neopronouns · 6 months
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flag id: three flags with 5 stripes, with the second and fourth being twice the size of the rest. the left flag's stripes are light red-pink, dark blue, sky blue, light sky blue, and light yellow. the middle flag's stripes are light sky blue, dark red-pink, red-pink, light red-pink, and light yellow. the right flag's stripes are light sky blue, golden brown, yellow, light yellow, and light red-pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
torwen | trixnem | trumwem
torwen: an orientation in which one is primarily/frequently attracted to men and rarely attracted to women and nonbinary folks
trixnem: an orientation in which one is primarily/frequently attracted to women and rarely attracted to men and nonbinary folks
trumwem: an orientation in which one is primarily/frequently attracted to nonbinary folks and rarely attracted to women and men
[pt: torwen: an orientation in which one is primarily/frequently attracted to men and rarely attracted to women and nonbinary folks
trixnem: an orientation in which one is primarily/frequently attracted to women and rarely attracted to men and nonbinary folks
trumwem: an orientation in which one is primarily/frequently attracted to nonbinary folks and rarely attracted to women and men. end pt]
anon asked for the first term and i figured i'd coin its counterparts! these are similar to toro/triniy/ebilo, but with one being primarily attracted to one gender and rarely to two rather than the other way around.
the flags are in the same format as the toro and triniy flags, with the inner three stripes representing the gender one is frequently attracted to and the outer two representing the genders one is rarely attracted to. the terms use 'tor', 'trix', and 'trum', which are latin masculine, feminine, and neutral suffixes respectively, and the first letters of 'men', 'women', and 'nonbinary' separated by an 'e' at the end.
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @orientation-archive, @narcette, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai | dni link
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Welsh and Old English forenames
Adhel Adnorhuw Adolcmær Adyne Aelynn Aldric Aldrion Aldwy Aldæg Alhhan Alion Allini Aninghead Anlyniad Anmod Anwulf Aradfric Arddaf Arona Arvis Arwan Arwegard Aryne Astan Augwige Aurgant Aurion Aurond Auruffys...
Beadog Beadry Beary Bebeor Beodris Beofwig Beolm Beornwen Beoruffa Beoryth Berecg Berefric Bereth Berewis Berhirad Berhtmund Berlyn Beron Bervyth Beryne Bevine Birlafyd Bleorth Blodmun Blodrys Blowac Bloyse Bradfrys Brawen Brawryn Briant Bælfrida Caderhth Cadgiefri Cadgy Cadorwulf Cadro Cadræd Cadwin Cainghed Cairawr Carno Carwynon Ceiraine Ceiriht Celafyd Celys Cemryn Ceofwen Ceofweno Ceolræ Ceorys Ceres Ciran Clenna Cleormund Coelinghn Coelyn Colcwin Conaminor Coniamed Conwacon Conwen Conwyn Cradno Crain Crawen Criceri Cynemry Cyngui Cynis Cynor Danwalys Dellis Delywen Deorce Derees Derefric Derht Deric Deriona Deweald Dewen Dewinlys Dewynifu Dilia Dreth Dryht Duffin Duffitt Dægegarno Dægen Eadoc Eadwend Eadwyn Eaffi Eagmundoc Eahmunric Eahwyn Ealia Eanwen Eardbe Earid Earnifine Earnwen Earobald Earona Earwenno Earyð Eaven Eavine Ebryhtno Ecgbeadhe Ecgbedrys Ecghervin Ecgwalhha Eilwend Eilynd Einer Einerhian Eiran Eiric Eiron Eirwy Eladward Elanna Elfwyn Elgarfri Elgarlyr Elgiefu Elhiwald Elmon Elodry Elonan Elond Elsianis Elsigan Eluan Elundan Elwelwyn Elwen Elynne Elyrht Emlyne Emunsig Eneth Eodwead Eofri Eofwen Eohstige Eorht Eoræd Estano Eswig Euline Eurganto Eurys Ffinen Flaela Fordwen Friarwy Fridhund Gantorug Garan Garand Garard Garewulf Garnwulf Garon Gavis Gerht Gewulfsig Glacerht Glafyd Gleor Glestio Glien Gline Godwulf Gofriano Gofwen Golyn Gridheuan Grugaren Grugart Gulfric Gwacen Gwald Gwarefris Gweald Gweastig Gwegberi Gwelwy Gwena Gwenber Gwend Gwenna Gwenys Gwils Gwilyn Gwine Gwingwen Gwinwenno Gwyne Hanwine Heada Headana Headmun Headwulf Heald Heale Healhine Hearfrund Hearge Hearwen Hefry Heiri Helin Helodmod Helwidwi Herawd Hered Herhian Herhth Herhtwulf Herhyn Heuan Honon Huffina Huffion Hunbeoræd Hundberon Hwynewig Iefri Iolodron Ivorht Ivoryð Iwales Jachno Kenewilig Kunys Lafan Lecolm Leorg Leorht Leoric Leortan Ligeren Listard Llacelt Llacona Llafwild Llaweard Llegwen Llelwy Llion Llyniarg Lynstan Maboys Maceolm Machald Madberic Madmund Madsiane Maelwulf Mairic Mairiono Mannan Maran Mardd Marhtmæri Marwen Megar Meine Menne Merewint Merht Merilstai Meswen Mesyllion Mialdhund Miliad Miliri Milish Millt Milwend Modmund Modylwyn Morhter Mornod Mornwenne Mwynge Mwynwulwy Myfin Myfion Nonsin Obalun Obeofa Obeorg Ohswin Olegy Ollano Orgarrawn Osfric Osganerl Osigen Osiono Oslaitt Osmorg Osmorug Osmundoc Ostan Oswearth Oswig Oswild Oswilys Owald Owearvyth Peren Perhund Plecgwiht Plegydd Pleod Plewi Plewyn Pryht Pwyne Remlyn Rherio Rhilis Rhiric Rhisige Rhonswig Rhtan Rhtmund Rhtmær Rhtno Rhtnod Rhtwig Rynflæd Scian Sciric Sciron Scmær Sexrere Siaredoc Siarno Sigen Sigend Siger Sigerhod Sigewen Staine Sulfgant Sweado Sæberyth Sæmunia Særmon Sæwigstan Sæwiht Sæwulfno Tanwen Taranne Tatwenno Teryce Torht Torwen Tosmundo Toswe Trawegar Under Urweard Waldas Waleurg Weadræd Wealana Weald Wenian Whydd Whyne Widwulf Willwyn Wilrigeal Wilyno Wineryth Winhelwyn Winnant Winwean Wionwen Wuffitt Wulfge Wulfgeth Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfsig Wulis Wulwyn Wærben Wærmeils Wærmodry Ægburwyn Ægemryn Ægmund Ælfgen Ælfgengu Ælfri Ælfrid Ælfwenna Æsceiran Æscen Æsculf Æthin Æthund Æðelbeth Æðelm
Same thing, but longer names
Adbeare Adweadhere Aenrian Aerawd Aervythræd Aetran Aetrychafric Afwige Aldard Aldarnor Aldgilstrian Aldwendoc Aldythiadwyn Alfgerecgwyn Alhiang Alhilwend Anwingui Anwulf Ardricerht Argaerhiward Arther Astian Ateron Augargn Augheald Balanghere Beadburgarn Beadiand Bealegmund Bealynfen Bearvyth Beberic Beddyl Beohtwulf Beolwenith Beolym Beorhowen Beorht Beoric Beorwenifed Beredyfion Bereweleow Berhorhtry Berhtan Berhth Berhtwulfri Berhund Berhygeth Beridherht Bleganwenys Blodwith Bloyddyth Bradhun Braine Branwig Brynsig Bælfherhiran Cadfrige Cadwearri Cadwin Cairobatnor Caradwulu Carawr Carfris Carmestri Carnebraint Carran Cartan Catwen Ceadoc Ceilyn Celadbervine Cemodræd Cendarwen Cenric Ceornog Cereoreir Cerhaf Ceriona Cerlym Cerona Cirlys Ciroslaceiri Cirwear Coelan Colbered Coleod Collined Collth Colwulf Consianto Culfgare Cynetradgar Cynewealt Cynewigard Cynfyn Cyngwen Cyngwyn Cynhanna Cynwilis Deiraine Deliald Denodre Deofmærburys Deolyne Deorhor Derhund Drynelyr Duddund Duddynmon Duffin Duffion Dufonwenne Duwend Dægberhtmuni Dægeben Dægmun Eadbeor Eadgarawen Eadgard Eadnona Eadron Eadsig Eadwigered Eadwion Eagmune Eahberht Eahmund Eahræd Eahwulf Ealdeoht Ealdgairic Ealine Eardwyn Earnian Earnwulunydi Earoswig Eartanin Earwac Earwealdwen Earwen Earwulfgard Earyce Eastyn Ecgber Ecgbere Ecgfry Ecgmun Ecgmune Ecgwayn Ecgwen Ecgwingen Ecgwynwent Eifana Eiffion Eilistan Eilræd Eilyner Einemunbenn Eirawn Eiriffyno Eirwyelwin Eirwynheald Elachafwen Elawenric Elbeard Elesyla Elgarnwenwen Elgarwelm Elhinnbeadgy Elhstan Elhstanodwr Elhstin Elhswen Ellwilrefu Elmorceir Elonstatno Elowarwen Elridwin Elweno Elwuligulf Elwynes Elyngui Emlyne Emlynnemær Emlywenine Emryhtno Emunda Enbeornwion Eodmun Eoflæd Eofriadbat Eofryn Eofwidfric Eofwiliant Eofwin Eorhel Eorilis Eormon Eormor Eorthillod Eowall Erherhunwen Erhtwulf Estanan Fflananne Ffydilys Follen Gaineth Ganmodgan Gannandbald Garadsigen Garair Gardwulf Gargarnor Garlaf Garnwena Garweald Gavenna Gerhor Giangerhiana Gladberys Gladganweal Gladwulfdelm Glegberht Glewulurysen Godricerht Godræd Gofmæri Gofrynes Gofwild Golcmær Golodwen Gructi Grugarnwen Gwalen Gweaditt Gweadog Gweald Gwealdre Gwealt Gweanwen Gwearai Gwearan Gwearwen Gwelwen Gwenfere Gwenna Gweofricbeor Gwinelræd Gwineslai Gwynan Gwynfyn Hacelwenbead Hanwen Harwyn Headbe Headgard Headmær Headoc Headwulf Healdæge Heallund Hearanne Hearwen Helgilm Heluctige Heohstig Heorychan Herecolm Hereestan Heresigenda Herhtmærbur Herhun Herynfydd Heulfryn Hlonwulf Hostafwen Hrædrædwenys Hunberemund Hundber Hunetheard Hunith Hunnesinesen Hunweadno Huwenwine Hwulfsig Hygerht Ianedund Iengen Ifithry Inetherht Iolleng Iolwynfyddan Ionanog Ionwello Ionwenys Ionwinerht Ivorgar Jacolwenia Jestyn Laconine Lafric Lechnosfric Leduddairifu Legartaith Legburht Legnord Lelwehelfsia Lesionwald Leulunden Liadno Lleofræd Llewulf Lliric Mabond Maboyd Maboys Machowartan Madwulf Malafwion Marmund Marona Matnor Meddai Melwearwyne Merhth Merhtmun Mestan Mestid Meswena Meswinesenne Miardian Monweare Mornis Munstane Mwynno Myfinewyn Nebeandbald Obaleofrice Ohstanwen Ohtmunberht Ordweadoc Orhowr Orhtrys Orhtsig Osigen Oswend Petrewulf Petrys Plechn Pledwen Pleofno Pleofnon Regarged Rerhian Rhianwac Rhildhelwen Rhilræd Rhorhowr Rhtantorgifi Rhtatedol Rhtmun Rhtmund Rhtnos Rhtremryne Rhtrugar Rhtræd Rhundbeald Ronwegn Sciaran Scmæri Sianrilstant Sigerht Sigerædwin Sighair Stafyddynina Stigen Stionwulflæd Sulferic Sweanwen Swenys Sæbeor Sæmunburic Sæmundo Sæwayn Tafwin Taldhelm Tangwarwe Tanlyn Teremun Teslyn Testige Torceina Tordic Torhtgarnhaf Tosfria Tosmundol Toswiht Trugwenric Ugheren Undbald Unnerenbeben Vanrethron Weadwealth Wenined Wigend Wigent Wigewenburg Wihtno Wihtrug Wildar Wineild Winelmornwen Wineth Wulenian Wuleodmunri Wulfen Wulfgarwen Wulfgia Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfrild Wulfwites Wulfyd Wulirwen Wynewulfrice Wærburoban Wærmorughno Ægbecgberhis Ægbeor Ægeris Ælfwen Ælfwinish Ælfwyne Ællawn Ællurht Æscmærbeald Æthealhsti Ætherht Æthufor Æðelafred Æðelwena Æðelwulf
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bwlford · 6 years
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Our Welsh Mountain Badgerface Torwen ewes are incredibly inquisitive, and cute!
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breadandthread · 2 years
New ep!
Our new episode is a return to heritage sheep breeds. We cover the soay, american tunis, badger faced welsh mountain (torddu and torwen), and Navajo-churro
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madeofmagicandblood · 3 years
Hello-hello again! :3 Thanks A LOT for such a quick and detailed answer❤️ And aaaah the characters you’ve created🤤 Can’t wait to make 4+ MCs to romance all of them!!! And who’s that ???? person? Not gonna lie at first I thought it was a puppy (first three parts of their facts sure seemed as if you were talking about some cute loyal pet LOL) and then I noticed romantic info about them and went ‘oww it’s a person... a NEW RO’ 🤭👀🔥 I know it’s probably spoilery but is it the person who set up our “crime” and arrest? Was it them who stole our powers???👀👀👀 They are suspicious, VERY suspicious (especially that “Playing with MC” part), and I’m SO hyped up!!
And how do you think what romantic tropes would best describe each RO route? (I mean, Eli is obviously childhood friends to lovers haha and I reckon Henrick would be something like enemies to lovers / slowburn, but no idea about the other two!)
Also, in your pinned post you said that the MC and Eli are crossing the third kingdom. What are the names of all three kingdoms? How do authorities treat mages on their territory? Seeing as magic powers can be very dangerous it your universe is there some sort of orden that seeks out magic endowed people to isolate them from society?
And please don’t say that I’m your only friend! :3 There are other active followers who are interested in your work, but they may be shy or too busy with real life to drop by and send an ask! Soon summer breaks/vacations will come and you’ll get a whole lot of messages and attention (it always happens during summertime LOL!) ❤️🧡💛
😂😂😂💓💓💓💓 Thank you so much for the questions, I loved getting even more into the minds of my babies 😍😍
Hmmm a cute and loyal pet… I will not lie, they can see Mc that way (at least for a while) and as for the rest … I can only say that they are close enough to Mc to do this and that they have power to do it !! But … for what reason ?!
Hmmm..good question, let me think …
Sabina: well, she and mc already have a past, and you can decide if it's romantic or not, anyway the mood will be tense initially .. so .. rivals to lovers?
And about ??? I don't know how to define yet … um … your worst nightmare to lovers? 🤣🤣🤣 
Henrick: Enemies to lovers 
Elijah/Elise: Childhood to lovers 
Well .. there are five kingdoms in total, which will appear in the books but I will keep the other two secret for now .. So they are just: Azadia, Olivera and Torwen.
They are treated as prisoners on parole (sorry for comparison) they are monitored since birth by kingdom officials who keep records of all their magicians' activities (because of that Eli and MC had to leave after the incident) Magicians are seen as the most dangerous supernaturals due to the extent that their powers can reach so they are treated with suspicion and a certain hostility (varies from kingdom to kingdom)
The land of kirah is the place with the highest rate of magicians, but it is not so easy to get to this place even if it is magical. If it were up to the authorities the magicians would stay there and only there … but there are certain requirements to be accepted there. However, those who do not go to kirah can live in society …. for the time being.
Hahaha here are the winter vacations approaching (I can't wait to take a break) 🤣
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golden-reedwolf · 4 years
Never going to happen but in an ideal world I’d love to have a smallholding and raise native and rare breed sheep. Primarily badger-faced welsh mountain sheep as they’re my favourite breed. I’d have a mixed flock of both the Torddu (my fav)
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And the Torwen
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Also border leicesters cause bunny ears!
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camdennightingale · 3 years
"Cream and sugar please!"
"Got it." Torwen gave him a thumbs up, "Zed? Coffee?"
"As black and as bitter as my soul!"
"Cream, milk, and seven sugars?"
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melonthep00p · 8 years
Thorntree Torwen (the Lieutenant of the Autumn Spire) and Nalistri. They would be so perfect owo. They both an owl campion and lost an arm...
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m4gf1sh · 6 years
I'm scared, sad, and wish that tumblr would fix they're stuff instead of making things worst. families are torwen apart, everything's a mess. I Hope you and you blog/'s make it out okay.
i dont think the staff would make it even better, they’re only specialized on “fixing” just to making it worse. like that one malay proverb, like rats trying to fix the pumpkin. 
it’s a shame that they literally did that but im not that suprised at all bc this place is a shitshow btw 
however, it’s also a shame to bc despite all of shits happening, i do really like this place despite me hating tumblr most of the time. like finding new friends, cool art, shitpost and many more. as if there are gold beneath the dirt
also i do heard there’s like a new website that’s even better than tumblr called pillowfort from what do i heard 
if mine got taken down guess im going to post all some content on different sites like twitter, deviantart, instagram etc. then ¯\_😔_/¯
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neopronouns · 6 months
Is there a difference between maflexible and torwen?
maflexible doesn't specify what gender(s) one is sometimes attracted to, just that they're typically attracted to men, while torwen does
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torwen · 12 years
Dear Tori,
You're such a shitty little bitch. Self righteous and desperate to fuck up everything. You cling to people as you chase them of the cliff with your crazy attachment issues. Always fucking for attention and simulated happiness. Don't you know by now, you're only doing this to yourself? You're fucking yourself, whore.
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