#Total rant but my god is this a pet peeve
armeniuslaurant · 4 months
Maybe it's my atheism jumping out or maybe it's everyone else's not atheism jumping out but whenever I see someone go "It's so stupid that Kristen and Ben still don't Believe after all of the unexplainable things they've witnessed!" I'm just 🙄
That's not how that works! Even David, who mostly believes, is still regularly and healthily skeptical! The skepticism works! Science works! Not once, in my viewing, has science *failed*. It doesn't answer every question, but that's the point. The show is literally about people assessing supernatural events to see if a supernatural solution, ie Catholicism, is warranted. The second any of the trio defaults to a supernatural explanation, they would lose all value. The Catholic church is, surprisingly, full of people who know the Catholic way to combat Evil.
But the Catholic Way hasn't defeated Evil. The exorcisms that seem to have work could still be plausibly explains as "the placebo effect" or some extreme form of therapy. The demons shown never do anything tangible that a human couldn't do. So what if Leland's therapist is Demonic Michael Cerveris? He just talks to him. Sister Andrea is seeing demons and smashing them to a pulp, and getting David to put mosquito netting around his bed because she say a parasitic demon feeding on him.
But Kristen's household is just as dysfunctional after the demon smashing as before it. David is still having demonic visitations at night even with the netting. The one "supernatural" thing other people detected about Andrea is she seemed to bless holy water to burn Leland, but then it turned out she had filled the flask with bleach.
And even if they bought into the supernatural fully, and the demons... why would they buy into the Catholic church? The church is still racist, and homophobic, and misogynistic, and *corrupt*. The existence of a supernatural Evil doesn't mean you should immediately look to Catholicism as the solution.
The one case where an angel supposedly possessed someone lead to vigilantism and apparent femicide. They didn't seem nearly as invested in dealing with that possession than a Satanic one.
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anghraine · 3 months
I have quite a bit of sympathy for people with minor pet peeves that actually impact them in some way—you know, fandom hot takes that are trivial annoyances in the grand scheme of things but inescapable, or unpopular food preferences that aren't that important to them but a bit of a pain to access, or that kind of thing. It doesn't have to be a serious and profound objection to be understandable; grumbling about things other people consider trivially unimportant is like, my whole deal.
I don't know if it's just getting older or what, but I'm increasingly puzzled by discourse about things that other people are doing away from you and which as far as I can tell, don't concern you in any way.
Like, the poll about people having insufficiently productive hobbies was annoying on a lot of levels, but it was also confusing, because I'm unsure why anyone would even care about other people making things or simply appreciating things with their leisure time. Like, I think the assumption that it's objectively healthier and perhaps even necessary for people to do arts and crafts is weird in itself, but why would anyone expect a bunch of strangers on the Internet to meet their personal standards of leisure productivity, or even care?
I feel kind of similarly about the whole "play a different game" thing people do wrt total strangers bending D&D 5e to suit their story rather than finding the optimal fit for their group's story via a different system. If their DM is pressured into it because the players refuse to learn another system (or 5e itself), that's one thing (though still really a problem for groups to navigate for themselves). But if it's just random strangers having fun with the system, the DM enjoys bending 5e to their will, and someone just happens to mention online that their group is fiddling around with it, why is it such an affront? How is some other group you don't know "playing D&D wrong" your business at all?
In a weird way, it kind of reminds me of how people who don't read fanfic go on rants about what's wrong with fanfic and how bad it is for people to read it (90% of the time their gripes are really just about genre romance tropes, let's be real, but they don't have the guts to go after romance the way they used to). Like, even if anti-fanfic stereotypes were true (and I'd argue that broadly they are not) and people are just being lazy readers, so what? Why do you feel the need to share your opinion about fanfic-reading degenerates you don't actually know and whose habits are none of your concern? Who made you god of hobbies?
I don't know, I do find these kind of pseudo-concerned, vaguely elitist pearl-clutching posts annoying, but mostly I find them puzzling.
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
What’s your opinion on Harushin (Haruka and Shintaro)? Can be either platonic or romantic
i love that u had to clarify who they are LMAOOO
hmm well i don't like them romantically. when it comes to the yuukei quartet ships I'd put them at the bottom 💔 mostly cuz i just dont ship haruka with anyone other than takane (but for some reason i pass takane around like a blunt) and also it means a lot to me that the reason haruka recognizes he loves takane is bc he defines shintaro as a friend but feels sad putting takane in the same category bc of the different feelings she entails.
and I HAVE THIS PET PEEVE that is a bit silly and nuanced. and it implies a lil bit of jin bashing so TOTAL AND COMPLETE DISCLAIMER i love jin's work and his characters and i immensely respect everything he's done for this franchise he shares with us and clearly loves. that said fuck his misogynistic fucking writing
i could go on and on and on abt that but to answer this ask specifically, i just HATE that shintaro is so nice to haruka and he's just a total ass to ayano and takane for no goddamn reason. takane was SO nice to him at first, could u imagine the good buddies they would've been if shintaro was fucking normal. and shintaro LITERALLY stands in a 2 hour line at the festival just to insult her😭😭😭 he didn't even KNOW her. he's like "u act like this big shot bc all these ppl fawn over you" as if takane hadn't been literally sobbing miserably the whole afternoon precisely bc people were fawning over her and she found it mortifying. bc ofc he didnt know that!! LIKE WHAT WAS THE DAMN REASON HE DID THIS HES CRAZY i will never know what was going thru jin's mind writing that bit but ig all i can do is imagine shintaro was like GIRLS CANT PLAY GAMES *SHAKING* i know im always talking abt shintaro and takane's friendship and how much i love them but god the writing in the hs days is just inexcusable like shintaro is so damn unlikable. i hate when they put him and takane in the same level of irrational arguers bc truly takane is just fucking defending herself. how would u treat a person who didnt even give u a damn chance and just says all that shit to u first meeting. and she's also speaking for ayano too cuz her ass wont defend herself. and also haruka wont say anything. like takanes fighting for her life in here i 10000% support her actions as ene cuz man fuck that guy i find it insane she still cared for him anyway
and it pisses me off that then we see him in novel 6 being totally capable of being a decent fucking person to haruka. like seriously what's his damage. also idk japanese but i THINK shintaro speaks in a polite manner to haruka and not to ayano and takane. obligatory joke im gay not bc i like men but bc i hate women etc etc etc
i could rly go on abt how much it annoys me haruka and shintaro's friendship is super developed opposed to ayano and takane's pathetic dynamic that doesnt pass the already stupid bechdel test (i actually ranted a lil bit abt it on my side twitter a few days ago if you wanna read it LMAO) (it starts as a thread abt harutaka but then i get sidetracked cuz...yeah) BUT THIS IS ABT HARUKA AND SHINTARO SO. yeah u could excuse it with shintaro being the protag and ofc getting a lot more focus on his relationships but still. i kinda resent this aspect of their dynamic so i don't like the ship teehee i just... i think haruka is way too good for him sorry shintaro my man. i say this while shipping shinaya i know but to be fair i make them go through hell in my mind before they can properly be happy together if at all. bc when i start going off abt all this stuff i also start resenting shinaya LMAOOO sometimes i say i like it out of nostalgia but then their whole story together and how theyre literally always destined to find each other (holds head) ok. thats aside the point. i have a complicated relationship to shinaya. it's all abt drawing the line between author and creation and how much u can say augh author is being annoying and augh character is just an ass on purpose. and compared to the pov of all the other kagepro characters, u can indeed see that sexism shit in all of it (i could whip out examples in a second)but on shintaro it is noticeably worse LOL
and again im not blaming fictional characters for author's misogyny, like someone is writing this duuuh which is why haruka never points it out but FROM MY insane perspective i interpret it as haruka recognizing the pattern but he's so damn spineless he can't bring himself to stand up for ayano and takane. he probably makes some comments that shintaro just dimisses and haruka is too nervous to bring them up again *me going off abt the internalized misogyny of fictional characters headcanoned based on the author being misogynistic*
ERM. ANOTHER REMINDER I LOVE KAGEPRO AND I RESPECT JIN FOREVER BC HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS. but also lol. doesn't mean i cant point out some of this stuff yknooooow
uhhh soooo platonic wise i love them. but its also not my favorite dynamic to explore, id repeat some of the stuff ive already written, it does bother me shintaro is Normal to haruka and not to ayano and takane and haruka acts like nothing. it's just a big thing that annoys me generally abt them lol and i find it tough to separate from author like i normally would with these weird things he includes because this bit is just a whole dynamic you know?? i could.... go on abt this but um. sorry ive been talking for a while. its definitely something im kinda bitter about in the writing.
but still they're definitely sweet, and i understand the appeal completely!!! these are just My thoughts i think its 2023 and i wont get death threats for not liking a ship anymore but also haruka is shintaro's bisexual awakening that is for damn sure. i like entertaining the onesided concept. shintaro being like hahahaha what if we kisssed like ayano and takane apparently did and haruka is like No thanks.
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critfumbled · 1 year
Hi! I'd honestly love to talk about Akira because there's no one I know who even knows what it is :') Excuse the long rant, but I guess my main issues with the movie were:
Kaneda was so ready to kill his (basically) brother even though 10 minutes before he was essentially ready to die to save him
The fact that it appeared to me that Akira was most powerful being and all the other children were just trying to replicate him, but the government tabled him away? I see no need to rip Akira apart because they wanted to use him. Was it for later? Surely Tetsuo going apeshit qualified the use of Akira
The worldbuilding was a struggle for me because it seemed like the children (and Akira) were basically gods with absolutely no rules or limitations to their power. it seemed to me like all of them could manipulate time, space, and matter, so there wasn't anything that made each special or more powerful than the other
the kids really sacrificed themselves for a random teenager they didn't know, despite the fact that they seemed to follow the goverment and the government were clearly trying to take down Tetsuo
what's to stop this scenario from happening again, because the government could totally make another Tetsuo/Akira and the entire story can just repeat itself. other than city damage and deaths, there were really no consequences because it's not like the entire government died. This seems like a small part of a bigger story that was left unfulfilled
I didn't understand Ryu's role, as seemed like he was working with the government but Kei was pretty confident he was working with their freedom group? was he working both sides? his side of the story and his goals weren't clear to me
I do know that the pills have a big role in the manga (Kaneda's jacket) but the way they were just mentioned in the movie, it gave Tetsuo a lot of power, then was never explained bothered me.
Also this is totally a personal thing but one of my biggest book/movie pet peeves is when everyone knows something, but they're just using the vaguest terms to describe it to not let the audience know. not between Tetsuo and Kaneda , but between the military, all the scientists, and the kids, they kept just saying the VAGUEST terms for Akira to not let the audience know even though they all knew what they were talking about and that just grinds my gears because it's a way to build false tension instead of naturally letting it build up
I'm sorry for doing a super long ask, but I can't reply to people on my tumblr :/ but yeah those were my issues. I appreciated the art and the music slapped though, and I appreciate how it pioneered certain animation tropes, but overall I was super confused the entire movie
I want to start by saying that basically everything you mention here is expanded upon within the Manga. As I said before it is a lot longer and it is entirely different from the movie. If you are interested in the world, and the story, and you want to know more I would definitely recommend it. I feel kind of remiss in giving you all the details here as I think it will take away from the manga if you do intend to read it. That being said I'll try to give some broad strokes.
Firstly I agree it was a little rushed in the movie, but it was basically the death of Yamagata that turned Kaneda against Tetsuo, Yamagata was also a very close friend of Kaneda, being his right hand man within the gang.
The children were not an attempt at recreating Akira's powers, Akira and the children were apart of the same experiment that consisted of 41 test subjects. Akira was just the most powerful of said subjects.
Akira was the cause of the explosion at the start of the movie, this is why he was iced by the government/military, basically because they were incredibly scared of the power that he had, and the destruction that he could cause. Also they didn't have any way of controlling Akira, so releasing him would mean they would be releasing a world endingly powerful free agent, who they weren't sure they could stop again.
Regarding the children's sacrifice, I don't want to say too definitively as I don't exactly remember but broadly I believe it is because they are altogther altruistic, and they are still children. They are afraid of killing people, and they don't want any more people to die. Also they are very afraid of Akira returning.
Ryu was working with the resistance the throughout the entire movie. Im unsure as to where you got the idea he was a double agent. It's been a while since I saw the movie. Again however the resistance and their motives get a lot more "screen time" within the manga, which I would imagine would help to ease this confusion.
In regards to it all happening over again, we see in the movie that the government do not believe in Akira, and it is only really the Colonel who is pushing for more research in this area. The rest of the government see Akira and the project as a failure and a waste of resources. This also gets expanded on by the manga, with an entirely different ending.
In regards to the pills, I agree they could use more explanation within the movie. They basically ease the migraines that Tetsuo gets, as well as giving him a short term power boost.
I hope that helps. Admittedly it has been a while since I watched the movie, so don't take these as 100% fact. Also I tried to stick with the content of the movie, however it's hard to not think about it with the context of the manga as well.
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usaonetwothree · 2 years
4, 5, 11, 20, 23, 24, 32, 44
Thank you, @weirdostarkid!!
4: Link your three favorite fics right now.
But if I have to, these are the last three I bookmarked: Princess, Cobra, Hawk by persephones_garden I'd Make a Deal With God by TakingOverMidnight3482 Road Trip by devra
5: What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
In no particular order
Having a line in your summary/tags that the fic sucks -- guarantee I'm not going to read it
One wall of text without paragraph breaks -- probably going to duck out
Not a pet peeve, but just a dislike, first person POV -- you really gotta sell me on it for me to keep reading it but I'll give it a try
Nicknames that are totally off the wall -- I'm gritting my teeth but I'll keep going as long as they're used sparingly
People walking off serious injuries -- I'm cursing behind my phone but I'll keep reading most likely
11: How do you come up with your fic titles?
Full answer is here but the dime store summary is 'with lot of tears'.
20: What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
That moment when it all starts coming together. OR That moment when your characters do something that surprises you, but that totally works and you wonder how you didn't think of that sooner.
23: What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Any sort of whump :) But more specifically, "The good ones play hurt".
24: What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Answered here.
32: Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
I don't know what is it about this one, but it makes me grin when I read it. From Resolution
“Enough that he’s worried you’re going to do something in retaliation for Silver’s visit today.” Bobby leaned forward so he was directly in Johnny’s eyeline. “You’re not, are you? Because that would be a level of monumental stupidity that even you have yet to cross.”
2. From Definitely Not Food Poisoning
They didn’t really need him [Johnny]. Sure, Miguel might think that, but at the end of the day, he had Carmen and Yaya and LaRusso and his nerdy friends. If something happened to Johnny, he’d make it through okay. He had a support system and emotional guardrails and all that shit Johnny was trying to build five decades too late.
3. The entirety of the MCU references in The Fight Of Our Lives
44: Rant about something writing related.
Please stop deleting the fics you either aren't going to finish or fall out of love with. My bookmarks page is looking awfully sparse these days. These were fics I loved and reread, and yes commented on, and I know I wasn't the only one who felt that way about them. I know it's the author's creation, and at the end of the day they own the rights to it, but there are people on the other side of the screen that loved it (myself included), and now these great works are gone. I'd much rather see you mark it as complete and stop updating it, or removing yourself as the author to make it orphaned, than see that hole in my bookmarks.
(That being said, deleting fics due to fan/reader harassment a la thegraytigress is way different than falling out of love with what you wrote.)
That also being said, if you like something, comment on it, so the author understands how much you're enjoying their works. That might be the deciding factor for them, on deleting it, writing more chapters, or even posting their next story.
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
Tumblr media
peach scone - hobo johnson
pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem! reader
genre: angst, unrequited love
ratings/warnings: sfw, swearing, reader has a crappy boyfriend
word count: 1,327 words
synopsis: “he falls in love with a girl, girl already has a boyfriend, she kinda loves him back, but not really, they're just really good friends, and that's fine, he understands, it's rational”
a/n: this is kinda a song fic, kinda not. i just love this song and wanted to write something kinda related to it. i’ve been writing a lot for bnha so i thought it was about time i get back to Haikyuu :)) reblogs are super helpful <3 fic under the cut
Kuroo Tetsurou was indefinitely, undoubtedly, incredibly, in love with you. He was. He was in so deep. Deeply in love with his best friend. Kuroo certainly didn’t plan to fall for you, sometimes these things just happen. He just so happened to look at you differently one day and come to terms with all the suppressed feelings from his childhood. Seeing you as more than just the girl who would bandage his scraped knees after falling off of his bike. Seeing you as more than just the girl front row of all his volleyball matches. Seeing you as someone he loved. Not the friendship kind of love. The kind where you want to wake up next to this person every morning. The kind where you want to be with them through good times and bad. Kuroo wanted that with you and you alone.
He could look at you for hours. He could listen to whatever nonsense came out of your lips and believe it to be the most interesting thing he’s ever heard. He tried telling you. He did. You thought he was joking most of the time. How cliché of him to fall for you. You disregarded every time he called you pretty, assuming him to be messing with you. He loved the thought of just being with you. Maybe it was just better than being alone though.
You had asked Kuroo to meet you at your favorite bakery. The bakery where you two would always go. It was your spot. The spot where you would sip chai lattes and he would try his best not to fall for you even more.
As Kuroo approached the bakery, he spotted you instantly. You were talking to someone. He had never seen this person before. Maybe they were a stranger, asking for directions. Maybe they were a relative? Kuroo simply walked up to you, hoping the man would leave you alone.
“Hey Y/N! Is this guy bothering you?” asked Kuroo. You laughed.
“Oh Tetsurou you’re here! Oh no not at all! Good that the two of you can finally meet now,” you cheered. Kuroo raised a brow.
“Y/N who is this?”
“Kuroo, meet my boyfriend…”
Kuroo’s world seemed to have crumbled into a million tiny pieces. Boyfriend? You had a boyfriend, and it wasn’t Kuroo.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He held out his hand for Kuroo to shake. Kuroo stared at his hand, still rattling from the shock he just endured.
“Yeah it’s, uh, nice to meet you too…” Kuroo reluctantly shook his hand firmly. The two of them made uncomfortable eye contact.
“Why don’t we head inside and grab something to eat? I’d love for the two of you to get to know each other!” You smiled. Kuroo couldn’t believe it. The little bakery was your spot. Just for the two of you. Not for the two of you plus your new boyfriend.
“I actually just remembered that I was supposed to meet Kenma for something. I’ve, uh, I’ve gotta head out,” stuttered Kuroo. You titled your head.
“Are you sure? You can’t stay for a bit?” You asked. Kuroo shook his head.
“Yeah I’m sure…”
“At least let me buy you something to eat before you go,” you insisted. You grabbed Kuroo’s arm, pulling him inside. He couldn’t say no to you.
The three of you stood in line of the bakery. Your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you as you kissed his cheek. Kuroo’s fists were clenched so tightly he could probably turn a rock to dust. Your boyfriend looked back at Kuroo.
“You alright man?” He asked teasingly. He was doing it on purpose. He knew damn well that Kuroo had to like you for more than just a friend, and he would use that to his advantage.
“I’m all good.”
You placed your order at the bakery register. You handed Kuroo his treat.
“Well I wish you could’ve stayed longer. Maybe next time?” You sighed. Kuroo nodded.
Kuroo headed for the door, before getting pulled back by the boyfriend. He had grabbed the back collar of Kuroo’s shirt.
“Watch it.”
He let go of Kuroo. Kuroo didn’t reply, simply rushing out the door. Kuroo looked back at the bakery, seeing you and your boyfriend sitting at the table you and Kuroo always would.
He looked down at the small bag you had handed him. He opened it up. A peach scone. Kuroo chuckled. He had mentioned to you once that the peach scone was the last one at the bakery he had yet to try. He took a bite of the pastry. He sighed. He was sure it would taste better if he were sharing it with you.
During the weeks that followed, all Kuroo heard about was you and your boyfriend. How your boyfriend wouldn’t answer your texts. How he would go out partying without you. How he made you mad in every possible way.
Kuroo laid in the grass of his lawn next to you. You were word vomiting every possible pet peeve that you had towards your boyfriend. Kuroo listened, knowing he would be a much better fit for you.
“...what do you think?” You finished off your rant. Kuroo turned to look at you.
“Your boyfriend made you mad the other day, and you’re asking what I think? Well he was being mean at that part...but I’m sure he’s gonna turn around at some point…”
“Tetsu I’m serious. How do I fix this?”
“You break up with him.”
You sat up, crossing your arms as you looked at Kuroo.
“I’m not doing that.”
Kuroo sat up as well, annoyed now.
“Why the hell not? Your boyfriend’s a bitch Y/N.”
“He’s a total jackass and doesn’t deserve you one bit! Why do you stay with him!?” Kuroo was visibly upset, raising his voice slightly to get his point across.
“Because I-I…”
“See! You can’t even give me a good reason! God damnit Y/N I’m sick of hearing about your boyfriend who is the human embodiment of garbage-”
“-Why are you with him when you could be with me!?”
Kuroo didn’t realize what he had said until after he said it. Your eyes forming tears in the corners.
“I’m not gonna take it back. I’m serious. Y/N I am so in love with you and it kills me to see you with him!”
Kuroo took hold of your hand.
“I’m not trying to get into the way of whatever two of you have because if you truly love him then who am I to get in the way? Cause that shit happens once in a lifetime but you are my once in a lifetime Y/N. So please, if it weren’t for him please tell me it would be me.”
Your tears poured down your face. You couldn’t give Kuroo the answer he wanted.
“I-I do love h-him…”
“Do you really? Or do you just not love me?” pleaded Kuroo.
“Kuroo of course I love you-”
“Y/N do you love me in the way I want you to?”
Kuroo honestly didn’t want the answer. You honestly didn’t want to give it to him. You kinda loved him back but not really. Not in the way he wants.
The sound of your voice saying ‘no’ became an echo in Kuroo’s brain. He wasn’t sure what was worse: you loving him and staying in your relationship or you not loving him at all.
Kuroo crossed his arms and laid back down on the grass. He sniffled, holding back any tears. You put your hand on his arm.
“Kuroo I’m sorry-”
“It's fine Y/N. I should’ve known better.”
Kuroo Tetsurou didn’t stop loving you that day. He simply couldn’t. He would love you for a lifetime, even if you didn’t love him. Maybe one day you would change your mind, but not today.
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful ]
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pondermoniums · 4 years
A Rant Nobody Asked for About Stranger Things season 3.
feat. my personal pet peeves.
Disclaimer: when I first watched Stranger Things 3, I massively enjoyed it. I thought it finally captured the 80s aesthetic and vibe with the colors, the neon, and music. I even enjoyed it the SECOND time I watched it, although I was officially aware of some major flaws by that point.
1. The Coca Cola flex.
CocaCola has been all over this show ever since Tommy handed Steve one as a makeshift ice pack after his fight with Jonathan in s1. And then by season 3 it’s just....obnoxious???? And so unnecessary??? Karen Wheeler’s drinking one by the pool in episode one. Billy knocks into someone during his first day being flayed, and a coke rolls over the concrete.
I mean, Jesus, we get it. CocaCola basically owns Georgia, where a lot of American TV shows are filmed.....but......you’re literally CocaCola. This kind of flex is entirely unnecessary and therefore pathetic.
2. Karen and Billy
Okay, listen. I thought their interaction in season 2 was H I L A R I O U S.  But I’m someone who has looked 21 since I was 14, thanks to being an early bloomer. I get it. The cocky prowess of looking older than your peers. Getting to look adults in the eye and get that tiny bit of respect with nothing more than just looking like they do. And, as a writer, the contrast between thirsty, older Karen with young and equally thirsty Billy is an odd pair of puzzle pieces that fit really hilariously - largely because it’s so unexpected, maybe. And frankly, I think it’s one of the first scenes where Dacre’s acting really made my eyes fall out of my head, he did so well.
But it should have ended there.
I’ve been to a LOT of public pools in my day (I’m 26 but hush), and I have NEVER seen older women thirsting over the lifeguards. Ever. It’s predatory - an attribute most women understand all too well - unprofessional, and just downright gross. Their whole interaction in s3 is for “the male lens,” which Hollywood really needs to figure out by now is outdated, predatory, disgusting, and not good writing.
3. Glossing over Billy Chugging Chemicals
Bouncing off of #2, is Karen’s total negligence of Billy’s condition. Many people have pointed it out before, but a row of mothers being completely ???? about Billy’s condition is a raging red flag of bad writing.
(Also that it was written by men, because women are hard-wired to be super aware of other women - a tactic of living on guard in a man’s world all the damn time. So you can always count on a mother, grandmother, or a brave teen/20-something to be the one to walk up to a person who doesn’t look well in order to check on them, even if you’re complete strangers. It’s happened to me, and I’ve done this for other people.)
These women literally stare at him for every shift of work he has, and they.....don’t do anything????
Karen WALKS IN ON HIM DRINKING CHLORINE. It actually took me the second watch-through to realize what he was doing in that storage room, and god, my heart just broke. It’s the only time we actually see a glimpse of Billy making himself flayed like the others. It’s so fleeting (maybe because we already get so much pain from his plot, and we do see what happens with the other flayed people) but it’s also one of the reasons, I think, that we have a whole fanbase ready and eager for his return.
We didn’t get a good glimpse of him poisoning himself to the point that he has to rely on the MindFlayer to stay alive. I’m not saying any of us want that, no way, but that’s my personal headcanon: in s2, Will was super protected and therefore capable of being separated from the Flayer. All of the Flayed IMMEDIATELY low-key drowned themselves in ice water to lower their temperature, and then chugged chemicals. They all die twice.
4. Billy. Just......Billy.
This poor boy’s plot was so pointless. It’s a special thing: creating such a good character and then doing fuck-all with him. The moment you realize his only purpose in season 2 was an introduction is....the beginning of a lot of disappointment. And no, he DIDN’T serve as an antagonist for Steve, because what happened? He slowed Steve down.
That’s it.
He doesn’t keep Steve from helping the kids in the tunnels. He doesn’t break him and Nancy up. He doesn’t gloriously out Steve’s bisexuality to the town by being his shameless lover.
He literally does nothing except just......be there? Looking gorgeous and providing a juxtaposing characterization for Max. That’s all. Billy’s treated like an accessory.
Then we arrive to season 3 and....I guess the only justification for his plot is sort of classic Greek tragic hero. He’s the new Keg King whose hubris makes him stand too long outside the warehouse, and thus, his downfall.
But here’s what’s wrong with that: Steve Harrington.
We were so spoiled with good writing for Steve. Steve had an incredibly refreshing and valid character AND redemption arc. Frankly, all the good writing goes to Steve in this show, so we expected the same writing to go to the other douche bag king of the show.
And we didn’t get it.
5. 80s Bullshit vs. Modern Audience
You can tell they’re trying to straddle the line between, “this is how people talked back then,” and, “this pertains to a modern audience.”
Example: Mike saying to Will, “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.”
I know they did multiple takes of this scene with different variations of this line, and that’s the one the editors settled with. Regardless, I know I am not the only person who screeched with rainbow pride for Will’s sake. And it’s not the first time they’ve touched on very hot modern topics. Hopper touches on homophobia in season 1 - a fact I completely missed until I read an interview where the actor, David Harbor, mentions it, himself. Then I rewatched season 1 and realized, sure enough, he reacts poorly when Joyce tells him that Lonnie calls Will a f*g. It’s not even fatherly, “that should be my son, how dare he.” It’s straight up, “this kid might not be worth finding if he’s gay.”
Of course there’s the more obvious occasions where Steve calls Jonathan a queer and Neil Hargrove should come with his own neon trigger sign. Slut is a term that’s carelessly thrown around (as high schoolers are wont to do, sure).
But the thing that’s bothered me the most is Steve saying to Billy, “Were you dropped too much on your head as a child, or what?”
Maybe it’s just me being extremely sensitive to mental health stuff (also, WHY does Steve ironically get all the triggering lines? lol), plus he says it very soon after we finally know why Billy behaves the way he does. Just.....*long sigh*. I hurt, okay. Some parts of this show really hurt, and I don’t like “it was the 80s” as an excuse.
6. Lucas and Kali or, the Diversity Check Marks
One black kid. One. Then they gave him a sister. Cool. Somebody give these people BLM awards.
*eyes roll so hard my cat chases them across the floor*
You know what this reminds me of? The East Asian actor who trended in movies like The Goonies and Indiana Jones.
The only thing that even remotely makes this small drop of diversity okay, is that they made Lucas a major player in The Party, and cast a dope actress to be Erica Sinclair, and likewise made her a linchpin in the Scoops Troop plot.
But touching back to #5, you can’t use “it’s the 80s” as an excuse, nor can you say, “it’s white bread Indiana.”
BUT but but but Kali!!!!
You mean the character in one episode? Two, if you count the opening of season 2.
Listen. For all the bipoc folks who wonder, “Do white people realize how.....WHITE everything is?” as a white person, I can absolutely say: 
Yes. We. Do. Fucking. Notice.
• • • • •
Well. That’s all lol If you made it this far, I’m sorry and thanks lol 
Tip your artists and comment on fics because lord knows that where my seratonin comes from.
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Okay so, rant time.
I swear to god, a pet peeve of mine is when the reader/character doesn't ask "is this alright?" Or "can I do this?".
Established relationships get a pass, but whenever I see this: reader/character confesses to the other, they get horny and wanna fuck, reader or character like spanks or chokes them out of damn nowhere.. like hello? Consent?? Like yeah they both enjoy it but you have not talked about this.
I wish more writers included consent, (another pet peeve of mine is not tagging things correctly) i don't want to see sudden degrading or choking.
I feel like it's going to influence someone to think that their partner is gonna go with the same thing they want.
Okay rant over, now time to talk about how much I'm a sucker for romantic sex.
Giving oral to your partner/receiving it and they/you push hair out your or their face. Like mmmmmm
And I think there should be more aftercare, even if the sex was vanilla, sex is exhausting and your throat gonna hurt from dryness.
I am a bit vanilla, but I have the worst sadness (depression? Idk I just feel awful) after sex so aftercare should definitely be more common.
I'd talk more but it's late and my stomach hurts
~sheep anon~
Bro I totally agree with all of this.
I dont write to many smuts on here: not yet atleast 😌
But I do thing Consent is super important as well and ya'll should always ask and or give your consent with care- dont just throw your consent out to anyone.
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struwwelzeter · 4 years
Sonne Making of Liveblog
Before I liked Rammstein I somehow always blended the Rosenrot and the Sonne Video into one thing, I don’t know why, I know it makes no sense, but I still have thise weird memory of that Rosenrot/Sonne mashup in my head, like there is another Rammstein video out there that I can’t watch anymore and it’s a little upsetting.
“Dit hat gar nich gepasst und dit fandn wer dann ganz gut”
- Paul “Abosulte Chaos” Landers at his best, I mean don’t you just love him.
The way Till negates Americas influence on the album with that heartbreaker smile before she even stops talking and Flakes “I hope not” melt my heart. Flake, you hammer and sickle swinging commie, I love you so much.
Schneider is a full on bastard in this and I don’t know how I feel about that.
You know they are all like “the Mutter drama never happened” in this and it’s very questionable, but with Flake I genuinly can’t tell if he’s just bullshitting or of he just kinda checked out and went intentionally oblivious.
Olli talking is nice and he actually stutters a bit?! Very cute.
@theelliottsmiths Till does indeed say Glück auf. If I’m not totally mistaken that’s an old traditional miners greating. I’m not from a mining area and noone here says that but I think so?
Richard is very awkward in this entire segment and I don’t know why, idk but he doesn’t seem like himself? That sing-songing speaking he does there is weird.
I really think alot about how they’re quite a bit older than the average music success story, and how it must play such a role in them making all of this work? The calm Schneider has there, like no, we can’t stress about this is such a 30+ thing, I’m serious, and being young is so overrated.
Oh interesting, they did 16 fps for this. It’s like the opposite of that things where you speed up the sound and then slow down the picture to make it look smooth, and that makes so much sense for dwarfish miner scenes? Now I must watch the video again.
Oh wow. I haven’t watched this for some time and god, it’s baby Joern, I love him!!!
Ok, so I have a massive pet peeve with this video and it’s this: Snow White’s dress. So they put all that effort into the set design, make the dwarves miners which is perfect, Joern is all obsessed with Lord of the Rings level details (it was that time when that movie wrote new standards for historic and fantastic movies), and they just put her ... in that?! It looks like a cheap thing you can buy for carneval and is too Disney and. You have an entire world of beautiful traditional livery to draw upon and you put her in that? What about the snow white drawings by Arthur Rakham for exemple?! There’s just so much better things to draw from than that horrible disney version.
Speaking of Lord of the Rings, the most frequent sentence (probably) used by Tolkien scholars is “suspension of disbelief” which means that the world building is done in a way that is believable because it’s so consistent. Think the Witcher saying Fuck and you wondering if they said that in medieval times (they did, but I digress). You don’t want those moments. You want to stay in the story, and the way the Snow White costume just lacks in quality and detail compared to the dwarves is just. Very bad. Sorry, baby Joern. I still love you.
It’s astonishing to me how Paul just spends several decades laughing about jokes about his size. They still do it, like in Radio. You are a better man than me Paul, because I got tired of those 15 years ago.
They’re all intoxicated or? I can’t forget the story about how they slept there, went to the airport afterwards to fly to ... was it Australia?! and ruined the plane seats with the remaining soot make up. Nasty Punks, all of them, can I marry them please.
I have no comment on the Flake bit. Sorry.
Ok, so is the rumor that the boxer was one of the Klitschkos valid or was that just a rumor because it’s the only boxers germans know?!
Till is so adorable in this, it’s unreal.
Paul and numbers is worth an entire RANT, it makes him such an unreliable narrator.
I agree that it’s the perfect story for the song, which makes me even sadder they went for the disney version looks wise. It’s just. Blasphemy.
It’s such an interesting reading of that entire story, I need to ask my mum about other interpretations, or how that is usually interpreted (she’s a fairytale nerd).
Paul 🙄 I roll my eyes at him, because the way he is here just. It’s just what he’s like but he can honestly drive peace and wuiet loving people up the wall, can’t he.
Paul, you know why you are getting spanked and that innocent act is not going to save you my darling.
Safety concerned Till is so, so, so lovable I just want to hug him and tell him to go back to his kleptomania, it’s all gonna work out love.
Joern has watched the LOTR making of as many times as I have, I can just tell.
Another Jackson movie thing: They used to let Barrie Osborne, the LOTR producer from New Line Cinema’s side play with a camera and asked him to shoot some scenes and the making of so he wouldn’t get in the way of the new zealanders, and occupying Paul with the making of team reminds me of that, good strategy.
“Werkzeugausgabe Lindemann” - something tells me that’s the story of his life.
Ugh. I admire Joerns patience. It does not have to be logical, the mood just has to be right, damn it let the man do his job.
Him saying “Rasselbande” is the most apt and perfect description of this band ever. Rasselstein. Love it. You could losely translate that with something like “little rascal gang” - but it’s not really translatable other than with something you call a bunch of rowdy kids.
Ok so that Rich’s thing is songwriting isn’t news but I am surprised Till says he likes recording, I would have assumed it’s a high pressure situation for him, but then again, “he likes to work hard”, so.
Same about Olli. Introversion personified likes to stand infront of too many people, ok.
Or maybe it’s just the thing Flake describes, so he just got out if the studio and is sick of it, that makes a lot of sense actually.
God Richard in this segment is just. He breaks my heart, he cares so much about it.
I wonder if they were so positive at this point because they got through this album and thought they learned alot, but if I’m not totally mistaken there were still so much tension on the tour that followed that and it just. Makes me sad they didn’t see it coming, glad they’re still here ...
Look at them laughing their asses off!!
Oh no, a Paul metaphor. It’s a thing right, they’re simultaneously really bad and very genius.
God Richard. 🥺 please don’t be that way?Same, ok. Big, fat same.
20 years, damn. And they’re still here.
Ende gut, alles gut. (He’s so cute.)
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Free question! What pet peeve in rwby you wanted to rant about but didn't have a chance to?
HA! What a fantastically salty question, anon :D 
I suppose I’d categorize this as a pet peeve because it really is more of an annoyance than a legitimate writing problem. And really only an annoyance when I let myself think about it much. I’m not even entirely sure how to describe it, but basically the fact that RWBY doesn’t seem to have much (if any) linguistic world building. My mind trips for a moment when I’m introduced to fairly separate kingdoms, or a race literally exiled to its own island, but everyone somehow speaks the exact same language? More than that (because I totally get that introducing a detail/potential limitation like that is hard) when the characters speak it never feels to me like they’re living in a world radically different from my own. With the exception of very specific nouns that are introduced to the audience as A World Building Thing (dust, semblances, etc.) no one ever speaks in a way that alerts me to the fact that they’re people from a world of pseudo-magic constantly besieged by monsters. Where are the dialects? The slang? The references that only make sense for people who grew up in this particular reality? I get more variety coming on here and seeing the occasional meme. 
Now, obviously you don’t want to make your dialogue inaccessible to the audience (not unless you’re going for A Clockwork Orange sort of deal), but RWBY seems to have gone in the opposite direction of not doing any linguistic world building at all. I’ve been thinking about this more since I started watching The Clone Wars, simply because Star Wars as a franchise does a much better job of this. Beyond the explicitly plot-important things that RWBY does reference (things like semblances vs. the force) and the variety of languages that RWBY does not include, Star Wars uses slang pretty casually, giving a firm sense of culture when you watch each scene. Kriffing, nerfherder, vod, bantha crap, stars! Within minutes of The Clone Wars animated film starting, Anakin and Ahsoka have given each other the nicknames Sky Guy and Snips, names that don’t just fit their personalities (a play on his last name and her snippiness) but also, in Anakin’s case, the realities of their world (space pilots are common and he’s a spectacular one, even if Ahsoka doesn’t know it yet). I had the briefest moment of confusion going, “Wait. What’s a clanker?” which is good. It’s easy as hell to figure out - “Oh duh. He means the droids” - but that split second of confusion is a reminder that this world isn’t our world. Why would we expect people to always talk like we do? Why wouldn’t they create language based on their own reality? 
RWBY has none of that. There’s no thought put into it. Despite two gods having once ruled over Remnant and their existence still impacting humanity to some degree, both Jaune and Yang use a singular “Oh my god.” Dust, despite driving everything from major businesses to the safety of the people, has not become any sort of exclamation. Grimm, despite being THE threat, have not made their way into sayings, or curses, or metaphors. (I mean c’mon, it took us maybe two months to turn Covid-19 into “Miss Rhona” and start personifying the pandemic). Huntsmen don’t have their own lingo. Ironwood’s military doesn’t seem to use code. Different faunus groups haven’t been shown to develop names for themselves or non-faunus people. We’ve got a story about a bunch of kids running around with crazy weaponry/super powers and there’s no Remnant version of “Yeet.” As said, it’s not a problem-problem, just another missed opportunity. If you’re going to create a whole fantasy world it’s worth putting in some details to flesh that out, of which language is one rather significant part. You don’t have to dive down the rabbit hole of agonizing over whether Weiss can have a German name in a story with no Germany (we’re not all Tolkien here), but the occasional curse or turn of phrase goes a long way. Besides the color naming rule - which has since never been brought up or had any impact after it served its purpose of making Ozpin mysterious - RWBY hasn’t really given us any of that immersion. 
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faustonastring · 4 years
your take is bad. saying “i’m not saying you can’t feel x way about x thing” and then tagging multi-paragraph rants with insulting language in the LI hashtags is... telling people how to feel. if that isn’t your goal then why is it tagged? people are allowed to be upset, even if they used in-game currency. sorry, but the coins have monetary value whether you like it or not. people are pissed. the devs are not immune to criticism and neither are you
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First I would just like to say this : I have a hard time articulating my thoughts into writing or words, so I can understand why you took it that way, but that’s not my intention. That doesn’t excuse what I said sure, but that’s not what I meant.
I didn’t mean to tell anyone how to feel, and I totally get why it came off that way, it’s hard for me to express what I’m thinking so this is gonna sound weird and all over the place so bare with me (not excusing what I said, simply explaining)
What I meant when I said that is: it’s simply just a game, and it’s not worth hurting people over no matter the circumstances. It’s one thing to criticize and it’s another thing to bash people because of simple change. My wording for that was not right, and I’m taking full responsibility for that, and I totally understand why you would be upset. I didn’t mean to tell any one how to feel, and I’m sorry if it came off that way that wasn’t my intention, and I hate to hide behind the excuse “I don’t know how to articulate myself” but I don’t, and I know it’s a shitty excuse, and I’m not trying to excuse my self, I’m trying to explain why it came off that way, I want to make that very clear.
When I said “It’s okay to be super pissed if you spent money on something and it’s now gone, but if you just used in-game currency, and not any of your real money, you can still be a little pissed, sure, but it’s not as big of a deal as actually spending your real hard earned cash on something.“ I didn’t mean you can’t be upset, I was giving my opinion on the matter and how I saw it, (which I shouldn’t have done looking back at it) not every one is going to agree with me. I do admit I worded that wrong, and I should of took more time to word that better, but that doesn’t change how I think. I then go on to explain throwing a fit about something so simple as a prologue change is childish, which it is. I wasn’t directing that at the person who sent in the og anon ask, I was directing it at people who bully and harass the devs for stupid shit.
The devs and I aren’t immune to criticism yes you’re right, but harassing and throwing a tantrum is not criticism. There is a difference.
“Criticism: the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.”
“Harassment: aggressive pressure or intimidation.”
It’s one thing to analyze the arcana and write about some things you didn’t like about a scene in a chapter that didn’t sit right with you, but it’s another thing to pressure the devs into changing the prologue back, or send them hurtful messages. They’re real people too.
And before you message me or send me another ask, I understand why you might try to say my response was “harassment” because it has an angry undertone to it, but I promise that’s not what I was trying to do, I was pissed. I do understand why it might come off that way, but i was just going on a angry rant, and if you want to talk about it, then pls message me.
And if something I wrote hurt you, please message me, so we can talk this over like mature adults. I’m not going to be mad, or expose you, or even dox you, (I wouldn’t want that to happen to me so why would I do it to you, ya’ know) and I quite frankly prefer if you did, so I can better explain my self, and we can try to find a common ground.
I do admit it was immature for me to say those things, and I should of thought it through more, and I’m sorry if I hurt or offended you, that was never my intention. I put some of my bad energy into that angry rant which I shouldn’t have done, and I truly am sorry. From now on I’m going to try my best to only write response to things like that when I’m in a good head space so I don’t hurt any more people. I know this doesn’t make up for any of the harm I might of caused you, but hopefully it precedes any future mishaps (and if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you please send me a message, I would love to make it up to you/help In what ever way I can)
And you’re right, the devs aren’t immune to criticism, but again there is a difference from criticism (which I rarely see) and harassment and people trying to rewrite their story and characters which I see far to often. And you’re right I’m also not immune to criticism. But that’s not going to stop me from voicing my opinion, and speaking up on some of the toxic traits of this fandom so people don’t have what could be their ‘safe space’ taken away from them. People aren’t going to agree with me, I understand. And people aren’t going to always agree with you either. This might be one of those things we don’t see eye to eye on and that’s okay. Like I said before, it’s okay to get mad but it’s another thing to blow things out of proportion, especially over a game. And maybe were just missing each other and if you want to respectfully talk this out I’m more than happy too, (it will probably help us better understand where we’re coming from)
And one last time, I never meant to say “ you can’t get mad over this thing >:(“ that was never my intent, but I sure as hell see how/why you think that. You have every right to be upset, you have every right to not like the devs. But don’t harass the devs because they changed something. It’s immature. The same type of immaturity I exhibited when I generalized and told people how to feel.
I hope this better explains everything, and again I’m sorry.i hate it when people tell me how to feel and I feel so god awful thinking I accidentally did one of my biggest pet peeves, even when I tried to avoid it. I really am sorry. If you want to talk to me about it, feel free to message me, or if you don’t feel comfortable doing that (I swear I’m not some big scary person) you can send in another ask, (its just a little harder to answer correctly because I don’t know exactly how you’re feeling, if that makes sense.)
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Thoughts on Wayhaven Chronicles
I am partway through book one so this may be out of date by book two. I really hope the author got the research thing figured out by book two...
I am playing Meredith Jones, aka my VTMB2 thinblood.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a great time, but I have to rant about a few things. So, cons before pros!
Author has done zero research on anything. Like, zero. Not even a google search.
You play a detective. “What kind of detective?” you say. Detective constable? Detective sergeant? Detective inspector? Detective chief inspector??? IDK but apparently it’s the rank that reports directly to the mayor and is important enough that the mayor shows up to your promotion, but not so important you have any confidence about what you’re doing??? BITCH IT TAKES THREE SECONDS TO GOOGLE DETECTIVE RANKS, WHY DID YOU NOT DO EVEN THAT????
At one point you enter a lab to investigate it. Apparently, when packing up to leave, the person who used to work in the lab had a seizure and/or a tantrum and just threw beakers everywhere. Why? It’s never said. Instead of meeting with a supervisor who’s freaking out about people potentially being gassed to death, MC is just allowed to stroll right in there and do whatever and inhale whatever substances have just been. thrown. around.
Also nobody labels their fucking beakers or test tubes. They just leave shit lying around mixed in beakers out in the open. for no reason. How does a vampire know your blood is in a test tube? They snort that shit, that’s how, they don’t read the fucking label because THERE ISN’T ONE.
You also have the option to shoot your gun when you don’t actually feel like your life is threatened, so that’s... pretty accurate, actually, given the information that’s come up from the recent police brutality protests. Altho I know for a fact Australian cops can’t even unholster their guns without getting paperwork for it later, regardless of whether or not they use it later, so I don’t know if British cops are much different in that regard.
why the fuck is it called a “small town” and not a “village”? Is this set in the UK or not????
I genuinely can’t tell if the writer is a country person who’s never been to the city, or a city person who’s never been to the country. They represent both sides of it that goddamn inaccurately.
I genuinely can’t tell either if the creator is actually British, because aside from British English usage there’s like... nothing pinging my “fellow Brit” radar. I don’t see any British colloquialisms, or any of the traits that British “small towns” are known for. If it weren’t for the spelling I would be SO SURE this wasn’t set in Britain.
(I mean fuck, maybe I’m completely wrong and it’s not set in the UK?? My friend told me it was)
I really don’t care about alternate viewpoints. I don’t want to read about the serial killer or some spat Adam and Nathaniel are having. I just wanna do shit.
You only get to pepper spray Adam once.
barely any worldbuilding.
none of the other cops, all two of them, seem to give a shit there’s four random people hanging around. they don’t even have to sign in or get a dangly thingo? Yeah.
Genuinely riveting and enjoyable, even though I’m constantly screaming at my monitor “DID YOU GOOGLE THIS SHIT EVEN ONCE???”
Enough options that I don’t feel like I’m being railroaded into choices most of the time. Most of the time. I really, really wish MC was able to try to kick Team Bravo out right at the beginning, even though it would (naturally) result in not being able to, because they were fucking insubordinate as hell -- but for the most part, almost all potential choices are available.
Adam was a fucking asshole but he’s grown on me. Like a tumour. I am a sucker for enemies to lovers (he and Meredith were butting heads constantly in the beginning) so if I romance anybody it’ll be him. If.
Nathaniel is an actual cinnamon roll.
The main character has an actual mother and you can actually meet her and she’s a professional and does shit!! that is SO RARE.
“ A flood of rain bursts through the new hole, pouring down onto Meredith. The halo of blood begins to dilute and wash away. “ God DAMN that’s an amazing image.
Despite the extensive list of cons, I’m having a good time. My biggest pet peeve is the total lack of research, followed by how 2D the worldbuilding is (I can go into that more if people are interested but I think I’ve complained enough, lol). The strongest feature is the wide variety of choices and reactions your character can have.
I just feel strongly that the story needed an actual editor and didn’t get one. It’s like, so close to being good. At this stage, it’s like -- well -- Twilight. Enjoyable, but not good.
Maybe book two will be better in these regards.
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teawiththegods · 4 years
Just something I thought might make your day: I saw someone asking others about deities reaching out to them. They think it's Persephone and Aphrodite, but they aren't sure, they're getting a red flag. You know what the red flag is? The goddesses, when they appear in meditation, appear to hate each other. I know that's one of your pet peeves, the Aphrodite vs Persephone thing, so I thought you'd like to hear this ^^
LOL! Truly one of my favorite things in the whole world is when I rant about something enough that when other people see it they think “Jessie would hate this. I’m totally gonna tell her about it” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But yeah my red flag upon hearing that story is that if the goddesses truly hate each other they likely aren’t Aphrodite and Persephone. Not even because I don’t believe the two hate each other but none of that is how the Greek gods work. Ancient Greeks had been worshiping the entire pantheon for hundreds of years without any of these issues. Why all of sudden now is it that we can’t worship certain gods at the same time??
See now you got me ranting again! Lol!!
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iwroteinapastlife · 5 years
It’s @chlonathweek day 5 and we gettin angsty up in here~
“No, Chloé. Since Sabrina will be out of town for the rest of the week, you’ll have to pick a different partner for the art project.”
When he was six years old, Nathaniel’s mother had told him that life was about opportunities. Every moment was an opportunity, from the greatest of life’s changes to the smallest of life’s details. Every moment was a choice—a choice of stay or go, a choice of start or stop, a choice of do or don’t. Every choice had its consequences and it was on those consequences that human lives were decided. On those consequences that opportunities were taken.
And it was a simple fact of life, she had told him, that the consequences unknown, the opportunities left untaken, were the ones he would dwell on the most.
Perhaps it was the thought that he was sick of dwelling that brought Nathaniel to take the opportunity presented before him. That brought Nathaniel to raise his hand.
“I’ll do it.”
A general level of friendly chatter had sprouted in the class as students had begun discussing project plans, but conversation eased to halt then. He knew every set of eyes in the room was on him. His eyes were only focused on one.
“No,” she immediately said. She addressed the teacher, but those cold eyes never left him. “Madame Bustier, I’d prefer to do the project on my own.”
He tried not to let his fear show. He tried not to run from that soul-shaking gaze.
“Chloé, that would leave Nathaniel without a partner too. Plus, working with the class artist will be beneficial to your art grade.” In his peripheral, he saw Madame Bustier wave him forward. “Thank you for volunteering, Nathaniel. You can come sit next to Chloé for the rest of class.”
The twitch of her jaw. A look like murder. Then eye contact was broken and in just that split second before she turned to face forward again, Nathaniel swore he saw something more. Something painful.
If he did, it was hidden again by the time he was sitting down next to her. The rest of the class went on with their discussions, though he didn’t miss the glances of Marinette and Nino as they not-so-subtly spectated.
“What the fuck are you doing, Kurtzberg?” Chloé immediately snapped. “What do you want?”
“What’s the matter, Chloé?” he asked absently as he opened his sketch book to a new page. “I thought you’d be happy to have a partner who can do all the work for you.”
Wait. Shit. The words had slipped out almost as if reflex—fighting fire with fire. Except in this case, it was more like fighting a candle with a flamethrower.
Her jaw fell slightly ajar and her brows pinched together in fury. Her eyes though; swimming in her eyes was a splash of genuine hurt.
Chloé pressed her lips together and looked away without another word. She began gathering her supplies and throwing them in her purse. Guilt was an immediate led weight in his stomach and he knew that in his head, he would be kicking himself for many years to come for being rude to his fucking soulmate. Especially when he was actively trying to get closer to her.
“Wait, Chloé, I’m sorry.” He set his hand on her notebook just as she was reaching for it and that fed up look was on him again.
“Look, I don’t know why you wanted to be my partner and I don’t care. You’re right. You can do the project by yourself.” Even though he wasn’t holding the notebook hostage, she made a point to yank it out from under his hand. A moment later, she stood up and the school bell followed her out the door as if on cue.
He scrambled to grab his stuff and rushed out after her. She had a naturally fast walking pace, but she was definitely going faster than usual. “Chloé, wait!” She had already managed to make it to the school’s front door when he caught up to her. “Chloé!”
“Leave me alone, Kurtzberg,” she spat, still not slowing down.
“Wait!” He caught her wrist and the tips of his fingers met the exact mark that had started this all.
She spun to face him. “What!?”
He didn’t let go. He didn’t move. He was paralyzed under that icy gaze and he didn’t think this far and he didn’t know what to say but he needed to say something and, “The first time I ever spoke to you was when I defended Marinette’s floral design against you,” he blurted.
The worst possible combination of confusion and irritation. “So??”
“So…” His heart slammed against the inside walls of his chest and he knew he couldn’t turn back now. “That exact design is tattooed on the back of my left shoulder.”
At first, there was no change in her expression. It was as if her entire being had come to a screeching halt and the only thing her body knew to do was keep breathing. Then the wrinkles in her forehead softened the slightest bit as understanding took confusion’s place. Irritation, however, remained steady.
“Okay, and?”
He blinked. “And? Chloé, we’re—,”
“Soulmates?” she cut him off. “Yeah, I know. Newsflash, Kurtzberg,” she slipped from his grasp and held up her hand, putting his signature on display, “Your art gets spread around the school like wildfire. I’ve known for years.”
“Why didn’t you—?”
“Tell you? Are you serious? How was I supposed to tell you when you hated me from the start? When I had to watch you date someone else for two years, call someone else your soulmate for two fucking years? How was I supposed to tell you!?”
That cold fury didn’t budge, but now that hint of hurt he had seen earlier was as present as the guilt weighing heavy in his chest. Seeing her then, an avalanche of understanding came crashing down over his head. He doubted the pain he could clearly see now was even half of what she’d been holding inside. He didn’t know. He had no idea. This whole time, his soulmate was in pain because of him and he didn’t know.
“I… I’m sorry,” was all he could think to say but God that didn’t even begin to cover it.
“Yeah,” she said flatly. “Me too.”
With that, she turned to leave, and again, Nathaniel caught her wrist. Heaving a tired sigh of frustration, she faced him once again. “What do you want, Nathaniel?”
He didn’t know, if he was being honest.
In this moment, he wasn’t in love with her. He wasn’t desperately hoping to kiss her, nor did her clear displeasure with his presence make his heart break. His pulse didn’t spike from a look alone and his name on her tongue sounded no different from any other. She was beautiful—he would have to be blind not to see that—but he didn’t find himself sneaking peaks at her during class nor filling his sketchbook with her visage. When he woke in the morning, his first thought wasn’t of her and he didn’t see her face behind closed eyes when he lay down at night.
He didn’t know her favorite color or her favorite song. He couldn’t tell you what her pet peeves were or what tiny joys she found in life. He had no idea if she preferred the books or the movies, the comics or the show. He couldn’t possibly guess what seemingly harmless topic would spark a 10 minute rant, or what activities she secretly loved that she never wanted anyone to know. Did she like pineapple on pizza? Sprinkles on ice cream? Could she walk somewhere without listening to music? Did she take a water bottle with her everywhere? Chapstick? Lip gloss? Did she prefer writing with pen or pencil? Blue or black ink? Coffee or tea? Hot or iced?
He didn’t know. Chloé Bourgeois was, for all intents and purposes, a total and complete stranger. He didn’t even know if she was human.
“I want to know you,” he finally said.
She was listening. Giving him a chance. The anger was fading from her tone and though she sounded tired, for the first time since he saw her tattoo, he felt he might actually have a chance. An opportunity.
His grip on her wrist tightened the slightest bit, as if afraid that if he let go, she would leave and that opportunity would be lost forever. “Because I don’t know about you, but I know that it would be the biggest regret of my life if I never even tried to get to know my soulmate.”
The slight brightening of her eyes. The tiny intake of breath. It was subtle, almost nonexistent, but he didn’t miss it. The reaction to him calling her his soulmate.
“But you hate me,” she argued. He could hear her desire to fight subsiding with every word. “Don’t try to tell me that you don’t, because we both know that isn’t true.”
“Yeah,” he admitted, “I do.” His first impression of her had been awful and what he’d learned from Marinette after that had only made it worse. She was a bully, she was selfish, and with her father being the mayor and the richest man in Paris, she was also untouchable. He had never thought to look any deeper than that, because that was all the reason he’d needed to dislike her. But if she was his soulmate…
He shrugged, giving her the smallest of smiles. “And I’m clearly wrong.”
Chloé didn’t say anything. She stood there, looking back and forth between his eyes with an expression that he could only describe as exhausted and unsure. Eventually, her gaze dropped to where he still held her wrist.
With one last reluctant squeeze, he released her. She cradled the wrist in her other hand and swiped a thumb over the tattoo, staring at it as she thought.
“You’re right,” she finally said, voice low. When she looked up again, her usual air of confidence had returned. “You are wrong.” He couldn’t glean from her expression whether that was good or bad. He swallowed thickly, waiting on her every word. She let out a long breath, and with it, an immense weight seemed to ease off her shoulders. “And I probably am too.”
So…Did that mean…?
She fished her cell phone out of her purse and unlocked it. “Give me your number,” she said as she handed it over.
A flurry of pins and needles washed through him then as sincere blue eyes met his. It was the first time she had ever looked at him like that—ever looked at him with anything but antagonism. It wasn’t a happy look, but it was new. And it wasn’t…cold. Her eyes shined like the first day of spring and he could feel their warmth slowly spreading through him. It was a feat just to look away.
He tried not to let his fingers shake as he typed his information into her phone and handed it back.
“I’ll text you about the art project,” she said, and with one last look over her shoulder, walked away.
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hallowedhuntress · 6 years
Breaking Dawn Rant
I feel like I’ve talked about this a lot. But I’m bringing it up again. And that’s because Breaking Dawn was the main reason I took a break from the twilight fandom from 2009-2014. Like, sure, societal scorn contributed to it a lot, too. But I wouldn’t have minded so much, and might have stuck to my guns, even in the face of major backlash, if Breaking Dawn hadn’t been such a huge disappointment. 
Anyway, I feel like I should start by saying that my biggest pet peeve in fiction in general is inconsistency. And that my main beef with Breaking Dawn is that it goes back on so many things that were established in the earlier books. Especially things that I liked.
To keep this short (eh... shorter... I still put #2 and #3 under the cut for your consideration) I’ll only list three inconsistencies that bothered me. Though feel free to comment, or reblog with any more you can think of.  
Inconsistency Number #1: Jacob Black & Imprinting
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1) I know a lot of fans have talked about Jacob’s character derailment in late New Moon and Eclipse especially. And I agree wholeheartedly that he was shafted pretty early on. But the point where it broke for me was in Breaking Dawn. 
In Eclipse, Jacob says, basically: “I hate imprinting, it takes away your free will!”
And, at first, I thought that was a lovely deconstruction of the usual ‘love at first sight’ trope. I was like: “Wow, that’s an interesting thought. How romantic is it, really, when you have no choice?” And I thought there was some real potential for some interesting plotlines there about free will vs destiny. 
Like I was hoping after reading Eclipse that Quil would decide “You know what, this imprinting thing doesn’t have to control my choices. I’m going to choose to defy it, since my imprintee is a literal child whom I have no attraction to, and love someone else.” 
That would have been better. Perhaps even a powerful message!
But no, suddenly in Breaking Dawn SMeyer is like, “Never mind what Jacob said earlier! He just imprinted on a baby, it’s totally romantic! and he doesn’t mind at all!”
Like, hello? Who is this creepy, brainwashed person and what happened to the free-spirited, funny Jacob we all used to love?
Is he buried in a shallow grave in the forest somewhere?
Inconsistency #2: Bella suddenly wanting to be a mother & the whole mess that is Renesmee
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2) Bella says again and again that she doesn’t want kids. She cites their destructiveness and messiness as one of her reasons. “They’re always dripping with some form of goo” is literally one of her lines! And then Renesmee, Literal Child From Hell, is an absolute disaster. And Bella is suddenly fine with it.
And I think we all know why. 
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For those of you who weren’t raised mormon, basically if you want to be anything other than a mother you’re not a valid female. So ofc Bella has to have a baby and love it.
But while Bella was suddenly and inexplicably fine with this development, never once expressing any reasonable or rational fear or nervousness with being a parent (even a parent to a hellion), I, on the other hand, was not fine with it. The aptly named Loch Ness Monster destroys an antique silverware set that Esme adored. She also is implied to have mangled Bella’s diamond necklace. And more importantly than all that pointless, but ultimately not immoral destruction, she freaking bites Jacob just, whenever to drink his blood, because she’s a greedy little bastard who 
But “lol it’s okay, she conveniently isn’t venomous!”
What the hell?
And... I’m supposed to like this child?
Like, enough to want to endanger all the Cullens, whom I adore, to protect her?
Nah, yeet that child into the flames.
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I mean... all that said, perhaps Renesmee could be made into something better or at least something more interesting (I certainly want to make an attempt in one of my fanfictions, just to say I tried). But she is so creepy and callous and her whole personality is basically “Wow guys, I’m literally only two feet tall, but I inhaled the entire dictionary so now I’m super smart!” And SMeyer just expects us to treat her like she’s innocent and adorable and not terrifying. 
Which... is not working. 
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I am unnerved. And her rapid aging only makes it worse. Like, god, I’d be more inclined to protect her if she actually acted like an infant rather than a creepily precocious adult? 
Or at least if she was treated in universe as creepy. I should totally just write some Dark Renesmee fics, because... uh... that would have been way more interesting.
Inconsistency Number #3: The Volturi
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3) The Volturi are consistently portrayed as followers of their own rules, and at worst a necessary evil, and at best the only reason the whole world isn’t currently on fire, (basically, Lawful Neutral). This is the status quo and is reinforced again and again until some blink and you miss it hints are dropped at the end of eclipse (I certainly missed them in my first read through). And none of it is solidified until Breaking Dawn chapter 30 and the Second Life of Bree Tanner.
So basically, at first, SMeyer was like, “Lol, I know I said these guys might seem bad but we’re actually lucky to have them.” 
Which is a fascinating concept! Some unpleasant things might be necessary to ensure a peaceful world? If the Volturi weren’t around, someone worse would take control and humans would all be slaves to the Romanians and Egyptians in seriously dystopian conditions? 
Like... that’s what made me fall in love with them in the first place. That fascinating world of gray. Dark gray, mind you. But still gray.  
But then, SMeyer had to ruin it in Breaking Dawn (and subsequent books) by saying: “SIKE they’re actually Neutral Evil hypocrites for cheap, boring drama.”  
And all this, to build-up to a battle that didn’t even happen.
I know a lot of people don’t like them for various reasons. Or might think their secret corruption is more interesting than them following their own rules. But I personally think reducing them from the complicated, violent and cruel but objectively necessary position they occupied down to “lol they’re the bad guys who only want world domination like every other boring fantasy villain you’ve ever met” is just... an injustice. 
And, well, I’ve been a Volturi stan since like 2006. So you can pry Lawful Neutral Volturi out of my cold dead hands.  
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
LOL, quick jaunt over to Marvel land, to engage in a rant about one of my very specific Bobby Drake pet peeves, but good God, this one has been around forever.
I don’t expect comic book writers to have a master’s degree in physics or whatever, but I mean, I’m a college drop out myself, and it doesn’t take a PhD to remember that cold is not an energy.
Its the absence of an energy. It results from thermal energy leaving an area. You don’t produce cold. You take away heat.
Ergo, mutant powers and high tech armor that absorb energy as a defense should not be in any way, shape or form protected against Bobby’s powers - if anything, he should be the ultimate defense and offense against them.
Because he doesn’t ‘shoot ice beams,’ he doesn’t project cold energy that they can then absorb and like, suck up the energy that his powers produce...his powers are moving energy in the opposite direction! He’s the ultimate absorption power/tech! Any time there are Sentinels that are adapted to absorb energy attacks, or there are villains with that powerset, or with energy-draining tech....none of that should in any way be able to stop him from simply using his powers to drain the heat energy from the area, plummeting the temperature until it’s all entombed in ice from whatever ambient moisture’s in the area he freezes. Or if there isn’t enough moisture, simply dropping temperatures until the machinery or armor is brittle enough to crack or shatter.
Like, this is basic stuff. What’s the point in making a big deal about the omega level powers of a guy that’s been around for sixty years, if in all that time barely anyone who writes him can bother to learn the most fundamental things about how hot and cold work? 
No, fire should not be the Iceman’s ultimate weakness, lmao, because the Iceman doesn’t need actual water or ice to put out a fire, he can simply just move the thermokinetic energy around until the fire being fired at him goes bye-bye, because he took all the thermal energy away. 
Also, he’s quite definitively done this before. Mike Carey at least tried doing some new things with his powers, and showed how Bobby could basically turn off the powers of mutants with fire powers or even just powers that relied on chemical reactions igniting...because his command of thermodynamic forces, or at least his outright neutralization of them, meant he could keep Sunfire from generating the plasma he bases his name on. 
Like, Bobby was just like lol no, and kept the dude who projects thermal energy at the same temperatures as the sun from using his powers at all by simply going..."yeah but what if I just don’t let it get any hotter no matter how much plasma you try and generate? Whatcha gonna do then, Shiro?” And it turned out, what Shiro did then was nada, because all the literal firepower in the world doesn’t mean squat when a guy who violates the laws of thermodynamics for goofs sits on all the thermal energy in the vicinity and goes “nah, nobody’s getting up until I say so.”
Similarly, no, being in a desert or some location with very little ambient moisture in the air shouldn’t in any way be a hindrance to Bobby, limit his powers or make him weaker, because he doesn’t just make ice, and never has...its simply the most common and efficient usage and combination of his dual powerset....which is thermokinesis and hydrokinesis. 
I know he’s hardly ever referenced as having the latter, and its not like he’s ever been shown moving water itself around like a waterbender or Hydro-Man, but its a necessary part of his powerset to do the things he does. He forms ice in highly specific shapes, and the only way he can do that is if he’s not only dropping the temperature and freezing things (thermokinesis). He has to be at the same time moving water molecules into the specific arrangements and patterns needed in order for his freezing of those water molecules to result in the specific ice configurations and shapes he makes all the time. 
There’s absolutely no way his power could ever work the way its always shown to if he doesn’t have the ability to mentally manipulate the placement of water molecules, even if he’s not consciously directing them into the shapes he’s picturing in his mind when he makes ice shapes. 
Point being, just because he usually uses his powers in the specific combination that results in him freezing water, specifically, and forming ice, specifically...doesn’t mean he’s ever been limited to that. His thermokinesis works perfectly well without him directing it at water molecules in specific, and this too has been long established. 
Its not like water is the only thing that freezes. Everything freezes if you get things cold enough. Bobby’s the walking equivalent of liquid nitrogen, even though he’s hardly ever used that way (ironically, it was Claremont who first showed him using his powers this way, which is funny to me because Claremont famously hates his character and usually nerfs him every opportunity he gets, like, purely out of annoyance that he exists, lol). 
But I mean, he quite literally can make even the strongest metals shatter without even touching them, by just flash-freezing his environs and letting everything go kabloo-ey under its own weight, once the rapid reduction of thermodynamic reactions makes even metal’s structural integrity go ruh-roh and then like....just collapse.
Even without taking things in that direction, the whole ‘put Bobby in a desert and he’s useless against the bad guys’ trope has always been dumb purely because of the fact that the human body is largely made up of water. As long as there’s anyone around him, it doesn’t matter how much or how little ambient moisture is in the air...he can just as easily focus his powers on just the moisture in peoples’ bodies. And it doesn’t have to be big or flashy or dramatic either, he doesn’t have to rip the moisture out of them and use it to make ice like he did in that one arc with the demons that we pretend didn’t happen because Chuck Austen was a mistake....like....all someone with Bobby’s powerset has to do when faced with living human beings and not a lot of surplus moisture in the air is just...drop the temperature of the bodies around him, nudge them towards hypothermic conditions. 
*Shrugs* Things get cold enough, the blood flow in a human body starts to slow down, eventually they pass out. If you can control how quickly the temperature drops and how much that temperature change is focused most specifically on the parts of the body most dependent on moisture and biochemical reactions that require thermal energy to catalyze or function, you can make that happen very quickly. 
Hell, they write Magneto using his powers to control the iron in peoples’ blood, slow the flow of blood to their brains and knock them out that way. Its really the same basic principle with Bobby’s powers, just asserting a little pressure on the moisture in peoples’ blood to produce the same effect. If anything, it should be easier for Bobby not because of different power levels, now that they’re both confirmed as omega level, but rather simply because there’s more water in the human body than there is iron. Everything Erik can do directly to human attackers, Bobby should be able to do even more easily, purely because he has more to work with directly. 
LOL sorry, but this is where my critical-ness manifests most with Bobby’s writing. Scott, Dick, Kyle, I have actual Issues with how they’re written and received....Bobby, other than how various writers handle his sexuality or don’t, as the case may be....my ire is really ultimately just Nerd Ire. Because it makes me cranky that you give a guy one of the single most versatile powersets in superhero comics, make a point to establish that this dude’s powers are amped all the way up to the literal highest degree possible in comics, with virtually no limitations on the ways he can use them or the scope he can apply them to......
And then you do practically nothing with them, beyond the same handful of basic tricks that he’s been doing for decades, like that’s the sum total of his abilities or the only possible applications, when that’s really barely even the tip of the iceberg, yes pun intended. I admitted I was a Nerd, get with the program.
I honestly don’t give a shit about him being The Most Powerfulest Ever, especially since it results in him being sidelined more than he’s used, just because writers don’t want to deal with why Bobby can’t just....snap his fingers and start the next Ice Age and be like all done here, let’s go home. But it is Irksome when you tantalize me with the possibilities inherent in a superpower and then continue to use that power in the most dull way imaginable instead of just going nuts with it, because I am at the end of the day, above all other things a Superpower Nerd and like. Superpowers are so fucking cool, why must writers insist on not using them in cool and unique and interesting ways, and instead just being all....and then the one character shot a laser at the other and a third character punched everyone else super hard with their superstrength and that’s it, that’s the end. Until next time, intrepid adventurers!
Sigh. Its just so booooooring. And like, death by a thousand papercuts, lol, every time a writer clearly thinks they’re on to something when they come up with a ‘workaround’ to essentially neutralize Bobby in a fight or sideline him, so that his omega-ness or whatever doesn’t make everyone else’s present irrelevant before he solos the situation. And I get that, but this is not the solution they’re looking for, and hasn’t been the last hundred times they used it either, its just like. Please, please, please, even just wiki source how ice and cold work for a change. Its not rock, paper, scissors, where like, fire and heat automatically beat ice, lmfao. Its like nails on a chalkboard, seeing behind the page to like, how proud you can tell that writer is for their ‘solution’ to Bobby’s uber-poweredness, while meanwhile, I’m just like...dudes, that does not work the way you are trying to claim it works, and its making it really hard to suspend my disbelief. 
Which you would think would not be that hard, given that I’m talking about a comic book with superpowers, but if you’re gonna do superpowers, at least do them in a way that makes some sense, which is not, in fact: “fire is the greatest weapon against the guy whose power is more accurately described as eats thermal energy and shits out ice cubes.”
Its literally the other way around, uggggggggh. Same with energy absorption being trotted out constantly to beat or neutralize the guy whose power is literally the opposite of energy projection. As Bobby is himself, actually, technically, ironically, the ultimate omega level energy absorption mutant, albeit primarily focused on thermal energy specifically. 
(Though of course, at the base levels that Bobby’s powers have repeatedly been shown to operate at, all energy is fundamentally the same anyway, so even that qualifier isn’t quite applicable. Hey, don’t look at me, I’m not the one who decided to make the dude omega level and then define that as meaning the uttermost expression of a particular mutant powerset, with no apex ceiling or limit on their usage or scope. Maybe you guys should’ve put like, ten minutes of actual research into why water is cited as one of the basic primary building blocks of carbon based organic life, and how the kind of control over thermal energy Bobby’s powers require in order to even function at their most basic levels, once unrestricted in scope or degree, like....pretty much results in limitless applications across the board).
I mean shit, in a lot of ways, Bobby’s kinda the mutant embodiment of a physically realized Maxwell’s Demon. And if you put some thought into how that particular thought experiment could effect reality were anyone actually capable of creating a mechanism for violating the laws of thermodynamics in the specific ways postulated by good old JCM back in the 1800s, Bobby’s powers would really be less "hey check it out, I make ice and cool people off on a hot summer’s day" and more like "lol, Proteus who? Legion what? Wanda where? Phoenix, please!"
....oh shit, whoops, now I’m thinking about how Wanda’s powers when amped up to allow her to pull off the House of M reality warp, like, were basically defined as the ultimate expression of chaos magick/chaos energies, the psychic harnessing of entropy itself, using Wanda’s basic probability manipulations to hack quantum possibilities themselves and superimpose the pictured reality of her choice over her current reality at a quantum level.....and whereas if you look at Bobby’s powers in the vein of Maxwell’s Demon, and the theoretical applications for decreasing entropy, like...huh. Whoops, I think I just accidentally made my brain explode, hang on, I gotta think about this now.
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