#Top 5 Free CRMs
whateverisbeautiful · 24 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#49: The Final Deal (1.05)
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Over the years, Jadis has made several deals with Rick and pretty much every single time she screwed him over. 😪 And unsurprisingly, Jadis tries to screw Rick and Michonne over again as she and Richonne attempt to make more deals in the following TOWL scene. However, this time around will be the final deal. Finally. 🙌🏽...
Richonne enter a Yellowstone National Park museum and it’s fitting for Jadis' final moments to take place in this sorta artsy location.
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As Rick and Michonne quietly hunt Jadis down they come across that bumbling trio from earlier and once again they easily disarm them. And then walkers come and take the trio out which…how those three survived this long I’ll never know lol.
So then a shootout ensues with Jadis. And it’s sweet seeing Rick and Michonne hold onto each other as they run away. 
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
As Rick and Michonne stoop behind some fabric, I adore the quick little moment of Michonne checking on Rick with one hand on his face and one on his thigh. Her baby for real. 🥲
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cred: @ririchonne
Jadis is again yapping about living and dying for the cause and calling Rick a traitor and then when Rick pokes his head out she straight up aims for the head and grazes him with her shot. 😑Knowing how fatal that shot could have been to Rick, Jadis’ needed to be sent to the afterlife immediately. Like...
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Michonne says Rick’s name with concern as they switch places and he assures that he’s alright. And proving yet again that Jadis oddly might belong in the Top 5 Richonne Believers, she says, “You two together, you are unstoppable.”
Then she gets way too personal when she says, “But that won’t save your kids. You kill me, they’re dead. I die by my wounds, they’re dead.” And she’s feeling extra bold as she steps out of hiding and says, “I get killed by walkers, they’re dead.”
What Jadis fails to see is that having the audacity to threaten Michonne and Rick’s kids in front of them like this guarantees she’s dead. Like Jadis, hon...
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You can tell Michonne is seeing red as she steps out with her gun aimed at Jadis. Understandably, because now Jadis is triggering Michonne as a mother.
Rick calls Michonne's name but Michonne is ready to end this lady once and for all as she debates pulling the trigger. Jadis almost looks like she’s beckoning her to do it, but knowing they actually do need some info out of Jadis first, Michonne instead kills the walkers coming from behind Jadis.
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When Michonne runs out of bullets, Jadis starts shooting and they both flee for cover. Jadis tries to dish out more of that CRM culty propaganda when she says, “It didn’t have to be this way. You were on the path, Rick. After all these years, you were finally feeling the responsibility to fight for something bigger than yourself.”
Wth, Jadis? 😑 Hearing that I was like - truly girl, shut up because what do you mean he finally felt a responsibility to fight for something bigger than himself?? As if Jadis didn’t meet Rick in the process of him fighting a whole war to free oppressed communities. 🙃 She's an absolute clown. 🤡
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Rick makes his way over to Michonne as Jadis tells Rick that “Beale saw it too. He was gonna give you the Echelon briefing the moment you returned.” Yeah well, Consignee Bethune had other plans lol. 😋🚁🌊
And then I always really like this wordless exchange between Rick and Michonne. Because as Jadis claims that Rick’s eyes would have been opened by the briefing, Michonne looks at him and then he looks up at her and the ways it’s filmed you can just tell that there is nothing the CRM could say or open his eyes too that would make him not choose Michonne every single time. 
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Jadis says Rick could have secured Alexandria’s security but he didn’t. Then she tries to make Michonne an issue by saying, “You let Michonne pull you away from that.” If only Jadis knew how true that was considering Michonne literally pulled them out of a helicopter to get away from this army. 🤭
Then Jadis wants to start coming at Michonne directly saying all she had to do was leave when Rick arranged for her escape and since she didn’t Jadis declares that now the fates of their friends and their children are sealed. Ok, Little Miss Villain...
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Rick tries to again appeal to Jadis’ heart, if she has one, by saying she doesn’t really want to kill everyone back home. He calls her Anne again and he’s onto something regarding the name Anne getting Jadis riled up cuz she sounds particularly irritated as she doubles down on the CRM perspective that, “It’s not about want. It’s about keeping your humanity or saving humanity. And it is a choice.”
In a way, that is the very thing TOWL explored with Rick’s journey. He thought he had to just die and save humanity but through Michonne he regained his humanity and the belief that they can both keep their humanity and save humanity, it doesn’t have to be either/or.
Jadis says she’s chosen her community and her life and then questions if it’ll be them that dies today or her and everyone back home. And the way Michonne got a good swing at Jadis with RJ’s ax, it’s looking like Jadis is going to be the one meeting her demise. Her time is clearly almost up.
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So playing pretend one more time, Michonne says, “She’s right, Rick.”  And then Rick and Michonne demonstrate yet again that verbal communication is just a thing they do for fun because they are entirely capable of conversing and making entire plans just by looking at each other.
As they look in each others eyes they immediately know to try and pull a con on the original scammer herself. Also I just realized this is Michonne once again choosing to just not even address Jadis and speak only to Rick.
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Michonne says, “I didn’t want to see it. I wanted her dead so I didn’t have to see it. But Rick, there has to be a sacrifice. Since I found you, all that I’ve done has been for us. But now I see, this can’t end with us going home.”
Jadis asks what’s it gonna be and then Rick says, “Okay,” pretending to agree that he’ll stay with the CRM if Jadis doesn’t threaten Michonne or their home. 
Michonne says, “There’s still a deal to me made, one where we all can live and Alexandria.” And hearing yet another deal even be attempted to be made with Judas was just...
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Fortunately, it’s a fake deal and the final deal with this snake.
Rick says Michonne will get supplies that’ll help Jadis stay alive long enough to get to the jump point and then Rick will go back with Jadis. The shot of Michonne looking at Rick as he says this. 🥲 It just truly feels like she’s looking at the love of her life. 🥹
Rick looks in Michonne’s eyes as he tells Jadis that they can say he was the lone survivor of the helicopter crash and he’ll go back to the CRM to work for a future like none of this ever happened.
He says they’ll do this on one condition and Jadis already knows when she says, “Michonne gets away and I never tell them about Alexandria.” Rick says, “It’s the only way this works” and then I love his subtle wink at Michonne when he asks, “We got a deal?” 
Jadis wonders why she should trust Rick after all the stuff he’s pulled but that had me like why should you trust him???? Pretty ironic coming from literally the longest-running scammer in the franchise. 😑
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Rick understandably isn’t interested in convincing Jadis why he can be trusted so he just asks, “We got a deal or not?” Jadis isn’t doing so hot from the blood loss so she agrees and says, “Yeah. We got a deal.”
Then, y’all I adore seeing the small detail of Rick and Michonne holding hands. 😭 I love that they were holding hands during this deal, wanting each other to know that regardless of what they’re saying to Jadis right now they’re still entirely in this together.
And I also love that Rick doesn't let go of Michonne’s hand until the very last second as she stands up to come out of hiding and “go get supplies.” 🧲 TOWL said every Richonne scene is gonna have a dash of romance and I’m beyond here for it. 🥰
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So Michonne tosses her weapon and exits and I love that she puts a little feisty emphasis on the weapon toss when she looks at Jadis. And then Rick disarms and shows himself as Jadis tells him to come closer.
Jadis lays down her weapons and Rick of course takes one more opportunity to let Petty Rick shine as he looks at Jadis on death's door and says, “You’ve looked better.” When I tell you I love this extra man lol. 😋 I know he’s appreciating the number his wife did on this garbage woman. And whenever Rick’s eyebrows go up like that, just know some shade is bound to follow. 🤭
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Jadis again expresses acknowledgement of the power of Richonne when she says, “I was a fool to think I could take you down, with you two together.” Jadis never got much right in life, but she did have a solid grasp on the fact that Rick and Michonne really do make each other stronger and they're hard to beat together. She explains that’s why she agreed to the deal so she could keep Rick and Michonne separate.
And then to the *utter shock* of everyone, Jadis whips out Red’s red gun and attempts to double cross them for the fifty-'leventh time. 🙄But I love how Rick responds unfazed to her ploy like he thinks it’s the most predictable thing ever. 🥱 A serpent gon’ do what a serpent gon’ do, so I'm sure seeing her aim the gun just had Rick like...
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Jadis says she doesn’t trust Rick but she respects him. And then Michonne shows up with a weapon pointed at Jadis and tells her to drop the gun or she’ll kill her.
Then, those noodle-less walkers come and bite a chunk out of Jadis' neck. And getting fatally bit instantly spurs Jadis' come-to-Jesus.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
Jadis goes into a monologue about the many lives she tried to balance with her back and forth between Jadis and Anne and the CRM and the Alexandrians. And Richonne is nice enough to listen to her last words.
As she realizes Father Gabriel already showed her the answers she needed (realized too late imo 🙃), Jadis reveals where her dossier is hidden and tells them to just destroy it and go home.
She still believes in the CRM and that they’ll bring the world back, so she looks at Michonne and Rick and says, “Tell me you won’t come after them.” And then y’all, Michonne says request denied because she doesn’t give a damn if this is Jadis' dying wish, they’re gonna do what needs to be done. 👌🏽
Michonne replies, “No. Because we are coming for them.” And the way Rick looks, it appears like this development is news to him lol. But I love that Michonne wants Jadis to know this just before she goes.
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Michonne continues, “We’re gonna get the dossier. And then the CRM - we’re gonna stop them.” She looks over at Rick as she continues to inform both Rick and Jadis of what comes next when she says, “He’s gonna get the Echelon briefing and find out everything that they do that the city doesn’t know about. The city I saw won’t stand for what they are. And we’re gonna help the city stop them.”
And y’all, the way Jadis is staring at Michonne...I know she’s thinking ‘and this is why I wrote a whole chapter on Rick's wife in my dossier.’ #DirectQuoteFromJadis'Mind. 🤭 Had her like...
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Then knowing how much Jadis loves being called Anne, Michonne calmly says, “Because, Anne, the CRM is not the answer and they must end.” And, with the way Bowlcut believes in Richonne, you know Jadis knows they’re going to be successful at stopping the CRM.
Jadis really had to die knowing she and the very mission she dedicated her life to are about to take some serious Ls. 😬
Michonne then turns to Rick and says, “We’re gonna do that.” See, Michonne has been through a whole lot of life and so she’s standing here now knowing the CRM can be taken down just like all the rest.
And always a great and supportive husband, Rick is on board with this plan as he looks from Michonne over to Jadis and says, “You kept us alive for a reason.” And I love the way Rick subtly smiles at her, knowing Jadis is getting yet another front-row seat to the power of Richonne. 
So Jadis,...
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Hearing this seems to have Jadis realizing she made some bad life choices and should have just stuck to her artsy lane when she says, “I wish I died an artist.” I always really like that line. Something about it is poetic and pretty in a tragic way.
But also, whenever I hear it I’m like girl, don’t worry you did die an artist...
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Jadis reflects on how her life as an artist wasn’t about survival but about truth. She says this is the end of her story and her peace and then it becomes crystal clear a Richonne proposal moment is coming when Jadis removes the wedding ring and holds it out.
As she holds the ring, she tells Rick, “On the bridge, you told Gabriel you wanted to marry her.” And I love that this gets brought up again and that Michonne gets to learn that Rick was planning to marry her officially before he was taken.
The way Jadis looks over to Michonne when she says this always makes me smile because she looks quite happy to let Michonne know, 'yes girl, your man was trying to...
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Jadis puts the ring in Rick’s hand and says, “He found this, and he wanted to give it to you.” Rick is shook by this and asks, “How did you...?” And I feel like with the way Rick so clearly had proposing on his mind during this road trip home I’m sure that has him even more bewildered of how Jadis knew this.
Jadis just smiles and shakes her head which had me like - hold up up up cuz no we’re nawt just shrugging off this detail of how she got the ring and was in contact with Father Gabriel. I needed her to tell them about her tea times with Gabriel because Richonne needs to interrogate that man when they get home lol. 🙃
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Jadis tells Rick he wasn’t dreaming about killing her and then says, “Go ahead. Do what you said you would do. Please.” Michonne and Rick stand up and the time arrives for Rick to finally take Jadis out for good.
Jadis dies and it’s a somber vibe as Rick just quietly walks away and Michonne follows. After playing in Richonne’s face from season 7 forward, stealing years from them, and putting their children in danger, I felt it was only right for her to go. Even overdue. And while that monologue didn’t at all redeem her in my eyes, it was well-performed by McIntosh and had some heart.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
I’m most glad that she gave Rick that ring tho because it leads to the best scene of the episode. 🤩
One of the earliest ways that trifling Jadis tried Richonne was in the season 7 finale when she said she was gonna lay with Rick and asked Michonne if she cared. 🙃 Y’all remember when she looked Rick up and down, turned to Michonne, and asked, “Yours?”
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Well...about that.😊
I always find it to be poetically fitting that here in Jadis’ final episode, it’s also the very episode where Rick and Michonne affirm that Jadis' "Yours?" question actually isn’t that crazy because Rick and Michonne really do happily belong to each other.
He’s hers. She’s his. 🥲
So you know I gotta break down the absolutely beautiful scene that makes that sentiment crystal clear. 😌👌🏽💍
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thesaleswhisperer · 9 months
Dre Baldwin on The Sales Podcast
Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...
Former professional basketball player
Zig when others zag, which means sending personalized outreach
Do what doesn’t scale
“What is my competition not willing do that I will?”
He’s been making content since 2005
He has a process for researching ideal prospects
Send link to assistant to research
Assistant finds pertinent information and adds it to the CRM
He then makes the video intro
He’ll make 5-6 each day
Do enough that you can handle the replies
Related episodes and posts
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He was always a salesperson at heart but didn’t really realize it
He has a business degree and responded to a bulletin board post “make money”
It was an MLM and after a couple of meetings he learned how to disrupt the negative assumptions about making money, which his college professors never mentioned
He got into personal development
He started selling training products to basketball players who found him on YouTube
He only played one year of high school basketball then D3 basketball and made it to the pros, so people started finding him online for his mindset content
It took a while for him to realize that not everyone thought like he did
He stopped playing ball in 2015 and wanted to get into the professional speaking business
He applied to some TED talks and got accepted
Then he started writing books
Build your own audience and master DTC, direct-to-consumer
His mom was an educator who got her college degree when he was in college
He was not “found” by the pros
When he graduated college in 2004 he worked at Foot Locker store then Bally Total Fitness
He went to an exposure camp for basketball players: you pay to play for two days with 200 other players
Then he cold-called basketball agents, which was a flip in the script
He called about 60 agents and reached 20 and sent them a VHS tape that he recorded and one agent said he’d represent him in late 2005 and got him a job in Lithuania
He was blogging and sharing his videos on YouTube
He got his experience writing then other players had questions on how to play overseas
By 2009, he started thinking about how to leverage this into a business
2015 was his last season and he played with a different team every year
Not a fan of the news
Don’t follow or associate with the negative people
Find your lane in which you can succeed
Principles—never change, Strategies, Tactics—can change daily
Your mandate as an entrepreneur is to make money, which should remain very clear
If you don’t like running ads, don’t run them. Hire someone and keep your eye on them.
You can do this with any aspect of your life.
You can create content like podcasts
Become findable
Be consistent
When it comes to hiring staff, give them the “brief” that needs to be clear and detailed. You need to know what you want.
If you’re an expert, I believe you should be able to produce the results and explain it to me, so here’s $100; go make it happen and explain it to me
He’s not a fan of agencies…they are looking for their next client
Are you—or do you want to be—a top 2% performer? Join his program.
Mindset and strategic tools
His first coaching client was back in 2015 via Periscope
Around 2020, when speaking gigs dried up, he pivoted to more in-house stuff
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Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
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whydonateav · 1 day
7 Crowdrise Alternative Platforms To Start Your Fundraising Campaign
Table of Contents
About Crowdrise
7 Crowdrise Alternatives
Snap! Raise
About Crowdrise
Crowdrise is an online fundraising platform founded by Edward Norton, allowing charities, nonprofit organisations, and individuals to raise funds for various causes through crowdfunding. Over the years, the platform has helped users raise millions of dollars for charitable projects and events. In 2017, Crowdrise was acquired by GoFundMe, further expanding its reach and impact on charitable giving.
Crowdrise focuses on causes like animal welfare, crisis intervention, and education. Its user-friendly interface and focus on social fundraising have made it a popular choice for those looking to make a positive impact.
7 Crowdrise Alternative Platforms
If you're looking for a Crowdrise Alternative, here are seven great platforms you can use to start your fundraising campaign:
1. WhyDonate
WhyDonate is a global crowdfunding platform that connects projects with donors, providing a free fundraising platform for individuals and organisations. With a diverse remote team, WhyDonate can reach potential donors worldwide while offering local support in multiple languages. It’s an excellent Crowdrise alternative that allows individuals and charities to launch visually appealing and functional websites for fundraising. WhyDonate also offers features like online contests and crowdfunding campaigns. With 0% platform fees, it’s recognised as one of the top platforms to create a positive impact globally.
Fees: 0% platform fee + 1.9% + €0.25 Payment Processing Costs
2. Givebutter
Givebutter is another top Crowdrise alternative platform that offers a variety of free tools to help organisations exceed their fundraising goals. With no platform fees or subscriptions, users can easily customise and embed mobile-optimised tools to drive growth and inspire action. Trusted by millions, Givebutter has powered over $1 billion in donations and offers free CRM tools for better decision-making based on donor data.
Fee: 0% platform fee + 2.9% + 30¢ Processing Fees
3. DonorPerfect
DonorPerfect is a fundraising software company that provides smart fundraising solutions to nonprofits. As a strong Crowdrise alternative, DonorPerfect focuses on data-driven practices to simplify fundraising processes. It includes tools for processing donations, increasing donor retention, and organising events while staying committed to leadership, teamwork, and giving back.
Fees: Starting at $99/month
4. Snap! Raise
Snap! Raise offers an easy and secure way to raise funds through online campaigns. It features a mobile app for managing fundraisers on the go, which makes it another ideal Crowdrise alternative. With personalised communication tools and an extended reach beyond local neighbourhoods, programs can maximise their fundraising potential with Snap! Raise.
Fees: Free registration + a percentage of funds raised after the campaign.
5. FundRazr
FundRazr is a highly effective Crowdrise alternativehttps://whydonate.com/en/blog/crowdrise-alternative-platforms/ that has helped individuals and organisations raise over $325 million online. It offers transparency, security, and a broad range of tools to support both nonprofit and personal fundraising needs. Satisfied users have highlighted its success in achieving fundraising goals quickly and efficiently.
Fee: 0% platform fee + 2.9% + $0.30 payment processing per transaction
6. Fundly
Fundly is another excellent Crowdrise alternative that offers seamless donation collection and deep integration with Facebook. Fundly's platform supports various methods like peer-to-peer fundraising and event management, and includes advanced analytics for tracking donor trends in real time. Its features help individuals and teams optimise their fundraising campaigns efficiently.
Fee: 0% platform fee + 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for credit card processing
7. Rally
Rally.org is a user-friendly Crowdrise alternative platform where individuals can create fundraising pages for causes they care about. It allows users to share their stories and connect with a community of supporters to donate to their cause. Rally.org is an empowering tool for anyone passionate about raising funds for meaningful causes.
Platform Fees: 5.00% + credit card fees (2.9% + 30¢) per donation processed.
Choosing the right Crowdrise alternative depends on your fundraising needs and goals. These platforms offer a variety of tools and features that help individuals and organisations make a difference, whether you're fundraising for personal causes, nonprofit organisations, or community projects. Happy fundraising!
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susmithabusiness · 2 days
Top 10 Simple CRM Tools for Managing Customer Relationships
In today’s fast-paced business world, effective customer relationship management (CRM) is crucial for growth. A good CRM system helps streamline processes in sales, marketing, and customer support. While large companies often invest in complex systems, smaller businesses can benefit from simpler, user-friendly solutions that still offer essential features. Here’s a list of the top 10 CRM tools that balance simplicity and functionality for effective customer management.
1. HubSpot CRM
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HubSpot CRM is widely considered one of the best free CRM options for businesses. It provides comprehensive tools for managing sales and marketing without hidden costs. HubSpot’s user-friendly interface makes it ideal for beginners and growing businesses, offering the scalability needed as your business expands.
Key Features:
Contact and deal management
Email tracking and notifications
Drag-and-drop sales pipeline
Integration with HubSpot Marketing, Sales, and Service tools
Built-in email templates
Why Choose HubSpot?Perfect for businesses aiming to grow their CRM usage over time, HubSpot’s rich feature set and open-source flexibility make it a favorite among small businesses
2. Zoho CRM
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Zoho CRM is a highly customizable cloud-based solution designed for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers a wide range of features, from lead generation to sales pipeline management, with a free version available for startups or businesses on a budget.
Key Features:
Lead and contact management
Customizable sales automation
AI-driven analytics and forecasting
Integration with over 50 apps
Social media management tools
Why Choose Zoho?Zoho’s flexibility and customization make it a solid choice for businesses looking for a CRM that adapts to their evolving needs, while its integration with other Zoho products adds convenience.
3. Freshsales
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Freshsales, part of the Freshworks ecosystem, is an AI-powered CRM tailored for sales professionals. It offers built-in communication tools, making lead tracking and sales funnel management simple and effective.
Key Features:
Lead and deal management
AI-powered lead analysis and scoring
Email tracking and templates
Visual sales pipeline with drag-and-drop features
Integrated phone system
Why Choose Freshsales?Ideal for teams looking to use AI to enhance sales performance, Freshsales' intuitive layout and automation tools reduce time spent on administrative tasks.
4. Salesforce Essentials
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Salesforce Essentials brings the core features of the market-leading Salesforce CRM in a simplified version for small businesses. It offers robust functionality without the complexity or cost of the full Salesforce suite.
Key Features:
Account, contact, and opportunity management
Mobile-responsive performance dashboards
Email integration and tracking
AI-powered Einstein analytics
Mobile CRM app
Why Choose Salesforce Essentials?Great for small businesses that want to leverage the power of Salesforce but in a more accessible and affordable package.
5. Pipedrive
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Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM that offers a highly visual interface for managing sales pipelines. Its drag-and-drop functionality and streamlined workflow make it an excellent tool for sales teams.
Key Features:
Customizable sales pipeline
Email integration and tracking
Labor-saving automation tools
Integration with apps like Slack and Trello
Why Choose Pipedrive?If your business relies heavily on managing sales pipelines, Pipedrive’s simplicity and focus on automation make it a standout choice.
6. Agile CRM
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Agile CRM integrates sales, marketing, and customer service into one unified solution. It offers automation tools that help small to medium-sized businesses manage customer relationships efficiently.
Key Features:
Contact and lead management
Marketing automation
Helpdesk and customer support features
Social media integration
Web engagement tracking
Why Choose Agile CRM?Ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one platform that combines sales, marketing, and support features in a single tool.
7. Insightly
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Insightly is a CRM platform that combines customer relationship management with project management tools, making it an excellent choice for businesses that need both functionalities in one solution.
Key Features:
Project and task management
Sales automation
Customizable dashboards
Email tracking
Web and mobile access
Why Choose Insightly?Insightly’s combination of CRM and project management makes it perfect for teams with complex workflows or long-term customer engagements.
8. Nimble
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Nimble is a social CRM designed for businesses that focus on building relationships through email and social media. It integrates with social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to streamline customer interaction.
Key Features:
Social media and email integration
Contact and lead management
Task tracking and reminders
Smart contact profiles with social information
Why Choose Nimble?Great for businesses that rely on social media for customer engagement, Nimble provides a comprehensive view of interactions across multiple platforms.
9. Less Annoying CRM
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As its name suggests, Less Annoying CRM is designed for small businesses that need an affordable and easy-to-use CRM. It includes all the essential CRM features without overwhelming users with unnecessary options.
Key Features:
Contact and lead management
Calendar and task tracking
Simple, intuitive interface
Email integration
Why Choose Less Annoying CRM?This CRM is perfect for small businesses or users who are new to CRM tools, offering simplicity and ease of use at a low cost.
10. Apptivo
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Apptivo is a modular CRM solution that includes applications for customer management, project management, and invoicing. Its flexibility and customization options make it suitable for growing businesses.
Key Features:
Contact and lead management
Sales pipeline tracking
Invoicing and project management tools
Customizable dashboards and reports
Integration with Google and Microsoft apps
Why Choose Apptivo?Apptivo is an ideal choice for businesses that need a versatile CRM capable of handling everything from sales tracking to invoicing in a customizable platform.
Choosing the right CRM tool can significantly enhance your business’s customer relationships, as well as sales, marketing, and support operations. Each CRM on this list offers essential features with varying levels of customization, automation, and integration. The best choice depends on your business needs and growth plans.
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arek-blog24 · 2 days
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Didar CRM is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) software available as a desktop application for Mac, Windows and Linux user. this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using Didar CRM to streamline your business operations and improve customer relationships.
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The main features of Didar CRM
Contact management
Save lightly and arrange customer information
Create a detailed contact configuration file with notes, labels and custom fields
Seamless import and export contact
Pipe control
You can visualize your sales channel using the Drag and Drop feature
On the railway transaction at each stage of potential customers and options
Create a reminder and follow -Upon to save the top of the sales process
Mission and Calendar Management
Create and distribute tasks to teammates
Integrate your calendar to see the expected date and term
Collaboration with your team to share tasks and events
Message and analysis
Generates a comprehensive report on your sales, pipelines and team performance
Custom Tool Card Tracking Main Indicators and KPI
Export data to further analyse or integrate with other tools
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Getting started with Didar CRM
Step 1: Download and Install Didar CRM -Desktop -Application Visit the Didar CRM site and download a suitable version of operating systems (Mac, Windows or Linux) Instructions on the screen, install Didar CRM's desktop application
Step 2: Set your Didar CRM account, create a new account or sign in to your existing Didar CRM account Configure your business and user settings including brands, customized fields and team members
Step 3: Import your contact and data Use Didar CRM Import Tool to Introduce Existing Customer Data from Other Sources Arrange your contact as a custom group and label for better control
Step 4: Customize your Didar CRM experience Custom tool panels, pipelines and messages to meet your business needs Integrate Didar CRM with other tools (Eg E -Pasti, Calendars and E -Traditional Platforms)
Step 5: Train your team and accept the best practices Gives the team a comprehensive workout that effectively uses Didar CRM Create clear workflows and guidelines for data entry, granted management and reports
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The Didar CRM \ Desktop Application provides a carefree and effective method that can manage Mac, Windows and Linux platforms, sales channels and business operations. when doing this manual, you can use Didar CRM to promote business growth and success. call to action Are you ready to take your customer relations to the next level? Sign up for a free trial of Didar CRM and experience the power of this comprehensive desktop CRM solution.
 Call to Action (CTA): Encourage readers to try Didar CRM—Discover Didar CRM’s Full Features and Download Here.
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techtired · 2 days
Building an Efficient Online Store: Essential Apps and Tools to Consider
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Success in today's digital market relies heavily on an efficient online store that works seamlessly, whether starting from scratch or expanding an existing e-commerce operation. For the latter task, investing in essential tools and applications - like Shopify apps for sale - could make all the difference to its performance and streamline operations. Understanding the Core Functions of an Online Store An online store performs several core functions, including product listing, payment processing, and customer service. Each area requires individual attention and resources to run efficiently; having the appropriate tools will increase functionality while offering customers a better customer service experience. Key Categories of Essential Tools and Apps To build an effective online store, you must consider a range of essential tools and apps. Here are a few key areas of focus. 1. Inventory Management Apps Effective inventory management is crucial for online retailers. Inventory apps help retailers keep tabs on stock levels, monitor product availability, and oversee reorder processes more easily than ever. Look out for features such as real-time updates, automated alerts for low stock levels, and integration into existing sales platforms to prevent stockouts while ensuring customers find precisely what they're searching for! 2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools Building strong customer relationships is integral to long-term business success, and CRM tools enable you to do just that. By managing customer interactions and sales history efficiently and personalizing communication channels using features like automated follow-ups or segmentation analysis, you can gain greater insights into audience preferences that enable tailored marketing efforts and foster loyalty while driving repeat business. 3. Marketing Automation Platforms Marketing automation can save time and increase customer engagement by automating repetitive tasks such as scheduling social media posts or sending email campaigns, as well as tracking the effectiveness of marketing strategies. With automation tasks taken care of for you, more time can be dedicated to producing valuable content while connecting with audiences. Look for tools with analytics features to measure campaign performance and optimize the approaches taken. 4. Analytics and Reporting Tools Metric tracking is critical to making smart business decisions and providing valuable insight into customer behaviors, sales trends, and website visitor patterns. By analyzing this data, you can pinpoint areas for improvement while adapting strategies accordingly. Key features to look out for in analytics tools include customizable dashboards, real-time reporting, and KPIs that align with business goals. 5. Shipping and Fulfillment Apps Efficient shipping processes can make an immense difference in customer satisfaction. Hence, using shipping and fulfillment apps to manage orders, calculate shipping costs, track delivery times, and offer various delivery options can enhance the overall customer experience. Considering which features integrate into your e-commerce platform or provide real-time tracking to keep customers updated about their orders is vital to customer service success. Finding Apps that Support Your Online Store When selecting apps for your online store, consider factors like compatibility, ease of use, and customer support as you evaluate apps for compatibility, usability, and customer support. Not every tool may suit your unique requirements, so make sure to research options carefully and read reviews as you find free trials when available so you can see if each fits into your workflow and helps achieve business goals over time. The Role of Customer Experience in E-commerce Success Creating a positive customer journey should be at the top of every retailer's agenda. Implementing tools that enhance this experience by streamlining navigation, personalizing product recommendations, and offering seamless checkout processes may all increase customer satisfaction while potentially driving increased conversion rates. Chatbots may provide immediate customer support while personalized shopping assistants help guide visitors directly towards products they may love - these improvements could increase conversion rates while simultaneously improving customer loyalty. Conclusion Integrating the right tools and apps is integral to running an efficient e-commerce store. Focusing on inventory management, customer relationships, marketing automation, analytics, and shipping will allow your store to run better for its customers and you. Don't forget that staying informed of tools available helps align them with business goals - while taking a peek at Shopify apps available can unlock innovative solutions that elevate e-commerce businesses like your own. Read the full article
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abiyaabi · 3 days
Why Salesforce is Essential for Modern Businesses in 2024
In the ever-evolving world of business, customer relationships are more crucial than ever. Companies are looking for advanced tools to manage interactions, improve efficiency, and drive growth. Salesforce, a leading CRM platform, has become an indispensable tool for organizations across industries.
For those looking to enhance their skills, Salesforce Online Training & Placement programs offer comprehensive education and job placement assistance, making it easier to master this tool and advance your career.
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Its range of features not only helps streamline business processes but also enhances customer experiences. Below, we explore the top reasons why Salesforce is a game-changer for businesses in 2024.
1. All-in-One Solution for Managing Customer Data
Salesforce offers a robust CRM system that consolidates all customer data in one place. Whether it's tracking leads, managing accounts, or communicating with partners, Salesforce allows businesses to manage all customer interactions efficiently. This streamlined approach helps companies offer better customer service and build stronger, long-lasting relationships, all while boosting sales.
2. Tailor-Made CRM for Your Business
One of Salesforce’s biggest strengths is its customization capabilities. No matter the size or sector of your business, Salesforce can be tailored to fit your unique needs. You can easily customize fields, automate workflows, and create specialized reports that match your business processes. This adaptability ensures that as your company evolves, Salesforce evolves with it, providing long-term value.
3. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere
As a cloud-based platform, Salesforce offers unparalleled accessibility. Whether you're working from the office, home, or on the go, Salesforce allows you to access critical data anytime and anywhere. This is especially beneficial for remote teams and global businesses, ensuring that everyone stays connected, no matter where they are.
4. Boost Productivity with Automation
Manual tasks can eat up valuable time. Salesforce provides a solution by automating routine processes like data entry, email follow-ups, and report generation. This automation frees up your team to focus on more strategic, high-value tasks. By eliminating repetitive work, Salesforce helps businesses increase efficiency and productivity across departments.
With the aid of Best Online Training & Placement programs, which offer comprehensive training and job placement support to anyone looking to develop their talents, it’s easier to learn this tool and advance your career.
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5. Make Smarter Decisions with Data-Driven Insights
Salesforce’s analytics tools offer in-depth insights that empower businesses to make informed decisions. Customizable dashboards and real-time reports provide a clear view of sales performance, customer interactions, and marketing efforts. By leveraging this data, businesses can identify trends, forecast outcomes, and make decisions that drive success.
6. Integrations with Your Favorite Apps
Salesforce’s ability to integrate with thousands of third-party apps is a huge advantage. Whether it’s syncing with accounting software, marketing platforms, or project management tools, Salesforce ensures a seamless flow of information across systems. This integration simplifies operations and ensures that your business has all the tools it needs in one place.
7. Strengthen Team Collaboration
Salesforce’s internal collaboration tools, such as Chatter, make it easier for teams to stay in sync. Whether employees are sharing updates, working together on projects, or collaborating on customer accounts, Salesforce fosters efficient teamwork. This improved communication accelerates project timelines and helps businesses respond more quickly to opportunities.
8. Deeper Understanding of Your Customers
Understanding customer behavior is critical to business success. Salesforce provides detailed insights into customer preferences, needs, and behaviors, allowing businesses to create personalized experiences. With this valuable data, companies can tailor their marketing and sales efforts to meet customer expectations and build stronger relationships.
9. Mobility for a Modern Workforce
Salesforce’s mobile app enables on-the-go management, making it easier for field teams, sales reps, and managers to access customer data from anywhere. This real-time access to information ensures that your team can respond to opportunities as they arise, no matter where they are, helping to close deals faster and provide better service.
10. Enhanced Customer Service with Service Cloud
Salesforce’s Service Cloud is designed to improve customer service by offering tools such as case management, live chat, and self-service portals. These features help businesses address customer inquiries quickly and efficiently, leading to increased customer satisfaction. By providing better service, businesses can improve loyalty and retain customers for the long term.
11. Stay Ahead with Constant Innovation
Salesforce is known for its regular updates and continuous innovation. With new features and improvements rolled out several times a year, businesses using Salesforce can be confident they are always working with cutting-edge technology. This ensures that your business remains competitive and benefits from the latest CRM advancements.
Salesforce is more than just a CRM—it's a comprehensive platform that enhances business operations, drives growth, and improves customer relationships. With its wide range of features, from automation to mobile accessibility, Salesforce provides businesses with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive landscape. In 2024, Salesforce continues to be an essential asset for businesses looking to streamline operations and unlock new opportunities for success. If you’re seeking a scalable, customizable solution that can grow with your business, Salesforce is the perfect choice to drive your future growth.
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whateverisbeautiful · 30 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#43: The Good Life (1.05)
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gif cred: @nerd4music
The vibes of this whole sequence are so good. The good life truly. 🤩And Say Yes has always been a comfort ep for me, so I love that this montage has such Say Yes energy and parallels. If ever I need a pick-me-up this tranquil series of clips from Richonne's road-trip home will lift my spirits every time. I love the way this montage depicts that in finding each other again, Richonne refound the best, most at peace parts of themselves 😌...
So after that teaser with Father Gabriel, we get our babies back on screen. And it hit me that Episode 5 is the first time there are even scenes that don't feature Rick and Michonne. In episodes 1-4 of TOWL, Rick, Michonne, or both are on screen in every single scene apart from that one episode 2 teaser. Which I was very much in support of this as a long-time card-carrying member of the Give-Richonne-More-Screentime ministry. 😊
After how excellent the plot, pacing, and dialogue were in episode 4, I will say that ep 5 & 6 are a bit clunkier in those areas to me. But one thing is for sure, the Richonne content in ep 5 & 6 is still solid gold.
While these last two eps are ranked lower than episodes 1-4 for me, the good moments in these last two episodes aren't just good, they're great and include some genuinely Top 10 worthy Richonne scenes. So we definitely have to break it all down.😇👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
The montage starts with that yellow truck turning the corner and then they just get right into the good vibes and romance as we see Richonne calmly driving.
I love that they use 'The Good Life' by Tony Bennett to set the mood. Rick and Michonne both just look so relaxed and happy and it’s super refreshing to see. 🥰
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gif cred: @msanonships
After everything they’d gone through thus far it was so nice to arrive at a point where Rick and Michonne are back in sync and as connected as ever.
I love the way Rick seems so content and peaceful with his hand out the window. Michonne has that man feeling on top of the world again. 😋 And then it’s so sweet the way he looks over at Michonne and the way she smiles back at him while driving. All is well with their soul and mine. 😌
Then we get one of my favorite Richonne actions ever when Rick takes her hand and kisses it. 🥹 It’s perfect.
I love the lingering depth of this hand kiss and that it’s such an illustration of how much Rick loves and cherishes Michonne. It was another soul kiss. And you can just tell how much peace Michonne brings Rick. She’s like his medicine. The cure to his anxiety and to his life. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
Something I so appreciate about Richonne is how every moment like this feels like such an organic outpouring of love in their hearts. And it feels like it’s the exact thing they both needed. Like Rick is offering Michonne so much love with this hand kiss but you can tell it’s also for him too, because she brings him so much peace and happiness and calms any anxiety he might have about really being able to break away from the CRM this time and go home.
This might be the furthest Rick has got in terms of actually breaking free from the CRM and heading home. I know he knows it has everything to do with Michonne that they’re making it this far and actually going to get home this time because they can do anything together.
I appreciate how this hand kiss is just one of the many ways Rick’s romantic heart so naturally wants to show his love and that Michonne is so receptive to it. Like the way she looks at him while he kisses her hand. They really know how to make the love they have for each other leap off the screen. And I know she knows that her Rick is fully back by him doing this.
The song lyrics that play say “don’t try to fake romance” and truly this is just giving authentic romance. Richonne's hand kisses in Say Yes were always so incredibly sweet to me so I love that we have another precious one to add to the list.
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I also love that now that Rick isn’t trying to shut Michonne out, he’s immediately back to loving on her every second. This is how Rick loves.
I appreciate that Rick and Michonne immediately started living out that sentiment to love on each other as hard as they can while they can. Loving on each other is what they're both so good at doing. And the way they love is beautiful. 🥹
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gif cred: @coalfires
So then they pull up and find all those ramen packs because the universe loves them some Richonnne. And y’all, I adore that they are matching again. 😊 It’s another signature Richonne thing. And it's great how they aren’t just matching in the same general color - no they're basically both wearing the exact Pantone shade, honey. The best. 😋
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And Rick and Michonne are just at their all-time adorable when the noodles fall out of the trunk and they excitedly laugh and pick them up. Michonne looks like such a cutie when she holds up a pack and amusedly addresses their punny name “Tasteful Noods.”
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gif cred: @perryabbott
And Rick looks like such a cutie laughing and just seeming happy to be there. I love that they always bring out such a smiley playful side of each other. 😊
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Another thing I love about TOWL whenever I think about it is how Rick and Michonne's journey of refinding each other was never rooted in questioning if they're still compatible as a couple. After nearly a decade spent apart, some characters who aren't soulmates could have easily changed too much and been unable to rekindle this type of comfortable passionate chemistry so quickly.
But while Richonne had to navigate the way their circumstances had impacted and altered them, they still always operated like they knew the other was their person and the love of their life. And now that they've risen from their ep 4 timeout stronger, they're so effortlessly back to being best friends & lovers.
That's part of why I love how passionately Richonne kisses in their episode 2 reunion scene because they didn't have to hesitate, wait, or wonder how the other felt about them after all these years. Without even needing to verbally confirm it, they immediately knew the love, chemistry, and connection they have was alive and as strong as ever.
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But back to this heavenly episode 5 montage - We get a sweet moment of the two having dinner together and I’m just smiling from ear to ear yet again. 😁
I love how this montage moment really highlights how far Rick and Michonne have come in their journey since that season 4 moment beside a fire.
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Also, in the TWD series finale when Rick and Michonne were both writing letters alone by a fire, I remember just feeling like I cannot wait for them to be side by side again and it was lovely to see that time finally come. 🙌🏽
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During this dinner in front of the mural, they’re both looking out at something but I can never tell what exactly. And then Rick puts his arm around Michonne and I love that he looks over at her first, watching her taking in whatever they’re seeing like maybe another mural/painting or something idk. Either way, Michonne is clearly the true view to Rick. 🥰
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And then Michonne turns to him with the sweetest smile as they share a kiss and I just love how warm this whole moment is. It's great how they take a moment to just smile at each other before having yet another kiss infused with passion. And the way they get lost in this kiss - equally addicted to each other. 😊 They’re so blissfully in their Richonne bubble and it’s great to see. 
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gif cred: @lousolversons
As they drive along the scenic road they also come across a vending machine and I love how their movement is so synchronized as they look from the vending machine to a walker with a sword stuck in its neck. See how the universe always wants to provide the things Richonne needs? 😋
Also, what this episode really hammered home is that Richonne communicates with words pretty much for fun, because they’re entirely capable of having whole conversations by just looking at each other.
And in this moment they both immediately get the same idea at the same exact time to use the blade in that walker to hack through the vines covering the vending machine. And they’re so cute and determined as they go to take care of it.
Clearing out the vending machine was clearly a success as they cut to Richonne back in the car while Rick chugs a soda. And even the soda moment shows that he’s really released a lot of the stress he was carrying in the first four episodes and just seems so at home. And of course he seems at home because his home is right next to him looking beautiful while driving. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Also, you always know you’re truly comfortable with someone when even just sitting in silence together brings you peace and I felt that from them in these car clips.
Then this heavenly montage wants to make me teary by having Rick take out the phone with the image of Carl and just take a moment to appreciate it. Again, Rick loves his son so much. 🥲 I'll forever be moved by the love this father has for his boy.
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It's heartwarming that Rick gets so much comfort from these images of his family. And it really is one of the greatest things Michonne’s ever done for him by giving him this drawing that brought his son's face back to him.
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gif cred: @taiturner
I love that Michonne looks over at him and gets to again see how meaningful having this piece of Carl is for Rick. The way she looks from the phone to him, both those Grimes boys forever have her heart. 🥹
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(And she knows soon Rick will get to meet the third Grimes boy, RJ. 🥲)
I think about the OG Richonne episode Clear when Michonne was behind the wheel as Rick sat silently beside her with a hand out the window. Now, years later they do the same, no longer strangers but soulmates.
The biggest difference between the two moments is Carl is right there with them in the back of the car in Clear, and now in TOWL he's with them through a phone portrait. 🥺
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Carl would be so proud of Rick and Michonne for finding their way back to each other and finally going home together. 🥲
Also just looking at Rick and Michonne in this car heading home, y’all, we really made it. 😭 All those years without them and we really made it to a point where Rick and Michonne are back on a road trip home together and at peace. And so I just adore this whole opening sequence for perfectly painting the picture of their travels home and how in love they are at every turn.
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Rick and Michonne looked so refreshed with vacation vibes as they finally got to just enjoy each other without the threat of the CRM nearby. Beyond here for it. 😇
Then, as they drive they come across a souvenir shop...and it’s there we get another one of my absolute favorite TOWL scenes. 👌🏽😌
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chatvertise · 4 days
Top 5 Benefits of WhatsApp Business API for Small and Medium Enterprises
Looking to supercharge your business with the WhatsApp Business API, Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software, or cutting-edge WhatsApp marketing software? Check out our latest blog on the Top 5 Benefits of WhatsApp Business API for SMEs. Discover how this powerful tool can transform customer communication, boost scalability, and streamline your marketing efforts.
From real-time customer support to seamless CRM integration, WhatsApp Business API offers SMEs a secure, efficient way to enhance client interactions. Explore how Chatvertise can help with bulk messaging and marketing automation solutions. Contact us today for a free demo to grow your business!
To read original blog click here - https://penzu.com/p/afb205a9db0da116
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voipminutes · 5 days
Ways to Improve Call Center Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction Together
In today’s fast-paced business environment, providing excellent customer service while maintaining operational efficiency is critical for any call center. However, the challenge lies in balancing both: how do you ensure that your agents work efficiently while still delivering an exceptional customer experience? Fortunately, it’s possible to achieve both by adopting the right strategies. Here are several ways to improve call center efficiency and customer satisfaction together.
1. Leverage Technology for Faster Service
Incorporating advanced call center technologies can drastically improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. Tools like Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, chatbots, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can streamline the customer journey. IVR systems help route customers to the correct department, saving time for both the agent and the caller. CRM systems ensure agents have access to a customer’s history, which allows them to offer more personalized and quicker resolutions.
• Reduced wait times.
• More personalized customer service.
• Agents can focus on resolving issues instead of gathering information.
2. Empower Agents with Proper Training
The cornerstone of any efficient call center is well-trained agents. Proper training equips them with the knowledge and skills to resolve issues quickly and accurately. This should include product knowledge, communication skills, technical proficiency, and conflict resolution techniques. Additionally, ongoing training programs ensure that agents are up to date with the latest company policies, technologies, and customer service trends.
• Faster resolution of issues.
• Higher first-call resolution (FCR) rates.
• Increased agent confidence, leading to better customer interactions.
3. Implement Call Routing and Prioritization
Smart call routing ensures that customers are directed to the right agents or departments, which reduces the time they spend waiting for assistance. Additionally, prioritizing calls based on customer value, issue complexity, or urgency can increase both efficiency and satisfaction. For example, routing VIP customers to senior agents ensures they get top-tier support quickly, while simpler issues can be handled by less-experienced agents.
• Shorter handling times.
• Improved customer experiences by matching them with the best-suited agent.
• Higher customer retention for high-value clients.
4. Use Analytics to Optimize Performance
Data-driven insights can significantly improve both efficiency and customer satisfaction. Call monitoring, real-time dashboards, and analytics help managers identify bottlenecks, track agent performance, and measure customer sentiment. With this information, you can optimize schedules, improve scripts, and refine your call processes to reduce average handling times and enhance the customer experience.
• Pinpoint areas for improvement.
• Reduce call wait and handling times.
• Identify trends in customer feedback for proactive improvements.
5. Improve First-Call Resolution (FCR)
First-Call Resolution (FCR) is a key metric for improving both efficiency and customer satisfaction. When customers’ issues are resolved in their first interaction, it reduces the need for follow-up calls, freeing up agent time for other calls. To improve FCR, ensure that agents have the authority to make decisions, have access to necessary information, and are well-trained in problem-solving.
• Higher customer satisfaction rates due to fewer callbacks.
• Increased agent productivity with fewer unresolved issues.
• Reduced call volumes, leading to greater overall efficiency.
6. Provide Omnichannel Support
Today’s customers expect to interact with companies across multiple channels—phone, email, chat, social media, and more. Providing omnichannel support allows customers to contact you in the way they feel most comfortable, leading to higher satisfaction. Seamless transitions between channels also improve efficiency, as agents can pick up conversations where they left off, rather than starting from scratch each time.
• Increased customer satisfaction through more accessible support options.
• Faster problem resolution as customers can switch to quicker communication methods.
• Reduced pressure on phone lines, improving efficiency.
7. Focus on Agent Engagement and Satisfaction
Happy agents lead to happy customers. By focusing on agent engagement, you can create a more motivated workforce that is likely to work more efficiently. Regular feedback, recognition programs, opportunities for career growth, and a positive work environment can all contribute to better agent performance. When agents are satisfied with their job, they tend to deliver better service and handle issues with more empathy and patience.
• Higher productivity and lower absenteeism.
• Better interactions between agents and customers.
• Reduced turnover, meaning less time and money spent on recruiting and training new staff.
8. Streamline Processes with Automation
Automation doesn’t just apply to customer interactions; it can also be used to optimize internal call center processes. Automating routine tasks like ticket creation, follow-up emails, or post-call surveys can save agents significant time, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks that require human intervention. Automating quality control processes like call reviews and performance analysis can also streamline operations.
•  Increased agent availability for more complex issues.
•  Reduced manual errors and inconsistencies.
•  Quicker resolution of simple tasks, boosting overall call center efficiency.
9. Offer Self-Service Options
Many customers prefer to resolve their issues on their own without speaking to an agent. Providing self-service options like knowledge bases, FAQs, or automated chat responses can help reduce call volumes while empowering customers to find quick answers. Not only does this save time for agents, but it also improves customer satisfaction by offering immediate solutions.
• Reduced call center traffic, leading to more efficient agent performance.
• Enhanced customer satisfaction by providing instant answers.
• Lower operational costs as fewer agents are required for simple queries.
10. Collect Customer Feedback for Continuous Improvement
Lastly, customer feedback is invaluable in identifying areas where both satisfaction and efficiency can be improved. Post-call surveys, reviews, and feedback forms allow you to understand what went right or wrong during customer interactions. Use this feedback to continuously optimize your processes, enhance training, and improve customer satisfaction.
• Insight into customer needs and expectations.
• Opportunities to improve based on real-time feedback.
• Increased loyalty and retention as customers feel heard and valued.
Improving call center efficiency and customer satisfaction doesn’t have to be a trade-off. By adopting the right technologies, training programs, and processes, you can create a well-rounded call center that not only resolves customer issues faster but also delivers a personalized and satisfying experience. When done correctly, these strategies lead to higher productivity, happier customers, and ultimately, business success.
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ranareview · 25 days
FlaxxaWapi Review: Transforming WhatsApp Marketing for Businesses
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In today's digital landscape, businesses are constantly searching for ways to connect with customers effectively. With WhatsApp becoming the go-to communication tool for billions, marketers are keen to leverage its power.
Enter FlaxxaWapi, a disruptive WhatsApp marketing and automation tool that promises to revolutionize the way businesses engage with their audience.
In this review, we’ll explore the product’s features, functionality, pros and cons, and why it’s a game-changer in the world of digital marketing.
What is FlaxxaWapi?
FlaxxaWapi is an all-in-one WhatsApp marketing tool designed to help businesses harness the potential of the world's largest messaging platform. By automating and streamlining marketing campaigns, it allows businesses to send unlimited WhatsApp broadcasts, create chatbots, and manage campaigns all in one place. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, FlaxxaWapi promises to elevate your marketing game with minimal effort.
Key Features of FlaxxaWapi
Unlimited WhatsApp broadcasts with no restrictions
AI-powered chatbots for 24/7 customer support
Real-time campaign analytics to track success
Integration with over 5000 apps
Zero spam folders with a massive 98% open rate
Multimedia messaging (text, images, videos)
Free commercial license to start your own marketing agency
Who is FlaxxaWapi For?
FlaxxaWapi is perfect for businesses and marketing professionals looking to tap into the power of WhatsApp. Whether you’re running a small e-commerce store, managing customer service, or launching a global campaign, this tool offers an easy-to-use platform to engage your audience and boost your sales.
Ideal Users:
Small Businesses: Boost engagement without high marketing costs.
Digital Marketers: Manage multiple campaigns and clients.
Customer Support Teams: Offer instant 24/7 responses via chatbots.
Agencies: Use the commercial license to run WhatsApp marketing for clients.
In-Depth Look at FlaxxaWapi’s Features
1. Unlimited WhatsApp Broadcasts
With FlaxxaWapi, you can send an unlimited number of broadcasts, making it ideal for businesses looking to scale. Unlike traditional email campaigns that often end up in spam, WhatsApp messages enjoy high engagement rates, ensuring that your audience receives your content.
2. AI Chatbots
FlaxxaWapi’s no-code chatbots allow businesses to offer instant, personalized customer support 24/7. Whether handling inquiries or guiding customers through the sales funnel, these bots save time and improve customer satisfaction.
3. Advanced Analytics
Knowing how your campaigns perform is crucial for success. FlaxxaWapi’s detailed analytics let you track open rates, click rates, and overall campaign performance, helping you refine your strategies and achieve better results.
4. 5000+ App Integrations
FlaxxaWapi effortlessly integrates with over 5000 apps, allowing you to connect it to your existing tools like CRMs, email marketing platforms, and more. This makes it easy to streamline your workflow and automate tasks.
5. Drag-and-Drop Campaign Builder
Creating dynamic campaigns has never been easier. With FlaxxaWapi’s drag-and-drop editor, you can design beautiful and effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns using thousands of pre-approved templates, without any coding knowledge.
6. Multimedia Messaging
Why limit your campaigns to just text? FlaxxaWapi allows you to send images, videos, and interactive elements, ensuring your messages capture attention and engage users on multiple levels.
7. Enhanced Security
Security is a top priority for FlaxxaWapi. Your messages are delivered securely with instant verification and encryption, ensuring that sensitive customer data remains protected.
How Does FlaxxaWapi Compare to Other Tools?
FlaxxaWapi stands out from other marketing tools in several key areas:
1. Higher Open Rates
Compared to traditional email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Constant Contact, FlaxxaWapi boasts an impressive 98% open rate. WhatsApp messages are more likely to be seen and interacted with than emails, which often end up in spam folders.
2. No Recurring Fees
Unlike many competitors that charge hefty monthly fees, FlaxxaWapi offers a one-time fee with no recurring charges. This makes it more cost-effective for businesses, especially small to medium-sized enterprises.
3. Integration with 5000+ Apps
Most other tools have limited integrations, while FlaxxaWapi can connect with over 5000 apps, offering businesses flexibility in how they use the platform.
Pros and Cons of FlaxxaWapi
Unlimited broadcasts: No restrictions on the number of campaigns or contacts.
24/7 customer support: AI chatbots provide round-the-clock service.
High engagement: A 98% open rate ensures messages are seen.
One-time payment: No monthly fees, making it affordable long-term.
Scalability: Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large corporations.
WhatsApp dependency: Businesses not using WhatsApp may not find the tool as useful.
Learning curve: Some users may need time to get familiar with all the features.
No email support: For those wanting to integrate email campaigns, FlaxxaWapi focuses solely on WhatsApp.
User Reviews and Testimonials
1. Positive Experience from E-commerce Business
"FlaxxaWapi has transformed the way we engage with our customers. The chatbots are a game-changer, and the high open rates mean our promotions always get noticed. It’s saved us time and money!"— Lisa, E-commerce Store Owner
2. Digital Agency Success Story
"As an agency, we needed a tool that could handle multiple campaigns efficiently. FlaxxaWapi’s commercial license was a huge bonus for us, allowing us to offer WhatsApp marketing to clients and generate additional revenue."— Mark, Digital Marketing Agency CEO
Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of FlaxxaWapi
1. Segment Your Audience
Use tags and custom fields to organize your contacts and send personalized messages based on their preferences. This helps improve engagement rates and ensures more relevant communication.
2. Automate Responses
Set up chatbots to handle common inquiries and tasks. This not only saves time but also improves customer experience by providing instant responses.
3. Track Your Campaigns
Use FlaxxaWapi’s advanced analytics to monitor your campaign performance. Regularly reviewing your open and click rates will help you adjust your strategies for better results.
1. Can I use FlaxxaWapi for non-business purposes?
Yes, FlaxxaWapi can be used for personal or non-business purposes, though it is designed primarily for businesses.
2. Is there a limit to the number of contacts I can import?
No, FlaxxaWapi allows you to import unlimited contacts, making it scalable for large campaigns.
3. Do I need coding skills to set up the chatbots?
No, FlaxxaWapi’s chatbot builder requires no coding, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
4. Does FlaxxaWapi work with other messaging platforms?
Currently, FlaxxaWapi focuses on WhatsApp. However, its wide range of integrations allows for compatibility with other tools.
5. Is there customer support if I need help?
Yes, FlaxxaWapi offers dedicated customer support to assist you with any issues or queries.
Conclusion: Is FlaxxaWapi Worth It?
FlaxxaWapi offers a robust and highly efficient solution for businesses looking to leverage WhatsApp for marketing. With features like AI chatbots, unlimited broadcasts, and a 98% open rate, it’s a powerful tool that provides excellent value for its one-time fee. While it may take time to fully explore its features, the potential for increased engagement and revenue is undeniable. For businesses aiming to dominate their WhatsApp marketing, FlaxxaWapi is a tool worth investing in.
Whether you're a small business or a large organization, FlaxxaWapi will transform your communication efforts and help you connect with your audience like never before.
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salestowns · 26 days
Best Real Estate CRM Software: A Comprehensive Guide
In the highly competitive real estate industry, managing leads, closing deals, and building long-term relationships with clients is paramount. As a real estate professional, you need a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to streamline your processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately increase sales. In this guide, we’ll explore the best real estate CRM software solutions, what features to look for, and how to choose the right one for your business.
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Why Do You Need a Real Estate CRM?
Before we dive into the best options, let’s understand why having a CRM system is essential for real estate professionals.
1. Lead Management
Real estate is a lead-driven industry. A good CRM will help you track and manage leads from multiple sources, including social media, websites, and referrals. It ensures no potential client slips through the cracks, enabling you to nurture leads effectively and convert them into sales.
2. Client Communication
Keeping in touch with clients, whether they're buyers, sellers, or investors, is crucial. CRMs automate communication by sending follow-up emails, appointment reminders, and even personalized property suggestions.
3. Organization and Automation
From managing documents to scheduling appointments, real estate CRM software automates many repetitive tasks, freeing up time for agents to focus on what they do best—closing deals.
4. Sales Pipeline Management
CRMs offer a visual sales pipeline, helping agents track the progress of deals from lead generation to closing. This not only keeps you organized but also helps forecast revenue and identify areas where deals tend to stall.
5. Performance Tracking and Reporting
Most CRMs offer reporting tools to measure performance and track KPIs such as lead conversion rates, deal size, and response times. This insight helps optimize sales strategies for better outcomes.
Now that we’ve established why a CRM is necessary, let's explore the top contenders in the real estate CRM market.
Read also: Best CRM for small businesses
Best Real Estate CRM Software in 2024
1. Salestown CRM 
Salestown CRM is a powerful, all-in-one solution tailored for real estate professionals. It is designed to be highly intuitive, offering flexibility and customization that suits both individual agents and large teams. With features built to streamline real estate operations, Salestown CRM makes lead management, client communication, and deal tracking more efficient.
Key Features:
Lead and Contact Management: Easily track leads, convert them into contacts, and maintain effective communication across the sales process.
Automation: Set up automated workflows for routine tasks such as follow-up emails, appointment scheduling, and reminders.
Customization: Offers customizable fields, modules, and workflows to fit your real estate business's unique requirements.
Integrations: Seamlessly integrates with popular real estate platforms like Zillow, Mailchimp, and others.
Mobile App: Access your CRM anytime, anywhere through a robust mobile app designed for agents on the move.
Salestown CRM provides a free trial, with advanced features available starting at $15/user/month.
High level of customization
Affordable and scalable for small to medium-sized businesses
Integrates smoothly with key real estate tools and platforms
Advanced features may require a learning curve for new users
Customer support response times can vary
Read also: sales force management
2. Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM is an excellent choice for real estate businesses looking for an all-in-one solution. Known for its flexibility and customization options, Zoho offers an intuitive interface that caters to both small teams and large agencies.
Key Features:
Lead and Contact Management: Track leads, convert them into contacts, and manage communication effectively.
Automation: Set workflows to automate repetitive tasks like email follow-ups and scheduling.
Customization: Highly customizable fields and modules to suit your specific needs.
Integrations: Integrates with popular real estate apps like Zillow, Mailchimp, and more.
Mobile App: Allows you to manage your CRM on the go.
Zoho CRM offers a free version, but for more advanced features, plans start at $12/user/month.
Excellent customization options
Affordable for small to medium-sized businesses
Integration with other real estate tools
Advanced features may require a steeper learning curve
Customer support is sometimes slow
Read Also: WhatsApp Automation
3. LionDesk
LionDesk is another popular CRM built specifically for real estate professionals. Its easy-to-use interface and powerful marketing automation tools make it a favorite among agents.
Key Features:
Lead Nurturing: Manage leads across various stages and set automatic follow-ups.
Drip Campaigns: Send targeted email and text message campaigns based on client behavior.
Video Messaging: Stand out by sending personalized video messages to your clients.
Transaction Management: Track deals, contracts, and important deadlines with built-in transaction management tools.
Text and Email Marketing: Built-in tools for managing marketing campaigns.
Plans start at $21 per user per month, making LionDesk an affordable option for solo agents or small teams.
Easy-to-use platform with minimal setup
Great marketing automation tools, including video messaging
Limited reporting and analytics features
Fewer integrations than competitors
Read also: CRM in service sector
4. HubSpot CRM
Although HubSpot is known for its marketing capabilities, its CRM platform is highly effective for real estate professionals. Offering a free plan with a suite of robust features, HubSpot is ideal for agents looking to get started without a significant upfront investment.
Key Features:
Contact and Lead Management: Track interactions, set reminders, and keep detailed records of client communications.
Email Tracking: Get notified when a client opens an email, making follow-ups more timely and relevant.
Sales Pipeline: A visual pipeline that tracks deal progress and helps forecast revenue.
Marketing Hub Integration: Combine HubSpot CRM with HubSpot Marketing Hub for advanced email marketing and automation features.
Lead Scoring: Automatically rank leads based on engagement and likelihood to convert.
HubSpot CRM offers a free plan with essential CRM features. Paid plans start at $50/month.
Free to start
Seamless integration with HubSpot’s marketing tools
Easy to use and intuitive
Some advanced features are locked behind paid plans
The real estate-specific functionality is not as deep as in specialized CRM
Read Also: Objective of CRM 
5. Follow Up Boss
Follow Up Boss is designed specifically for real estate teams and solo agents, focusing on lead conversion and communication. It integrates with popular lead sources like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Facebook, ensuring you can manage leads in one place.
Key Features:
Lead Management: Centralizes leads from different platforms into a single dashboard.
Automated Follow-Ups: Set up automated text and email follow-ups to engage potential clients instantly.
Team Collaboration: Manage team tasks and assign leads to different agents.
Deal Tracking: Track deals from lead generation to close, providing valuable insights on performance.
Smart Lists: Organize leads based on engagement level for more effective follow-ups.
Follow Up Boss plans start at $69/month.
Powerful automation features for lead follow-up
Designed specifically for real estate professionals
Excellent team collaboration features
Higher price point compared to some alternatives
May be overwhelming for smaller teams
Read also: CRM For Doctor 
6. Pipedrive
Pipedrive is known for its intuitive sales pipeline feature, making it a great option for real estate agents who prefer a visual approach to managing deals. It helps agents stay organized and focus on deal progression.
Key Features:
Visual Sales Pipeline: Track leads and deals at every stage with a visual pipeline.
Task Automation: Automate routine tasks like follow-ups, email sends, and activity tracking.
Customizable Fields: Tailor the CRM to meet the specific needs of your real estate business.
Reporting and Analytics: Monitor performance and identify areas for improvement through detailed reports.
Pipedrive plans start at $14.90 per user per month.
Highly visual and easy to use
Affordable for small to medium-sized teams
Good range of integrations
Lacks some real estate-specific features like property tracking
Limited customization options compared to competitors
Read also: real estate crm india
How to Choose the Right Real Estate CRM
Choosing the right CRM for your real estate business depends on several factors:
Size of Your Team: If you’re a solo agent, you may not need an expensive CRM with team collaboration tools. Larger agencies, however, will benefit from CRMs that offer advanced team management features.
Lead Sources: Make sure the CRM integrates with your lead sources, whether that’s Zillow, Realtor.com, or another platform.
Budget: Free and affordable options like HubSpot and Zoho are great for small businesses, while higher-end solutions like Follow Up Boss cater to larger teams.
Customization: If you need a tailored solution, look for CRMs that offer customization options for fields, workflows, and reports.
Ease of Use: A complicated CRM will slow down your workflow, so make sure the platform is intuitive and easy to navigate.
Selecting the best real estate CRM software is crucial for managing leads, closing deals, and building long-term relationships with clients. Whether you’re a solo agent or part of a larger team, there’s a CRM that can suit your business needs. From the highly customizable Zoho CRM to the visual pipeline approach of Pipedrive, the options are plentiful. Take the time to evaluate your specific needs, and choose a platform that will help you scale and streamline your real estate operations.
Read More: 
What is Sales Automation
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delight1erp · 26 days
Discover the Future: How AI is Transforming CRM and ERP Systems
In the rapidly evolving world of business technology, AI is no longer just a buzzword—it's a game-changer. AI is revolutionising the way  CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems function, improving decision-making, increasing efficiency, and providing unprecedented insights.
Here’s how AI is powering success in CRM and ERP systems this year:
1. Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics powered by AI is revolutionising CRM and ERP systems. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, AI helps businesses forecast customer behaviour, sales trends, and operational needs with remarkable accuracy. Imagine being able to predict market shifts or customer preferences before they even happen—AI makes this possible.
2. Personalized Customer Experiences: 
In 2024, personalization is paramount. AI enhances CRM systems by delivering highly personalized customer interactions. From tailored recommendations to customized marketing campaigns, AI ensures that each customer receives an experience that feels uniquely relevant. This increases engagement and conversion rates while also improving the satisfaction of clients.
3. Automation at Its Best: 
Say goodbye to monotonous jobs and hello to efficient processes. Automation driven by AI manages repetitive tasks like data entry, report production, and follow-ups in CRM and ERP systems. As a result, your team will be able to concentrate on strategic duties and innovation, which will increase productivity significantly.
4. Intelligent Lead Management: 
AI transforms lead management by scoring and prioritizing leads based on their potential value. With intelligent algorithms that evaluate lead behaviour and engagement, CRM systems can automate follow-ups and nurture relationships more effectively. This will increase conversion rates by ensuring the sales team concentrates on high-potential leads.
5. Advanced Data Insights: 
AI is revolutionizing how businesses interpret data. By leveraging advanced analytics, AI provides deep insights into customer behaviour, financial performance, and operational efficiency. This enables businesses to find new growth prospects, optimise tactics and make data-driven decision-making.
6. Enhanced Security
In an era where data security is critical, AI plays a crucial role in protecting CRM and ERP systems. AI-driven security measures detect anomalies, prevent fraud, and safeguard sensitive information, ensuring that your business operates securely and complies with regulations.
7. Seamless Integration: 
AI facilitates smooth integration between CRM, ERP, and other business tools. This unified approach ensures that all systems work harmoniously, providing a comprehensive view of your business operations and customer interactions.
8. Real-Time Alerts and Notifications: 
With AI, staying on top of important updates has always been challenging. Real-time alerts and notifications inform you about critical changes in customer interactions, inventory levels, and financial metrics, enabling timely responses and proactive management.
The impact of AI on CRM and ERP systems is profound, and the upcoming years are set to showcase even more groundbreaking advancements. 
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Thank you! 
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cloudcodersseo · 27 days
Cloud-Based Warehouse Management Software: A Game-Changer for Modern Supply Chains
In the fast-evolving world of logistics and supply chain management, efficiency and accuracy are key. As businesses grow, so do the complexities of managing warehouse operations. Traditional, manual methods of tracking inventory, orders, and shipments are no longer viable for companies looking to scale. cloud-based warehouse management software (WMS)—a powerful tool that helps streamline operations, enhance accuracy, and drive growth. In this article, we'll dive into how cloud-based WMS can revolutionize your warehouse, the advantages it offers, and why it's becoming an industry standard. At CloudCoders, we are committed to providing cutting-edge warehouse management solutions tailored to meet your business needs.
What is Cloud-Based Warehouse Management Software?
A cloud-based WMS is a digital platform hosted on the internet, allowing businesses to manage warehouse operations remotely and in real time. Unlike traditional on-premise systems, cloud-based software requires no physical servers or complex IT infrastructure, making it a more cost-effective and scalable solution.
By utilizing cloud technology, companies can monitor inventory, track orders, optimize storage, and improve overall operational efficiency. It also ensures that all data is updated in real time, providing managers with a holistic view of warehouse operations, regardless of their physical location.
Key Benefits of Cloud-Based WMS
1. Real-Time Inventory Tracking
One of the most significant benefits of using cloud-based WMS is its real-time inventory tracking capability. Traditional systems often rely on batch updates, leading to delays in accurate inventory counts. With a cloud-based solution, inventory levels are updated automatically, allowing businesses to minimize errors, reduce stock shortages, and maintain optimal inventory levels.
Additionally, it ensures that your warehouse staff always has accurate information, reducing the risk of overstocking or running out of products.
2. Scalability and Flexibility
As your business grows, your warehouse operations will become more complex. A cloud-based WMS can scale with your business without requiring expensive upgrades or new infrastructure. It is designed to handle the growing demands of larger operations and can easily integrate with other software systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platforms.
This flexibility allows businesses to adapt quickly to changes in demand, seasonal fluctuations, or expansion into new markets.
3. Cost-Effective Solution
Cloud-based WMS eliminates the need for expensive hardware and maintenance associated with on-premise solutions. By outsourcing server management to the cloud provider, businesses can significantly reduce IT costs. Additionally, updates, backups, and security patches are handled automatically, freeing up resources for other critical tasks.
Moreover, a subscription-based pricing model means companies only pay for what they use, making it an affordable option for both small and large businesses.
4. Enhanced Security and Data Backup
Security is a top concern for businesses dealing with sensitive data such as inventory information, customer orders, and shipping details. Cloud-based WMS offers enhanced security measures, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. This ensures that your data is protected from cyber threats and unauthorized access.
Moreover, cloud providers often have robust backup systems in place, ensuring that your data is safe even in the event of a system failure or natural disaster. This level of reliability is difficult to achieve with on-premise solutions.
5. Improved Collaboration and Accessibility
With cloud-based WMS, all authorized users can access the system from any location, provided they have an internet connection. This promotes collaboration between different departments, as well as between headquarters and remote warehouse locations.
For example, a manager working remotely can monitor stock levels, generate reports, and authorize shipments without physically being present at the warehouse. This level of accessibility and collaboration leads to faster decision-making and more efficient operations.
How to Choose the Right Cloud-Based WMS
Choosing the right cloud-based WMS for your business depends on several factors, including the size of your operation, the complexity of your inventory management needs, and your budget. Here are a few things to consider when selecting a system:
Customization: Look for a WMS that can be tailored to your unique business requirements.
Integration: Ensure that the software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, such as ERP or e-commerce platforms.
User-Friendliness: Opt for a system that is easy to use, even for non-technical staff.
Customer Support: Choose a vendor that offers reliable customer support and ongoing training.
At CloudCoders, we offer a range of WMS solutions designed to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, we can help you optimize your warehouse operations with our cloud-based software.
FAQ: Common Questions about Cloud-Based Warehouse Management Software
1. What is the main difference between cloud-based and on-premise WMS?
The primary difference is that cloud-based WMS is hosted on the internet, while on-premise systems require physical servers and hardware. Cloud-based solutions offer more flexibility, are easier to scale, and have lower upfront costs.
2. Is cloud-based WMS secure?
Yes, most cloud-based WMS providers offer robust security measures such as encryption, regular backups, and multi-factor authentication to protect your data from cyber threats and breaches.
3. Can cloud-based WMS integrate with other systems?
Absolutely. Cloud-based WMS solutions are designed to integrate with other business systems such as ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms, ensuring a seamless flow of information across your organization.
4. How can cloud-based WMS help reduce costs?
Cloud-based WMS eliminates the need for expensive hardware, maintenance, and IT support associated with on-premise systems. It also offers subscription-based pricing, meaning businesses only pay for the features they need.
5. Is cloud-based WMS suitable for small businesses?
Yes, cloud-based WMS is highly scalable and can be customized to fit the needs of small businesses. Its cost-effectiveness and flexibility make it an ideal choice for companies looking to grow without the burden of managing complex IT infrastructure.
Conclusion: Why Cloud-Based WMS is the Future of Warehouse Management
As businesses continue to evolve and the demands on supply chains increase, cloud-based warehouse management software is quickly becoming the go-to solution for companies seeking efficiency, scalability, and cost savings. With real-time data access, enhanced security, and seamless integration with other systems, cloud-based WMS offers significant advantages over traditional on-premise solutions.
At CloudCoders, we understand the challenges of modern warehouse management and are dedicated to providing innovative solutions to help your business succeed. Our cloud-based WMS empowers you to take control of your inventory, streamline operations, and scale efficiently, no matter the size of your business.
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chatbreezes · 1 month
Top 5 Benefits of WhatsApp Integration with CRM for Small Businesses
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Integrating WhatsApp with CRM offers small businesses numerous benefits that can significantly improve customer communication and streamline operations. By connecting WhatsApp to your CRM system, businesses can manage real-time interactions more effectively, ensuring all customer data and chat histories are stored in one place. This integration allows for quicker, personalized responses, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. Additionally, WhatsApp Web integration in your website enables customers to easily reach out directly from your site, offering immediate support and increasing the chances of converting visitors into loyal clients. Small businesses can also grow by leveraging Instagram integration alongside WhatsApp, creating a comprehensive view of customer behavior across multiple channels. This cross-platform strategy enables businesses to design targeted marketing campaigns and engage with their audience more effectively. The seamless combination of WhatsApp and CRM not only reduces manual data entry and errors but also frees up valuable time for businesses to focus on enhancing customer service and achieving sustainable growth. Overall, WhatsApp integration with CRM is a powerful tool that equips small businesses with the resources they need to build stronger customer relationships, improve operational efficiency, and drive long-term success in an increasingly competitive market. To know more, Read this blog.
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primacyinfotech · 1 month
Why Odoo ERP is the Best Choice for Startups in 2024
As startups navigate the challenging waters of establishing a business, selecting the right tools and systems is crucial to achieving growth and success. Among the myriad of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems available, Odoo ERP has emerged as a top contender, particularly for startups. In 2024, Odoo ERP stands out for its flexibility, affordability, and comprehensive suite of features tailored to the needs of new businesses. This blog explores why Odoo ERP is the best choice for startups and how it can drive operational efficiency and growth.
1. Comprehensive All-in-One Solution
For startups, managing various aspects of the business using disparate tools can be cumbersome and inefficient. Odoo ERP Software offers a unified platform that integrates key business functions such as accounting, sales, inventory management, human resources, and customer relationship management (CRM) into one cohesive system. This all-in-one approach simplifies processes and reduces the need for multiple software solutions, which can be costly and complex to manage.
Key Features:
Modular Architecture: Odoo provides a wide range of modules that can be tailored to specific business needs. Startups can choose and implement only the modules they need, with the option to add more as the business grows.
Centralized Data Management: With all business data stored in one place, startups can ensure consistency, improve data accuracy, and generate comprehensive reports effortlessly.
2. Cost-Effective Solution
Budget constraints are a common challenge for startups, and investing in high-cost ERP systems can be prohibitive. Odoo ERP offers a cost-effective solution with its open-source community edition and scalable pricing structure for its enterprise edition.
Cost Advantages:
Open-Source Community Edition: The community edition of Odoo is free and offers core functionalities that are sufficient for many startups. It allows businesses to test and utilize Odoo’s features without an initial financial commitment.
Scalable Pricing: As startups grow and their needs evolve, they can transition to the enterprise edition, which provides advanced features and support, with a flexible pricing model that scales with the business.
3. Ease of Implementation and Customization
Startups often require rapid deployment and customization to fit their unique business processes. Odoo ERP excels in these areas with its user-friendly interface and customizable modules.
Implementation Benefits:
User-Friendly Interface: Odoo’s intuitive design makes it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise. This ease of use reduces the learning curve and accelerates the implementation process.
Customizable Modules: Odoo’s modular approach allows startups to tailor the system to their specific needs. Whether it's customizing workflows or integrating third-party applications, Odoo provides the flexibility to adapt the ERP system as required.
4. Scalability and Growth
As startups scale, their ERP system must be able to grow with them. Odoo ERP’s scalability ensures that startups can continue to use the same system as they expand their operations.
Scalability Features:
Modular Expansion: Startups can start with essential modules and gradually add more as their business needs increase. This modularity allows for a seamless expansion without overhauling the entire system.
Cloud-Based Options: Odoo offers cloud-based deployment, which provides startups with the flexibility to scale resources up or down based on their growth and changing requirements.
5. Advanced Automation and Integration
Automation and integration are crucial for startups to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Odoo ERP provides advanced automation capabilities and integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms.
Automation and Integration Benefits:
Automated Workflows: Odoo’s automation features help startups reduce manual tasks and improve efficiency. For example, automated invoicing and inventory management can save time and reduce errors.
Third-Party Integration: Odoo’s ability to integrate with various third-party applications, such as payment gateways, e-commerce platforms, and marketing tools, enables startups to create a cohesive ecosystem that supports their business processes.
6. Robust Reporting and Analytics
Data-driven decision-making is essential for startup success. Odoo ERP offers robust reporting and analytics tools that provide valuable insights into business performance.
Reporting Advantages:
Customizable Reports: Startups can generate customized reports that focus on specific metrics and KPIs relevant to their business. This flexibility helps in monitoring performance and making informed decisions.
Real-Time Data: Odoo provides real-time access to data, allowing startups to track progress, identify trends, and respond to changes promptly.
7. Strong Community and Support
A supportive community and reliable support are invaluable for startups implementing new systems. Odoo’s active community and professional support options ensure that startups have access to resources and assistance when needed.
Community and Support Benefits:
Active Community: Odoo’s open-source nature has fostered a large and active community of developers, users, and experts who contribute to forums, create modules, and offer guidance.
Professional Support: For startups using the enterprise edition, Odoo offers professional support and services to address technical issues, provide updates, and ensure smooth operation.
In 2024, Odoo ERP emerges as a top choice for startups seeking a comprehensive, cost-effective, and scalable ERP solution. Its all-in-one functionality, ease of implementation, customization options, and robust features make it an ideal fit for businesses looking to streamline operations and support growth. By leveraging Odoo ERP, startups can focus on their core objectives, enhance productivity, and position themselves for long-term success in a competitive market.
If you’re a startup exploring ERP solutions, Odoo ERP offers the tools and flexibility needed to thrive in today’s dynamic business environment. Consider exploring Best Odoo Implementation Company in Kolkata. India then Primacy Infotech Pvt Ltd is here to help you, see how it can transform your business operations.
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