#Toki is such a little cheerleader
oh me oh my
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I love the dethsub episode its so god awfully funny
I love the scene where Nathan and Skwisgaar are working out as Toki just skates around without a care in the world while Pickles and Murderface try to deal with their own sexual frustrations.
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discotenny · 1 year
Lights in the rain
waaaaaaaa,, your writing for hypmic is so soft, it makes my heart feel cozy!!! it's like every paragraph is a little window into a candid moment you caught.. is it possible to write one of toki, who is seeing an idol, catching one of her performances on a screen in the city all huge on a building, he stops and just stares like oh.... finally kind of getti gthe hype and how interesting that life is??? too many ideas???? ( ; w ; ) ~ anon
You are so nice you are so kind ;_; I do not deserve compliments so wonderful as these >.< thank you anon <3
To the world, you were a famous idol. A public celebrity with millions of adoring fans who would recognize you anywhere. An artist praised for your talent, appearance, and whatever move you may make.
To Samatoki, you were simply his. His partner, his home, his second half, his love.
To be frank, Samatoki knows squat about your career.
He knows you’re relatively famous (he doesn’t know how famous you actually are).
He also knows you perform for a living (he thinks it’s on the same scale as his performances).
And he knows he wants to and will protect you if anyone tries to harm you (once a fan began bothering you while you two were on a date and Samatoki nearly throttled him).
Idol or not, you’re you- the person he fell in love with and will stay in love with till the end of time. He never had a greater interest in your career once you told him because he knows it won’t affect the way he feels about you.
Of course he’ll support you- he’s your own personal cheerleader, but he has no grasp of the scale of the success of your career.
It’s a stormy night in Yokohama when he sees it. On his way home from a meeting with his Rio and Jyuto- he was in a pretty piss poor mood from the food he consumed earlier. Stomach rumbling in annoyance and pain, the only soothing thought in his mind was sharing a warm meal with his beloved.
To add to his annoyance, most places he would usually get takeout were closed for the night- shut down due to weather concerns.
To triple his annoyance, he couldn’t get a good light on his cigarette because of all the rain.
Stuck with under a passageway with a grumbling stomach and a failing lighter- Samatoki had to be in the worst mood he’d been in for a long while.
He had half the mind to message you and ask if you’d like something from a convenience store- the other half preoccupied in wallowing in his own passive anger at the world.
Attempt after attempt he tried to get his cig to light. Rain continues to pour and his irritation grows and grows. A growl escapes throat the moment sparks stop coming from his lighter.
“Useless piece of crap-“ he kicks it away into the night, brushing off thought of your voice scolding him for littering.
He closes his eyes and faces the sky in utter exasperation.
It’d be a ten minute commute by train, not including the ten additional minutes walking to the station, out of the station, and to your shared apartment.
He really needed something to cleanse his stomach. A beef bowl? Udon? Karage? The more the thought about food the more his stomach growled.
He also needed to get you something. Outside of food he felt like tonight you he should give you a gift. Flowers? A cake maybe? He’d need an excuse to get you something or else you’d tease him for being soft again…
When he opens his eyes he sees it. He sees flashes of colors shine through the rain, dancing in the droplets before falling to the ground. Pinks and blues and yellows and greens. His eyes follow the colors to a large billboard across from him.
Previously playing advertisements for alcohol and slots- he widens at the display before him.
You, not you as he knows you at home, but you in your idol uniform- moving with enough energy to carry a stadiums worth of cheers. Light sticks at your feet, the colors shine upon you as they do him.
Slightly distorted audio plays but all the same he knows it to be your voice. Only it’s accompanied by screaming and cheering and excitement and joy-
He wonders if those in the crowd could ever feel the same way he does right now. Staring at the image of you in all your glory. And there, Samatoki makes the decision that no- no one in that crowd- or the world- could ever feel the same way he does right now.
Pure enchantment at how you could be so incredible in every facet of your life. From the soft cuddles you give to him every night, from the way you care for him no matter how pissy of a mood he may be in, from your laugh that makes him feel like he can do anything in the world, to right now. From your energy, your voice, your movement- just you, all of you.
Samatoki smiles then. Then, on a stormy Yokohama night, Samatoki finds his excuse to buy you a gift.
Writing this made me feel soft >,< I don’t know if I got his character exactly right but I hope you enjoyed this anon !! Thank you once again for your support <3
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lizzardthing · 11 months
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Ok Fine. Rant about Gillette and Pickles below.
These two. These are the same guy. Ok. I don’t have enough brain power to write something good so here’s a list.
- Traumatized by midwestern (does west virginia count as the midwest? idk) family and traditional living
-Proud owner of a horrible criminal brother
-Voiced by show creator
-Pretty gay, but could bang chicks for the functionality of it
-Has a contentious love/hate relationship with Autistic Dark Haired Main Character
-No one knows how old he is and his past is lengthy and mysterious
-Basically, a hardcore alcoholic
-loves japan (Pickles loves Karate. Gillette loves Sake. idk, that’s all I got)
-Supports the musical careers of friends that can’t actually sing properly
-a little cocaine
-has a sports past (Pickles; karate, Gillette; skiing and I’m also pretty sure it’s heavily implied ballet and cheerleading?)
-No one understands how he’s in the career he’s in but by god he’s doing it
-Very smart but it’s like. A secret. Even if everyone occasionally acknowledges he Did The Smart Thing no one seems to get he’s actually like very intelligent
-Seems pretty selfish and narcissistic but after you understand the company he keeps you’re like oh, he’s actually like the nicest one there
-Show and characters refer to him with feminine traits (Gillette; Ms Archer always calling him a girl, Pickles; the show literally makes him a mother)
Things I also believe- Cyril is Murderface (horny, confused gay loser). Archer is Nathan (autistic douchebag whom I love and is good at one thing only. Also, high school sports). Lana is Abigail (mysteriously into autistic douchebag. Unclear Why. Constantly critiquing herself about this). Toki is Cheryl (sunshine psychopath. Loves drugs and cats). Skwisgaar is Pam (blonde hypersexual who is occasionally literally Godlike). Charles is Krieger (robotic, something is more wrong with him than all the other people who more obviously have something wrong with them). I think quite a few of these could be switched around like. I think equally Charles and Cyril have a lot in common as well as Pam and Murderface. but. PARALLELS PEOPLE. THEYRE COOL.
I also just firmly believe that Pam and Gillette could hang with Dethklok if Dethklok could ignore how obviously gay the two of them are.
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hotarutranslations · 2 months
AniRecoTV, Iwami Manaka-san, Kahara Moe-san!
The day I got to perform at, TV Tokyo Music Fest 2024 Summer was amazing,
I'm finally going to talk about it…
That day, I got to meet with Miyama Karen-san! Also with NONSTYLE's Inoue-san too!
Thats what I wrote but,
Speaking of those 2, "AniRecoTV"
It was exactly the day of the recording for AniRecoTV 🌻
What kind of shows will we talk about this time~ As I looked at the recoridng schedule,
The names of the guests,
A show I've had the blessing of being connected to in various ways, Fruits Baskets, Voice actress that was the voice of Honda Tohru-chan,
Iwami Manaka-san!! Was going to be there!!
Nah, she hadn't arrived yet but, Here name was there!!
It was for a different show, Introducing "Narenare: Cheer For You!"🏵🏵
In any case,
I was getting excited alone like, With the fact that, 'She is here? Today?' I really felt like a bother being like, waiting to go in to greet her or greet her as she is leaving..🫣
One way or another with things going on,
These kinds of things don't normally happen but,
If you noticed,
I was allowed to watch, the AniRecoTV recording…🫣🫶🏻😳😂
Its really strange!!!!!! Why was it OK!!!!!! lol
The AniRecoTV staff in the studio, were really, really warm as they let me in😭😭 And applauding me😭😭
It was strange 😭😭lol
Since I went into the studio a little early, While Miyama-san and Inoue-san were talking…
I was delaying looking through the script, and asked myself, why!…
"Narenare: Cheer For You!" Is an anime that has just started🏵🏵
The main subject of it is cheerleading! I was very interested it that day! I watched first episode and all the girls were unique…!
This, Narenare: Cheer For You! was introduced by,
Iwami Manaka-san🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Also, Kahara Moe-san🫶🏻🫶🏻
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I go to meet them😭😭 Thank you very much😭😭
Being able to watch the recording, was a really valuable time… I listened to various stories…
The time I got to listen in will be, airing on July 22nd (Mon) on AniRecoTV! I don't appear but you'll get an understanding of it! lol
2 years ago I, Got to do an onstage greeting after the showing of, "Fruits Basket --Prelude--"
✍🏻The blog from that time
At the time, Watching the 2 of them answer various questions,
The love for the characters, The depth of their interaction, I remember being moved and thinking, They're the ones who understand the characters the most, after all…
With this recording its exactly,
With Iwami-san and Kahara-san,
I could feel their loving approach, towards the rich individuality in the characters in Narenare: Cheer For You! Like they were each having fun~~
It was an amazing day…
Tv Tokyo Music Fest 2024 Summer🌻
I did my best lol Again, thank you very much!
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~ Learning Locking from HIYORI-san
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes~! I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Otoboke POPS
TokyoMX August 17th (Sat) 9:30~10:00PM Ishida, Sakurai, Yumigeta are appearing
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
̗̀📣Cheki Sign Talk Meet Announcement
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
⚾️"Hawks SUMMER BOOST" July 28th (Sun) Mizuho PayPay Dome Fukuoka
After the match, we'll be having a live!
📚July 20th Release "non-no September" special issues cover is, Morning Musume '24
Releasing on July 23rd
"Up To Boy vol.341" September Issue I will be on the 7net limited cover page
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12860540046.html
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gointothevvater · 3 years
Kloktober day 4: Give someone a makeover
Just some Magnus x St. Cecilia fluff! 
"The ponytail wasn't enough?" Magnus was sat on St. Cecilia's couch, his bad eye closed, the other watching as she came at him with a little stick of black eyeliner. "I look like a cheerleader."
"You wanted a new look," she said, taking his chin in her hand and gently applying the eyeliner to his upper lid. "So I'm giving you one."
Magnus snorted, but did his best not to move. "I'm a little old for this, aren't I?"
"Nonsense," St. Cecilia laughed, and he felt his chest warm at the sound, his heart pounding against the transplant scar. "Bowie was wearing eyeliner when he was way older than you."
When she tapped his cheek, Magnus closed his good eye, leaving him blind with her seated in his lap. It was so strange, he sometimes thought, that he was comfortable doing such a thing. It had taken years to let himself trust her this much, but it had been worth it. His hands slid from her waist to her hips, and he said, "You're having way too much fun with this."
St. Cecilia hummed, "Maybe, maybe." She pulled back then, and Magnus opened his eyes to watch her deposit the eyeliner into the little leather bag where she kept her makeup. She grabbed a small round mirror from it, turning it on him and asking, "What do you think?"
He looked ridiculous, and he chuckled, "You're the expert."
"I think..." St. Cecilia couldn't help but giggle. There was no better sound in the world. "You might be just a bit too old for eyeliner."
Magnus rolled his eyes, smirking and smugly saying, "Told ya so."
"You should let me dress you up," she said next, tucking  a lock of hair behind her ear and giving him that little sideways glance he could never resist. "I'd love to see you in leather."
Magnus felt his pulse quicken at the honeyed, wanting tone of her voice. "You're terrible for my blood pressure, y'know that?"
"Mm-hmm," St. Cecilia purred, pressing a hand to his chest and nuzzling at the underside of his jaw, dragging her lips over his skin. He shivered. "But you like me anyway."
There were days he worried it was more than just liking, though he didn't dare say it. She had been there for him after all his mistakes, after he'd nearly killed both Toki and himself. She really was a saint. "A leather jacket," he said, and she pulled back so she could meet his eyes. "Maybe boots." He gave her a leering grin. "But no heels," he added. "I know how much you liked Pickles in heels."
St. Cecilia's face flushed, and she hid it in her hands. "Oh, God," she said, peeking at him between her splayed fingers, "he told you about that?" Then she huffed out a sigh, letting her hands drop to her sides.
"He did, yeah." Magnus bent his head so he could brush his lips along her collarbone, feeling the odd way the shattered bone bumped out beneath her skin. Her hands came to rest at his shoulders, her nails just barely digging in. He let his voice drop again, a low, smoky purr when he said, "If I wear leather for you, what're you gonna wear for me?"
She mirrored his tone, whispering, "What do you want me to wear?"
The answer was obvious: "Nothing at all."
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metalnmagick · 4 years
Okey doke I figured I’d say fuck it and post this here. I wanted to write about the boys giving Toki reassurance before their first show together because I love the found family shit okay.
Ig tell me what you think! It’s short and idk if I’m gonna add anything else but I needed something feel good.
“Feelin’ a little nervous, kiddo?” Pickles’ voice comes from behind him, followed by a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“A little bits…” Toki lies. He’s actually a lot of bits nervous, and currently doing a very bad job of staving off a panic attack. Maybe Pickles notices this, because he sits down next to him on the cheap folding chairs backstage. They only got the two of them, and the things look like they might collapse out from under them any second. Wouldn’t it be tragic, on the night of their first real gig, to lose two members to ancient folding chairs collapsing in on themselves like dying stars?
“I get it.” Pickles smiles, rubbing the boy’s back soothingly. “I was nervous when I had my first gig too, ya know? But it gets easier every time ya do it.”
“What if I messes up, Pickle…?” Toki asks, eyes wide and full of fear.
“Ya know, I’ve realized over the years that if you mess up here and there, people pretty much never notice. Ya just gotta keep going and play it off like nothing happened. They only notice if you freeze up and draw attention to it. Easier said than done, I know, but it’s helped me get by.” He moves his arm to wrap around the teenager’s shoulders, pulling him into a reassuring side-hug. Toki seems to be put at least a little at ease by that, at least.
Pickles would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous too. Sure, he’s had tons of gigs before, even tours when he was still in Snakes n’ Barrels, but this is Dethklok’s first real gig together, under a label. Magnus was gone before they could even finish their first record, and the most they’d done at that point was play very cheap bars and assault open mic nights with their music. Tonight is a first, and everyone’s a little on edge. But Toki’s never had any gig before now, never performed for anyone but his fellow bandmates. It’s understandable he’s nervous.
“You guys about ready?” Nathan’s voice comes from a few feet away.
“Yeah, just havin’ a little pep talk.” Pickles grins, waving him over.
“Nervous?” He asks, putting a hand on Toki’s head.
“Just a littles…” Toki replies.
“I figured you would be.” Nate chuckles, patting his back unintentionally roughly. “We’re all a little on edge.”
“You ams?”
“Oh absolutely. We’ve all been in bands before, but this is our first real gig together as Dethklok, now that we have our last member.” He gives Toki an uncharacteristically tender smile. The boy seems to bristle at being referred to as if he’s the final piece of a puzzle.
“You thinks they ams gonna likes us?” Toki asks, tilting his head in the direction of the stage where the rest of the bar waits beyond.
“I think so. We worked really hard. As long as we bring the energy, I think we’ve got a good shot. And if there’s anyone with energy, it’s you, kid.” Pickles nods in agreement, and is about to say something else when a voice interrupts them.
“Heh. Toki ams getting stage frights, huh?” Skwisgaar asks haughtily from the doorway, arms crossed as he leans against it. “I shoulds have known.” He strides, all long legs and long hair and long everything, across the room and puts his hands on Toki’s shoulders. “Don’t bes nervous, dildos. I picked you fors a reasons.” He says, surprisingly gentle. It’s not like Skwisgaar to try and hype others up, but they’re all a little soft on Toki since he’s so young and this is his first band.
“Are you ladies done with the cheerleading session? We got a show to put on!” Murderface adds, walking into the room as well. Pickles chuckles and stands up, gathering everyone into a circle.
“Alright, we always used to do this before a show when I was in Snakes n’ Barrels.” He reaches a hand into the center, looking at the others expectantly.
“Oh God, Pickles, could you get more cliche?” Nathan asks, still smiling and putting his hand on top of the drummer’s.
“This is so dumb. We’re not kids.” Murderface places his hand on top of Nathan’s.
“Just goes alongs with it, you babies.” Skwisgaar sighs, putting his hand in as well. Toki reaches in, and sets his hand on the very top of the pile.
“Alright, on three-?”
“Wait, where’s Charles?” Pickles interrupts Nathan, looking around. “Hold on, he has to do it too.” The drummer gives a lopsided grin and runs off to fetch their manager.
“So… whats is this?” Toki asks after a moment, looking at their pileup of hands. To someone who lived the first 16 years of his life in complete isolation with nobody other than his parents, this must seem strange.
“Just a tradition. Pickles insists we do it before every show.” Nathan supplies.
“He thinks it’s good luck or some bullshit like that.” Murderface adds, not moving his hand despite his scathing tone.
“Then why does you goes alongs with it?” Skwisgaar smirks. The bassist flounders for a moment before replying.
“Well, we’ve never totally bombed a show when we’ve done it…” he huffs, ashamed to admit buying into the superstition, even if just a little.
“I got him!” Pickles cries triumphantly, practically dragging a very put-out looking Charles into the circle. They both put their hands in, and Charles gives Toki a reassuring smile. “Alright, Dethklok on three!” Pickles announces. “One! Two! Three!”
“DETHKLOK!” Everyone shouts in unison, tossing their hands into the air. Toki fumbles a bit, unfamiliar with the process, but it’s an easy enough ritual to pick up on.
Just as they’re about to separate, Pickles, with surprising strength, pulls them all into a group hug. The others groan, but Toki doesn’t mind. He smiles and returns the embrace gladly, emotion welling up inside him as he thinks about how this must be the way family feels.
“Alright, enough coaching.” Nathan chuckles, breaking apart the hug. “Let’s get out there and give these people what they came for.” He gives Toki one last smile, and they all gather their instruments.
And as he walks out onto the stage, Toki doesn’t feel scared at all.
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atmilliways · 6 years
Metalocalypse prompts
I was going through my old livejournal posts and found a link to this list, so I yanked it. I’ve lost track of usernames, but it was originally by aryblack on LJ!
(The more I read through it, the more I remember drawing stick figure comics for these prompts. So... if you pick one that I’ve drawn, I’ll probably just post that. :P )
Toki trying to convince Nathan to do something lame.
Nathan trying to convince Toki to do something brutal.
*Free character* eating noodles.
Skwisgaar moaning about his split ends.
*Free character*, Spain.
*Free character*, mirage.
Nathan, yoga.
Toki, Jedi.
Charles, coffee. 
Murderface, pipe.
Charles, apron. 
*Free character*, turnip. 
Charles, priest. 
Murderface cleaning cars at a car wash.
*Free character*, sword.
Skwisgaar, to hurt.
Toki, gift. 
Nathan, python.
Pickles, lollipop.
Pickles and Skwisgaar fighting over a wank sock.
Toki on a little train.
Nathan gets a polar bear for his birthday.
Skwisgaar, panties.
Nathan, V for Vendetta
Pickles trying to open a beer keg.
Toki playing darts.
Nathan playing marbles. (It is a kids games in Spain. Just google "jugar a las canicas" and pick some reference images.)
Pickles in tight high heels.
Skwisgaar, steampunk.
Nathan in a huge basket, eating grapes. 
Charles. To tear, to rip.
Charles, cheerleader. 
Murderface, faded.
Pickles, sushi.
Nathan, delicacy and/or gentleness. (Pick the one you like. Original word: Delicadeza.)
 Toki, cross.
Charles/Toki, To scratch. (Not the kind when you have an itch and you scratch, but when you use your fingernails or a knife or something like that.)
Skwisgaar, zombie.
Murderface, ice cream.
Nathan, knife.
Toki, leopard.
Nathan, baby.
Pickles, drop.
Toki, child.
Pickles/Toki, friction.
Pickles, mosquito.
Charles, start.
Skwisgaar, rain.
Pickles, rules.
Toki, escape.
Toki/Skwisgaar, Charles, and jealousy.
Charles, religion. 
Toki, piano.
Pickles, sweet. (Not the adjective, but the candy.)
Nathan, thorns.
Toki, skin.
Skwisgaar, liquor.
Pickles, insect.
Skwisgaar, pepper.
Toki, stairs.
Skwisgaar, rabbit. 
Pickles, blood.
Murderface, triangle.
Toki, cards.
Skwisgaar, humiliation.
Pickles, gun.
Nathan, fear.
Charles, music.
Charles, exit.
Toki, ship.
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ka-woru · 7 years
Here’s the lyrics, romaji and English translation for Love Cheer!
All of this was done by me and @bluemooneri (thank you!!)
フレッ フレッ はい!  フレッ フレッ フレッ フレッ はい! 行くよー
煎じノックソ白服野崎あおい気まプリ フォーゲルとみたけにーちゃん
いつもの人気者なキミは  輪の中でハキハキ話す それに引き換えて自分は  隅の方でモジモジ愛想笑
昔から何か「ほっとけないんだよなー」  俺には何でも相談しろよ 言えたらとっくに言えてますよ  この恋心には気づいてないじゃん
周りの男友達 楽しそうにバカ笑い ああ心のメガホンが  あれば誰よりも大声で
ふれふれ自分 がんばれ自分 黙ってたって何も始まんないいつも 答えは自分の中
ふれふれ自分 それいけ自分 この気持ちにどうか気づいて だけど誰にもバレたくないや
やっぱそんなの無理だな「無理やなー」 好きになったらダメかな「ダメかな?」 小声で叫べ LOVEラブチア すき!
フレッ フレッ はい! フレッ フレッ フレッ フレッ はい! 一緒に
煎じノックソ白服野崎あおい気まプリ フォーゲルとみたけにーちゃん
待ちに待った大事な決戦日 あんなに特訓してきたのに 流れは絶体絶命のピンチ こんな時さえ声が上手く出せない 華麗に踊る女子達が  かかげた文字と勝利のブイ ああ心のサインボードが  あれば誰よりもド派手に
ふれふれキミ がんばれキミ 焦っても君らしくないこれまでの 努力を疑わないで
ふれふれキミ それいけキミ この気持ちにどうか気づいて そしてお願い叶えてちょうだい
今言わなきゃいつ言うの「今かなー?」 諦めないって決めたんだ「決めたんだー!」 大声で叫べ LOVEラブチア がんばれー!!
何だ声出るじゃんって感じで  驚いてから君は少し笑った 空に高くかざした予告勝利宣言 もう大丈夫 迷わず放て未来へ
レッツゴー レッツゴー レッツゴー  おおVictory
ふれふれ青春 がんばれ青春 人は誰しも誰かにとって 人生応援団長なんだ
ふれふれ自分 がんばれ自分 黙ってたって何も始まんないいつも 答えは自分の中
ふれふれ自分 それいけ自分 この気持ちに気づかなくたって 君の側でこれからもずっと 応援していきたいな ちゃんと大きな声で バレたって構わないや
とにかく叫べ LOVEラブチア!もっと! LOVEラブチア!まだまだ! LOVEラブチア!いいね! LOVEラブチア!ラストー! LOVEラブチア! 好き!
フレッ フレッー
fure fure hai! fure fure fure fure hai! iku yo
senji nokkuso shirofuku nozaki aoi kimapuri forgeru tomitake nichan
m-e-s-e-m-o-a mesemoa!
itsumono ninkimono na kimi wa wa no naka de hakihaki hanasu sore ni hikikaete jibun wa sumi no hou de mojimoji aisowarai
mukashi kara nanka 「hottokenain dayo na」 ore ni wa nandemo soudan shiro yo ietara tokku ni ietemasu yo kono koigokoro ni wa kizuitenai jan
mawari no otokotomodachi tanoshisou ni baka warai aa kokoro no megahon ga areba dareyori mo oogoe de
kimochi tsutaeru no ni na
fure fure jibun ganbare jibun damattetatte nani mo hajimannai itsumo kotae wa jibun no naka
fure fure jibun sore ike jibun kono kimochi ni douka kizuite dakedo dare ni mo baretakunai ya
hye hazukashii!
yappa sonna no muri dana 「muri ya na?」 suki ni nattara dame ka na 「dame ka na?」 kokoe de sakebe l-o-v-e rabu chia suki!
fure fure hai! fure fure fure fure hai! issho ni
senji nokkuso shirofuku nozaki aoi kimapuri forgeru tomitake nichan
m-e-s-e-m-o-a mesemoa!
machi ni matta daiji na kessenbi anna ni tokkun shitekita no ni nagare wa zettai zetsumei no pinchi konna toki sae koe ga umaku dasenai
karei ni odoru joshitachi ga kakageta moji to shouri no bui aa kokoro no sainboodo ga areba dareyori mo dohade ni 
kimochi tsutaeru no ni na
fure fure kimi ganbare kimi asette mo kimi rashikunai kore made no doryoku wo utagawanai de
fure fure kimi sore ike kimi kono kimochi ni douka kizuite soshite onegai kanaete choudai
kamisama hotokesama
ima iwanakya itsu iu no 「ima ka na?」 akiramenai tte kimetanda 「kimetan da!」 oogoe de sakebe l-o-v-e rabu chia ganbare!!
nanda koe deru jan tte kanji de odoroite kara kimi wa sukoshi waratta sora ni takaku kazashita yokoku shouri sengen mou daijoubu mayowazu hanate mirai e
let’s go let’s go let’s go oo victory
fure fure seishun ganbare seishun hito wa dareshimo dareka ni totte jinsei ouendanchou nanda
fure fure jibun ganbare jibun damattetatte nani mo hajimannai itsumo kotae wa jibun no naka
fure fure jibun sore ike jibun kono kimochi ni kizukanakutatte kimi no soba de korekara mo zutto ouen shite ikitai na chanto ooki na koe de baretatte kamawanai ya
tonikaku sakebe l-o-v-e rabu chia! motto! l-o-v-e rabu chia! mada mada! l-o-v-e rabu chia! ii ne! l-o-v-e rabu chia! last! l-o-v-e rabu chia! suki!
fure fure
Go! Go! Oo-ooh, yeah!
Go! Go! Tatarataratarata~
Go! Go! Oo-ooh, yeah! Let’s go!
Senji Nokkuso Shirofuku Nozaki Aoi Kimapuri Forgeru Tomitake Nichan!
M-E-S-E-M-O-A, MeseMoa!
You, always popular, speak clearly within the circle
Meanwhile I’m the one in the corner putting on a smile hestitantly
“From some time ago, I guess I just can’t leave you alone”
“Talk to me about anything, ok?”
If I could, then I already would have!
You don’t notice this love, do you?
Watching you laugh stupidly with our male friends around us
Ah, if my heart was a megaphone, then in a voice louder than anyone
I’d be telling you my feelings
Go, go, me!
You can do it, me!
Nothing will happen if you stay silent
The answer is always inside you
Go, go, me!
Go for it, me!
Please notice these feelings
But I don’t want anyone to find out
“Ahh, so embarrassing!”
Well, as expected, that’s impossible
“It’s impossible, ain’t it?”
Would it be bad if I fell in love with you?
“Would it be bad?”
Call out in a loud voice
L O V E, love cheer!
I love you!
Go! Go! Yeah! Go! Go! Go! Go! Yeah! Altogether!
Senji Nokkuso Shirofuku Nozaki Aoi Kimapuri Forgeru Tomitake Nichan!
M-E-S-E-M-O-A, MeseMoa!
Even though I have trained so much For the long-awaited, crucial day The pinch of the desperate situation comes by, At a time like this, my voice won’t come out
The splendidly-dancing girls Holding up the letter “V” of victory Ah, if only my heart was a signboard, Flashier than anyone else could,
I’d be telling you how I feel
Go, go, you! Go for it, you! It’s not like you to be flustered Don’t doubt the efforts you’ve made so far
Go, go, you! Go for it, you! Please notice these feelings, And please grant my wish
God, Buddha, please!
If I don’t say it now, when will I? “Should I say it now?” I’ve decided to not give up “I’ve made up my mind!” Shout out in a loud voice, L-O-V-E LOVE CHEER! You can do it!
You looked as if you were surprised that your voice came out so loud
And then you smiled a little
The preemptive declaration of victory, waving high in the sky
It’s alright now
Towards the future without hesitation
Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go Oh, victory!
Go, go, youth! Hang in there, youth! No matter who you are, You’ll always be a cheerleader for someone
Go, go, me! You can do it, me! Nothing will happen if you stay silent The answer is always inside you
Go, go, me! Go for it, me! Even if you don’t notice these feelings From now on, always by your side I want to continue to support you With a big loud voice I don’t even care if someone finds out
  Regardless, shout out L-O-V-E Love Cheer! Louder! L-O-V-E Love Cheer! Even more! L-O-V-E Love Cheer! Sounds great! L-O-V-E Love Cheer! Last one! L-O-V-E Love Cheer! I love you!
Go, go!
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ovyy-pvcure · 8 years
More of that Heathers AU no one asked for: Veronica is both Nanashi and Hallelujah, Asahi is still Martha(though only for Nana), Kurt and Ram are Navarre and Gaston (sorry guys) Dagda is JD, Flynn is Mrs Flemming, Toki is still Heather McNamara, Krishna is Heather Chandler, and as Heather Duke introduc- SHUT UP HEATHER. sorry, heather. 
Beautiful is an unwitting duet between the two Veronicas in parallel walks through the school (H: dream of ivy-covered walls and smokey french cafes~ N: fight the urge to light a match and set this dump ablaze~!) Fight for me interrupts halfway through as Hallelujah witnesses Nanashi fighting for Asahi following Gaston being a dick to Asahi (Hey Mr-no-name kid? Too literal?). Obviously, it reappears darker and more aggressive later re: Nanashi and Dagda (Fight With Me). Hallelujah is the one who ends up a “Heather” through excellent forgery. 
Between songs, all 3 boys meet up, and Halle and Nana begin their canon friendship, while Nana and Dag begin their destructive obsessive...thing. Nana’s remix Fight With Me occurs before Candy Store here, which is now a result of the Heathers messing with Asahi to get at Nana through her due to their newest’s friendship with smol and edgey. 
Dagda’s Freeze Your Brain and backstory is similar but it’s his mother that’s the worst. Nanashi is also a willing participant in the song in places because Edgelord (Swim in the ice~ Get lost in the pain~), and requires less prodding into the freezing; gulping down halfway through the song/scene when Dagda lays out his own stereotypical thoughts of the future. 
Nanashi tries to talk Asahi out of going to the trap, and is left frustrated and invites Dagda over after a fight with his adopted sister leaves him feeling alone. Gaston, over-aggressive from the distressing somehow disgraceful death of his father, cruelly shuts down Asahi at the party causing Hallelujah to bite back drawing Krishna’s ire (Big Fun) 
Asahi flees embarrassed, and Hallelujah is given an ultimatum, and decides to get joy in any way he can (Dead Boy Walking)...accidentally slipping in half-drunk to Nana and Dag mid-makeout. Enter Asahi, not drunk, confused, hurt, and needing her brother. To Dagda’s disappointment, he does not fuck that 15-year-old, instead, they spend the night consoling Hal and Asa. After both slink off for sleep in their own beds, Dagda convinces Nanashi to do something drastic for vengeance and to protect his new friend (The Me Inside Of Me).  “Myriad? Nice” is still in the work somewhere, it has to be.
The Me Inside Of Me is equal parts it’s canon piece as well as an examination of Toki McNamara’s internal struggle for survival and popularity brought upon her by her parents and watching the pain the ‘Heathers’ have inflicted on others, and her guilt over her recent actions. Nanashi accidentally ends up in a situation where he confronts her in front of a mirror noting that ‘despite everything, it’s still you’ while looking at himself. That it’s not our intention but our actions that decide the effect one has on the world, and there are not good or bad people, but good and bad actions, and what you choose to do is important. He may be fighting back tears of remorse. 
Seeing two of their newly lead clique is now getting on even better with that weird sweaty edge kid [LOUD TRUCK HORN] coerces Toki into inviting Nana to a party with a drunk G and N leading to Nanashi’s near rape while the new head ‘Heather’ taunts him through the door despite his pleas (Blue) leading to another breakout of violence, and Nanashi further retreating into his destructive romance with Dagda. 
Later while licking their wounds, a shaken, scared Nanashi is further talked around to another, less real this time for real, suicide (Our Love Is God.). This, naturally, ends in Double Homicide, panicked cries for it all to be an act, and confused screaming. A terrified Nanashi unable to back out anymore from fear, and guilt (D: Our love IS God~. N: ...Our Love is god~)
With the rise of the suicides, Flynn hosts an intervention to try and assist the troubled kids he’s in charge of (Shine A Light), while the living relatives of Gaston and Navarre cope with their loss...with mixed results (Dead Gay Son). 
Elsewhere Nanashi is confronting Dagda about his homicidal tendencies, and trying to convince him what they’ve done is wrong, and that he just wants to grow up (Seventeen [by a 15-year-old]), and it seems to work. For a time. 
Things settle into an uneasy peace, as Dagda and Nanashi’s romance vacillates between mutual obsession and destructive tendencies, and despite attempts at connection by Asahi everything seems to be falling apart for her. Hallelujah finds out through Dagda about the attempted rape, and the boy rips into Toki for it as she was the one Nanashi trusted, officially declaring his disdain for what they’ve done, and leaving the ‘Heathers’. 
Things continue to breakdown, ending with Nanashi breaking up with Dagda after everything sending the older man spiraling further downward into a nihilistic despair. Until he suddenly recovers with manic energy and gets everyone to sign a ‘suicide memorial’ petition. Nanashi’s warnings go unheard, as he further ignores Asahi unknowingly, leading to her attempted suicide (Kindergarten Brother). 
Learning of this through some nasty remarks by IS THAT A DEMONIC DUCK OF SOME SORT? Nanashi rushes to the hospital, and chokes out an apology to his unconscious sister when he’s confronted by his adopted father who’s been convinced by his ‘friend’ Jason Dagda that he, Nanashi, is suicidal as well, and may have caused Asahi’s attempt. Nanashi rushes home angry, confused, and overwhelmed only to arrive to Dagda awaiting him in the empty house. (Yo Girl)
Meanwhile, during practice for the televised special Westborough is putting on Toki is a little too honest, and gets derided, and kicked out, leading to her own attempted suicide. (Lifeboat, Shine A Light [REPRISE]) She is stopped by, of all people, Hallelujah. They have a very confused talk where he says she should do her thing, prove them all wrong with how strong she is without the ‘Heathers’ by the best her she can be, unintentionally echoing Nanashi’s earlier statement in a more positive light that she can only ever be her. Toki leaves in better spirits as Hallelujah receives a phone call. 
Clearly suffering a breakdown Dagda begins ranting his master plan to blow up the school and pretend it was a mass suicide using the signatures he got for his ‘petition’. ( You Were Meant To Be Mine throughout)Hiding in a closet Nanashi calls Hallelujah, the last conscious person he feels he can trust and explains, fast, confused and terrified where he is when he hears Dagda start really getting unhinged (Bring Marshmallows we’ll make S’mores~) and, without hanging up, improvises his own fake suicide. Still on the line Hallelujah hears Dagda’s reaction to Nanashi’s ‘death’ but nothing else, and moves faster. 
Hallelujah misses Nanashi in his rush, Nanashi does not miss Hallelujah. 
By the time he arrives Nanashi is gone, his phone left dead on the floor, with a note on the table addressed to him. 
‘I wanted someone strong who could protect me~’ it begins (Dead Boy Walking [REPRISE], He gets as far as ‘No one there deserves to die but me and the monster I’ve created~’ before he’s out the door heading back to their school cursing that idiot. 
Crashing into the auditorium Nanashi is confronted by Flynn who’s confused considering he was told the boy committed suicide, ‘well he’s wrong about a lot of things’ Nanashi snarks back. Toki, after a moment of indecision, abandons her cheerleading duties to check on Nanashi. Assuring her he’s fine he asks Flynn what’s beneath the gym to which the teacher replies ‘the boiler room’. With nothing but a cryptic ‘that’s it’ Nanashi nods, and tells Toki to get out while she can. Get far away, before making for the door. Nanashi, feeling a little Extra in his last moments exits calling back to the confused questioning from Flynn with ‘no time to talk I’m a dead boy walking’. Flynn is nonplussed but goes back to his big moment on the camera, Toki follows. 
Following the muffled roar of the crowd through the floor Nanashi finds the boiler room, and tells Dagda to step away from the bomb. After a bitter chuckle, Dagda notes Nanashi hasn’t lost his touch for faking suicides, before ranting his motives, pointing a gun at Nanashi, and Toki. Nanashi pulls out what he knows about Dagda, his pain, his feeling of isolation, and disbelief in permanent bonds without pain after what he’s been through, and tries to talk him down stepping closer with every statement to Dagda’s hesitant horror, hand shaking. ‘I wish you’d come with me.’ Dagda’s response? ‘I wish I had more TNT.’ A struggle ensues between Nanashi Toki, and Dagda to the dull roar of the Westborough fight song. In the scuffle Toki is thrown down, and Dagda points the gun at her unflinching, with a strangled ‘no’ Nanashi tackles him, they roll around as in the background ‘Westerborough will send you straight to-’ a gunshot. 
Shaking, covered in blood, and breathless Nanashi drops the gun in shock, wide eyes locked on Dagda’s bleeding form. Toki runs over fretting about the bombs. Nanashi tells her to go up, and get everyone to evacuate out front, while he checks the usual hideouts for people who duck out but don’t really want to leave. Once she’s gone Nanashi grabs the thermal detonator, and, limping, makes for the football field out back as Dagda slowly opens his eyes.
Out on the field Nanashi curls around the detonator with only the slightest hitch in his breathing. Hallelujah finds him first hauling him up and calling him an idiot, before spying the bomb. Nanashi tries to explain to get Hallelujah to leave because least of all does he deserve to die. As the boys get into it regarding a better way, and what Nanashi deserves Dagda enters, wounded, breathing heavily and listing drunkenly as he slowly dies. (I Am Damaged) Repeating Nanashi’s earlier words regarding how damaged they are Dagda half convinces Nanashi to give him the detonator, Hallelujah pries it the rest of the way and pulls Nanashi back. (Please step back now....little farther). Like a prayer Dagda repeats his mantra from his days with Nanashi for better or for worse. Wretchedly Nanashi answers back for Dagda to say hi to god/their love, just before the bomb detonates, and all sound is stolen from the 2 people left alive at the scene for a time. The dull ringing is replaced with urgent questions from feminine voices. 
The half-evacuated student body comes rushing at the explosion, Toki in front, curious, anxious, and worried. Just as it looks like the boys can process what’s being said Asahi pushes her way into the picture and demands tearily for an explanation to please, please just talk to her, despite her flaws as her insecurities come to the surface for the first time in front of others, especially her brother. Nanashi soothes her, and assures her they’ll explain everything when he’s less tired. Like when they’re (Seventeen [REPRISE]) before trying to get through to the impromptu audience that all being horrible to each other has accomplished is everyone hating themselves and everyone else a little more every day. 
Leaving without waiting for anyone to respond Nanashi suggests they pick up a movie with a happy ending. Toki is shocked to learn she’s invited as well, and Asahi wonders if there are even happy endings. Hallelujah, now with one of Nanashi’s arms around his shoulders to support him answers they can always hope. The new group shuffles away into the bright night a little more damaged, but recovering. Slowly and, hopefully, to their own happy endings. 
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fgoschoollife · 5 years
Name: Brynhildr Age: 18 Gender: F Height: 172cm Weight: 52kg Year: 3 Class: A  Club(s)?: Cooking Club Sport(s)?: Cheerleading! Best Class: Physical Education  Worst Class: Arts but not really? 
Name: Toki Age: 28 Timezone: Pacific Pronouns: Yes. A little fact about yourself. I use to play piano for a few years. 
same fam! nice to see another ex-pianist owo
Welcome, Brynhildr! Please do not attack Sigurd or Siegfried. We do not need blood on the floor.
- Mod Astolfo
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