#Toman Krown
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bdo-esme-meles · 6 years ago
The Friendly Face
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Winter was cooling the region of Balenos as sea winds brought with it the chill of ice in the air, overcasting the port town of Velia with thick clusters of dark clouds, threatening rain and perhaps even snow. Even so, the holiday spirit was in the air as the great Cron tree was set up and decorated, festive finery livening up the town from wreaths to ribbons, garlands to ornaments. A young Maehwa moved through the folk of the port town, bustling about their daily business, an arm resting casually on the hilt of her katana strapped to her waist, golden eyes taking in the scenery as she wandered aimlessly.
Her eyes would fall upon a man exiting a house, one he had just purchased in the interest of bringing trade to Velia. Red of hair, and pale of skin that has been warmed by the sun and freckled by it as well, the man turns. He offers a view of a neatly trimmed fiery beard, and almost a topknot of hair shaven on the sides of his head, long on top and tied back. A near-smile graces his face, a pleasant-looking fellow. A young man, possibly in his 20s or close to it. His armor is well-made and well-used, polished, yet with plenty of dents and dings, signs of repair and welding to fix it. He is s smith by trade, as is his father, as that is their House business. There is a horse stabled in front of the humble domicile, which the man walks over to. A strapping stallion, perhaps bred for war. The man gently pats it, giving it some tlc and half of an apple. He then walks on his way into the crowd, offering waves and smiles to all who greet him or look his way.
She caught sight of the individual as she made her way down the main road into the town, the rumble of wagons passing by and horses splashing through the muddy puddles joining the chorus of ocean waves and the shrill cry of sea birds winging over head, the air humming with the chatter of the port folk. It was a new scene for her, Velia. It was her first time in the area. As such, she was unaccustomed to the chaos that often ruled the streets and it was do to that inexperience that she fell victim to it. Not paying attention, she soon found herself bumped rather rudely by a horse being driven much too quickly by its rider and staggered back, losing her footing in the thick mud churned up by hooves and wagon wheels and landed in a puddle with a squelch and a yelp, now wet and filthy.
Toman rushes to her aid, tsking at the errant rider. "Slow down!" He calls after them, as he hurries over, the clank of armor sounding dully in the busy air as he reaches down to offer her an arm up. It is not coddling, he does not treat her like a damsel, but as a woman and a warrior. Having seen her katana, and knowing only the most competent of warriors living by a solemn code tend to wield them. She does not look like a bandit after all. 
"Well you look a bit dirty, but unharmed I hope?" He offers her a disarming pearly smile, eyes crinkling slightly with his joyful demeanor.
Embarrassed but otherwise intact, she blinked up at the man that came to her aid, using the back of her hand to wipe a spattering of mud from her cheek whilst accepting his offered arm with the other to stand. Her well maintained and polished armor, a trademark of her calling, was caked with muck and left her looking rather disheveled indeed. Despite her misfortune, she merely sighed calmly and attempted to wipe away some of the mud now clinging to her legs, remarking casually as she did so, "Just my dignity, good sir." 
 She looked up to meet his gaze, at last, taking in his features as he was rather handsome indeed but more so, his eyes held a genuine kindness in them that was hard to find. She bowed to him politely, bending at the waist as she thanked him for his help."You are very kind, thank you for your help." 
She was a shorter young woman, certainly more so than the young lasses that inhabited the port town of Velia or even Balenos for that matter, her short hair a dark chocolate hue of brown and golden eyes like polished coin meeting and holding his stare. Her complexion was naturally bronzed, kissed by the sun, and she carried her self with grace and confidence.
He nods in understanding of the slight to one's dignity let alone good quality armor. "I hope this does not sound to forward of me, but my home is just down the street. There is a washbasin, and even a bath if you would like. Do not worry, there are two rooms with a lockable door, the bath is in the bedroom. It's a simple home, one I just bought and furnished, but should you desire yourself clean and warm, I offer it." 
He bows back to her, knowing it is customary to do so in respect, dipping almost as low as she, trying his best anyway! Hazel eyes, a burst of gold around black pupils that is surrounded by forest green strands that look like trees blossoming out from the gold greet her chocolate gaze. Warmth and confidence are held within. "I am Toman Krown. Knight, smith, and new homeowner." He says with a slight chuckle.
She considered him a moment, reading his face and posture before nodding at length. "Well met, Sir Krown. I appreciate and gratefully accept your generous offer. The sooner my gear is cleaned, the better. Filthy armor never served anyone well." 
She offered him a small nod, indicating for him to lead the way and fell into step beside him, her gaze now more vigilant of her surroundings. "Is it always so... hectic here?" she implored as they avoided more wagons on their way towards the little building situated just off the main road that served as Toman's abode. "It seems so pointless to be in such a constant rush all the time. I can not imagine living in such a bustling place."  
She paused as they reached his door and turned to him once more, looking a bit sheepish, "Forgive my poor manners. My name is Esme. Once again, thank you for the kindness you have shown me today."
He chuckles as he walks the short distance beside her, giving her a grin and a shrug before looking back to the crowd. "Truth be told? I just arrived a few days ago. I had been here once before, and it was less crowded. But this place is a failed port, it could have been a city if the money hadn't dried up for a proper dock. It still serves as a hub for all the surrounding farmland though." 
Once reaching the modest home, he gives his horse a pat, sitting in a makeshift single stall stable. It's mostly just shoulder-height walls, and a roof to cover from the rain. 
"Meet Bastion." He says with a smile, then leads her to the door. He unlocks it and steps in first, allowing her the ease of being able to see his home and decide herself whether or not to step in. He wasn't lying, there is a rug for their boots, a table and chairs, bookshelf, cabinet, and then the bedroom beyond.
She gave a small smile to the steed standing by in his stall before following Toman into his home, looking around casually. It was modest but comfortable and she took comfort in the absence of the more extravagant things. At least she wouldn't have to stress about getting such shiny baubles dirty. "Your home seems quite comfortable," she remarked. 
 She passed one more glance around before letting her gaze settle back upon her host, "Washroom?" It would be rude to just march right on into his bedroom so she politely waited for his direction. And perhaps a towel she could borrow as she unshouldered a small pack from her back, which looked as though it had certainly seen better days.
He hums, thanking her genuinely. "Not bad for a couple of days, right?" He points towards a basin on a table by the door to the bedroom as he pulls off cloak, glove, and some of his armor to rest it upon a t-shaped rack inside his room. It is adorned with only a bed, bathtub, dresser, armor stand and a chest of his personal effects. 
"You can wash your clothes there, and I will bring the pot in from the hearth and you'll have a warm bath to ward off the cold water and mud. I would offer to wash your back, but again, wouldn't want to be too forward." He says that with a wink, going about preparing the room for her. He's a bachelor male, he doesn't think much about privacy in a two-room home. 
"You can just leave your cloak on the rack for now, and your boots on the doormat. Oh, there's a fresh towel hanging on the side of the tub."
She lets slip another small grateful sigh and slips her boots off, followed by her cloak which hung heavy with puddle water. She then moved towards the room with her bag in tow. She sat her pack aside and began loosening the ties that tethered her armor in place, her sash and katana coming to rest beside her perch where she sat. Once the bulky scale mail was removed she set it aside, clad in leathers that did little to hide the natural sultry curve of her fit figure. Digging in her pack, she withdrew a car kit for her armor and began cleaning it, holding off on her own grooming for the moment, brow furrowed with concentration as she worked to get the mud out of the plating.
Toman, of course, offers to help her undo the armor, knowing how time-consuming it can be to don and doff it alone. Whether or not she agreed, he set about gathering an empty basin for the refuse, and wrung her cloak out carefully into it. Without asking, he has come to help her care for her gear, invited her into his home, offered her a bath and solace from the weather. Going about it as if it were the expected thing to do. He offers her smiles and nods, asking her about where she came from, what brought her here, and so on.
Winter was cooling the region of Balenos as sea winds brought with it the chill of ice in the air, overcasting the port town of Velia with thick clusters of dark clouds, threatening rain and perhaps even snow. Even so, the holiday spirit was in the air as the great Cron tree...
Pausing for a moment as she considered their sudden conundrum, she steps back from the door so he could enter, hastily grabbing a towel to wrap about herself for modesty's sake. Once he moved into the room to pour the pot's contents into the tub, letting the hot water mix with cold to create a pleasantly warm bath for his guest, she watched him awkwardly, her shapely legs exposed as a foot rose to sheepishly rub along the back of her other calf, her cheeks slightly rosy but her gaze ever-watchful upon him. She had such tiny, cute little feet!
The man tries his damndest to inspect the floorboards for any clods or flakes of mud to clean up later as she wraps a towel about herself. His cheeks color ever so slightly, his mind wandering just briefly to what the warrior might look like under the armor. Curve and tone, muscle and femininity. It is a weakness of his, that. His eyes wander to her feet, so dainty for a fighter! Forcing his gaze not to rise he stammers as the water is poured. It is a miracle he does not spill it onto the floor! He has freshly tiled that part of it, building a slight threshold of a single layer of brick and tile to keep any water from spilling onto the worn wood. "Your pardon Esme." 
With that he bumps his shoulder accidentally on the door jamb on the way out, his eyes still downcast so as not to stare at her. "Ow. Damned walls always getting in the way..." His joke is half muttered, an attempt to distract from his flushed cheeks and nervous manner. They have just met, after all, it wouldn't do to see her unclothed even with a towel. Even if his mind tries to dwell on such things in the moment of curiosity and appreciation for all things beautiful.
Despite herself, Esme felt herself crack a small smile, brows knitting lightly as he bumped into the door on his way out, attempting to hide it behind the back of her hand. It was a relief that he held true to his honor- and hers- despite the temptation of catching a peek at her. She appreciated it more than he knew. With the door closing behind him, she moved to the tub and checked the water, slipping in once she was satisfied with the temperature. She let slip a soft sigh, feeling the chill from the dampness and mud ease away, her hands using water to rid her skin of the filth from the road and puddles. 
 She didn't spend long in the bath, doing what needed to be done to clean and refresh herself anew and wasting no time in stepping out to drain the dirtied and clouded water, her short hair dripping. She retrieved her towel, not wishing to waste it and seeing that it wasn't dirtied from before, she lightly tussled her hair and dried her body. Once done, she padded over to her pack and pulled clean garments from it, slipping on fresh undergarments and a plain mauve-colored cotton kimono, tethered with an orange cord rather than an obi. Dressed, she exited the washroom, dabbing at her hair a bit more with her towel to avoid the damp strands dripping. All in all, it took her less than ten minutes to clean up.
Meanwhile, the man had sat down, working hard at cleaning her soiled clothes. She might have heard him sloughing the clothes across the wooden washboard to clean them. In ten minutes time, her clothes were hanging up to dry over a line spread up above the mantle, relying on the heat rising from the fireplace to dry them a bit quicker. Looking back over his shoulder as the door opens he quickly calls out, "Are you Dec-oh my... you look... that is a lovely... wow." 
Seems like he has forgotten how to speak momentarily. "Uhhhhh." Slack-jawed and staring with his sleeves rolled up and arms extended up onto the short clothing line.
Esme looked up to Toman's lack of coherent thought, her expression curious as she lowered the towel in her hands, walking over to join him. "Sir Krown... are you alright?" 
She raised n imploring brow, unsure as to why he was suddenly so out of sorts. It was obvious she was the sort of woman who was unaware of her natural beauty and probably never even thought twice about her looks in general so long as she was presentable. Golden hazel eyes regarded him as he stared back at her, her expression seeking reassurance that he was well.
He stammers for a moment longer, trying to find the words to express the simple exquisite beauty he found in that moment. "I just... yeah. Yes. I'm alright. You look stunning is all. Of course, anything would be a sight better than covered in mucky armor." 
He attempts a chuckle of good humor, trying to take his mind off his sudden embarrassment of not being able to talk. He fully focuses on finishing cleaning up, washing any errant mud from his arms, then rolls his sleeves down, standing to hang the washcloth on the line as well. Turning to hide the slight red in his cheeks.
Esme felt a small sheepish tug at the corner of her lips, a hint of color touching her cheeks at the unexpected compliment. She dipped her chin slightly in a gracious manner, "Oh... um... thank you...." 
Her words were a bit sheepish sounding, clearly awkward and not knowing what to say to his appraisal but she accepted it for what it was, placing her towel someplace where it could dry before seating herself to give her now clean armor a second once over for good measure. "And once again, thank you for your aid. You have been the kindest person I have encountered in Velia thus far. I must find some way to repay you."
Toman gathers his courage, the young man still finding himself through craft, honing himself through the arts of war and principles of chivalry and honor. As he turns, his voice is a bit more firm, a clear rasp of the file across the properly tempered steel of his newfound resolve instead of the soft and yielding scrape of soft metal mumbled and meek. His hazel eyes carry more weight behind their gaze, more confidence. "It is my pleasure to serve and aid one such as you Esme. Thank you for falling into my lap, figuratively speaking." 
A hint of wry and assured smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, slanting it upward slightly. Kindness is a banner to build a kingdom of wealth and friendship upon." In that poetic moment should a sudden peal of trumpets have sounded the man might look a King. 
"Your grace has been sullied by the streets of this town and the impatience of a rider I would assume to not even be from here. A warrior's pride has been salvaged, and a woman's grace and beauty have been extolled. I would call that a good day. The only payment I would ask is a repeat of your company someday in the not so distant future. Perhaps some work for my forge to further honor a warrioress." Toman bows deeply, borne of humility and service, of community and compassion.
Esme stared at him for a long moment, surprise on her face as she blinked a few time, long thick lashes fluttering before a quiet laugh bubbled forth. To say he caught her off guard was an understatement but she took it in stride, finding him charming in his own way. 
"You are a strange one but I like you. Not many make me laugh the way you do." She smiled at him, a growing fondness creeping into her amber gaze. "Perhaps I'll take you up on your offer to utilize your craft with the forge."
Her words make the man hum and he smiles pearly as he nods to her. "It was a pleasure meeting you indeed. I am sure you have somewhere to be, but at least now you can go on your way clean and proud." He says with a slight chuckle, the mention of the forge just making him smile all the wider. "I would be honored to test my skill with any projects you might have. Blades like yours take a long time to perfect."
Esme felt a bubble of pride blossom in her chest and she cast her gaze fondly upon her weapon, "That they do. My most prized possession... it holds a great deal of meaning for me." She looked back to her newfound friend, carefully considering his kind features. "Actually... I would like to ask you something, if I may?" Her hands settled comfortably at her sides as she faced him, her visage expectant.
The man continues to smile, brushing a strand of hair that had fallen down from the top of his head back into place. He was about to turn to leave but pauses a millisecond into doing so, and his hazels orbs latch onto hers, veiled by her lashes as they are. "Yes, Esme? Of course, you may, you always may." He responds in a gentle and warm tone, his time with her having kept his mood bright and warm all evening. Enough to make him wax poetic as he just did. His body turns to hers fully, all of his attention given her at that moment.
With a gracious dip of her head, she nodded, "Have you heard of a wandering dancer performing in the area? I have been attempting to track her down but she never stays in one place long. Goes by the name Vereena? Beautiful beyond all reason?" The intensity in Esme's imploring stare showed she wasn't joking and certainly keen on finding the person mentioned.
Toman pauses to think as he stands there outside his home talking to this wonderful happenstance of a woman fallen into his lap. Thinking back, he slowly shakes his head. "Mmm. No. You are the most beautiful woman I have seen in my time here, and your beauty has reason." He says with a grin, playing with the words of her question. Ever the curious one, he asks. 
"Why are you looking for her?"
She hadn't seemed to have expected such a response and blushed, blinking back at him before quickly clearing her throat to mask her awkwardness, "O-oh, hmm...ahem Yes... well... if you do, please let me know. We have... unfinished business." She frowned, the intensity in her gaze lessening some after being so thrown off but some of it still lingered.
Toman sets himself in a more rigid stance, bowing deeply to the woman with much cultural significance of respect. "I shall. Walk easy Esme. Where shall I find you if I have information regarding Vereena or on crafting you a weapon?"
She paused to consider it, thinking for a moment before her gaze met his again, "Heidel. There is a house near the western gate that leads towards Altinova, house number seven-five. You can leave any correspondence for me there." She allowed a hint of a smile to tug at her lips, dipping to return the bow. 
"Thank you for all your help. I hope we see one another again soon."
Giving the woman a final bow, and wishing her well, Toman goes along with his day, watching her leave until he can see her no more.
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ellenialeoni · 7 years ago
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The meeting arranged with Lord Toman Krown went far better than she expected it would after his arrival at the Leoni Townhouse at noon bells. With a bouquet of lovely flowers in his arms, he proved pleasant and charming the moment he stepped into the room, greeting her with a smile that reached his hazel eyes.
They sat and chatted in a casual, comfortable manner, sharing the history of their Houses with each other, uncovering the two Houses had much in common. The hours seemed to slip by as Toman spoke of his family and his budding career within the Ministry Guard and Ellenia herself speaking on the values and needs of her own.
By the time evening settled in, it was mutually agreed upon that Toman and what remained of his House could rebuild and prosper with the aid of House Leoni, to which Ellenia promised. A partnership bloomed from the meeting, a mere suggestion from Suri a week prior that proved to be quite fruitful.
Their next meeting was one she looked forward to.
[ @tomankrown ]
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visarnezam · 7 years ago
Goodness! Why is this box so sticky?! When was the last time you cleaned it?! I do not even want to know whose panties these are. That's it. You need a new one. This one is not suitable anymore. We will just... *Grabs Toman Krown off one box and Visar Nezam off the other*. There. Fixed.
"They are Toman's."
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tomankrown · 7 years ago
A curious letter sealed with the sigil of an old, forgotten Garenhoff noble family would arrive. "Lord Toman, I do not know your specific title, finding a way to contact you was trouble in itself, but I wanted to thank you for starting a more comforting process for the grief stricken. The hood of the priestess has long interfered in giving comfort to those left behind when one passes. Signed, Lady Amelia Ambrose, Priestess of Grenth." ( @dollofgrenth )
Lady Ambrose, it is good to hear from you. Your words put me at great ease, I had not meant to confront you in such a manner, word had not been passed along to me to expect the Priesthood at the memorial, specifically you and your fellow Priest. Had I expected your presence I would not have asked you to forego tradition. Still I am glad to hear there was comfort found in the breaking of traditional. For future reference I am Baron of house Krown, and the last of my name. Thank you again for your kindness.Best regards,Knight-Lieutenant Toman KrownMinistry Guard
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