#Tobirama will excel at any skill that he possesses
nidaiime · 1 year
anonymous sent:
📂 | for a random useless headcanon | always accepting
Tobirama is an excellent cook. He doesn't know from who he inherited this gift (but he suspects it's his mother) but he is grateful to it. He can know if a recipe will work or fail by just looking at the ingredient list.
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara and Gai for the character headcanons! :D
Send me a character and I’ll share my headcanons!
1: sexuality headcanon Either straight as an arrow or gay as fuck, there is no in between and I write him both ways XD
2: otp HashiMada or HashiMito, it really depends on my mood, though HashiMada might have the slightest lead
3: brotp Hashirama & Tobirama or Hashirama & Madara (depending on the pairing), I just don’t see anyone willing to be bros with the god of shinobi aside from these two.
4: notp I can’t think of one
5: first headcanon that pops into my headHashirama is an insatiable beast in the spring time and is prone to rather violent displays of possessiveness due to all the plants coming back to life and an influx of nature chakra in the air. has probably caused at least half a dozen sex pollen-induced orgies in Konoha during this time
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI can be a total goofball, but unlike Hashirama that side only comes out around my friends.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterHe never had the balls to ask Madara out, he seriously called Madara a “gift from the divine”; they were in love and Kishi did them dirty.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Cinnamon roll right up until you hurt his precious people, then you are fucked.
1: sexuality headcanonGay, I just can’t picture Tobirama with a woman.
2: otpMadaTobi, no surprise there XD
3: brotpIzuna & Tobirama, because Izuna has to keep his rival/beloved aniki’s lover close in case he steps out of line. I just think these two would be such great, snarky friends and I wish it would have been canon.
4: notpTobirama/Danzo and Tobirama/Sarutobi. No, just no. I can’t wrap my mind around them together.
5: first headcanon that pops into my headTobirama isn’t the type to verbally express his love for someone, he’s definitely one of the people that shows it through his actions. Also if you hurt his loved ones no will find your body and he’ll have an air tight alibi for the time of your disappearance.
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI like to think I’m logical like him, though definitely not to the same extreme; also I’m very blunt like he is.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterThat he didn’t give the title of Hokage to Kagami; I would have loved to see an Uchiha as Hokage and I think Kagami would have been an excellent choice. Also I think Kagami would have kept Danzo in check better than Sarutobi did.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Both, some days he’s a cinnamon roll and other days he’s trying to bring the dead back to life.
1: sexuality headcanonGAY and a power bottom, like I rarely write this man as being the one to do the fucking. He’s an asshole, assholes get fucked
2: otpMadaTobi, again no surprise XD
3: brotpMadara & Izuna or Madara & Hikaku, I just see Madara as only getting chummy with the Senju brothers and other Uchiha and given that I almost always pair him with Tobirama or Hashirama or both, it has to be an Uchiha XD
4: notpMadara and Sakura/Sasuke/Naruto all for the same reason - he met them when they were genin and tried to kill them. Plus if he’s in the future he’s got Kakashi and Gai to bang, he doesn’t need any of the Konoha 12.
5: first headcanon that pops into my headMadara has very nasty scars on his hands (like nerve damage or psychologically traumatizing bad) and thus he always wears gloves.
6: one way in which I relate to this characterWhen my loved ones are concerned I am easy to piss off and when I’m really pissed off I am loud.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterHe’s a dumpster fire, but that’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Problematic fave on the outside, cinnamon roll on the inside
1: sexuality headcanonGay, with that much spandex and an ass like his he’s not straight
2: otpProbably KakaGai, but MadaGai has a special place in my heart
3: brotpGai & Lee, they are the most youthful of bros!
4: notpI’ve only ever read KakaGai or MadaGai, so I don’t have one XD
5: first headcanon that pops into my headHe starts his day by screaming YOUTH as loud as he can 100 times
6: one way in which I relate to this characterI guess we both value our friends and want to push others to do their best, or at least I do most of the time (there are totally people I want to see crash and fucking burn)
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterThat he didn’t get to really show off his skills until his fight with Madara, because DAMN I wanted to see him fight like that more often! you know minus the nearly dying part XD
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?Gai is the most youthful of cinnamon rolls!
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sennokami · 5 years
Who is the best sensor, Madara or Tobirama? And Hashirama and Izuna are not sensors, right?
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“I’m good enough to suit myself.”
Tobirama is the better sensor but only by the grace of having honed his sensory skills in greater depth than Madara, who largely relies on it as an instinctual skill. In general terms, I hc that Tobirama is a scalpel sensitive enough to catch a moving hair and has been so from a young age. Had he grown older, I think his skill would’ve only grown.
Madara, on the other hand, possesses a similarly massive range with little of the delicacy -- he can catch signatures and figure out where they are but anything in greater detail requires concentration and effort from him. Being a good sensor wasn’t really on the list of his priorities since his main focus was always Hashirama -- who is “bright” enough to Madara’s senses that he rarely has to expend any effort in locating him. 
He only begins to truly practice his sensing once he’s completely blind, relying on it to completely replace his vision. Otherwise, he was a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to sensing -- it came in late, which is why he doesn’t suffer some of the overstimulation that early birds like Tobirama suffered in his youth, and he began practicing it in earnest around 16-17 and fully integrated it into his fighting style around his twenties.
Hashirama and Izuna are not sensors, no. In general, between the two, I’d reckon Izuna is better at figuring out chakra signatures, unless Hashirama uses his Sage Mode. Then all bets are off. Madara is also excellent at hiding his signature thanks to his sensory talent, but Hashirama’s always been able to find him. He suspects the trees are to blame.
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rinrinp42 · 7 years
howling at the unfeeling stars
This little snippet is the beginning of a ‘Tobirama reincarnates into Shisui’s generation AU’
Toboe is not Tobirama. Not anymore. He doesn’t want to be. Tobirama is long dead and dead he will stay.
He might have the memories of being Tobirama but as far as he is concerned they don’t matter. He is Toboe, not anyone else, and he refuses to let anything take away his sense of identity. As a rootless orphan it was the only sure thing he had. Material possessions could be taken, sentiment might wither away, people die, but his identity was sacred and he clung with all his might.
But the memories of Tobirama haunt his sleep, what sleep he gets these days. They are both clear and distant; the sequence of events are as clear as yesterday’s but the emotions that should have accompanied them are almost nonexistent. He’s not sure how to feel about that.
Some days he thinks it’s a blessing. Some days he wishes it was.
 The market looks bustling today, from where he’s huddled up against the alley opening, contemplating his options, bustling enough to look tempting. A rare occurrence in these turbulent times, when the war weighed so heavily on them all. He thinks about jingling coins, and heavy perfumes, and loose, tempting purse strings. Just one more spot of mischief before it won’t be tolerated anymore.
Not that it was ever tolerated before but a rootless orphan could get away with a hell of alot of behavior that a genin couldn’t.
Still, he thought, studying one particular man dressed in fine cotton, this might be his last chance to practice his skills for his own sake before everything he was, was spent for Konoha’s sake.
Toboe is not Tobirama, who had loved ones to devote himself to. He is not so readily tied down.
Still, and there is that thought again, still, he didn’t actually need anything right now. There was no need to ghost amongst the busy shoppers with sticky fingers and stickier pockets, not when he’d just visited his old children’s home to make his hellos and I’m not dead’s, and tired matrons who’d long since stopped trying to corral him had pressed clothes and food and money into his hands. The matrons were nice like that. They grieved his absences.
“Tsk!” he frowned at himself, either he was going to do it or he wasn’t, either way the alley stank and his damnably sensitive nose was screaming at him to leave.
 With a grumble at his own dawdling he scaled the side of the building, nimble as any cat, and sprawled out on the sun warm surface, letting his muscles soak in the heat. He could probably nap up here. It was nice enough.
Unfortunately it was not to be.
He rolled out of range when a hand reached for his scruff.
Misono-sensei scowled down at him, shifting on his still healing leg. “This is a high traffic area, and I know you know that. I also know that you know you’re supposed to be in class right now.”
Toboe couldn’t resist an opening like that, “And I know that you know that if I were sitting in class, I’d be paying just as much attention as I am right now.
Misono-sensei’s scowl became thunderous, “You’re going to die on the battlefield with an attitude like that. What a waste of resources.”
 Toboe was silent. Got a little personal there, didn’t we Sensei, he thought to himself, grudgingly letting Misono-sensei get a good hold of him so they could shunshin back to the academy.
Toboe was perpetually of two minds about the way the academy instructors treated their students. On the one hand, he’s pretty sure there’s a direct correlation between the academy instituting a drop out option and the instructors deciding to take a hands off stance on students that needed a more one-on-one approach. On the other hand, it must be pretty difficult to get emotionally attached to children who will just go out and get killed on a remote battlefield somewhere. It’s just so much easier to let the ones who struggle drop out now and leave room for the ones who excel.
The parts of him that he refuses to acknowledge are Tobirama churns with furious anger at the neglect, seethes with rage at the rising trends he literally died to quell. At the knowledge that he’d failed and children were still dying in droves for the wars started by their elders.
Toboe slumps at his desk and reminds himself that no, he did not die. Tobirama died and in death he will stay.
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