#Togame Jou x reader
kingkatsuki · 4 days
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You knew all too well how dangerous it was to cross over the border into Shishitoren territory. You'd heard enough stories from the boys of Furin to know what a terrible, terrible idea it was. But the Furin jacket that you wore was like a protective shield around you, giving you the confidence to push the boundaries— and somehow you didn't think that you would run in to the number two in command, Togame Jou.
Thank you to @zorosprincess for the request. I had a lot of fun writing this one.
Pairing: Togame Jou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, CNC, public sex, exhibitionism, marking, dirty talk, degradation, praise, rough sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampie, cumshots, not proofread.
Word Count: 4.2k.
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The sun still burns bright as the sky changes from blue to a mix of yellow and orange, casting a majestic glow over the town as it nears sunset. You turn the corner as you step beneath the bridge at the edge of town, wrapping your jacket a little tighter around you as the breeze from the alley licks at your exposed thighs. 
“You lost, little lamb?” You hear a voice as you stand by the illuminated vending machine, turning around to see Togame standing before you. His hands were shoved into his Shishitoren jacket and colourful lenses sat on the bridge of his nose, disguising his true intentions.
“You can’t be wearing those colours on this side.” Togame looked down at the Furin jacket you were wearing over your pretty sundress with disgust, “Your little Furin boyfriend should’a told you that.”
He approached like a lion honing in on its kill, ravenous and desperate to feast as he backed you into a corner like skittish prey. Your back met rough brick as he towered over you, sandals clinking against the uneven cobbles before he leaned down to catch your gaze. 
Everyone knew if Furin stepped onto Shishitoren territory they were fair game— and that rule extended to you too. 
“You know about the pact, sweetheart.” He murmured, warm breath fanning against your face as you looked up at him like a terrified sheep who had just walked into a lion’s den.
“So I’ll just be going then.” You tried to steady your words like Kaji had taught you, so no one would know that you were scared. But how couldn’t you be frightened as Togame Jou gazed down at you through tinted sunglasses as though he wanted to devour you whole.
With confidence in your actions, you decided to move, sweaty palms pushed yourself away from the wall as you began to make your leave. Slipping around Togame as you tried to speed up, pretty sandals sounding against stone, but it was no match for him. 
“Hey, hey,” He reached out to stop you, a muscular arm weaving around your shoulders as he pulled you towards him. Your back pressed firm against his chest as his lips brushed the shell of your ear, “What’s the rush, sweetheart?” 
He inhaled deeply, breathing in the saccharine scent of you as he tightened his grip with silent possession, “You already broke the rule, and it's not like you can take it back. So we might as well make the most of it hm?”
He reached up with his free hand to grab your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your head in his direction as his lips hovered over yours. His warm breath stroked your skin as you found yourself leaning into his touch. 
“And it’s not like I can just send you on your way back without punishment—” He cooed, “What kind of image would that set for your little Furin boys.”
Togame squeezed your cheeks together as your lips curled into a pout, leaning forward to press an uncharacteristically soft, lingering kiss against them. He spoke so slowly, and articulately it had your cunt betraying your mind as your hole clenched around nothing.
“I think I’ll have to make an example of you,” Togame continued, one of his large palms moved to cup your breast beneath the pretty sundress you were wearing. Moulding it beneath splayed fingers as he dipped into the plush of it, dragging a pretty whine from between your parted lips, “So they all know not to mess with Shisitoren.”
The thin strip of no man’s land between Shishitoren and Furin turf seemed to be the only safe place for miles, and yet somehow you’d decided to slip a toe over the line to find yourself being looked at as prey.
“You understand, don’t you sweetheart?” He continued, hands bunched into his jacket pockets as he sauntered closer. The clack of his sandals against the ground echoed through the air, “It ain’t personal.”
You found it hard to believe. The gang warfare between Shishitoren and Furin seemed to be deep-rooted in hatred, woven from years of deflecting members and infiltration. The latter had built huge distrust on both sides, and it wasn’t peculiar for Togame to think that Furin might stoop as low as sending in a pretty piece of skirt to try and bridge the divide. 
“So, I’ll just be leaving then.” You watched as he pulled his sunglasses up to settle on top of his messy black hair, revealing emerald eyes that helped you try to gauge his reaction as you watched his cheeks curl into a grin. 
“Ah, now you see I can’t let you do that,” Togame tutted, “You ain’t supposed to be on this side of town, so you can’t just say sorry and be on your way—”
“I’ll go back to the right side,” You smiled, “No one needs to know.”
“But what if you get lost leavin'?” He sneered, his chapped lips grazing the shell of your ear as you felt your breath hitch in your throat, “Ain’t no telling what kinda sick, nasty creeps could be out looking for a pretty little Furin princess.”
“It’s lucky I found you, huh? If it had been Choji it would've been way worse,” He cooed leaning down towards you, “Although, I guess that could make you think it’s okay—”
“Please,” You whimpered when you felt his hands slip lower, dragging down from your hips to smooth over your skirt, fingertips dancing beneath the hem as he brushed the naked skin on your thighs, “No one needs to know.”
“You gonna keep this our dirty little secret?” He snorted, dragging his knuckles along your inner thighs as your skirt began to bunch at his wrists, almost leaving you exposed you decided to follow pure instinct as you moved to leave, "You know I can't let you do that— because where would we be without rules?"
Your body jerked to the side to try and slip beneath his arms, but Togame was quicker. There was a reason that Choji had picked him as his number two in command, and it wasn’t just the fact that they were friends. He was a fierce fighter, with sharp reflexes, his hands were quick to subdue you. Curling around your middle as he pulled you back towards him, forcing your chest against the wall as you thrashed in his arms, teeth bared as he pressed his cheek against yours and your face smashed against the wall. 
“Now where do you think you’re going?” He sneered, “I thought we were getting along.”
You gasped as he pressed the full length of his body against yours, his bulge pressed against the small of your back as he nuzzled your cheek. 
“I was being so nice considering you’re the one breaking the rules.” Togame sighed wistfully, “And you had to go and ruin it.”
He was far rougher this time, his hands sliding down your body to hike your skirt up around your waist. The sudden movement had your breath hitching in your throat as you felt the cool evening air hit your exposed skin.
“You always wear these slutty panties, sweetheart?” He scoffed, “I bet this is the real reason you crossed into our territory huh?”
“W-what?” You gasped in shock at the insinuation, eyes wide. 
“You wanted this to happen, didn’t you?” 
“No, I would never,” You choked back a sob, feeling it lodge at the back of your throat as you tried to blink back the tears that threatened to spill from your waterline, "It was an accident, I promise."
Togame’s fingers slipped between your thighs to stroke against the satin, gliding across the fabric as he pressed against your crotch. His lips curled into a satisfied grin at how wet you felt beneath his fingers, pressing down on your slit as he felt you writhe into his touch as your body sought more friction. 
“You’re awful wet for someone begging to leave.” Togame grins as the calloused pads of his fingers brush through your folds, feeling your wetness stick to his fingers as he deliberately strokes against your clit. The sudden movement has your hips jerking roughly as you accidentally press yourself against the bulge beneath his sweats, "You sure it was an accident?"
He’s rough when he curls his fingers in your panties, tugging them down your hips as they begin to fall when they reach your knees, exposing your slit completely as he holds a cheek to spread you open for him, whistling lowly as he takes in just how wet and puffy you are for him. 
“Furin girls really have got such pretty pussies, huh?” He coos, his tone steeped in jealousy, “No wonder they’re all so protective of you."
You hear Togame shuffle behind you as he eases his sweats down just enough to free his aching cock, the length hot and heavy in his palm as he gives himself a solid pump. Twisting his palm over the head to smear his pre along it before taking hold at the base, easing his hips forward as he brushes the swollen tip through your messy folds. 
He groaned when he felt the blunt head collide with your fluttering entrance, catching against it before pulling back. Almost slipping inside over and over as you found yourself spreading your thighs further apart to give him more space, pressing yourself back on his cock as you coaxed him in.
“Fuck,” Togame groaned as he rut his hips forward, feeling your cunt pulse against him as his swollen tip nudged your clit instead, causing you to cry out as you flailed against him in a debauched mess for him. 
His grip on your ass became harsher as his calloused fingers made the supple flesh divot beneath them, prising you open for him as he leaned back to direct himself inside your velvety walls. Groaning at the way your cunt immediately began to throb and clench around him when he met the first ring of muscle as you tried to pull him deeper, feeling the ache of the stretch begin to flow through you. Your body betrayed you as your cunt drooled with slick, more than wet enough to take every inch of him with minimal prep as he felt you engulf him. 
“Actin’ real slutty for someone that doesn’t want it.” He cooed, giving an experimental rut of his hips as your cunt eagerly took more of him in, your warmth engulfing him whole as he bottomed out. His heady balls were snug against your clit as he stilled for a moment to cherish the way your walls squeezed him, accommodating to his size as you whimpered softly. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ perfect.” Togame drawled as he began to pull himself from your heat, unsheathing his cock as he shamelessly looked down to see the messy sheen you’d left against him, “Takin’ me so well.”
You don’t expect him to be so rough when he properly thrusts inside you for the first time, stealing the air from your lungs as he gives you everything with a husky grunt. Forcing your body harder against the rough brick as you cry out, louder than intended as his lips graze your ear. 
“Better be quiet unless you want someone to hear,” He sneers, chuckling when you do the opposite when he gives another harsh thrust, “Is that so? You want people to hear you being fucked on Shishitoren cock? What would Umemiya say?”
Your face scrapes against the brick from the ferocity of his movements, before you have a chance to brace your hands to prevent it. But the pain is surpassed by the way his cock bullies its way deeper, his blunt tip carving you into the shape of him while he presses himself deep against your cervix. 
Togame makes it difficult to think, as all you can do is stand there and take everything he forces upon you as he maintains a deliberately slow, rough pace. As though you’re not both standing out in the open— where anyone could happen upon you and catch you in such a precarious position and the thought has your cunt clenching deliberately around his cock as you try to decide whether that would make things better or worse. 
“Oh?” He feels the pressure as his lips press against the shell of your ear, “You like that, huh? You like being fucked by Shishitoren cock?” 
You found yourself submitting to him, resigning control as you let all the pent-up tension that had ebbed away at you go. The incessant pleasure coursing through your veins was beginning to consume you whole as Togame pulled the reigns, watching as you allowed yourself to give into your most sinful desires. 
“Bet those Furin boys don’t make you feel this good, do they?” He continues driving his hips forward, the crude sound of skin against skin echoing in the desolate alley, “Gonna have you wandering back into ‘toren territory more often.”
Togame felt your body begin to shake from the pleasure that sought to consume you whole, his tongue stroked against the shell of your ear as he smoothed his palms along your sides. Moving forward as he changed the angle slightly before pressing his lips to your parted ones, your jaw hanging open as silent gasps racked through your body. Your head moving in tandem with his thrusts as he fucked into you hard.
"You gonna tell me who's jacket this is, or do I have to keep guessing?" There was a fierce snarl behind his tone that sent shockwaves directly to your clit.
You couldn’t speak, even if you had wanted to. The only sounds that left your lips were debauched whimpers and whines as he used you for his pleasure. Hot, wet tears began to prickle at your waterline. Clumping into your thick lashes before trickling down your cheeks, leaving messy lines of mascara in their wake.
“Aww, you cryin’?” Togame cooed, but there was no sincerity in his tone as he nosed one of the tear stains that marked your cheeks.
“I wonder what they’d say if they found out their pretty little Furin girl was being split open on my cock?” Togame pressed, his hand slipping around your body to press against the top of your mound, slender fingers seeking out your puffy clit, “You gonna tell them how much you liked it?” 
“Answer me.”
“I— W-what?” You’re breathless, trying to remember the basic human need to function as he drives into you with precision, his hips knock persistently against the swell of your ass and certain to leave bruises as you bite back another whine. 
“You gonna let Sakura know what his pretty little princess was doing on Shishitoren turf?”
“No— I wouldn’t, I won’t—”
“What do you think they’ll say when I send you back to Furin fucked into the shape of my cock with my cum spilling down your thighs?” He snorted, “And you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.”
You mewled at his question, your cunt answering for you as it clenched around him hard. The sensation had Togame grinning against your cheek as his teeth grazed your sensitive skin, keeping his rough pace as all you could do was stand there and take it. Your thighs shook from the awkward position as they threatened to give way, not that it would matter when you were pinned between the wall and Togame, completely at his mercy. 
He made it difficult to think, consumed with pleasure as Togame fucked himself into your pliant hole. Battering your insides with each churn of his hips that drew more sultry noises from the back of your throat. Reaching one of his palms up to press it against your mouth as his lips moved back to press against your ear, feeling the same smug grin on his face as he tried to silence you. 
“As much as I love all the pretty sounds you’re makin’ sweetheart, I ain’t someone who shares.” His voice held a predatory husk as he began to curl his hips, deliberately dragging the underside of his cock against the same spot inside you that would have you coming undone hard and fast as he sought to feel you cum on his cock, “Keep it down.”
You couldn’t, even if you tried. The thought of being caught horrified you, but the feeling of his cock dragging against your velvety walls so deliciously has you lightheaded, making it impossible to think as all you could do was stand there and take everything he had to give.
It was embarrassing how much you were enjoying this. Practically humiliated as you let the second in command of Shishitoren use you how he pleased, your body responding to him as your cunt continued to drool around his cock. Leaving creamy rings of slick around the base of him that matted into his pubic hair and smeared against your ass with every thrust. 
Togame reached up to palm one of your tits above your sundress, kneading the supple skin as you cried out for him. Smirking at your reaction as he pushed the material down before watching your tits spill free, grabbing a handful as his fingers dipped into the plush of them. Leaning down to mouth at your neck, biting at the supple skin just beneath your pulse point before sucking hard, fully intent on leaving his mark. 
“Don’t leave any marks.” You whimpered, feeling his fingers twist your taut nipples as you cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. 
“I think it might be too late for that—” Exhaling in satisfaction when he pulled back to admire his work, a dark patch beginning to bloom against your skin as he nosed the back of your ear, “They’ll all get to see what a slut you are.”
You tried to splay your hands against the brick wall to stop your face from grazing the rough cobble as your forehead knocked against it with the change of position. Causing Togame to groan behind you when he felt you push back against his cock, moving his hands up to squeeze your hips as he bent his knees for more leverage. Pushing himself into you over and over again, making you cry out for him. 
“Come on, pretty girl,” He cooed, “I know you’re close. I can feel you.” 
He was right, you were. The coil inside you was so tight it was almost painful, the pent-up tension hot and heavy as the dam inside you threatened to burst. Catching you off guard as Togame slid a hand between the apex of your thighs to search for your needy clit, catching it between his index and middle fingers as he began to swirl it from side to side as you dangled on the precipice of your climax. 
“Wanna feel you cum all over my cock.” He urged you, deliberately focusing his thrusts on the same spot that had you clenching around him, fingers working your clit as you whimpered, “Come on, show me how pretty you look when you’re creaming.”
It was all too much, too intense as your eyes rolled back into your skull. Your lips smeared gloss against his palm as you cried out in pleasure as you found your end, coming undone as your cunt began to convulse around him. 
“Oh fuck, good girl—” He grunted, continuing to fuck you through your climax as he felt your walls desperately trying to milk him of his release. 
You couldn’t control your body as your legs began to shake, drool spilt from your lips and into Togame’s palm as he pressed your head back against his shoulder. Bouncing you on his cock as he used you for his own pleasure, his fingers still persistent on your abused clit as you tried to fight the feeling of another climax being stolen from you as Togame was unrelenting. 
“God, you’re a fuckin’ mess, sweetheart.” He sneered, throwing his head back in a laugh as he forced you down on his cock. 
Your tits bounced with each sloppy movement as he used you for his own need, your mind completely shrouded by debauched pleasure as Togame worked you towards another orgasm. 
“You got tighter when you came,” Togame mused, his lips brushing your neck as he bent his legs to change the angle of his thrusts. 
His voice was like the sweetest ambrosia as it sent shockwaves directly to your needy clit, reaching your hand down to press messy circles against it to try and alleviate the tension that knotted in your pelvis. 
“You greedy thing,” He scoffed, watching as you teased your clit, “I haven’t even cum once and here you are trying to get yourself off again— I guess you really did cross the boundary to get this tight little pussy bred huh?”
Togame spoke so slowly, the soft timber only aided in your pleasure as you felt your body respond to the sound. Clenching around him in a feeble attempt to steal his spunk as you began to quiver, your second orgasm surging through as your fingers rubbed your clit raw. Desperately trying to chase that same high that had you crying out his name as he pressed a palm to your sternum to stop you from knocking yourself out on the wall. His hand moved higher to stroke along the column of your throat before he splayed a palm over your mouth to quieten the desperate, lewd noises that poured out of you from his movements. 
“Jesus,” He tossed his head back in a laugh, “if I’d known this was what Furin pussy felt like I’d have crossed the boundary myself.” 
Togame barely managed a few more deep languid thrusts before he was spilling his release inside you with a guttural grunt, his heavy balls pumping rope after rope as he filled you with his warm spunk. Groaning as he pulled back suddenly, unsheathing his cock from your greedy hole as he began to fist himself roughly. Jerking out the final few pumps of cum all over the back of the Furin jacket that you were wearing as he painted it with his release. Leaning forward to tap the swollen tip of his cock against the fabric as he coaxed out the final few beads of his cum before dragging his length against it to coat it in your slick too.
It was ruined — like you. 
“That’s it,” He groaned lowly, “My good girl.” 
You let out a desperate whine when you felt Togame pull back, your hands splayed against the wall to keep yourself upright as he unabashedly spread your cheeks open to watch your fluttering walls push some of his spend from deep inside your tight heat. 
“You really are a mess.” He chuckled, letting his thumb swipe through the slick between your thighs before he gathered some of his cum on the pads of his fingers. Scooping it up he pushed it back inside your abused hole, causing you to cry out for him as you felt him press down on that sweet spot inside you. 
“Stop teasing me.” You whined, shimmying your ass back into him, “You made me a mess! The jacket is ruined—”
“Hey,” Togame gave your ass a playful smack, “Shouldn’t have worn it if you didn’t want me to cum all over it, sweetheart. You can take it off now by the way — where did you even get it?” 
You were already still surrounded in the lusty haze of euphoria that you couldn’t even process Togame’s questions, so unused to him talking so much and so quickly after sex as you tried to even out your breathing. 
“I had to find something,” You smiled, turning your head to the side as you leaned towards him to press his lips against your cheek, “I didn’t think I’d be able to convince you to do that.”
“Why because I have such a hard time being mean to you?” He smiled, nosing the apple of your cheek. 
“No,” You snorted, “Because you’re lazy.”
“Wow.” Togame deadpanned, “This lazy guy stayed in perfect character and had you creaming twice and that’s all you’ve got to say?”
“This lazy guy,” You turned to poke him in the chest as Togame took the opportunity to poke one of your exposed breasts in retaliation, “Is gonna have to clean this jacket now.”
“Ain’t no way I can be seen cleaning a Furin jacket, pretty girl.” He scoffed, “Just give it back like that.” 
You gave him a pointed look as you pulled your sundress back up over your breasts, adjusting yourself so you were more presentable before Togame reached out to cup your jaw. Tilting your head slightly he noticed the graze against your cheek from where you’d pressed it against the brick wall.
“Shit, baby— I hurt you?” It was more of a question than a statement, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss against your sore cheek.
“Nah, I liked it.” You smiled at him as you leaned into his touch, reaching out to hold onto the opening of his Shishitoren jacket, “We should do something like this again.”
“Maybe,” He hummed before stealing another kiss, “But first you’re takin’ that jacket off and I’m fucking you in mine.”
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zorosprincess · 23 days
Only Us
PAIRING - Togame Jou x Reader WC - 7.5K GENRE - smut CW - implied unprotected sex, implied creampie, super possessive, um im insane and this is indulgent SYNOPSIS - togame jou had no business being acquainted with you but it was just in good fun. a game he liked to play, prying for your attention. your connection to one of bofurin's members, your best fiend, made it that much more thrilling for him.
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You weren’t supposed to be here.
You were much too close to the edge of Bofurin’s territory, skirting along the line between it and another, a place your best friend had forbidden you from going. You really sucked at listening to directions. You tugged at the collar of your borrowed jacket, trying to get it to cover you more when a sudden cold wind blew through the tunnel as you arrived at it.
It’s dim in the tunnel, the underpass beneath the railroad tracks is decorated in shadows and graffiti. It’s much different than the walls just beyond it, in Bofurin territory. Emerald eyes lurk from those shadows, a dead-eyed gaze that’s shadowed further by orange sunglasses, scanning the entrance as he leans against the wall. Looking for you.
Togame Jou had no business being acquainted with you but it was just in good fun. A game he liked to play, prying for your attention. Your connection to one of Bofurin’s members, your best friend, made it that much more thrilling and dangerous for him. It was intoxicating.
You catch sight of him only a second after he does you, the orange Shishitoren jacket hanging over his broad shoulders giving him away. He’s already pushing off the wall, sauntering forward and towards you, steps that echo against the concrete breaking the otherwise silent area.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Little Miss Bofurin,” he drawls in a deep voice and it seems to rumble in your ears. There’s amusement in his tone at his own nickname for you, his eyes lingering on the green that curls around your shoulders. “You miss me?”
You scoff lightly at him but take a step into the tunnel anyways, officially out of Bofurin territory. “Now why would I ever miss the likes of you, Togame?” You try to match his amusement with your own indifference, but your voice seems to uptick slightly on the form of your final pronoun, your wandering eyes giving away your nervousness. You shouldn’t be out of Bofurin territory, and yet you’re still walking further into Shishitoren territory. Into Jou’s territory.
Jou ignores your blatant show of nerves, his eyes instead twinkling with mischief at how you try to play his game. “Because my charm and good looks are so hard for you to resist, of course,” his smirk widens as you are finally enveloped in the shadows with him. It’s a lazy sort of grace that he exhibits as he moves closer, aiming to narrow the gap between you. You don’t assist him anymore.
“I can see right through your little act, y’know,” he drawled slowly, the low rumble sending shivers down your spine as if his fingers brushed there.
“There’s no act.”
Jou only ignores you. “You’re trying to pretend you don’t care, you almost do a good job.” He chuckles and it’s a low thing that should set off your instincts to run, but it only roots you in your place. “I can see the way you look at me.”
“I don’t look at you at all, actually.” You’re lying through your teeth and you both know it. If you truly didn’t look at him then you wouldn’t be here now. You wouldn’t be watching him walk too slowly towards you right then.
“Oh?” Jou’s smirk only seems to widen more. “Is that so?” He knew it was a lie just as much as you did, but he wanted to play along. He wanted to see how far he could push those boundaries you’d put up before you chose to tear them down for him.
His eyes trail at a tantalizing pace over the curve of your body, finding a new place to focus on with every step he takes closer to you. “You are a terrible liar, y’know.” His amusement drips from his tongue as his eyes land back on your face, where you’re already burning from being under his gaze. “I can see it in those eyes,” you blink a few times as if that will rid you of the desire in them, “the way your body tunes into my voice,” as if on cue, another wave of goosebumps raise along your legs. “You can’t hide it from me.”
“I could if I wanted to.” You counter, trying to sound confident as your body basks in the heat of his gaze.
Jou is only one step away now, his proximity sending a rush of adrenaline through both of your bodies. “Is it a challenge?” His deep voice dips down to a whisper, shared only in the space between you and him. “I like my women with a little fire.” He teases as he closes the remaining distance, stopping a mere inches away and forcing you to tip your head back to see him.
His height makes him feel like he’s towering over you, broad body radiating control and intoxicating confidence. From this distance, you can see his eyes behind his sunglasses, peering over your body, inspecting you. “Should we test how well you can hide your desires?”
You hold yourself steady against his amusement. “A test?” You tease back at him. “If I wanted to be in school then I’d be there, Togame, not here.”
Jou chuckled at that, a low and rumbling sound just for you that sent a delicious feeling down your spine. “Feisty as always.” His hand reached out, slow enough that you could have swatted it away, if you wanted to. Instead, you let his calloused fingers slide beneath your chin, lifting it to fully parallel your faces. “Well you are here. So tell me,” his whisper has his warm breath mingling with your own, fanning over both your faces, “what is it you’re truly craving right now?”
You hum to give him the impression that you’re thinking of an answer. You’re trying to not smile but he can see the form of it playing on the corners of your lips in how they twitch. You’re intent on testing his boundaries for the day, to see how far he’ll let you take the teasing. “Food?”
Jou can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of him. He lifts his glasses to the top of his head, exposing to you the amusement in his green eyes as he raises an eyebrow at you. “Food?” He repeats your answer and you nod, telling him you were serious. He knows you’re not. “Interesting,” his lips quirk back into a smirk, “I was thinking of something…” you catch his eyes on your lips before they start to lazily drag back up, “a little bit sweeter.”
It’s your eyes that stray now, flicking down to his lips as his tongue wets his bottom lip. His movements are effortless as his lips move to hover right over yours. “Care to change your answer?” The warmth of his breath is intoxicating against your lips and you can’t seem to drag your eyes away from how his lips form the words.
You try not to let him see the blush in your cheeks as you answer him. “What were you thinking of?” Your breath is breathier than you intended it to be and you can feel your air bounce of his lips and back onto yours as you speak.
Jou leans in more, just slightly, so that if he were to purse his lips they would touch yours. He doesn’t but you swear that you can feel them as they move. “You,” the new distance forces you to look back up at his eyes, unable to watch his lips anymore, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” His voice is soft, husky as it fills the space around you both.
His hand left your chin and moved to the small of your back, nestling between your shirt and your jacket to pull your body closer until it fully pressed against his. His warmth engulfed your body and it was like all the tension between you intensified.
“Admit it,” he pried, “you feel what I feel, don’t you?”
Your breath hitched at the feeling of his body flush against yours. Electricity flooded your senses as you stared up at him. “He’d kill me if I ever admitted that.” You didn’t have to clarify who ‘he’ was. Jou knew which Bofurin boy your best friend was. “Would kill you too, for that matter.”
Your information only seems to make Jou’s eyes gleam more, his smirk widening. “It’s a good thing he’s not here then,” his fingers toy with your jacket, “huh?” His hand on your back drifted lower, tracing a slow path down to your backside. “We’ll just have to keep this our little secret.” There’s a danger lurking in his words, one that you know you’ve already stepped into once you stepped into the shadows of Shishitoren territory. “Unless you’d like to risk letting him know how… captivated you are.”
“I’m not that captivated.” You try to stand your ground against him, yet even as you say it, your eyes won’t leave how his lips form his taunts, you can’t look away from him.
“Care to prove it?” It was his turn to challenge you, a seductive smirk drawing you in more. “I dare you,” he coaxes, hand sliding to graze over the curve of your ass, “to prove it.”
“I can prove it,” you don’t think before the whisper leaves you, “that I’m not affected by you.” But your eyes are half-closed, and your words don’t have the conviction you wish that they did. “Name the game and I’ll play it.”
Jou’s smirk widened into a full grin at your response. “Simple,” his voice is a soft, breathless thing as he burns with desire, “we’ll see who kisses who first. Whoever initiates, loses. You in?”
You smiled then, letting your own competitiveness take over. You pulled back just enough to watch your hands place themselves on his chest, fingers brushing along the lines of the fabric there. You drew your eyes back up to his, making sure to bat your eyelashes with a sly smile. “Only if you’re ready to lose.”
The way your fingers caressed his chest only fueled Jou’s need for you. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Lose?” He chuckled softly, leaning into your touch. “It’s on.” He reclosed the distance that you’d made so you could breathe each other’s air again. Air thick with tension.
“So, what’s your first move?” You can’t take the heavy silence of just staring into his eyes, but when you mumble the words, you can barely keep your lips from brushing. You tilted your head, eyes trying to flick between his eyes and lips. “Since you’ll be the first one to make it, that is.”
His smirk only widens at your challenge, as he watches your eyes flicker. His movements are slow, deliberate as he leans just ever-so closer. His nose touches yours as he speaks. “You always talk such a big game sweetheart, but can you handle the heat?”
Your hands move over his chest, sliding up and over his shoulders, connecting together behind his neck. He nearly growls as he feels your fingers twitch there, moving to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m handling the heat just fine,” you breathe back, brushing your nose against his. “I haven’t broken and kissed you quite yet have I?” You let out an amused huff of air, and his lips part ever so slightly to let it in. “Can you handle the heat? Jou?”
He lets out a shaky breath as you form his given name. “I can handle the heat.” His voice is quiet, breathy and rough in your ears as he says it. You’re not sure whether to believe him or not. You can feel him smirking and you nearly roll your eyes, but you can’t tear them away from his long enough.
And then his voice drops lower, you didn’t think it was possible, but it vibrates the air and your body as it does. “Break and kiss me, I dare you to.”
Your heart starts in your chest and your legs clench at the sound, your ears focusing in on the near growl of his voice, but you stand your ground. “I’m not falling for a dare like that. I won’t surrender that easily.”
Jou’s gaze seems to turn predatory at the sound of the word. He moves quickly, nose brushing yours and you’re sure he’s going to kiss you, but he moves further, head turning to his lips graze your ear. “Don’t think of it as surrender,” he whispers it and your spine straightens out from the electricity that shoots down it, “it’s more like submission.”
His movements then are sudden, much different to the slowness he had been moving with as he changes your positions. You’re a few feet away from where you just were, his strong hand placed on the wall just next to your face, the wall where he has now pinned you firmly. Your back is all too aware of the cold, hard surface behind you, curving over your heads as Jou looms over you, emerald eyes almost glowing in the dark as he takes you in.
Your head is forcibly tilted up to him from the position, your fingers still tangled in his hair. You felt like you were shrinking under him there. “Jou…” you breathed his name, trailing off as your wide eyes looked up at him.
His breath hitches at the sound of his name so breathless on your lips. His hand, previously on your back, drifts up to find your face. Calloused fingers graze your cheekbone and a possessive growl slips from his throat as your face subconsciously presses into his touch, seeking his warmth.
“What are you going to do now? Hm?” His question registers somewhere in your mind, but you’re dizzy. Your lips sigh, your chest heaving a bit in anticipation. Your fingers tighten lightly in his hair and he responds with an involuntary moan.
His hand on your face leaves, falling to the wall on the other side of your face, effectively caging you in. A swirl of passion and danger swims behind the green of his eyes as he leans in slowly, voice low and intoxicating. “I should warn you,” he murmurs, bringing his lips close to yours again, “I’m not a patient man.”
You chuckle softly in response, your lips brushing his as they part to do so, “Aren’t you all about taking things slowly, Jo? You’re nothing but patience.” Your tongue pokes out to wet your lips as you hold his eye contact, touching his lips subtly as you do so.
Jou’s breath hitches again as he feels your tongue brush against his lips. His fingers flex against the wall, restraint slipping. “You think I have an endless supply of patience?” His breath is warm on your skin and you swear you can see his eyes darkening in the shadows, pupils widening as he stares at you. “I’m not immune to temptation.” The cadence of his voice sets heat to your core as he burns into you. “You test my limits.”
“Isn’t that the point of this game?” You tease him. “To test limits. Make it impossible for the other to resist anymore?” Your nails scratch lightly at the base of his neck, trying to break him before he breaks you.
The sensation of your nails sends shivers down Jou’s spine, his resolve crumbling. He tries to maintain his composure, hands tightening against the wall. “You will be the death of me.” His breathing is ragged as he confesses it. “But damn, if that isn’t the sweetest way to die.”
He steals your breath as he finally closes the remaining distance between you, capturing your lips with his own. You pull back with a gasp, enough to mumble a taunt against his lips.
“I believe this is a loss for you, Jou.”
Jou’s laugh is husky and deep, his voice matches as he brushes his lips to yours again. “This is no loss for me sweetheart.” A small growl escapes him again as his fingers tangle in the hair at the back of your head, pulling you back in for a deeper kiss. He was showing you that he was still in control of your game. That regardless of the rules previously set, it was still going on.
You whimpered at his grip on you as his tongue brushed your lips. You grant him the access he wants without hesitation, welcoming the intensity as his tongue eagerly explores your mouth. The taste of him is intoxicating, dangerously sweet and it makes heat pool up in your abdomen.
Your hands left his hair, clutching at his shoulders, fingers pressing into the muscles there as you tried to keep yourself steady between him and the wall, your knees feeling weak. You didn’t expect him to be as all-consuming as he was, so utterly addicting. You could feel more of your control slipping the more he kissed you.
You wanted more. More of his kisses. More of his hands in your hair. More of how his tongue brushed against yours. More of him.
“Jou.” You whimpered his name into his mouth, the form of it slurred from refusing to keep your lips from his anymore.
The sound of it, breathy and pleading, seemed to only fuel Jou’s desire. He pressed his body closer to you, erasing any space between you. His tongue danced with yours, fingers tugging on your hair harder, body pinning you against the wall. Everything done with the heat of a possessive claim.
He broke the kiss, but only for a moment so his lips could find somewhere else to touch you. His lips now traced a heated path down your neck, claiming you there too. “Take this off.” The green fabric belonging to your best friend fluttered to the floor before you registered that his hands had even pulled the jacket off of you. His tongue against your neck distracted you from any protests you might have had. “Mine,” he growled possessively against your skin.
The word sets something off inside of you. Your eyes close in serenity, in surrender, focusing only on how his lips feel against your skin. “Say it again, please.”
His voice rumbles in your ear as his lips leave trails of electrifying heat. He answers your plea. “Mine.” The possessive word surrounds you. “You’re mine. To consume. To claim.” Each word is paired with his teeth grazing your skin. Exhilarating and overwhelming as he stakes his claim. “Now say it back,” he demands quietly, breathing ragged, “tell me.”
You’re panting, your heart rate irregular as he claims you with his mouth, his hands, his words. “I’m yours, Jou.” Every touch was setting your nerves alight. “You can claim me. I’m yours.”
Jou pulls back to take in the look on your face, your flushed cheeks and heaving chest. His feral grin widens at the sight and he curses softly. “Good girl,” he praises you, approval coating his lips as they find yours again, hungry for you. His hands are on your hips now, tugging them closer, claiming you with explosive heat in the middle of the cold tunnel.
“Mine,” he mumbles it against your lips and you seem to feel it more there, the air thick with his possessiveness over you. “Say it again.” It was nearly a beg as he groaned around it.
“Yours.” You moaned the word into his mouth, letting his body press into yours against the wall, knowing you were still out of sight from any possible prying eyes. “I’m yours,” you gasped them this time as his grip tightened. The gasp turned into a small moan as your body reacted to him, lifting onto your toes to get closer.
He reacts to every one of your reactions. A growl escaping in response to your moans. Grip tightening in your hair and on your hip in response to you lifting up to him. He’d known he wanted you but he hadn’t expected his desire to feel so intense when he finally had you.
He had to break the kiss for a moment, if not to just breathe. His eyes locked with yours, filled with need. “You know what you’re doing to me right? I can’t resist you when you moan like that.”
You were trying to catch your breath too, your thoughts focusing on how his hand ran up and down over the curve of your hip. “I thought we stopped trying to resist each other.”
“You’re right.” His lips found yours again, stealing away the breath you’d just caught. “Resisting you is a lost cause and I don’t want to anymore.” His hand trailed from your hip, across your back, to your other hip so he could grab you and keep you pinned to him rather than just the wall. “I want you. All of you.”
You whined against his lips, pressing into the kiss more to try and muffle the sound. “You have me. All of me.” You repeated his words back to him, fingers again finding the hair at the base of his neck, letting your nails scrape against his scalp as you tugged on the strands. “All you have to do is take me.”
The combined feeling of your nails and your words sent a jolt of electric possessiveness coursing through Jou’s veins. He effortlessly lifted you up, pinning you to the wall again as your legs instinctively wrapped around him. His hands explored your curves with a new sense of urgency, as if wanting to claim every inch of you right here and now.
The feeling of your hips pressed so tightly down onto his had your breath shuddering. “Don’t hold back anymore, Jou,” you encouraged.
He was still holding on to that last sliver of self-control as his grip found your thighs and tightened. “You’re playing a dangerous game, now.” It was a warning, that he didn’t want to hold back anymore, that he was ready to take what he wanted if you gave your consent. “You know what happens if I stop holding back, right?”
Your teeth nipped at his lower lip and he growled in response. “Tell me then.” You knew you were playing with fire, you just didn’t mind getting burned if it came from him.
Something carnal flashed behind his eyes as his grip tightened even more, leaving a delicious stinging sensation in the soft flesh of your thighs. “I’ll devour you.” It sent shivers down your spin. What a way to go. “No holding back, no hesitation. Intense and insatiable. I won’t stop until I’ve had my fill of you.”
You moaned softly, pulling at his lower lip again. “Do you fantasize about me, Jou? About this?” You scrape your nails along the back of his neck, reveling in the shaky groan he gives you before you brush them back into his hair to tug softly. “Do you have images of this in your head when you try to sleep at night?”
His heart is racing, his voice escaping in a needy whisper, “yes.” His admittance is filled with desire as he drinks in your attention. “I fantasize about this. About you. The things we could do together. When I sleep, I see you in my dreams. I crave you, raw and unfiltered.”
You reclose the gap between your lips, groaning into his mouth as you tug on his hair again, craving another one of his reactions. “I want you to tell me every thought. Every raw and unfiltered way you need me. Intense and insatiable.” You repeat his phrases back to him and can see him let go of that last sliver. “I hope you never get your fill of me.”
Jou’s lips move to graze your ear as he delivers what you ask. “I want you in every way possible. To worship you with my hands and my mouth. To explore every inch of your body. I want to make you feel things no one else could even dream of making you feel. Want you to scream my name until it’s the only word you remember.” Possessiveness, desire, need. It all flowed out of his words and into your ear, filling you with the same heat he was feeling. “I’ll never get my fill of you, sweetheart.”
“Jou?” You kissed him again. “Make your name the only thing I remember.”
His resolve shattered like glass. The green jacket you’d worn into the tunnel lay abandoned on the ground - sure to cause problems later - as he dragged you from the shadows and deeper into Shishitoren territory. He paused every few blocks to press you into another wall and kiss you, hands scraping against your skin as he led you to the Ori.
You’re unfamiliar with the area he’s led you to, a small room hidden out of sight that he’s seemed to make into his private room. Only a bed and a dresser in the room, but private and off limits to anyone else.
“Let’s see if you can handle what I have in store for you.” He teases, hands brushing along your waist.
“I can handle anything that you give me,” you challenge. “Make me forget everything else.” You cling to him, keeping your body pressed completely to his. “Nothing matters but you.”
He kicks the door shut without looking, the lock clicking to seal you both into a world where only you and he existed. A sanctuary to forget and let go of everything else.
“Prove it.” He sets you down on the bed, breath ragged as he towers over you. He pushes his glasses off his head and the clatter to the floor somewhere.
“Touch me, Jou,” you command, pulling him closer with a grip on his jacket, “and don’t stop.”
His body ached at your demand, lest overtaking him as he captured your lips in a feral kiss that made your head spin. His hands roamed your body urgently as your hands stripped him of his jacket. He tossed the fabric aside, forgetting it instantly as he focused on you and you alone.
His kisses trailed down your neck, teeth nipping at your skin and marking it as his. He left trails of desire in his wake that seeped into your skin. His hands worshiped your curves, memorizing the shape of you beneath his fingers. Your breathing stuttering and hitching, whines leaving your lips and filling the air every time that he left another mark on the sensitive skin of your neck.
“I want all of you Jou, all of you.”
His breath was hot against your skin as he possessively traced the curve of your waist. “Are you sure? There will be no more going back.”
You grabbed his hand and guided his fingers lower, to the bare skin of your torso, just under the hem of your shirt. “I won’t ask to go back.”
Carnal need flashed in his eyes as he felt your bare skin, cold against the heat and desire of his fingertips. “You asked for it,” he breathed, a reminder. Deliberate slowness propelled his movements, beginning his exploration of you. His fingertips traced along your curves under your shirt this time, leaving trails of fire in their wake.
His kisses became more fervent, more passionate, his tongue darting out to taste and savor you. He was deliberate in how he stripped your clothes from your body, gaze never breaking away so he could drink in every new inch of your exposed form.
Your skin heated under his every touch and gaze, a flash flood of insecurity and embarrassment flooding your system as you laid bare in front of him. Your chest still heaved, panting as need for the man hovering above you coursed through your body.
It was like Jou could sense your underlying insecurity and hesitation, so he took a moment, to really study you. You waited anxiously but his gaze only filled with an adoration that chased away your shadows of doubt. “You are beautiful.” Genuine admiration coated his tongue as his hands brushed over the expanse of your torso. “Every inch of you is stunning.”
His touch was gentle but insistent as he brushed over every dip and curve, eyes looking at you like you were a feast laid out just for him. “Let me explore you, let me worship you with every fiber of my being.” His lips curve under your jaw to press a kiss, hearing you gasp as his fingers trail the curve of your breast.
“I’m always so conscious of every move I make around you.” Your confession comes as your eyes flutter shut, your body canting up and into every touch on your skin. “How I look, how I talk. If I breathe the wrong way.”
He listens dutifully to your confession, his lips trailing the side of your neck as he makes a path to your ear. “There is nothing wrong with you,” he mumbles the reassurance, “you’re beautiful inside and out. Your every move, every breath, every word. All of it is perfect.” His touches become more tender, hands trailing down your body with reverence. “Let me show you how I adore every part of you.”
Your breath hitches and your back arches off the bed, your bare chest pressing to his as you wind your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him as his compliments ring in your ears. “Show me, please.”
Jou’s own breath staggers at the way your body arches into his and your breath turns ragged. Desire and possessiveness for you intensifies and he wastes no time in fulfilling your request. His touches become ravenous, lips trailing your neck with a growl as his hands grip at your curves you with a newfound urgency, pulling your body impossibly closer, eager to worship and consume each part of you.
“You have no idea,” he growled against your skin between kisses, raw desire slipping through the cracks in his voice, “the things I want to do to you.”
“Do them,” you encourage him, “leave marks down my neck, down my body, so they all know I’m yours.” You tug on his hair again, redirecting his mouth to yours so you can kiss him deeply, moaning your final request into his mouth. “I’m yours, show me how you make me yours.”
His eyes flashed with desire, hands roaming lower. An animalistic groan rumbled out of him as his kisses grew rougher, teeth nipping at your skin again. He left possessive marks in his wake as his hands teased and caressed, tracing intricate patterns along your sensitive skin. “As you wish, I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
His lips trailed over your cheeks, your jaw, your neck and your collarbone. Light kisses and rough bites, sloppily sucking skin between his lips. The mix of feelings sent shivers down your spine. Every mark left a whispered word of desire and devotion to fill your ears, “Mine,” he murmured, “all mine.”
All you could do was parrot the words back each time he made the claim, “all yours, Jou.” Whines and pleas mixed into your panting breaths as he moved across your body, lips attaching to your chest now. Every moan from you set Jou’s control further away.
“You’re mine,” he said again, “every inch of you belongs to me.”
“Every single inch,” you confirmed. “Jou,” you breathed his name, your own needs surfacing, “tell me you’re mine too. Please.”
He pauses for a moment, head lifting so his eyes can lock onto yours. “I’m yours.” It’s said with a sincerity that leaves no doubt behind it. “Every part of me belongs to you.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer keeping your body flush with his. “You own me, heart and soul,” his lips brush against your ear as he whispers it, pairing the confession with a soft scrape of his teeth against the lobe of your ear, “and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” Tenderness and adoration, a shared ownership of each other.
You squirmed at the intensity of his words, whining when his clothes rubbed roughly against your bare skin. “Every part of you.” It was your turn to let your lips wander. Kissing along his jaw, you suckled a bit of skin just under it to leave a small mark of your own on his skin. “Heart, body, and soul.”
A low, primal sound echoed out of Jou’s throat at the feel of your mark on his skin. One hand quickly gripped your chin as he brought your lips back to yours. He possessively claimed another kiss from you as his hands fumbled to remove the rest of his clothing, wanting nothing more than to be even closer to you. To feel you, skin on skin.
“I’m yours,” he whispered, voice heavy with desire as he pressed you back into the mattress, “all of me.” His desire to proclaim himself as yours was nearly as great as his desire to claim you as his.
Your lips left his to attach to another section of his neck, marking there too as your nails raked down his neck, past his shoulders and to his biceps where they found home in his flesh. “I’m yours, Jou. Have me.”
His body responded to your touch readily, leaning into the marks you left, a low groan escaping at the feel of your nails digging into his arms. “I will,” the sound sounding like both a promise and a plea.
He made true to his word, hands worshiping your body, pinching and groping in all the right places as they travel to where you need him the most. His chest swells with pride and possessiveness as he feels how wet you are for him, your gasps only fueling him more.
“You’re mine,” he growls again, thoughts gone from his clouded mind as all he can focus on is you, you, you. His need only escalated as he reached for himself, guiding himself into you in a single, swift, fluid motion.
The roughness of his thrust and sudden stretch had your brain going fuzzy. All that surrounded you was the possessive growl of “mine” filling your ears once more.
You could feel the press of his lips onto yours again, feral and ravenous as he devoured the gasps and moans you released into his mouth. Pure ecstasy flowed between you as he pulled back only to cant his hips forward again.
Devotion poured from him into you. “Mine always.” He murmured, barely keeping his voice intelligible.
“Yours,” you promised back when you found your voice again through your pants and whines, “always yours, Jou.”
His thrusts picked up in response, rougher and more passionate. A growl came from his chest as his grip on your hips tightened, bringing you up to meet his thrusts. He caught your eye contact and locked onto it. “Mine, I’ll never let anyone else have you.” His pace quickened, breath coming in ragged gasps as he moved inside you. "I will never let you go."
“Promise it to me,” you begged, gasping for air as one of your hands traveled lower down his arm, towards his hand, needing it in your own, “promise you won’t let me go.” 
His grip on you tightened immediately, his thrusts pausing so his hand could find yours, the one you needed to hold. He intertwined your fingers tightly, devotion leaving his lips as he pressed them to the tips of your fingers. “No one, nothing,” he kissed gently, eyes staying on yours, “will come between us, I promise you.” You melted under his touch and his gaze. “You’re mine and I’m yours.” He resumed his previous pace and intensity, showing just how deeply he meant it.
Your eyes fluttered shut, hand gripping onto his tightly to ground yourself. Your leg wrapped around his waist, hips lifting to give him more access. Your free hand found his cheek, guiding his lips back to yours, intent on swallowing every sound he made and having him swallow yours.
Jo groaned into the kiss, his movements leaving you breathless. His own grip on your hand tightened as his need grew more intense. Shared sounds of your pleasure and need filled the air of the small room. “I’ve wanted you so badly.”
“You have me.”You couldn’t tell whose breaths were whose now, each of you breathing in the air of the other. You were dizzy and enveloped by only him. The soft sheets of his bed beneath you. The hard press of his body above you. His hand in yours. His body merging with his. “You have me, Jou.”
His breath hitched, hearing the words leave your lips. His movements grew more eager, fingers finding your hair, curling into it as he pressed his forehead to yours, no longer able to keep up with the kissing. You both panted into each other’s mouths as his eyes coaxed yours to make contact again.
You whined when his hand tugged on your hair again, your lips whispering prayers of his name as you looked into his eyes. You wanted to look away, the intensity too much for you, but you couldn’t. You wanted to bathe in his attention.
Jou revels in the reaction his gaze has on you, taking advantage of how your head tilts, exposing your neck to him again. He breaks your gaze to kiss at your neck, hot breath against your skin, sloppily trailing kisses and love bites down the scorching line of your throat. He relished in the sound of your whimpers and prayers, lips falling to your chest, marking every inch of skin he could reach.
Every brush of his lips held another affirmation of his love, “you’re so beautiful.” He groaned praises in between kisses, moans of your name accompanying it. You panted and gasped in response, his own name continuing to fall from your lips in desperation, breathy sighs and ecstasy that only spurred him on.
He touched you with adoration, every new noise he drew from you creating an addictive symphony that sent electricity down his body. His body picked up pace, moving against yours in a deadly rhythm that matched the wild pounding of your heartbeats. Both of your breathing was ragged, needy as you teetered on the edge of ecstasy.
His urgency only grew, intoxicating as his fingers delved back into your hair, tilting your head further, opening your neck to him more. His grip tightened slightly, the right amount of pressure as he pressed your body close to his, lips exploring more of the skin on your neck.
Every thrust was a new claim on you. He owned every part of you already in this moment, and you were helpless to do anything but surrender to him. Every utterance of adoration making you fall deeper into him. He captured your lips again, possessive and ardent. “So beautiful,” he murmured against your lips, breath hot in your mouth, “so perfect.” His kisses peppered against your jaw. “And all mine.”
His whispered words of love and devotion were filled with desire and admiration. Passion and worship. Every shared breath and touch set your soul on fire. His name on your lips only fueled him more, answering your please with fervent movements.
Jou’s hand tightened in your hair again, reconnecting your lips and sucking in your gasps. “I love you,” he whispered into your mouth, “I love you, I’ll never let you go.”
Your body seized, his praise and confession making you dizzy, gasping for breath you couldn’t find. You were truly drowning in him. “My beautiful girl.” You felt yourself clench around him at the sound and he smirked into your mouth. “You like being praised, don’t you?”
You shuddered but nodded and his movements became more deliberate, leaving you feeling boneless as he thrust repeatedly into the same delicious spot. “You like it when I tell you how perfect you are?” His teeth rolled over your bottom lips. “How beautiful you are?” He soaked in every gasp and moan that escaped your lips. “And how you’re all mine?” You whined and squeezed his hand, nails digging in unintentionally. “I could praise you forever to get these reactions from you.” His teeth found your neck again, nipping roughly at a spot before using his tongue to soothe it.
Your body couldn’t help but arch up into his at the prospect of forever. “I love when you talk like this.” Your hand left his bicep, finding his neck again, scraping along the nape of it as you pressed your hips into his.
Jou groaned as your nails scraping over his skin. His breathing grew ragged, softly growling at your words, his grip falling to your hips, almost bruising as his movements became more possessive, frantic. He pressed his body closer lost in the pleasure and intimacy, craving more of you.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered, voice hoarse from his own broken moans, “the way you react to my words, to my touches,” he grazed up your side to emphasize and you gasped, “those tiny noises you make…” he groaned as you squeaked from the way he thrust into you harder, rougher. “It drives me insane.”
“I adore you.” His tone changed just as fast, his kisses getting sloppy as his hips stuttered. “I could spend forever worshiping you.”
“Then keep me forever,” you whisper back, moaning as your body begged for more and more of him.
“Forever,” he repeated, a growl against your lips, “I’ll keep you forever.” His pace was ferocious, the bed shaking from it as he claimed you. “I’ll never let you go,” he promised, mouth covering yours in another searing kiss. “You’re all mine now and no one else will ever have you.” His voice sounds thick, heavy with desire and a feral possessiveness.
“You’re mine forever, to worship, to adore, to claim for eternity.” Every phrase is punctuated with another thrust, another kiss. “My beautiful, perfect girl. This isn’t just some mindless fling. I’m going to keep you, make you mine in every way.”
“In every way.” You repeated back, frantically nodding your consent for him to do so, to do whatever he pleased with you. “However you want, whatever you want, Jou.”
Your words seemed to ignite something under his skin, Jou’s body shuddering above you as he took in your words and the desire behind them. He growled against your skin at your eager consent, body responding to your words and his mind reeling from your submission. His grip on your hip moved to your thigh, fingers digging into the flesh there. He left another mark on your collarbone as he whispered another promise into your skin.
“You’re so willing to give yourself over to me. It’s intoxicating.” He said it as if in awe, marveling over how you so willingly put yourself at his mercy. “I intend to take advantage of that,” he warned, his eyes staring at you with raw desire and adoration. “I’m going to make you mine, claim you so thoroughly that you’ll forget anyone else ever existed before me.”
“No-” you shook your head, “no one existed before you.” You moaned loudly in his ear as your nails found his shoulders again. “No one but you Jou.” Your insides twisted up. “No one else when there’s you.”
Jou reacted viscerally to your words, deep guttural groans escaping his lips as he buried his face in your neck, panting. His pace bordered on frenzied and you felt yourself crumbling. “Damn right,” he growled, “no one else for you. Only me. You’re mine, and I’m never letting you go.”
His groan into your neck morphed into broken moans from his pace. The idea of nothing but the two of you mattering had ecstasy shattering over both of you. Your lips formed broken moans of ‘only you’ as your body fell into release.
As you both shattered together, Jo’s body tensed and then trembled above you, his own climax hitting him hard and leaving him breathless. You could feel his ragged pants against the clammy skin of your neck, his body shuddering as he struggled to catch his breath, to come down.
His grip on your hip and your hand loosened, fingers tracing gentle, soothing circles on your skin in a sharp contrast to the wildness of his previous touches. He barely kept himself held above you as you both were consumed in your own world. His voice was still rough but soft with affection for you as he whispered again.
“Only me, only you,” he kissed you deeply, “only us.”
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a/n "only us" and the shishitoren boys who are about to show up at the ori and not let you be able to sneak out unseen... and your best friend who may just find his abandoned jacket in that tunnel and fear the worst...
@qichun @starlitsawamura @oooohno @albakugo @yisxn @toria175 @tsukiran
266 notes · View notes
eevees-hobbies · 8 days
Look me in my face and tell me Togame isn’t so nonchalant that he won’t absolutely do things to you in public that will make more chalant people (Sakura AHAHAHA) blush. Talking bout feeling his tongue drag over the roof of your mouth in every kiss because he KNOWS it makes you shiver and weak in the knees. Lives for feeling you sway a lil before he tightens his grip on you. Such a show off in front of others :3
Nooooooooow, which one of you Togame enthusiasts is in my inbox, leaving thirsts like this?! Jk, I’m into it. Ok, anon, I’ll look you dead in your pixelated face and tell you that Togame gets off on not only kissing you in public but he likes an audience too.
So take a little thirst walk with me, ok? Be sure to hold my hand, too, because I’m into that.
Content Warning: Making out, making out in front of others who may or may not enjoy that kind of thing (perverts), saliva swapping, pinching, brief mention of groping. Minors Do Not Interact.
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Jo Togame has no shame–-I mean, he does usually, but when it comes to you, all bets are off. You began to notice his appreciation for making you blush in public when he would pull you in for a kiss and his tongue would slide into your mouth in full view of anyone that was around. Choji often gets a front-row seat to your make-out sessions, his eyes as wide as saucers as he goads his friend to keep going. 
Sakura tries his best to look away but can’t help taking a peak at the sight of Togame’s tongue infiltrating your open mouth. 
Even poor Sako commented under his breath that you two kiss like pornstars.
And trust me, Sako is not wrong. The kisses are feverish. They are lasting. They are messy.
Yes, Togame will drag his tongue along the ridges and creases along the roof of your mouth, and he’s well aware of the fact that it will always make you gasp, moan, and shiver against him, but that’s part of the fun. 
And Togame knows his girl, so of course, he’ll wrap his arms around you to keep your legs from giving out. Side note: Togame has learned that it’s best to pin you against the nearest wall, his elbows resting on either side of your head, his body pushed against yours to keep you in place.
And he’ll absolutely tease you for it. “Whats gotten into ya? It’s only a kiss, silly girl.”
But it’s not just his tongue that he so kindly shares with you. Togame doesn’t consider it a real kiss unless you have exchanged so much saliva that it collects at the corners of your mouth and leaves wet streaks against yours and his chin. As you finally come up for air, strings of saliva still connected between your lips until they break from tension, cheeks burning and chest heaving, he’ll lick his lips, savoring the taste of you.
And, god, the sounds? The louder the kiss, the better. Whether it’s the squelches your tongues make as they rub against one another or the squeak you emit when he grabs your chin with one hand and pinches your ass with the other—he’s full-on throbbing against you because fuck, why are you so damn cute? 
Just overload Togame’s senses with you, please, because that’s how he loves it.
And that’s only how it started. Now, it’s not just kissing; it’s the groping in front of Shishitoren members that really has you writhing against him because surely you’re not into that, right? Surely, you don’t want them to watch as Togame-
Sorry, that’s not what you asked, anon. You asked about kissing <3
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euphietea · 1 month
a few Wind Breaker hcs.
umemiya. would really love and adore having a family of his own. signs up for every parenting class available and has a notebook of every piece of advice from each person in town. surprisingly doesn't freak out about the things that can go wrong and instead talks about the future.
suo. is a romantic at heart. not that he swoons at romance, but he is naturally very confident in his approach to it, but not obviously so. it's a subtle type of romance. he isn't shy to give compliments, gifts, signs of affection. if anyone says something about the person he enjoys, he'd be sure to repay the favor.
jou. into adulthood, he would have a completed horimono. they tell a story and were done by a friend of a friend of an elderly man he jokes with at the bath house. it would most likely be in the munewari style. while getting it done, he is relatively quiet and uses the time to reflect.
kaji. very gentle with his partner in most realms. doesn't have a lot of romantic history and so any affection is treated like a precious stone. he cherishes that stone, but holding it in his hands terrifies him. the thought of breaking it is too much for him handle, so he would rather look at it from afar.
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vinomino · 3 days
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cont, part 1 → here
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Featuring: Hiragi Toma, Umemiya Hajime x f!reader, Togame Jou mentioned
Warnings: mdni 18+, dubcon, stepcest, threesome, oralm!receiving, creampies, squirting, noncon photo taking
WC: 1.3k
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You’re definitely going to stomp on Togame when you see him, if you ever do that is. However, a little dirty part of you wants to thank him for this. Maybe this is what you aimed for when you sought out the vice leader of Shishitoren and got stuffed full of enemy cum.
Well, it’s not like you can even form a thought right now with your big brother— Umemiya is eye level with your weepy cunt. Flinching when the tip of his finger nudges your clit, you try to close your legs but Hiragi who is behind you holds them apart, allowing his leader to see everything.
“Don’t worry, your big brothers will clean you out.” Umemiya chuckles, an unsettling look on his face. You wonder if Hiragi was also sporting the same look behind you. “W-Wait! Ume! I—“ trying to slip your wrists out of the belt that binds them, “Hmm? Don’t worry, I know my sweet sister was exploited by those bastards.” The white haired man hunches over.
Hiragi is silent as he tightens his grip on your thighs, making divots in the flesh. “S-Stop ah—“ You twist your hands against the hard leather when Umemiya shoves two fingers into you. The blunt of his fingernails scraping against your walls, pushing all of Togame’s cum out. “Who was it…?” Hiragi finally speaks up, his lips against your ear, sending tingles down your spine.
You whimper as Umemiya is still focused on getting Togame out of you. “Answer him.” You feel tears well up in your eyes when your big brother speaks so coldly to you. “Hnngh— T-Togame Jou—“ You wail when Umemiya slaps your pussy. That answer definitely pissed off the two men.
You wonder if they would’ve been less upset if you fucked some random in Shishitoren. Your big brother sighs out, “Togame huh? So, this was his handiwork. We’ll talk more about this after your punishment.”
“P-Punish…ment…?” You squeak out. The warm smile Umemiya would give you now looks chilling. You almost forgot about Hiragi, but he pulls your thighs further back.
Your cheeks heat up from being on display like this. The embarrassment didn’t taste long when Umemiya shoves his tongue into your pre-stretched out cunt.
Twitching against Hiragi’s sturdy chest whenever Umemiya sucks on your throbbing clit. The leather belt now irritating the skin on your wrists. “U-Ume!” You mewl and throw your head back.
Finally, you are able to slip your hands free, too consumed by pleasure, you trail your hand up to Hiragi’s nape. The blonde male twisting his neck to look at you, finally allowing you to see his face, he looked irked. Tugging on his hair to push him towards your face, he lets go of one of your thighs to push against your chin.
Umemiya groans against your cunt at the sight of you sloppily making out with his friend. Your tongues tangling with one another, a mixture of saliva dripping out the corner of your mouth. He sits up, chin glistening with your slick as he pulls you towards him. You yelp being pulled down, back hitting the bed, and your head being propped up directly on Hiragi’s crotch.
“U-Ume…!” You gasp when he shoves his cock into you. The stretch felt delightful. He moved with determination on reshaping your cunt, to remove all traces of Togame. “Shit— fuck. How’re you still this tight—“ He clenches his jaw trying not to bust. You dig your nails into Hiragi’s leather pants. “She really still tight?” The man above your head chuckles looking down at you. “What a lewd face…” He caresses your cheek.
Umemiya used your legs as leverage to pull you towards him, your hips meeting his for every thrust. “Ume! Can’t! N-No more!” You sob to deaf ears. “You brought this on yourself.”
Hiragi intertwines your hand with his, the other twisting at one of your pert nipples. You can feel his dick twitching beneath the leather. “Hi-Hiragi—“ You wanted to make him feel good too. The sharp toothed man groans, “Umemiya, can I?” He seeks permission from his leader and not you. “Sure, go ahead.”
The red tip of Hiragi’s cock prods your lips apart, you obliged, opening your mouth to allow him to slide in. His balls against your eyelids. Tears roll down your face as you try to breathe through your nose. Everything felt so good, your big brother balls deep in your pussy and Hiragi’s cock down your throat. Fuck, you could die happy.
“Smile for the picture! Oh right you can’t...” You can faintly make out Umemiya's voice. It doesn’t matter though, not when you feel such bliss. You gag around Hiragi as Umemiya changes the pace of his hips, a pace that has your breasts bouncing. A guttural groan comes out of Hiragi’s throat when he feels your throat squeeze him, “Fuck…she’s perfect…”
“She is…right? My little sister.” Umemiya looks down at you, eyes darkening when he sees the bulge at your throat. Your moans are cut off by Hiragi, arch backing when he pinches your nipples, running his warm hands over your ribs.
The grip Umemiya had on your hips was definitely going to leave bruises. His white hair slipping down as he continues to slam into you, your greedy cunt sucking him in, not yet satisfied by Togame’s. The thought of Togame being able to get a taste of you had a blood vessel popping on his forehead. He needed you to come undone on his cock. Deft fingers pulling back the hood of your clit, exposing the nerve.
You kick your legs and gag around Hiragi when Umemiya does. Your body was shaking and trembling, you wanted to warn them about what was going to happen, but you couldn’t, not with Hiragi’s dick down your air pipe. Umemiya chuckles when you spray all over his thighs, making a mess on your bed. It spurs him on even more, his pace not faltering, but gets even deeper.
You're a twitching mess at this point, as you choke. Hiragi’s cock is throbbing now. Clawing at his leather pants, the blonde senses you want to say something. He lets out a drawn out growl, pulling out of your throat. “Wan it inside—“ You babble. He raises an eyebrow, “I will” he taps your throat, “Here.”
You shake your head, “N-Not there…” you hiccup. “You’re thinking of getting creampied by another man when I’m inside you right now?” Umemiya lets out a hearty laugh. With a wave of his hand, “All right, we have to fill you up with Furin cum anyways…”
Hiragi wipes your tears with his thumb, his saliva coated dick resting against your cheek. You mewl and moan when Umemiya finds your sweet spot, changing his angle to abuse it. The tip of his fat cock hitting it with every thrust. “F-Fuck—! Take it, take all of it…” He groans as he spills himself in you. You gasp when he pulls out, the tip catching on your hole before popping out. “Hiragi, it’s your turn now.” Umemiya grins at him.
You don’t know where Umemiya has gone, but he left you and Hiragi alone. You cry into the mattress, clawing at the sheets for dear life as Hiragi pounds into you. His big balls are slapping against your clit. “H-Hir—-agi!” You cry to crawl away, but he pins you down by your hips. It was too much, Umemiya’s spunk was dripping out of you, joining Togame’s on the bed. “Don’t run—“ He bends over to growl into your ear. You let out a sob that’s muffled by the bed.
You're a wreck, physically and mentally. Umemiya was girthier than Hiragi, but Hiragi’s was curved so he effortlessly hit your sweet spot. You’re drooling now, your nipples rubbing against the sheets added to the pleasure. “W-Wa—nnghh Wait!”
It was too late, as you squirted again. The warm liquid splattering on Hiragi’s abs and runs down your thighs. Black dots are blurring your vision from how hard you came. You don’t even hear the man behind you grunting and you don’t even feel him filling you up. “A-Ah fuck…”
“I made some tea— hmm? Did she pass out?” Umemiya walks into Hiragi stroking your head.
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sorry idk what I became
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dsas-stuff · 2 days
Ok what, currently in Wind breaker brainrot. Imagine Togame jou x choji's sister who's a nurse. Imagine one day, after a fight that Shishtoren had with one of the gang. Choji and the group comes knocking on reader's door asking if reader can patch them up and that's when Togame widens his eyes, because it's his first time meeting Choji's sister who's always busy with shifts at the hospital.
Imagine love at first sight. Or maybe even childhood friends to lover because it's been such a long time since Togame seen reader after reader moved out of town to continue studies and what not. Or maybe... Enemies to lover, because Togame despises reader at first because of her smart mouth, a snark contrast to his personality. Idk.
But imagine the "forbidden love"
Because it's Choji's sister, his best friend. He can't date his best friend's sister.
I need a fic on that. ASAP.
I need someone to write a fic based on that.
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kingkatsuki · 27 days
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— appreciative
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I just know quickies are IMPOSSIBLE with Togame, okay?
Pairing: Togame Jou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, dirty talk, assplay, spit, spanking, mirror sex, creampie, not proofread.
Word Count: 2.4k.
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“We don’t have time.” You mutter when you feel Togame’s arms circle around your waist inside your tiny bathroom, his lips quick to pepper kisses against the curve of your jaw as you try to shrug your shoulder and tilt your head to the side to avoid his assault, “You’re the one that planned this dinner.”
“What’s the rush, sweetheart?” Togame drawls, his fingers already finding their way beneath the hem of your skirt as you’re forced to decide on whether to block his hands from reaching their destination or his lips from ruining your freshly applied lipgloss, “We don’t have to be there for at least another thirty.”
“You and I both know you can not be quick.” You glare at him through the bathroom mirror as he hides his smirk against the column of your neck, teeth pinching the supple skin as you fight the urge to angle your head to give him more space.
“I thought you enjoyed how much time I put into pleasing you, sweetheart,” Togame murmured, taking the opportunity to delve beneath the short hem of your skirt.
“That’s why we need at least an hour.” You huff, placing your tube of lipgloss on the counter as you hold onto the surface in an attempt to push back and escape his clutches.
“You should be glad I’m not a two-pump chump,” He laughs at his joke, strong arms tightening around your frame as he pins you against the counter, “It seems like a waste if I don’t have time to appreciate you.”
“You can appreciate me when we get home later,” You scoff, trying to ignore the slender fingers that now trace against the delicate lace of your panties.
“That’s way too long when I need you right now.” Each word that leaves his lips is articulate and thoughtful. His lips smooth over every syllable as he speaks them slowly and with purpose.
Togame catches you by surprise as he cups your sex, feeling the heat radiate through the flimsy fabric of your panties as you find yourself grinding against him. The curve of your ass presses against his crotch as you feel his want and desire for you. The rough press of his bulge is firm and constant as your body betrays you, chipping away at your restraint as you find yourself grinding back against him. The friction pulls a deep, raspy groan from the back of his throat as he reaches up to palm one of your clothed breasts.
“Fuck,” He hums, already feeling your resolve dissolve into nothing as he lets his fingers slip beneath the damp fabric, parting your folds as he drags thick digits through your messy slick.
“Jou,” You try again, but it’s futile. The sound leaves your lips in more of a moan than a command, the final nail in your coffin as he finds your puffy clit.
“There you go,” He hums, circling it with purpose as you continue to rock your ass against the bulge beneath his sweatpants, “Knew you wanted it, sweetheart. Look at you—”
He meets your gaze in the mirror and it’s debauched, his lazy eyes stare back at you as he mouths your pulse point. His tongue salves the skin as you feel your palms tighten against the side of the counter.
“Five minutes.” You offer to placate him, pretending that it’s not the unbridled desire that ebbs away at your resolve or the way Togame’s fingers press against your clit so meticulously.
He already knows he’s won.
“Whatever you say, baby.” He coos, pressing a kiss to the curve of your neck before he steps back to move onto his knees.
“Jou, you literally just said five minutes—”
“You said.” He hums, dragging your panties down with him as he settles himself behind you.
“This won’t take five minutes.” You don’t even listen to his rebuttal as you rant, “You said you— oh,”
Togame makes you forget everything in an instant as he holds your upper thighs, his calloused thumbs spread your ass apart as he licks a long swipe through your messy folds. The words catch on your tongue as you arch your back, giving him more space as he drags his tongue from your fluttering hole to your clit, flicking it gently as you writhe against the counter.
“Fuck,” You whine as the lewd sounds fill the small bathroom, echoing off the walls as he slurps at your cunt. His pace is firm and constant as he dips the tip of his tongue inside you, lashing against your inner walls as all you can do is grind yourself against his face.
“I could do this for hours.” He goads, positive he’s trying to get a rise from you whilst at the same time Togame has proved the statement to be true. You’ve lost count of the number of times the man had you coming undone on his tongue, the time spent taking such meticulous care of you as he made a mess of you.
“Well, you have four minutes now—” You break off into another sultry moan when he lay the flat of his tongue against your needy clit, moving his hands to the fat of your ass to open you up more for him.
“You talk too much, sweetheart.” Togame grins, and before you have a chance to shoot back a cocky retort he closes his lips around your sensitive clit and sucks hard, “Turn that pretty little head off and stop thinkin’.”
Your legs buckle at the motion, thankful to Togame’s strong hands for keeping you pinned against the counter as you lean forward onto your forearms. Your forehead is almost pressed against the mirror as you feel the pressure inside you continue to grow, chipping away at any final embers of restraint that burned inside you before Togame turned them to ash.
“Oh, fuck.” You gasp when Togame pushes two fingers inside you without warning. The sudden stretch has you bucking your hips as he immediately curls them towards the spot he knows better than the back of his hand. Focusing his ministrations as he lashes his tongue against your needy clit, “I’m gonna cum.”
You warn him, but Togame already knows. With the way you tremble around him to the way your thighs quiver as you struggle to stand, keeping his pace as he pumps his fingers with precision and his tongue remains constant against your clit.
Togame hums softly, the vibrations pulsing around the sensitive nub and it’s all it takes for the dam inside you to rupture as you swan dive directly into bliss. A desperate, elongated cry of his name leaves your lips as he helps you ride out your release. His fingers maintain their consistent pace as he presses a few more lingering kisses to your clit, lapping up the mess he made as he tastes you on his tongue. Thoroughly satisfied with your response as he pulls out of your fluttering hole, greedily sucking his fingers between his lips to clean them of your essence as he moves to stand.
You want nothing more than to wipe the cocky smirk off his face when you look up at him through your reflection in the mirror, feeling a wetness against your skin as he wipes his spit-soaked fingers against your ass.
But before you even have a second to turn your head to tell him off he’s already canting his hips forward to bury his hard cock inside your warm, wet hole.
The words you want to say catch on the tip of your tongue as you feel impossibly full. The stretch creates a pleasurable ache that resonates in your pelvis as you feel his blunt cockhead graze your cervix, the position gives him the perfect chance to feel every inch of you as he flexes his hands on your hips. Reaching down to give your ass a playful swat before starting a languid pace with absolutely no sense of urgency.
“Jou,” You whine, barely able to hold your head up as you meet his gaze in your reflection, “Hurry up.”
“There’s no sense wasting an opportunity when I’ve got you like this, babe,” He drawls, “I mean, look how pretty you look.”
He keeps your skirt bunched at your hips so he can see his cock disappear inside your greedy hole, the length glistening with your slick as he continues fucking into you. He’d spend every waking second of the day buried inside your tight heat if he could, certain nothing could ever compare to the sensation of you clamping down around him.
“We’re definitely gonna be late.” You mention the time again, and it has Togame locking his jaw in irritation as he slows his pace even more.
“Yeah, but now you’re suitably fucked.” You have no idea how he manages to exercise such restraint as he keeps his slow, steady pace. Each forward motion is pronounced with a rough rut of his hips to ensure his tip hits as deep as possible every time.
“You’ve got the most perfect pussy,” Togame groans, snapping his hips forward to bury himself inside you to the hilt before stilling, just to feel the way your walls clench around him, “She sucks me in every time.”
It’s practically torture when he pauses, your body craving that euphoria of relief as you begin to grind your hips back into him. Setting a steady pace as you push back from the counter to fuck yourself on his cock.
“Oh, fuck.” Togame grunts as he watches you use his cock for your own pleasure. Backing yourself up on his length as he curves his back to watch you do all the work, marvelling at the way your ass bounces against his hips with each messy thrust.
“Jou,” You whine as you look at your reflection to see him shamelessly staring down at where your bodies are connected as though he’s found the meaning to life itself, “Move.”
“So bossy,” He pretends to sigh before taking hold of your hips as he starts a rough pace. Calloused pads dig into your skin as he fucks into you with vigour, a pace foreign to him outside these intimate moments as Togame works you towards your climax.
You try to meet his movements, but it’s all in vain as you’re pressed harder against the counter. Your thighs dig into the hard surface uncomfortably, but you disregard the ache in favour of the harsh throb of pleasure that builds in your pelvis. Your forehead is pressed against the cool glass as he can’t resist sliding his hand against your ass to thumb at your fluttering asshole.
“You gonna cum for me, sweet girl?” Togame hums, leaning forward to spit on your asshole as the thick glob lands on your coccyx. His thumb is quick to catch it as he smears it against you, pressing the pad of his finger against your rim to test the resistance. His lips curl into a smug grin as he watches you take him to the first knuckle as he hooks his thumb inside you. The stretch only heightens your pleasure as you feel the coil inside you close to snapping, your toes curl against the cool tile as you find yourself dancing on the edge of your release, “You always get close when I shove a finger on your ass.”
Togame’s words are so blunt and crude that they have a sultry whine spilling from your lips as you clamp down around him. You chance a glance at him and see his throat on full display as he throws his head back in sheer pleasure.
“Oh, you clenched so hard when I said that baby— fuck.” He groans, his balls hot and heavy as they knock against your clit with each forward motion.
You can’t hold back as you find yourself finally surrendering to the white-hot pleasure that courses through you. Crying out his name as you tumble headfirst into your bliss, trying to blink back the tears that gather in your lashes so you can watch Togame through the reflection.
“Shit, baby— that’s it,” He uncharacteristically rambles as he watches you come undone. Both your holes clamp down around him roughly as he has to fight to drag his cock in and out of your stretched hole, “Cum on my cock.”
It only takes a few more sloppy thrusts before Togame is following you into euphoria. Burying himself inside you to the hilt as he pumps wet, hot spurts of cum inside your eager hole, filling you to the brim as he stays buried inside you.
You whine when he finally pulls out, his half-hard cock still wet and heady as he leans over your body to press a sloppy kiss against your cheek. The other is still pressed against the cool mirror as the pleasure still makes you dumb, a pleasurable fire burns between your thighs from the feel of him stretching you out and it’s enough to make you whine when Togame presses another lingering kiss against the curve of your lips, tilting your head for him to give you another as he laughs softly. The wetness of his cock leaves streaks against your ass as he shamelessly lets it droop on top of you.
“You said you’d be quick,” You murmur as you feel Togame’s cum slowly start to drool from your spent hole and trickle down your inner thighs, “That was not five minutes.”
“There’s no way in this world that I could ever appreciate you in just five minutes, baby,” Togame grins, giving your ass a playful smack as more of his cum leaks from your hole, “What’s the rush?”
“We’ve definitely missed dinner.” You glare at your boyfriend as he helps you stand back upright, his chest tight against you as he nuzzles your neck softly.
“So now I have all the time in the world to appreciate you some more?”
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kingkatsuki · 24 days
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— calm before the storm
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I was thinking about this ever since I saw this panel, and here we are.
Togame fingers us at the back of Shishitoren’s theatre. That’s it—
Pairing: Togame Jou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, semi-public sex, fingering, dirty talk. Choji uses one (1) pet name for us but I explain in the notes at the end!! (Don’t be mad at me pls).
Word Count: 1.8k.
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You cherished moments like these— the calm before the storm before the Shishitoren men would come flooding into Ori to cause a rowdy scene inside the abandoned theatre. It was peaceful here like this, as you settled in the backrow of seats beside Togame Jou. Your usual, favourite spot to be as your fingers stroked over the wooden armrest. Following the scratchings of a messy heart with both your initials inside that Togame had carved into it years ago.
Togame’s tongue glides across your lips lazily, his warm palm pressed to your chin as he holds your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger. There’s no real sense of urgency to his movements, despite the fact he knows the Ori will be full of Shishitoren gang members at any moment for their afternoon sparring session.
Nothing ever happened early with Shishitoren, so having a quiet moment with Togame like this— seated at the back of the old theatre, felt like bliss. His body curved over yours as he pushed you back into your chair, deepening the kiss as his tongue swiped across your lips. Tasting the saccharine gloss that tacked to your skin with a grin, pulling away to stare down at you with half-lidded eyes.
“You’re so pretty, you know?” He drawls, “Has anyone told you that today?”
Togame doesn’t give you a moment to respond before his lips are already back over yours, persistent and commanding. The kind of kiss that would leave you in a breathless daze as he pulled the sunglasses that rest over his eyes up onto his messy mop of black hair.
“Jou,” You practically whine against his lips when you feel the familiar heat scorch through your veins as he runs his fingers down your clavicle, following a path towards your sternum to pause at your racing heart.
“So pretty.” He repeats, as though he needs to remind you, his warm palm grabs at your breast through your top as he delights at the way you press your body into his touch, “I don’t even understand how it’s possible—”
It’s always the same story, he knew every single thing that made you tick.
“Not right now,” You squeeze your thighs together shyly, trapping his warm palm between them as you look towards the theatre stage. With so many entrances to the building, there could be someone watching from any angle, “We don’t have time.”
“Why, sweetheart?” He rasps, “No one can see you like this, I promise. Please?”
He knows you can never say no to him— he delights in it, in fact.
“It’s not like we’ve never done anything here before,” He grins against your skin, “Soaked that chair nice and good for me last week—”
He knows what he’s doing, chipping away at the final pieces of resolve that you cling to in tight fists. Feeling the exact moment that the final one dislodges to have the entire tower tumbling down around you as he indulges in sweet victory.
“I’ll be quick.” Another lie that has you exhaling softly, Togame was many things— but you would have never described him as quick.
You could feel Togame’s fingers moving, despite the way your thick thighs caged him in. Rough callouses dragging against the damp crotch of your panties as wet lips lingered against your cheek, peppering lazy kisses against the skin as he felt you begin to loosen up. There was something so satisfying about a man begging like this— asking so nicely to get what he wants when it’s no secret that he could just take everything from you if he wanted. The brute force and unbridled power behind Togame Jou was no secret, especially to you— but his hands held you so delicately.
“That’s it,” He murmured against the shell of your ear, biting down on your earlobe as he felt you spread your thighs for him, the fabric of your skirt bunching up towards your hips, “Good girl.”
Togame pressed down against your puffy clit through the thin layer of lace as an airy gasp left your throat, leaning your head back against the worn theatre chair as he pulled your sodden panties to the side.
“So wet and I’ve barely even touched you,” His lips curled into a lazy smile against your cheek as his warm breath fanned your skin, “Is this all for me?”
You were shameless as you rocked your hips into his touch, suddenly unbothered you were in such a compromising position in public. Seeking out the sweet friction of his fingers against your sensitive nub as he dragged his digits through your messy slick.
Togame cherished the hushed gasp you made when he slipped two fingers inside your drooling cunt, feeling your walls tremble around him in an attempt to drag him deeper as he began to curl them with precision. Searching for that spot inside you he knew better than the back of his hand, rolling his wrist with intent as your chest began to heave with muted breaths.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” He hummed, bringing his other arm around the back of your chair so you could lean against him instead. Resting your head in the inner groove of his elbow as he continued to press gentle kisses against your cheek, listening to the sound of your messy slick echo around the abandoned building.
“Jou.” You whined, reaching up to cup the side of his cheek as you felt the two-day stubble rough against his jawline, tilting your head to meet his lips in a sluggish kiss that was all tongue and teeth. Capturing the husky groans that nestled deep at the back of his throat as he fingered you, melding together with the sound of your slick as you felt the coil inside you start to wind and tighten.
You could feel the intent behind his movements, the persistent thrust of his digits as he pushed them inside you to the hilt. Coating his palm in your essence before curling at the knuckle and leisurely dragging them against your velvety walls. Repeating the motion as you writhed against him, forgetting where you were altogether as you greedily searched for your own release.
“You’re always such a mess for me, sweet girl.” He broke the kiss to stare down at where your bodies were connected, the sheen of your slick glistened against his fingers as he watched them disappear inside your warm, wet cunt. Following his gaze as your cheeks flushed with heat as he moved his thumb to your neglected clit with a smug grin, delighting in the debauched noise that he pulled from your pretty lips.
“Fuck, Jou.” You bit down on your lower lip hard as Togame pressed slow, persistent circles against the pulsing nub. Drawing the hood back as your thighs began to shake and quiver from the intent behind his actions, his kiss stained lips now smoothed into a lazy smile as he watched you through tired eyes.
Ignoring your attempt to pull him back into a sloppy kiss to stop him from watching you so intensely as he leaned back with a sly shrug, “Don’t wanna miss the show.”
You scrunched your nose in irritation at his embarrassing statement, although the flood of disconcertion that washed through was quickly replaced by the persistent throb of your core as your walls clenched around his fingers. The pressure inside you built up to boiling point as you dangled on the tip of your bliss, waiting for something to push you over the edge.
“You’re so embarrassing, Jou.” You voiced your irritation, thick lashes fluttering as the pleasure ebbed away at your insides.
“Yeah?” He laughed, low and husky, “Is that why you’re lettin’ me finger you in the backseat of a theatre like some randy teenagers?”
“Oh.” You couldn’t fight the heat that flowed through you like molten lava as you felt yourself succumbing to the pleasure, crying out his name far too loudly for the position you were in as you came undone, “I’m gonna—”
“That’s it,” Togame grinned, leaning forward in his seat as he swung one of his heavy thighs over your spread knee in an attempt to stop you from closing your legs beside him. His body almost covering yours completely as he sped up his motions, fucking his fingers into your pulsing cunt with vigour as he kept his thumb rough and constant against your clit, “So pretty for me.”
Your entire body was shaking as you slid down the worn theatre seat, unable to close your thighs with Togame’s calf between them as you tried to wriggle out of his constant touch. The white hot pleasure coursing through your veins was too much— too intense as you fought to blink back the spots blanking your vision. Togame deliberately wriggled his fingers to make your sloppy cunt sound out louder in the Ori, delighting in the crude sounds before you moved your hands down to his wrist in a pathetic attempt to stop him from overstimulating you.
“Stop it,” You huff breathlessly as Togame grins, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek.
“That’s not what you were saying a second ago when I had you creaming on my fingers, sweetheart.” Togame finally allows you a moments reprieve as he pulls his sticky fingers from your drooling hole, holding them up to the light so you can see the strings of your slick webbing between his digits as they break off into messy lines on either side. Lips curled in a lazy grin as he used his arm around your shoulders to pull you into his side, before a large bang at the side of you had you jolting in surprise.
“It’s time! Wait— is no one here?” You heard Choji’s voice shout through the main theatre, and for once you were thankful he was always so loud, “I thought Kame-chan would be here for sure.”
Togame turned his attention back to you to give you a final kiss before moving to stand, watching you fix your skirt so that you could attempt to hide what you’d both been doing moments earlier.
“Kame-chan! And Kichi-chan’s here too!” Choji waved at you both as you gave a shy wave back, watching the other Shishitoren men funnel into the main room even after all these years, “I should’ve known you’d both be here already!”
You saw Togame’s face soften as Choji called you his name of endearment for you, a warmth blooming in your chest at the sight of him. Choji had called you Togame’s lucky charm ever since he’d met you—
“Won’t be long, sweetheart.” Togame spoke before raising his wet digits to his lips to clean your glistening slick off the tips of them, unbothered that all the other men were still very much in the room as he slid his sunglasses back over his lazy eyes and made his way down to the front of the stage.
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1) YES he did fight with the same hand that was just buried inside you, and YES the guys could probably smell it on him ;)
2) I didn’t want Choji to call reader Y/N-chan, and I usually try super hard not to use it. So I was trying to think of a term of endearment that Choji would use for reader in place of it that wasn’t like babes or honey or something. So I settled on Kichi, which is the Japanese word for luck or good fortune— because apparently turtles in Japan are considered lucky, and that’s why they’re often found in shrines etc… and since Choji calls Togame Kame (turtle) I thought Kichi would be cute for reader. If it gave you the ick I’m sorry though just pretend it never happened xxx
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