#Took me awhile to remember how to write 'funcrioning'
I'm fed up.
I've seen another of these posts where they say "high functioning" ND and autists have it "good", or whatever.
Being "high functioning" doesn't make it less of a struggle. Just a different kind of struggle.
I'm "supposed" to be better at life if my symptoms are "lesser", if I'm abled to mask so well, right?
I'm just in an eternal loop of burn-out and anxiety.
By being categorised "high functioning", by being unseen, I fell through the cracks. That means I didn't get any help, I was on my own. I'm expected to be a successful, self-reliant adult and I'm clearly not. I'm a mess.
I'm invisible. That's no cool super-power, believe me.
People just asks me "what's wrong with you?" but expects me to be like them. "High functioning" is bullshit. That's not a grocery lists of symptoms you have to check. That's not a badge to earn. You can never speak a word and use AAC full time and not being able to "take the joke" and fake your way in this allistic world, and still being a functioning adult that isn't breaking down every two minutes. Which one is "high functioning", tell me?
It depends of your definition of "functioning", I guess.
There's no high or low, just different experiences.
And just because you can do something doesn't mean you don't need help with it. Because being able to do something doesn't mean you can't suffer from it. It doesn't mean you want to have to battle and cry and bleed to do it.
I'm just so tired of this "high functioning" bullshit.
Find another word, people.
I'll add, a bit more calmly, that what I think is wrong with this is the criterias people uses to decide if it's low or high functioning.
It's based on the symptoms and traits neuroatypicals finds jarring (and thus make the diagnosis criterias) instead on looking on negative effects the disorder have on us, beside, you know, the things that make us stand out.
I know autists that are "obviously autistic", that get accommodations, and I see them thrive. In the meanwhile, I see autists that are categorised as "high functioning" that are chronically depressed because they got to a point where they can't cope anymore. Masking and living unseen and unhelped in the allistic world is exhausting and traumatic.
I'm not saying "low functioning" ND have it good. Certainly not so. There's horrific things done to so many of them because allistic people want to "cure" them and make them "normal". So, no, they don't have it good.
What I'm trying to say is, different experiences make different results, but you can't say one is worse than the other.
That's what anger me with these posts I've seen. That people erases my struggles because of some misconceptions about my life and how I experience it.
I just want a peaceful community linked by our similarities, where we can learn from our differences, instead of fighting over petty things like stuffs like this. What's the point of a feud?
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