toywithit · 3 years
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ToyWith.it in Locker 23 of MAMbo - Museo d’Arte Moderno di Bologna. 
The show continues on the terrace across the street
Aldo Giannotti, Elena Hamerski, Chiara Pergola
curated by Stefano W. Pasquini
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toywithit · 11 years
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The gallery is temporarily closed for refurbishment. The next vernissage will be on friday, December 14th.
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toywithit · 11 years
A new solo exhibition by / una nuova mostra personale di
Simone Rondelet
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  Toywith.it minigallery Via Giuseppe Parini 4/a 40129 - Bologna_Italy Tel. +39-05119986982 Fax. +39-05119986983 Mobile +39-3491206248
 Opening / Inaugurazione
Friday 21st June 2013 8 PM / Venerd' 21 giugno, ore 20.00
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