sample products throughout early stages and monitoring activities. The government encourages BIS certification for goods, despite the fact that it is freely chosen, for the following reasons:
·       It serves as a safeguard for public health.
·       It ensures the highest level of quality.
·       It safeguards the consumer against potentially harmful products.
·       It increases consumer trust.
The Advantages of BIS Certification
The following advantages are obtainable with BIS registration:
 Makes sure about the quality standards because BIS-registered products are required to meet criteria during the manufacturing process.
 BIS certified goods can be considered authentic because they provide superior functionality and dependability.
  Because BIS banned the use of specific materials and chemicals under its stipulated norms, BIS certified goods reduce hazards to the environment.
  BIS registration gets approved after evaluation samples of the product in BIS-established labs, maintaining inspection for quality as well as product quality.
The process for BIS Registration
The licensing and monitoring processes are generally involved in the BIS authorization procedure.
The licencing procedure includes the following steps:
·       Manufacturers are required to fill out the BIS registration form.
·       The BIS officers will conduct an initial assessment at the factory.
·       Following the assessment, samples of the product are scheduled to be tested.
·       The BIS officers will determine the final outcome after the assessment is completed.
·       Following the assessment, the evaluating officer will begin the monitoring procedure to conduct a thorough survey of the manufacturing facility. The monitoring process includes several steps:
·       The monitoring authority will come to the factory to verify the results of the tests.
·       These specimens will be sent to reputable laboratories by the monitoring officer.
·       The report of the test will provide feedback or a summary of the results that were obtained.
The Documents Needed for BIS Certification
·       Based on the kind of BIS registration scheming, the documents differ. Even so, the following are the entirety necessary paperwork that manufacturing companies must provide to the BIS in order to obtain BIS certification:
·       Address and name evidence of the office as well as factory
·       Documents proving the foundation of the manufacturing facility, which might include a The incorporation Certificate, The registration Certificate, or the Memorandum of Association, among others.
·       If relevant, an MSME/SSI certificate
·       Manufacturing activities workflow encompassing all stages of manufacturing (which dropped from raw material to the final product stage)
·       Manufacturing machinery list, including machine specifications.
·       Information on manufacturing facilities operation the outsourcing process, if necessary
·       A full listing of facilities for testing as well as instruments for testing
·       Documents of valid testing equipment certificates of calibration
·       Third-party vendors laboratory test report in accordance with Indian regulations
BIS Certification Validity
The BIS certification remains effective for a period of 2 years after it is implemented. In cases where there is no modification in the associated products or specified standards, companies may renew their BIS certification. The BIS certification will be applicable for a minimum of 12 months and as long as 5 years after it is renewed.
The BIS certification is liable to a yearly advance the minimum registering fee and license fee when it is renewed. Whereas if a renewal request for the BIS certification is submitted after the certificate has reached its expiry date, the person submitting the request must pay a late penalty of Rs.5000.
For more visit now - https://www.brandliaison.in/
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legalonlineservice · 1 year
Trademark registration is an important step for any business
Trademark registration is an important step for any business or individual looking to protect their brand name, logo, or other identifying marks. In Delhi, the process of trademark registration is governed by the Trade Marks Act, 1999, and is administered by the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM). Here is a step-by-step guide to registering a trademark in Delhi:
Conduct a trademark search: Before applying for trademark registration, it is important to conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure that your proposed trademark is not already registered by someone else. This can be done by conducting a search on the CGPDTM website or by hiring a trademark attorney to conduct the search on your behalf.
Choose a class: Trademarks are registered under specific classes based on the type of goods or services they represent. In Delhi, there are 45 classes of goods and services, and it is important to choose the correct class for your trademark.
File the application: Once you have conducted a trademark search and chosen a class, you can file the trademark application online or by visiting the trademark office in person. The application should include details such as the name and address of the applicant, the trademark image, and the class under which the trademark is to be registered.
Examination: After filing the trademark application, it will be examined by the trademark office to ensure that it meets the legal requirements for registration. This process can take several months, and the trademark office may request additional information or clarification during this time.
Publication: Once the trademark application is accepted, it will be published in the Trademark Journal for a period of four months to allow for any opposition from third parties. If there is no opposition during this period, the trademark will be registered.
Registration: After the opposition period has ended, and there are no objections to the trademark, it will be registered, and a registration certificate will be issued. The trademark is valid for ten years from the date of registration, and it can be renewed indefinitely.
In Delhi, the cost of trademark registration varies depending on the number of classes under which the trademark is registered. It is recommended to hire a trademark attorney to guide you through the registration process and ensure that your trademark application is complete and accurate.
In conclusion, trademark registration in Delhi is a critical step in protecting your brand identity and preventing others from using your trademark without permission. By following the above steps, you can ensure that your trademark registration process goes smoothly and that your trademark is registered in a timely and effective manner.
OnlineXBRL is leading Legal and Compliance service Platform. Connect us Now.
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lexgin · 1 year
Design Filing in Delhi: A Guide to Protecting Your Intellectual Property
If you're an artist, designer, or inventor, you know the importance of protecting your intellectual property. In today's fast-paced world, ideas are currency, and without the proper safeguards, your hard work could be at risk of being stolen or copied. That's where design filing comes in.
Design filing is the process of registering your designs with the government, giving you legal ownership and protection over your intellectual property. In Delhi, this process is governed by the Design Act, 2000, which sets out the rules and regulations for design registration.
To get started with Design Filing in Delhi, you'll need to submit an application to the Design Wing of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. Your application should include a description of your design, along with any drawings or photographs that help illustrate it. You'll also need to pay a fee, which varies depending on the type of design you're registering.
Once your application has been accepted, your design will be examined by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to ensure it meets the requirements set out in the Design Act, 2000. If your design is approved, you'll be issued a certificate of registration, which gives you exclusive rights to use and license your design.
Design filing is a crucial step in protecting your intellectual property, but it can be a complex and time-consuming process. That's why it's important to work with a qualified patent attorney or agent who can guide you through the process and ensure your application is complete and accurate.
If you're an artist, designer, or inventor, Design Filing in Delhi is an essential step in protecting your intellectual property. By registering your designs, you'll have legal ownership and protection over your hard work, giving you the peace of mind and security you need to succeed in today's competitive world.
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legalupanishad · 1 year
Delhi High Court declares the "H" mark of Hermes International as a well-known trademark
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This article on 'Delhi High Court declares the "H" mark of Hermes International as a well-known trademark' was written by an intern at Legal Upanishad.
To understand the decision and the case well we need to grasp the fundamentals and basics of the trademark. So according to the WIPO trademark is a sign which is capable of distinguishing the products and services in a relevant market for the consumers and it is protected by Intellectual property rights. In India, trademarks are governed and regulated by the Trade Marks Act, of 1999 this act was specially introduced to comply with the TRIPS agreement and provisions laid down there forth. A recent Delhi High Court decision on the issue of trademark attracted a vast amount of people on the issue, and therefore for this, it is very crucial for us to understand Hermes International & ANR. V. Crimzon Fashion Accessories Private Limited case to understand the recent development that took place in the trademark law.
What is a Trademark?
In layman’s language, a trademark can be termed as a source identifier as it helps in identifying the source of goods and services as well as distinguishes the goods of one seller from that of another. A mark can be Generic, descriptive, suggestive, arbitrary, or fanciful. The first two are said to be while the other three are termed as inherently distinctive and have high chances of getting registered. The attribute of being able to identify the source of products or services is known as "distinctiveness," and a mark must be distinctive in order to be used as a trademark.
Well-Known Trademark
The Trademarks Act, 1999, defines a well-known trademark as, "a mark which has become so to the substantial segment of the public which uses such goods or receives such services that the use of such mark in relation to other goods or services would be likely to be taken as indicating a connection in the course of trade or rendering of services between those goods or services and a person using the mark in relation to the first-mentioned goods or services”.
Hermes International & ANR. V. Crimzon Fashion Accessories Private Limited: Case Analysis
In this case, the plaintiff Hermes International filed a suit against Crimzon Fashion Accessories Private Limited for violation of the mark which is of Hermes and the defendant Crimzon is using it for its luxury footwear. The argument put forth by the plaintiff Hermes was that trademark of the plaintiff Hermes is well recognized by the relevant section of the public as they have stores in Mumbai and Delhi displaying the trademark H. and also several well-known magazines such as vogue have reviewed and recognized the plaintiff’s sandals with H trademark.  The plaintiffs also contended and argued that they coined the trademark H in the year 1997 by Mr. Pierre Hardy who is the creative director of the plaintiff company and he is also a well-known French designer. The plaintiff company used the trademark H in their Oran sandals and this was inspired by the house decoration of Africa’s Ndebele tribe and the sandals which were characterized by the leather band with the iconic H cut-out representing the plaintiff’s fashion house. The plaintiff also argued that they have this trademark on several products and their trademark H is there since 1997 in the market. And plaintiff advertises this trademark through their stores displaying its trademark H. The plaintiff further argued that they have registered the trademark H in 2015 in France and subsequent to that the trademark was granted international registration in 2016. The plaintiff put forth that all abovementioned clearly indicates that the trademark H was well-known in the fashion industry and also among the relevant section of the public and satisfies the conditions specified in Section 11(6) read with Section 11(7) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999. The Delhi High court held that the trademark of Hermes is a well-known trademark under Section 2(z)(g) under the Trade Marks Act 1999 and it also satisfies the conditions mention in Section 11(6) and 11(7) of the Trade Marks Act 1999.
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Delhi High Court declares the "H" mark of Hermes International as a well-known trademark For our further understanding, we need to look at Section 2(z)(g) of the Trade Marks Act 1999 and what it means by the term well-known. In contrast to all other trademarks, which have their goodwill and reputation confined to a certain specified geographic region and to a specific range of commodities, well-known trademarks have both of these protected across the nation and across categories of goods and services. By law, the Trade Mark Registry is not allowed to register any mark as a trademark if it is confusingly similar to another well-known brand. For instance, only Alphabet Inc. is permitted to register the name "Google" for any kind of good or service since it has registered Google as a famous trademark. Even though the service is unrelated to the Internet sector, only Alphabet Inc. is permitted to register "Google" as a trademark. Any trademark that lacks distinctive characteristics or that only consists of signs or identification that may be used in commerce to assign some kind, quality, volume, intended use, value, place of origin, or time of manufacturing of goods, or that has developed a custom in the current lingo or in the genuine and established practices of the trade, may be disqualified from serving as a trademark. This case clearly lay downs the importance of Section 11(6) and Section 11(7) while determining the well-known trademark of the product or service. Section 11(6) is especially important as it lays down the factors and conditions while determining the well-known trademark as gives five sub-clauses that would be helpful while determining the trademark. In this case, the counsel for the plaintiff mainly relied on Section 11(6) read with Section 11(7) of the Trade Marks Act 1999 while establishing that the Hermes trademark H is well-known in a relevant Section of the public.
Due to globalization, there has been an increase in trade and commerce throughout the world and this has led to growth in various industries due to an increase in consumption. The goods and services of one region is been consumed throughout the world and all these goods and service have distinguishable signs through which the consumer and public at large recognizes the product or service. The trademark is an exclusive right means everyone is excluded from using that except the holder of that right. In the recent case, Hermes International & ANR. V. Crimzon Fashion Accessories Private Limited clearly illustrates the importance of a trademark and its effective implementation of it. This case tells us the relevance and the conditions put forward by the Trade Marks Act and how can a product be recognized as a well-known product under Section 2(z)(g) and also explains the conditions laid down in Section 11(6) and 11(7) of the Trade Marks Act 1999.
- Delhi High Court Declares Hermes International’s ‘H’ Mark As Well-Known Trademark; available at: https://www.livelaw.in/news-updates/delhi-high-court-hermes-international-well-known-trademark-221628, (last visited on 20 February 2023). - Section 2 (1) (zg), The Trademarks Act, 1999. - India: Trademarks Comparative Guide; available at: https://www.mondaq.com/india/intellectual-property/788896/trademarks-comparative-guide, (last visited on 20 February 2023). - The Trade Marks Act, 1999. - Well-Known Trademarks; available at: https://ssrana.in/ip-laws/trademarks-in-india/well-known-trademarks-india/, (last visited on 20 February 2023). Read the full article
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al0nika · 1 year
Building Your Brand's Future: How to Register Your Trademark in Delhi
Trademark registration in Delhi is vital because it gives the registered trademark owner legal protection and exclusive rights. It is a valuable asset that helps a company build its reputation and goodwill.A trademark is the unique name of a firm that distinguishes it from other businesses that offer the same goods and services. It is crucial to represent a business. This trademark can be the name of the brand, a signature, a slogan, an image, or a sound. A company must first register a name or sign it wants to use as a trademark.
Unlike patents, trademarks do not have a set period of validity. Whereas a patent expires after 20 years, a trademark registration expires after ten years, but you can renew it for another ten years. If you keep renewing this process, you'll remain protected.
Importance of Trademark Registration in Delhi
Trademark registration in Delhi is necessary and provides the registered trademark owner with several legal benefits.
When a trademark is registered, the owner gains the legal right to prevent others from using any mark that is confusingly similar to or identical to their own.
It grants the owner the legal right to prevent others from using the trademark in connection with the goods or services it was officially registered.
A registered trademark can be a valuable asset because it can be licensed, sold, or used as collateral for loans.
The Indian government recognizes and protects a registered trademark. It also helps with international trademark laws, which makes it easier to do business in other countries.
It helps create a unique identity and reputation in the market, which builds trust and loyalty among customers.
Registered trademarks make it easier for the owner to stop others from using a similar or identical mark, which can help protect the owner's investment.
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Online Registration Procedure for Delhi Trademark Registration
Online trademark registration in Delhi allows applicants to apply, upload supporting documents, and pay the necessary fee.
Search for existing trademarks: Before applying for registration, look for already registered trademarks to ensure that the one you want is unique and doesn't violate anyone else's rights.
Create an account: The applicant must first create an account on the Indian Trade Marks Registry's e-filing portal to apply online.
Application submission: After creating an account, an application can be uploaded directly, including information on the proposed trademark with the applicant's name and address. Along with the application, the applicant can upload the necessary documents, like trademarks, logos, priority documents, powers of attorney, etc.
Fees payment: The applicant can pay the fees associated with the application online using a credit card, debit card, or net banking.
Application review: The registrar will review the application for compliance with the law and potential infringement after the submission.
Trade Marks Journal Publication: After approval, the registration will be published in the Trade Marks Journal, allowing other parties to object.
Hearing and decision: If there are any objections, they will conduct a hearing to consider them. The Registrar will decide whether or not to register the trademark after evaluating all the information.
Registration: If the trademark is approved, it is registered, and the applicant can download a registration certificate from the e-filing portal.
The conclusion is trademark registration in Delhi takes between 18 to 24 months and can expedite with professional assistance. Alonika is the top firm in Delhi, with qualified staff who adhere to the entire process on behalf of the company in exchange for a consultancy fee.
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vidhyamacademy · 2 years
M.COM Admission in Delhi-Vidhyam Academy
If you are looking for M. Com Admission  Consultant in Delhi, Vidhyam Academy is the best place for you. We provide leading services to our clients and always ensure that they get the best options. We have experienced professional teams that are experienced in the admission process and can help you get the best results. Contact us today and let us help you admission to the best college in Delhi.
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M. Com or Masters of Commerce is an ideal two-year postgraduate course for candidates who want a career in the field of banking and insurance financial services (BFSI) and the accounting and trade sector. Two-year courses explore more economic functions, capital, income, trade, taxes, etc. Taught in B. Com, M. Com is a very versatile course and gives students the to choose their careers in various fields
M. Com  Admission welcomes and congratulates you for the steps taken to the path of success to get admission at B. Com | M. Com course. admission M. Com is known for its best service to get direct admission at B. Com. and M. Com. Courses from the best state government universities such as - IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University), SRCC (Shri Ram College of Commerce), Hansraj College, Hindu College. Registration for B Com. | M. Com. admission of 2022 has begun now. M. Com admission not only helps you get direct admission & free of hassle above Delhi-NCR B. Com and M. Com, College but also supports you throughout the course and gives you a relationship manager to help you time by time and throughout the course.
M. Com Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for M. com may differ from one university to another in total aggregate. Mentioned below is a general eligibility criterion for pursuing the M. Com course:
Candidates must get a minimum of 50% aggregate in B. com or B. com (award), or equivalent from a recognized university.
Some universities also inaugurated students who have completed the economy (H), BBA, BFIA, and BBE with a minimum aggregate score of 60% or equivalent.
Category students who are ordered are entitled to mark relaxation of up to 5%.
State-level universities also offer relaxation values ​​to home students.
M. Com Subjects and Syllabus
Core M. Com Subjects
Accounting for Managerial Decisions
Business Environment
Computer Applications in Business
Accounting Theory and Practice
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Corporate Tax Planning
Financial Management and Policy
Organization Theory and Behaviour
Managerial Economics
Marketing Management
M. Com Elective Subjects
Given below are some of the M. Com elective subjects:
Elective M. Com Subjects
Banking and Finance
Commercial Bank Management
Entrepreneurial Management
Financial Markets
Human Resource Management
International Finance
M. Com Specializations
M. Com course is very broad and provides various specializations and subjects. The most popular M. Com specialization includes M. Com accounting and finance, M. Com Computer Application, M. Com, etc. Some other popular M. Com specializations are tabulated below:
Top M. Com Specializations
M. Com Accounting and Finance
M. Com Computer Applications
M. Com Taxation
M. Com Marketing
M. Com Banking and Finance
M. Com Business Management
M. Com Human Resource Management
M. Com Economics
M. Com Financial Management
M. Com Statistics
M. Com Accountancy
M. Com Finance and Control
Top M. Com Entrance Exams
Listed below are the popular entrance exams to secure seats for M. Com courses at various universities and colleges in India
Delhi University Entrance Exam
AMU Entrance Exam
We are leading admission consultants and career consultants in Delhi NCR. We provide admission support in India's top private management colleges. For any query or help, feel free to call us at +91-8447186261
+91-9289443645 | +91-9289427646 or visit www.vidhyamacademy.com
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services-plus · 1 year
Trade Mark Registration In Delhi | Services Plus
Services Plus provides trade mark registration in delhi. The process of registering a unique symbol, term, or phrase that is used to differentiate one company's product or service from those of other companies is known as trademark registration. Registering a trademark gives the brand legal protection and prevents other businesses from using the same or similar trademark for their products or services.
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trademarkzone · 1 year
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Looking for an offer on trademark registration? We are Trade Mark Zone a leading trademark service provider in Delhi, offering trademark service at Rs 499 only. We are the trademark registration consultants provide end to end services and make hassle free filing, also prepare and present applications for the clients. Our experts advise clients on intangible property matters and confer clients before the registrars during the prosecution. We make effortless for the applicant to acquire trademark registration in minimal time. For services mail us at [email protected] or make a call at +91-9811400345.
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shubhammaantech123 · 2 years
Delhi is the capital of the country, INDIA. When it comes to the quality of education one can never neglect Delhi. Delhi is centralized for every resource. Courses like MBA needs to be done at a decent and reputed college so that the course becomes more worthful. MBA is a course in managerial etiquette in a business community. It is a very vast course having multiple specializations. MBA is done by the students from every disciple medical, humanities or commerce. Doing MBA never goes in vain.  When it comes to education DELHI is one of the best places. So here enlisted the top 10 universities for the distance MBA course:
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MBA admission to IGNOU is done in two cycles one is the January cycle second is the July cycle. English is the only medium that university follows. Specializations provided are:
Eligibility is a minimum of 50% marks in bachelor’s degree for the general category and for SC/ST it is 45%. For admissions, the OPENMAT exam application is to be filled. Cut off of OPENMAT is taken an account for admission. The fees cost around INR 37,800 excluding examination charges.
The structure of the program is made in this way so that the students meet the current scenario industry demands. The students should be aware of the English language. The eligible students are those who have a minimum of 40% marks in their bachelor’s degree. Specializations provided are as follows:
·         Finance & Accounting
·         Marketing & Sales
·         Entrepreneurship & Leadership
·         Operations Management
·         Human Resource Management
·         International Business
·         Hospitality Management
·         Petroleum & Natural Gas Management
·         Insurance Management
·         Retail Management
·         Information Technology
·         Global Finance Marketing
The total cost of the whole course is around INR 1,95,500.
The program is based on self-learning. The university offers HR Management and MBA. The eligibility of the course is the applicant should have completed a graduate degree from an authorized college and the minimum marks should be 50% and for category students, it is 45%. Interested students have to appear for entrance exams. admission is done by the entrance and an application fee of INR 700 needed to be submitted then merit lists are released. The total fee is around INR 50,00.
Specialization provided by this college is as follows:
·         Business Analytics
·         Marketing
·         Finance
·         Operations management
·         Human resource
The students should be a graduate at least. For admission application form should be collected and filled. The total course fees cost around INR 1,12,000.
This course is under 3 heads is.e. post graduation diploma degree, diploma program, and certificate program. Eligibility of the program is graduation degree with 50% of minimum marks. For admission registration form should be filled with INR1200. The course fee per semester is INR 25,000.
The specialization of program is as follows:
·         Banking Management
·         Financial Planning and Analysis
·         Business Leadership
·         Strategic Management
·         Mass Communication
·         Information Technology Management
·         Risk Management
·         Media and Entertainment Management
·         Investment Banking and Wealth Management
·         Marketing Management
·         Project Leadership Management
·         International Marketing
·         Human Resource Management
·         Operation and Production Management
·         Healthcare Management
·         Foreign Trade and Global Business Marketing
·         Finance Management
·         E-commerce Marketing and Management
·         Entrepreneurship
·         Business Analyst
·         Digital Marketing
·         Branding And advertising
The eligibility needed is a graduation degree with a minimum of 50% marks. The total course fee is approximately INR 70,000. For admission fill out the application form submit documents to get verified and pay 1 semester’s fees.
They have 7 different specializations:
·         MBA General
·         MBA E-Business
·         MBA International Be business
·         MBA Human Resource Management
·         MBA Marketing Management
·         MBA Financial Management
·         MBA Information System
·         MBA Hospital Management
The eligibility is only that applicant must be a qualified graduate. The total course fee is around INR 49,000. For admission, students need to apply twice a year i.e. in January and July cycle. Students can fill out application forms, scanned documents, and fees.
The eligibility of the course is candidate should graduate from a recognized university. For admission purposes, students need to fill application form with scanned documents. The total cost of the course is around INR 40,000.
The eligibility of the course is candidate should graduate from a recognized university. For admission purposes, students need to fill application form with scanned documents. The total cost of the course is around INR 85,000.
The eligibility of the course is candidate should graduate from a recognized university. For admission purposes, students need to fill application form with scanned documents. The total cost of the course is around INR 60,500.
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mylawyeradvise · 8 months
Handling Trademark Objection under Section 11 of the Trademark Act of 1999 | IP Attorney in Delhi NCR | IP Lawyer in Delhi NCR |
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The relative grounds for denial of registration are outlined in Section 11 of the Trade Marks Act of 1999. The aim of this provision is to safeguard the interests of registered trademark owners. The Section 11(1) states that if the public is likely to be misled by a mark that is identical or similar to an earlier trademark, and a subsequent mark for such goods/services is identical or similar to the goods/services represented by an earlier mark, the latter mark shall not be registered. As a result, if the subsequent mark is identified with the public as an earlier mark, the resemblance between the marks is likely to create confusion and thereby bring on lawsuits. As a result, if the subsequent mark is identified with the public in the same way as an earlier mark, the resemblance between the marks is likely to create confusion, bringing it into the reach of Section 11 (1). There is no need to prove uncertainty when the goods/services are similar. However, if there is a possibility of confusion between an earlier and subsequent trademark and the goods/services are similar or identical, the likelihood of confusion must be established. Read more
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trishuldefence20 · 2 years
Best Airforce Coaching In Allahabad
About Air Force( X & Y) Group Course
 The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian fortified forces. Its complement of labor force and aircraft means ranks fourth amongst the air forces of the world. Its primary charge is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct upstanding warfare during fortified conflict. It was officially established on 8 October 1932 as an supplementary air force of the British Empire which recognized India’s aeronautics service during World War II with the prefix Royal. After India gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, the name Royal Indian Air Force was kept and served in the name of the Dominion of India. With the government’s transition to a Republic in 1950, the prefix Royal was removed after only three times.
 Indian Air Force Invites online operations from unattached joker( Indian/ Nepalese) campaigners for selection test for input01/2019 on 10 & 11 march 2018 to join as birdmen in group X trades( except education educator trade) and group „ Y trades{ except machine technician, ground training educator, Indian air force( Police), Indian air force( security) and musician trades}
 Useful Information
 Examination Details
 Airforce  GROUP X Y Test
 Forms- December & January
 test- 10 & 11 March
 Age Limit – 17 to 21 times educational
 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Passed Intermediate/ 10 2/ original examination with subjects of Mathematics, Physics and English, with minimal 50 marks in total and 50 marks in English
Best Airforce X Group Coaching In Allahabad
 Written Test
 Adaptability Test
 Physical Fitness Test
Interview & Medical Examination
 AGE LIMITS, coitus, AND connubial STATUS
 campaigners born between 13 January 1998 and 02 January 2002( both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.
 In case, a seeker clears all the stages of the Selection Procedure, also the upper age limit on the date of registration is 21 times
17 to 21 times
 Selection Procedure
 Physical Fitness Test( PFT)-
 campaigners passing the written test are needed to suffer Physical Fitness Test( PFT). Passing the PFT is obligatory. The PFT for all trades( except IAF( Security)) consists of a1.6 km run to be completed within 8 twinkles. The PFT for IAF( Security) trade includes a2.4 Km run & 5 Km run to be completed in 15 twinkles & 30 twinkles independently. campaigners above 27 times of age will be given relaxation in PFT timing as per being morals( Applicable to serving NC( E) s only). campaigners completing PFT briskly are awarded fresh marks on a sliding scale.
 campaigners passing PFT will be canvassed by a platoon of Officers & Warrant ranks. The interview is typically conducted in English as similar working knowledge is necessary.
 campaigners who have been recommended for an interview will be medically examined by the Recruitment Medical Team as per
 All India Select List( AISL)-
 Campaigners who pass the written Test, complete PFT within the given time, clear the interview, and have experienced medical examination are arranged in the All India Select List( AISL). The addition of names of the campaigners in the AISL depends upon the performance of the campaigners in the selection test and the number of vacuities to be filled. campaigners are enrolled in the Indian Air Force as per the being vacuities.
 Examination Schedule
 Paper Vacuity of Forms Date of Examination
X & Y GROUP Dec/ Jan 10 & 11 March
 14 birdmen Selection centers are located each over the country.
Airmen Selection Centre, 48, Mansfield Road, Ambala Cantt
 Airmen Selection Centre, Race Course Camp, New Delhi
 Airmen Selection center, Air Force Station, Chakeri,
 Airmen Selection Centre,( Near Palta Gate), Air Force Station Barrackpore, West Bengal
Airmen Selection Centre, Old Pali Road Jodhpur
 Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station, Cotton Green, Mumbai
 Airmen Selection Centre,No. 1 Cubbon Road, Bangalore
 Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station, Tambaram, Chennai
Airmen Selection Centre, Near Rajadhani College, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar
 Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station Bihta, Patna, Bihar
 Airmen Selection Centre, Borjhar, Guwahati
 Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station, Bowenpally, Secunderabad
Airmen Selection Centre, VII/ 302- B, Vayu Sena Road, Kakkanad, Kochi
 Airmen Selection Centre, IInd Floor, Phase- II, Rajiv Gandhi Parisar, 35 Shyamala Hills
Mathematics 25
 100 Questions in
85 twinkles
 drugs 25
 logic and General Awareness( RAGA) 30
English 20
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brand-registration · 2 years
Online Trademark Registration Procedure
Find the list of trademark registration procedures and this will help you to avoid the trademark objection. In case of such issues, you for how to file trademark objection reply.
Search the brand name online
It is a quick and effective method that any beginner can use to create a brand name that is intriguing, trendy and catchy at the same time. If most of the common names are already taken, picking a unique name to differentiate yourself from the competition is an absolutely smart decision. As a result, you should do a quick check to verify that you are not selecting a brand name that is already taken. The most attractive aspect of this situation is that you can create a brand name of sorts by inventing or creating certain phrases using a combination of words that are not exclusive to your industry.
Filing of Trademark Application
To complete the online registration of trademark, you need to submit the application along with the supporting documents listed below:
•           Company registration certificate
Your registered business requires you to submit a company director's identity and address verification. A PAN or Aadhaar card may be used as proof of ownership for a private company. Conversely, in the context of companies, address proof of the company is required.
•           Soft copy of trademark
•           Proof of claim of the proposed mark may be used in another country
•           The applicant must sign a power of attorney
•           Submission of Application for Brand Registration
To submit an application for registration, one is manual filing and the other is electronic filing (Form TM-A). If you prefer to file manually, your application for registration should be sent to the Trade Marks Registration Offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Chennai. After that, you have to wait at least fifteen to twenty days to get the payment approval. On the other hand, if you use e-filing mode, you can get an instant digital receipt and acknowledgment of your submission on the official website of the government. Once your trademark application is approved, you are allowed to use the trademark (TM) symbol next to your brand name!
•           Analyzing Trademark Application Procedure
After the application is sent, the trademark registrar will conduct an investigation to determine whether or not you have complied with the specified conditions and whether or not your brand name is in accordance with existing law. In addition, there should be no similarities or exact matches with any other brands already registered or in the process of registration. Because of this, we strongly encourage you to go with a creative moniker for your company.
•           Publication of your brand in Indian trade mark journals
Once the examination phase is over, your brand name will be published in the Indian Trademark Journal by the Trademark Registrar. This is undoubtedly the most important part of trademark registration. There shall be no challenges against the mark within three months of its publication. The Registrar of Trademarks will proceed with the process of issuing the trademark registration certificate when there is no opposition to the application.
•           Trademark Opposition
If a third party files an objection within three months of publication in the Trade Marks Journal, The Registrar of Trade Marks will provide you with a copy of the notice of objection. You have a certain period of time to file a statement in response to the objection notice sent to you. If a counter-statement is not submitted within two months, the trademark registration shall be deemed terminated and shall be rejected. If no one objects in the next three months, you will be exempted from this step and your trademark registration will be approved without delay.
•           Consideration of trademark opposition
As long as you file your counter statement within two months of the foreign company challenging the trademark registration, you will receive a copy from the trademark registrar. Both you and the opposing company must provide evidence to support your claim. After you submit your evidence, the Registrar will give you and the other party an opportunity to be heard. After hearing both the parties and taking into consideration the evidence, the Registrar will issue an order regarding inclusion or exclusion of the trademark registration. If your application for a trademark is accepted by the trademark registrar, they will begin the process of granting the registration.
•           Issuance of Trademark Registration Certificate
After 90 days, if no opposition is received or if your trademark application is accepted after a hearing on the trademark opposition, the Registrar will approve your application. After receiving your certificate, you can start using the registered trademark symbol next to your brand name.
Submission status
Getting an allocation number is as simple as waiting for the filing confirmation in the mail. Using this allotment number, you can keep tabs on the trademark objection processstatus of your application online. If there is no difficulty in submitting, you will know in 18-24 months if your application has been accepted or rejected. The longer it takes, the more likely a problem will occur. According to the date of submission, your application is given more importance. Even if your application is not granted, you can use the TM symbol next to your trademark after receiving your allocation number.
If the registrar decides that your mark is acceptable, he will issue you a certificate of trademark registration. This provides formal confirmation that the trademark you are using exists and is now authorized. After the application is submitted, the license is granted for a period of ten years starting from that day. After such period has passed, you can renew the trademark. Renovation is something that can be done endlessly.
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