nono-uwu · 1 year
Kanade does not like the sun
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
guys i met my roommate and suitmates today 🧍my roommate is pretty nice so far and my suitmates took me to dinner but omg they’re all white and i’m the only asian pleek it feels weird 😭 still feels kinda awk to live w someone tho omg ☠️
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toadstool32 · 9 months
Doin bad
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digitalgirls · 2 years
there's finally a popeye'a open in my part of the country and i will be trying their food for the second time ever
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davemustaine · 1 year
i love my friends sm ☹️
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doctorwormcore · 5 months
barbara walsh's so gorgeous in this not to be gay but holy fuck holy shit she's so beautiful
she's so beautiful oh my god
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
snap if you saw boypussy rnw aht whould you do smile
I legally cannot dislocae wha to would do
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otome-obsessions · 3 months
Fairytale Keeper Archives - Madam Beryl
Part 1
3. What is the most distinct memory you've made with Beryl?
William: Do you remember when the three of us went to the opera house? There was a brief moment where she closed her eyes and began to silently mouth the lyrics of the mezzo-soprano performance. Her expression was intensely wistful. Like a bird singing inside of a cramped cage… She seems to know a great deal of opera by heart, and yet she doesn’t even hum when I play her favorite melodies. I can’t help but anticipate the day she lets her voice be heard again. Harrison: We were having breakfast one morning when Beryl and Jude started arguing as always. When they finished she slapped him on the back and stuck a little note that said “Beware of Dog” on his jacket. She kept giggling about it behind her fan, and whenever Jude would ask what was funny we’d all pass it off as something else. She's got a surprisingly childish sense of humor. Liam: One night, Beryl invited me to dinner at one of her taverns. After we ate, she admitted that she only asked me out because she wanted to get more publicity for her business. That honestly didn’t bother me, but she said she wanted to make it up to me since she really liked our conversation. So we left and got some snacks around the city, just the two of us. It’s not an exciting story, but… The way she looked at me when she said sorry really stuck with me, you know? Elbert: We were on a mission together, and she personally condemned a man guilty of enslaving children. She flew into a rage and beat him to death herself. I was surprised by her strength. It was like something possessed her… I couldn’t look away. Alfons: There are very specific rules of engagement at Beryl’s common houses. I happened to be enjoying the company of a new friend one night when a different client broke said rules. Beryl happened to be overseeing operations at the time, and she personally – and publicly – corrected the man’s behavior. By the end of her lesson, the rabble rouser was attached to a leash in her hand and kissing the tip of her shoe. Though, I imagine he enjoyed that much more than his protests let on. Roger: Like I said before, we don’t see each other much… Ah, I’ve got it. I saw her out in the city once. It was only in passing, and I wouldn’t have recognized her if it wasn’t for her heartbeat. She’s usually dressed up in those fancy dresses, but she was wearing a shirt and trousers at the time. Seemed like she was out drinking with her assistants and bodyguard. By the sound of things, they were having a good time. Jude: And why the hell do ya need to know that? (Keeper's note: The purpose of this report as well as the previously agreed upon compensation were reiterated toMr. Jazza.) Tch, fine... I've got a good one. There was one case where a group of 'merchants' were moving in on the East End and selling drugs behind my back. The product made its way into the bird's whorehouses, so with Queenie's blessing we buddied up to weed 'em out. Managed to snatch one of their grunts off the street, and we got to work on 'im. Started off playin' good cop, bad cop, but the bell end was dumb enough to admit to offin’ one of Beryl's girls. Little Miss Prim started peelin' the skin off the poor sod and echoin' his screams back at him. Oh? That make you feel queasy, princess? Well, we both know Queenie likes her fairytales graphic, so don't leave out the good bits, yeah? Ellis: Jude and I met Beryl when she first came to London and started her business, and at the time it seemed like we would end up condemning her for her crimes. I really thought she was a bad person back then, but when I was shadowing her one day I saw her buy some food for the homeless children hanging around her tavern. No one else saw her do it, and I don’t think she knew I was there that day. I can’t really call her a good person, but I started to look at her differently after that.
Victor: Oh, our first lunch together was absolutely wonderful! We’d both finished our investigations into each other without bloodshed, so we finally started learning more about each other as people. Did you know she speaks Italian, Spanish, German, and French? Our Beryl is just so talented, isn’t she? Anyway, while we were speaking about language studies she demonstrated her ability for me by mimicking the voices of the Crown members. Have you ever heard Harry reciting a poem in German? Because I have!
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immortal-cataclysm · 1 year
😏←thsi is what daroach looks like all the time. Tomr
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iwanthermidnightz · 1 year
the media tomr.
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lovingtheroyals · 2 years
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Crown Princess Hussein escorts his sister, Princess Iman, to her Nikkah ceremony to Mr. Jameel Thermoitis at Bayt Al-Urdun Palace on March 12, 2023.
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bowlofsoob · 7 months
kai omg!!!! hi how have u been <3 thoughts on the new album ??!?
hi!!! im doing okay 😭 just a few more weeks till summer and i can breathe better
omg bro. deja vu is so bighit coded. i love the little prince concept so much 🌹 also i love miracle and quarter life!! also the killa…UGH. the choreo for see u tomr is so good as well im loving this cb sm,, and im seeing them on tour im so excited 😊WHAT R UR THOUGHTS 🎤
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elif-ants · 14 days
i dont think I'll be able to walk tomr wtf
legs kiya aaj?
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davemustaine · 2 years
someone's open beer hit me straight in the head at the black flag show 😭 im drenched baptized if you will
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lexisism · 1 month
omg more pictures tomr ⁉️⁉️ you’re going to slay those 😋
- tired
sighs its just school photos for my i.d but i’m still gonna try to look nice :) going for a prince look tmrw
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barneysbigstompers · 1 month
I GOT THERAPY TOMR I talked to the manager today and she said she's GOING to try and get me on antidepressants and anxiety medication I stood there like 🧍🏽 😭???? ok way to call me mentally ill in front of my mother 😒🙄
Like she doesn’t already know 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
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