#Toulouse muggle quidditch
quidcrusheu · 3 months
Merci Paul
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aurelie-lemieux · 5 years
❛  let us meet each other with a s m i l e , for the smile is the beginning of l o v e ❜
* ╰ Was that LILY COLLINS I just saw walking down the hallways? Oh wait, no - that was AURÉLIE LEMIEUX. The FEMALE is a 22 year old RAVENCLAW who is in 11TH YEAR. I heard the PUREBLOOD has chosen to STAY NEUTRAL which explains why SHE is ATTENTIVE and AMIABLE, but also RESERVED and INDECISIVE. But who really knows? (ooc: reags/19/she/her/est/triggers: self-harm, abuse, rape)
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pinterest , connections
parallels ; maeve wiley ( sex education ) , amy march ( little women ) , amy santiago ( brooklyn 99 ) , pam beesly ( the office)
NAME: aurélie celeste lemieux NICKNAMES: ellie (rarely used) AGE: twenty-two DATE OF BIRTH: december 29th PRONOUNS: she/her ORIENTATION: bisexual SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english, french ZODIAC SIGN: capricorn
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral FOUR TEMPERAMENTS: phlegmatic MBTI: enfp ELEMENT: water WAND:  redwood wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13" and quite bendy flexibility FAVOURITE QUIDDITCH TEAM: holyhead harpies HOUSE: ravenclaw BLOOD STATUS: pureblood PATRONUS: a swan
— aurélie is the youngest sibling, with a set of older twin brothers, both whom now work for the ministry with her father.  
— her brothers were five years older than her, so she had a very lonely childhood, with no cousins to play with, since both her parents were only children. her mother had a brother once upon a time, but he had been in a terrible accident, and mother didn't like to talk about it.
— every summer she spent with her grandmother on her fathers side, in an empty mansion in toulouse, france. her grandmother taught her proper etiquette, how to smile when you wanted the opposite, and that her only job in life was to marry someone pureblood and rich.
— her mother was never warm or particularly caring, and aurélie could count on one hand the amount of times she had heard i love you as a child, but she knew that deep down, the woman cared, in a strange way. 
— her father was never a constant presence in her life. he worked all day, came home late, ate dinner, grunted responses, and then went to his study for the night. aurélie wasn't quite sure if he cared. 
— neither parent was a follower of Voldemort, or dark magic, but they didn't hate him either. the only times she heard her father talk was to indirectly compliment the man, saying he had it right, though he was going the wrong way about it.
— and so she had a very conflicting childhood. the muggle children she saw playing outside seemed normal enough, but mother always said to stay away from them, that they were dirty. but all she wanted to do was play.
— this translated into her teenage years. aurélie was known for being friendly and having a smile on her face, but she was known for never being able to make a decision. the intelligent part of her was telling her one thing, while her heart was telling another. if you needed help choosing between a green dress and a red dress, she would get back to you with an answer within three to five business days
— she was a hat stall. the hat had trouble deciding whether to put her in hufflepuff or ravenclaw, and aurélie was no help at all either. her father and one of her brothers was a ravenclaw, and her mother and other brother were slytherins. the hat decided for her, and deep down aurélie knew it was probably the best choice
— im going to stop now before i write a whole book on her but pls message me if you wanna know more/plot!!!
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sakurakinmoto · 6 years
*✧.:°░。 — a very magical intro.
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*ehem clears throat again* i have excitement and i have characters and lots of ideas. so love me and them, but mostly me. 
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lyssa beaumont 
full name: alyssa odette beaumont
age: seventeen years old
blood status: pure - blood
year: 7th
school: beauxbatons academy of magic
pets: a snow white cat named toulouse aka tilly and the family owl, nice
social media: n/a, it’s a scary world she does not dive into.
future aspirations: french minister of magic
face-claim: ginny gardner
pinterest board: [ x ]
think of a modern version of the black family, if this world has a sacred 28, they are at the top of the list. the beaumonts are very influential and are practically the self proclaimed leaders of “ french magical society “ her father is the head of the magical law enforcement branch of the ministry and best friends with the minister of magic. they have all the connections and all the wordly charm. every member of her family attended beaxbatons and she’s the last to graduate her eldest sisters ( twins ) graduated two years ago and have been doing great things since then. it’s safe to say that alyssa or lyssa as she likes to be called has always had the weight of the world on her shoulders, she’s subjected to many expectations. now most people find her resume impressive, her parents? after what her sisters did? not so much, like they hold her to an impossibly high standard and nothing she does is ever really good enough. the difference with her and the fam though is that lyssa really does care, she has a good head on her shoulders and she wants to change the world not for the notoriety ( not that she dislikes it, she can command a room rather well ) but because she wants to make an impact. you know use her status for good and all that. she’s her school’s champion and it’s safe to say that she moves around with the popular crowd... she’s your local overachieving but very likable witch. don’t ask her about social media, muggles confuse her. 
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raine clarke
full name: lorraine sophia clarke
age: seventeen years old
blood status: muggle - born
year: 7th
house: ravenclaw
school: hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
pets: a bowtruckle she rescued named peggy, she lives in her robe pockets.
social media: find her on all the sites user name @raineyclarke
future aspirations: taking a nap during history of magic 
face-claim: lily collins
pinterest board: [ x ]
meet your fellow ravenclaw ditz, literally the embodiment of the phrase “ i’m going to wing it “ a 7th year, born in surrey. her dad’s a pediatrician and her mom is a school teacher, you know she’s had your perfect muggle upbringing with some weird happenings here and there. the reason? she’s the first witch in her entire family, she used to make dolls float, cookies fly on over to her when she wanted them too and her parents for a while just took to ignoring because no one could explain it until she got her letter. she’s always been curious, about the world around her and she’s always been a bit off. literally the most forgetful person you could ever meet, she sucks at figuring the riddles to get into ravenclaw tower so she’ll hold up the line for hours, she’s always late to class, falls asleep half the time, a dragon ate her homework and people are forever wondering if the sorting hat has gone senile... because what sort or ravenclaw is she? the worst to ever live. she tries tho, she’s a chatterbox too social for her own good and will chat up a snake if she could. she loves care of magical creatures, and will probably fight you over house elf rights or keep you from killing the fly on your sandwich. your expert on all things social media, has taught every pure-blood she meets about the wonders of a cell phone. 10/10 will put your life in danger be careful. 
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tommy shepherd 
full name: thomas henry shepherd
age: seventeen years old
blood status: half - blood
year: 7th
house: thunderbird
pets: a rock, he’s too irresponsible to keep something alive.
social media: he has fansites, but his official name across social media is @shepherd14 ( 14 is his quidditch jersey # )
school: ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry 
future aspirations: to still be relevant in the quidditch scene five years from now
face-claim: matthew daddario
pinterest board: [ x ]
a quidditch protege, he’s been playing from the moment he learned how to ride a broom. he’s a seeker and has just been signed to a professional quidditch team so he’s a rising star. he has newly formed fan clubs, and he’s getting attention from girls and people who never really looked his way before, he’s in other words really enjoying himself. has quickly built himself a bit if a reputation with the ladies, one that didn’t exist before all of this. ( i want an ex female best friend who got tired of his shit and now she hates him, gimme the plot ) 10/10 will be an arrogant ass if you don’t know who he is. however outside of that and if you can get past his big head he’s actually quite a pal? very loyal and very protective. he’s one of five children and growing up in a household with tight economic status wasn’t exactly easy. now they aren’t lower class but they aren’t exactly rich either so he had to make do with what he got a lot of the time. that’s changing now, that he’s getting endorsement deals and he’s getting noticed which is why he’s begun to develop that big head. he kind of thinks the world owes him something now and he’ll walk around demanding. in other words feel free to kick him in the shin. underneath all that bravado he now has though, he’s a good person... it just may take a while for someone to find the real him.
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lilysevans-archive · 7 years
First of all, I've been stalking your blog for a few days and I love it! Can I have ⚡️? my name is madeleine, I'm hp trash, I'm an aspiring journalist, I have a cat named Toulouse and I'm always high on caffeine! x
caffeine is essential tbh i’m #addicted lol rip us
⚡️ harry potter aesthetic
Blood type: muggle-born | half-blood | pure blood |
house: gryffindor | ravenclaw | hufflepuff | slytherin
ilvermorny: pukwudgie | horned serpant | thunderbird | wampus
era: fantastic beasts | marauders | lightening era | next gen
title: the cutest firstie school prankster | most popular witch/wizard at school | prefect | head girl/boy
pet: toad | cat | owl | pygmy puff | dog? | illegal magical creature (you rebel)
Subject: DADA | herbology | charms | transfiguration | divination | care of magical creatures | potions
Spell/charm: alohomora | reducto | accio | wengardium leviosa | protego | stupefy | expecto patronum |
Curse: imperio | crucio | avada kedavra
Deathly Hallows: invisibility cloak | resurrection stone | elder wand
Quidditch: spectator | commentator | no. 1 fan | chaser | beater | seeker
Hogsmeade Hangout: zonkos | honeydukes | the three broomsticks | Hog’s Head | Shrieking Shack | Madame Puddifoot’s
Hogwarts Hangout: room of requirement | common room | empty classroom | great hall | astronomy tower | dorm
Best friends: Angelina, Katie, and Alicia  (the Quidditch squad™️) 
Dating: you dated Marcus Flint until cutie patootie George Weasley won your heart
Enemies: you and the Slytherin Quidditch team did not get on well until you started dating Marcus and then you were all chill. 
want one?
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Berlioz Bonfamille ||
Year: 6th year Blood Status: Pureblood House: Slytherin Title(s) if any: None Pet: Bowie, a barn owl  Wand: Dragon heartstring, 14, Pine wood 
The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, and I can confirm this in as much as I have never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Patronus (5th plus): Crow
Despite its reputation for being a symbol of death or foreboding, a crow patronus can also represent a master concerned with personal transformation, creation and destiny. Those who cast a crow patronus are also known to be intelligent, perceptive, adaptive, and prone to mischief. 
Three Best/Three Worst Classes:
Best Charms Transfiguration Potions Worst History of Magic Defense Against the Dark Arts Divination  
Champion of the Campaign or Guardian of the Statute?
Though Berlioz heralds from a family of staunch, passionate Guardians, Ber has always felt...differently. He can’t explain it really. Maybe it’s because he’s fascinated with music and everything in the Muggle world. Maybe it’s because of his parent’s divorce and his subsequent distance from his father, who is the most involved in such matters. Whatever it is, Ber doesn’t understand why Muggles finding out about magic is so bad. He doesn’t see how his “pure blood” makes him better. So though he’s a champion, he can’t be open about it, instead preferring to shrug his shoulders or mumble some halfhearted reply about ‘whatever’s best for the wizarding world,’ most people taking this to mean he’s a Guardian like everyone else. Only Simba, really, knows the truth.
Hogwarts, a Personal History
Berlioz Bonfamille has always been the black sheep of the Bonfamilles, an old and powerful pure-blood French family. He’s quiet and cautious while his family is known for their pride and confidence-- an average wizard when the rest are nothing short of excellent. And so while his father advocates the Guardians’ cause in France, fighting hard against Mufasa’s proposals, and Toulouse continues to achieve top marks in every class, and Marie makes friend after friend, Berlioz blends into the noise that his family creates.
He likes it that way.
It’s easier for Berlioz to hide all his secrets, and he’s got them in spades. Like his secret opinion that muggles aren’t so bad and the International Statute for Wizarding Secrecy is outdated. Or his secret desire to leave the wizarding world altogether after he graduates Hogwarts-- to study music in the muggle world. Or the fact he’s taken guitar lessons from muggles since he was a young boy under the permission of his doting mother. Or you know...his secret boyfriend, Simba Lyons, the son of the very man who his father considers the Wizarding World’s #1 enemy.
Yeah. That’s Berlioz’s most recent, most precious secret of all. He didn’t mean to fall in love with Simba, in his defense. He doesn’t even know how it happened. But after an autumn spent on the Quidditch pitch watching Gryffindor matches from afar while he practiced his music, their brief encounters turned into a series of conversations-- and those conversations turned into an impulsive kiss-- and that impulsive kiss turned into a relationship right before winter break. They’ve been sneaking around ever since, well-aware that their relationship would be looked down on by both their families. And Ber would be content to remain that way; he’s always felt safer with his secrets. But Simba disagrees. Simba wants their relationship public, no matter the damage and drama it could cause. He believes their love is strong enough to withstand it.
Berlioz wants to believe, but he’s always loved quietly and in the dark. As the snatchings get worse and pressure mounts, Berlioz has a choice to make: staying loyal to the family that raised him or standing up for what’s in his heart.
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ptipoux · 13 years
I'm proud to say ...
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