#Too Many Friends by Placebo.. and their song Meds too-O H
S K Y B L U E, cameo pink, olive, and canary
*rolls into the room* HI  H IH I HI HELL O H I HI  HE       CKH OW ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU DOING ALRIGHTY?? I HOPE SO A A A A   A A A A AAAAAA AA A A AA A       S O         U H  OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HERE WE GO????Sky Blue - Would you ever want to fly?aa a a a…………. p…. probably not to be honest ;v; a a a a a a aI don’t know, I think I’d be a bit too scared to  a a a a aa  Cameo Pink - Favourite movie?*sweats* That’d actually be Wall-e ;;;v;;;(Though, I also greatly love Silence of the Lambs, Hail, Caesar!, Whisper of the Heart, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, bunch of other movies but I’m rambling on a bit oh no)Olive - What is your favourite food?well uh….. ..  .. .. smokedoystersoncrackersgivemejoyinlife*cough* But well… most people that I know are kinda grossed out by it… so that saddens me a bit……….But would peppermints count…? Aa? Because if  S O– *shot*Canary - Favourite song?…My dear. Are…. Are you really asking this…? It’s ‘I Appear Missing’ by Queens of the Stone Age ;;v;;IM SORRY MY REPLY IS ALL OVER THE PLACE B U T U H  TH NAK YOU FOR ASKING I GREATLY APPRECIATE YES YES ;V; *kinda just sinks through the floor*—Aaaa *claps twice*
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whiskynottea · 6 years
A-Z Challenge
I was tagged by the rarepair wonder child @wunderlichkind and the lovely @phoenixflames12. Thank you, girls!
A: Age- (almost) 30
B: Birthplace- Thessaloniki, Greece
C: Current time: 10:15pm
D: Drink you last had: Coffee 
E: Easiest person to talk to: My husband
F: Favourite songs: My Backwards Walk, Release Me, Crazy Mary, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Swing on this, Forest, and others - I have too many favourite songs I guess
G: Grossest memory: As a child, I got nauseous in the car and opened the window to vomit outside. My dad wasn’t excited.
H: Horror- yes or no: Yes! I always claim that I’m not watching horror movies alone and then hubs sleeps in the middle of the movie (I don’t know what’s wrong with him) and I end up with nobody to share my ominous predictions about a character dying or something along these lines. 
I: In love - Yes! (Some days more than others) 
J: Jealous of people: Nope. My approach is more self-focused. I always push myself harder and try to become better but not in comparison with others.
K: Kids: Nope. For the moment I’m madly in love with my best friend’s 3-year-old son. 
L: Love at first sight or walk by again: There is no such thing as love at first sight. Love takes time. 
M: Middle name: I don’t have one.
N: Number of siblings: One younger brother.
O: One wish: The day to last 48+ hours. And teleportation. That’s two wishes. I have more, but I’ll stop now.
P: Person you last called: My husband.
R: Random fact about yourself: I don’t iron my clothes. 
S: Song you last sang: Meds, Placebo.
T: Time you woke up: 9am
U: Underwear colour: Blue
V: Vacation destination: Next trip will be to Santorini for my birthday, but next vacation will be a road trip to Spain and Portugal!
W: Worst habit: I don’t call often the ones I love.
X: X Ray: Yes. Chest and skull.
Y: Your favourite food: Risotto and Pasta!
Z: Zodiac: Aquarius 
And I tag @mo-nighean-rouge, @owlish-peacock36, @walkinginland  @bonnie-wee-swordsman @bonniebird17 @elescritora
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