#Toman had been formed a long time before then. no
hinasho · 2 years
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Oh don’t look at me just thinking about Takemichi and Kisaki parallels again
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reallyromealone · 4 months
Can you do (whatever characters you like) x male omega reader?
I don’t care what character(s) get put x reader.
Plot: Toman was in a meeting talking about god knows what when reader begins to enter pre-heat. Chaos insues
Title: atypical courting
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Toman + others
Fic type: smut
Pairings: all x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, nsfw, smut, Omega male reader, group sex, double penetration
Notes: I just added everyone in here, it's all post story version's but crime ✨
He's known them most of his life, Mikey coming to his dad's bakery almost daily and witnessing (name) beat the crap out of a thief trying to rob them, immediately asking him to join Toman even if he was an Omega.
That was ten years ago, and here he was.
On top of the world.
Being a Toman executive wasn't easy, especially as (name) secondary gender but he made it work as he kept a constant supply of suppressants to keep his heat at bay, refusing to be seen in a moment of weakness by the other Toman executives.
(Name) And the others always had... Tension between them, not hostile not but more so sexual, they had for a very long time and neither parties actually handed it from the occasional light pass to a grope, a game of cat and mouse.
Mikey, hanma and Kisaki were one of the worst ones with their infatuation, obsessed with him without ever doing anything.
(Name) Was annoyed as he sat in the meeting, he called in sick for a reason and nooo! He had to be here to hear about god damn taxable buildings they needed to check up on! (Name) Was prepping for his upcoming heat, his preheat would hit any day now and he just didn't want to be here when it happened.
He couldn't afford to be vulnerable with people present.
"(Name), you good? Yer' sweatin' fucking buckets" Baji barked out as everyone turned to look at (name) who was barely present as a sweet smell filtered through the room, the smell of preheat.
"Why did you come if you were in preheat?!" Kisaki yelled and (name) hissed back at him "I TRIED AND YOU WERE LIKE NO EXCUSES! THIS IS IMPORTANT!" he did not care that he was yelling at a Toman vp, his stomach cramping and headache forming as he shakily stood "I'll bring you home" chifuyu and mitsuya said in a synchronized tone before glaring at one another "I'm fine, I'll just go home" (name) grunted as he stood, shaking slightly as he walked out of the room but he didn't get too far as the Toman executives be worked with daily flanked his side's, the Haitani brothers just behind him as hanma wrapped his arm around his waist.
"Back off!" (Name) Hissed at them "I'm a grown man, I can handle myself" he glared and removed Hanmas hand and the specticalled man smiled at the other as if he were an angry kitten "you have an alpha to care for you?" Draken said seriously and (name) looked cross "that's none of any of your business" (name) moved faster down the hall and towards the elevator, pushing them back with little effect as they towered over and got in, (name)s headache and cramp being particularly hard and a pained whine escaped his lips "you haven't had a heat in a while, what has it been a year? Since you had one?" Kisaki said to the other while pulling him closer from behind "we all know you don't have friends outside of Toman"
"And we know you want us as much as we want you" Muto finally pipped up as Mikey pulled him closer, hips touching each other and the smell of pharamones made (name) hazy "let us treat you good... Be our pack Omega" Mikey commanded softly, watching (name) sway slightly before the short blond lifted him effortlessly "just... Just don't claim me..." He whispered, thankful he was wearing his collar today as they all grinned.
(Name) Didn't know whose cock was where as he was double penetrated, when one cock thrusted in the other thrusted out as someone's cock was in his mouth, jerking off others as he was surrounded by alphas and cocks as he was touched and most of all filled to he brim.
"Alphaaa~" if (name) were even slightly coherent he would be horrified at the fact he was pulling his boss closer with his ankles around the blonds neck as he jerked off smileys cock that was right by his lips, moving to take it in his mouth with a soft hum.
"God, we should have made you ours forever ago.." pah said drained, having had the soul sucked from him via (name)s tight ass "you think he would be a house Omega? Bare foot?" Angry asked curiously as he too recovered and Draken snorted "he would rip out our eyes for even suggesting that"
It was true, despite being cock drunk and needy now, they knew he was too work driven to even think of that, he wasn't a house Omega who would sit all docile for them.
They literally saw him beat the shit out of a lower employee for losing a cargo box of drugs.
So that said enough.
"I'm just happy we don't have to dance around each other... I wanted so many times to take him in my office" Koko said and Sanzu grunted in agreement "I once saw him climb the lounge kitchen counter and his ass was at face level, took everything not to shove my face in his plush ass" Sanzu was almost hard thinking about it but (name) fucked him out of commission for at least a day.
It had only been five hours and the Omega is just getting exhausted as he let the there's do as they pleased to him, eyes barely staying open as he took what was given.
(Name) Woke up sore, real sore as he sat up to see bodies all over the room, chatting or sleeping as the Omega processed what happened "you need another knot baby?" Baji asked as he chugged a water bottle as Angry looked at (name) curiously as poor (name) processed what took place, cum leaking from his ass as he shakily got out of Draken and Kakuchos hold "what... Fuck... Ow" (name)s hips and ass hurt as he nearly fell over, caught by smiley who snickered at the other man's pain "what did you all go to town on me?!"
"Yuuup" the pink haired twin said kissing his cheek with a cackle "I need a shower..." (Name) Grumbled as he stumbled to the washroom with a hard limp, kicking out any horny alphas that tried to join him.
(Name) Soaked in the bath as he thought about what transpired... He just fucked all his co-workers.
And his bosses!
Oh god he got railed by Mikey and Draken at once.
Memories flooded back as he remembered everything they said to him, everything he did!
He practically attacked Kisaki for his dick!
He didn't hear the washroom door open as mitsuya walked in dressed in nice clothes, a to go bag in one hand and clothes in the other "you haven't eaten since last night" mitsuya chuckled as he crouched before (name) "we got you some breakfast" he said as (name) looked confused "why?"
"You're the pack Omega, gotta keep you taken care of"
"I'm no--""-- we aren't asking you to quit, we just want you and we know you wanted in our pack... To stubborn to admit it"
(Name) Flushed as he didn't deny it and looked at the food they got him, his favorites all present as the Alpha tried to feed him "you have wet hands, you might drop a chopstick"
After the bath, Mikey tried to demand (name) live with one of them preferably him but (name) shut that shit down "I am not going to be your back and call fuck toy " he grumbled and Mikey glared but the pout proved his harmlessness at that moment.
"Next time, in not letting you all rail me back to back"
"No promises"
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rumi-buni · 2 months
𝒜 𝐵𝓇𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒
Bonten!Mikey x Reader
Word Count: 2,279
Synopsis: You promised Mikey you would always be at his side, and nothing would change that.
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You lean against the balcony railing, watching the cars and people on the street below. It was late, but Tokyo never sleeps. Your eyes hone in on a group of teens, laughing and pushing each other around. Your heart aches, remembering when that was your life. You watch the smoke from Kakucho’s cigarette curl around the image. The smell of menthol tickles your nose as Kakucho offers you the cigarette pinched between his fingers.
“No thank you. I’m quitting.” You shift, so your back is to the railing as you look at Kakucho
“Really? I thought they calmed your nerves?” He looked surprised. You’d tried to quit before, but the gnawing anxiety that had a permanent home in your chest brought you back.
“They do,” Your voice goes soft, “But they aren’t good for the baby.” You let your hand rest on your lower belly, staring down at yourself.
Kakucho sputters in disbelief, “You’re pregnant? For how long?”
“Almost three months now. I’ll start showing soon.” You frown, this was supposed to be a happy thing but you just couldn’t bring yourself to be happy about it. This was never supposed to happen anyway.
Kakucho calls your name, bringing you back to him. “Does Mikey know?”
Tears well in your eyes as you look at Kakucho, and you shake your head. “I can’t tell him. He’ll make me get rid of it.” You sniffle as the tears begin to overflow.
Kakucho tosses the end of the cigarette off the balcony before drawing you into a hug. He smelled of menthol and the cologne you’d bought him for Christmas, hints of cinnamon. It was a strange combination that made your nose scrunch.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell him.” He strokes your hair, soothing you.
Despite all of the pain this life has brought you it also brought you Kakucho, and that must count for something. You still remember the first time you met him.
You were at the battle between Toman and Tenjiku, even though Mikey insisted you stay home. You refused, you swore to always stand at his side. You were standing off to the side, trying to stay out of Mikey’s way when someone bumped into you causing you to stumble. If it wasn’t for the hand that caught you you would’ve landed on your ass. Connected to that hand was Kakucho. He looked a lot different back then, skinnier and with a buzz cut. But his most striking feature was still present, a thick white scar running down one side of his face and leaving him blind in one eye.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Kakucho’s voice was low, it almost reminded you of Draken. He was careful to make sure you were standing upright before letting you go.
You nodded in response, “It’s alright.”
Kakucho gave you a curt nod before walking off. You liked Kakucho, even back then. Because he was kind, and kind people were so rare in the life you lived. The next time you met Kakucho was when Kanto Manji was formed. Mikey introduced him as the defense captain, and from that point on the two of you became good friends. You spent countless hours together, cooking and listening to music. You even let Kakucho drag to the gym a couple of times. As you got older you spent quieter nights together, watching TV or sharing a cigarette. You just seemed to get each other. But your heart will always belong to Mikey.
You pull away from Kakucho, taking a deep breath. “I should get home, it’s late.”
Kakucho hums, releasing you. “If you need anything, all you have to do is ask.”
You thank Kakucho, leaving him alone on his balcony.
When you get home, all of the lights are off. You’re not sure if Mikey is asleep or he never came home at all. You slip your shoes off leaving them in the genkan, and you toss your purse on the couch as you pass through the living room. You flick the lights on as you make your way to the kitchen. The kitchen is clean, not a crumb on the counter or a dish in the sink. Mikey hasn’t been home all day. You sigh. You haven’t seen Mikey in three days, and the last time you heard from him was through a dry text message telling you not to wait up for him. You leave the kitchen light on. At least Mikey won’t have to stumble through the dark when he decides to come home.
You had so much energy as a child, you were always running and leaping and fighting. It’s why your parents signed you up for karate classes. You miss those days now more than ever, those late afternoons and evenings spent in the Sano family dojo practicing your punches and kicks or playing around with Mikey and Keisuke. What you wouldn’t give to be there again. But you can’t turn back time. You sit on your couch, tracing your finger over the ultrasound photos clasped in your hands. The image is a little blurry, but you can make out the shape of your baby. The doctor told you that you’re reaching the end of your first trimester, she said that the time would fly by now. She must’ve seen the fear in your eyes, the lack of excitement. Must’ve noticed the way your hands shook. She slipped you a pamphlet for domestic abuse as you left. You dropped it in the trash in the parking lot. As much as Mikey ignores and neglects you, he’s never purposely hurt you.
The click of the front door unlocking jolts you from your thoughts. You spring up from the couch, shoving the ultrasound photos into your purse on the coffee table. You turn around just in time to see Sanzu walk into your living room.
“Sanzu? Where’s Mikey?”
Haruchiyo looks around your living room, inspecting the space before his green eyes settle on you.
“Mikey’s at the office. He sent me to check up on you.” Sanzu slips around the couch, beginning to crowd your space.
You tilt your head back to keep eye contact with Sanzu. He slips his hands into his pockets, leaning over you. “So, you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine.” You take a step back to put distance between the two of you. The back of your knee hits the coffee table, knocking your purse onto the floor. The ultrasound photos spill onto the floor.
The movement draws Haruchiyo’s eye. He tilts his head at the images. You hold your breath, waiting for him to say something. You stand completely still as he walks around you, bending down to pick up the photos.
“You’re pregnant.” He doesn’t ask. He knows.
“Yes.” You let out a shaky breath
“Mikey doesn’t know?” Haruchiyo fixes his green gaze on you again, waiting for an answer.
“No. I haven’t told him yet.”
Sanzu is quiet as he sets your purse back on the coffee table, and tucks the photos back inside.
“I’ll make sure he comes home soon.” Sanzu doesn’t wait for your response. He leaves the apartment just as quickly as he came.
You felt a stone drop in your stomach when the door closed.
You were 14 when you learned to cook. Your mother had been trying to teach you for years, but you never cared to learn. It wasn’t until you spent one lunch period listening to the girls in your class gush over the Bentos they had made for their boyfriends. You came home that day in a rush, begging your mother to teach you how to make omurice. She was confused by your sudden enthusiasm, but she didn’t question it. You and your mother weren’t exceptionally close growing up, but she had always been patient with you. The two of you made omurice for dinner that night, as she taught you the recipe. You made an extra portion and packed it into a Bento for Mikey. You still remember the look on his face when he tried it. He couldn’t believe that you had cooked for him. He spent the rest of the day bragging to his friends that you had learned to cook for him.
Even now, 13 years later a little part of you knows how proud your mother would be to see you cooking one of her recipes. It's times like this that you miss her most. When Mikey disbanded Toman, you followed him to Kanto Manji and eventually to Bonten. You chose Mikey over your friends and family. You’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Mikey sits at the end of the table across from you. He's so pale, his eyes are all sunken and dark. He looks like a ghost of himself. Your eyes trail over to where Sanzu stands, perfectly at attention carefully watching over his master. You shift in your seat, nothing about this situation is comfortable.
“I made omurice, your favorite.” You speak softly
Mikey doesn't respond. His eyes trail down to his plate, but he still looks bored. You bring a spoonful of your dinner to your mouth. Chewing carefully. You watch Mikey, he traces his fingertip over his spoon. He never lifts it.
You swallow thickly, “I have something to tell you.”
Mikey's eyes flicker to yours, “What?” His tone is hollow, it’s like speaking to a dead person.
“I went to the doctor the other day, and I got some news.” You stumble over your words, but Mikey stays quiet his dark eyes trained on your face. You wring your hands together in your lap before clearing your throat.
“I’m pregnant Mikey.”
You watch his face, waiting for a reaction. Anger, joy, disbelief. Anything. Instead, you are met with complete indifference. Mikey’s face never changes, it’s like he didn’t even hear your words. Your eyes trail to where Haruchiyo stands behind Mikey’s chair. Sanzu’s face betrays nothing about the thoughts running through his head right now.
Mikey lets out a yawn, drawing your gaze back to him. He pushes away from the table, scraping the chair against the floor as he stands.
“I’m going to bed.”
Your brows knit together. He must not have heard you. There is no way that he heard you tell him that you’re pregnant and all he says is he’s going to bed. You stand from your chair, your hands coming to cradle your belly.
“Manjiro I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a father.” You raise your voice, hoping your words will reach him.
Mikey gives you a bored look, “I heard you, and I said I’m going to bed.” Mikey slips out of the dining room, leaving you and Sanzu alone.
You feel your world crumbling around you. Mikey doesn’t care. You know that Mikey has been depressed for years, but to have no reaction to your pregnancy. The weight of the truth finally hit you. Your Mikey is gone. He died with Toman all those years ago, and left in his place is this ghost of a man. You can’t raise your baby with a ghost. You won’t. You sit back down in your chair, looking over the meal you made. You built a home, and now a ghost haunts it.
“You can leave Haruchiyo.”
Sanzu twitches at the sound of his given name. He nods, making his way out of your penthouse. You pull your phone out of your pants pocket, you flip to your call log dialing the number at the top. It rings for a minute before he picks up.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” Kakucho’s voice crackles over the phone. You can hear voices and music in the background.
You take a deep breath, your lungs rattling.
“I can’t do this anymore Kakucho.” Your voice comes out thick, and your vision starts to blur.
“Do what? Y/N what happened?” Kakucho sounds worried.
“Bonten, Mikey, everything!” A sob chokes you, “I’m leaving, I can’t stay here.”
Kakucho is quiet for a minute, “Ok. If you want to leave I’ll help you.”
“Thank you.” You whimper.
You packed your bags and met Kakucho on the street in front of your apartment that night. Kakucho was quiet for a while. His eyes glued to the road in front of him.
“Are you sure about this?” Kakucho gives you a hard look. “You know once you leave you can’t come back.”
You nod, “I don’t plan on coming back.”
A frown makes a home at the corners of Kakucho’s mouth, but all he offers is a small nod.
“Where will you go?”
“America, I have some family in New York.” You caress your belly. It’s starting to become a habit.
“I’ll buy your ticket.” Kakucho says softly.
The last time you disappeared you were 17 years old. Mikey had just disbanded Toman. You remember he had tried to send you away with the other Toman members, but you wouldn’t go. You promised Mikey that You would stay by his side, that you would follow him anywhere.
Now that you are standing outside of the airport, waiting while Kakucho unloads your bags from his trunk you can’t help the ache you feel in your chest. You promised Mikey that you would always be by his side, and now you want to be as far from him as possible. You never wanted to break your promise.
“Are you ready? The flights leaving soon.” Kakucho stands near the entrance, holding your bags.
You take a deep breath, pushing the ache in your chest as far down as you can. You give Kakucho a nod before leading the way into the airport.
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dummypwnces · 3 months
𓍢ִ໋ ⋆˚ ☕️ SO CLOSE, BUT SO FAR . જ⁀➴ |
Nahoya Kawata
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˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆ ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
warnings; sugar daddy! Nahoya, implied chubby! Reader, f!reader, a bit of degrading, pet names, oral sex f & m receiving, spanking, fingering, a bit of hair pulling, kinda brat taming, TIMESKIP Corrupt Toman! Nahoya, Mean! Nahoya, a bit of Dom! Nahoya, maybe bimbo reader?, porn w/ plot, first time writer so might be bad, Hoya is physically taller than reader and bigger, M!DNI PLZ!!!
Word count, 2.2K (૮ •͈ ‸ 𖦹 ა )
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Nahoya Kawata. A feared captain of the fourth division of the delinquent gang Tokyo Manji or known as ‘Toman’ or at least he USED to be. Always feared, loving the feeling of beating someone’s ass regardless of who they are, side by side with his gang members and his brother, oh how he misses those days; but good thing he’s rich now!
You were just a simple barista, cleaning tables, dealing with rude people who thought they were better than you, and all KINDS of men. Hitting on you, getting mad when you rejected them, even threatening you on the job. But you couldn’t do anything, this job is what you needed to pay your rent, that was until you met him..
He walked in the cafe with his straight, orangish hair, clearly not used to it being locked from its curly form, a smile that could make your heart stop from fear and attraction, his eyes closed, the perfect voice mixed with a giggle and a deep voice, and a tannish suit that showed off his lean physique and god, the way he spoke his first words to you should’ve been the first red flag, but his words sounded like the sweet taste of honey from a bumblebee.
As normal like all the other guys that came for ‘coffee’, he asked for your number and stupidly enough, you agreed, feeling like you had to give him as his smile was slowly starting to curt. Slipping it to him on his receipt for the order of his coffee, black coffee with nothing but sugar, oh god how it matched him perfectly; you got a call later that night to find out his name as you picked it up, ‘Nahoya Kawata.’ It seemed so nice when it rolled off his tongue, you heard the voice of another girl in the background, yelling, screaming, crying even for his attention, another red flag you stupidly ignored because of Nahoya’s tantalizing voice. Asking you out for a date, which you agreed, and that’s how it all started with you becoming his sugar baby.
Always buying you lavish gifts, giving you money when you need it, making sure your rent is paid for, even getting you the apartment you dreamed of! It seems perfect, but god knows that money can’t hide it all. He always throws money at you, a new girl on his arm while you’re just old and the perfect toy he can always go for when he doesn’t get the girl he wanted for the night, and he’s found some new arm candy, again.
Once again stopping by your apartment you finally decide to confront Nahoya, which he responds with a callous tone mixed in with the high pitch of his giggly voice, the smile you once fell for making you disgusted at the way he talks back to your defiance. “Just shush and take the money, alright doll!”
You glared at the way he treated you, his words making you feel dumb and also insulted, trying to ignore the way his sweet voice always made you feel like putty. Arguing back with him with respect for yourself finally coming up again. “Fuck you, ‘Oya! Either I leave you or you make me your only girl!”
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Nahoya couldn’t lie as he stared down at your angry face from his clean height of six feet tall. The smile on his face turned into something a bit more sadistic, he grabbed your face with the slender, fingers decorated with metal adorned rings designed into a skull, two more into initials of his name and his last and another it seems with the same last name.
For however long it seemed since you’ve met the man before you, you’ve never seen his eyes until now. Being met with the angry, deceitful, but hungry eyes of a pretty color of moss green darkly turning. His words resonated with you as his voice seemed to turn you even more into putty.
“Ah, ah, ah~ what I tell you first thing you got here doll? You’re not my top priority, but ‘f you gonna be such a bitch about ‘t, might just fuck you like the little bitch yea acting like!”
As Nahoya’s words finally clicked inside your nearly going cock-dumb brain and you haven’t even done anything yet. You felt him shove his lips roughly to yours, keeping your face clutched in between his slender fingers, ruining the cute, cherry lipgloss he bought for you, letting his other hand go up the Victoria Secrets blouse he bought you, continuing to ravage your lips as he finally lets go of your face. Feeling proud of the already fucked out face he made of you.
“Such a cute, fucked out little face… ‘gonna make sure you’re ruined by tonight!”
His hands also approached the buttons of your blouse with a gentle touch, but you both knew that wasn’t what he wanted. You couldn’t lie as your thong was almost soaked by the way he tore off your blouse with a hungry touch. Leaving you in just a lace bra with wire straps looking like it would cut your shoulders; his hands grabbing your soft hips and placing you up on the marble kitchen counter of your apartment. Grabbing the hooks of your bra and tearing it off with a smirk on his face that you’ve never seen before, be oh he knew it was all telling…
Finally sinking his mouth onto the nipples of your breasts, having to lean his head down a bit as he happily rubbed the wet spot appearing on your thong. Pulling and tugging at it to keep your puffy cunt warm from his teasing.
Your glossy smeared mouth mewling and whimpering from the pleasure and slight pain you felt in two places of your body, trying to rub your plush thighs together from the sweet tension growing in your thong.
A slap comes to your clothed cunt, a whimper escaping from your mouth as Nahoya talks about your needs like it’s a burden for him to take care of.“Such a pretty ‘lil thing, but too damn loud. Gonna make sure yea screamin’ my name by tonight.”
That was all you could hear before he his lips let go of your now puffy nipple with a wet *pop!*, smirking at the look of your soft lips in a tired ‘O’ your eyes teary eyed already and begging for the touch you hated only a few moments ago. He finally gave into your needs and sunk down to your knees, his fingers gently exposing the way your puffy cunt glistened in the light of your kitchen.
He sunk his long fingers inside of your cunt, making sure he put his mouth to work, his tongue working with his fingers as the wet muscle twitched and curled inside of your wet gummy walls. Your manicured hands trying to find its way to his forcibly straightened hair, your mouth continuing to let out mewls and moans loud enough for your neighbors to hear, your plush thighs wrapping around his head before you finally utter the words he’s wanted to hear since you started to get an attitude with him.
“H-hoya! Cummin’ ‘m cumming!-“
Your words sounded so pretty to him, the way you slurred your words, the way your gummy walls were clenching around him and sucking in his tongue and long fingers like a vice grip. You felt emptiness from your puffy, soaked cunt as your brows gently furrow, glancing down to see Hoya hovering over you with the same smirk on his perfect face, he grabbed you by the same hair he paid for only to be ruined by him now. Placing you on your knees as he keeps his eyes on you, waiting for you to pull down his tanned pants down to suck his cock.
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You could only apply as your shaky hands gently hooked around the belt loops of his pants, being met with the sight of his raging cock having a bulge and a wet spot with his precum showing through his gray boxers, he scoffed out loud as he pulled down his boxers.
His cock bouncing up and down as it finally stopped against his abdomen, he had a slight happy trail of orange hairs that almost made you drool at the sight, his reddened tip slathered in precum as you gently placed your lips on the tip of his cock. Bobbing your head up and down on the six inch cock he had, almost too thick for you to take; feeling it hit the back of your throat as his hands was roaming through your perfectly done hair turned into nothing but a mess from all he’s done, hearing soft grunts, groans, and almost whines escape from his lips.
“Shit.. y’know ya so pretty when you’re not running your mouth like a ‘lil bitch…~”
You’re sure you could feel your puffy cunt clench around nothing at the way he talked to you, a moan escaping from your throat as your moan made his cock vibrate, a grunt escaping from his lips as he shoved your head fully down to the base of his cock, warm, tart ropes shooting down your throat into your tummy. Letting your mouth come off his cock with a loud, wet *pop!*, licking your lips clean as you gently batted your lashes up at him with soft doe eyes that made your pupils seem like hearts.
“Aww, think this little act ‘s gonna win me over? Huh, honey? Let’s get you in the bedroom.”
Hoya couldn’t lie that he felt his cock harden again at the way you stared up at him from your knees; his hand picking you up from your soft hips and dragging you over to your bedroom. Throwing you down onto your queen-sized bed he bought you with a new-found roughness you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t enjoy.
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‘Hoya grabbed you once again by your hair, making you choke on the cutest mewl you hid in your pouty mouth, feeling your tummy be pressed up against the rough, naked knee of him. Feeling his big hands nearly cover the whole half of your ass, raising his hand up in the air before he gives a hard blow to your ass.
A loud squeal escaping from your mouth as you squirm around your hips from the pleasurable but painful slap of Hoya’s hand. Feeling his other hand grab you soft, fucked-out face before giving it a hard slap. Making your pussy clench around nothing, you whimper quietly as you snatch your head back from his grasp. Trying to grind your puffy clit onto his knee.
Feeling a soft slap come down to your cunt, glancing back up at ‘Hoya with a soft pout that almost made him want to give you mercy *almost..* he placed one hand near your puffy cunt, another on your bottom as he starts to finger his slender fingers out of your puffy, tight hole going slowly before he picks up the pace, the squelching sounds of your hole getting his fingers all wet from your gummy, sensitive walls, still wet from your previous failed orgasm.
Your face contorting in pleasure, as you grab at Hoya’s forearm, trying to get his fingers out of your puffy hole before he makes you cum, squirt? Who knows. And finally your brain went fuzzy. Your brain going full cock-drunk as a weak, but cute smile appears on your face, he couldn’t help but smirk at the way you looked, his closed eyes finally back as he spoke to you mockingly.
“Aww, ‘s my little brat finally all stupid, just from my fingers?”
Hoya chuckled quietly as he pulled his slick covered fingers from your hole, grabbing your hair and forcing your face up to meet his. Flipping you back on your ass to sit you on the bed, forcing his long fingers in your mouth as you mindlessly suck on them to clean your juices from his fingers. ‘Hoya chuckled quietly again, grabbing you and with ease.
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Hoya bent down in-front of your plush thighs, being face to face with your wet hole as it clenched from the cold air in your room. Hoya spat at your hole, smirking quietly at your soft mewls from your sensitive cunt, pushing in his fingers again as your back tastefully arched, and your lips turned into a soft, shiny mess of an ‘O’ ;feeling your earlier orgasm come back to life with a spark back bigger and better.
His fingers sissoring inside you as your mouth continued to let out more mewls and moans that you couldn’t keep quiet, your eyes teary once again as your tears threatened to spill from your eyes at the feeling of pain and pleasure from his long fingers inside your tiny hole.
Hoya finally pulled his fingers out of your sweet hole, smirking at the damage he’s done for you, getting up from his knees and lining up his pretty, thick cock with your tiny, puffy cunt. You couldn’t lie when your cracked voice choked out these words with a hint of uncertainty.
“‘H-hoya? ‘m thinking ‘ts not gonna fit!-“
You felt his finger come up to your mouth, the smirk still plastered on his face as his sweaty, perfect face was so pretty in-front of your fucked out, teary eyed face. It was all a distraction as he shoved his cock into your gummy walls, groaning out loud, his pace started out slow but rough, his hips making your soft ass ripple as he grabbed your hips and quickly flipped you over into your belly.
One of his hands gripping onto your hips, another gripping your belly with a newfound appreciation for your curves. Your mewls got louder and louder before they just turned into incoherent babbles from your little fucked out brain going cock-dumb, your orgasm growing faster and faster before it finally snaps, your eyes going wide as a soft whimper escapes your lips before your brain finally goes from his cock hitting your special spot.
All you could say now was incoherent babbles and soft mewls with your head down into the stained sheets of your bed. His hand letting go your belly to give you one final slap to your plush ass as he cums inside of your sweet cunt, a loud groan escaping from his lips as you can feel all the soft, warm ropes filling up your tummy. Your lips letting out an array of soft whimpers.
“‘m yours H-Hoya, love chu so much!”
“Aww, love you too baby, just one more round ‘n we done for tonight~”
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You felt your puffy, ruined cunt clench around nothing at another thought, feeling your body get lifted up with ease as you open your teary eyes to be met with the sight of you sitting in his lap with his limp dick nearly standing proudly at your tummy.
You couldn’t help but let out a gentle moan, feeling his fingers rub your puffy clit, your mouth turning into a soft ‘O’ feeling your hips gently rock against his thigh in desperation for some more friction. Mewling, moaning, begging for Hoya’s fingers to go deeper into your pretty pussy filled from him.
Hoya couldn’t help but smirk as he sunk his fingers deeper inside of you just liked you wished hitting your sweet spot with a soft chuckle, your cunt clenching around his slender fingers as you feel the knot in your tummy finally release, squirting all over his fingers and staining his thighs with your juices.
You finally collapsed onto your stained bed, a fucked out smile on your face as you curled up into a ball tired and ready to go to sleep. Unknowing to the way Hoya had a smile on his face watching you sleep like the girl you are.
You woke up earlier that morning with the sight of Hoya anywhere in your apartment, you almost couldn’t lie saying you missed the man that treated you like he was yours for a might. But a note was on your drawer in his horrible writing saying he would be back later that week, and he wants you to be ready for him and someone special?
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Thank you so much for reading this if you made it to the end!!! I hope you liked my first story and I would REALLY enjoy any criticism to help me be a better writer ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა also I’m very sorry if the gifs don’t work at first!! ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
Can I ask for some headcanons for Yan!Bonten!Mikey with a former childhood sweetheart darling? Maybe they used to be inseparable/in love with each other as kids before the darling had to move away to the US when they were 8 and now so many years later they arrive back in Japan on a bussiness trip.
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pairing : bonten!mikey x reader
summary : yan!bonten!mikey meeting his childhood sweetheart again
⤷ warnings : general yandere themes, implied kidnapping, briefly mentioned murder
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– mikey takes his friends and family very seriously—their safety and happiness were the only reason he disbanded toman and moved on without them. he knew that if he kept them around then they would get hurt one way or another, which was the last thing he wanted.
– with every loss that he had he's learned to move on in his own way. some losses took him longer than others to get over, but still he moved on, nonetheless. but with you, he couldn't quite get you out of his head no matter how much time had passed, and quite frankly, it was annoying.
– he didn't like seeing your innocent smiling face flash through his mind whenever he would be shooting a traitor—vermin that needed to be disposed of. he didn't like spacing out during meetings to reminisce the time he spent with you when he was young, where he would blindly follow you around like a lost puppy. he was quite smitten back then, he will admit, but things are different now. he should let you go like he did everyone else.
– the only thing that mikey had going for him was the fact that you left on your own, long before he even formed toman, let alone kanto manji or bonten. he couldn't interfere with your life if you weren't even around. he doesn't have to worry about running into you either since he doesn't even know what you look like now, and it was safe to assume you didn't know what he looks like either. mikey would even go so far as to say that you probably don't remember him. the two of you were only friends for a small fraction of your lives when you were really young, and lots of people forget their childhoods so it's not farfetched. you don't know him; he doesn't know you.
– mikey ignores the fact that he could easily change that with just a simple order—he can get your pictures, your occupation, your friends, family, past lovers, whatever he wanted, really. every single record of yours could be in his possession within a matter of hours if he so wished, but he doesn't. you're just some person from his childhood, a random civilian to him now, at best; he has no reason to be digging around in your life.
– then everything got fucked up on one random tuesday afternoon. almost like fate, you ran into him—literally. you, absentminded as ever, weren't looking where you were going, and you ran into him. from the corner of his eye, he could see sanzu pull out his gun and point it towards the person sprawled out over himself, waiting for the order to shoot, but that order never came. whatever nonsense he told himself about not being able to recognize you had been a boldfaced lie, since he recognized you immediately. there was no questioning it, or second guessing himself, he knew that you were you.
– your sweet, sweet voice that used to lull him into a state of absolute serenity was now much more mature, but still it quelled his inner darkness just the same. his body relaxed against you, and against his better judgment, he wrapped an arm around your struggling body, pulling you closer to him.
– before he was okay with not knowing you. he didn't feel the need to pry or keep tabs on you but having the smallest taste of you again left him addicted. he needs you. he needs to know you, to have you, to own you. you make him feel sane, which is a feeling he can't just let slip through his fingers with the kind of life he lives. without you he might just go on a rampage—kill everyone and everything in sight cause he's just so peeved to not have you around. for the sake of not just himself but his organization and all of tokyo he cannot let you go; he won't let you go.
– now that you've unfortunately stumbled into his world of darkness, you can’t escape. he'll have you no matter what.
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in-jail-out-soon7 · 9 months
"If I could change anything. I would've let myself fall in love with you."
In which instead of Takemitchy, it's you that has the ability to time travel. Allowing you to change the past and present. After traveling back to the present and attending the funeral of Takashi Mitsuya, you arrive back home to find a letter. An invitation to the Philippines.
Manjiro Sano x GN!Reader
Warnings: Tokyo Revengers spoilers, slowburn, mentions of death, cursing, guns, violence, blood & mentions of broken bones.
A/N: Hope this does well because I want to make it a series😭
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With a flash of colour, every vein and artery seemed to buzz alongside every organ as you switched to your future body.
Blinking you steadied yourself in your new body. Taking a deep breath, a young woman with pale pink hair stood before you.
"Thank you for coming," she spoke softly. You hummed quietly in confusion. "Please wait in this line."
She gestured to the growing line forming behind her. "Oh.. Alright." The woman smiled and took her place behind a stand to check guests in.
Examining your surroundings you grasped at your clothes. You were dressed neatly in black formal mourning attire. Around you people spoke quietly to one another, comforting each other. An uneasy feeling settled in your chest as you took your place in line like you were instructed to.
At the front of the line, the lady from before alongside another who looked around the same age just with pale blonde hair greeted you. After giving them your last name the woman with blonde hair ushered you inside. "You can go inside," her voice shook and she pinched her nose but it did no good at preventing her tears.
You thanked them and made your way towards the entry of the building. Behind you the pink haired lady encouraged her friend. "Keep it together Mana."
"I'm sorry, Luna."
Trying not to trip over your own feet you turned on your heel quickly to examine the two girls. No, they weren't friends. They were sisters.
They ushered another guest into the funeral. The blonde woman, Mana, sobbed out her next words. "Thank you for attending my brother's funeral."
You chest tightened and you gasped, turning back around to rush into the building. Music played down the long hallway. The walls blurred together has you tried to find the correct room. Your ankles wobbled and knocked into each other, leaning on the wall for support you decided to search your person before moving forward.
Your fingers gripped around the familiar shape of your cellphone. Bringing the screen to life you tapped aggressively at the keyboard having to redo your password twice before opening the web. Searching for recent stories regarding any gang violence.
After searching endlessly you sat on the floor of the hallway your back hurting from being pressed against the textured wall for so long.
Takashi Mitsuya, a Toman Officer, had been strangled to death in an attack. Hinata Tachibana, your long time best friend had died once again in a car accident. Her boyfriend and in this timeline fiance, Takemitchi Hanagaki, who was also a Toman Officer had also died in the same accident.
The phone slipped from your sweaty palms onto the deep red carpet underneath you. The ringing in your ears drowned out the disgusting noises that came from your throat as you desperately tried not to throw up.
Passerbys stared and man approached you his comforts and concerns falling on deaf ears. Picking your phone up off the floor you braced your body on the wall before sliding up it with shaky legs.
It was Mitsuya's funeral. You had remembered meeting his little sisters, Luna and Mana, in the past at the New Year's festival.
When you gained enough strength in your legs you ran back down the way you came. Ignoring any looks thrown your way. Slipping through the big double doors you tried your best to stay out of everyone's way as you left the property.
You couldn't stay and sit through this service. You needed to find Naoto and figure out what the hell was happening.
After running aimlessly through the streets, muscle memory took you back to your old apartment. Heavy breaths left you as you sat in front of the front door with your back pressed against the hard material. Coughing and gagging on nothing.
You don't know why you had come back here. In other timelines you had been in nice preppy pent houses due to your connection to Toman, though you have never been an official member of the gang. According to Mikey you were just his guest he let sit in on meetings.
Where was Mikey?
A deep voice rang out from besides you. "Good, I knew you were back."
Lifting your gaze from the concrete floor your eyes fall over a tall, slim man with short black hair. He was dressed neatly in a tie, button down and black trousers, like he always was. It was Naoto.
Blinking you stood up clumsily. "Naoto?"
"My memories were over written, so I knew you had come back," he explained.
"Yeah, sure, but what the hell is happening?" Your fist clenched, nails digging into your palm. "Why is everyone dead?" You pressed. You had begun working with Naoto after Hinata's original death, when you had discovered your power of time traveling after dying to a division of Toman that had broken into your apartment and attacked you with a bat.
Meeting Naoto in the past, believing your life was just flashing before your eyes you admitted everything that would happen twelve years in the future. And with that knowledge he had managed to stop the Toman division from killing you again in exchange that you help save his sister.
Being an old friend of her's, a close one at that, made you a target in every timeline due to a plan still unknown to you. The first timeline where you managed to save Hinata and got to see her in the future, Takemitchi had reached out as well to speak with his ex-girlfriend. Ever since then Takemitchi has died alongside her in every future.
Naoto's gaze fell, his brow furrowed. "I'll explain inside." You hummed confused. He gestured to the apartment door. "Oh, yeah, you live here again. You probably have your keys on you."
Raising a brow you began checking your person until you struck up a silver ring of keys. "Oh." You unlocked the door, pushing it open. It smelt vaguely of cleaner and bleach. You two made your way inside.
Naoto explained everything. How all main Toman members: Draken, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Chifuyu and Takemitchi have all been killed. Even Kisaki and Kazutora were found dead.
Your drummed your fingers on the wooden table in your room as you listened to Naoto. "But, how?" You interrupt him, not wanting to hear anymore. "I did what I was supposed to." Glaring at him you thought back to the your last travel to the past.
You were right, you did everything you had planned on doing. You avoided Taiju being killed thanks to Takemitchi and after the news of the Christmas showdown came out Mikey kicked Kisaki out of Toman. Though you weren't there to see it Chifuyu and Takemitchi, the only two who knew you could time travel, reported to you about the latest Toman meeting that resulted in Kisaki's dismissal. Mikey didn't allow you at that meeting, he claimed it was punishment for tampering in a fight and risking getting hurt. As if the ear full he gave you wasn't enough.
"What about Mikey?" You asked suddenly.
Naoto sighed. "We don't know." He dug around in his coat, pulling out a piece of paper. "Currently, the suspect for all the murders," he unfolds the paper. Mikey.. But his hair was longer and black. The photo had been taken at an angle that you could see a dragon tattoo, identical to Draken's, snaked across his neck. "Is Manjiro Sano."
Your nails scratched against the table as they found their place against your palm in a fist. "What the hell are you talking about? Why would Mikey do that?"
Naoto sat the paper on the table. "We don't know, but I want to hear Mikey's side of the story." He finally took a seat across from you. "I wouldn't be surprised if he went looking for you."
A bit taken back you raise a brow. "Why? I was never apart of Toman."
He rested his chin in his open palm. "Yeah, but you two had some kind of relationship right?"
Your face flushed. "Not like that." Before you could defend yourself further you caught glimpse of a photo on the table. You slid it off the wooden surface and examined it. It was the photo Takemitchi had made you, Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Hakkai take before you returned to the future. Everyone's laughter frozen as Takemitchi tried to get in frame before the timer ended. You couldn't help but notice how Mikey's eyes were focused on you.
Naoto stretched over the table to look at the photo in your hand. "Where'd you get that photo?"
You looked back up at him and shrugged, tracing your eyes back to the place you had found the photo. "Right here," an open envelope sat next to where the photo had been laying. "Oh, hey."
Naoto picks up the envelope before you could. Studying the paper and stamps he concludes,"This is from outside of Japan. The Philippines." He takes the letter out and unfolds it gently, reading it.
Pushing yourself up with your hands, you try to catch a glimpse of the letter. "What does it say? Who's it from?"
He turns the letter towards you, offering it to you. "No name."
There wasn't much written on the page.
"Meet me on January 20th, at that place I told you about."
Staring at the words you reread them over and over trying to figure out who could've sent the letter.
"Any idea who sent this to you?"
"No, I don't think so.." You turned back to the photo. Tracing over the face of all your friends that were now dead. Then you landed on Mikey.
"Just get on it, I swear you won't fall (Y/N)." Mikey laughed as he tried to get you to sit properly on the bike him and Draken had been working on. Draken had gone inside for a bottle of water, leaving you two alone.
With your legs spread around the bike you gripped Mikey's shoulders, refusing to sit down fully. "No- I don't know how to balance myself without sitting behind someone!"
Pulling your hands off of him, he placed them on the motorcycle's handles. He gripped your wrist firm enough to keep you in place but not enough to hurt you. He laughs again when you whine. "I won't let you fall, just sit."
Grumbling you fully sat down in the seat. He didn't let your wrists go. "What's this bike for anyways?" You ask.
"We're fixing it up for Takemitchy," he explained, his grip loosening.
"Really? You're giving him a bike? He'll crash it in seconds." Mikey rolled his eyes and smirked. "Where'd you even find parts for this?"
Mikey's smirk softened to a smile. His hands weren't even holding yours anymore, just softly resting on top your own on the handles. "My older brother found this engine and mine sometime when he traveled around for parts. He only had enough parts to reconstruct my bike, so this one's just been sitting around." He explained. "He found em in some old shitty town somewhere in the Philippines."
You had been so engrossed in the story at the time that you hadn't even noticed Mikey had kicked up the bike stand and you were balancing on your own.
Looking up at Naoto who seemed concerned at your spacing out, you turned the group photo towards him. Your finger over Mikey's face. "It's from Mikey."
Naoto arranged the trip to the Philippines, making sure you arrived with enough time to find the place Mikey had been talking about.
When the 20th of January arrived you and Naoto traveled to the old ruin. The old concrete building so turn apart you couldn't even tell what it was originally supposed to be.
You wiped sweat away from your brow caused by the beaming sun. Naoto turned to you. "It'll be easier if we split up." He spoke.
Shaking your head you glared at him. "Hell no, that's how people die," you argued.
He rolled his eyes. "We'll cover more ground that way." Slipping his coat off, he folded it in half then laid it over one shoulder. He waves you off. "Yell if something happens."
Grumbling, you watch as he walks off to the ruin. When he was out of sight you went inside yourself.
You could really tell how broken down the building was from the inside. Destroyed walls and caved ceilings. You took a set of stairs up a level. With Every step you kicked up dirt and dust. You waved a hand out in front of you to prevent any of the dibre from getting in your eyes when you noticed something on your thumb.
Stoping momentarily, you brought your hand up to your face. A long white line snaked up the bottom of your thumb. A scar. You don't remember having it before your last trip to the past, you must've gotten it sometime during the Christmas brawl.
The clutter of metal pulled you from your thoughts. Rounding a corner you arrived in a doorway. In the room, mountains of old junk and metal covered nearly the whole floor making it hard to maneuver through the scrap. Anywhere you placed a hand for support something would fall and scrap against something else.
You finally arrived at a clearing in the middle of all the junk. Quietly cursing as you tried to soothe any cuts and scratches you had just gained.
Looking up to find where the voice came from, in front of you on top of a large pile of scraps and metal. A man stood amongst it. His hair was short and black, the under shaved. Black eyes stared into your own.
"Mikey?" You called up to the man as you took a step forward. It seemed stupid to ask, who else would be here?
He sat down on top the pile and crossed his legs over one another. Propping an elbow on his knee, he rested his chin in his hand before he spoke. "I hope you've been well."
"Yeah.. I have," you've met multiple people from the past in the present from different timelines. But meeting Mikey in the present just felt.. different. It made your face warm.
Mikey smiled. "You brought someone with you."
Nodding, you chuckled nervously. "Naoto, from back then. We've been working together for while now."
He hummed, never breaking eye contact. "He your boyfriend?"
You blinked and waved your arms in front of your face. "What? No, he's like a million years younger than me!"
Mikey laughed softly. "That right?" You nodded and crossed your arms, glaring up at him. "Well, I think you look good for a million." A soft gasp left your lips, the comment catching you off guard. Mikey stands. "Truth is, I asked you to come all the way here to ask you a favor." He stuffs his hands in his pockets.
"Couldn't have mentioned it in your letter?" You tease.
He shakes his head and smirks, ignoring your comment. "When I first got here, I immediately thought of my brother," he started. "Y'know I fought an awful lot of guys when I was younger, made a lot of friends too." His gaze slips to you for a moment before turning away. "Lots of laughs and tears. Then it occured to me that that's how Toman really got started. They're all really good memories."
Mikey turns away, his back facing you. Just like back then, you were always so interested when Mikey spoke. You don't know why, but you always just yearned for him to speak more. About anything.
"When me and you cut ties. Toman changed." He turned back towards you. Confused, you raised a brow at Mikey beckoning for him to continue. "(Y/N)."
He spoke your name softly.
"What was it that made you think I was going to accept your confession that day?"
Your mouth dried up and you sucked in a breath. You didn't know how to respond, these weren't events you were there for. But then again, you confessed to him?
Accepting you weren't going to respond he continued, looking off to the side. "I stopped talking to you and pushed you away. But I realised I couldn't keep it together on my own. Not even Takemitchy could keep me in line. I spun out of control and lost myself."
You shifted from one foot to the other nervously. "What do you mean? What happened?"
Mikey breathed deeply and his brow furrowed. "When Toman changed, I went looking for you. I had realised how much I messed up by cutting you off, but Kenny and Mitsuya stopped me. They didn't want me dragging you back into the mess I had just made of Toman, they protected you. They did the same thing when Takemitchy left the gang."
You take a step forward. "Takemitchy left?"
He nods. "Yeah. And those two did everything in their power to keep you guys away." Mikey frowns. "They really were great guys."
Fidgeting with your fingers you chuckle softly. "Yeah," you swallow and fight back the urge to ask the most obvious question. What happened to them?
"They were my best friends." Mikey pauses and looks at you. You take a step back as he breaths his next words. "But, I killed them both." The same feeling from Mitsuya's funeral bloomed through your chest. It burned all the way up to your throat and you coughed, choking on air. Mikey continued. "The problem was when Toman changed. All those guys, every last one of them. I killed them all."
He looked back at you. You caught your breath and glared at him. "I don't get it- why the fuck would you do that?!" You exclaimed, flaring your arms around.
"Tch." Mikey dug around in his pocket. "This is why I called you here, (Y/N)." Mikey threw whatever he pulled out of his pocket towards you. It cluttered at your feet. "I need you to end this. To end it all."
Your gaze fell to the floor beneath you. A gun laid at your feet. You covered your mouth with a hand, pulling at your lips as anxiety spread through your entire body, your whole body shaking with nerves.
"Pick up the gun, (Y/N)."
An unexpected sob breaks from your throat, your nose hot as you stared at the gun. Mikey made his way down towards you. You didn't lift your gaze until he was directly in front of you. It was all too much. The smell of dust, must, the gun at your feet it was all just too much.
"This is the place I want it to come to an end," Mikey smiled and stepped closer to you. "The end of my dream."
Your removed the hand from your mouth and gasped painfully. Gripping at your clothes you kicked the gun away and glared at Mikey, your vision clouded. "What- I'm not- I'm not going to kill you!" You struggled to get the words out. "Why did you kill all those people, Mikey!?" He returned your glare, glancing back behind you where the gun had been kicked off to. "Answer me!"
Mikey took a step back and tilted his head towards the caved in ceiling. Through the hole you could see a bird fly overhead. "Turns out, it's not easy to achieve a dream. I set out to make a whole new era for delinquents, Toman was supposed to be the vehicle to achieving that dream." He looked back at you. "But then the whole thing went to shit."
You swallowed and watched Mikey closely.
"The first time I killed someone," his eyes hooded and he smiled smugly. "I didn't even feel a thing. Then I realized something, pretty much any problem anyone has can be solved by just killing someone." He smiles, his teeth showing. They had yellowed over time. "So, now I just kill anyone standing in my way."
Without thinking you swung towards Mikey, your hand in a fist. Mikey catches your wrist, pulling you towards him. His grip was almost unbearably tight, you winced. "What the hell are you saying!? There's no way you actually mean all of that! I'll never believe you do!"
Mikey mutters something and gripped you harder.
"You're still the same guy from back then, the same guy who helped me balance on a motorcycle for the first time!" With your free hand you gripped his shirt.
"Stop it, (Y/N)."
You shook him slightly. "You're still the same guy I fell in love with 12 years ago-"
Gripping your wrist, Mikey swings you into a nearby pillar. Your grit your teeth as your back collides with the pillar. Mikey makes his way towards you. Grasping at your clothes he pulls you up and pushes you against the pillar, he pulls another gun from his pocket and places it against your cheek. Hard.
"What the hell are you trying to achieve here!?" He hisses. Reaching your arms out you hold onto his shoulders for support. Tears finally slipping down your face as you gasp for air. There's no way one of your ribs weren't broken. He presses the barrel of the gun harder against you, pushing your face into the stone pillar. You grip his shoulders harder.
Painful whines and whimpers fall from your lips. "Mikey.. It hurts.." His eyes widen but he doesn't change his position.
He stretches out a leg, the gun you kicked away had been around the place he had thrown you. He kicks the gun at you. "Pick it up." Your lips quiver and you managed the best shake of your head that you can. "(Y/N)."
He changes the position of the gun, moving it from your cheek to inbetween your eyes. "Either you kill me," he spoke. You took a hand off one of his shoulders to grip his wrist holding the gun. "Or I kill you."
You choke out your words offering Mikey a small smile. "I could never kill you, Mikey."
He glares at you pressing the gun harder against your head. "There's no going back to the past."
A gunshot rings out. Your eyes widen expecting it to be you, instead Mikey falls. Blood spattering on your face and his gun falling to the ground. You drop to your knees, holding your side, cradling a for sure broken rib. A voice calls out.
"Are you alright?!" Sucking in painful wheezes of breaths you find Naoto at your side with a gun drawn. To your other side Mikey laid in a puddle of blood, coughing.
You move as fast as you can to his side. Naoto's protests falling on deaf ears as you pull Mikey's head into your lap. You repeat his name desperately like prayer. His dark hair matted with blood from the wound on the side of his head and his pale skin stained.
He grunts and grasps your upper arm weakly. "Naoto Tachibana, is that you?" He coughs, blood trailing down his chin. "Thank you. For shooting, because (Y/N) wasn't gonna do it." He smiles softly and looks at you. "Finally, it's over. My life has been nothing but.. suffering."
A tear drips off your nose and onto Mikey's neck. "Shut up, I can fix this, Mikey." You search around for anything to help even though you knew there was nothing.
"I didn't want to reject you that day," tears flowed down Mikey's cheeks. "I just didn't want you to end up.. Like my brother or Baji." A sob breaks from your throat as you watch him.
"What could've I done to get you accept?" You choke. "See I can fix it- just tell me what I could of done differently!"
Mikey shakes his head as much as his body would allow. "It makes me happy to know you still like me." He grunts and twists in your lap. "(Y/N)." You squeeze your eyes shut as you try to push down the ugly sounds threatening to fall from your lips.
"If I could change anything. I would've let myself fall in love with you."
"Mikey, stop it."
The hand that was softly grasping at you falls limp as Mikey stills. The only thing moving being stray tears falling down his cheeks.
You grit your teeth.
"Mikey- Mikey, I said stop it!"
He doesn't respond.
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bebe-writes-stuff · 1 year
Mikey x reader (angst with a good ending)
One of Mikey's problems is he doesn't realize how neglectful he's been of you until it was too late. He wasn't the perfect boyfriend, you already accepted that. But you weren't going to accept pushing your self-respect aside for him. You knew your worth. And what happened today was your breaking point with him.
You had both of your arms wrapped around your body, trying to shield yourself from the biting cold, as you waited. Your skin, touched by the icy air as you felt numbness set in, your movements became stiff. Hours, you had spent hours in the cold winter waiting for him.
Your breath is visible in clouds. You had accepted the fact, he forgot our date...again. you crouched down, grabbing a hand full of snow, the crystals cling light to your palm, cool and delicate against your skin. You bring your hands closer to your face before parting your lips feeling the snow melting on your tongue forming a small, involuntary smile at the sensation. It tasted pure and clean.
"Huh? yo Y/n, whatchu' doin' out here?"
You jumped at the sudden noise that cut through the air, knowing who it was, you turned around immediately.
"Oh, hey Taka-kun."
You wave a little with a smile but your eyes look sad, his eyes widening at your state. quickly making his way to you, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around you,
"Holy hell Y/n! How long have you been out here! you're freaking blue!"
He pulled you into a tight embrace, you were freezing. you look up at him with a sad look,
"he forgot...again."
You nuzzled into Mitsuya, desperate for any warmth,
"I am so sorry, Y/n. Please go home, you're so cold. Here, I'll drive you home."
He pointed at his bike and gently pulled you towards,
"C'mon, I'll make you something warm to drink."
Despite Mitsuya's gentleness, he was infuriated with Mikey. Mitsuya knew that if he didn't show up coincidentally, You would've stayed until Mikey showed up and from the looks of it, he wasn't going to anytime soon.
Once you stepped inside the comfort of your home. You felt like you were melting. You handed Mitsuya his scarf back before taking off your layers of clothes that didn't really make a difference in the cold weather.
You snuggled into your couch, when Mitsuya came out of your kitchen with 2 mugs of hot cocoa.
"Hot coco! perfect timing taka-kun!"
He sat next to you handing one of the cups as you started explaining your situation and how you almost ended up freezing to death because of Mikey forgetting about the date HE asked you on. He listened to you carefully , nodding and humming, but when you reached the end of your story. You said something that caught him totally off guard,
"Taka-kun, I think I am done with Mikey. T-this was my last straw, I can't do it anymore!"
You shook your head, as tears began forming at the corners of your eyes,
"I've been patient with him since the beginning, but there's only so much stress he can put on me! It feels like I've been pushing constantly at a cement wall! All I do is give, and give, and FUCKING GIVE...I am tired!"
Tears spilled from your eyes, it was the first time Mitsuya ever saw you cry. He even wondered sometimes if you were capable of crying, but now you proved him wrong. You had feelings, emotions, and most importantly a limit. A limit Mikey has crossed.
"C'mon Y/n, y-you don't mean that right? You love him. And he loves you too, so much in fact, even if he is too careless to show it sometimes. You're all he talks about-"
You cut him off,
"Of course you're gonna defend him, you're one of his best friends. Go home Mitsuya, I wanna be alone."
You were weak and tired. You just wanted to be alone. away from everyone and away from Mikey. But the thought of it made you miserable, Mitsuya was right. You did love him, but you loved yourself also. Mitsuya reached your front door when he turned to you,
"I swear to Toman, Y/n, Mikey has never talked about anyone the way he talks about you. The way his eyes light up when your name comes up in anything. He is just a dense idiot, he'd never ever have the intention to hurt you purposely."
Once Mitsuya left your place, he instantly called Draken, informing him about your situation and especially how you wanted to end it with Mikey. Draken expected Mikey to fuck it up with you but this, he was just as frustrated as Mitsuya.
He punched his wall, staring at 6 calls Mikey had missed. No use in calling Mikey again, He called Emma,
"Oh draken, hey-"
He cut her off,
Emma quickly removed the phone from next to her ear before going deaf because of draken's yell.
"Jeez, what the hell, you're gonna make me deaf! He is still sleeping, what's wrong?"
"That idiot fucked up with Y/n. He asked her out on a date today and forgot about her. She was waiting outside for hours dammit, HOURS. Mitsuya found her and said she was freezing her ass off...and she wants to end it with him."
His voice lowered as he got to the end. Emma's eyes went wide, angry at her older brother's actions.
A yawn leaving his lips and messy blonde hair, Mikey appeared behind Emma stretching a little.
"Good morning Emma, mm are you talking to Ken-chin on the phone, I think I heard his voice."
Mikey ducked the flying pan that Emma threw at him, before she glared at him angrily with tears in the corners of her eyes. Poor Y/n she almost froze to death because of him.
"Woah, what is your problem? Wait hold on, are you crying?"
He made his way to his sister, before cupping her face and looking at her face. Tears were in the corners of her eyes, and cheeks stained with tears she'd already wiped away. He wiped her tears away,
"Hey, what's wrong? Who made you cry?
She pushed him away from her,
"You, jerk!"
He looked confusion,
"What did I even do? I literally just woke up. Also why was Ken-chin spamming my phone with calls?"
"Y/n, She almost froze to death because of you! Why even ask her on a date when you aren't gonna show up, not to mention, this isn't the first time!"
Mikey froze still, checking the time, it was hours after your planned date.
"Dammit, dammit, are you fucking shitting me right now? Fuck, I promised her I wouldn't forget!"
He scrambled to quickly fix his hair and put on his shoes before Emma continued,
"...She wants to end it, Mikey."
Almost dropping to his knees, Mikey trembled slightly, using the door next to him as leverage,
He was scared, No you can't leave him, You were the best thing that ever happened to him. All Mikey could do was think about all the silly moments he had with you. How he teased you. How he'd poke and pinch those cute rose cheeks, that were always as soft as mochi. Not waiting a second more, Mikey ran out of his house, he had to reach you, and apologize, and kiss you.
"M-mikey wait, it's too cold to go out without a jacket."
Emma tried, but no way could she keep up with Mikey's speed as he ran, one thought in mind, his love and how he hurt her.
He was gasping for air when he reached your house, instantly knocking on your front door frantically. Startled by the loud knocking, you quickly made a way to your front door, stopping when you heard,
It was Mikey, you stared at the door, Your heart aching to keep him waiting outside in the cold.
"Go home, Mikey."
He stopped knocking once hearing your voice, his heart dropping at your words. He could tell you've been crying,
"Y/n, I'm sorry, I really am, I'm sorry for making you wait! I'm sorry for making you cry! I am a terrible boyfriend, I'll do better, I swear. Please let me in. Y/n, I love you."
"It's cold, please go home,Mikey, I don't want you to get a cold. I want to be alone right now."
You didn't hear any response, only footsteps going further and further. you leaned against the door, curling in a small ball. Hugging your legs close to your chest.
"I shouldn't have done that, damn it Y/n! we could've talked it out!"
You dug your nails in your shoulders regretting your decision. Crying made you tired, before you even knew it. you had dozed off in front of the door to your home on the cold floor.
You weren't sure how long you'd been out for, but you woke up suddenly at the sound of your phone ringing, it was Emma calling you to check up on everything.
"Hey Emma,"
Your voice was hoarse and raspy, Her heart sank at the sound of your voice.
"Hey Y/n, how are things going, um did you guys make up?"
"Huh? what do you mean?"
"Mikey hasn't been home? I am guessing he is with you working this out, right? huh? Y/n hello?"
You dropped your phone on the ground, horrified. Mikey wasn't at your house nor was he at his in this Frigid weather.
You snatched your front door in an instant, Mikey was nowhere in front of you. Without thinking, sliding your feet in your shoes before running out the house not bothering closing the door behind you,
You looked around as your screamed his name,
You screamed even louder. But, it was no use, no matter how loud you shouted, the streets were empty.
why couldn't you have just let him in, instead of being selfish and a hypocrite. Leaving him out in the cold just like he did to you. You wouldn't forgive yourself if something happened to him. You bit your lip so hard he drew blood before pulling your fist back and punching a tree to let out your internal frustration. Blood dripped from the tree, you busted your knuckles.
The only idea that made sense to you was to follow the footstep in the snow that spread out away from your house. You didn't care about the biting cold, mikey was your source of warmth. You didn't care about the date, you just wanted to make sure he was alright. You ran in the direction of the footsteps that seemed to be the same size as Mikeys.
"Please, Mikey! please be okay!"
Tears flooded out of your eyes freezing half-way down your cheeks, as you reached what seemed to be the last footsteps imprinted in the snow, only to be replaced by a new pair of footsteps, two of them. That led to an abandoned warehouse. It was old and shabby.
There was something that made your chest tighten. Blood, Small drops of the next to each pair of footsteps. You couldn't help but overthink as you got closer and closer to the warehouse. You were facing the door leading inside the isolated place, you hadn't realized how far you've gotten away from...anyone. You push the old rusty door and it creaked loudly, You gasped when you heard,
"Huh? Oi Tatsumi, did you hear that? come with me,"
A wave of fear and anxiety washed over you. You couldn't hide anywhere, Your footsteps would only alert your hiding spot. Whoever was out here, in this weather, and the blood that stained the pure white snow, they weren't nice people. There was only one place to hide.
"What the- Matsuda, no one is out here-"
"Look, you fucking idiot, there's a 3rd pair of footsteps leading to our hiding spot. There's someone hiding out here."
you held your breath as you ducked.
"Wait where? There's no more footsteps left in the snow."
he walked around, the only footsteps were his, as he continued looking for this hiding person.
"Matsuda, what if they're already in the warehouse."
"Maybe...well if they are. find them. you know what to do, Tatsumi. Tie them up next to that fucking brat."
"You know Matsuda, I heard a lot about that kid. Apparently, he is the strongest teenager around here. They named him, um, yeah I remember now! The invincible Mikey."
Your eyes widened, as you heard. Features contort, revealing a mixture of anxiety and distress. Brows drawn together you began to think. They kidnapped mikey...
Hiding on the roof of the abandoned warehouse was the best option. You used all the strength you could possibly collect to pull yourself from window to window until you reached the top of it. There were a few openings on the roof to get inside but could you hide inside until you found mikey, or do you call the cops- Fuck you forgot your phone at home. You had no choice, you had to save mikey.
You walked around the roof, making sure of things, your footsteps were as silent as possible. You peeked into one of the openings of the roof. Clear, You jumped in, your footsteps as silent as a brown bear. You hid in the shadows, you didn't know where you were going, but your heart led you to him. The ache in your chest only tightened when you saw the scene in front of you.
On the other the two criminals were searching the warehouse for any lost prey waiting to be hunted. What both men concluded, the footsteps belonged to a girl from how small they were compared to theirs.
"Matsuda, are you sure?"
"100%, you saw the difference didn't you?"
"Wait, but why are we looking for her?"
"...A little treat after dealing with that kid, we could have some fun."
you mutter below a whisper, almost a squeak, as you stare at the man you loved. Covered in blood, bruises, and cuts, Mikey, looks at you. He was stripped down to his boxers as he was tied down to a wooden chair with duct tape.
"...Y/n...I'm sorry."
You knew Mikey could easily beat those guys up without breaking a sweat, so why, why was he doing this to himself. But then you noticed his eyes. You've never seen Mikey's eyes so dark in your life before. He had no fighting spirit left, and one thought lingered in your mind.
I caused all of this.
You walked closer to Mikey, You cupped his face. Cold. He was cold.
"Oh Mikey, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
You felt your heart break, as you pulled him into your arms,
"Heh, you're so warm, Y/n-chin."
You looked down and saw how his eyes let up at the sight of you, Your tears sliding off your face onto his.
"Jiro, I am so sorry. I love you. I was being childish and stupid and you got hurt because of me. I am sorry."
You couldn't stop your tears, you just wanted to go home with Mikey and cuddle, absorbing each other's warmth. You wanted all of this to just be a bad dream you'll wake up from, and wake up to Mikey's soft whispering of everything will be alright.
"Mm, I love you too. Hey, stop crying, okay? Your tears are precious to me and I am sorry for making you cry. Don't worry, everything will be alright."
"Sorry to break your little love sessions here, But I doubt anything will be alright, as your little boyfriend here is saying."
You heard as soon as you finished ripping off the tap holding your boyfriend down. He gave you a look which meant, stay close to me as much as you can. You nodded a little.
"I mean I wouldn't want to beat on you more than I already did but looks like I don't have a choice."
Both men ran towards Mikey. Not even a blink of an eye later. Both men, splayed on the floor, completely knocked out.
"The only reason, I let you two pieces of shits do what you've done, because it was a punishment for me for breaking my promise to Y/n and making her wait for me."
He looked at you with a wide smile,
"Let's go home, angel."
"Put your damn clothes back on, mikey."
You were in his room, take care of all his injuries. Patting the small cotton ball drenched in alcohol.
You couldn't help the smile creeping on your lips at the sound of his childish voice, causing him to smile also.
"I guess they made up?"
Emma asked Draken,
"Yeah, I wonder what happened though."
He responded.
You stopped patting the cotton ball and looked down before you mutter,
"Hey mikey?"
"I like you most when you're on your feet kicking ass, I don't wanna see you get hurt ever again, m'kay?"
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yanderederee · 1 year
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July 21st, 2004
..T….nt…amitt….damnit…damn…damnit..daMniT DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT
Chifuyu didn’t have the heart to stop him. Chifuyu has always been the one to rest a hand on Baji’s shoulder and stop him when he was being reckless.
However, this time, if Chifuyu were to even try to touch Baji, there was a guarantee that same arm would get bent.
Chifuyu couldn’t stop Baji’s assault on the subway tiles. “Damnit!!” Baji screamed once again. It was amazing how his voice hadn’t given up, going at this same pace for almost 11 hours now.
“Damnit!!” Baji yelled, finally losing vigor. Chifuyu ran to his side, helping his captain to his knees when he couldn’t take the overwhelming dig in his chest.
Baji was a victim too. He’d been forced into things no man ever should have to experience. Let alone a 13 year old kid, with what felt like the weight of the world on his back.
Baji couldn’t control the sobs that took him over in violent tremors. Chifuyu held Baji’s weak form, while they began to cry together.
“Damnit… I ..” Baji croaked out. Chifuyu held on tight, coursing his friend to talk.
Please, just talk to me. I know I can’t help. But please. Let me hurt for you.
“I couldn’t… I tried…” he sighed, blurry vision making out the wrappings on his arms, meant to heal the cuts and burns underneath. The blood that still stained them, because he kept opening the damn things wide open. Chifuyu doesn’t think it’s on purpose. Baji knows it is.
“Why… why does shit like this happen, to good fucking people!” Baji’s rage was slowly on the incline again. His temper may have been bad before, but the severe concussion and trauma he’d been forced to endure, he was uncontrollable.
“She didn’t do anything! Stayed out of toman, never skipped her dumb fucking curfew… S-she…” he bawled. Rage gave way to pain once again, and Chifuyu shook when he held tighter.
Baji almost whispered what came next, sending shivers down Chifuyu’s back.
“I couldn’t understand it before.. wanting to kill someone so badly. So seriously…” he evened out his tone and became stone. “But damnit..Chifuyu-“ he tried to keep the tough face, but as if immediately being brought back to earth, his walls crumbled all over again.
“None of it’s her fault, you’re right.” Chifuyu agreed, quickly following up. “We know who’s to blamed Baji. It’s okay.”
“We’ll get out revenge.”
It had only been two weeks since Toman and Yotsuya Kaiden fought .
July 11th, 2004
“…. I thought… we’d get …the chance…” you said softly, between hiccups you held back so harshly. “I had.. so much planned for…”
It was Tanabata after all. And it was long ruined.
“… I know.” Baji spoke into your hair. Ever since muscle in his body was sore, and shaking. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, cradling your head with his one good arm.
“Don’t worry baby, the gods will hear your prayers. I promise you that every god who ..” he paused, pulling away, and firmly cradling with all the softness there was left in him. “I promise, I will make the gods and humans alike, who let this happen. I will ..”
“I’ll make sure that every single one of your wishes come true.” He nuzzled his forehead against yours, uncontrollably letting tears flood past.
You could see Baji’s pupils become uneven, eyelids blinking over and over.. he was going to lose conciousness. “Baji-”
“Keisuke.” His voice broke once, hurt at the usage of his last name. “Pl..lease..” he closing his eyes when he held back a sob. “Please let me still be your Kei.”
Baji passed out immediately after those words, sobs racking him in and out of slumber, even still.
There was nothing more you wished to do than to cradle his broken form into you. It was so natural to follow those urges ever since you two agreed on dating.
But you couldn’t disturb him with the equally violent panic attacks what ripped through you without warning.
Nauseous, you felt hands wondering areas they never should have. Disgusted, scared—- you fell out of the hospital bed trying so hard to make it to the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, Chifuyu is stunned into tears when he finds your unconscious form collapsed on the floor, a pool of vomit only feet away.
“Oh god,” stunned when obversing the scene in front of him, he was horrified to actually catch your flickering gaze. Very in and out of consciousness. “Y/n, hey, it’s okay.” Chifuyu encouraged. He sat you up, and folded your knees under his grip, gently carrying you around the accidently and into the bathroom.
“Here,” he sat you by the toilet, discarding his hoodie, and rolled up his sleeves. “Only think about staying sat up against the wall.” He instructed, laying the back of his hand over your forehead.
“Doing great,” he smiled at you brilliantly when you managed to keep his gaze for longer than three seconds. “Take your tim-” he started, until another violent wave of nausea keeled you over the edge of the toilet suddenly.
Holding back a pitiful string of tears, Chifuyu bit his lip and pulled strands of hair from your face. “Let it out,” he kept going, adding considerable pressure into the small circles he rubbed into your back.
Chifuyu sat with you as you lethargically came back in and out of conciousness. Crying some seconds about how awful everything felt, dozing off peacefully into his chest, to worrying about Baji. This cycle repeated from the morning when he first came to check on you, til the nurses released him of his role, and shooed him out. He made sure they kept his hoodie for you to hold onto. Just in case.
“Why didn’t you call for a nurse earlier dumbass?!” Baji kicked Chifuyu’s waiting room chair harshly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it!” Chifuyu admitted bashful. “I just.. I couldn’t leave.” He shrugged, painfully.
“You’re a good guy, Chifuyu…” Baji said, his head felt like it was spinning while he cradled into his busted hands. “Thank you.. for staying by her.”
“I’m sticking by you too, yaknow.” Chifuyu shoved Baji softly. Baji gave Chifuyu a look over, before smiling. “Thanks…”
Baji would absolutely never in a million’s years admit just how terribly he was struggling. But being a good person, he couldn’t hide it for shit. Not this time.
“‘Kids just go round hitting eachother over the side of the hair for fun these days?”
“I just can’t believe the things these kids are getting themselves into anymore!”
“Ms Baji, this is serious.. he’s looking at a 3 month healing window, just from a glance…”
So much annoying chatter. His head was splitting open so damn bad, he honestly couldn’t really remember any for the next few days, if you’d asked him. Just a few core memories to get by.
He felt pathetic, the dizzy spells that took him down, out from his own feet. He was almost thankful that school was finally out for the semester, since remembering anything was difficult, but above all else, Nothing. Felt. Normal.
While recovering, there were so many times he would excuse himself to hide into a bathroom stall, and let whatever uncontrollable urge take over.
He felt so unlike himself at every given opportunity, uncomfortable in the way his friends and family alike would look at him.
Don’t look at me like that.
He wanted to snap back. And unfortunately, he did.
His sense of irritability spiking and diminishing quicker than a conversation could be held.
He’d get frustrated at the littlest of mistakes.
Baji couldn’t stand the look of pity everyone gave him when he slipped or slurred a word.
Yet, out of every person, he made dead honest effort to push pash every single symptom down, if only for a few minutes or hours.
Just to enjoy the feeling of comforting you.
Baji cries alone to himself more than ever, but he made, forced you into pinky promising him that should you ever, ever, ever, need him ever, for any reason. He would escape his hospital room and force his way into yours.
To be here with you, now. It’s past midnight, quiet and dark, easy on his dissipating headache. Baji heard you wake up with a gurgled, terrified scream.
The same scream that ripped him wide open in the first place.
Bolted, Baji came to witness your sweat stained hospital gown clinging to you while you were gathering your bearings, upright in the bed and panting, hyperventilating.
You held eachother the entire night, sharing sniffles, and tighter squeezes.
“How are you feeling?” You asked him, leaning against his chest, while he lay his back in your hospital bed.
“Nothin’ to worry about,” he gave you a reassuring smile. “I’m already halfway healed.”
You stare into him deeper, and knowing you were about to call his bluff, he looked away and chuckled. “Yeah, I’m hangin in there.” He answered honestly.
“But.. I’m seriously more worried about you,” he gently touched, his bad arm tucked into your side as you carefully considered it while cuddling into him closer.
As bad of a liar as you may be to him, you always made sure to wear this obvious mask of serenity. You rolled your eyes, as though being used to hearing this now.
“I’m not going to force it out of you,” Baji rested his forehead against the dip of your temple. “I have no idea what kind of things go on inside your head. Wish I did,” he chuckled shifting to kiss your cheekbone. “… you’re smart. I trust you…” he shifted your absent gaze, dewing up when he made deep eye contact.
“I trust you to talk to me,” he whispered again. “I’ll be anything you need, forever.”
“So when you’re ready, I’m here…”
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asirensrage · 1 month
Saudade - Chapter 7
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Mikey x OC, Hanma x OC, Ran x OC, Mikey x OC x Draken Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Warnings: swearing, violence, threats of violence, murder, smoking, sex, consensual sex between teenagers, alcohol, recreational drug use, mention of trafficking, torture, family neglect, mentions of sexual violence. isekai OC. memory loss. unbeta’d **warnings are not exhaustive** Summary: No one seems to realize she doesn’t belong until she finally runs into her “new” brother, Hanagaki Takemichi. Now, hearing his story, Takara makes the choice to help him and hopefully find her way home, but faking it til you make it only lasts so long when you start losing the memories of the life you had before. As Takemichi becomes the only family she’s ever known, how far will she go to protect him?
notes: Another chapter! This one includes one of the first scenes I wrote for this fic (before it was a fully formed fic). I hope you enjoy it. Things are going to start getting a little more complicated after this chapter… Please let me know what you think!
Warning: spoilers for the last season of Tokyo Revengers and/or manga events
also on ao3
fic masterlist - prev chapter
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It feels strange to watch her brother’s personality change. She likes the older version of him better, the one who seems to understand her more. Not this…boy. 
He runs around without a care in the world, diving headfirst into the Tokyo Manji gang without any real thought. There’s no concern over the things she knows his future self is worried about, no paranoia over Kisaki and the merge of Valhalla into their gang. It eats at her watching him, knowing that she can’t look out for him all the time, especially when she’s in a completely different school. The only way she knows what’s going on with him is because Hinata keeps her updated and Mikey and Draken have decided that she’s one of them. Even if she doesn’t want to be. 
The problem with having a brother who’s involved in a gang, even one like Toman, is that there is no way to keep herself separate. Not really. She’s beginning to understand her role in this, especially when she’s noticing the things she missed before, like the way Kisaki starts showing up, especially when she’s being dragged somewhere by her self-proclaimed friends. 
She will always be a tool for leverage against Takemichi, especially if he gains the power his future self has proclaimed he wants. And as many friends as Takemichi gains every time he returns, he has just as many enemies. 
She’s become more well-known after the junkyard fight. Takemichi brought an awareness to her that she knows he doesn’t realize has an impact. He is his young self, he doesn’t hear the rumours of a challenge of who can willingly get her into their bed first. Or if he does, he doesn’t care, not thinking it through. 
Draken does. 
He knows exactly what the boys are talking about when they say stupid shit and it’s only because he makes the choice to warn her that she even knows it’s happening. 
She’s sitting on a ledge with her feet swinging when he tells her. Her brother is off doing stupid things with his friends and she’s been dragged out of her house by Mikey again. She’s beginning to think she’s a substitute for when he can’t get Takemichi. 
“Heard there’s a bet running through the gangs about who can fuck you first,” Draken says. 
Both Takara and Mikey turn to look at him. 
Takara frowns, staring at him and the way he looks too casual about it. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Draken shrugs. “That shit at the fight, they all saw you and know you’re involved with Toman. They think it’s free reign.”
“The hell I am,” she snaps. The blond had warned her when she had arrived but she didn’t think it’d turn out like this. “I’ll break their dicks off if they try.”
Mikey snorts his drink out of his nose at her declaration and Draken just grins at her. 
“Course you would,” he says it like he expects nothing else and she looks away, feeling her stomach flip. 
She swallows the sudden flash of attraction. She’ll ignore it. She remembers the way Emma spoke about him, how they look at each other. She’s not interested in causing more problems, for herself or anyone else. 
“You know who?” Mikey asks, wiping the drink off of his face. 
“Not yet,” Draken answers, looking between the two of them. 
“Don’t worry about it,” she tells them. “I’ll deal with any who try.” 
“Talking about me?” An arm slings over her shoulder, pulling her into someone’s side. 
She shoves them off, digging her elbow into their ribs to get them to let go. Draken steps forward, helping yank the person away. She turns and sees Hanma, stumbling before he shoves Draken off. “Ugh, who let you out of your cage?”
He turns back to grin at her. “You know I can’t stay away, princess.”
“Fuck off and die,” she snarls. 
He blows a kiss at her. She ignores him. Takara knows that Hanma and Kisaki are the cause of her brother’s deaths in the future, but right now it’s a little hard to match these kids to what her brother has told her. 
“We haven’t met,” her attention is dragged to the other boy accompanying Hanma. He looks short in comparison next to Hanma and Draken, but he adjusts his glasses and smiles at her. There’s a calculating look in his eyes that she’s used to seeing in her coaches when they’re strategizing and she knows who he is before he introduces himself. “I’m Kisaki Tetta.” 
She’s tempted to not answer, to ignore him completely since he’s her brother’s murderer, but if she’s going to save Takemichi, she needs to know everything. She nods back. “Hanagaki Takara.” 
Draken moves forward, shoving himself between Takara and Hanma as he throws an arm over her shoulder. The movement pushes her slightly closer to Mikey. “Yeah, this is Takemitchy’s sister.” 
“Weren’t you on the other side?” Takara asks, looking towards Hanma. “I thought you were enemies or something? You were fighting.” She says it to feign ignorance, to let them think she doesn’t actually know what’s going on. 
Hanma grins at her like she’s confessed. 
“Valhalla lost,” Kisaki tells her. “They’ve been absorbed into Toman. They’re part of our gang now.” It’s interesting to note his use of the word ‘our’, still she frowns. 
“Is that really a good idea?” She looks to Mikey now, ignoring the others. “I just mean that if they were your enemies before, what keeps them from betraying you from the inside?” She can practically feel Kisaki’s eyes burning into her, but she focuses on Mikey, acting like she’s just trying to understand. 
“That’s not how it works,” Mikey tells her. “They’re ours now.”
“Besides, anyone tried that, we’d deal with them. There’s a whole command in charge of sniffing out traitors.” Well, that is interesting. 
“Do you get them a lot?” she asks dryly. 
“No,” Draken assures her. “Just better to be safe than sorry.”
“Hmm,” she leans back on her hands. Then they’re inexperienced. “That’s true. You need a good defence to balance your offence.”
“I’ll be your offence,” Hanma teases, leaning around Draken. 
She stares at him, unimpressed. “I don’t need your help.” She hops off the wall, brushing herself off. “Mikey, Draken, I’m going home. I’ll talk to you later.”  
“Let me walk you home, princess,” Hanma says, moving towards her. 
“No thanks. I don’t need you to know where I live.” She watches as Draken grabs the back of Hanma’s jacket and pulls him to where he was. 
“Go, Takara,” Draken says. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t follow. Unless you need a ride?”
“Thanks, I’m good.” She waves at them before walking off, her mind running with the knowledge she’s picked up. If everything was going to play out like Takemichi saw, the main culprit behind his death was Kisaki. She needed to be able to keep an eye on him so she could intercept as needed. And she would. Her brother was terrible at defending himself. She could play defence. It wasn’t her preferred position, but she could do it. 
By the time she gets home, she has a plan. It’s not an enjoyable one, but Takara learned at an early age to use what she has at her disposal. She needs to keep an eye on Kisaki to protect her brother. Her best chance at that…was through Hanma. 
To say Takemichi was confused was an understatement. 
He didn’t understand why his friends looked like that nor why he was suddenly in an apparent position of power. He couldn’t exactly call Naoto, not with his friends following his steps and the lack of having his number. It wouldn’t look right calling a cop when he’s apparently a top admin of Toman.
He finally gets a moment to take a breath, to try to regulate this new future with the past he left behind, when he’s forced to get ready for a meeting. He does the only thing he can think of. He calls his sister.
Takara answers by the second ring. Her voice is impassionate and distracted, as if she has no care in the world. It reminds him of the way she answered in the last version of the future.
“Takara! It’s Takemichi!”
“I know. I have caller ID, after all.” 
He pauses, unsure of how to tell her that he’s himself again. “It’s been a long time.”
There’s a long moment of silence before he hears her swear. “Hold on.” There’s movement on the other side of the line, her voice as she says something he can’t catch to another person before she finally returns. “Where are you?”
“At my place? Apparently, it’s mine. It’s really fancy and there are a ton of people here. I’m supposed to be getting ready for a meeting.”
“Shit. You don’t-” He hears the sound of a lighter and then the way she inhales and exhales. She’s smoking. Again. “I can’t tell you not to go, but you shouldn’t. The men…they aren’t the people you knew, Take. We’ve all changed a lot in the last twelve years.”
“Even you?”
She lets out a huff of a laugh. It sounds a little pained to his ears. “Yeah. Even me.” There’s a beat of silence before she speaks again. “Promise me something, little brother.” He doesn’t think he’s ever heard her call him that before. 
“Anything,” he says, thrown by the endearment. 
“Be careful. Don’t trust them.”
“Who? Takara…what’s happened? Where are you?”
“Same place I always am. With my husband.” The defeated way she says it strikes fear into his heart. 
“Who? Taka?!”
“Goodbye, Takemichi. I’m sorry.”
“For what? Takar–” Takemichi is left listening to a dial tone. It’s fine. He’ll track her down after he gets through this meeting. 
In the chaos that follows, in the wake of Chifuyu’s death, Takemichi doesn’t get the chance. He’s rescued by Kazutora and arrested by Naoto. 
“What happened to my sister?” He asks when he’s in the car, being driven to the police station. “Where is she?”
“You tell me,” Naoto says. “Your sister is suspected of being an accomplice to many crimes, but she’s only a stepping stone to the real target. If we can catch her, we’d gain access to Hanma Shuji quickly. Everyone knows how close he keeps tabs on her.”
Takemichi falls back against the seat. She married Hanma. Again. Was it always bound to happen? Like Hinata’s death? 
No. He could change that, he can change this. He can save them. 
“We’re here.” 
Takemichi is dragged out of the police car. He’ll figure it out. Somehow. 
Takara listens haphazardly as Tetta and Shuji talk. She’s leaning against her husband, smoking, and being careful not to eye the drinks she set down on the table. They’ve mentioned disposing of a traitor tonight and she was there when Kisaki demanded Shuji’s presence in the aftermath. They sent out people to deal with the missing one. They haven’t told her, but she knows who they’re looking for. It was just a shame they were too late. 
“Right, princess?”
“I hate when you call me that,” she tells him, taking a drag of the cigarette in her hand, and tuning back into the conversation.
“That’s what you are, aren’t you? Toman’s princess?”
She smiles softly, looking away. “That was Emma, not me.” She pauses, eyeing the drinks in their hands as she leans further into Shuji. His arm on her shoulders weighs heavy. “Is that why you killed her?”
The air goes static as the accusation stands, but she didn’t say it as one. She said it as fact. Kisaki’s eyes narrow on her and Shuji’s grip tightens. 
“That was business,” Kisaki finally says. His eyes don’t leave hers and she knows he’s weighing the options of getting rid of her. She’s been a thorn in his side, but a manageable one under Hanma’s guide. 
“Hmm..” She takes another drag of the cigarette. “That why you killed my brother?” Or tried to. Again. 
His gaze sharpens. “What?”
“Taka-” Shuji’s demand for her to stop fades as he starts to blink rapidly and slump sideways. He falls off of his chair, cursing her but unable to move. 
Kisaki knocks his chair back, rising to his feet, but it’s too late. He stumbles, catching himself with the table as he reaches for his gun. She shoves the table towards him with her foot fast and watches as he loses his balance. 
“What the fuck have you done?” he asks, managing not to completely fall as he kneels. It’s a nice sight after everything she’s been through with him. “How?” 
She smiles, a real one for once, and stubs out the cigarette. “You’re not the only one who knows how to play the long game, Tetta.” She crouches, taking his gun from his holster as his fingers twitch trying to stop her. He was so focused on the threat from the men like Chifuyu, he never saw her coming. “You should have left my brother alone. Let him live his life.”
She unlocks the safety and shoots him in the head. The stunned realization remains on his face and she wonders if she could bribe someone to keep it there for his funeral. That would be hilarious. 
She moves over to Shuji. His eyes narrow and she can see the anger there. And the hurt. “I’m sorry,” she tells him. It’s true. As much as he liked to piss her off, and keep her with him, he’s tried to give her a good life. He’s tried to make staying with him worth her while. “I told you to leave him alone. You didn’t listen.” 
“Princessss,” he slurs the endearment. “-na run?”
“Nah,” she shrugs. “I think the cops will forgive me for this one. Especially when I take out the right-hand man as well.” She leans forward and kisses him quickly, for old time's sake. “Bye, Shuji.” She shoots him too.  
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tag list: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
@themaradwrites @kingsmakers @thatmagickjuju @awkwardchick87
tr tag: @mitsuwuyaa @blackfire2013 @bleach-your-panties @reiners-milkbiddies
saudade tag: @thisbicc @scythegal
network tag: @pixelcafe-network
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itjazzbicch · 10 months
His Princess
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Pairing: Timeskip!Izana Kurokawa x Fem Reader
First time writing for Izana, so I hope I did well!
Summary: Always being Izana's princess with a bit of attitude made some others dislike the reader, one in particular, being their own in Kisaki, and when Izana overhears Kisaki's tone with the reader, she helps take away his dark temptations...
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Izana is protective of the reader, swearing, flashback (it is italicized!) Pet names (baby, princess, prince) Kakucho also calls the reader princess, Oral M!receiving, face fucking, praise.
Word Count: 1.1k
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“Kakucho, be a doll and bring me a drink. I am still working on this file.”
“Sure, princess.”
Kakucho was always a sweetheart, getting my favorite drink while I sat at our meeting table with Kisaki, all of us waiting for Izana to arrive.
“Really?” Kisaki scoffed under his breath, thinking I couldn’t hear, “Someone’s been a princess for way too long.”
Kisaki and I never liked each other. I knew his true nature and was always watching to ensure he wouldn’t cross Izana. The feeling was mutual, and when we had the chance to express it, we did.
“Love to burst your bubble, Kisaki,” I said loudly, giggling and winking, “That’s never going to change.”
“I don’t know what Izana sees in you,” Rolling his eyes, he always thought he was above everyone, still trying to belittle me, “You hold him down.”
“Only in the bedroom,” I laughed, silenced but smiling as Izana came in with Kakucho. Kisaki did not realize he was even there, standing behind his chair.
“You’re such a bi-“ Before his curse could slip from his lips, he felt Izana’s presence, pupils expanding as Izana urged:
“Go on, Kisaki. Finish your sentence.”
It took my all not to laugh; instead, sipping the drink Kakucho brought me, both of us watching Kisaki stutter:
“Hold me down, huh?” The way Izana smiled was frightening, leaning down to his face and reminding him, “If not for her, you’d be dead.”
The way his violet eyes burned turned my amusement into admiration; Izana continued to stand up for me:
“She is a pillar in our organization. You will treat my princess with respect.”
“Of course, my apologies.” Looking away from Izana, he was still burning with anger as bubbles formed in my drink from my lips.
I knew when Izana was fighting dark thoughts, his hand twitching as he turned towards the door, leaving the room without words about the meeting.
“Are we still having- “
“It’s okay, Kakucho,” Standing up, I was heading out the door, instructing, “Just give us a few minutes.”
“We’ll be here,” Kakucho nodded, sitting and letting me go handle Izana, as we were the two closest to him.
I knew I’d find him in his office. Knocking gently, I poked my head, hoping my smile would help:
“Sweetie? Are you busy?”
“No,” He mumbled, sitting back in his chair, facing the windows and looking into the city.
Looking at his reflection in the window, his eyes showed he wasn’t there, lost in a memory I knew well.
“You want to play princess?”
“Yeah! Can we? You and Kakucho can be princes if you want, hehe!”
Dancing in the snow, they weren’t so fond of the idea till I started building in the snow:
“We can make a snow castle! C’mon!”
“Okay, princess,” Kakucho giggled, finding the idea goofy but helping with the snow castle.
Those violet eyes lit up as Izana joined us, next to me, smiling as he started to help:
“We’ll make you the best castle, princess!”
Ever since that day, Izana and Kakucho have called me princess. After growing up, merging Tenjiku and then controlling Toman, Izana made me his actual princess, and he was my prince.
“I appreciate you, Izana,” I cooed, carefully sitting in his lap, toying with his earring, “Don’t let Kisaki anger you. Nothing about us will change. You know that.”
“I know,” He whispered, still consumed by his thoughts, till I purred in his ear:
“We still have that meeting, but let me take care of you before that so you can focus. Is that okay with you, my prince?”
“Take care of me how?” He knew what I was planning but wanted to hear me say it.
“I know the perfect way,” Nibbling his ear, I started palming his bulge, rubbing the outline of his hardening cock, "And you certainly deserve it.”
“You sweet thing,” He chuckled, tongue darting across his lip as I kissed his cheek, falling to my knees between his legs.
“Only for you,” I smiled back, keeping our eyes locked as I unzipped his pants, freeing his cock and stroking, placing soft kisses against his shaft as he grew as hard as a rock.
“Don’t keep me waiting now, princess,” He hissed, already tugging at my hair as I licked up to his tip, swirling before flicking at his slit:
“I got you, baby.”
“Ahhh,” He exhaled, already relieved from my lips sucking in his tip, stroking his extra length slowly, humming at the taste of his pre, beginning to bob when I felt his hand on my head.
Watching with his head back and eyes squinted, he took away my hand, pushing my head down and reminding me, “I know you can swallow all of it.”
Looking through my lashes, his head fell further back when I deep-throated his cock, picking my head back up and swallowing him down to the back of my throat in an instant.
“Ahh, yeah. That’s my princess, hmmm.”
There was always this wildness I felt with Izana, fucking my throat hard on his cock. His nails grazed my scalp, taking a tight grip as I bobbed up and down so quickly, more pre leaking as he jittered out the groans in his chest.
Gagging a little on the last bob, I pulled back but made sure to keep stroking his wet cock, seeing his vein twitching, sucking his aching balls as I took that time to catch my breath.
“Sit up,” He commanded, and I did so obediently, sitting back on my calves, tongue sticking out as he stood up, slapping his cock against my tongue, “Be good for me and stay still while I fuck that pretty face, ‘kay?”
“Of course,” I smiled, latching to his thighs as he pulled my head upright by my hair, shoving his cock back down my throat, using me like a toy.
I loved when he let loose like this, smiling even with tears in my eyes as he bucked his hips, thrusting his cock as deep down my throat as he could.
“Such a good girl. Such a good girl, grr-“ His eyes shut tight, huffing as his cock started to throb in my throat, “Always doing such a good job.”
Keeping my lips tight, he slowed to still, eyes heavy but finding mine in a haze, humming again as his cum poured into my mouth, grinning as I swallowed every bit.
“Fuck, you taste so good,” I gasped as he pulled me off of him, my tongue licking up the bit of cum that oozed from his tip, leaving a kiss behind and batting my lashes at him, “Feeling better?”
“I feel something,” He chuckled, looking at the time and fixing himself, offering his hand to me, “Let’s get the meeting started, princess.”
“Yes,” Holding his hand and standing, we returned to the meeting room, smiling like a spoiled brat at Kisaki as we entered.
“One more thing,” Izana stopped at his seat, squeezing my ass before I could take mine, whispering to me, “As soon as this is over, I’m going to fuck you so good.”
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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Band head canons
These are not sorted by any means, have not read the manga but seen the first season of the anime and done some research on characters hope these are alright. Made these poly btw
Tw:suicide notes, groping
How the band formed: there was a battle of the bands and there was prize money, they needed the prize money for (insert reason here) and there was a producer at the battle and they blew the producer away (let's pretend he's never seen a band with three vocalists 👀) they got signed
They all rotate on who sings and who plays what, baji usually stays put as drummer but every now and then as a treat we hear him sing.
Drummer, occasional vocals (I wanna go with black veil brides but haven't decided on this one yet)
Never wears a shirt on set, claims it gets too hot but we all know it's cause he wants to show off
Has a nipple piercing
Airi taught him to sing
Tries his best to help write lyrics but poor baby doesn't do lyrics
man can he keep a beat going tho
Starts the stage diving shenanigans
Guitar, Drums
Vocals (think beauty school dropout)
Can scream a bit but chooses not to as much as Kazutora and Airi
Him and Airi sing a lot of their songs, kazutora writes a lot of them
Took up music to serenade ladies, it didn't work but now he's good with his voice and hands (that's what she said)
When he gets mad he goes into what he calls "the crazy tank" and works on some songs (he's gonna go drum it all out)
Airi and him do covers too every now and then
Stage dives cause baji did it first
Bass and vocals (think Pierce the veil or bring me the horizon I couldn't choose here.)
Pass the Nirvana I can see him singing idk why
Definitely threw up before their first show
Him and Airi had a suicide pact (if you know you know) 🥺, they turned their notes into song lyrics that they only have shown each other
The most gifted, cannot tell me that Tora can't sing, he's just too shy 🙈
Writes two types of lyrics 1. For stage 2. Songs meant only for Airi, Chifuyu, and Baji
Stage dives cause they both started it
Airi (my OC)
Guitar, Bass
Vocals (new years day)
(League of Distortion is a close second)
Classically trained in piano and music as a kid.
Childhood friends with Baji
Her and Baji make beats in their spare time (as well as editing the music)
Has been performing for such a long time she forgot how to have fun but the boys show her how to have fun with it again
Doesn't stage dive in fear of getting groped
They have just one of those your buses that has a big bed in it and they share it
That way one of them can sing lullabies when the others can't sleep 😴
They take Peke J on tour with them, the fans love him.
They invite the rest of the founders of ToMan to shows, they get backstage passes
When they first got in the studio they invited Mikey and Draken to the studio
Airi and Chifuyu break out into break up songs whenever bickering. Kazutora and Baji are so done
nah but fr the fans love it
On stage shenanigans as well as backstage shenanigans
Interviews are chaotic af
Baji will get bored and start playing with a lighter in his pocket, what starts out as a small fire ends up being a big one by the time they catch him
Something is always on fire on set cause of Baji
At a meet and greet they were asked if they could come meet a fan of theirs that was in the hospital
Of course they said yes
Turns out it was an 80 year old lady who still rocks out, they remember her fondly
The money they make goes to charities for animal rescue
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keisukibaji · 2 years
A Letter from Keisuke Baji <3
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˚๑꒰﹕Hey everyone! I'm back and with the fourth post in 'A letter from….' series! The reader is gender neutral and all the letters are platonic! I hope you like it!!
Ok Chifuyu did tell me I was supposed to start with dear in a letter but it sounds so sappy and fucking cringe so no way am I doing that….
I am using a dictionary to check my spellings though so if u can’t understand something I do apologize! Me and spellings don’t mix haha.
Well I doubt you’ll get to read this after all….
If you are wondering where I disappeared off to and why I haven’t been in touch for a while, it’s because I’m no longer in Toman! I joined this new gang, Valhalla! There is this pest that needs removing so…
I can’t let anyone else get hurt ever again….
ANYWAYS! Today Chifuyu called me out so I went to meet him and this weird kid I punched a while ago at the meeting to chose the Toman third division captain. Takemichi his name is….
He had the guts to punch the new third division captain in front of the everyone including the president!
A fucking dumbass….
But I like him…..
Hence yours truly served a punch!
For some reason….
He told me I was gonna die soon…..
Before you panic like you always do, I DON’T THINK I’LL DIE! I AM PRETTY STRONG! 
One of the strongest of Toman and Valhalla in fact!
But for some reason…. I have this feeling….
If this is the last time…..
What if I never get to say goodbye…..
U MOST LIKELY WON'T READ THIS CAUSE I'LL BE FINE I'M STRONG but if this does reach ur hands it means....i...well....
I wish I could talk to you in person though!
And Chifuyu too!
You know something Reader? Peke J doesn’t stop by any more…..
Ever since that day…..
Ever since the day I fucked up everything and ruined my friendship with Chifuyu….
I do keep looking at the window though…
I do keep thinking, Peke J! This food is getting stale here you know! It’s time for your play date!
But he never showed up…..
I wish I could tell Chifuyu that I’m sorry but somehow…..
I feel like I’ve fucked things up for good…..
I wish he would abandon me already……
If I do end up dying tomorrow…..
I hope… I hope he could forgive me for what I had done….
Somehow just the thought of my life ending soon brings back a flash of memories….
You know reader? SINCE YOU ARE TOTALLY NEVER GOING TO GET THIS, I’m gonna let you in on a secret….
I don’t think anyone knows this in fact…..
Whenever a day feels a little too much…..
Whenever burning cars doesn’t feel enough…..
Whenever past memories come to haunt me in the form of nightmares….
You know what I would love?
A nice, warm comforting hug!
AND DON’T U DARE TELL ANYONE ESPECIALLY KAZUTORA! He won’t let me live this down….
That day…
That day when Shinichiro died….
I felt like dizzy, the spell of blood hitting me, making me realize that the guy I looked up to as an older brother was now dead and lying sprawled out in front of me….
I felt like the world was ending as my heart shattered into a million pieces….
Somehow in that moment, it felt like it was the end….
Like I couldn’t go on….
I mean how could I? I was the reason Shinichiro kun died…..
But in that moment, I saw Kazutora….
Seeing him more broken than I was….
Knowing all that he had been through….
Knowing that he planned this all so that Mikey could be happy…..
I couldn’t stand seeing Kazutora cry…..
Before I knew it, I swallowed my fear, my withering pain and hugged him close, promising I would never let him go…
Whatever we did and whatever we will do….
We are in this together….
I’ll give up everything just to be in hell with you…..
As long as you are happy….
As long as everyone is happy…..
That’s all that matters….
But somehow that day…..
Even though I tried to ignore it....
As selfish as it was….
Some part of my heart wanted someone to hug me tight just like I hugged Kazutora that day…
Telling me that it was all gonna be ok! 
That it was ok for me to feel sad or cry whenever I wanted to!
That day….
When they took me and Kazutora in for police questioning…..
I saw my mom….
And somehow…..
Everything around me faded away……
I remember screaming on the top of my voice as the sobs chocked my throat… I ran straight headfirst and held on to her tight.
And I cried and cried and cried…..
For some reason…. I thought she would yell at me….
Even hate me for what I did….
Instead she put her arms around me….
And she didn’t let go……
In that moment,
Even though I always felt very strong…..
That was the safest I felt in a long time….
I wish I could feel that way again…..
If I do end up dying…..
Somehow just the thought of it makes everything trivial and insignificant fade away…..
Me grumbling over not being able to watch the next episode of Kayo Suspense Gekijyo….
Me not able to get the latest copy of the action manga I wanted….
Me not being able to see Peke J for a bit….
Me wanting to open a pet shop in the future…..
All that is no longer important to me anymore…..
All I want is….
All I want is for…..
Toman to be happy…..
Draken, Mitsuya, Pah, Mikey, Kazutora, Chifuyu….
I want all of you to be safe and happy…..
I love you guys so much…..
I visited Shinichiro’s grave today….
Perhaps if I’m fortunate enough to see him again….
I wish I could say sorry….
For robbing him of the years he could have spent with Mikey and Emma chan…..
It’s something that burns me, eats me away on the inside, just like the cars I set fire to against the early morning dawn.
I was thinking as I walked back home….
If I do die….
Who is gonna look after u guys?
Who is gonna make sure you all are doing ok?
It was getting dark and a strong gust of wind blew across my face.
Forcing me to look up at the night sky.
It was dark, very dark.
The blackness stretching for miles and miles with no end to it….
That’s when I saw it…
A single lone star….
Shining brightly against the darkness….
That’s when it struck me!
If I’m…no longer here….
I want to be that star up there….
So that whenever u guys look up, u can see me there…. 
Whenever u guys feel sad or lonely….
Or feel like nothing is going your way.
It will be my way of saying
There is nothing you guys can’t handle as long as I’m here!
As for me well,
I’ll get to see you guys grow older….
Achieve your wildest dreams….
Who knows what you all will end up doing in the future!
Oh well if not a star, I can always be Peke j’s distant cousin or something….
Just a couple of final things…
If you do end up finding this, just letting you know that I wrote something for Chifuyu as well! It should be along with this one… Please make sure it reaches him ok?
And please tell him that I’m sorry…..
I really wish I could eat Peyoung Yakisoba with him again….
Even if it were just one last time….
Please look after my mom too ok? She doesn’t stop talking about you so I can tell she really likes you and though she always puts a strong face, she can get really sad sometimes she would really love it if u stopped by time and again just to say hello! I wish I didn’t make her cry back then….
And as for u guys,
Well that is if I don’t end up killing him tomorrow myself…
Apart from that….
Please be happy ok?
I would die for you guys in a heart beat…..
And in any life I'll always choose you guys.... Over and over again...
Please live on my behalf to the fullest!
Well then….
I really hope I can…. For just a little while longer….
Keisuke Baji 
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mikeys-bike-slut · 2 years
Untitled Part 35
the last chapter before the finale! You guys are ready?
Previous Part
WARNING: angst, might need ya tissues
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It took us all a few days to recover from the fight against Tenjiku both mentally and physically. Luckily Emma recovered and was released early, Mitsuya been taking care of her since then. I made up with everyone in Toman, especially Mikey, we spent the entire night after the fight talking about our issues and what has happened. The only people I have not spoken to were the Haitanis, they tried to reach me but I just ignored every call and text I received from them. I have been through enough the past few days I just needed a break before another heart break. As much I wanted to pretend Kisaki only said those things to annoy me, unfortunately it made sense.
"Hey, you good?" Mikey voice yanked me back to reality as he threw a popcorn at me. 
"I am, sorry. But hey!" I chuckled then grabbed the popcorn he threw at me and threw it back at him. 
"If you two won't stop throwing food you won't get anymore" Mitsuya warned us and both Mikey and I pouted but quieted down though we silently kept sticking out our tongues at each other.
It was nice to have afternoons like this again. Things felt like the good old days, like everything was fine. The perfect time to pretend that life is fine, that we did not suffer the tragedies that we did, that we did not go through the heart breaks we did. It was a time we all cherished but I couldn't help but feel like something changed, things will never be the same as they were. Where will life lead us? Where will I go? I officially quit Toman. I wanted a break from gangs and violence maybe I'll give it up forever. Who knows, all I know that right now the only thing I wanted is a stable home and someone to come home to and that person is someone who I haven't spoken to in a while and it is long overdue.
"Sorry guys but I have to go, I just realized I have some things to sort out"  I excused my self as I stood up form the sofa. 
"You okay, Angie?" Emma asked with a hint of worry in her tone but I just shook my head with a smile to dismiss her worries before I replied.
"I'm okay, don't worry. Thank you for the invite, I hope we can do this again" I smiled at the rest of the gang. 
"We hold you to that" Smiley grinned at me and I let out a small chuckle.
Everyone was smiling and laughing except Mikey, he had worry reflecting in his onyx orbs and I could tell... he was feeling the change just like I was. He stood up and walked me out to the door where we both stopped.
"Don't go... please" he almost begged as he gently grabbed my arm. 
"You feel it too... don't you?" I asked as I looked at him and he just nodded. 
"I don't know what it is but I feel like this is the last time we will be sitting here together as friends. Something is coming" he said as he looked into my eyes. "I just wanna hold on as long as I can..." 
"Things never be the same as they were before, Mikey. I wanna leave the sinking ship before it's too late... Do the same Mikey, save yourself, save what you can but don't cling on because you'll drown" I said as I caressed his cheek. 
"Just give me one last kiss... That's all I ask of you" 
"You don't even have to ask" I whispered before I leaned closer to him and kissed him softly. We let the kiss linger, we wanted to saviour our lastkiss. I cupped his face as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against him as he deepened the kiss and I let him. I wanted to be lost in the moment, deep down wishing for it to last forever. "Take care of yourself, Mikey" I whispered into his lips. "I will always love you" 
"Always" he whispered as he rested his forehead against mine before pulling away. "Go" 
I nodded then opened the door and walked out. The heavy feeling was still storming around me and it became heavier the second I walked out that door. I felt the crying at the back of my throat which was desperately clawing at me. The choking feeling of breaking down any second. What is going on...? I wondered as it started to turn into frustration but I had to ignore it when I got my Honda and rode off home while trying to clear my head in the cold winter air which thankfully I was able to do so. 
As I pulled up to my house I noticed the car parking in front but I didn't think much about it, probably guests of my neighbours or something. I parked my bike in the garage then finally walked inside. Normally the empty house makes me uncomfortable but right now it's all I needed.
"Finally, you're home" the voice came from behind me and I recognized it immediately.
"Ran..." I whispered then quickly grabbed my baseball bat and turned around but as I did I was already facing Ran's steel baton. 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk is this any way to treat an old friend?" he shook his head then gave me his signature smirk.
"What do you want?" I growled as I clenched the bat tighter. 
"First of all drop it..." he smiled as he motioned at the bat in my hand. 
"Like hell I will" I growled but suddenly I felt a body behind me and blade against my throat. 
"C'mon sweetheart" Rindou purred as he nudged the bat with his leg. I let out an annoyed growl then dropped the bat. "Good girl" 
"She can be a good girl when she wants..." Ran smirked as he ran his baton slowly down my body. "How long I've been yearning to finally fuck you"
"Fuck both of you assholes..." I gritted my teeth. "I can't believe how fucking stupid I was to believe you actually care about me, and I can't believe that shithead Tetta was right"
Ran's expression suddenly changed like he realized something. "Let her go Rindou" his tone suddenly changed as he shook his head.
"Yes, Izana did task us to wrap you around our fingers, which we thought would be easy. Just an average woman, right?" Rindou started.
"But we didn't calculate one thing into our master plan" Ran continued.
"What?" I hissed at them. 
"That we'll be wrapped around her fingers instead" Rindou sighed as he pulled the knife away from my throat and stepped back. "We thought you just used us and now that you back in Toman you just threw us away" 
"What?" I looked at them confused. "I am not even back in Toman..." 
"What?" they asked with the same confusion in their tone as I had in mine. "How come?" Rindou asked confused. 
"It's over" I shook my head. "I just want a break from the criminal life" 
"Oh" they both said and I could hear the pure disappointment and in their tone. "I guess this is goodbye, then?" 
"I'm afraid so" I sighed then I turned around to face Rindou. "I will miss you, both of you" I said as I caressed his cheek. 
"As we will miss you, you were the only thing that brought light into the darkness. You truly made every day better" Ran confessed then sighed as he walked up to us and wrapped his arms around me from behind while Rindou embraced me from the front. 
"We won't bother you ever again but I truly wish you a good life" the younger Haitani said quietly giving me one last squeeze and a kiss on the forehead before letting me go along with his brother.
"You two behave, okay?" I forced a smile onto my lips while tears started to form in my eyes as I looked at my favourite duo. 
"You two, sweetheart" Ran gave me his signature grin before walking out my front out with his brother behind him, walking out of my life for ever. 
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chidoroki · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers S3EP2
aka: "travel back" Chifuyu said, "it'll be fine" he said.
Mhhmm I see Yasuhiro looking over once Mitsuya mentioned the Haitaini brothers and Tenjiku.
All this chatter about this S-62 generation is new I believe, at least to me.
Oh, so Mikey recognizes Shion from a previous Black Dragon generation too. Tenjiku really got some famous names for being formed not too long ago.
We’re really heading back to the future so soon? And before the fight? I guess that’s a bit smart but I’m still feeling wary.
At least the travel was successful and Takemichi didn’t return in some high stakes situation like he tends to.
“I hope we can end it this time.” Naoto, I can say with the upmost confidence that ain't happening.
Is Takemichi actually gonna run into Taiju at the church? I’d kinda love to see that.
OH there he is! He’s got a real deep recognizable voice. Looking real fancy and proper too.
I’m actually kinda surprised Taiju is willing to have a chat with Takemichi and Naoto.
Ah, the fancy man owns a whole restaurant now hm?
“The first generation Black Dragon leader was Shinichiro Sano.” Lightbulbs went off in my head but I can’t imagine why. It just makes sense someone like him started such a famous gang.
I can’t imagine Izana being older than Taiju when Taiju is literally built like a truck.
Yeah, Kisaki already being informed of the Kanto Incident before it happened in the past definitely raises some flags.
I have a hard time believing Toman and Tenjiku merge after the fight but if Kisaki is pulling the strings like he did with Valhalla then I suppose it’s possible.
Oh great, so if Izana helped fake Kisaki’s death here in the future, that means that bastard is still out there causing mayhem somewhere.
“But I do know that Manjiro Sano had even greater trust in Izana Kurokawa than in Ken Ryuguji.” Hello?? Why! I call bs.. unless it’s because of the whole family thing.
Well, at least we finally found Koko and Inui.
I know Taiju said he had some ill feelings towards this Toman, but it would be still be quite entertaining to see him take down his two former subordinates. And if it grants some time for Takemichi to escape then I’m all for some hard hitting support from Taiju.
Goddamn.. had I known that seeing Taiju fight on our side was all it was gonna take for my mind to change about I would’ve been kinder to him last season.
Bruh, Takemichi, don’t head back and waste the chance Taiju gave you to escape! Are we gonna head back and see Taiju actually dead or something?
NOPE EVEN WORSE! Now Kisaki has Takemichi held at gunpoint! Ya see? You should've kept running, you fool!
Naoto! Fuck! How the hell is Takemichi gonna travel back and forth if you die here??
“You guys killed my Mikey.” Ah, no wonder Izana wants them dead.
For fucks sake, we got Kakucho pulling up here too?
Oh shit, the dude actually shot our boy! Y’all better hold hands quick so Takemichi can get another redo!
“Death really is frightening, isn’t it?” Damn, this is really gonna be the last time huh?
Ahh new ending though, let’s go! Loving the black and white with little sprinkles of color so far.
Ah! There! Young Izana and Emma!
Oh now the ending really spoiled Yasuhiro and Sanzu joining Tenjiku. The OP did the same but in all fairness it was kinda poorly lit.
And there they go making the whole connection between Emma, Mikey, Izana and Shinichiro more obvious as well.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@ofsavior​​ said: The room’s bigger than he expected actually. Chifuyu’s never seen a jail before, let alone gone out of his way to visit a resident. But today  is important — significant. The start of one thing that led to their paths converging, even if that might have led to spiraling into this lifeless room.
“Ah…” He’s made it this far as he sits across from Kazutora, but it’s not for lack of hesitation. To say Chifuyu’s resentful isn’t quite right, but forgiveness takes time and patience and healing. Maybe this is the first step despite everything. “I wasn’t sure if I should come… but — I… ” You’re not Baji. Don’t speak for Baji. Violent words echo in his mind. Even if this might be what Baji wanted, he doubts it’s what Kazutora wants. But maybe it’s what he needs. So the next words die on his tongue in a hard swallow.
“Baji’s mom gave me this picture a while back.” The last day he visited. “I thought you should have it.” Chifuyu observed, sliding a worn photo from the day the Toman founds brought themselves together.
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    Chifuyu’s face was not a face he was expecting to see today. Not that Kazutora had been expecting to see anyone period. Especially not when he heard the announcement of the day. It’s a day steeped in anger and bitterness and loathing till it practically was alive with it. Or at least that’s how it was for Kazutora. Beyond the initial day, there were no happy memories attached to it. He doubted there ever would be, regardless of what Draken had said. Because now one of them would always be missing. First it’d been Kazutora, and now it’d always be Baji.
   Maybe before he would have made a comment as Chifuyu seems lost within this grey walls of the prison. Out of place, but also unsure what to say. Kazutora says nothing though. He doesn’t know what to say either other than to lift his head when Chifuyu starts to speak. He expects....what does he expect? It’s a weird day to choose to visit him. Otherwise he would have expected to be yelled at or cursed or something. A part of him still does. But that expectation is quick to rest when Chifuyu doesn’t immediately launch such an attack. 
   His stomach drops at the mention of Bai and he has to bite his cheek to stop the tears. If the problem with Black Dragon had never been found out, if Toman hadn’t been formed, if - 
   “  Me?  “  Kazutora’s surprise is evident even without seeing what the picture is yet. Baji’s mom gave Chifuyu something and Chifuyu was giving it to him?  Kazutora watches it disappear into the small box to pass things between prisoners and free people, and then his gaze turns towards the guard. He knows to wait until there’s a nod of approval before he does anything. He reaches to the small door on his side and pulls it open to see what it is that Chifuyu’s passed on to him.
   His chest feels heavy when he pulls the well-worn picture out to stare at it. Just how long and how often had it been looked at to be worn? How much had it seen? Baji’s proud smile as they all showed off their new gang. It’d been easy to forget how excited he’d been to be a part of something. But with tangible proof, it comes back in a bittersweet wave. He chokes on a noise, his head sinking down as he feels the tears streaming down his face. ( But he’s careful to keep the photo at a safe distance to not be damaged. ) His shoulders shake under the force even as he tries to keep quiet,  to swallow all the pain. He can’t though, there’s too much from too many things that fills the space when he sobs. 
   “  You  -  “  He sniffles, wiping at his eyes with the sleeve of his jail uniform.  “  Are you sure?  “  He asks. Part of him is terrified to ask, to see if its a cruel trick or if Chifuyu wants it back. But a bigger part of him doesn’t think he deserve to have this. So he asks. He forces his head up to look directly at Chifuyu this time, fingers carefully holding the picture like it might snap if he didn’t.
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znitsamluv · 2 years
Snap out of it
Mikey x fem!reader
Genre: idrk but maybe Yandere Mikey
' I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby , snap out of it '
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Coming back to Tokyo after years of leaving it behind brought back many memories you had , you could still hear your friend's giggles and the way you all rode your bikes until after midnight and stayed up late to watch the sunrise together by the lake .
It felt so nostalgic seeing teenagers hanging out together and you could only wish to go back in time to where you didn't have work at 6 am or how you had to follow orders from your boss and managers and how you could eat junk food all of the time without worrying that you might gain weight and you also you missed him , it has been years since you last saw him and you can't wait to see him again, you always thought he was your childhood love but turns out you can never seem to forget him . He lead your gang and stood without shaking while facing many misfortunes in his life and you can't help but get curious about how that childish boy grew into . Maybe he is a doctor or a shop owner who knows? .
" we all hadn't seen him since Toman disbanded"
You were shocked and lost of words when you heard what Draken said , Mikey cherished his friends with all of his heart so why did he leave them all behind . You were about to exit Draken's shop after catching up for a bit and you couldn't hide your disappointment after knowing you won't be able to see Mikey this time .
" y/n " you stopped in your tracks when Draken called you back.
" Don't stay long In Tokyo.... For your safety" you didn't really understand what he meant but you thought maybe he is talking about how there is a lot of recent crimes so you thanked him for caring but you couldn't help but notice the worried and distant eyes of Draken as they eyed you while leaving.
Going back to the hotel you bowed at the front desk worker who had a mask on and a cap that made it hard to see his face you but you could see little bits of his hair that was sticking out and it was pink ' hm what a strange color ' he gave you your room keys without talking and you left to the elevator feeling exhausted from the whole trip .
After changing and sitting in the room you opened the tv so it could create some sound to push away the silence of the room , it was more of a background sound as you don't normally watch news but you couldn't help but keep watching when the news reporter was talking about a current criminal organization named bonten and showed a picture of possible members of it .
The moment the tattoo of one of them showed your breath hitched and your mind raced but you didn't know why , the pattern looked oddly familiar but you couldn't put your hands on it ,it felt like a hazy memory that you aren't sure if it is real or you are imagining.
Being too caught up in the news you didn't hear the click of the door but you sure did feel a breeze behind you before you felt pain shoot in your head and your vision fading away with the only photo of a pink haired man smirking at you.
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Waking up with terrible pain you groaned while opening your eyes , it was a dark room with no windows and the only possible runway exit was a metal door that was sure locked . You looked at your hands and feet and saw that they were tied to a chair.
Panic shot through you and many bad scenarios ran through your head about what was going to happen to you.
The sound of the rusty door opening made your heart thump in your chest and a lump form in your throat.
A pink haired man and a white haired man walked inside the room . The pink haired was smirking and the other didn't seem fazed . The white haired man was familiar... Really familiar and that was when it clicked.
" Mikey ?" Mikey looked at the pink haired man and the other immediately walked out of the room closing the door behind him .
Dark lifeless eyes and dark eye circles with a very skin body , that wasn't the healthy Mikey you remember.
" It has been a long time y/n ... Hasn't it ? " His soft footsteps echoed in the room as he got closer to you before he sat on the ground in front of you.
" I don't look the same do I ? " You shook your head as you scanned him from head to toe , you thought seein Mikey again would bring you butterflies you only felt with him but now you feel nothing. Not after being tied to a chair in a place you don't know with him carrying a gun that you know he isn't afraid to use , even on you .
" Years went by and I couldn't forget you, you were like a little annoying fly that didn't want to leave me alone and I couldn't sleep or function, I fell into darkness to save all of you... But I want to be selfish I want to have you even if it meant bringing you into darkness with me "
You didn't know wither to fell pity or scared but you knew that from now on there is no going back, you saw on the news how bad bonten has become .
" who are you? "
" huh " Mikey looked at you confused
" The Mikey I knew didn't hurt women and didn't use them , he didn't kill people because he wanted power and he didn't kidnap people he cares about" Mikey's eyes widened for a second before he closed his eyes and sighed.
" you will get used to this life "
You bite your tongue to hold your words back because you know what this Mikey is capable of doing If you annoyed him but couldn't help but feel tears spill from your eyes to your cheeks and how you clenched your fist imagining your self shaking his shoulder and slapping him and maybe the old Mikey will be back , how much you wanted to tell him to snap out of it .
" now .... You are staying here tied up until you realize that there is no way out , this is your home now "
He didn't wait for your response he just walked and knocked on the door and it was immediately opened , you both held contact for a second before he closed the door . Taking with him the hope of you getting out of this place.
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