#Tommy teaches Izuku the Art Of Being Feral
theseushasfallen · 2 years
new crackfic idea lel
Hear me out,,,, DSMP and BNHA crossover with some multiversal bullshit mixed in. I know, I know, two cursed fandoms, blah blah blah “MIKE ARE YOU FUCKING OFF YOUR ROCKER, WHY WOULD YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA-” No. Shut. Hear Me Out. First of all, I would like to preface this by Assuming you, dear reader, have a decently well rounded idea of each peice of media.
Now, with that over with, on with the worldbuilding and plotting. First and foremost, because I’m picky like that, XD and Dream are two completely seperate entities. They are, however, connected fundamentally. This Will Be Important Later. Yes, XD is a god, yes, Drista is a god, they got this whole motif of twins going on Because I Said So Kristin is also a god, and Phil is ambiguous about the topic. Nobody can tell if he’s of divine blood or not, and if he’s asked he just smiles and laughs vaguely, almost ominously. Technoblade is much the same way, they make it a game of how much they can confuse people. Debate happens. It’s hilarious. (The two are most definitely gods.)  ANYWAYS PLOT TIME- So, the story starts with Tommy hiding out at Techno’s house after Techno decided to hide him from Dream, naturally, because Dream’s a Dick and Exile was Not An Appropriate Punishment, you can’t argue this with me, I will slander C! Dream till the day I die. no, I don’t care that he got tortured in prison, he fucking tortured and manipulated kids, fuck the green teletubby. Anyways. Techno is out checking his crops and his animals, y’know, regular chores n’ shit, when the shitstorm in question happens.Tommy’s being Tommy in the house, dinkin around with one of Techno’s capes, when Dream comes a’knocking. And Boy, is Dream pissed. So, Tommy does the only thing he can think of in his trauma-response ridden mind. He fucking books it out the back. But of course, Dream hears this and immediately follows Tommy, taunting him and teasing him, reminding him that “You can never really leave me, Tommy. I AM the only one that cares for you, after all.” And y’know, regular Dream bullshittery. Tommy,,, is halfway to a fucking panic attack, and well.. He starts praying. Tommy doesn’t want to do this, he doesn’t want to go back to his cold little tent in the tundra, he doesn’t want to keep going hungry, he doesn’t want to be forced to endure the smell of gunpowder and the hypocritical sting of both blistering burns and oncoming hypothermia. He doesn’t want to be hurt by Dream anymore.
so he prays. And someone answers. XD to be specific, and them being Very Out Of Touch with humans thought that instead of teleporting Tommy to, I dunno, Techno or Phil, they decided to just go: “Y’know what would do this kid good? A change of scenery :D” So, XD opens a wormhole right underneath Tommy’s feet, making it seem as if he’s fallen into the snow. Dream does NOT find him in the snow. Dream doesn’t find him ANYWHERE. Instead, Tommy’s been unceremoniously dropped in the middle of fucking Japan, right in the koi pond one Izuku Midoriya is fishing his notebook out of. :D
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