#Tora Ora
nkdk-kelp · 2 years
My son and his husband (materialised)
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pururin · 2 years
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99 notes · View notes
hunieday · 8 months
TEA Take - Shuffle unit Event Story Translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Nanase Riku: Everyone watching the video, good evening! Ready... set...
TEA Take: It's "TEA take"!
Yaotome Gaku: "8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project"!
Momo: Celebrating the formation of our limited time unit! The "Ask this and that!?" edition!
Mido Torao: "TEA take"’s version! Let’s get it started!
TEA Take: Yay!
Mido Torao: Well then, let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members.
Mido Torao: "TEA take" members, are you getting along well?
Mido Torao: ...is our first question. What do you think?
Momo: Do we?
Nanase Riku: Do we get along?
Yaotome Gaku: Do we now?
Mido Torao: Why are you all pointing at me?
Yaotome Gaku: We had many opportunities to work with IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale.
Nanase Riku: Oh, that’s why! Mido-san, you're being polite because you’re the MC!
Mido Torao: You’re right. I told you I definitely shouldn’t be the MC.
Yaotome Gaku: And we told you it’s fine. You’re getting quite used to it.
Nanase Riku: Your polite speech is refreshing~!
Mido Torao: But you know that Momo-san is right here.
Momo: I want to see my juniors shine as well! But as you can see, it's kinda chaotic here.
Nanase Riku: I get it! It's fun! It feels different from IDOLiSH7, but it's comfortable.
Mido Torao: Yeah. It’s relaxing in a good way.
Momo: By the way, Tora-chan. You were shutting yourself out pretty hard at the start! Or the door to your heart at least!
Mido Torao: No, that's not it. How do I say it…I was just observing the situation…
Yaotome Gaku: You were nervous, weren’t you?
Mido Torao: No, not really...
Nanase Riku: I was nervous too! About Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Seriously!?
Nanase Riku: I was! Because there's no one like you in IDOLiSH7.
Nanase Riku: What do you call it again? The "Orya Orya" type?
Momo: You mean the “Ora ora” type?
Nanase Riku: Yes! The domineering type...
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase, didn't you call me something similar beforehand?
Nanase Riku: The "Orya Orya" type?
Yaotome Gaku: Like a domineering kinda guy. You were scared of me at first, right?
Nanase Riku: Rather than scared, I thought of you as an enemy.
Yaotome Gaku: An enemy?
Nanase Riku: Well you know, because I had the image of someone who took Tenn-nii...Kujo-san away from me...
Mido Torao: Uhhh...
Mido Torao: Well then, let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members!
Nanase Riku: Please do!!
Mido Torao: The question is, "TEA take" members, are you getting along well? What do you guys think?
Momo: We’re getting along very well.
Yaotome Gaku: We very much are. What about you, Mido?
Mido Torao: I feel like we do. I was a little nervous at first.
Momo: I heard that Riku was also nervous about Torao?
Nanase Riku: Ah, that’s right... there’s really no “orya orya” type of guy in IDOLiSH7.
Mido Torao: ...w...why "rya" specifically…
Nanase Riku: ...W-What’s wrong?! You suddenly covered your face! Are you crying?!
Momo: He’s not crying, don’t worry. Tora-chan is shaking from laughter.
Yaotome Gaku: Ah, it’s the “orya orya”.
Momo: Because he said “orya orya”.
Nanase Riku: Ah…I’m glad you’re okay…
Mido Torao: …heh…heh...ha…
Momo: He’s holding back his laughter.
Yaotome Gaku: He’s quite earnest.
Momo: So he has an earnest side too.
Nanase Riku: Even though he’s an orya orya guy.
Momo: Oh. It’s so over.
Momo: Well then, the great senior Momo-chan from Re:vale will take the lead!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Please…!!
Momo: In order to get to know each other better, let’s take this opportunity to ask each other questions! 
Momo: Let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members~
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yay!
Momo: The question is, "TEA take" members, are you getting along well…
Momo: Who here thinks we’re getting along well!
Nanase Riku: Me!
Yaotome Gaku: Me!
Mido Torao: Me!
Momo: We’re all really good friends! Next question!
Yaotome Gaku: Wait a sec. Aren’t we going too fast?
Momo: This question is causing a lot of accidents. Let’s just move on from it as quick as possible…
Mido Torao: I'm sorry, seriously...
Nanase Riku: Don't worry about it, Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Wait a damn minute, one of them was YOUR fault!
Momo: The friendly atmosphere will be compromised if we fight!? People might think we're feigning it for business!?
Momo: In that case, quickly share stories about our friendship, Gaku!
Yaotome Gaku: What!? Out of nowhere...!?
Yaotome Gaku: ...
Yaotome Gaku: Oh right, so I was naked during the costume fitting…
Momo: Let the great senior Momo-chan of Re:vale take over!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yay!
Momo: Leading with a partition of love and courage!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yay!
Momo: We're going to ask everyone some questions!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: We’ll be in your care…!!
Momo: In order to get to know each other better, let’s take this opportunity to ask each other questions! 
Momo: Uh…Let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members, are you getting along well?
Nanase Riku: We’ve become good friends! I love you all!
Yaotome Gaku: Yes, we have. I've worked with Momo-san and Nanase before.
Yaotome Gaku: But I’ve become especially friendly with Mido, I think I got to know his personality and work attitude through this job.
Mido Torao: Thank you very much. I feel the same way.
Momo: But it was fun, right? We enjoyed spending our time together. You’re comfortable to be around.
Nanase Riku: I think so too! Everyone is so kind and easygoing.
Yaotome Gaku: We didn't have to worry too much.
Mido Torao: You could say that.
Momo: Fufufu... There's a reason for that. And Momo-chan knows it.
Yaotome Gaku: Ohh! What is it?
Momo: It's a surprise! I’ll reveal it as we go through everyone’s questions!
Nanase Riku: I'm curious!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m looking forward to it.
Momo: Alright, shall we start with Riku? Do you have a question you wanna ask us?
Nanase Riku: Yes! My question for everyone is...
Nanase Riku: How can I become cooler?
Momo: You’re asking now!? 
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase is asking that!?
Mido Torao: I was born this way...
Nanase Riku: Somehow the three of you here specifically are the coolest!
Momo: Specifically!? Momo-chan is the coolest in Re:vale!?
Nanase Riku: That's right. Yuki-san is cool too, of course.
Nanase Riku: But the more you get to know him, the fluffier he gets…
Yaotome Gaku: Oh, I get it. The cool part is seriously cool though.
Nanase Riku: Yes! Both of them are cool though!
Nanase Riku: The more I get to know Momo-san, the cooler I think you are.
Momo: Huh, I'm so happy! I’m flustered!
Nanase Riku: Yaotome-san, Mido-san! You two are cool in a straightforward way!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you.
Mido Torao: Thanks.
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase is cool too, though. I feel like we had a similar conversation before.
Nanase Riku: Oh, right. I think we did! It's not that I’m insecure, but the song...
Yaotome Gaku: The song?
Nanase Riku: Our song for "TEA take" sounds like something you’d escort your guest with style while playing it, doesn’t it?
Nanase Riku: That's right! maybe that's why I thought of Momo-san and not Yuki-san.
Momo: Ah! An escort!
Mido Torao: Ah... that guy doesn’t seem like he’d be good at it...
Yaotome Gaku: No, but he's very hospitable. He's a great cook as well.
Momo: Yup! Darling is super hospitable!
Momo: But I get what Riku and Torao mean. You mean a stylish escort like we see in movies, right?
Nanase Riku: That's right! Someone like our group’s Nagi.
Momo: That guy is cool isn’t he!
Nanase Riku: I think Yaotome-san and Mido-san fit the job as well.
Yaotome Gaku: Well, we're manly.
Mido Torao: You just gotta be put together, right?
Momo: That's not true. You gotta take the lead with more consideration...wait a minute, Tora-chan, you’re the youngest brother right?!
Mido Torao: Y-Yes.
Momo: I totally see it! You give off strong little brother vibes!
Mido Torao: Wuh, really...?
Momo: I get it because I’m also the youngest brother. This is what I was trying to say earlier! Riku is also the younger brother, right?
Nanase Riku: That's right! Oh, wait a minute... so everyone here except for Yaotome-san is a younger brother?
Mido Torao: Ohh?
Momo: That's right!
Yaotome Gaku: Now that I think about it, the three of you somehow have similar vibes.
Mido Torao: Seriously? Where...?
Yaotome Gaku: ...You kinda...
Yaotome Gaku: You have that charm.
Nanase Riku & Momo & Mido Torao: Charm...
Yaotome Gaku: You act like spoiled children.
Momo: Spoiled children...
Nanase Riku: Spoiled children, huh...
Mido Torao: Spoiled children...?
Yaotome Gaku: Today, before this recording. We all probably received the same script right?
Nanase Riku: Yes, probably…
Yaotome Gaku: Did you read through it beforehand or did you just stuff it in your bag?
Mido Torao: Well I stuffed it. 
Yaotome Gaku: You sure did.
Yaotome Gaku: The three of you asked me to show it to you.
Nanase Riku: I did…!
Momo: So did I! Since you’re so diligent…!
Mido Torao: Me too… my bad. I just happened to see you hold one….
Yaotome Gaku: It's okay. Don't worry about it. I’m not complaining about it, just thought that you guys are similar in that regard.
Momo: I do everything perfectly when Yuki is around…! Otherwise I’m a pretty big slacker?!
Momo: So, when TRIGGER is around, I ask for TRIGGER’s help with everything…
Nanase Riku: I know how you feel! TRIGGER feels like that kinda group, right?
Mido Torao: What kinda group is that…
Momo: Don't worry, Torao. Nowadays ZOOL feels like that kind of group to me as well.
Mido Torao: What do you mean!?
Nanase Riku: Natsume-san does everything, right? I'm always grateful to him.
Mido Torao: What and how does he help you normally…?
Momo: In my case, even though I’m reliable, I like to rely on Iori as well. It’s impressive since he’s still a minor too…
Nanase Riku: I'm sure Iori would be very sarcastic even with a senior. He doesn’t care about whether or not they’re older than him.
Yaotome Gaku: Re:vale is also really strong during performances. They are also amazing at ad-libbing.
Yaotome Gaku: On our end, all three of us are the type who can’t be satisfied until we prepare well.
Momo: Here comes a question from Momo-chan!
Nanase Riku: Oh! Please go ahead!
Momo: Among the members of "TEA take", who would you choose as your little sister?
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Little sister...!?
Momo: To be honest was thinking of asking who would be the older or the younger brother.
Momo: But then I realized you might decide based on age, with me as the older brother and Riku as the younger one.
Yaotome Gaku: Oh, you might be right…
Momo: So, little sister it is! Well then, Tora-chan, you answer first!
Mido Torao: A little... a little sister…? Ah, I really wanted a little sister though...
Mido Torao: ...From within this group, right?
Momo: That's right, big brother!
Nanase Riku: Tora-nii!
Yaotome Gaku: Yo, big bro.
Mido Torao: Don’t “yo big bro” me.
Yaotome Gaku: No good?
Mido Torao: …
Mido Torao: Nanase, maybe...
Nanase Riku: Yaaay!
Momo: Awww, I've been rejected! Can you tell us why?
Mido Torao: The way he said Tora-nii… was kinda cute.
Nanase Riku: Thank you, Tora-nii!
Momo: Alright, next! What about you, Gaku?
Yaotome Gaku: I think it would be Momo-san.
Momo: I’m happy to hear that! Gaku-niichan…!
Mido Torao: You decided on that quickly and with no hesitation. Why’s that?
Yaotome Gaku: It's not like that, Mido.
Mido Torao: Huh?
Yaotome Gaku: Actually, I was torn between you two.
Mido Torao: Huh... I felt oddly giddy...
Nanase Riku: I felt oddly rejected...
Momo: This is TRIGGER's Yaotome Gaku. Even if you think you're used to him, he surprises you with a head-on attack.
Yaotome Gaku: Ahaha. What are you even saying?
Momo: Why did you pick me?
Yaotome Gaku: I feel like I’d be very worried if Nanase were my little sister.
Momo: Ah, that’s how it is!
Yaotome Gaku: But I don't like it when my parents interfere with me too much.
Yaotome Gaku: If I were to be worried about a little sister, I wouldn’t know what to do.
Yaotome Gaku: So, I wanted a little sister like Momo-san who’s strong and well-behaved enough for me not to worry about.
Mido Torao: Don’t make it sound like I’d have behavioral issues.
Nanase Riku: Though I feel like Momo-san as a little sister would definitely be popular. Is that fine by you?
Yaotome Gaku: Even if you were extremely popular, you'd still choose Yuki-san, right? So I’ll rest assured. I’m sure you’d still have a good eye.
Momo: Big brother, you're so wonderful…
Momo: If Gaku had a little sister, finding a boyfriend who’d be better than him would be tough.
Yaotome Gaku: What about you, Nanase? Who would you want as a little sister?
Nanase Riku: Huh!? I wonder who... it's hard to decide...
Nanase Riku: ...Maybe Haruka-kun...?
Momo: I thought we were picking someone from our group?
Mido Torao: You mean Haruka from ŹOOḼ? What’s your reasoning?
Nanase Riku: He’s the same age as Iori and Tamaki. Even though they feel older than me sometimes…
Nanase Riku: But Haruka-kun doesn't feel that way, so I'd like him as a little sister.
Mido Torao: Isn't it impossible for him to be a little sister? That guy’s really cool.
Nanase Riku: Is that so?
Mido Torao: He's totally amazing. The type that drags you along forcefully.
Mido Torao: Right now he's still just a kid, but eventually, nobody might be able to resist him, right?
Yaotome Gaku: Wow! I’m looking forward to seeing what his future looks like!
Momo: That kid has charisma! I felt the same when Tenn-chan appeared too.
Nanase Riku: Tenn... Having Kujo Tenn-san as a little sister would be nice too.
Mido Torao: Please don't dodge the topic so blatantly.
Nanase Riku: Though because I rely on both Momo-san and Yaotome-san too much, it's hard  for me to think of them as little sisters...
Nanase Riku: I guess that leaves me with Mido-san...
Mido Torao: Sorry for not taking care of you.
Nanase Riku: Just kidding, Tora-nii!
Mido Torao: This is bad... I’m starting to find him a bit cute now...
Momo: You’re way too cute Tora-chan, you’re so easy to sway.
Yaotome Gaku: Nobody chose me as a little sister at all.
Yaotome Gaku: Next time, I'll do my best to get my sisterly points.
Mido Torao: If I had such a handsome little sister, I wouldn't stand a chance as an older brother.
Momo: How about we go to our next question? Are you ready, Gaku? Or Torao?
Mido Torao: A…About what?
Yaotome Gaku: Then, I'll go first.
Yaotome Gaku: So about our groups…mine is TRIGGER.
Yaotome Gaku: What's the difference between your groups and this unit? Of course, they're totally different, but what’s the difference in your perspective?
Nanase Riku: The difference from IDOLiSH7...
Mido Torao: Ah, my question might be similar. That’s sort of what I was thinking.
Mido Torao: I was going to ask how you'd describe your experience doing "TEA take" to the members of your group. If you were asked, how would you describe it?
Momo: Interesting! Let's combine the elements from both questions and answer them at once.
Momo: Who's going first?
Nanase Riku: I'll think about it for a moment!
Momo: Sure, that’s fine! If you two aren't ready either, should I go first?
Mido Torao: Please.
Yaotome Gaku: Go ahead.
Momo: First of all, the biggest difference is that it's not Yuki's song.
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Ah...
Momo: I'm a huge HUGE fan of Yuki, so when it comes to Yuki's song, I absolutely, DEFINITELY want to deliver it to the fans in the best possible way!!!
Momo: I get so fired up I feel like I’m participating in a national competition. That’s how I feel every single time actually.
Yaotome Gaku: You're a great partner, Momo-san. Yuki-san would be happy to hear that.
Momo: I wonder... Yuki seems happier when we're on the same page.
Momo: I know that, but my darling is way too handsome, so I can’t help it...
Mido Torao: Um...
Momo: Hm?
Mido Torao: Um... Nevermind, I’m sure it’s nothing.
Momo: What’s on your mind? Don’t hesitate to ask~!
Mido Torao: Is it alright if I ask in front of the cameras?
Momo: If not I’ll just cut it off and start from the beginning again!
Mido Torao: That’s tough.
Yaotome Gaku: You’ve already made it this far, just ask.
Nanase Riku: Hey, I hear that a lot too!
Nanase Riku: They tell me this a lot, Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Fine, I get it! Then listen carefully.
Mido Torao: Um…
Momo: Mhm! Go ahead!
Mido Torao: About Re:vale’s married couple bit...
Mido Torao: How much of it is true...?
Momo: Oh! That's a good question!
Mido Torao: Oh, thank goodness..
Momo: Torao.
Mido Torao: Yes.
Momo: Let's talk about it later in the dressing room!
Mido Torao: Yes... Wait what…!?
Yaotome Gaku: Is it out?
Nanase Riku: It’s safe!
Mido Torao: Huuuh!? Was that dangerous after all!? Are Re:vale really...
Momo: Let's get back to the topic!
Nanase Riku: It's okay, Mido-san! I often do that kind of thing too!
Mido Torao: Really!? Thank goodness!?
Yaotome Gaku: Come on, let's get back to the topic.
Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yes!
Momo: Thanks, Gaku!
Momo: So, that’s how I feel when I’m working as Re:vale.
Momo: It's not that I neglect my solo work or anything, it's just that passion naturally flows through me and bursts.
Momo: In that sense, projects like this one where we can relax and enjoy ourselves are great.
Momo: Everyone is cute, the songs and costumes are great, it's amazing! It's fun! That’s how I feel!
Yaotome Gaku: I kinda understand where you’re coming from. Everyone here is relaxed, aren’t we?
Momo: That's right! I feel like we won’t have any problems in this group, and if we do, we can handle them pretty well!
Nanase Riku: I feel the opposite about Yuki-san. He seems relaxed when he’s around Momo-san, but when he’s alone he turns into a cool senior…
Momo: Huh! That's nice! I want to be Yuki’s junior and have him take care of me as well!
Nanase Riku: Ah, but he can be a bit of a weirdo, you know!
Momo: What do you mean by weirdo? My darling is always handsome, right!?
Nanase Riku: He is handsome!
Yaotome Gaku: I think Yuki-san probably wants to rely on you as well. What would you tell Yuki-san?
Yaotome Gaku: This is Mido's question, if you want to tell him about our unit.
Momo: I’d say that it was fun! Everyone was nice and cute!
Momo: At first, I wondered how it would turn out. Especially if Gaku and Torao would get along.
Momo: Look! Both of you are good kids at heart, but you seem like you’d get into fights!
Momo: But Torao turned out to be more mature and considerate than I thought.
Mido Torao: Actually... um, can I say this? Ah, I did it again.
Momo: Say it, say it!
Mido Torao: Around the time the limited-time unit was decided, Ryuunosuke... I got a call from TRIGGER's Tsunashi-san.
Yaotome Gaku: From Ryuu?
Mido Torao: He said that Gaku is a top-notch idol he respects, but also a really good guy... or something like that. He thought it would be a learning experience for me.
Mido Torao: He wasn't as condescending, but that’s the general idea…
Yaotome Gaku: Ryuu said something like that huh. He talked to me about you too.
Mido Torao: Seriously!? What did he say?
Yaotome Gaku: He may look mature, but on the inside he's an inexperienced boy who’s not used to this world. A clumsy guy if you will.
Mido Torao: ...I…Is that so...
Nanase Riku: Are you okay?
Mido Torao: No, I'm happy and moved... to be cared for like that...
Yaotome Gaku: Ryuu is a very caring guy. And because Ryuu told me that, every time I talked to you I felt like I was talking to Yotsuba.
Mido Torao: I’m not as childish as Sougo's partner...
Nanase Riku: Tamaki is quite mature. There are times when he seems more mature than Yamato-san.
Momo: That kid's been through a lot. But this recent development is good. Feels like a secret story about the formation of this group.
Mido Torao: Ah, that's good.
Momo: So what’s next? Who will answer?
Yaotome Gaku: I can go.
Momo: Oh. Then, Gaku-kun, please!
Yaotome Gaku: Yes.
Yaotome Gaku: The difference between TRIGGER and this unit is that our group meticulously practices until everyone is satisfied...
Nanase Riku: I understand...!
Momo: That's true…! Honestly, you guys are really great…
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah. To be frank, there were a few things I wasn’t fully satisfied with.
Momo: Ahahaha! Like dance rehearsals, right? It sounds like you wanted to practice more!
Yaotome Gaku: I’d have loved to. But of course, I can't ask for too much with everyone's schedules.
Nanase Riku: If we have free time, let's do it again!
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase, aren't you busy?
Nanase Riku: I’m not sure... If I'm not busy! I'll contact you again!
Momo: I'll contact you if I suddenly have free time as well!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you very much.
Mido Torao: ...
Mido Torao: Ah... Well, I also...
Yaotome Gaku: Thanks. But you don't have to force yourself to match. Your dance moves were perfect.
Mido Torao: No, it's okay. I’m done filming the drama, so I have some free time to spare.
Momo: That's great! Let's all come together when our schedules align!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yes!
Momo: Alright, Gaku! Lastly, what would you tell TRIGGER about us?
Yaotome Gaku: Well, I think I’d say we had a great journey.
Nanase Riku: A journey! That sounds great!
Yaotome Gaku: Right? Because TRIGGER is a place where we can go on a journey with new companions.
Yaotome Gaku: Seeing different scenery, experiencing new things with different companions.
Yaotome Gaku: The final destination of the journey… will probably be the live event.
Yaotome Gaku: Although we haven't reached there yet, we’ve already promised the best journey. We’ll create lots of wonderful memories.
Yaotome Gaku: So, I'm looking forward to it.
Momo: A fantastic journey with fantastic memories. What an amazing thing to say, Gaku!
Nanase Riku: How nice would it be to bring back lots of memories when we say we’re home!
Yaotome Gaku: Exactly! That's right! How about you, Mido? What's the difference between here and ŹOOḼ?
Mido Torao: It might be similar to Momo-san’s answer.
Mido Torao: I'm the oldest in ZOOL.
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Momo: Yeah!
Mido Torao: Even though I say oldest, maybe Touma is more reliable. But I'm still technically the oldest there
Mido Torao: But I’m the third oldest here, right?
Momo: Yeah!
Mido Torao: It feels kind of peaceful...
Nanase Riku: Ahaha! You sound like Yamato-san! Even though he’s the oldest, he wants to be pampered quite often!
Yaotome Gaku: Is that so? I don’t see him acting spoiled all that much. How does he act?
Nanase Riku: When he's drunk, he says things like "I dun like this!" (1)
Yaotome Gaku: Seriously!? Does he hold back when he’s drinking with me?
Momo: Yamato, don’t scream when you watch this broadcast, okay? Are you watching right now?
Mido Torao: Is IDOLiSH7 gonna reveal everyone’s truth so carelessly…? It's like a survival game...
Mido Torao: But I'm relieved. So even if you're the oldest, you don't have to act all cool all the time.
Yaotome Gaku: Being natural is the coolest. Ryuu is like that.
Momo: Torao, when you return to ZOOL, you should act like this as a souvenir!
Mido Torao: Well... I was like this at my parents’ house, so I’m not afraid to act like it.
Nanase Riku: Neither am I !
Momo: Momo-chan doesn't resist either~!
Yaotome Gaku: I see, so that side of Nikaido might come out in front of the older Izumi.
Mido Torao: What about Sougo?
Nanase Riku: Sougo-san?
Mido Torao: He’s so clingy when he’s drunk, isn’t he? Not in a bad way, but like a cute clingy, or something?
Nanase Riku: He is!
Mido Torao: He totally is!
Nanase Riku: It's hard to read him, but when he's in a good mood and not sluggish he’ll listen to almost all your requests!
Mido Torao: Why would he be sluggish?
Nanase Riku: Um, so the tea caddy...
Mido Torao: Tea caddy?
Momo: Riku! Let's save that story for when we’re backstage! Okay, last one!
Momo: How about you? What’s the difference between IDOLiSH7 and “TEA take”?
Nanase Riku: Well, when you say it's different, then everything is really different! This is my first time working in a four units group.
Nanase Riku: And because of that, I feel like our song and choreography is unique to us four.
Nanase Riku: When the members of IDOLiSH7 ask me, "How was it?" I’m certain I’ll say, "It was great!”
Nanase Riku: Because I got to work with Momo-san, Yaotome-san, and Mido-san! I wanna brag about how good it felt a whole lot!
Momo: That makes me so happy!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m gonna work hard so that Nanase can brag about me.
Mido Torao: I'll brag too. That I’ve chatted a lot with Re:vale's Momo-san, TRIGGER's Yaotome, and IDOLiSH7's Nanase.
Nanase Riku: Yes! Let's chat a lot and sing a lot!
Momo: That's right!
Momo: Now, did everyone answer? Oh, we asked a lot of questions didn’t we!
Nanase Riku: We did! It was really fun to get everyone’s answers to all kinds of questions!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m glad we had an opportunity like this.
Mido Torao: Yeah. Time flew in the blink of an eye.
Momo: Well then! That's it! The “8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project”!
Momo: Celebrating the formation of the temporary unit! This was “Ask this and that!?”, “TEA take” edition!
TEA Take: Please drink! TEA take!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: Hello, everyone!
Nanase Riku: I'm Nanase Riku from TEA take!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Yaotome Gaku: TEA take, Yaotome Gaku!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Mido Torao: TEA take, Mido Torao!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Momo: TEA take, Momo!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: Thank you for participating in the “8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project” campaign!
Yaotome Gaku: To the 1000 winners selected by lottery!
Mido Torao: And to the special ones here with us!
Momo: Let’s start the “Miracle Limited-Time 4 Unit Thanks Live”!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: Now, please listen to our unit song, which is also the CM song for 'TEA take'!
Nanase Riku: Ready...!
TEA Take: “Take my rose”! 
The end.
1- in like a spoiled brat tone, he says “嫌だニャ” (iyada nya) instead of “嫌だな” (iyada na) so he’s basically meowing while drunk. 
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angelap3 · 5 months
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S'agapò tora ke tha s'agapò pantote...Cosa significa? Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò sempre. Ripetilo.E se non fosse così? Sarà così. Niente dura per sempre, Alekos. Quando tu sarai vecchio e…io non sarò mai vecchio. Sì che lo sarai. Un celebre vecchio coi baffi bianchi...Io non avrò mai i baffi bianchi, nemmeno grigi. Li tingerai? No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre..
Oriana Fallaci
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S'agapò tora ke tha s'agapò pantote...
Cosa significa?
Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò sempre.
E se non fosse così?
Sarà così.
Niente dura per sempre, Alekos.
Quando tu sarai vecchio e...
io non sarò mai vecchio.
Sì che lo sarai. Un celebre vecchio coi baffi bianchi...
lo non avrò mai i baffi bianchi, nemmeno grigi.
Li tingerai?
No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre…
Oriana Fallaci, Un uomo.
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parmenida · 5 months
S'agapò tora ke tha s'agapò pantote...Cosa significa? Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò sempre. Ripetilo.E se non fosse così? Sarà così. Niente dura per sempre, Alekos. Quando tu sarai vecchio e…io non sarò mai vecchio. Sì che lo sarai. Un celebre vecchio coi baffi bianchi...Io non avrò mai i baffi bianchi, nemmeno grigi. Li tingerai? No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre..
Oriana Fallaci e, l’amore per Alexander Panagulis
Oriana Fallaci
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ambrenoir · 5 months
S'agapò tora ke tha s'agapò pantote...Cosa significa? Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò sempre. Ripetilo. E se non fosse così? Sarà così. Niente dura per sempre, Alekos. Quando tu sarai vecchio e…io non sarò mai vecchio. Sì che lo sarai. Un celebre vecchio coi baffi bianchi...Io non avrò mai i baffi bianchi, nemmeno grigi. Li tingerai? No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre..
Oriana Fallaci
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sotiriabellou · 8 months
lowkey thelo na gino bogiatzis...i oikodomi dipla stin dikia mou vafetai tora kai oi bogiatzides valane kati xaritomenes mikres skalitses gia na anevenoun stis skalosies kai evazan tragoudia tin ora pou doulevan kai den xero mou fanike para poli oraio.na skarfaloneis pano se polykatoikia+na faveis+na akous tragoudia einai teleios syndiasmos tairiazei sta gousta mou akrivos...
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pinguinodirovere · 1 year
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Visto che a foto e contenuti, non sto pubblicando molto, ho pensato per compensare di pubblicare film, (il venerdi) e 2 puntate di due serie diverse di anime (il martedì e il giovedì), ora sto cercando di capire il come, perchè tra le piattaforme, il copyrighy, ecc.. non è semplicissimo, perchè buttarvi il link di una piattaforma a cazzum, dove il film si vede da schifo e si sente anche peggio non mi và. Sto cercando di capire come muovermi, se ci sono trick o cavilli per superare certi ostacoli.
intanto però una cosina posso linkarla: è un episodio speciale dell' anime: Ushio e Tora (è caricato sul mio profilo YT)
Buona visione
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🐱che pafienfa effere l’uomo di cafa… 🧙🏻‍♀️…si sono messi buoni? 🐱fi! Deffo mi ci fcrivi la letterina a Babbo Natale? 🧙🏻‍♀️certo! Sai cosa vogliono i tuoi fratellini? 🐱fi, ti ce lo dico me…che deffo dormono! 🧙🏻‍♀️…bene, allora: caro Babbo Natale, … 🐱”queft’anno me fono ftato un bravo ciucciolo perché fono diventato l’uomo di cafa! Lora vorrei tanto dei giochini nuovi con l’erba gatta! Perché refiftere con il ciucciolo e l’ifpanico non è per niente facile!” 🧙🏻‍♀️…ehm…ok… 🐱”…il ciucciolo vuole invece un giochino che fi muove da folo…e l’ifpanico chiede dei giochi tutto fuoi perché il ciucciolo glie li nafconde! Fo che fembra tanta roba ma noi fiamo in tre…e belli groffi!! Con ronfi. Tora ed i fuoi fratelli” 🧙🏻‍♀️bene…fatto! Ora la chiudo e aspettiamo che i folletti la vengano a prendere. 🐱te cofa gli ci chiedi? 🧙🏻‍♀️non lo so…ho tutto quello che desidero… 🐱…tutto? 🧙🏻‍♀️diciamo che desidero tutto ciò che ho…e non mi serve altro! 🐱…birra? 🧙🏻‍♀️ne ho… 🐱chicche? 🧙🏻‍♀️…le ho… 🐱voi umani fiete ftrani… 🧙🏻‍♀️eh, lo so… 🐱…ti ci baftiamo noi ciuccioli che ti facciamo le fufette? 🧙🏻‍♀️assolutamente sì! 🐱lora ti faccio i ronfi, perché Babbo Natale mica è capace! 🧙🏻‍♀️…grazie piccino! 🐱tutto me devo fare! Fono l’uomo di cafa! 🧙🏻‍♀️…😅 https://www.instagram.com/p/Clv0cd0N7Vo_CX2puwOIWCV8SsR9HPYqxvcuZM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Επέμενε ο Νίκος Κοκλώνης ν΄αλλάξουν την ώρα… τους έπεισε και αισίως δικαιώνεται. Απο τα χαμηλά μονοψήφια της πρώτης εβδομάδας το “Style me up” κατάφερε να πιάσει δυο διψήφια την νέα ώρα προβολής του. Κάτι που έφερε χαμόγελα στον παραγωγό αλλά και στους συντελεστές της εκπομπής.       Με μέσο όρο λίγο πάνω απο το 7% για πρώτη φορά και με τα μεγαλύτερα νούμερα σε τέταρ��ο μετά την Καινούργιου σε όλη την ημέρα το ριάλιτι μόδας δείχνει να έχει δυναμική. Κόσμο θέλει… πίσω απο τις κάμερες και ενδιαφέρουσες ιστορίες παικτών και θα δείτε πώς θα είναι φέτος η ευχάριστη έκπληξη της χρονιάς…     Δείτε αναλυτικά τις αποδόσεις παρακάτω:       Πληροφορίες από nassosblog
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scorcidipoesia · 2 years
- Dopo ci fissiamo stremati, la testa appoggiata sullo stesso guanciale, ed esclami:
-- S’agapò tora ke tha s’agapò pantote".
- Cosa significa?
-- Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò sempre.
- Ripetilo...
-- Lo ripeto sottovoce...
- E se non fosse così?
-- Sarà così.
- Tento un’ultima vana difesa: niente dura per sempre, Alekos. Quando tu sarai vecchio e...
-- Io non sarò mai vecchio.
- Sì che lo sarai. Un celebre vecchio coi baffi bianchi.
-- Io non avrò mai i baffi bianchi. Nemmeno grigi.
- Li tingerai?
-- No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre...
(Da "Un uomo" di Oriana Fallaci)
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«S'agapò tora ke tha s'agapò pantote».
«Cosa significa?»
«Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò per sempre».
«Ripetilo.» (Lo ripete sottovoce)
«E se non fosse così?»
«Sarà così».
Tento un'ultima vana difesa: «Niente dura per sempre, Alekos. Quando tu sarai vecchio e...»
«Io non sarò mai vecchio»
«Si che lo sarai, un celebre vecchio con i baffi bianchi»
«Io non avrò mai i baffi bianchi. Nemmeno grigi».
«Li tingerai?»
«No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre».
Oriana Fallaci
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donaruz · 4 years
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318 giorni sono passati, TROPPI
#PatrikZaki vede la madre in carcere: "Sono fisicamente e mentalmente esausto"
"Sono fisicamente e mentalmente esausto, non ne posso più di stare qui e mi deprimo ad ogni tappa importante dell'anno accademico mentre sono qui invece che con i miei amici a Bologna". Sono le parole che Patrick Zaki, lo studente egiziano dell'Università di Bologna, ha detto alla madre che sabato l'ha potuto incontrare nella prigione di Tora, dove è rinchiuso, stando a una nota diffusa dalla famiglia e dalla pagina Facebook 'Patrick Libero'.
"Raramente esco dalla mia cella durante il giorno, perché non riesco a capire perché sono qui e non voglio affrontare la realtà per cui posso andare a camminare su e giù nel raggio di pochi metri, per poi essere rinchiuso di nuovo in una cella ancora più piccola", ha detto lo studente egiziano alla madre.
"Durante la visita, Patrick non era affatto se stesso, era diverso rispetto a qualsiasi altra visita e ci ha letteralmente spezzato il cuore!", hanno detto i familiari dello studente, sottolineando che le parole di Zaki "ci hanno lasciato in lacrime, dato che siamo incapaci di aiutare nostro figlio in questa situazione straziante".
"Nostro figlio - prosegue la nota - è una persona innocente e un brillante ricercatore, dovrebbe essere valorizzato, non rinchiuso in una cella. Dieci mesi fa, Patrick stava lavorando al suo master e pensava di terminarlo per poi proseguire con il dottorato di ricerca".
"Ora come ora, il suo futuro è completamente incerto; non sappiamo quando sarà in grado di continuare gli studi, di lavorare e persino di tornare alla sua vita sociale, un tempo ricca. Chiediamo a ogni persona responsabile e a chi prende le decisioni di rilasciare immediatamente Patrick. Restituiteci nostro figlio e restituiteci tutte le nostre vite", conclude la famiglia.
Noi siamo quelli che credono ancora a queste emozioni fb
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Nella distrazione delle feste l'Italia riarma l'Egitto. In sordina. Approfittando delle festività, dei giorni rossi, della nuova querelle nazionale su vaccini sì, vaccini no, vaccini a chi...Se ne sono altamente infischiati degli appelli del mondo solidale, delle provocazioni a getto continuo che arrivano dall’Egitto. Se ne sono fregati del dramma che sta vivendo Patrick Zaki, rinchiuso nella prigione-inferno di Tora, in condizioni psicofisiche sempre più degradate. Lo scorso 23 dicembre con una cerimonia in sordina e non pubblicizzata (come di solito avviene) è stata consegnata da Fincantieri agli ufficiali della Marina Militare dell’Egitto, presso i cantieri del Muggiano a La Spezia, la fregata multiruolo Fremm Spartaco Schergat, ora ribattezzata “al-Galala”. A denunciarlo, in un comunicato, è la Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo. “Il tentativo di temere nascosta la consegna e la successiva partenza alla volta dell’Egitto durante il periodo Natalizio manifesta chiaramente l’imbarazzo da parte del Governo italiano per tutta questa operazione: non solo nessun rappresentante dell’Esecutivo ha partecipato alla cerimonia, ma non ci risulta alcun comunicato ufficiale da parte dei vari Ministeri in qualche modo coinvolti (Ministero della Difesa, degli Affari Esteri e dello Sviluppo Economico). Riteniamo sia inaccettabile non solo questa insolita modalità di consegna (che stride con la sopravvalutazione dell’impatto economico dell’accordo, che invece sarà in perdita) ma tutta l’operazione legata alla vendita di due fregate Fremm all’Egitto. Si tratta infatti, è opportuno ricordarlo, di due navi militari (la Spartaco Schergat e la Emilio Bianchi) originariamente destinate (tanto da essere ormai prossime alla consegna) alla Marina Militare italiana che sono state poi invece vedute all’Egitto senza alcuna comunicazione ufficiale al Parlamento, che negli anni scorsi aveva approvato lo stanziamento dei fondi per la loro produzione e fornitura alla Marina Militare nell’ambito del programma pluriennale di co-produzione con la Francia gestito dal consorzio internazionale Occar. (...) Per tutti questi motivi e in considerazione delle ipotizzate forniture da parte dell’Italia all’Egitto di altre quattro fregate, 20 pattugliatori, unitamente a 24 caccia multiruolo Eurofighter e 20 aerei addestratori M346 ed altro materiale militare del valore tra i 9 e gli 11 miliardi di euro rinnoviamo al Governo la richiesta di sottoporre l’intera questione all’attenzione delle Camere e in tal senso esortiamo il Parlamento a richiedere con urgenza un dibattito approfondito sulle esportazioni di sistemi militari all’Egitto”. (...) Invece di richiamare l’ambasciatore, spediamo le fregate vendute al presidente-carceriere egiziano. E lo facciamo in sordina...Neanche il coraggio di metterci la faccia. Umberto De Giovannangeli
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"S'agapò tora ke tha s'agapò pantote"
"Cosa significa?"
"Significa: ti amo ora e ti amerò sempre. Ripetilo."
Lo ripeto sottovoce: "E se non fosse così?"
"Sarà così."
Tento un'ultima vana difesa: "Niente dura per sempre, Alekos. Quando tu sarai vecchio e..."
"Io non sarò mai vecchio."
"Sì che lo sarai. Un celebre vecchio coi baffi bianchi."
"Io non avrò mai i baffi bianchi. Nemmeno grigi."
"Li tingerai?"
"No, morirò molto prima. E allora sì che dovrai amarmi per sempre."
Oriana Fallaci, Un uomo
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