#Track Dolly System
yournowheregirl · 2 years
omg thank you all for the overwhelming response to part 1 of secret-dolly-parton-fan eddie munson! here’s a part two as a little treat
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6 + complete on ao3]
part 2: here you come again
Ever since he discovered the Off-Road a few weeks ago, Eddie’s been going there almost every week but he hadn’t joined the open-mic night since that first night. He didn’t really feel the need to, because despite his own belief, he has actually managed to move on from his idiotic crush on Steve.
Well, almost.
Eddie had sworn off his crush once Steve announced that he and Emily were going on their third date. Steve was smiling from ear to ear when he said it too, though that usual sparkle in his eyes had remained absent. Eddie didn’t think too much of it, too busy wallowing in self-pity and cursing himself for setting himself up for heartbreak once again. 
So, he moved on. Went to Indianapolis once or twice, found guys with striped polos and bright smiles who tried their best to take his mind off Steve (which, due to their eerily resemblance, didn’t really work out). Focused on helping Will with his new campaign for Hellfire, teaching him the DM tricks he had learned over the years. Played with his band until his fingers almost started to bleed from strumming the guitar strings a little too hard. 
And it worked. Everything’s all fine and dandy, Steve’s barely on his mind anymore (except for all the times that he is) and Eddie’s just over him. One hundred percent. Done. No more Steve Harrington for him, thank you very much. 
“Emily and I broke things off.”
Eddie almost drops the two bottles of beer he’s holding, stops dead in his tracks in the middle of the spacious kitchen of the Harrington home.
“Sorry, what?” Eddie asks because there is no way in hell he heard that right.
“Me and Emily.” Steve repeats, snatching one of the beer bottles out of Eddie’s hand and taking a long swig, his Adam’s apple bopping up and down. His mouth is glistening when he sets the bottle down and Eddie’s eyes zero in on them and - dear lord, get ahold of yourself, Munson. “We broke up. Turns out she wasn’t the one after all.”
“Oh shit. Sorry about that, man.” Eddie says, trying to keep his voice under control because he should not be jumping for joy that Steve and Emily broke up. No matter how much he wants to. He should also not be fishing for more details, but curiosity gets the best of him and the next thing he knows he asking, “Why’d you guys break up anyway? I thought you said you were crazy for her.”
“I mean, I was. Sorta, but not really, I think. Don’t get me wrong, I liked her and she really is a lovely person, ridiculously pretty too but… she and I just want different things.” Steve shrugs. “She always wants to go out, be somewhere, see something, go on wild adventures every weekend and shit. And I don’t know… I mean I like that, but I also want to sit back and do nothing for a bit y’know? Just simple, easy, like what we’re doing tonight.”
Steve bumps their shoulders together and Eddie tries his very best to ignore how Steve feels so warm, even for that short moment. He tries even harder not too read too much into Steve’s words, which means he’s definitely not thinking that Steve would rather spend time with him than with the supposed girl of his dreams. 
Except when, a couple of beers later, Eddie finds himself a little too tipsy to stop himself from once again, falling for Steve like a ton of bricks. 
But it’s not his fault that Steve’s eyes turn this magical color hazel underneath the warm lights of the living room chandelier. Or that his cheeks are this beautiful shade of pink from the alcohol in his system. Or that Steve’s laugh after Eddie tells the world’s lamest joke, is probably one of his favorite sounds in the world.
Oh, this is bad. This is really fucking bad.
Steve slouches against him when his laughter dies down, resting his head on Eddie’s shoulder, all relaxed and warm. “I wish it was always this easy.”
“What?” Eddie asks. He’s surprised at how level his voice is considering Steve’s plastered against him like a vine that climbs up alongside a wall. 
“I don’t know. Life, dating, anything really.” Steve sighs. “Nothing feels as easy as when I’m with you.”
Eddie feels his throat tighten at Steve’s confession. Not because he doesn’t feel the same. It’s the opposite, really. Everything really does feel a little easier when Steve’s around. 
Everything, except this annoying crush that keeps coming back like a goddamn boomerang
“You’re drunk.” Eddie tries to laugh it off, hoping that it’ll make the heavy feeling in his stomach go away.
“I mean it, y’know.” Steve mutters. He rubs his cheek against Eddie’s shoulder and moves in just a little closer. Sighing happily once he finds a comfortable position. “You smell nice.”
Eddie knows for a fact he does not, it’s probably leftover weed smell, but his face still heats up at the compliment. “Let’s just… let’s just watch the movie okay?”
“Hmm, okay.” Steve hums, his eyes drooping already and Eddie just knows he’s gonna fall asleep within minutes. 
Steve’s words keep echoing through his mind the next few days and Eddie’s feeling more restless than usual - if that’s even possible - and on Wednesday night, he drives off to the Off-Road again. 
The drive itself calms him down just a little but as soon as he sits down at Pat’s bar, the feeling of dread washes over him once again. Not even the soft June Carter song that’s playing in the background is able to cheer him up right now.
“Geez Ed, you look madder than a wet hen” Pat says as she puts down Eddie’s drink on the bar. “Tell ol’ Pat here what’s going on.”
“Fuckin’ straight boys.” Eddie mutters, leaning his head on his hands. He’s moping and he knows it, but he really doesn’t give two shits right now.
Pat blinks at him. “You been fucking them or is this more like a fuck them straight boys situation? I’m only equipped for the latter one.”
Somehow, Pat’s piercing green eyes stare right into his soul and before he knows it, Eddie’s just spilling everything. “There… there’s this guy, y’know. He’s my friend.”
“Let me guess? Handsome?”
“Like a fuckin’ Greek God. It’s ridiculous.” Eddie rolls his eyes. “But it’s more than that. He’s also just… so nice. Seriously, he drives our friends around and let me host D&D campaigns at his house and he asks nothing in return. Great cook too, his brownies are to die for.”
“Sounds like a damn dreamboat. But he’s straight?” Pat sighs sympathetically.
“The straightest man you’ve ever seen.” Eddie grumbles. “And it’s fine, alright? I know it’s never gonna happen between us. But he just broke up with the girl he’s been seeing for the last month or so and then suddenly goes around tellin’ me shit like how much he likes being with me. How easy it is when we're together. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? That’s just…”
“Real fucking frustrating.” Tish adds as she passes by with a tray of drinks in her hands. 
Eddie couldn’t have said it better himself. He takes a sip of his Coke, desperately wishing it was something stronger, and patiently waits before Pat speaks up again.
“I think you gotta put some distance between the two of you.” Pat says solemnly. “Now hear me out because it ain’t gonna be pretty, but sometimes you gotta take a step back to protect your own heart. And if you don’t wanna go that far, I suggest finding a healthy outlet to process your feelings because sulking like this ain’t doing you any good, kiddo.”
“And how do you suppose I do that?” Eddie rolls his eyes. “Do I look like I got the money to go to some expensive shrink?”
“Dunno, maybe some musical therapy?” Pat grins, her eyes darting back to the acoustic guitar on the wall. “You said it worked so well for you last time.”
Pat’s right. He did feel a lot better after playing Jolene the other night, it was like Dolly put all the things he was feeling right into a song. Maybe she could do the same for him now, because Eddie knows exactly what other song in her repertoire fits the situation.
He walks up to the podium once again, not even bothering to introduce himself this time because most of the patrons know him by now. He’s a little more unfamiliar with the chords this time around so it takes him a few tries before he finally gets it and the melody starts filling up the room. 
“Here you come again. Just when I’ve begun to get myself together. You waltz right in the door, just like you’ve done before. And wrap my heart ‘round your little finger.”
It’s like Dolly’s been reading his thoughts these last few days because every single word just rings true in Eddie’s mind. Well, except that part about Steve’s little fingers because they are anything but little. Eddie knows, he’s spent the better half of their friendship staring at them and daydreaming about things that should never see the light of day. 
“Here you come again. Just when I’m about to make it work without you. You look into my eyes and light those pretty eyes and pretty soon I’m wonderin’ how I came to doubt you.”
God, he’s so frustrated now. Steve probably doesn’t even know what he’s doing to Eddie and it’s so fucking unfair. How the hell is he supposed to move on when Steve keeps saying shit like that? When Steve continues to be a, in Pat’s words, a damn dreamboat?
Eddie strums the guitar a little harder, his voice becoming a little rougher. Almost like he’s spitting out the words
“All you gotta do, is smile that smile, and there go all my defenses. Just leave it up to you and in a little while, you’re messing up my mind and filling up my senses.”
The handful of people in the crowd are softly singing along, but it’s not like Eddie actually has eyes for them. His mind is solely focused on keeping his voice level, rather than start screaming. Maybe Corroded Coffin should do a cover of this song, should be a fun surprise for those drunkards at the Hideout.
“Here you come again and here I go…” Eddie finishes the song. He thanks the audience and slouches back into his seat at the bar, not feeling as good as he did the last time he performed here. It doesn’t feel as cathartic this time and instead there’s a hole inside his heart that no Dolly song can possibly fill.
“Feeling better honey?” Tish asks sweetly as she puts another bottle of Coke on the bar for him.
Eddie nods, even though it’s obviously a lie. Another wave of dread and restlessness washes over him. Because if he can’t turn to his mother’s favorite artist for guidance anymore, then what the hell is he supposed to do to get over his stupid crush on Steve Harrington?
Tag list: @henderdads @solosnail @unclewaynemunson @legitcookie @gothbat99 (hmu if you wanna be added to the list for pt 3!)
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rigginsstreet · 7 months
just a little something for @harringrovelovefest but it doesnt fit any of the prompts lol
Billy knew dating a straight boy would bring nothing but trouble. Cyd had warned him enough back in Cali, told him how straight boys may be good for a one time fuck, get it out of your system, but that's it. Don't go try pursuing anything more, because it'll never be anything more.
And Billy had taken that to heart. The one time in his life he didn't feel the need to put his hand on the stove to test its heat, last thing he needed was some straight boy running scared, opening his big mouth to let the world in on Billy's little secret. Maybe he played with danger a little too much, but he also knew when to play it safe to save his own ass.
Which is why Steve Harrington had been such a fucking enigma.
Billy knew better, and yet he let himself fall for the king of small town America, the poster boy of Ideal Heterosexual Living. He was such a fucking idiot.
He'd gotten a few good months out of it, at least. Definitely some of the best sex he's ever had - once he taught Steve how to properly use his dick, anyway. And he's gonna miss having that asshole hanging onto his every word, clinging to him like another limb. That absence is gonna be a bitch to fill.
But Steve, apparently, is ready to go back to pussy, if the visual Billy's getting from the parking lot of Family Video is anything to go by. Can see clear as day through his windshield, into the store, how Steve is leaned over the counter, smiling all big and bright at some chick he thinks they went to school with.
Billy knows flirting when he sees it. Honestly, he just wishes Steve had the decency to not flaunt it right in his face. Could've taken her to the back and fucked her in private without Billy having to have this image burned into his brain.
He slams on his horn, finally alerting Steve to his presence.
Steve perks up at the sound of the horn. Billy's a little early to pick him up from the end of his shift, but only by a few minutes. Robin can clock him out, it won't matter.
"Gotta go, Shelly," he says to the girl on the other side of the counter. "But make sure to come back and tell me what you thought about Animal House. I'm telling you, it's a classic!"
Shelly laughs and agrees to his request before heading out, and Steve can't get out of the store fast enough. Yells his goodbye to Robin and runs out the door, panting as he plops himself into the passenger seat of the Camaro.
"Hey, tiger." He grins. And it's only now that he notices the voice coming from the radio. Just about the last damn thing he ever expected Billy to be listening to. "Is this Dolly Parton?" He wants to laugh, but the somber look on Billy's face and the next words out of his mouth have him refraining.
"My mom liked her. Got a problem with that?"
"Uh... no. No. Dolly's great."
Billy pulls out of the parking lot without a word. The track on the cassette changes, and the melancholic lyrics fill the silence.
When you love somebody With all your heart and soul And you want to keep them with you But you know they want to go What do you do? What do you say? When you know they want to leave As bad as you want them to stay
Billy's fingers tighten around the steering wheel. This song was always a bitch to get through, but it's downright torture right now. He thinks about changing it, but it would only draw attention. Best to just push through it, act like it's just another song. Keep his feelings down like usual.
Steve notices the shift, though. He also notices the way Billy's eyes have gone a little glassy, starting to fill up with tears.
He gets it. Billy's mom is a sore subject for him, and as he listens to the lyrics spilling out of the radio he can't help but to feel bad for his boyfriend. There's an ache in his chest like he's carrying Billy's emotions for him. He wish he could. Wishes Billy didn't have to feel a single bad thing for the rest of his life, he's already felt enough.
And then the chorus starts, and Steve's mind switches over to his own past woes.
And there's nothing quite as sad as a one-sided love When one doesn't care at all and the other cares too much It's a sad situation, I must say When someone wants to leave As bad as you want them to stay
Nancy feels like a lifetime ago. And he's over her, he is, but. Some wounds take longer to heal.
This song would've hurt more had he heard it back then, in the thick of it. But now he can mourn that period of his life for what it was and look at Billy and take pride in what his life is.
You know how much I love you But I know you don't love me And I know it's just a matter of time before you leave But I, do I stand aside and just let you walk away? But I know you want to leave As bad as I want you to stay
Billy wonders when the blow is gonna come. How long it'll be until Steve breaks the news. Will probably let him down easy, because that's the kind of guy Steve is. And Billy won't go down without a fight, because that's the kind of guy he is. Can't ever let things go without kicking and screaming.
Maybe he should end things first, beat Steve to the punch. Leave his ass blindsided, leave-
"Hey," Steve's voice comes gently, along with the hand now holding Billy's on the wheel.
They're stopped at a red light, so Billy chances a glance over.
And there's nothing quite as sad as a one-sided love When one doesn't love at all and the other loves too much It's a sad situation I must say
"I'm glad I have you." Steve smiles, all soft and sweet. Delicate, like he's stepping through a minefield. "I'm glad we have each other."
Billy's breath catches in his throat. Doesn't know what kind of sick game Steve is playing. But he's holding Billy's hand, and he's staring into his eyes, and he looks sincere.
His mom had looked sincere, too, all the times she told him she loved him. Look where that got him. People are sincere, until they aren't.
When someone wants to leave as bad as you want them to stay Oh, it's a sad situation I must say When someone wants to leave as bad as you want them to stay
"You can't-" Billy starts, choking on his words. "You can't leave me." His own honesty strikes him, but the words are out, and he figures it's time to lay it all on the table. "Or- if you are, just do it now. Don't string me along Steve, I won't- I can't-"
The light's gone green, but there isn't a soul on the road, so Steve doesn't feel guilty almost climbing into Billy's lap just to hold him as close as he can, kissing the top of his head, his cheek, his lips.
"I'm not going anywhere, blue." He holds Billy's face between his hands, forcing him to understand the weight of his words. "You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not." He shakes Billy's head for emphasis, eliciting a laugh from the both of them.
There's tears streaming down Billy's face, but it's relief. Maybe he jumped to conclusions, maybe he has to reel that shit in. He'll work on it.
"Yeah, okay." He sniffles. Doesn't make a move to get out of Steve's grasp. "You're stuck with me, too, though."
Steve beams. "Wouldn't have it any other way."
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alcinaslittlemaid · 7 months
Tumblr media
🎈𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕?🎈
Pennywise 17x Papawise 90! XFem!?Reader
I’m depressed again so y’all know what that means?
Comfort and kisses!+Fluff! from the 7ft clown 🥲🎀🎈
Tw: Self harm mention, thoughts of Sewerslide, shitty mental health, medication mention, mental breakdowns, attempts of overdose! Emetephobia!!
The fluff begins in the second ———
Grab a cuppa tea or coffee and Enjoy! 🍷
You curled up against the large plushies propped up against the wall of your bed, your whole body shaking, your eyes stung from constant tears that streamed down your soft cheeks. Your medication had not worked, causing you to stay up later than usual after pennywise tucked you into bed, before going on a hunt.
You cautiously got up, your mind blank, almost as if you were in a thoughtless trance, you began to make your way to the bathroom. Dried tear tracks coating your face, your pressed a sharp, metal blade into your arm deep, fresh tears dripped down your face, blood gushing out of your arm as you picked up a bottle of pills from the cabinet and began taking them all at once. Stood there staring into the mirror, the room began to spin violently, your throat filling with vomit and your motions becoming mindless and slurred, you became dizzy and suddenly everything went black as you numbly felt your body smack into the floor. ————————
You felt your body be lifted from the cold, hard bathroom floor, spit trailing from your lips causing a long line of drool behind your body.
“Is she alright?” A gruff voice echoed out in your unconscious state “she will be…” a raspy voice answered back as the sound of water sloshing filled your ears in an echoey way “what in the georgies dismembered arm happens to her arms?” The gruff voice sounded concerned “Long story, I’ll tell you don’t worry” the raspy voice replied. Suddenly, your lips were pressed against another pair, air filling your lungs “Come on Y/n” one of the voices puffed “
You sat bolt right up coughing and spluttering “fuck-“, you choked, vomit filling your throat as you puked into the murky water “Aughhhhh- Ayghhhh” you panted “Cough it up doll, it might be a gold watch” papa chuckled, happy that your alive “Now come here” you were suddenly dragged into a bear hug by pennywise, his soft, silk suit rubbing against you “Oh little lamb~ you scared me half to death, I thought you were a goner” You swear you could hear his voice breaking, his heart was racing in his chest
“Come here darlin” papa said pulling you into his arms, holding a fresh cup of water “here clear out your immune system a little” you nodded and almost downed the water immediately “Woah, Woah Woah doll face, slow down you’ll give yourself hiccups” he chuckled again before laying you down in penny’s nest pulling the blankets over you, penny dragging an anti bacterial wipe over your gushing arms “ARGH SHITT!” You snarled in agonising pain, papa smacked your head with a newspaper he was reading “language babydoll” he growled as he kneeled down by your arm, wrapping it in bandages and pinning them up “Shhhh it’s okay pet, shhh”
Finally, either clowns crawled in on either side of you snuggling into you with they’re arms snaking around as you all fall asleep, protected, snug and safe.
Penny’s hand snakes into your hair, drawing little circles on your scalp “Mine precious dolly” he purred drooling slightly on your chest❤️
I’m sorry for this sob story but again my mental health has declined rapidly so it’s a bit personal 😅
I’ll try not to post as much upsetting stuff
Love you all ❤️❤️
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erelavent · 6 months
P.S. I wrote this 3 weeks ago but was sitting on it. That being said, given the fact that someone took a video of George using the restroom, I thought that now was as good a time to publish it as ever.
I've arisen from the dead to write another think piece that not a single person asked for but that I think is important, and that is the trajectory of the F1 fandom.
I want to start off by saying that not everyone who is a fan of F1 is in fandom and vice versa. Not everyone who watches F1 is heavily involved with the drivers off track. Likewise, some people just read the fanfiction and watch the edits but aren't very aware of the racing (yes, they exist).
That being said, F1 was transitioning from fans to fandom for over a decade. That's due to multiple factors, F1 becoming more entertainment than sport, the lifting of social media restrictions placed on drivers by F1 and the teams. Drivers are now able to have their own social media accounts and independent ventures that help to differentiate and personify them. The transition of members of other fandoms (Justin Bieber, One Direction, Teen Wolf, etc) into F1 as the natural lifetimes of those fandoms end. Of course, this process was sped up exponentially and completed by DTS and the pandemic (this will be relevant later). Now I think we are reaching the inflection point of the fandom which is where my concern stems from.
Every fandom has that one moment where things reach the point of no return. I'm worried because as a 25-year-old veteran of the One Direction fandom whose brain has now fully developed (knock on wood), I know the pattern of how these things end.
Typically, it starts with a collective heightened interest in one or more individuals, people become fans, they give themselves a name, subcultures form (liking certain drivers over others is like picking your kpop bias or 1D fave), the infighting starts and some fights are worse than others (AD21 doesn't even hold a candle to the fights the Larry shippers and non-Larry shippers had in 2013), then comes the literal obliteration of privacy. This is usually done because members of the fandom use information as currency and the more you know, the more dedicated you are, the more you cement your position within this community or fandom that you've built. The side effect of this is the commodification of human beings.
We're seeing the invasion of privacy ramp up right now in a number of ways. It's people demanding insight into drivers' romantic relationships. It's people waiting outside drivers' hotels. It's the fanfiction writing and superimposing of characteristics and qualities onto drivers as a way to feel closer to them. It's full-blown stalking.
Typically, this fever breaks in some sort of peak event where people get hurt, usually socially and psychologically, but sometimes, physically. Then the celebrity has to pick up the pieces. When this happens, it can end in 3 ways. 2 are very common, and the third way is extremely rare.
The first way it can end is by the celebrity losing their mind. I mean this literally, as in a psychological break. It's happened with Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Justin Bieber, etc. The pressure and expectations overtake them, and they are unable to continue like they did before.
The second way it can end is seclusion. The more invasive people are, the more they pull back. Think of Dolly Parton, Dan and Phil, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, take your pick. There is a concerted effort to remove themselves from the narrative and return to a sense normalcy. Whether a celebrity falls into either of these first two categories is heavily dependent on their support system.
The last and very rare case is what I like to call the Niall Horan Anomaly. It's the case where you are somehow completely entrenched in fandom and yet manage to exit completely unscathed. Despite being a former member of One Direction, Niall is completely non-polarizing. He has no known enemies and appears to not have any social or psychological damage. He very skillfully navigated fame and fandom and is thriving as a result. This is really difficult to do and I think requires incredible mental strength.
The rise of DTS during a time period where people were socially isolated and turned to reality entertainment to feel connections with others made people latch on to drivers as if they knew them personally. Now that we are on the other side of quarantine, people are taking those online parasocial relationships and transforming them into real life and in-person.
As someone who grew up in an era where people hacked airport and hotel cameras to find out where member of One Direction were going and staying, I know that this is only going to get worse. I hate to put it on the drivers to change their behavior, but the drivers need to be incredibly conscientious about what they share, when, and with who. They also need to enforce hard boundaries and put safety measures in place to ensure that they and their loved ones are safe.
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proffbon · 9 months
The more I try to wrap my head around BG3 lore the more confused I get. I can't seem to understand what the deal is with Bhaal, Bhaalists and Durge, but I want to get it to write Fawn more accurately. Maybe I'm missing the whole picture or it's deliberately kinda vague so you can insert your character better but it seems that some info either doesn't add up, contradicts itself or is supposed to be describing different points in time and I'm just a dumbass.
1. Durge chastises Orin for basically playing too much with her victims (posing corpse-dollies) and being picky about them ('Bhaal doesn't care whether you give him the corpse of a pauper or a king'), sacrificing quantity for quality. In turn Orin calls Durge blunt and dull and says they spill their victims blood unworthy of their Father, they lack beauty in their atrocities. So, logically, it suggests that Durge killed more than Orin but in less creative/elegant ways.
2. Gortash says to Durge that "Bhaal allows you to pick your battles, as long as you do pick them. Orin thinks she needs to slash every throat in sight" which seems to suggest that it's Durge who's the picky one, or at least the one who has more restraint. It might be that Durge got pickier after they allied with Gortash but it's really hard for me to imagine Gortash considering the alliance to begin with if he didn't see that Durge could at least somewhat control themselves already. It's possible that Durge seems to have more restraint only from Gortash's POV because they are willing to sacrifice their kill streak in favor of their plot while Orin is vehemently against Gortash cramping her style, which reads to him as excessive bloodlust.
3. If Blood in Baldur's Gate is any indication, Durge does seem to enjoy a bit of cat-and-mouse chase they have with Tav. Sure, those might have been just ways to lure Tav closer enough to kill them, but the whole 'catch me if you can' angle reads more as part of the entertainment, at least to me. Also, while Durge's killings don't seem particularly refined (although you could argue that the butcher's death was kinda poetic) they seem to at least put some care into covering their tracks and using petty squabbles of the city to avoid suspicion and additionally faking their own death, even though they seem to judge Orin for planning and plotting. Maybe Durge meant something else and it was different from their plotting (as you could argue Durge's schemes were more essential to their survival/survival of the cult) but I can't come up with anything else which could be described as 'plotting'. Is it just a case of "Noooooo, my plotting and scheming is based and useful and your plotting and scheming is cringe and melodramatic, this is different :(((("?
4. Also, I guess the whole "you plan, you plot, you prevaricate and you waste [Bhaal's] time" is rich coming from someone who ended up pulling the biggest plot in the history of plots with Gortash. I would chalk it up to Durge being a massive hypocrite or this letter being written long before the whole deal with Gortash but it's weird that Orin never mentions this contradiction.
5. Something I don't understand about Bhaal's worship in general: why is there such a focus on torture, necrophilia, cannibalism and general messiness of the kills if the main goal is to just kill as many people as you can? Wouldn't it just be useless distraction to torture them prior? I think in other iterations of dnd lore Bhaalist practices were more about spreading fear of Bhaal in the hearts of people so gory, bloody murders made sense, but it doesn't seem to be the case here? Some of Sceleritas' dialogue suggests Durge might be 'inspired' by breaking taboos if they ever tire of killing, but this clearly goes beyond just Durge's quirks and seems to be prevalent to the whole belief system.
6. Kinda continuing the point from the previous one, If Durge is against 'playing with food' so much, what was the vivisection memory? Wouldn't it be the ultimate form of playing with your victims? I guess it's kinda like torture but the whole point of vivisection is that you keep the subject alive as long as needed (or through the whole thing depending on the purpose). Maybe that's what the whole thing with Sceleritas was about, him being drunk and ruining the experiment, maybe it was actually to keep Durge from messing around with their kills too much rather than simple incompetence? Also keeping the embalmed organs and taxidermied corpses is a bit weird, but the narrator did say it was Sceleritas who arranged the study and he does seem to have a habit of collecting bits from Durge's kills as a form of reverence. Although his line "You always told me not to stay too close to the art when it's on display" (in reference to Alfira's body) suggests that Durge did view their killing as art... Despite shitting on Orin for the same thing? Or maybe it was just a figure of speech from Sceleritas, idk. Maybe Durge meant it in reference to art in general, but then why are these two even having discussions about art and how you shouldn't be interfering with it?
7. The main reason for Sceletitas being around was to ensure that Durge keeps following Bhaal's path. However in certain dialogue Sceleritas suggests that Durge struggled to conduct themselves without him around. That makes sense if Durge had a tendency to disobey or kill in a way Bhaal didn't like, but then if we bring this all the way back to point 1, what's up with Durge shitting on Orin when they themselves apparently need to be constantly surveillance and guided? I guess Durge could be talking about knowing what Bhaal wants but not being able to follow through with it sometimes while Orin doesn't understand Bhaal at all and thinks herself somehow more worthy even though her killings are subpar by Father's standards.
8. In failed!Durge dialogue becoming the mindless murder machine seems to be the lowest of the low most undesirable thing that could happen, but... Isn't it the most efficient way of achieving Bhaal's goal?? What do you want, old man?? Do you want plotting and scheming or not, I don't get you. Orin seems to consider Durge's killing mindless and beastlike already, but I guess we're operating on a scale here? What seems barbaric and tasteless to Orin is perfectly fine with Bhaal, but even he doesn't have a need for a dumb meat puppet. But then again, if Bhaal, for some reason, is so against planning and scheming, what is there left to the act of murder if not just mindlessly going on a rampage? Getting some mixed signals here, old man. I guess realistically Bhaal would be against murderous rampage in a sense that Durge would most likely agro the whole city against them and get taken down almost immediately thus bringing in far less kills than if they were a bit smart about it, but this doesn't really seem to be the case in failed!Durge ending, it implies you're just going on a killing spree for the rest of your days, so what is the problem exactly? I guess it’s more like “Well, this little shithead is not listening to me, at least I can make them a bit useful”, but then again why wasn’t this murderous rampage the main goal from the start?
9. What exactly is wrong with Orin's murders? Not even bringing in the fact that both elegant and grisly murders are fine by Bhaal's dogma as far as I know, how are they fundamentally different from Durge's? Because of the fact she puts her victims on display like a cat? Didn't Durge do the same thing with the butcher in Blood in Baldur's Gate? Also isn't that the whole point for Bhaalists to put on great displays in his honor? Or is it the fact that Orin spends just TOO MUCH time on it? Is there a limit of some sort? Is it just her displaying her mother's corpse that bothers Bhaal and Sarevok so much or are the little bg1 and 2 reference kills with limericks over the top too? Do they just hate the fact that Orin messes around with the corpses post-mortem? Wouldn't Durge's necrophilia and cannibalism imply the same thing? Is this because she seems to have a habit of not finishing the job (infecting Durge, kidnapping a companion/Yenna)?
10. Orin seems to prohibit her Bhaalists from consuming flesh, but wouldn't that give her extra points with daddy Bhaal? What reason does Bhaal have for endorsing cannibalistic tendencies? Is this only okay because it allows his followers to sate their hunger while busy murdering? But dialogue implies that they at least sometimes cook the meat they consume, so it doesn't really save any time that you can dedicate to murder, it's just a regular ass meal, if a bit gruesome. I guess this is basically point 5 but it's still confusing to me. Maybe all the atrocities are just a way for Bhaal to say “You can have a little fun while you murder, just as a treat, but don’t indulge too much, you have work to do”, but these desires for excessive violence and barbarity seem to be coming from the Urge itself, which is basically an extension of Bhaal’s urges and desires. So he wants to do all these things and he wants his followers to do all these things, even though they are counter-productive to his plans? Is everyone a hypocrite in this family?
11. I guess at the end of the day I don't understand what the fuck Bhaal wants. His main goal as stated by Durge and the basis of Absolute plot is to kill everyone as fast as possible. But for some reason going on a murderous rampage just won't do. Successful murder streaks require excessive planning, but, again, Durge implies that planning just wastes Bhaal's time. Bhaal encourages all kinds of cruelty done to the victim which possibly won't even be seen by anyone to make them fear Bhaal but for some reason draws the line at Orin's displays, even though both of these types of activities slow down the progress of achieving his ultimate goal.
I don't know, man. Maybe after being resurrected and downgraded to quasi-deity Bhaal just went off the rails and abandoned his more assassin-like scheming ways for simple "Fuck it, just kill everyone". But even if his main focus and dogmas changed I still can't merry the concept of "Minimal plotting and playing with corpses, just get as many people as you can killed" with "Yeah, you can definitely eat, vivisect, fuck, mutilate and torture your victims while you're at it, this doesn't impede killing speed at all".
I guess I’m just bothered that there seems to be an excessive focus on Bhaal’s violent and savage side, while his cold and calculating side is virtually non-existent.
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razorsadness · 1 year
Paul sat on his bedroom floor, circled by unsteady stacks of his and Christopher’s CDs and tapes. He wanted to explain something to Diane in the only way he knew how. Christopher’s music collection ranged from Patti Griffin all the way to Emmylou Harris, plus a few obvious disco compilations. Christopher was more of a lesbian than any actual lesbian Paul knew. He needed Jane for this. Paul packed up his stacks and headed over to Jane’s on Christopher’s bike.
     Jane wasn’t home, so he let himself in with her emergency key and plopped down on the ironic purple shag carpet in front of the stereo system. Much better. Jane had tape-to-tape, for one thing, and lots of vinyl, and everything the Pixies had ever released. Fags 0, Dykes 1.
     “Ooh,” he said into the empty apartment, fondling the Bikini Kill/Huggy Bear split LP before succumbing to the distraction of Jane’s mighty cassingle collection.
     Diane was definitely going to get the message: Paul was fun and intense. He lifted out his most precious mixtapes from his backpack and lined them up next to Jane’s music. Was it cheesy to pass Jane’s superior collection off as his own? Or was it a sign of his dedication? He could also go down to the club during the day and use some of the vinyl there, if he wanted dancier songs; that would be really intrepid but maybe too faggy? Yeah, too faggy. He wanted to give Diane things she couldn’t get herself, to turn her on to new things, to share his access, to provide, to shore up his girlfriendable-ness.
     He had 90- and 120-minute tapes, and Jane had some 60s, but you had to be really stuck to use a 60 anymore. And weren’t the 120-minute tapes supposed to be of inferior quality? He’d bought the most expensive ones available, German-made.
Side A:
I Am a Poseur - X-Ray Spex
Pretty on the Inside - Hole
Cherry Bomb - The Runaways
What’s Inside a Girl? - The Cramps
Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill
Pumping (My Heart) - Patti Smith
Golden Thing - Throwing Muses
Rid of Me - PJ Harvey
Touch Your Woman - Dolly Parton
If I Was Your Girlfriend - Prince
Beauty and the Beast - David Bowie
That’s Really Super, Supergirl - XTC
People Are Strange - Echo and the Bunnymen
     Paul was happy with Side A, though not entirely sure about that last track. Also, maybe “Me-Jane” would have been a better PJ Harvey track after “Golden Thing” because of the beat, but the lyrics weren’t romantic. Paul knew that some people didn’t consider the lyrics when making mixtapes, but he always did. Occasionally he’d choose a song for ironic purposes or to say the opposite of what the lyrics said or for litotes (for instance, “Rid of Me”) but always lyrics were involved in the decision. Paul disliked instrumental music. He wanted stories, all the time. He wished he could make a tape of all the moments from films he wanted to show her, but how was that even possible? Maybe if he hooked up Jane’s VCR to another VCR and rented all the movies… He felt that old familiar electricity surging up in him, a desire to accumulate and then display a complete collection. He imposed a small measure of self-control and returned his attention to the mixtape.
     He would listen to Side A to check the flow, to subject himself to its momentum before he started Side B. Start out strong, pumping, then go for counterpoint with Dolly, then take it to a sexy place, but not for too long (keep the tension), then—maybe the Bowie was too much? He wasn’t sure about any of the last three songs, really, but sometimes the songs you weren’t sure about were the genius choices. No, he couldn’t dismantle the tape now. He made a sandwich, leaving Jane with one slice of bread. She might not notice; she was kind of rich.
     Paul tried to imagine Diane listening to the tape on auto-reverse, driving down some street in Provincetown, maybe driving to her new job. Okay, what should the first song be on the second side? You’ve got that moment where the tape reverses, the antici…pation, and so the first song on the second side is the heart of the tape. By that point, you’re committed; you’ve listened to an entire side and you’ve entered the world of the tape—you’ve waited, and what are you waiting for? He decided to go for a declaration. Forget subtlety. His tape would be a manifesto of his readiness. He wanted to be Diane’s girlfriend, whatever that meant.
Side B:
Kinda I Want To - NIN
Birdhouse in Your Soul - They Might be Giants
Take Me With U - Prince
     Paul stopped. Something was wrong. He didn’t want to seem queeny, male, obvious. This side was all dudes so far. Jane had a few compilation CDs, so Paul scanned the track listings until he hit gold: Jane Wiedlin from the Go-Gos. Apparently she was a PETA person. He cued up the tape:
Fur - Jane Wiedlin
     Halfway through, Paul knew the song was too campy; Diane might think he was making fun of her feelings about animals. He rewound. He could do better. He retrieved a bag of Oreos from Jane’s cabinet and took stock of the situation.
Fur - Jane Wiedlin
     Paul considered a tape Tony Pinto had made him, so long ago. Two years ago. Was it entirely ethical to copy a song, or multiple songs, from a mixtape someone else had made you? What if you changed the order? What if the person who made you the mix had copied at least half of the songs from Just Say Yes, Volume III: Just Say Mao, which you later discovered while looking through their CDs? What if the person who made you the mixtape was in love with you but you weren’t in love with them? What if the person who made the tape was in love with you and you had been in love with them, maybe, but you weren’t anymore? Was it really even okay to copy any songs from a mixtape? Paul decided it was okay if the tape had been given to you in the spirit of true love and had then become part of who you now were. It was not just okay, it was in fact crucial, then, to share this with your new love, so they could understand you.  He put the Joan Armatrading on, wondering what Tony Pinto would say about Diane. Or about Paul’s new look. What would Diane say about Tony Pinto? Some things were perhaps best not discussed.
I’m Lucky - Joan Armatrading
Caribou - The Pixies
(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - Carole King
Kangaroo - This Mortal Coil
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Witchcraft - Book of Love
Freedom ‘90 - George Michael
Kool Thing - Sonic Youth
     The last song fit exactly on the tape. If that wasn’t a sign, Paul didn’t know what was. Diane was a Kool Thing. She did walk like a panther. They both were like fuck you to male white corporate oppression. Paul thought about how hot they looked together in the Polaroids they’d taken at Michigan. He couldn’t believe he was one of the hot girls in the pictures but there he was, four times a lady.
     He played the finished tape all the way through one last time while hunched over Jane’s kitchen counter with an X-acto knife, rubber cement, and a 1955 Playboy, collaging two tiny Bettie Pages onto a campfire scene for the tape cover. He listed the song titles on the cassette itself, as he’d seen art students do, using a fine-point silver paint pen, and on the outside of the case he carefully printed the words “Volume One.” He immediately second-guessed this title and swapped out the case for a fresh one, on which he carefully printed the words “For Diane.” Better not to be quite so obvious, he thought.
—Andrea Lawlor, from Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl (Rescue Press, 2017)
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Dolly Parton - Coat Of Many Colors
The 70s weren't particularly kind to country music, but Dolly Parton stands out as a shining beacon amidst a fog of mediocrity. The title track is a beautiful story about a mother's love that is apparently a true story from Parton's childhood. From there we immediately get a song where the singer's mother steals her boyfriend. It kinda goes like that, either beautiful sincere tracks like Coat Of Many Colors and Here I Am, or unrelenting savagery like in Traveling Man and If I Lose My Mind. I would never have it any other way. Go off queen.
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Tracy Chapman - s/t
Ready for some emotional devastation? This album comes out the gate swinging and doesn't let up. This album's theme is feeling helpless to change your circumstances. Fast Cars is about trying to run away from a toxic environment only to recreate it. Behind The Walls is about being unable to stop domestic abuse even when you know it's happening. Mountains Of Things is about being trapped by commodity fetishism despite knowing it won't help you. In all these songs systems prevent individuals from improving their lives. The message is nothing without the actual substance of the music though, so it's fortunate that Chapman has one of the best and richest voices I've ever heard. And her brand of folk rock is beautifully complimentary. Lefty music doesn't get much better than this.
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Bob Dylan - Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
It may be his second album, but this is his real debut. Bob Dylan proved that you could be a shitty singer, mediocre guitarist, and atrocious harmonica player, but if put together the right way then the sum of the parts is worth so much more. Dylan's combination of traditional folksy numbers like Girl From North Country and Don't Think Twice It's All Right are matched with the political statements that made him a counterculture icon. Masters Of War may seem blunt and obvious by today's standards, but it's stark condemnation of war mongering politicians is still pretty brutal. And A Hard Rains A-Gonna Fall is proof of his ability to write lyrics that express abstract feelings rather than direct thoughts.
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Herbie Hancock - Head Hunters
I feel like when people think of jazz they don't tend to think of catchy toe tappers. There's an expectation for it to be a fairly serious genre that is hard to "get". Herbie Hancock threw that idea right out the window when he made Head Hunters the most fun jazz album of all time. The funk influences are extremely apparent with each track featuring an extremely punchy drum beat and juicy fucking bass lines that will get permanently stuck in your head. Everyone is nailing it here but obviously Hancock himself is the star player with his electric piano and clavinet solos having the brightest and bubbliest tone I've ever heard and it just cuts through the mix and delivers pure joy to your ears. Without a doubt one of my favorite albums of all time.
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Pink Floyd - Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
When I was in high school one of my friends just fucking loved the song Bike and sometimes we would just burst into it whenever or wherever. Like all of walking somewhere and we'd just start up like "IVE GOT A BIKE YOU CAN RIDE IT IF YOU LIKE!" full fucking volume like a bunch of animals. Anyway this album is fanciful as all hell. Gnomes, scarecrows, bikes, kitty cats named Lucifer Sam, and bedtime stories. This album is delightful. It exudes innocent joy like no other album. Songs like Astronomy Domine and Interstellar Overdrive sound spacey not because they sound peaceful like floating in space but explosive like a rocket taking off. Other tracks will sound like campfire songs. It's beautiful. The end of Bike where the album closes out on a disjointed series of cacophonous clanking was my first introduction to noise as music so that song probably ruined me permanently.
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Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!
One of the original punk bands even if you wouldn't normally think of them as such. Devo did everything in their power to be weird little freaks. Jerky, stuttery guitars and rigid drum beats all designed to sound as mechanical as possible. It an amazing achievement that is perfectly exemplified by their awkward but brilliant cover of the Rolling Stones' Satisfaction. There's a general sense of 50s rock and roll filtered through the 'came back wrong' trope. The album lumbers along like it's made of de evolved rock music.
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Elton John - Honky Château
This is probably Elton John's most cohesive album. The country rock of Tumbleweed Connection meets the dramatic arrangements of Madman Across The Water. John's songwriting partner Bernie Taupin is also at the top of his game on this one. Obviously everyone loves Rocket Man, it's iconic for a reason, by good god is the song I Think I'm Going To Kill Myself funny. I'm serious, this tongue and cheek song about teenage angst is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I'm kinda blown away at how good Elton John, a British man, is at doing honky tonk and country music too. Too talented of a guy really. Love this album.
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Jane’s Pets Pt. 37: Famous Last Words
TWs in the tags
Coughing up blood | “You’re safe now.” | “Take me instead.”
Dollie is sick. Kit says that of course she’s sick, the constant stress has weakened all of your immune systems. It’s a miracle you’re not all sick all the time.
Still, she’s really sick, shaking and coughing at all hours. You’re all worried. She’s started coughing up blood.
Jane has made it clear that being so sick you’re coughing up blood and so feverish you can’t remember where you are is not an excuse for disobedience.
She doesn’t hurt Dollie, of course. She’s too fragile to take punishment herself while sick. So when Dollie mumbles fevered nonsense to herself without permission to speak, or falls asleep without permission, or can’t do her chores, Jane hurts Kit and makes sure Dollie can hear their screams. When Dollie’s lucid enough to understand what’s happening, she begs for it to stop, which makes the punishment worse because she still doesn’t have permission to talk.
Jane was going to hurt you, but Kit stopped it. “Take me instead.” They said. “Hurt me instead. The punishment will be just as bad for Puppy either way.”
Jane looked at you. “I can hurt Kitty instead. Is that what you want?”
And you said yes without hesitation. Kit said to always pick them to be tortured if you had a choice. It’s not a very difficult promise to keep.
Kit’s been irritable all day. It makes sense, the situation is very irritating and they’re probably still in pain from Dollie’s last punishment. Still, you wish there was something you could do to make them feel better.
You and Kit spend most of your time with Dollie, trying to comfort her. She’s having a bad time, unable to stop coughing long enough to get more than a few minutes of sleep at a time. Blood stained tissues line her bed.
Kit pours water down Dollie’s throat and makes sure she eats, whether or not she has permission. They’re willing to take the punishment to make sure she’s taken care of.
Dollie has another coughing fit. She claws at her chest. “Hurts!” She cries. “Stop, make it stop!”
Jane is in the room in seconds. “Shut up! You know better, your obedience should be instinctual, I know you’re doing this on purpose. Think you can get away with it because you’re sick. Fucking brat. Do you not care that Kit’s getting hurt because of you? Would you care if it was Bunny?”
Dollie cries, but there’s no comprehension in her eyes. Only fear. Kit snaps.
“She’s exhausted! She’s sleep deprived and sick and has a fever. She would never try to disobey you on purpose, and you know it. And she’s never going to get better if you keep stressing her out! Her body’s going through enough! We get it, there’s no exceptions to being obedient, can the punishment wait? Can you hold off on torture until she’s better? Just keep track of when she’s disobeyed and deal with it when she actually knows what she’s being punished for! Or, and this is a crazy idea, maybe you could leave her alone and not do any punishment for her experiencing the symptoms of being sick!”
Kit has worked themself up. “You’re so pathetic. You think you’ve suffered, you think not dying is such a burden, but guess what? We’ve all suffered! Everyone in this room has been through horrible, horrible shit, and only one of us resorted to torturing people for fun.”
Jane scowls. “You have no idea what I’ve been through.”
“You have no idea what I’ve been through! What we’ve been through! Have you ever been tortured for months on end? Have you ever even had to deal with a wound that didn’t heal immediately? Have you ever been in a bad situation and not had the option to teleport away? You’ve never been trapped! You’ve never been powerless! And you think that losing some people is a good enough justification to do this shit. You are so pathetic!”
The room goes quiet, everyone waiting for Jane’s reaction. Dollie has another coughing fit, breaking the silence. Jane looks at her and frowns.
“Waiting until she’s better for punishment is… reasonable. We can do that.” She puts a hand on Dollie’s forehead. Dollie tries to squirm away. “My darling Puppy. You’re safe now.”
Dollie goes still, eyes wide. Kit tenses.
“You’re so tired, aren’t you? I’ll give you some medicine.”
Jane injects something into the crook of Dollie’s arm. Her breathing starts to deepen.
“Hold out for ten more minutes for me Puppy. Then you’ll have permission to sleep.” Jane looks to Kit. “She’ll get better soon. Then we can get back to punishments, right Kitty?”
Kit nods.
“Say ‘yes, master.’”
“Yes, master.” Kit says through gritted teeth. Jane disappears.
Jane never addressed Kit’s other points. You didn’t expect Kit to get away with that unpunished, but you guess insulting Jane isn’t against the rules. You’re more surprised that Jane didn’t respond at all. You’d expect her to verbally tear into Kit in retaliation, but she didn’t. Weird.
Dollie is… probably getting better. You can’t tell for sure. Jane has changed her approach completely, going from acting like she’s not even sick to putting her on a whole bunch of drugs. She’s also been giving her permission to eat, sleep, and drink more often, though Dollie still ends up doing those things without permission relatively frequently. She doesn’t know where she is.
Dollie seems to be getting better, coughing less and shaking less and complaining less of pain. Still, it’s hard to tell if she’s actually better or if the drugs are just masking her symptoms.
Kit has taken on most of Dollie’s chores, with reluctant permission from Jane. It will make Dollie’s punishment lighter, when she gets better.
If she gets better.
You can’t think like that. Of course she’ll get better. Jane wouldn’t let her die.
You’ve been taking care of Dollie. You’ve never been in that position before, and at first it feels very weird, but you get used to it. You mimic what Dollie did when Kit had an infection, making sure she drinks plenty of water and applying a damp washcloth to her forehead every once in a while.
Besides that, you do what the two of them did while you were bedridden. You read to her and talk to her and just do things next to her, hoping that you can at least help her not feel too bored or lonely, even if your head aches from the strain of reading for hours.
“We’re going to be okay.” You tell her. “Famous last words, I know, but I really believe that. We’ll figure out how to stop Jane and go on to live full, happy lives. And we’ll still be friends. It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.” You squeeze Dollie’s hand. There’s no indication that she comprehended anything you said. “Sorry for rambling. Do you want me to read you another chapter of the book?”
She doesn’t respond.
“Can you blink twice for yes? Or just if you’re listening at all?
She doesn’t.
“Alright. That’s fine, you need rest. It’s okay if you’re not listening. It’s also okay if you can’t even control your blinking, though I hope that’s not happening because that would suck. I’ll be right here either way.”
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else! I wasn’t thinking about this prompt when I establishes that ‘you’re safe now’ is a conditioned stimulus for Dollie but that worked out really well!
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @ghostsinthecloset
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futuresandpasts · 1 year
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New Domestic Departure release out today, after another pressing plant delay of almost two years! Running a small potatoes DIY label in 2023 is an adventure...
Wonky pop group tells all —“Who am I?,” they scream into a puddle.
On Divorcer’s vinyl debut, the group spits into their own reflection, stomps their rain boots into the mud, and breaks open their multitudes. With major synth, big guitar sound, and pleasing vocal harmonies, Divorcer examines such topics as: the Kafkaesque experience of carceral systems and the medical industrial complex, the feeling of absolute dread toward the state of the world, and the demons creeping inside each and every one of us.
The 7" is titled Espionage, poking fun at national security and facing the fact that collectively the group holds very little power beyond their ability to produce rock hits. Undoubtedly, there is an allure to lies, secrecy and the unknown, but mostly they are embracing the overt camp of spy aesthetic (think childhood cartoons, Y2K-era Charlie’s Angels, or Kids in the Hall’s Sex Girl Patrol.) Divorcer is still making light of Earth’s grim corners, only this time they are donning pleather jumpsuits.
"Divorcer formed in late 2016 in a booth at Duffin's Donuts in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and that's perfect, because just like a donut, Divorcer is a treat. And after two cassettes — Debt Jubilee (2019) and Nutty Grotto (2022) — the band has made a delicious donut of its own with Espionage, their vinyl debut. Arty and aurally reminiscent of the Raincoats, Rose Mercie, Young Marble Giants, Marine Girls, and Dolly Mixture, Espionage’s four playful tracks swell with unanticipated changes that leave the listener wondering if this is still the same song, or even the same band. But the ingredients are there, they're just mixed up a little differently each time. There's call-and-response singing, whisper singing, singing in rounds. All four band members sing, and the straightforward instrumentation all works to serve the lyrics. Frank, funny, sharp, and skewering, the lyrics are a highlight, and Divorcer knows how to emphasize them. They have a lot to say, some of it serious. But while they're stuck here in this weird, messed-up world, they're going to have some fun — and take a bite out of it, too." (Erin O'Hare)
300 copies pressed, offset printed full-color fold-over cover, two-color risographed insert, includes Bandcamp download code. 
Listen / buy here.
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rvtravellife · 1 day
A Comprehensive Guide to Flat Towing and Dinghy Towing.
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by Richard Gastmeier Dinghy towing, is a popular method for RV enthusiasts who want to bring a secondary vehicle along for their travels. Having a smaller car available while your motorhome is parked can add flexibility and convenience to your journey..... What is Dinghy Towing? Dinghy towing, sometimes known as flat towing or four-down towing, is a popular method for RV enthusiasts who want to bring a secondary vehicle along for their travels. Whether for quick trips into town or exploring off-the-beaten-path areas, having a smaller car available while your motorhome is parked can add flexibility and convenience to your journey. I've spent years traveling the country in my RV, and dinghy towing has been a game-changer, allowing me to enjoy the best of both worlds—comfortable RV living and the mobility of a smaller car. As an RV parts specialist, I've helped many customers configure complete dinghy towing systems. In this article, I will explain dinghy towing, covering the different types of towing methods, essential components, and safety considerations. Whether you’re a seasoned RVer or just starting, understanding dinghy towing can significantly enhance your travel experience. Types of Dinghy Towing Two main methods are widely used for dinghy towing: flat towing (four wheels down) and a tow dolly. Each has its advantages and drawbacks, and the right choice depends on your specific needs, the type of vehicle you’re towing, and your comfort level with the equipment. With some vehicles, you may not be able to flat tow. This is usually true with front wheel drive vehicles. Flat Towing (Four Wheels Down) Flat towing involves pulling a vehicle with all four wheels on the ground, connected to the RV by a tow bar. This method is often favored for its simplicity and ease of setup. I remember the first time I set up my Jeep for flat towing; I was amazed at how quickly I could hook it up and be ready to hit the road. Pros of Flat Towing: - Ease of Use: After the initial setup, connecting and disconnecting the vehicle is straightforward and quick. - Minimal Equipment: A trailer or dolly is not needed; just a tow bar and a base plate installed on the towed vehicle are all that you need. - Maneuverability: The towed vehicle tracks directly behind the RV, making maneuvering in tight spaces and on winding roads easier. Cons of Flat Towing: - Vehicle Compatibility: Not all vehicles can be flat towed; checking the manufacturer’s guidelines is crucial to ensure compatibility. Incompatible vehicles might suffer damage to their transmission or drivetrain. - Wear and Tear: Even though the vehicle is in neutral, the tires and some mechanical parts are still subjected to wear..... Read More... Read the full article
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trektote · 7 days
The Comprehensive Services Offered by Packers and Movers Companies
Packers and movers companies offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. The primary services include packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking. Each of these services is crucial in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free move.
Packing: The packing process is one of the most critical aspects of relocation. Professional packers use high-quality packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper, moving blankets, and sturdy boxes to ensure that all items are securely packed. Fragile items like glassware, electronics, and artwork are given special attention, often being double-wrapped or placed in custom crates for extra protection. The packers also label all boxes, which makes unpacking at the destination more organized and efficient.
Loading: Once everything is packed, the next step is loading the items onto the moving truck. This task requires strength and skill to ensure that items are loaded in a way that maximizes space and prevents damage during transit. Packers and Movers Chennai to Kolkata use tools like dollies, ramps, and straps to handle heavy and awkwardly shaped items. They also strategically place items in the truck to ensure stability and minimize movement during the journey.
Transporting: Transportation is the core of the moving process. Professional movers have a fleet of well-maintained vehicles of various sizes to accommodate different volumes of goods. These vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking systems, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their move in real-time. The drivers are experienced and familiar with the best routes, ensuring timely and safe delivery of the belongings.Unloading: Upon reaching the destination, the movers carefully unload all items and place them in the designated rooms as per the client's instructions. This service alleviates the physical strain on the customer and ensures that items are handled with the same care as during loading.
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mightymove · 7 days
The Comprehensive Services Offered by Packers and Movers Companies
Packers and movers companies offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. The primary services include packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking. Each of these services is crucial in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free move.
Packing: The packing process is one of the most critical aspects of relocation. Professional packers use high-quality packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper, moving blankets, and sturdy boxes to ensure that all items are securely packed. Fragile items like glassware, electronics, and artwork are given special attention, often being double-wrapped or placed in custom crates for extra protection. The packers also label all boxes, which makes unpacking at the destination more organized and efficient.
Loading: Once everything is packed, the next step is loading the items onto the moving truck. This task requires strength and skill to ensure that items are loaded in a way that maximizes space and prevents damage during transit. Packers and Movers Chennai to Kolkata use tools like dollies, ramps, and straps to handle heavy and awkwardly shaped items. They also strategically place items in the truck to ensure stability and minimize movement during the journey.
Transporting: Transportation is the core of the moving process. Professional movers have a fleet of well-maintained vehicles of various sizes to accommodate different volumes of goods. These vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking systems, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their move in real-time. The drivers are experienced and familiar with the best routes, ensuring timely and safe delivery of the belongings.Unloading: Upon reaching the destination, the movers carefully unload all items and place them in the designated rooms as per the client's instructions. This service alleviates the physical strain on the customer and ensures that items are handled with the same care as during loading.
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glidemovers · 7 days
The Comprehensive Services Offered by Packers and Movers Companies
Packers and movers companies offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. The primary services include packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking. Each of these services is crucial in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free move.
Packing: The packing process is one of the most critical aspects of relocation. Professional packers use high-quality packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper, moving blankets, and sturdy boxes to ensure that all items are securely packed. Fragile items like glassware, electronics, and artwork are given special attention, often being double-wrapped or placed in custom crates for extra protection. The packers also label all boxes, which makes unpacking at the destination more organized and efficient.
Loading: Once everything is packed, the next step is loading the items onto the moving truck. This task requires strength and skill to ensure that items are loaded in a way that maximizes space and prevents damage during transit. Packers and Movers Chennai to Kolkata use tools like dollies, ramps, and straps to handle heavy and awkwardly shaped items. They also strategically place items in the truck to ensure stability and minimize movement during the journey.
Transporting: Transportation is the core of the moving process. Professional movers have a fleet of well-maintained vehicles of various sizes to accommodate different volumes of goods. These vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking systems, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their move in real-time. The drivers are experienced and familiar with the best routes, ensuring timely and safe delivery of the belongings.Unloading: Upon reaching the destination, the movers carefully unload all items and place them in the designated rooms as per the client's instructions. This service alleviates the physical strain on the customer and ensures that items are handled with the same care as during loading.
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cargohive · 7 days
The Comprehensive Services Offered by Packers and Movers Companies
Packers and movers companies offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. The primary services include packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking. Each of these services is crucial in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free move.
Packing: The packing process is one of the most critical aspects of relocation. Professional packers use high-quality packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper, moving blankets, and sturdy boxes to ensure that all items are securely packed. Fragile items like glassware, electronics, and artwork are given special attention, often being double-wrapped or placed in custom crates for extra protection. The packers also label all boxes, which makes unpacking at the destination more organized and efficient.
Loading: Once everything is packed, the next step is loading the items onto the moving truck. This task requires strength and skill to ensure that items are loaded in a way that maximizes space and prevents damage during transit. Packers and Movers Chennai to Kolkata use tools like dollies, ramps, and straps to handle heavy and awkwardly shaped items. They also strategically place items in the truck to ensure stability and minimize movement during the journey.
Transporting: Transportation is the core of the moving process. Professional movers have a fleet of well-maintained vehicles of various sizes to accommodate different volumes of goods. These vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking systems, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their move in real-time. The drivers are experienced and familiar with the best routes, ensuring timely and safe delivery of the belongings.Unloading: Upon reaching the destination, the movers carefully unload all items and place them in the designated rooms as per the client's instructions. This service alleviates the physical strain on the customer and ensures that items are handled with the same care as during loading.
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glidepack2024 · 7 days
The Comprehensive Services Offered by Packers and Movers Companies
Packers and movers companies offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. The primary services include packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking. Each of these services is crucial in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free move.
Packing: The packing process is one of the most critical aspects of relocation. Professional packers use high-quality packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper, moving blankets, and sturdy boxes to ensure that all items are securely packed. Fragile items like glassware, electronics, and artwork are given special attention, often being double-wrapped or placed in custom crates for extra protection. The packers also label all boxes, which makes unpacking at the destination more organized and efficient.
Loading: Once everything is packed, the next step is loading the items onto the moving truck. This task requires strength and skill to ensure that items are loaded in a way that maximizes space and prevents damage during transit. Packers and Movers Chennai to Kolkata use tools like dollies, ramps, and straps to handle heavy and awkwardly shaped items. They also strategically place items in the truck to ensure stability and minimize movement during the journey.
Transporting: Transportation is the core of the moving process. Professional movers have a fleet of well-maintained vehicles of various sizes to accommodate different volumes of goods. These vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking systems, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their move in real-time. The drivers are experienced and familiar with the best routes, ensuring timely and safe delivery of the belongings.Unloading: Upon reaching the destination, the movers carefully unload all items and place them in the designated rooms as per the client's instructions. This service alleviates the physical strain on the customer and ensures that items are handled with the same care as during loading.
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mariankraus · 1 month
How Drones Are Used In Aerial Photography?
Nowadays, millions of photographers have fallen in love with the innovative technologies of aerial systems and drones. These innovative photography techniques are modernizing film, television, news, and real estate photography. They provide plenty of wonderful opportunities to capture high-quality photos and videos, even with those angles that are impossible or simply highly difficult to attain.      
Let’s discuss how aerial photography with drones can turn into a valuable tool for businesses and professionals.
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Why are Photographers Using Drones?
Drones offer myriad incredible benefits when it comes to capturing aerial photographs. They are easy to use and set up compared to crane shots as well as less expensive than hiring a helicopter-based camera team. This is the main reason people believe that drones are the secret weapons for successful photography.   
Here are some incredible benefits of aerial photography with drones and the new opportunities that photographers bring to the photo and film table. Let’shave a look:
Drones provide new aerial angles that improve visual experience and capture new reward points of the world.
There are certain physical limitations for camera cranes, steadicams, and camera tracks. With drones, you can capture high-quality photos and videos from every angle.
They can help to reduce the need for land-based equipment, including jibs, dollies, cranes, and many more to capture perfect shots. 
They are safer and more stable to operate because of their smart features, including Vision Positioning Systems (VPS) and Obstacle avoidance sensors.
Drone gimbals with three axes of stability: yaw, pitch, and roll. They come in a variety of sizes and forms.
They are small, easy to operate, and far more affordable than crewed aircraft.  
How are Drones Being Used by Photographers?
You might be wondering how to integrate aerial images and video into your workflow if you haven't thought about adding a bird's-eye view to your client offerings. From high-end events to real estate listings, drone photos, and videos can increase your creative horizons no matter what type of photography or videography you do.
Movies and Film: The possibilities for cinematographers on movie sets are endless, ranging from novel camera angles to high-speed pursuit sequences, flights over water, or in between trees.
Real Estate Photography: The popularity of aerial photography with drones in real estate has been increasing enormously. The drones help real estate agents to sell properties more effectively with high-quality photos and videos.
Event Photography: With the help of drones, photographers and videographers can record sweeping shots from above, giving their events a very dramatic look.
Advertising: By using drones, marketers can capture photos or display ads that are otherwise expensive or tough to attain. 
News: In order to cover images, many news agencies use helicopters which have higher costs and need people on-site to operate. But drones have the ability to remove people from that risk while still covering the news if they are covering conflict or natural disaster.   
Final Words:
Aerial photography especially with drones is a versatile and cost-effective weapon for taking incredible photos and videos. But you need to choose the best and most professional photographers to achieve incredible results.  
Whether it is luxury hotel photography orany other real estate photography, professional photographers, like Marian Kraus Photography have something to offer for everyone, providing an amazing and accessible way to capture the world from above.
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