#Too tired to spell using phone to type. My tail bone is pissy cause i fell over ealier so being a big flop
s-fellows-art · 4 months
Im alive and I fished my uni degree. Tired but will be back soon. TvT
I hope you all are doing well. Ive been up to a lot lately.... (⬇️)
I now have a major in classical studies (classics degree without 4 langue requirment so modofied history degree) and a minor in buisness (was supose to be a marketing specification but they decided to no longer cont one of the classes i took for it and im not giving them more money. So my bachlour of arts is all done woo.
after this week ill be posting stuff for the asks i got cause I finally have time to work again.Though not sure how much art ill be posying till i can figure out how the heck glaze works. Been really upset about the AI stuff to the point i dont really wanna draw atm honestly. Gonna be removing some of my old anrt and glazing and editing old post to the glazed ver once i fogure it out.
i do plan on starting drawing/writing/crafting again just may not be on this blog as often. Keeps popping up when i do job stuff and I kinda want to start doing the V tuber related kinds stuff as simply a hobby so im thinking of hitting the reset button semi woth regards to my less fan baced content here (will edit woth link when set up) and only post the rare fan art thing or update thing here once in a while. Either way ill still be using this blog. Not sure what im gonna do yet honestly. But i got ideas now and a bit of motovation back.
Been really burnt out and my Fms (Fybro) and allergies/OAS have been really bad for the past while so my health isnt great atm and i lost my family doctor for the 4th time now (this province sucks) and a lot of acdemic related issues due to shitty uni running around woth there regestars office and departments not communicating with each other but im done finally. Now looking for a good frame to hang my degree ^-^. Im exsausted.
Anyway ill get to my ask box soon and look forward to uploading in the future. Just thought id prove im still kickin.
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