#Took the niblings outside before the rain for the next few days turns everything to mud
odderancyart · 7 years
Always on my mind, forever in my soul (Classicberry)
Blue smiled as he rolled around where he was resting in Sans’ arms. Looking at his husband’s – his husband, how amazing was that, he was married and soul-bonded to Sans – peaceful face. Sans never looked quite as peaceful as he did when he slept next to Blue, and he adored it. He knew that Sans still had awful nightmares sometimes, about dust and blood and RESETs, despite them having ended a long time ago but Sans had told him he never slept as well as he did when he either held Blue or was being held by Blue.
Blue believed him. Both because he trusted that Sans told him nothing but the truth and because Sans’ Papyrus – his brother-in-law now – had commented on it as well.
Sans began to stir, and Blue smiled as his husband slowly opened his eyeholes and the white orbs in them began to shine. His own were mirrors; simple white orbs instead of his usual blue stars, because he was too relaxed, too serene and too quietly happy to show that kind of excitement.
”Hey.” He whispered. ”You know what?”
Sans yawned and held him closer, a wonderful, wonderful smile on his face.
”I love you.”
Sans’ smile grew wider and he nuzzled into Blue’s skull, pressing a kiss there.
”you know what?” He imitated, and Blue giggled quietly as he nodded slightly. He knew.
”i love you too.” Sans told him anyway, and Blue’s souls soared with happiness.
He had never dreamed about being this happy. He hadn’t even know one could. But stars, he was more grateful than he ever could express that he had been given the possibility to learn, and taken it.
It was raining. No, it was pouring. The ground was covered with at least a centimeter water, and it showed no signs of stopping anytime soon, with how dark the sky was. Anyone with any sense stayed inside a day like this, when the gods seemed intent on drowning the Earth.
”COME ON, SANS. PLAY WITH ME!” Blueberry was quickly putting on his raincoat and rainboots, and looking so excited that his husband couldn’t help but smile and nod, doing the same. As soon as the coat was in place the shorter skeleton grabbed his hand, dragging him out in the rain. They were drenched within seconds, but neither could bother to care.
Blue did a spin, looking up at the clouds and letting the rain fall into his face and eyesockets, before he jumped as high as he could. The water splashed everywhere when he landed, and Sans spluttered as it got into his face.
”hey!” He complained, but wasn’t able to act annoyed for more than two seconds before his wide grin came back as his husband laughed. His husband. He still couldn’t understand how someone like Blue had wanted to marry and get a soul-bond with someone like him, but Blue had made it his mission to show him, so perhaps he could understand in the future. But still. The fact that Blueberry, loving, caring, simply-a-good-person Blue, had wanted to marry him… Stars, he was so lucky. There could not be anyone happier than him on or in this planet.
Blue pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting that devious look in his eyeholes that Sans loved so much, and bowed down and threw water on Sans’ face.
Sans let out a little shriek as it went into his eyesocket.
Blue just laughed, grinning widely.
”i’ll gladly admit the first, but the second part is simply not true, love. i can never come even close to your awesomeness.”
He threw himself on Sans, throwing him to the ground, although he made sure they hit it gently. Sans’ health was still fragile even though it had gotten better. Then he simply produced a cup made of bone and scoped up water, pouring it over Sans’ face while holding him in a steady grip.
”ahhh!” Sans yelled, but couldn’t help but laugh. ”i’m being attacked! tell my brother i love him!”
”okay okay!” Blue stopped for a moment, but still held the water-filled cup menancingly above Sans’ head. ”you’re the most magnificent ever, but i am almost as brilliant!”
”HA!” Blue exclaimed as he stood up before helping Sans back to his feet. ”I WON! AS ALWAYS!”
Still laughing, Sans threw his arm around his husband and pressed a kiss to his teeth.
Blue turned to where his significant other was standing, holding a hand above his stomach. He smiled, but felt a little concerned. Sans looked happy, but worried. What did the other have to be worried for? He put his physics book down and stood up, walking up to the other.
Sans seemed to take a deep breath, and then he spoke.
”i’m pregnant.”
Blue’s mouth fell open, and he stared at the other in complete disbelief. Sans opened his hoodie, and sure thing, his blue ecto stomach was materalized and in there a tiny, white souling rested. He looked a little worried, even though the happiness never left his eyeholes. Blue felt tears fill his own sockets, and just as Sans seemed like he was about to say something he broke out into a great smile, throwing himself around his husband’s neck.
”THAT’S WONDERFUL!” Blue cried out, hardly believeing what he was hearing. ”SANS, I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER! I’M GOING TO BE A PARENT WITH YOU! OH MY STARS, I’M SO HAPPY.”
Sans began to smile, and kissed Blue’s skull. Gently he took one of Blue’s hands, discarded the glove on it and guided it to his ecto-stomach. Blue gasped when he felt the pulsing. The souling was far too young to be noticed by anyone except the mother – and only because of the stomach, so for a monster who normally had a stomach it wouldn’t be noticed at all – but he could feel Sans’ magic. And the tiny souling was beautiful.
Stars. Sans was so filled with love for this little babybones that was resting in his arms. He had never been happier in his life; his Blue sitting next to him, Papyrus and Stretch there as well to meet their nibling, and his and Blue’s own child in his arms. Outside the delivery room Sans’ Frisk and her parents – Sans’ Tori and Agore – and Blue’s Chara and her parents were waiting, as well as both Alphynes, and all their other friends as well as Papyrus’ and Stretch’s significant others.
The baby was so beautiful. As expected they looked more or less exactly like their parents, as he and Blue were almost identical, but somehow they appeared even prettier than Blue.
”Do you know their font yet, brothers?” Papyrus’ voice was hushed so he wouldn’t wake up the newborn, but filled with such love and pride.
Blue nodded, smiling bigger than he ever had done before.
”Yeah. They screamed enough during their birth, so it was easy to identify. Their name is Monotype Corsiva. I’m thinking Mono for short, if that’s okay for Sans, until they’re old enough to give their opinion.”
Sans smiled. He hadn’t had enough presence of mind during the delivery to recognize any fonts, so it was lucky Blue had. Their child. Their Mono. He kissed their still soft skull.
”welcome to the family, mono.”
Sans was exhausted. He had been at work the entire day – he was getting closer to a breakthrough and therefore worked harder than ever – and then picked up Mono at school and the twins at daycare before coming home to cook supper. Blue had a meeting with one of his oldest clients who had needed a few hours extra, and therefore Sans was alone at home with both household chores and three children – an eight year old and two five year olds upon that. He wasn’t even used to cooking, it was normally Blue who did that.
”please, mistral,” he pleaded to the little girl clinging onto his apron. ”go play with fleurie. i need to cook. i’m sure your brother is doing something fun.”
The oldest twin did not seem to be inclined to listen, only twisting her legs around his, to keep him from moving. Sans sighed.
”okay, that’s enough.” Picking her up with blue magic she stopped struggling. It was real lucky all skeleton children seemed to find the presence of blue magic on their souls calming. But Sans was so tired even using blue magic was effortful. ”i love you, lil’ rascal, but you must let me cook. your father will need food when he gets home.”
”Mama!” Mono came running into the kitchen just as Sans had managed to get Mistral to play with her twin brother in the corner. ”I need help with my homework!”
Mono was extremely bright. She had inherited the combined intellects of her parents, and was already doing school work four years above her age group.
”later, darling.” Her mother replied while shaking around the contents of a pan. ”i’m really busy. which subject is it?”
”call tori. i think she’s got the day off, and she’s the best at the humanitarian subjects, y’know.”
Then he was alone with the toddlers again. Luckily Fleurie seemed to have distracted his sister, so for the moment Sans could focus on his cooking. Then Fleurie began to cry, because his tower had toppled over.
”stars.” Shortcutting to the other side of the kitchen he picked up their youngest, rocking him. ”shh. it’s okay, sweetheart. we’ll build your tower again, ok?”
Then suddendly the door in the next room got throw up, just as Fleurie was rubbing his tear-stained face into his mother’s apron.
”I’M HOME.” Blue announced, and soon enough he walked into the kitchen. ”OH DEAR.”
Sans could only laugh at the picture Blue had to be seeing. The kitchen was a mess since Mono had decided to play with the spices earlier while he was distracted with the twins and he hadn’t had time to clean, his cooking was everywhere, Mistral was once again clinging to his legs and he had a crying babybones in his arms.
Sans chuckled as he walked up to his husband, kissing him lightly, while he petted the skull of the child in his arms.
”everything’s perfect.”
And it really was. He might be exhausted and the kitchen may be a mess, but he had a job he loved, his brother had an amazing life, he had a wonderful husband, his kids were the most wondrous and extraordinary kids in the whole world despite being tiny demons sometimes, and Sans couldn’t be happier.
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bywandandsword · 3 years
I forgot! That skating! Was a workout!
Everything! Hurts!
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