#Top Professional Logo Design Company
color-desk · 2 months
Top Professional Logo Design Company in India & USA | 3D Logo Experts
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Color Desk is a leading logo design company in India and the USA, known for crafting unique, professional, and creative logos, including cutting-edge 3D designs. We specialize in delivering tailored solutions that elevate your brand identity, ensuring your business stands out in the market. Whether you're launching a new brand or rebranding an existing one, our expert team is ready to bring your vision to life. Ready to enhance your brand identity? Contact us today and start your logo design journey with Color Desk.
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exploregraphic5429 · 1 year
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webdevelopment4u · 11 months
Logo designing hyderabad | Logo designers | website design services - Hyderabad
ONS provides creative logo designing services in Hyderabad. We are the top corporate logo design service providers in hyderabad and also in vizag.
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exactlycleverbread · 2 years
Big Data Impacting Information In SEO
As search engine optimisation Melbourne (SEO) becomes more complex, the role of big data is becoming increasingly important in improving the effectiveness of SEO strategies laid by the digital marketing company melbourne. Big data can provide insights that help improve the accuracy of SEO predictions and the visibility and ranking of websites. By leveraging big data, businesses can optimize their website content and improve their chances of achieving a high ranking in search engine results pages.
Big data is changing the face of SEO. With more information available to marketers than ever before, understanding how to leverage big data for your SEO strategy is essential. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses four ways big data impacts information in SEO.
For reference, here's a still from this week's whiteboard!
Video transcription
This week our SEO company Melbourne is going to chat about the impact of big data on SEO, specifically on the information side of things.
So what do I mean by information? I mean understanding what's going on with your website, your competitors', and your industry as a whole so that you can make better strategic decisions. Big data is changing that. It's allowing us to get much more access to information, more quickly and easily than ever before. I'm going to walk through four ways that that's happening.
The Amount of Data is Increasing
The first way big data is changing how we get information is by the sheer amount of available data. For example, in 2009, there were 5 billion gigabytes of data in the world. In 2013, that number had increased to 35 billion gigabytes. And it's estimated that by 2020, there will be 163 trillion gigabytes of data in the world.
That's a lot of data! And it's only going to continue to grow. This data increase is due to several factors, including the growth of internet users, the growth of mobile devices, and the growth of social media.
All of this data is giving us more insights into what's happening in the world around us. And it's allowing us to make better strategic decisions because we have more information to work with. Are you looking for the best SEO company Melbourne? Get in touch with Marz Now the best SEO services Melbourne provider and formulate best online marketing strategies Melbourne for your business.
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shmaba · 1 year
I’m going to assume that at this point you’ve all seen Critical Role’s new show Candela Obscura and at least skimmed through the Quickstart Guide (you have done all that riiiight??) So I wanted to compile all the things I’ve done that have been shown so far. Its long so read below the line!
I’m going to try to avoid spoilers. So feel free to read without worry. I’m also going to try and avoid breaking any NDA like a good professional. So I will not be doing some deep dive behind the scenes thing. Only visuals that have already been publicly shared are going to be on here
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The very first thing I did on this show was the concepts for the main set. Everything is practical. Nothing is green screen or cg or whatever. Some people think it’s just good cg but nope that's all real. You could touch it! (don’t touch it, there are ghosts)
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There were multiple iterations on the design, each with their own vibe and statement piece. CR narrowed it down to what you see in the show: a sort of storage hall with an odd clock contraption behind the GM. I think I called this design version the “Abyssal Hall” or something like that (I gave the different versions names to better keep track of which design was being discussed)
The company Flip This Bitch built the physical set. They turned my silly little art into a real thing. So they did all the actual magic of making this set come together in the end! They deserve a lot of the credit for it looking so good in the end.
Also that little piece of art in the bottom left of the preshow is a section from the final concept art of the set.
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That contraption behind Matt is based on astrolabes and clocks. This isn’t really meant to be a literal astrolabe or a clock as we would use them in our world. Narratively this isn’t a device that measures either of the things that a traditional astrolabe or clock does. This is a special magickal tool that does a secret third thing.
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Also I did concepts for the GM screen. You don't really see it besides in the fancy-shmancy preshow. There were a number of more intricate designs for it but CR went with the simpler option since the only part that would be visible on stream is the top, so that's where I put the most detail.
I should also note that I did not design the logo! It’s pretty prominent on the GM screen but I was supplied an already existing logo for this.
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NEXT is the Taliesin enclosure set that you see in the trailer. This is actually meant to be like the lantern room on the top of a lighthouse, minus the big light beacon (You could say Taliesin is the beacon).
Also in the trailer you see a couple brief sketches I did for some world building concepts:
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Speaking of sketches there are a number of art pieces of mine in the Quickstart guide
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A lot of my art is sketches. They’re all meant to be like notes and drawings from members of Candela as they travel and notate their findings. Most of the notes on these sketches are my actually my notes when I was doing world building concepts, but they replaced my handwriting with a font because my handwriting sucks lmao (also likely for ease of future localization).
Also the cover of the Quickstart guide uses line art of a part of that astrolabe clock set piece. This line art was part of the deliverables that was sent over to Flip This Bitch for construction. They’re just using pieces of those set concepts everywhere!
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As you can see I’ve done a lot of art for this project. I was part of this project when it was still early in development. It’s changed quite a bit from where we started. 
I wasn’t the only one that made all this art happen though. Other artists, writers, and designers got to add their own vision to this. It was very much a collaborative effort that took a long time to happen. It’s very exciting to see everyone’s hard work come to fruition and there is a lot more to come!
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deadgodjess · 1 year
It's really funny how Twitter is rolling out this rebranding on like, a design level, outside of just Elon's whole man-baby routine.
They didn't have a new logo created, they're just using a Unicode 𝕏, it's for math. It can't be trademarked because it's not a distinct logo so they have 0 control over how, if, or when people use their branding on other sites, which is just an insane situation for a major social media company to create for themselves.
Search engine optimization. You are a major social media company, you want to be THE PLACE people go for social media, news, etc, right? Well, good luck chucklefuck, because while X is the top search result, it's also the ONLY one on the first page (on duckduckgo) that refers to the social media site. Search Twitter and it's the entire front page of search results including news articles and Wiki articles about the social media site.
Association with porn. X-[anything] sounds like a porn site and XVideo IS a porn site. That's what you're contending with, and while I personally don't believe there's anything inherently shameful with close proximity to porn, on a professional level most companies are going to notice that and have to seriously consider if they want refer people to their X Account to see their X Posts on their X Feed and you see what I'm getting at here? Which then gets into...
The sheer brand recognition of the Twitter name. There is NO other social media site with the kind of brand recognition that Twitter has. Zuck would sell his right nut for the kind of brand recognition Twitter has. They have their own word for posts! Facebook doesn't have that! Reddit and Tumblr don't have that! Myspace and LiveJournal and Xanga also never had that! All for the far more generic 𝕏. No one's Booking on FB or Ditting on Reddit or w/e. But on Twitter they be Tweeting. Saying you tweeted someone tells people EXACTLY what site you were on immediately. Now they're what, X-posting? Well that's short for "cross-post". Posting on X? Looks like you're being vague about what site you were using on purpose. "I @'d [so-and-so] on X" doesn't have the same ring it, either.
They didn't make all their rebranding decisions BEFORE announcing and rolling out the rebrand, so now we have a site called 𝕏 with a LOT of the on site references to the site itself and it's features still called Twitter [thing] and you still post using a button that says "Tweet" (as of 7.29.23) and they JUST settled on a word to replace that with. USUALLY when a company is doing a rebranding, especially one with the kinds of resources Twitter has available, they plan it all out well in advance and do the roll out all at once rather than this hodgepodge thing that's going on. This is a big one and I don't think Elon understands how unprofessional this looks. This doesn't look like the work of a team of skilled, experienced web developers, designers and marketers. This looks like a site being ran on a shoe-string budget ran by a disorganized child making decisions on a whim.
Okay so I can't fully divorce the design decisions from Elon's general fuckery, but you get my point. Like, all the behind the scenes and PR shit is bad enough but even if we didn't know he had a tantrum over the name of PayPal and hadn't been all over the site being loud and wrong about everything, just these decisions listed would be enough to show what an entitled, inexperienced, immature walnut he is.
And it's really fucking funny.
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Hey yuppy forcemasc! I like how a lot of your posts are kind of reminiscent of ads you’d see in magazines in the 80s, just an idea, maybe you could design a fake company and logo and everything to make it seem like there’s a yuppy company spending too much of their billions of dollars to promote the forcemascing of others like how companies advertise their products and that they’re so good and shit too yknow? :)
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Mann Solution is not just another consulting firm—it's the epitome of modern corporate ambition. Rising swiftly to the top, this prestigious company is known for its sharp focus on efficiency, sleek professionalism, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
But there’s more to the firm than meets the eye. Behind its immaculate reputation, whispers have circulated for years about the company’s enigmatic workforce. Despite hiring hundreds of women each year, no one outside the company has ever seen a female Mann Solution employee.
Within its walls, women discover a path they never knew existed, guided by the encouragement of their driven coworkers. The company’s culture is one of relentless self-improvement, where the masculine ideals of strength, confidence, and ambition are paramount.
As these women immerse themselves in the company culture, they begin to awaken to a newfound sense of power. Subtly at first, but with increasing intensity, they are encouraged by their male colleagues, who are always eager to welcome another into their brotherhood.
Day by day, they embrace the masculine energy around them, finding joy in the growing strength of their bodies and minds. Muscles grow, suits fit a little tighter, and the vestiges of their former femininity begin to fade away, replaced by an unstoppable drive to succeed.
Eventually, she is no more. In her place stands a new man—ambitious, assertive, and ready to conquer the corporate world. His past life as a woman? A distant memory, now just a minor detail in a brain reprogrammed for success. He finds his place among like-minded men, seamlessly blending into the brotherhood, his transformation complete.
At Mann Solution, he has found his true self, his true purpose—to become the living embodiment of the company’s relentless pursuit of excellence.
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restwellsoon · 1 month
Nothing in Particular | 4 - To Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
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Pairing: Omota Uramichi x F!Reader
Summary: A series of unexpected encounters and misunderstandings causes you to fill a large and gaping hole in Uramichi’s life.
Minors and blank blogs DNI! You will be blocked!
Warnings: Usahara puking, things getting heated between Reader and Uramichi
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The studio lobby sounded busier than usual, and the cast couldn’t help their curiosity. There shouldn’t have been any kids visiting since today was a designated rehearsal day. There weren’t any studio tours either. It was a rare treat for a Friday, so the sudden noise was something to be investigated. This could have been a telltale sign that their peaceful transition into the weekend might be disrupted (because of Derekida). 
Utano was the first to hear Mei’s chirpy voice directing whoever it was towards their direction.
“Thank–oh. Surprise!” You greeted Utano, raising the box you held in your arms. 
It was clear that you weren’t visiting as a friend, based on your workwear. An office-appropriate top and tailored wide leg pants were paired with sensible heels. The only bits of your personal style were apparent in the jewelry you wore and how you styled your hair. Your company I.D. swung on the lanyard it hung on as you met her.
“What’re you doing here, Ms. Corporate?” Utano teased.
“I wanted to apologize for my team intruding on your company dinner last Friday,” you explained before leaning in so that only she could hear. “But really, I’m using that as an excuse to spend company money on those fruit sandos that we’ve been dying to try.”
She gave you a thumbs up. How many weeks had you been tagging each other in pictures and videos on social media? It was easy for you two to be influenced by viral cafes. Yeah, you’ve both had fruit sandos before but not from this particular place.
“What’s this?” Iketeru asked, trying to figure out why the logo on the box you held looked familiar.
Meanwhile, Usahara tried to figure out why you looked familiar. You gave him an awkward smile before returning your attention to Utano.
He nudged Kumatani and whispered, “Hey! Isn’t that the chick that Uramichi was bullying?”
The dark-haired mascot glanced at their senpai before answering. “Why would you think that Uramichi is a bully?”
“What do you mean why?” Usahara asked, voice returning to its normal volume of loud as fuck. “Dude, Uramichi bullies the hell out of us. I guess you aren’t open-minded enough to think that he could bully girls too.”
There was too much to unpack in Usahara’s statement, but most importantly, Kumatani didn’t really care. What was more interesting was the fact that the older man paid them no attention, instead focusing on the strangers in the lobby.
Standing awkwardly to the side of you was a kid that looked straight out of college. He was fresh-faced and bright-eyed despite being uncertain of where he belonged in this situation. His tie was slightly crooked and a few hairs were misplaced as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.
In stark contrast to him was the man to your right. He was the epitome of a handsome salaryman from a drama. His hair was perfectly coiffed and his suit wrinkle free. He towered over everyone in the room and even threatened to outshine Iketeru.
Uramichi was hit with a feeling he hadn’t felt since his days as a professional athlete. A rival had suddenly appeared.
Without breaking your attention away from Utano, you introduced her to your colleagues.
“This is my friend, Utano,” you told them, “the one that’s a famous singer.”
The younger man wanted to nod enthusiastically and say that he remembered her from the other night, but he was under strict orders to be professional. He held his tongue and gave her a slight bow.
“And this is…” You weren’t sure of how to explain your relationship to Uramichi. He hadn’t even acknowledged you, standing slightly behind Utano, almost as if he didn’t want to be near you. “This is Uramichi oniisan. The face of the show.”
Pleased that you had called him by his name, Uramichi nodded towards them as a hello. Utano wondered what was up with his expression. Shouldn’t he be happy? His expression seemed annoyed.
“This is Daiki, one of the newest employees at my company.” Finally, the kid perked up at the mention of his name, bowing deeply before saying hello.
“And this is Ken, my colleague and fellow regional manager. The territory he covers actually falls within this district.”
“Which is why they’re so close!” Daiki said brightly.
Would it be too obvious if you turned to glare at him? Damn, you really shouldn’t glare at your subordinate, you reminded yourself. But still! You bit the inside of your cheek. You didn’t want Uramichi to misunderstand your relationship.
…which was exactly what he did. Uramichi had seen enough shitty dramas to know that forced proximity was an easy way to fall in love. It made sense when he thought about it too. It was Japanese culture to spend most of your waking hours at work. It was an obvious setting for love. Perhaps things fizzled out between you because things were heating up between you and him.
Uramichi looked at Ken again. The guy was easily over six feet tall.
“Kentaro Maeda,” he said, offering his surname and business card.
The elation Uramichi felt turned into a downward spiral as he held the card in his hand. Ah, so you were already on a first name basis with him. The rest of the introductions were a buzz in his ears as he realized what that meant.
But! Uramichi faced more fearsome opponents in the past, hadn’t he? He’d been the underdog and unfavored in previous competitions and still managed to achieve first place. He couldn’t let this salaryman beat him when it came to competing for your affection. He looked for possible ways to beat him.
“Isn’t that heavy?” Uramichi suddenly asked, abruptly halting the group’s conversation. “I can carry that for you.”
There was no way you could have him carry the box. What was inside was specifically for him. You shook your head. “I’m fine.”
“But it looks heavy,” he insisted.
You didn’t back down. “I’m stronger than I look.”
“Okay,” he said, “but I’m stronger than you.”
It was then that you noticed what he was wearing. Rather than his tasio no oniisan uniform, he wore casual athleisure instead. A snug shirt and gym shorts highlighted his toned frame, bringing you back to his apartment. Why was he so handsome and confident in his abilities? How could you have humiliated yourself in front of him?
A challenger has appeared, Usahara thought, and now Uramichi wants to crush her. It was clear to him that you were flustered by his assertiveness, just like how you were when he insisted that you call him by his first name.
“Hey, how ‘bout we set up in the lounge?” Usahara suggested. “Wouldn’t wanna waste our last break out here, am I right? ‘Sides, food is a great way to distract the big boss from piling on more work.” He looked at his senpai. “Yo Uramichi, wanna come with me to tell the director and the rest of the crew that we got a delicious gift?”
Using his chipper made-for-TV voice, Uramichi answered. “Great idea!”
Usahara was pleased that the suggestion got Uramichi off your back. He knew what it felt like to be at the end of his senpai’s wrath and was glad that he could at least spare you from that fate.
Chills ran up his spine as Uramichi quietly told him to eat shit. 
By the time the duo returned with the rest of the crew, the food had been set up, effectively distracting Derekida and the assistant directors. You were happy to see that the Together with Maman staff were enjoying the gift. You delegated Daiki and Ken with the task of charming the crew members while you set up the sandwiches in a presentable manner. It was simple enough that they couldn’t fuck it up.
Seeing that everyone had food in their hands, you decided it was best not to linger anymore. You made your rounds to say goodbye, dragging Daiki with you as you approached Uramichi.
“We’ll be heading out first,” you told Uramichi. You had successfully avoided him for the most part, but knowing you had an escape route made you comfortable with meeting him one last time. “But first, Daiki has something that he’d like to tell you regarding that comment he made the other night.”
Uramichi couldn’t even remember what the kid had said.
“It was inappropriate and unprofessional of me to tell you that I get laid thanks to you, your colleagues, and the show.”
You nodded along, satisfied that he went with the script you had practiced in the company car. However, you stopped when he continued on.
“I, in fact, rarely get laid. I’m actually dropping off my lil sister at school during the time that Together with Maman airs, but I wanted to sound funny and cool in front of my co-workers.”
Daiki looked pitiful, especially with the aura of disappointment you sent in his direction. His eyes were staring at Uramichi’s shoes in what you assumed was repentance. In reality, Daiki fought every urge to ask Uramichi how he got that exclusive Onitsuka Tiger colorway. 
“Apology accepted?” Uramichi said hesitantly.
Daiki’s eyes shot up from the floor when Uramichi accepted his apology. Great! Since he accepted his apology, maybe that meant he could ask him about his shoes.
The inside of your cheek might be bitten raw by the end of the day. That was not the professional, succinct yet sincere apology you had practiced. Daiki, what the fuck.
“Aren’t we lucky that Uramichi is so gracious?” You said to Daiki. He nodded furiously. “Now scram,” you mouthed.
Your kouhai hesitantly left your side, throwing a peace sign out to Uramichi when you weren’t looking. 
Now that it was just the two of you, your embarrassment came back in full force. Still, you handed him that small box that you were protecting so fiercely. “I didn’t want the others to know that I got you a separate gift,” you admitted shyly.
“I heard that you don’t like sweets.” Because you scoured the internet for his food preferences all night like a coward. You hoped that interview from nine years ago still held true. “So I got you something a little different but still special.”
He opened the box to find a pork cutlet sando, and on its soft white bread, a message was branded.
Congrats on your award nomination. Uramazing ☺
Did he hate it? You wondered. Uramichi was just staring at the sandwich.
“It’s a little different,” you mentioned again, “but I hope it didn’t disappoint you too much.” Maybe you overhyped it.
“I can’t eat it,” he finally said.
Your smile fell. You knew you shouldn’t have trusted that old ass article. It was probably some PR shit his coach had made up. You wanted to melt into the floor.
“Is it because of the flavor?” You chose the one with the most amount of protein though. “Or is it not your preference?” 
Maybe it would have been better to go with something more straight-forward like a box of high quality meat. It would have been difficult to justify that outlier expense though, and it would have been immediately flagged as suspicious if recorded. Maybe he could tell that you were spending company money and being a bit dishonest. Was he disgusted with your behavior?
“It’s… it’s too cute to eat,” he explained, breaking through your thoughts. “I don’t want to bite it and ruin it.”
“You could take a picture of it, if it’s that precious?” You suggested, guessing that it should have been obvious from your interactions with him that he wasn’t a foodie.
“Right!” He said, pretending that it was the most obvious answer in the world.
You counted down before taking a picture of him and the sando on your phone. “I’ll send it to you soon,” you told him before leaving. “Hope it tastes as good as it looks.”
Utano pulled you aside before you left the studio completely. “I could feel the tension between you,” her eyes gleamed, “so let’s schedule something together ASAP.”
Uramichi couldn’t help but notice how close you and Ken walked together while leaving the studio. 
It bothered him for the rest of the day and into the next too. He couldn’t remember jack shit half the time, so why was this gnawing at him? It was worse than when he forgot what the fuck a macaron was. He couldn’t think of how to describe what he was feeling.
Noticing Uramichi staring at his phone, Nekota suggested, “Whoever it is that you’re waiting for, why don’t you reach out first?”
“Does it look like I’m waiting for someone?” He asked.
Usahara piped up. “Nah, it looks like you’re pining, bro! Who’s the lucky lady that has you wrapped around her finger?”
That was when Kumatani connected the dots. The Mud Shack usually lightened up Uramichi’s mood, but he’d been a dark cloud all night, staring at his empty notification screen and sighing. You weren’t just Utano’s friend. You weren’t a victim of Uramichi’s harsh life lessons either. You were the woman who rushed past him and Usahara over the weekend. It could have been a coincidence since Uramichi’s apartment complex was huge, but what if…?
Giving the blond a dirty look, Uramichi snapped. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I can tell you whose hand will be wrapped around your throat if you don’t shut it.”
Grimacing, Usahara tried to pacify Uramichi with another drink, flagging down the server. Kumatani sighed while Nekota laughed. 
Nekota’s suggestion lingered in Uramichi’s head as he headed home, shifting his shoulder to accommodate the near-dead weight beside him. He’d think of anything at this point to distract himself from Usahara’s excessive drooling and pouting. Once again, his kouhai was drunk out of his mind, and the others immediately bailed when it came to bringing the blond home.
Since when did he start taking advice from Nekota of all people? This was the same man that had been married and divorced twice! But perhaps that also meant that he knew more than the average person…? Wisdom was still wisdom regardless of the failures that led to such knowledge, right?
He shook his head, staring at your name in his phone as he waited for the pedestrian light to change signals.
“God, I wish I were–” Usahara started.
Luckily for Uramichi, the light changed, and he ribbed Usahara so he’d start walking.
Law & Sons was surprisingly busy for a late Saturday night, and you were unsure of why the best konbini of the neighborhood was packed. There were only deals on milk and chewing gum. Part of its charm was the fact that it was nearly empty at all hours of the day, often disregarded for the more popular chains. Still, you braved through the crowd and (im)patiently waited in line.
While stuck in the queue–the poor college student was overwhelmed–you used that time to send Uramichi the picture of him and his personalized sando. You’d been meaning to send it to him but had been chickening out last minute, unable to get past your embarrassment. Still, he looked so adorable with that shocked expression that bloomed into a wide grin, as if he wasn’t used to human kindness.
You selected the picture, and once more, you were stuck on hitting send. It’d be odd to send the picture without saying anything, but what could you possibly write?
Hi, here’s the pic I took of you the other day. You look really nice. I really like your smile here~ Ugh, no.
You look very handsome here, especially when you smile. Doesn’t that sound as if he doesn’t normally look handsome?
Nice smile. You kept reading it in a sarcastic tone.
Ah! You thought of something good.
After dumping Usahara at the tables in front of Law & Sons, Uramichi fished his phone out of his pocket as he made his way to the anti-hangover drink section. He clicked on your message thread. The last message you sent each other was dated from last Friday. He sighed, putting his phone away while grabbing two Ukon no Chikaras, then headed towards the drink aisle in the back. He’d get a Pocari Sweat for him and Usahara.
Uramichi always threatened to leave the blond out on the streets one day, but next time, he really would do it. He already anticipated Usahara sleeping in until the late afternoon, bumming around his apartment until night, effectively wasting Uramichi’s Sunday.
His phone vibrated in his pocket. Was he losing his hearing along with his will to live? Or was it because the konbini was oddly crowded right now? He checked the notification after queuing up.
He stared at your message. What did you mean?
The pic turned out better than expected.
Adjusting the small basket he placed all the drinks in, he zoomed in on his face, trying to figure out what was wrong with it.
Was he naturally unphotogenic? Did you think the whole concept of him taking a pic with a sando was weird? Were you perhaps doubting your photography skills? There were a myriad of reasons as to why you said that, and it could also explain why you didn’t send the picture until now.
You stepped forward, placing your items on the counter. It was stupid, but finally hitting send on your message made you feel free. And now that you felt lighter, you felt luckier too.
“A scratcher, please,” you told the clerk, sliding the correct amount of change.
When you turned to leave, a familiar face caught your eye.
The brunette jolted at the sound of someone calling his name a second time. At first he thought it was a mistake. 
Your greeting turned into regret as you realized how sloppy you looked. Your hair was unstyled, your face bare, and you went out in your ratty old lounge clothes and Crocs. You only went out like this because you thought the konbini run would be quick.
He perked up when he realized who was calling out to him, and he waved to you from two people behind, his phone still in his hand.
“I was just about to text you back,” he said.
“Right,” you said, nervousness creeping back up, “the picture. It really came out well. I don’t know why, but my photos always turn out a little blurry or out of focus. I’m glad I took a good one of you smiling though.”
Was that what you meant? Uramichi wondered as you stood beside him in line. How vain he was to think that you were commenting on his looks.
You were right to buy a scratcher. Maybe you’d buy a lottery ticket too depending on Uramichi’s next answer.
You walked side-by-side while leaving the konbini, waiting for its little jingle to stop before you asked him, “Wanna come over to my place since I’m close?” You tried to downplay your eagerness to be with him by highlighting your proximity to the konbini. 
Perhaps now was Uramichi’s time to live up to his threats, and yet guilt panged at him and kicked at his heart. As much of an irresponsible manchild he was, Usahara shouldn’t be left piss drunk on the streets.
“I can’t,” he said immediately.
“Yeah, it’s late,” you tried to play it off. What were you thinking? He probably wanted to go back to his place and sleep.
“No, it’s not that. I’m bringing someone back to my place.”
Uramichi might as well have shat on your scratcher, along with your heart.
He was taking home another woman? You really didn’t think he was the type. Should you tell him off? But it wasn’t as if you two were a thing to begin with.
Unsure of what that expression on your face meant, Uramichi further explained himself, pointing at the dumbass whose face practically melted into the table.
That’s who he was taking home. The weird guy that winked at you at the dinner party? The one that tried to get between you and Uramichi at the studio? Here Usahara was, cockblocking again.
“He had too much to drink,” he said before mumbling to Usahara, “Get your ass up.” Weakly, Usahara stood while Uramichi shoulders most of his weight, picking up the taller man with ease.
“I’ll walk you home though.”
You looked at him skeptically. You knew that Uramichi was strong, but carrying Usahara for a few more blocks sounded exhausting. “Are you sure you won’t be tired? I can call you a cab from my place.”
Did it make him, Usahara, or both of them look bad if Uramichi said that he was used to it? Besides, if he miraculously got tired, accidentally dropped Usahara into a bush, and needed to recuperate at your house alone, then that would be karma giving the blond what he deserved.
“It’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us.”
Taking Uramichi’s bag from him, you commented, “You’re always walking me home, but when can I actually bring you back to my place?” Making a joke of your blunders was the only way you could face him. You swung both bags as you walked.
He shut your suggestion down quickly. “I have a high alcohol tolerance, so I doubt that'll ever happen,”
Was he really brushing you off that blatantly? “You know what I’m saying, right? I just want to be sure.”
Uramichi was puzzled. “You’re talking about bringing me back to your place because I’m too drunk to get back to my own.”
You shook your head. “No, bringing someone back to your place usually means you’re bringing them home with you to fuck.”
Perhaps you should have used a less crude word in your explanation. Uramichi went into a full stop right before your apartment building. 
“Fuck…?” Was this what you wanted all this time? Were you actually flirting with him instead of being friendly? “You…?”
Fuck you? Why was Uramichi saying fuck you? That wasn’t directed at him, right? Usahara wondered. His senpai wasn’t one to swear–especially compared to Kumatani’s potty mouth–but maybe he said or did someone to push Uramichi over the edge. Everything was a blur after that third round of shochu though.
Usahara opened his eyes to see concrete instead of the izakaya they were hanging out at. He followed a strange pair of shoes beside Uramichi’s, looking up until he saw you. Gasping, he straightened up, twisting Uramichi’s arm with the movement.
“I guess someone sobered up?” Uramichi glowered, rubbing at his arm.
“Why did you say fuck you? To her? Dude, Mich, what do you have against her?” Usahara asked frantically.
Both you and Uramichi stared, trying to decipher Usahra’s drunken blabbering. He was mumbling nonsense and working himself up, but the last word he clearly said was nauseous. You directed Uramichi towards a trash can in front of your building, but it was too late. Usahara puked on Uramichi’s shirt and pants.
You tried not to gag while Uramichi tried to control his anger. Usahara, meanwhile, was fighting for his life, swallowing down the remnants of his sickness. 
“You definitely need to come inside,” you told them. “I’ll clean your shirt.”
Uramichi dumped Usahara on your couch with as little grace as possible, rolling his shoulders before evaluating the mess the blond had made. You pushed a trash can by his face and set the anti-hangover drink and Pocari beside him.
“Ya think he’ll be okay if we leave him alone for a bit?” You asked Uramichi. Usahara was knocked out again, but that unexpected puke session made you nervous. 
“Despite his name, he’s built like a roach. If Usahara’s body truly was as weak as it looks, he would have been dead by now.”
Oof, that was harsh, but you’d probably feel the same if your friend threw up on you.
“Let’s get you cleaned up first,” you said, taking Uramichi to the bathroom.
(Un)luckily, it seemed like the mess was a mixture of stomach acid and alcohol, despite the putrid smell.
“It might be easier if you take off your clothes and I spray it down with the shower head,” you said, hoping that he didn’t think there were any perverse reasons behind your suggestion.
Cautiously, Uramichi removed his shirt and pants, throwing it in the tub. You busied yourself by detaching the showerhead and hosed them down, stopping the water when it looked clean enough. Leaning over the tub, you wrung out any excess water.
You were so caught up in what you were doing that you forgot what you asked Uramichi to do. His boxers teased at what you missed out on last weekend. The water dripped onto the bathmat as you stood in a trance. You had to leave before your fantasies become intrusive.
“I’m gonna throw these in the wash real quick,” you said, slipping past him and that solid core.
“Do you wanna wash up?” You asked him, returning with a clearer mind. You didn’t give Uramichi time to answer, shoving a towel into his arms, and you quickly showed him the settings.
As steam filled the room, Uramichi looked at the neatly folded pair of clothes you left behind. Were these your ex’s clothes? They were certainly not women’s clothes, he thought, as a flash of annoyance hit him. 
Sighing, he let the warm water hit his back as he looked at various bottles for the body wash. Giving the correct bottle a few pumps, he lathered the liquid onto his body. He shouldn’t be picky or bratty when imposing on you.
With Uramichi in the shower, you checked on Usahara snoozing away on your couch. It was somewhat irritating watching the blond sleep, a slight smile on his face as drool dripped out of the corner of his mouth. You’d have to scrub the cushions later.
This fucker–whether he realized it or not–was always getting in your way. You couldn’t be too harsh on him though, at least not tonight. If it weren’t for him, Uramichi would have walked you home and left, leaving you two to go on your separate ways.
“Is he doing alright?” Uramichi asked, drying his hair with the smaller towel you provided.
You jumped at the sound of his voice, giving him a startled response that turned into bashfulness. “Yeah, he’s just–um,” You turned around to face the blond instead of him. “He’s doing fine. Drooling quite a bit though.”
From behind, you missed the face that Uramichi made, sighing as he admitted that Usahara did that often.
“You’re a good friend,” you told him before moving past him so you could bring him some tea. 
Uramichi declined, saying that he got himself something at the konbini too.
“It’ll take another 30 - 45 minutes for your clothes to dry, so…” You trailed off, unsure if you should say your heart’s desires out loud. Uramichi had to want something too, coming out like that, right?
Sparing him a glance, you watched as he ran a hand through his damp hair, shaking some droplets onto his skin. They cascaded down the thick muscles of his torso until they were stopped by the towel loosely wrapped around his hips. You could see a peek of the black band of his boxers.
You swallowed. “Do you wanna lay in bed while we wait? Besides, I owe you from last time.”
How could Uramichi forget? His sheets smelled like you for a few days after, and he was pleased to smell like you right now. He silently followed you to your bed.
Well, this’ll be awkward, you thought, as you stared at your bed, now realizing the consequences of your suggestion. Uramichi would lay in bed with you in his underwear.
“Um, ifit’salrightwithyou,” you spoke quickly, “couldyoutakeoffthetowel? I don’t want my sheets to get wet.”
He nodded, “That’s fine,” and complied with your request.
“You can’t really see anything from the couch,” you over-explained, motioning to the large bookcase partition that divided the room into unequal parts. If someone really did want to look, they’d have to look through the gaps in each cubby space. “Though, we’d just have to keep our voices down.”
Uramichi sat at the edge of the bed and leaned back, making you curse yourself for dimming the overhead lights. The only light that shone was from the TV, and with it, you could only make out the shadows of his body.
Your words kept playing in his head since you said it, silenced only when you two were speaking or he was lost in anxious thinking. When can I actually bring you back to my place? Bringing someone back to your place usually means you’re bringing them home with you to fuck.
Uramichi truly was a fool when it came to love. Until now he hadn’t considered your intentions. He only knew that he enjoyed your time together. Things were starting to make sense: why you kissed him, the odd statements that you’d sometimes throw out, how sometimes you’d act self-conscious.
“Are you saying that because you want to fuck me?”
You were at a loss for words. Your only options were to deny it or admit it. You’d been wishing for weeks that Uramichi would understand what you were getting at, and now that he did, you didn’t know what to say.
Quietly, you confessed, “Yes.”
He hummed. So that’s what you wanted from him. His dreams of domestic bliss were simply that–dreams. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or maybe he was pathetic–it all depended on one’s perspective–but he thought he’d be satisfied with this if it was with you. 
“Come here then,” he said, settling in your bed.
Your mind raced as you crawled into his lap, straddling him. He stopped you as your hand was pulling up your shirt.
“I didn’t mean now. I just… I wanted to know why,” he said at your confusion. “My friend’s asleep in the other room.” 
It was almost as if he was chastising you for your eagerness, yet instead of embarrassment you were even more turned on. It was one of those things where the more forbidden it was, the hotter it seemed.
“We can kiss though,” he offered.
He must have used your mouth wash. Uramichi’s breath tasted like spearmint as you kissed, lips pressing against each other hard as your tongues explored. Your hands wandered too, pressing into his chest before taking his to guide them where you wanted.
Uramichi’s hips rolled into yours as he squeezed your ass. You could feel the entirety of his length, but you took more interest in his girth. You’d seen a hint of it–felt it too–last week, but rubbing against it was something else entirely. You whined into the kiss, shifting in his lap to get the most friction.
“You said we had to keep our voices down,” he whispered hotly into your ear, “but here you are being noisy.”
He spoke in that matter-of-fact tone of his, not unusual from his typical manner of speech. This time, like earlier, had the same effect on you. There was this underlying current of power between you, and it was clear that Uramichi had the upper hand.
“Mhm,” you mumbled into his neck. “I did.” You pressed your body into his to ease this ache you felt. “It’s hard not to be when you’re teasing me like this though.”
Both your heads were swimming, and you clung onto each other for comfort. For a moment, Uramichi thought his resolve would break at your words. If you asked, then and there, for him to fuck you into the mattress, Uramichi would have given you everything you asked for, but you didn’t. He placed a kiss to the side of your mouth.
“I can’t help it,” he told you, grateful for the poor lighting. He was certain his face was flushed. “I missed you.”
You peppered his neck with little kisses before looking up at him. “If you miss me, you’re not supposed to be mean about it.”
“When I miss you again,”–Ugh, your heart skipped with the words that he chose–“I’ll be good to you the next time we meet.”
You kissed on his promise.
Uramichi woke up feeling refreshed, proud that he even woke up before his alarm. His room was nice and dark too. He decided then to sleep for a few more minutes. He snuggled into his pillow but it felt odd. Lifting up his head and waiting for his eyes to adjust, he realized that his head was resting on your tits while his legs wrapped around yours.
“Mornin’,” you yawned, stretching and flexing against his body. “Sleep okay?” You asked, blindly reaching for your phone to check the time.
He hadn’t heard that question in years. Work trips where he had to share his room didn’t count of course. Internally, he jumped with joy, feeling as if he could take on the day after speaking to you.
“Really good, actually,” he said. “I haven’t felt this well rested in months.”
You laughed, flipping your phone screen back to how you found it. It was still too early–6 am to be exact. “Is that so? You should sleep here more often then.”
He mumbled in agreement before asking for his phone. Uramichi checked his messages, relieved that he didn’t miss anything important. There were three messages from Nekota freaking out about having his kids early the next day (which was today actually), one from Kumatani saying that he got home, and another, oddly enough from Hachita, thanking Uramichi for always looking after his brother. What Uramichi was worried about the most was Usahara waking up in the middle of the night. He hadn’t even realized that he himself fell asleep in your bed.
“Thanks for everything,” he said, feeling himself grow hot once more as he recounted what you did last night. The heavy petting and make out session was enough to temporarily whet both your desires. He knew he shouldn’t stay longer lest they grew once more. “But I have to go.” His eyes glanced through the bookcase to where Usahara laid.
Giving a quiet whine in protest, you got out of bed first, venturing towards the dryer to get his clothes.
Once dressed, Uramichi took on the task of waking up Usahara.
“We gotta go,” he told him, pinching Usahara’s nose. The younger man snorted but continued to sleep. “Seriously,” he said, this time poking at his ribs.
“Huh? Wha–ouch! Whadda’hell man?”
Uramichi continued to poke him until Usahara actually sat up. Blearily, he rubbed at his eyes taking in his surroundings. The room was dark but clearly not Uramichi’s apartment. Had he… Had he finally scored with a girl?! No, he realized as Uramichi glared at him. If he did, Uramichi would definitely not be there.
“Where are we? I don’t–I uh–” before Usahara could finish his sentence, Uramichi shoved the anti-hangover drink down his throat.
“We’ll talk later. Let’s just say a konbini angel was looking after us, but I’d hate to intrude any longer. Get up.”
“Konbini angel? What?” Usahara laughed. “You still drunk, dude? You’re not making any sense.”
Ushering him to the door, Uramichi turned back to mouth ‘goodbye’ at you from your spot behind the partition. He insisted that it’d be easier–and quieter–for everyone if Usahara didn’t see you.
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captainblou · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you Sam!!! Time for some self-love, lets go!!
Thank you for the thorns - rated E
There's a few things you should know about Anthony: first, only his dad calls him that, you can call him Crowley. Second, he owns the Queen of Thorns, the best flower shop of Mayfair. And third: he doesn't date. The first two points are unlikely to change, but the third? Maybe we should stick around to see how it goes…
This one was unfortunatly never beta'd BUT it's still my absolute favourite I've written, I would die for those two and their stupid bet.
Roses don't wear freckles like you do - rated E
“Do you have a safeword?” The angel asked suddenly, tearing his eyes away from his candle. Strategic question. Crowley had one and he knew it. They’d used it a thousand times already. “Armageddon. Do you?” The bastard chuckled. “Never needed a safeword.” Crowley hissed, his serpentine tongue flicking, eyes fixed on the melted wax dripping from his hand. “Well, think of one.” His palm had long grown insensible to the light burn of the wax, but that was the easy part. His arm, stretched in front of him without support for the last hour, was starting to shake. His shoulder was screaming in pain. Aziraphale’s hand remained steady and his lips stretched in a smile. Crowley relaxed his stance and stared into his eyes. The angel was playing a mind game with him, pretending it didn’t hurt at all.
A PWP where Aziracrow switch their usual roles. I had a lot of fun with this one !!
Touch of a feather - rated T
Berlin - 1889 “Well, if you must know,’’ the angel started, fidgeting with the lapels of his coat. “Have you heard of this lovely invention called a gramophone?’’ Crowley had, but still shook his head, happy to let him explain. “It’s a device that allows you to play music! Isn’t it brilliant? They engrave the music on large discs, apparently, and the machine plays it, which means you could technically listen to symphonies directly in your home!’’ Aziraphale was literally buzzing with excitement. Crowley could feel the way his body was heating up, positively shivering as he explained. He steadied his hand on his cane and looked at him with an encouraging smile, waiting for more. This time, the angel’s blush was more frank, going all the way down his neck. “Anyway, the company that produces the device is currently designing their logo, and they called for, erm- well, models.’’
My latest little one shot, it's sweet and cute and I love it <3
Undercover - rated E
After Aziraphale becomes the Supreme Archangel, Crowley is appointed as Prince of Hell. Some may think they aren't talking, but that's only true when they're busy with more pressing activities. (A collection of sexy times between our favorite angel and demon, trapped in an office hell/heaven scape, where the second coming that matters is not the Jesus one)
A collection of PWP written with @eybefioro, we have so much fun writing this!! It's still ongoing, I just need to get my head out of my ass and actually write my next part!!!
Drive me to the moon - rated E
At GOMENS, world-renowned sports brand and sponsor, one takes pride in endorsing the UK’s most talented athletes. On the other hand, one would like to ignore the fact that their two top of the bill, Aziraphale and Crowley, have heartily hated each other since the day they met. But what should be expected, when one knows these two?Aziraphale is a professional dancer, Crowley a rally driver. While the former switches between fierce competitions and prestigious stages, the other goes from one track to another across the world, clearing out every prize from behind the wheel of his racing car. Two beings, two worlds, two universes that everything should keep apart. But an unprecedented charity event is getting set up at GOMENS, and quickly, their own athletes will have to compete with and assist each other in turns.Two worlds, two personalities. But if they want to run for a cause that matters to the both of them, Crowley and Aziraphale are going to have to find an Arrangement. 
I'm cheating for that last one!! Publishing begins June 16th with @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist's illustrations!!!! When it's out it will go all the way up on that list!!!!!
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egkartzone · 2 months
We are best digital marketing company in Jaipur . We offers all type of digital marketing works of anyone business. Our experts are expert in digital marketing, logo design, web design and they manage your business very intelligently. We often search an digital marketing services and we prefer top ranked websites so our experts are make your website very unique and get traffic on internet by which your sell will increase and make it so easily with their 10+ year experience. With researched digital marketing, we will ensure that new customers and clients are able to find your business.is a renowned Digital marketing company in Jaipur where you get professional help in paid and organic digital marketing campaigns for Agency.
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color-desk · 2 months
Is the attention your business receiving below what you would expect? Consider enhancing your brand with our professional creative logo design services. In order to further corporate interests in various markets, logos are crucial. They serve as consumers’ and clients’ first impression of brands. Therefore, you need the greatest professional logo design services if you want to stand out in the congested marketplace. This enables you to use imaginatively created logos to change the entire perception of your company.
So why choose expert services for logo design? This blog discusses how to create eye-catching logos, why to work with professional logo designers, and other topics.
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A professionally created logo contributes to the development of consumer trust. But not every logo can draw attention; only striking designs have the power to stir feelings in onlookers. Expert logo design services are the ideal choice for you if you are starting a new company or brand. Let’s examine the main benefits of corporate logo designs.
Customers remember a positive first impression for a very long time. Therefore, logos are a tried-and-true method for companies to leave a lasting impression on clients. People have short attention spans, thus the logos must be established after thorough consideration. When a logo makes an impression on viewers, they are more likely to recall it over time. Efficient procurement of goods or provision of services broadens the brand’s entire reach.
As a brand expands, cultivating enduring relationships with consumers is essential. Although there is no secret recipe for doing this, establishing trust with consumers can be greatly aided by a distinctive logo. In addition to fostering consumer trust, a logo is essential for generating income.
People use the company page or logo to form their opinions. This improves the identification of the brand. Customers’ perceptions become clearer when they have the correct identify. Additionally, you may communicate the proper message to customers by using a distinctive logo. A well-crafted logo is the most effective means of enhancing consumers’ favorable perceptions of the company.
It’s essential to sell your brand through a variety of channels if you want to reach a larger audience or increase website traffic. Using the best professional logo design services to produce a thoughtful logo will help your marketing efforts on several platforms.
Creating adaptable logos that maintain proportion at any size is possible with the help of a skilled designer. Afterwards, you may utilize these logos on many platforms to guarantee that your business is quickly and easily recognized. A strong logo is crucial for building and spreading the word about your business, whether it’s for eye-catching digital ads or social media posts.
Investing heavily in brand promotion across online and offline platforms is crucial for businesses today. A professionally designed logo is one of the most effective promotional tools for building a strong brand image. By making future investments in logo design, businesses can ensure accurate brand identification and ultimately increase profits.
Creating original company logos is a necessary investment for developing a brand image over time. Developing distinctive logos that offer a strong return on investment requires having the appropriate conversations with expert logo designers.
Developing a unique logo is essential if you wish to set your company apart from competitors’ offerings. A well-designed logo will guarantee that your company sticks out from the competition and makes the proper kind of impression on your target market. Designers assess numerous design components and generate ideas to guarantee that your logo stands out from competitors in the field.
This section will examine many approaches to creating a visually appealing logo. Utilizing expert logo design services, businesses can produce visually appealing designs that are also instantly recognized from a distance. These services create distinctive and memorable logos using contemporary technologies for logo creation. Let’s examine the many processes involved in creating visually appealing logos:
Create a conceptual framework for the logos or icons:
A well-designed logo is essential to ensuring that the brand is accurately represented. The best graphical icons should be used for the logo in order to elicit the appropriate feelings.
Choose the appropriate typefaces for the logo:
Designer logos frequently use handwritten fonts, though there are other possibilities for font styling as well. In order to incorporate appropriate language for the brand, the logo must be finalized.
Create a scalable logo design:
The brand logo should be instantly recognizable and aligned with the company ethos. Texts and other business-related materials may be included. Utilize a variety of design tools to ensure that the logo is the correct size and quality.
Select the appropriate background color for the logo:
The logo should be chosen with consideration for visibility and background color contrasts with the text.
Verify the logo’s icon size:
The positioning of specific components on the logo affects its icon size as well. To determine the exact size of the icon on the logo, seek the assistance of a qualified logo designer.
Obtain pertinent input from many stakeholders to validate the logo’s look. The brand’s emblem looks better overall because of the use of bold colors and straightforward shapes.
One of the top logo designers with a track record of exceeding clients’ expectations in a variety of sectors is Colordesk. Using a professional logo designer can help brands change the way they view business in general. Through eye-catching logos, they help firms plan appropriately for brand marketing. The business also offers clients guidance on how to improve their online or digital presence using the right methods.
The greatest expert logo design services are provided by Colordesk, and they will boost business advantages. Let’s examine the main justifications for working with Colordesk on logo designs:The company has skilled designers that can produce logos that are appropriate for a variety of brands. They are dedicated to designing distinctive logos for their customers’ businesses and goods.
They create useful logos for various platforms using contemporary logo design tools. The professionals create creative concepts to create eye-catching logos for a variety of sectors.
They create business logos that can grab attention from all angles by adhering to particular logo design principles.
There are no additional fees associated with our clear and simple payment system for logo design services.
A well-designed logo improves the overall perception of the brand and is instantly recognizable. The Best Logo Design Company india will assist firms in developing appropriate logos that will strengthen their identification as a whole. Its reputation will grow and it will be able to attract a larger clientele with a distinctive brand. The classic logo choices will also support various businesses’ marketing objectives. Use the resources and the correct procedures to create workable logos that satisfy the needs of the company.
Are you prepared to elevate your brand with a distinctive logo? Join together with India’s top logo design firm, Colordesk, and let us help you grow your company with our skilled, imaginative logo design services. To begin your road toward a distinctive and powerful brand identity, get in touch with us right now. Make an impression that will last a lifetime by getting in contact right now!
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eventsignagesydney · 3 months
Elevate Your Business Visibility with Car Signage in Smithfield
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In the competitive business landscape, standing out is crucial. One of the most influential and budget-friendly ways to enhance your brand's visibility is through car signage. This strategy offers a mobile, eye-catching advertising solution for businesses in Smithfield that can reach a broad audience. In this blog, we'll delve into the benefits of car signage, explore different types, and provide tips for choosing the right car signage in Smithfield for your business.
The Power of Car Signage
Car signage transforms your vehicle into a mobile billboard, promoting your business wherever you go. It's a constant, moving advertisement that can attract attention from pedestrians and motorists alike. Car signage ensures your brand is always on display, whether you have a single vehicle or an entire fleet.
Benefits of Car Signage
Cost-Effective Marketing
One of the most appealing aspects of car signage is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike traditional advertising mediums such as billboards or print ads, car signage involves a one-time investment. Once your vehicle is wrapped or decaled, it continuously advertises without recurring costs, offering long-term value.
Increased Brand Exposure
Car signage significantly increases your brand's exposure. Every trip, whether a short errand around Smithfield or a long-distance journey, serves as an opportunity to reach potential customers. This constant exposure helps build brand recognition and ensure your business stays top-of-mind.
Professional Image
Well-designed car signage can enhance your business's professional image. A branded vehicle portrays a sense of credibility and reliability, which can positively influence potential customers. It shows that you take your business seriously and are committed to maintaining a strong brand presence.
Types of Car Signage
Full Vehicle Wraps
Complete vehicle wraps cover the entire surface of your vehicle, offering the most comprehensive branding option. This type of signage allows for bold, intricate designs that can significantly impact viewers. Full wraps are ideal for businesses looking to maximise their visual presence.
Partial Wraps
Partial wraps are a cost-effective alternative to full wraps. They cover specific parts of the vehicle, such as the sides, bonnet, or rear, while leaving the rest of the original paint visible. Partial wraps can still create a striking visual effect and are suitable for businesses on a tighter budget.
Decals and Stickers
Decals and stickers are a versatile and affordable signage option. They can be applied to various vehicle parts, such as windows, doors, or the rear bumper. Decals are great for displaying logos, contact information, and simple graphics, providing a clean and professional look.
Choosing the Right Car Signage Company
Experience and Reputation
When selecting a car signage company in Smithfield, choosing one with experience and a solid reputation is essential. Look for companies with a portfolio of successful projects and positive customer reviews. An experienced company will be able to handle the intricacies of the design and installation process, ensuring high-quality results.
Design Expertise
A strong design team is crucial for creating effective car signage. Ensure your chosen company has skilled designers who translate your brand vision into a compelling visual representation. They should understand how to use colours, fonts, and graphics to create a cohesive and impactful design.
Quality Materials
The longevity of your car signage depends on the quality of the materials used. Opt for companies that use high-quality vinyl wraps, decals, and paints that can withstand various weather conditions and maintain their appearance over time. This ensures your signage remains vibrant and compelling for years to come.
The Car Signage Process
Initial Consultation
The process typically begins with an initial consultation to understand your branding goals and requirements. During this phase, the signage company will gather information about your business, target audience, and design preferences.
Design and Approval
Next, the design team will create mock-ups and revisions based on your input. This collaborative process ensures the final design aligns with your vision and branding guidelines. Once you approve the design, production can begin.
Production and Installation
High-quality materials are used to produce the wraps, decals, or stickers. Skilled technicians then install the signage on your vehicle, ensuring a flawless finish. Proper installation is crucial to avoid bubbles, wrinkles, and other imperfections.
Maintenance and Care
Regular maintenance and care are essential to ensure your car signage remains in top condition. This includes cleaning the vehicle with appropriate products and addressing any damage promptly. Many signage companies offer maintenance services to help keep your signage looking its best.
Car Signage Success in Smithfield: A Case Study
Consider a local delivery service in Smithfield that invested in car signage. By branding their fleet with eye-catching graphics and contact information, they experienced a notable increase in brand recognition and customer enquiries. The mobile advertising allowed them to reach a broader audience and establish a strong presence in the community.
Car signage is an effective and versatile marketing tool for businesses in Smithfield. It offers increased brand exposure, cost-effective advertising, and a professional image. Choosing the correct type of signage and working with an experienced company can transform your vehicles into powerful marketing assets. Whether you opt for full wraps, partial wraps, or decals, car signage is a wise investment that can drive your business's success and visibility.
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webdevelopment4u · 1 year
ONS provides creative logo designing services in Hyderabad. We are the top corporate logo design service providers in hyderabad and also in vizag.
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exactlycleverbread · 2 years
web development melbourne
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robinnygrenart · 3 months
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So at Comic Con Stockholm, I went to an activity where you would learn to design your own hero or villain, expecting it to be held by some kind of indie-company I never heard of to learn… It was held by a high school teacher and his top students… yay.
So, not exactly the most in-depth or professional insights, he mostly just showed pictures from “How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way” and kept on calling Stan Lee an artist instead of a writer…
But I had an hour to kill so I stayed and the assignment was to create an element-based character and I felt “wow, fire’s often compared with destruction and water’s healing” stuff like that and to turn the tables so I wanted to make a fire-hero. And I had no clue what to do. So I started with the villain instead.
So yeah, basic stuff, he was big, towering, inspired by the sharp form of the triangle. I was creative and used fur to exacerbate the shape a little. I also taught one of the students about the bts of Star Wars and talked about how Stomtroopers and Vader’s helmet are supposed to look like skulls and wanting a little bit of that to hide my character’s humanity and make him look a little bit scarier.
Never got to the colours but imagined him in cold colours, white, blue. But also a little bit of brown for a fun contrast. I did sketch a few logos but decided to go without.
They were also supposed to have some artefact so I gave him a water-gauntlet, imagining the source of his powers and since I had also bought a bag with the “Great Wave of Kanagawa” printed on it, I decided to use that as the decorating of the gauntlet.
But with a kind of basic idea of the character, I think I have ideas on how to make his hero-counterpart.
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superkickss · 5 months
Stepping Up Your Game: Exploring the World of Adidas Shoes
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In terms of athletic footwear, Adidas is one of the brands that have been the tops in the world and have gained the same level of high quality international recognition. Over the years, Adidas Shoes has made a name for itself in the sports market through a rich heritage in innovation, style, and performance, resulting in its shoes becoming a must-have in every athlete’s closet and sneaker addict alike. It is evident that the famous three-striped logo, along with the breakthrough technologies that Adidas pioneered, make very few boundaries that can be broken in footwear.
A Legacy of Innovation
Started in 1949 by the German shoemaker Adolf Dassler, still today the seventy-three years old company is recognized for constant innovations. Dassler already knew, by the time he started, how to create shoes that would boost sportsmen's performance and help them deliver their very best, as he had been both a sportsman and a craftsman himself.
Adidas' first great advance came in 1954 with Dassler introducing a shoe with screw-in stud, which allowed soccer players to maintain their traction and stability more effectively during the games. Adidas made a historical breakthrough that year, which became a change in the game and promoted the company as a pioneer in the field of sports shoes.
Iconic Design, Timeless Style
Beyond the progressive use of technical features, Adidas is also widely renowned for its innovative design style, which is now viewed as an important component for street style and urban culture. The brand's famous three-stripe logo, being a symbol of quality, authenticity, and innovation, is recognized worldwide and is a sign of the brand distinction.
From original pieces like the Stan Smith and Superstar silhouettes to the modern NMD and Ultra Boosts, the Adidas shoe line fluidly combines performance and style into a perfect pair for athletes, fashion lovers, and sneakerheads. With regard to any type of workout, be it weight lifting, interval training, or, simply, walking the dog, Adidas has the sneaker for any case and any personality. Innovative Technologies
At the base of the Adidas success is its mission for innovation and technology progression. Brand stands out from others by continuously pushing the boundaries of shoe design and adopting latest materials and crafting technologies to enhance the performance and comfort.
The most remarkable technology is the Boost cushioning which was introduced in 2013 and within a short time transformed the industry. Boost foam comes from thousands of TPU pellets that further shape the foam into a cushioned structure, which gives the amazing benefits of high energy return and responsiveness, that enable runners to safely go faster with less effort.
Furthermore, Boost is not the only advanced technology of Adidas Rebound. Other Adidas technologies, such as Primeknit for breathable and lightweight uppers, and Torsion for stability and flexibility, are also available. These inventions are meant to form shoes that not only elegantly look but also work efficiently.
From the soccer pitch to the city streets, Adidas shoes have stamped a historic impression on the sector of sport shoes. The brand, known for its innovation, fashion, and performance, has gone beyond the limit of what can be done, and in the process, they have inspired athletes and sports enthusiasts alike to raise the bar as they chase their dreams.
It doesn't matter whether you are a professional athlete on your way to the pinnacle of success or a fan of tailored shoes who wants to stand out from the crowd, Adidas has the right pair for each sport, personality, and style. With the irrefutable devotion to quality and excitement of innovation, Adidas shoes are designed to equip you for the peak of your performance and make you look stunning.
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