#Toyota Camry Coupes
masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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starscourgc · 7 months
bloodborne characters and what cars they would drive
laurence: 2020 mercedes c-class, his dad bought it for him as a graduation gift but never drives it . He just bums off everyone else for rides.
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gehrman: 1997 toyota camry. it’s got 400k miles on it, the brakes need to be replaced, windows don’t roll down, but it’s gonna outlive gehrman and everyone he knows. has been set on fire before and still turned on.
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maria: 2012 audi a5 coupe. got it off Ye Ol Marketplace for a banging deal. all the windows have 2% tint on them and she can’t drive at night as a result. keeps it spotless and won’t let anyone eat or drink inside.
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ludwig: 2023 toyota prius. smthn smthn big man small car joke here. it’s fuel efficient and he cares about that type of stuff, the holy moonlight sword gets buckled in the passenger seat.
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alfred: 2003 ford ranger, THE work truck. He has to hotwire the engine, get out and push it 20 feet forward, say a prayer to logarius, and then hope it turns over. radio doesn’t work unless you beat on the dashboard a few times.
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gascoigne: 2005 dodge grand caravan. has enough space for himself, viola, his daughters, and henryk. the back windshield is covered in “my daughter is an honor student at yharnam elementary” stickers and a stick family.
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djura: lifted ford f150. can hear it turn on from 10 miles away, and you Will go blind cause djura installed those blinding LED headlights. doesn’t know how to turn off said headlights.
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eileen: 1989 jeep cherokee 4x4. Laments constantly about how cars aren’t made how they used to despite her getting 5 miles to the gallon on a good day.
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edgar: 2006 volkswagen beetle. i dont have an explanation it just feels right.
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brador: modded ford escape. loves it more than himself, and it REEKS of cigarettes bc he smokes with the windows up.
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micolash: crashed 5 cars until he finally got his license revoked, walks everywhere or gets a lift from edgar.
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mazovshanka · 14 days
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Some car spotting in Warsaw. This time it's Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, Cadillac Coupe DeVille, Toyota Camry and Mazda RX-8.
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kylestfs · 4 months
Starting something, finally !
Hey everybody - here to start a (small) series of short TFs, similar to my past airplane seat series.
(This will not be a long series, as I do not have enough time to post daily and have a lot of submissions, so I really apologise in advance if you do not get the chance to participate due to slots being taken)
Now for the subject ;
I’ve came up with an idea : a parking lot. I’ve put vehicles that you guys will choose from in order to be transformed into a new body. Each slot can and will only be used one, thus making it hard for everybody that will submit to get a story.
Just pick the vehicle that you want, add a little text (personalise it, but not precise or any specifications on your future body. Only on your previous, actual one or other stuff) and send it to me in my Inbox!
For the people who don’t know a lot about cars & bikes, I’ve created a little sum-up.
Ford F-150 : Big pickup-truck.
Nissan Sentra : Small, economical sedan.
Mercedes-Benz S-class : Big, luxurious prestigious sedan.
Ford Mustang : Sporty, powerful American coupe.
Chevrolet Tahoe : Big SUV…with a little twist.
BMW M3 : Sporty, sleek sedan.
Tesla model X : Big, electric full-of-tech SUV.
Toyota Camry : Midsize, average sedan.
Dodge charger : Powerful Sedan. (With a twist)
Porsche 911 : Sporty, luxurious coupe.
Toyota Prius : Hybrid economical small sedan.
Kawasaki Ninja : Powerful sports bike
BMW GS : Big, touring motorcycle (long trips)
Yamaha R1 : Excessively quick sporty motorcycle.
Yamaha MT-07 : Average, sporty motorcycle.
Trek bicycle : Expensive long distance professional bicycle.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
You know, you used to be able to go days in this neighbourhood without seeing an old crappy Volkswagen. Folks here used to have real proletarian cars, like a high-mileage champagne-gold Toyota Camry, or a slightly pock-marked Dodge Caravan. None of this ostentatious European stuff, especially not 25-year-old turbodiesel Jettas. Now, things are different. I can stand on the side of the road, trying to collect all the scattered parts of my crankshaft, and see five or six of those same Jettas in ten minutes.
Someone had to do something, and years of austerity and reactionary politics had taught me that the thing to do was to shriek as loudly as possible at any politician within range. I had been taught by the media that Volkswagens are a threat to my Property Value, whatever it is, and they should do something to get rid of these Fakey McFakersons and return my neighbourhood to the authentic junkyard full of reliable shitboxes that it used to be. If things didn’t get better, pretty soon teenagers would be rocking Altima coupes missing on a cylinder, and then I’d have to fight off gentrifiers, whatever those are.
So: I wrote my city councillor. She was nice enough, and after the first few puzzled emails, she showed up to my house with a squadron of bylaw officers in tow. Turns out that she had also gotten some complaints that some grizzled weirdo was running some kind of mechanic’s shop out of his grotesque house, and hundreds of shitty old client cars were parked on the lawn. It ruins the Property Value, they explained, and someone must Do Something. In this particular case, I did not want anyone to Do Anything: in fact, I now regretted my actions and especially that biplane that I paid to tow a banner reading “GET YOUR PASSAT OUT OF HERE” past City Hall.
Once I explained that all the cars were in fact mine, none of them were hated Volkswagens, and everything was registered to my offshore corporation which coincidentally was unreachable except for between the hours of 1:15 and 1:30 AM with an eight-dollar-per-minute long-distance call, she grudgingly called off her thugs. I caught a glimpse of her car as it was leaving. A Phaeton. I was in deep on this one.
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thisisthevoice · 23 days
The car situation we have is unreasonable
Me: 2 cars (1997 weird luxury coupe, Hyundai SUV I drive in winter)
My dad: 2 permanent cars, rotating cast of cars he ends up selling (old manual Toyota, a truck, and some random car in winter, likely a Subaru)
My mom: 1 permanent car (a mustang), another random likely-subaru in winter
I've driven a fuck ton of different vehicles. My favorite is my 97, my least favorite is the truck because it's scarily big to me though I did have fun driving it. I never want a Camry, Prius, Kia optima, etc. Not because they're bad cars but because they are boring lol
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wheelsgoroundincircles · 10 months
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Toyota Camry
1999: Toyota Camry — 448,162 units sold
Trucks grab more than half of the new-vehicle market for 1999, but among passenger cars, the Toyota Camry continues to reign supreme. The Camry enjoys a substantial lead over the second-place Honda Accord and the third-place Ford Taurus. This is also the year when Toyota adds the Camry Solara coupe and convertible models to the Camry family as successors to the Camry coupe it discontinued after 1996.
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blogueericdescarries · 4 months
Toyota Venza Limited...reconduite...pour la dernière fois...
Le 23 mai 2024
Si je me souviens bien, j’ai commencé à publier des impressions de conduite et des commentaires sur les automobiles et camionnettes il y a environ 40 ans. À cette époque, j’écrivais des textes surtout sur les automobiles, les VUS n’étant pas à la mode et les pick-up n’affichant pas encore cette opulence qui les caractérise aujourd’hui. Me semble qu’en 40 ans, je n’ai pas écrit deux fois sur le même véhicule dans la même publication…j’ai déjà écrit deux et trois fois sur le même véhicule mais dans des publications différentes (surtout des magazines à l’époque).
Cette semaine, pour la première fois, je devrai me « répéter ». En effet, le véhicule dont il est question dans ce blogue est la Toyota Venza Limited 2024. Or, si vous faites un peu de recherche dans ce blogue, vous allez retrouver le même véhicule traité en août 2022. Normalement, cela aurait dû vouloir dire que le constructeur lui avait apporté suffisamment de retouches ou de modifications pour que l’auto mérite d’être mentionnée de nouveau. C’est, du moins, ce que j’espérais en choisissant la Venza pour mon blogue cette semaine. Erreur! J’aurais dû vérifier moi-même! Il n’y a rien de changé! Pas de farce!
Par conséquent, je pourrais vous dire d’aller jeter un coup d’œil dans les archives de ce bloque ou j’aurais pu tout simplement « copier-coller » mon texte original…Mais je préfère y revenir tout simplement. Après tout, cette auto (est-ce une version familiale de la Camry ou un VUS basé sur la même auto, la question refait surface) me plaît toujours et, après une semaine à son volant, je la trouve toujours aussi agréable à conduire. Pas des plus rapides…mais agréable. Alors, pourquoi en parler? Parce que les jours de la Venza sont comptés. En effet, Toyota la remplacera sous peu par la Crown Signia, un VUS un peu plus grand que la Venza (dont la plateforme est la même que celle du RAV4) mais plus petit que le Highlander.
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Les jours de la belle Venza sont comptés…elle sera remplacée par la Crown Signia…(Photo Éric Descarries)
En ce qui a trait au design, je vous laisse le juger de vous-même. Les designers de Toyota ont accompli un beau travail en redessinant la Venza il y a deux ans, surtout de se débarrasser de l’avant qui ressemblait à un logo Toyota « fondant » du capot vers le parechoc. La Crown Signia ne sera peut-être pas aussi jolie…mais cela sera une autre histoire.
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Même de l’arrière, les designers de Toyota avaient donné un beau style à l’arrière de la Venza. (Photo Éric Descarries)
L’intérieur non plus n’a pas été modifié. Depuis son lancement, plusieurs chroniqueurs et observateurs ont pu constater que le compartiment intérieur de la Venza est un peu plus étroit à la hauteur des glaces que celui du RAV4. Toutefois, plusieurs ont aussi vanté le toit panoramique électrochromatique « Star Gaze », une caractéristique que l’on ne voit habituellement que sur des véhicules de grand luxe!
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Le tableau de bord de la Venza était très osé, très moderne alors que ses commandes me semblaient bien placées. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Pour le reste, ma deuxième tournée au volant de la Venza m’a permis d’apprécier les commandes des accessoires mieux disposées sur le tableau de bord que la solution mise de l’avant par plusieurs constructeurs qui adoptent la solution de la commande électronique « en quelque part » dans des pages de l’écran électronique. Si certains croient que c’est étroit dans la Venza, moi, je ne l’ai pas remarqué. Les places avant et arrière sont relativement confortables et je n’ai pas senti que l’on était à l’étroit à l’arrière, au contraire. Toutefois, même si l’espace réservé aux bagages à l’arrière est, selon les chiffres de volumes du constructeur, moins imposants que dans le VUS RAV4, en ce qui me concerne, je l’ai trouvé utile car j’y ai transporté des objets encombrants assez facilement.
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Les places arrière sont plutôt modestes mais elles demeurent accueillantes. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Même si les chiffres de Toyota nous disent qu’il y a moins de place pour le cargo dans une Venza que dans un RAV4, j’y ai facilement trouvé mon compte.
Toutes les Venza se caractérisent par la même mécanique. Ce sont toutes des véhicules à traction intégrale mus par un moteur à quatre cylindres à essence de 2,4 litres et de 219 chevaux combiné à une boîte automatique à variation continue (CVT) et deux moteurs électriques à l’avant et un seul à l’arrière. Ah oui! J’ai oublié de vous dire que toutes les Venza sont hybrides mais elles ne sont pas PHEV (Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle ou enfichable). Ce système est autonome et recharge la batterie au besoin pour un fonctionnement d’appoint de courte durée. Autrement, le châssis est monté sur une suspension avant à jambes de force et arrière à bras tirés. Le freinage est à quatre disques et la direction est électriquement assistée. Les pneus de ma voiture d’essai étaient des Bridgestone Ecopia H/L 225/55R-19 reconnus pour leur faible résistance au roulement. La capacité de remorquage peut varier de 454 à 1588 kilos.
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Le seul ensemble mécanique disponible dans la Venza est basé sur ce moteur quatre cylindres à essence de 2,5 litres à configuration hybride électrique. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Sur la route
Évidemment, la Venza n’est toujours pas une voiture de course ou de sport. Mais elle peut se qualifier comme voiture de tourisme de haute qualité avec une tenue de route respectable. Les accélérations de 0 à 100 km/h tournent autour des neuf secondes mais les reprises m’ont paru un peu plus rapides. La tenue de route est respectable sur routes sinueuses, ce qui n’est pas si mal pour un véhicule de près de 4000 livres. J’ai apprécié l’affichage de la vitesse en réflexion dans le pare-brise et la visibilité tout le tour.
En ce qui concerne la consommation, j’ai malencontreusement effacé certaines données mais le compteur au tableau de bord marquait 6,9 l./100 km. Notez que la majorité de mes déplacements se sont faits en situation urbaine et je croyais faire un peu mieux vu que c’étaient les moteurs électriques qui agissaient le plus souvent comme force motrice.
Enfin, je le mentionne encore une fois, la Venza tirera sa révérence aussitôt que la Crown Signia sera commercialisée en tant que modèle 2025. Dans sa finition Limited, ma Venza de base affichait un prix de base de 52 250 $ auquel il faut ajouter certains frais écologiques incluant la taxe de 100 $ pour la climatisation et les 1930 $ de frais de transport et on en arrive à un grand total de 54 313,58 $.
Toutefois, si l’actuelle Venza vous intéresse, puis-je vous suggérer de visiter votre concessionnaire Toyota au plus vite ? Car le constructeur commence déjà à nous avertir de la disponibilité limitée de la voiture…
Les pires routes du Québec…
Merci au CAA d’avoir publié son sondage sur ce que ses membres croient être les pires routes au Québec. Bien entendu, je ne fus pas surpris du résultat alors que la route 329 qui passe par Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard dans les Laurentides fut dénoncée par plusieurs membres ayant répondu au sondage. Notez que je l’ai souligné souvent dans ce blogue tout simplement parce qu’elle fait partie d’un petit circuit que j’aime emprunter pour certaines évaluations (et n’alles pas dire que la route est mauvaise parce qu’il y a eu une presque tornade il y a quelques mois de cela!). Par contre, c’est une excellente place pour « tester » la suspension et découvrir s’il y a des bruits de carrosserie.
Dans le même ordre d’idées, alors que je me plains de l’état des routes de ma ville, Laval, on dirait que la situation devient encore pire. On en est presque au mois de juin et les lignes blanches sur les routes principales sont presque toutes effacées! La Ville n’a pas encore réagi! Pire encore, les flèches jaunes qui sont peintes sur les dos d’âne près des écoles et des parcs sont presque toutes effacées. Malgré la vigilance des conducteurs, certains se font prendre à les affronter à la vitesse limite de 30 km/h (ce qui est trop vite pour plusieurs d’entre eux) risquant d’endommager leur véhicule.
Au début du printemps, la Ville avait trouvé du budget pour planter des centaines de petites pancartes sur les terrains privés : « Tout doux dans nos rues » pour protéger les enfants. Cet argent n’aurait-il pas pu aller ailleurs, comme sur des lignes blanches ou jaunes que l’on pourrait voir au moins le soir? Il n’y a plus de lignes sur le boulevard Saint-Martin et les automobilistes (dont plusieurs ont déjà de la difficulté à respecter les autres conducteurs) y créent leurs propres trajectoires!
Si la Ville a les budgets pour changer toutes les signalisations de la route et faire de petites annonces (sans oublier l’argent pour l’asphalte des « speed bump » que la Ville ne semble pas avoir pour réparer les rues très endommagées), pourquoi ne pas changer les « postes » et l’envoyer sur le plus urgent? En passant, pas besoin de repeindre les lignes blanches pour les cyclistes, il n’y en a pas assez pour les user…et de toutes façons, très peu de cyclistes ne les respectent! Et surtout, concentrez l’ouvrage sur les grandes artères. Je ne me souviens pas que, dans le passé, il y avait des lignes sur les petites rues ! En a-t-on vraiment besoin? Surtout que les citoyens s’en balancent carrément quand ils négocient les coins de rue comme si c’était le « point de corde » d’une piste de course…
 Laval, ma ville ou…la Ville m’avale ?
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gabrieldespinoza · 7 months
Passenger Ejected From Camry in Mojave Drive Crash in Victorville
VICTORVILLE, CALIF. (VVNG.com) – A collision on Monday morning led to the closure of Mojave Drive in both directions, resulting in severe injuries. The crash occurred at approximately 10:52 AM, Monday, February 26, 2024, at Mojave Drive and Diamond Road involving a black 2017 Toyota Camry and a gray 2024 Ford Mustang coupe. The impact of the collision was so severe that one person was ejected…
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motorsportverso · 9 months
Noticias de categorias de turismo Sul-Ámericanas : Stock Car, Super TC 2000 e Turismo Carretera as novas gerações  dos carros
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Stock Car e  Super TC 2000: As duas categorias na sua próxima geração de carros SUVS no caso da Stock Car a Toyota com o modelo Corolla Cross  e a Chevrolet com o modelo Tracker , já a categoria da Argentina tem muito mais construtores no caso Fiat seria o Pulse ou Fast Back, VW Taos, T-Cross e Nivus, no caso da Ford o Territory , Honda HRV , ETC. Inclusive na Argentina já tem o protótipo do VW Nivos preparado para corrida.
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Na Super TC200 na Argentina esse regulamento “SUV” já começara a valer em 2024 já na Stock Car Pró Series em 2025.
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Não é novidade essa movimentação no mercado de carros SUV , então isso já vem sendo introduzido no automobilismo , no WRC em 2017-2019 a Citroen correu com o carro na plataforma do C3 Aircross e atualmente tem o Ford Puma no WRC , além do Andros Trophy com o Dacia Duster, Peugeot 3008 , Renault Captur .
 Turismo Carretera
A categoria de turismo na Argentina que corre há muito tempo com carros com bolha do Chevrolet Coupe SS, Dodge Cherokke e Torino , Ford Falcon , decidiu atualizar seus carros e com a entrada da Toyota , para carros mais atuais , a Ford com Mustang, Chevrolet com Camaro e Dodge com o Challenger e a Toyota com o Camry, já o Torino que é um modelo muito tradicional na Argentina , solução foi pedir que designers imaginassem como seria se ele fosse fabricado atualmente.
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cars4starters · 11 months
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Sleek Sonata takes design to new level When the first Hyundai Sonata sedan arrived here in 1989 it was a conservatively-styled and affordable family-sized alternative to vehicles such as Toyota Camry, Holden Commodore, Ford Falcon and Mitsubishi Magna. All of them, bar the Camry, were soon to become casualties of looming local factory closures. Now in its eighth generation the Sonata has progressively morphed from those relatively bland beginnings into a sleek and sporty four-door coupe. The latest upgrade to the Gen 8 Sonata has now arrived […] https://cars4starters.com.au/sleek-sonata-takes-design-to-new-level/?feed_id=28105&_unique_id=6548200ee8958
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eistanbulotocekici · 11 months
Araç Segmentleri Nedir?
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Araç Segmentleri Nedir?
Araba ve Araç segment, araçların genellikle boyut, kullanım amacı, fiyat aralığı ve donanım seviyesine göre sınıflandırıldığı kategori veya grupları ifade eder. Araç segmentleri, tüketicilere araç seçimi konusunda yardımcı olur ve otomobil üreticilerine pazarlama ve tasarım stratejilerini belirleme konusunda rehberlik eder. Her segment, belirli bir müşteri kitlesine, yaşam tarzına ve bütçeye hitap eder. Araç segmentleri, otomobillerin boyut, fiyat, özellikler ve kullanım amaçlarına göre kategorize edildiği gruplardır. Farklı segmentlerdeki araçlar, genellikle belirli bir müşteri kitlesine hitap eder. İşte otomobil segmentlerinin bazı temel kategorileri:
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Araç Segment A Segmenti: Mini Araçlar - Küçük, ekonomik ve şehir içi kullanım için uygun. - Düşük yakıt tüketimi ve genellikle düşük fiyatlıdır. - Örnek: Fiat 500, Toyota Aygo.
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B Segmenti: Küçük Araçlar - A segmentinden biraz daha büyük ve daha geniş iç alan. - Şehir içi ve kısa mesafe şehirlerarası seyahatler için uygundur. - Örnek: Ford Fiesta, Volkswagen Polo. C Segmenti: Kompakt Araçlar - Orta büyüklükte, konforlu ve genellikle iyi donanımlı. - Hem şehir içi hem de şehirlerarası seyahatler için uygundur. - Örnek: Honda Civic, Volkswagen Golf.
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D Segmenti: Orta Boy Araçlar - Geniş iç mekan ve bagaj alanı, daha fazla konfor ve özellik. - Uzun yolculuklar ve aileler için uygun. - Örnek: Ford Mondeo, Toyota Camry. E Segmenti: Büyük Boy Araçlar - Lüks, geniş ve konforlu, genellikle premium özellikler. - İş seyahatleri ve uzun mesafeli yolculuklar için ideal. - Örnek: BMW 5 Serisi, Mercedes-Benz E-Serisi. F Segmenti: Lüks Araçlar - Üst düzey lüks ve konfor, en yeni teknoloji ve özellikler. - Fiyatları oldukça yüksek. - Örnek: Mercedes-Benz S-Serisi, BMW 7 Serisi. SUV ve Crossover - Yüksek yol tutuşu ve genellikle dört tekerlekten çekiş. - Çeşitli boyutlarda mevcut ve genellikle aileler için popüler. - Örnek: Toyota RAV4, Honda CR-V. - -
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SUV ve Crossover MPV - Çok sayıda yolcu ve bagaj taşıma kapasitesi. - Genellikle aileler ve ticari kullanım için uygundur. - Örnek: Ford Galaxy, Renault Espace. Spor Araçlar ve Coupe - Performans ve hız odaklı. - Genellikle iki kapılı ve aerodinamik tasarım. - Örnek: Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro.
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Pikaplar Pikaplar - Yük taşıma kapasitesine odaklı. - İnşaat, tarım ve benzeri ticari kullanım için popüler. - Örnek: Ford F-150, Toyota Hilux. Araç segmenti, tüketicilerin ve üreticilerin araçları belirli kategorilere ayırmasına ve böylece araçların kullanım amacına, fiyatına, boyutuna ve diğer faktörlere göre sınıflandırılmasına yardımcı olur. Her segment, otomobil alıcılarına araçları karşılaştırma ve seçme konusunda yardımcı olurken, üreticilere de ürünlerini hedef kitlelerine daha etkili bir şekilde pazarlama olanağı sağlar. Read the full article
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wiackcom · 1 year
Ever since its debut in 1982, the Toyota Camry has set the benchmark for reliable, family-friendly sedans. Now entering its eighth generation, the Camry is about to be fully reimagined for 2024. Toyota is holding details close, but early glimpses indicate they are preparing the Camry for another decade at the top. This iconic sedan will be revamped inside and out with new styling, powertrains, tech features and more. Read on to learn what we know so far about the exciting 2024 Camry. Athletic Styling Sets the 2024 Camry Apart Recent Camry generations have become increasingly daring in their exterior styling. The 2024 redesign looks to continue this evolution with an even sportier, more sculpted body. Teaser images reveal a longer, wider stance for the new Camry. A boldly styled front end sports a prominent grille flanked by sleek, narrow headlights. The rear end gains new taillights paired with dual exhaust outlets. Further enhancements we expect to see include: Aggressive bumpers with skirting A flowing, coupe-like roofline Bigger wheels and lower-profile tires LED exterior lighting New colors like Velocity Blue and Supersonic Red could join the mix as well. This fresh design points toward Toyota positioning the Camry as the most eye-catching sedan in the segment. Cabin Comfort Reaches New Heights Already praised for refined interiors, Toyota is taking the new Camry to the next level inside. Photos of model prototypes show an upgraded cabin in the works. The sweeping dash will be home to a larger touchscreen display. The clean center stack will house intuitive controls. Top-grade upholstery and trim will create a premium vibe. Some other enhancements on tap for the 2024 Camry interior include: Increased rear legroom Improved sound insulation Dual-zone automatic climate control Ambient interior lighting Leather-wrapped heated steering wheel Bright silver accents and trim Toyota seems focused on making the new Camry the final word in comfort, quality and attention to detail. New Hybrid System Guns for 50 MPG Toyota pioneered hybrid technology, so it's no surprise they are advancing it further on the 2024 Camry Hybrid. Power will come from an evolved gasoline/electric powertrain that could crest the 50 mpg mark. This improved hybrid system will provide advantages over the current model, like: Increased total output, possibly over 220 horsepower Enhanced EV mode driving range More responsive performance from additional torque Smoother overall operation With lofty EPA estimates in the works, expect the 2024 Camry Hybrid to only widen its lead over rivals like the Accord Hybrid, Sonata Hybrid and others. Cutting-Edge Safety Tech Protects Passengers Safety remains a top consideration for car shoppers, so Toyota will equip the 2024 Camry with the latest high-tech systems. All models will come standard with the Toyota Safety Sense package, which includes: Pre-collision system with pedestrian detection Lane tracing assist Road sign assist Automatic high beams Dynamic cruise control On top trims, new additions like blind spot monitoring, rear cross traffic alert and parking sensors will provide comprehensive protection. The new Camry seems destined to ace safety ratings and offer families peace of mind on the road. Sophisticated Tech Keeps Drivers Connected Along with upgrades under the skin, the 2024 Camry will adopt next-gen technology to keep everyone linked and entertained. A large 10-inch touchscreen is expected, along with an available digital gauge cluster. Wireless charging, WiFi hotspot capability and multiple USB ports will be included as well. The new multimedia system will provide natural voice controls, standard Android Auto/Apple CarPlay and over-the-air updates. Music lovers will appreciate the premium JBL audio setup. Overall, the tech suite looks to be intuitive and comprehensive in the redesigned Camry.
Launch Timeline Slated for 2024 So when will we see this bold new 2024 Toyota Camry start rolling into dealerships? While not yet confirmed, speculation based on past timelines points to the following: Ongoing prototype testing and reveal in late 2023 Production to commence in early 2024 Showroom debut predicted for Spring 2024 Toyota will likely announce full pricing details closer to launch. As for cost, expect slight increases over the current model, which starts around $25,000. Overall though, the 2024 Camry should remain an exceptional value in its class. How the New Camry Measures Up The stellar reputation Toyota has built for the Camry faces ever-increasing competition. So how will the 2024 redesign stack up against key segment rivals? Honda Accord The Accord sees a refresh for 2023, but more significant changes will have to wait. With similar dimensions and powertrains, these two perennial sales leaders are closely matched. The 2024 Camry appears to have an edge in style and technology to help it maintain an advantage. Hyundai Sonata Redesigned in 2020, the fashion-forward Sonata offers lots of value. However, its powertrain lineup and lackluster resale value trail the Camry. Unless changes are in store, the 2024 Camry will be the stronger overall package. Nissan Altima Now in its sixth year since a redesign, the aging Altima relies on rebates to move metal. With the Camry's major updates, it will easily outclass the dated Nissan. Subaru Legacy The Legacy ticks boxes for standard AWD and robust styling, but suffers from tight interior space and poor fuel economy. The versatility and efficiency of the new 2024 Camry should help keep it dominant over Subaru's sedan. The 2024 Camry redesign looks to be comprehensive enough to maintain its prime position as America's favorite midsize sedan. Improved styling, powertrains, tech and safety will help it stand tall over any rival. FAQs As details emerge on the groundbreaking new Camry, shoppers naturally have questions. Here we answer some key points of interest on the 2024 Camry: What engine options will be available? The 2.5L 4-cylinder seems certain to continue as the base engine. The V6 could be discontinued, with the new hybrid setup claiming the performance mantle. Will AWD be offered? So far Toyota has not hinted at AWD coming to the Camry. Focus will remain on the hybrid model for maximum mpg and power. How will styling change inside and out? The athletic exterior with enlarged grille, sleek lights and flowing panels brings a more emotional, coupe look. Inside will be a tech-laden cabin with premium materials and ambient lighting. What new tech features are coming? A larger touchscreen, WiFi hotspot, wireless charging and improved voice controls should feature prominently. Safety upgrades like parking sensors and blind spot monitoring are expected too. Any gains expected for interior space or cargo room? Modest gains in rear seat legroom, headroom and trunk volume seem likely. These tweaks will increase daily livability and utility over the outgoing model. When will Toyota release full 2024 Camry details? Full specifications, options and pricing will come 1-2 months before launch, likely in early 2024. Toyota should continue gradually revealing new details as the release date nears. Will the 2024 Camry have a hybrid model? How will it improve? Yes, Toyota will carry over and improve the Camry Hybrid. Expect increased power, electric range and mpg along with lower emissions. This will help it maintain primacy among hybrid family sedans. The 2024 Toyota Camry is shaping up to be an impressive leap forward. From head-turning looks to cabin comfort, advanced safety systems and electrified power, no detail has been overlooked for this front-to-back redesign. While specifics remain under wraps for now, it’s clear that Toyota is laser-focused on ensuring the Camry retains its standing as America’s favorite sedan.
Given the excellence the brand has consistently delivered, hopes are sky-high for the 2024 model. Stay tuned for more details as Toyota gradually unveils what’s in store. It can’t arrive in showrooms soon enough! #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 1 year
Ever since its debut in 1982, the Toyota Camry has set the benchmark for reliable, family-friendly sedans. Now entering its eighth generation, the Camry is about to be fully reimagined for 2024. Toyota is holding details close, but early glimpses indicate they are preparing the Camry for another decade at the top. This iconic sedan will be revamped inside and out with new styling, powertrains, tech features and more. Read on to learn what we know so far about the exciting 2024 Camry. Athletic Styling Sets the 2024 Camry Apart Recent Camry generations have become increasingly daring in their exterior styling. The 2024 redesign looks to continue this evolution with an even sportier, more sculpted body. Teaser images reveal a longer, wider stance for the new Camry. A boldly styled front end sports a prominent grille flanked by sleek, narrow headlights. The rear end gains new taillights paired with dual exhaust outlets. Further enhancements we expect to see include: Aggressive bumpers with skirting A flowing, coupe-like roofline Bigger wheels and lower-profile tires LED exterior lighting New colors like Velocity Blue and Supersonic Red could join the mix as well. This fresh design points toward Toyota positioning the Camry as the most eye-catching sedan in the segment. Cabin Comfort Reaches New Heights Already praised for refined interiors, Toyota is taking the new Camry to the next level inside. Photos of model prototypes show an upgraded cabin in the works. The sweeping dash will be home to a larger touchscreen display. The clean center stack will house intuitive controls. Top-grade upholstery and trim will create a premium vibe. Some other enhancements on tap for the 2024 Camry interior include: Increased rear legroom Improved sound insulation Dual-zone automatic climate control Ambient interior lighting Leather-wrapped heated steering wheel Bright silver accents and trim Toyota seems focused on making the new Camry the final word in comfort, quality and attention to detail. New Hybrid System Guns for 50 MPG Toyota pioneered hybrid technology, so it's no surprise they are advancing it further on the 2024 Camry Hybrid. Power will come from an evolved gasoline/electric powertrain that could crest the 50 mpg mark. This improved hybrid system will provide advantages over the current model, like: Increased total output, possibly over 220 horsepower Enhanced EV mode driving range More responsive performance from additional torque Smoother overall operation With lofty EPA estimates in the works, expect the 2024 Camry Hybrid to only widen its lead over rivals like the Accord Hybrid, Sonata Hybrid and others. Cutting-Edge Safety Tech Protects Passengers Safety remains a top consideration for car shoppers, so Toyota will equip the 2024 Camry with the latest high-tech systems. All models will come standard with the Toyota Safety Sense package, which includes: Pre-collision system with pedestrian detection Lane tracing assist Road sign assist Automatic high beams Dynamic cruise control On top trims, new additions like blind spot monitoring, rear cross traffic alert and parking sensors will provide comprehensive protection. The new Camry seems destined to ace safety ratings and offer families peace of mind on the road. Sophisticated Tech Keeps Drivers Connected Along with upgrades under the skin, the 2024 Camry will adopt next-gen technology to keep everyone linked and entertained. A large 10-inch touchscreen is expected, along with an available digital gauge cluster. Wireless charging, WiFi hotspot capability and multiple USB ports will be included as well. The new multimedia system will provide natural voice controls, standard Android Auto/Apple CarPlay and over-the-air updates. Music lovers will appreciate the premium JBL audio setup. Overall, the tech suite looks to be intuitive and comprehensive in the redesigned Camry.
Launch Timeline Slated for 2024 So when will we see this bold new 2024 Toyota Camry start rolling into dealerships? While not yet confirmed, speculation based on past timelines points to the following: Ongoing prototype testing and reveal in late 2023 Production to commence in early 2024 Showroom debut predicted for Spring 2024 Toyota will likely announce full pricing details closer to launch. As for cost, expect slight increases over the current model, which starts around $25,000. Overall though, the 2024 Camry should remain an exceptional value in its class. How the New Camry Measures Up The stellar reputation Toyota has built for the Camry faces ever-increasing competition. So how will the 2024 redesign stack up against key segment rivals? Honda Accord The Accord sees a refresh for 2023, but more significant changes will have to wait. With similar dimensions and powertrains, these two perennial sales leaders are closely matched. The 2024 Camry appears to have an edge in style and technology to help it maintain an advantage. Hyundai Sonata Redesigned in 2020, the fashion-forward Sonata offers lots of value. However, its powertrain lineup and lackluster resale value trail the Camry. Unless changes are in store, the 2024 Camry will be the stronger overall package. Nissan Altima Now in its sixth year since a redesign, the aging Altima relies on rebates to move metal. With the Camry's major updates, it will easily outclass the dated Nissan. Subaru Legacy The Legacy ticks boxes for standard AWD and robust styling, but suffers from tight interior space and poor fuel economy. The versatility and efficiency of the new 2024 Camry should help keep it dominant over Subaru's sedan. The 2024 Camry redesign looks to be comprehensive enough to maintain its prime position as America's favorite midsize sedan. Improved styling, powertrains, tech and safety will help it stand tall over any rival. FAQs As details emerge on the groundbreaking new Camry, shoppers naturally have questions. Here we answer some key points of interest on the 2024 Camry: What engine options will be available? The 2.5L 4-cylinder seems certain to continue as the base engine. The V6 could be discontinued, with the new hybrid setup claiming the performance mantle. Will AWD be offered? So far Toyota has not hinted at AWD coming to the Camry. Focus will remain on the hybrid model for maximum mpg and power. How will styling change inside and out? The athletic exterior with enlarged grille, sleek lights and flowing panels brings a more emotional, coupe look. Inside will be a tech-laden cabin with premium materials and ambient lighting. What new tech features are coming? A larger touchscreen, WiFi hotspot, wireless charging and improved voice controls should feature prominently. Safety upgrades like parking sensors and blind spot monitoring are expected too. Any gains expected for interior space or cargo room? Modest gains in rear seat legroom, headroom and trunk volume seem likely. These tweaks will increase daily livability and utility over the outgoing model. When will Toyota release full 2024 Camry details? Full specifications, options and pricing will come 1-2 months before launch, likely in early 2024. Toyota should continue gradually revealing new details as the release date nears. Will the 2024 Camry have a hybrid model? How will it improve? Yes, Toyota will carry over and improve the Camry Hybrid. Expect increased power, electric range and mpg along with lower emissions. This will help it maintain primacy among hybrid family sedans. The 2024 Toyota Camry is shaping up to be an impressive leap forward. From head-turning looks to cabin comfort, advanced safety systems and electrified power, no detail has been overlooked for this front-to-back redesign. While specifics remain under wraps for now, it’s clear that Toyota is laser-focused on ensuring the Camry retains its standing as America’s favorite sedan.
Given the excellence the brand has consistently delivered, hopes are sky-high for the 2024 model. Stay tuned for more details as Toyota gradually unveils what’s in store. It can’t arrive in showrooms soon enough! #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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longwindow · 2 years
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nhacly · 2 years
2005 Toyota Camry for Sale Near Me: 68 Cars - iSeeCars.com
2005 Toyota Camry for Sale Near Me: 68 Cars – iSeeCars.com
Trim Average Price Listings Specs 2005 Toyota Camry SE (2002-2020) $24,743 6,267 Listings Body Style Sedan Drive Train FWD Fuel Type Gasoline Features see features… 2005 Toyota Camry LE (1983-2020) $21,663 4,448 Listings Body Style Coupe, Hatchback, Sedan, Wagon Drive Train AWD, FWD Fuel Type Gasoline Features see features… 2005 Toyota Camry XSE (2015-2020) $32,642 1,814 Listings Body…
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