#Tobin is my favorite person
glass--beach · 5 days
hi, i’m j!
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i’m a trans foxgirl who makes music under a couple different aliases and dabbles in other media as well. i use she/her pronouns exclusively, anything referring to me by other pronouns is out of date or just wrong. i am 29 years old and live in the pacific northwest near seattle. i am currently engaged to @daxe, who is also the main visual artist i work with, he creates most of my album covers as well as all the “official” art of my fursona.
my fursona is a swift fox and she shares my name because my connection to her is 1:1. working on a ref sheet and when i have it i will add that here.
odds are if you know me from anything it’s from one of these albums:
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that’s my band glass beach, my most well known project, where i am the lead singer, primary songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, and co-producer. though my blog is named after this project (and has been before the band even started) this is not really an official account for the band. any big announcements will be posted here but if you just want to keep up with the band you’re better off following glassbeachband on twitter. this is a personal account for me to post whatever the hell i want and i go wild with the reblogs sometimes.
glassbeach.bandcamp.com - glass beach’s music
classicj.bandcamp.com - my solo music, including my noise pop alias “j” as well as some older experimental electronic music released under the name “classic j”
classicj.neocities.org - my neocities page, WIP but i have put a lot of work into coding some interesting stuff, check it out!
glassbeach.band - glass beach’s website, which i designed.
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^ me on stage with glass beach, photos by joey tobin
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^ my favorite way to take selfies lol
#me - photos of me
#fursona - my fursona
#fan art - art from fans, usually relating to my music or my fursona or both
#asks - my asks. will probably make a FAQ at some point but for now if you want to ask me something it might be worth checking that tag to make sure i haven’t answered it already
#my music - my music
#photography - my photos
#actual blog post - the rare instances i use this platform for its intended purpose
#maggie - keeping this tag to memorialize my best friend margaret who tragically passed away. highly recommend listening to her music that i posted.
#fav - posts that i like a lot, usually because they never fail to make me laugh
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So, I was romancing Sam on every playthrough but decided to branch out finally, and now I have a tier list; ‼️Potential spoilers‼️
Tobin: By far my favorite RO. I typically don't like the archetype of "brooding ro and their charming ro counterpart" It just doesn't interest me as someone who has seen a lot of het romances employ this trope. But giving Tobin the chance they deserve and finding that I like how they respond to my MC's own flirtatious nature and then discovering how they feel about my MC being the same gender, just adds an extra layer of interest for me that I appreciated. They're kind, considerate, and very thoughtful of their friends. Very quickly blew the rest of the competition out of the water for me. I think their mindset when it comes to tennis explains why they're not the no.1 Seed despite being the captain of the team, and it honestly surprised me. I think the full weight of their route is explored best when MC is similarly looking to go pro as it parallels Rayyan nicely. Their kidness is the space they give you is born from experience and the fear of doing to MC what was done to them and I just eat that stuff up. Also it is very rare to have a black RO who is treated with any level of depth, and I just 🥹love that we Tobin.
Rayyan: In a surprise twist, Rayyan gets the second spot for similar reasons as Tobin. I think the enemies to friends to lovers(partners) arc that is presented in their story is intriguing. Like Sam, they have a level of history with the MC that makes them familiar when heading into the new space, so I made it a habit to stay near them when at all possible. Rayyan isn't particularly cold, or as cold as ppl might assume, I think they have a very good balance of being a sort of quiet and reserved person that still manages to be personable. I feel that playing like I do, my MC might've come off as flippant to them, which only adds to the anxiety that they feel going into this season. Their struggle of being visually Arab in a world and country that sees non whiteness as punishable is very felt. It's really special to me that the two most prominent ROs are dark skinned people of color. Sorry for being biased, but even when I wasn’t actively romancing them, they got major points for that.
Sam: My baby gets the third spot and I think that's fair. What i adored about Sam is the pining of a friends to lovers story. I never make the first move with Sam, despite playing very flirty, bc I see my MC with not having to put up a front with Sam. So the things they do or say that signify to others that my MC is looking for something physical aren't used with Sam; they believe MCs closeness with them is strictly platonic while my MC believes that Sam has been lightly rejecting this whole time. Just something about those missed connections get to me. (Also, the varcity jackets!? So cute) Now, Sam loses points due to being away at another university for a majority of the story thys far. Which made me wonder if placing them in a new environment with MC might change things for them. Everything IS different now; so, who is to say that their relationship hasn't run its course? Juicy, but due to lack of presence, I'll keep them at 3rd.
G: They're French. Automatically, a point is taken off. They're also very sexy as a woman (my MC is a they/them lesbian) so I felt that, to remain true to character, I would have to ignore that and see what G has going on. Ngl, they do sort of play out like a romance novel character in the most obvious way so far 😭 no hate though. I just couldn't not think about "Oh, you sexy French student." Whenever they said anything. Smoldering looks from across the room at a crowded college party, like okay 400 days of summer <3. I think they're rather perfect for players who are looking for some steam outside of the locker room. They have the same issue as Sam, as in, they're not present in the locker room. They're not our teammate, so we don't really get the same level of relationship building with them as u would a Rayyan or Tobin. And I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily. I feel that speaks to the amount of work put in to make the team feel real and not just thrown together characters. Once I started to romance my teammates, I found it hard to flirt with anyone else, as I felt that they just didn't understand my MC on the same level.
Felix: ngl, they'd have to get security to get me off them, I have this burning rage in my heart whenever they show up. "🤼‍♂️ This is for Tobin, Cakepop‼️" I am sure there is indeed depth to them as a character, I am sure it hurts to hear someone say "I can not love you the way you want me to." And we are only human, we don't always behave the way we want to. But Felix makes my nipple itch they just remind me of men who just hold this anger for their exes unreasonably. I think there is an interesting parallel to be found in a Tobin route MC and Felix. I just don't have the language to put it together bc I will never romance them and I don't think I ever will, personally just can't bring myself to do so. They are what I felt Rayyan would be, and I'm fine with meeting them with hostility.
All in all, I'm glad I branched out to see what the other ROs were like it's definitely a testament to ur hard work and is greatly appreciated. I will continue to be messy and kiss Tobin, Rayyan, and Sam because I am toxic aim to be a learning experience, not a lover 🫶🏽
Oh my god~ It was so interesting to see your gradual evolution / journey through pursuing the different ROs.
I think it's really interesting in particular to see how Tobin's character is sort of 'hidden' beneath multiple layers, and you have to really work at unpeeling those layers, and it's really rewarding as a writer to see that route 'give' readers so much unexpected joy.
And, of course — I have a soft spot for stoic / unexpressive, overly-competitive, serious characters who are secretly just a giant sap. For Rayyan in particular, I think their drive to excel at tennis is counter-balanced against their loyalty, their ride-or-die-ness with the people they love. I love the extra bit of psychoanalysis that you did regarding Rayyan's anxiety about MC not taking tennis seriously, which is fine on its own, but really becomes an issue if they're partnered.
Sam having less 'screen-time' than the others is totally fair, and I think (or hope) will be made up for by the sheer amount of history they share.
As for the whole "French sexy" stereotype, I actually do think this is a crucial part of G's arc. The idea that perhaps they both see each other as 'archetypes' at the start (the jock-fling during one's exchange year, the sexy french exchange student), and then as they start understanding each other as real people, and then as they start (possibly) falling in love with each other (with all the eccentricities, all the imperfections), the relationship takes on more depth and dimension.
Finally, thank you so much for taking the time to explore all these different routes, and I'm so glad that doing so was rewarding for you :) I absolutely loved reading this message, so thank you also for sharing! It's always so fun listening to how different MCs, or different MC choices, and just different readers in general — have different takes on the ROs!
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mazes-and-the-madness · 2 months
Hello, I read your post about you making peace with Taylor never coming out but doesn’t that scare you that maybe what you think is not true at all? Like, Taylor is actually straight. Same goes for Camila/Camren. That possibility scares me, ai am not delusional, I just wish the truth gets revealed before I die or something
Lauren Jauregui. Sophie Turner. Dove Cameron. Lilly Singh. Taylor Tomlinson. Billie Eilish.
What does this seemingly disparate list of women have in common, you may ask? I knew that all of them were queer before they officially "came out." But before that, so many (straight) people said I was "crazy," "projecting," "wishful thinking," and Lauren's favorite word, "delusional." Yet in every single case listed above, I got the last laugh. Trust me, there's much more where that came from.
The truth is, gaydar is real. Queer women can just sense when a celebrity is one of us, even when we have to wait YEARS to be proven right. Take the US women's soccer team, for example. Tobin Heath and Christen Press only JUST explicitly confirmed their relationship, but queer USWNT fans had suspected since 2015-2016. Same with Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris before them. Although they're no longer together, fans could tell they were a couple since the early 2010s despite them not coming out until 2019. And if social media as we know it today had existed in the time of the Spice Girls, I'm sure we would have figured out that Mel B and Geri Halliwell were a thing.
Whenever my gaydar "fails," it's because a celeb I thought was straight turns out to be queer (think Lili Reinhart and Ashley Benson), never the other way around. Over the years, I've learned to trust my instincts, which is why I'm as confident as I can possibly be about Taylor and Camila. You or anyone else have the right to believe that they've been straight this whole time, but I personally cannot wait to add them to the list above one day.
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Hiiiii Nivi. Saw a Preath post and now I am back in my Preath days all over again, but I wanted to talk about how similar Pazzi is to Preath 😭
I know we’ve talked about the basics and how Paige = Tobin, and Azzi = Christen. But it’s crazyyy how true it actually is 😭
Paige/PB are your basic white girls that are attractive and have that masculine vibe to them. They both have their flashy ways of playing, but always put teammates over anything. Tobin and PB give “quiet leader vibes” (I think PB is probs more vocal, but that’s just bc of her team and who she plays with). I also would say that Tobin and PB are both all around players. Tobin being a great winger, was amazing in the midfield for us for a while, and also has a good defensive presence and played RB for us as well during that cursed Rio Olympics 😭😭. And obvs PB is a 3 level scorer, but also a 2 way player (I think we do not appreciate her defense enough tho!!)
Azzi/CP are your “they were so pretty they were bullied in school and called ‘pretty girl pretty girl’” meme (LOL). Both are princesses and sweet, but lethal on the court/field. (Azzi and Press being sharp shooters and also quick asfff respectively). I constantly think about how silky smooth Azzi’s shoot is and how you always want her to be taking the shot. Meanwhile, Press is amazing at creating her own shot and any sliver of daylight, she’s pulling the trigger and it’s going to be a GOLAZO. I also think both players could have been in the limelight more, but bc of other teammates (Paige for Azzi, and Alex Morgan for CP) and their bad timing with injuries, people/media don’t appreciate them enough.
All 4 of them have battled injuries, all of them being knee injuries as well 😭 I just think it’s insane how we’ve talked about the dynamic of Preath/Pazzi and how similar they are, but individually, they are all so eerily similar as well LMAO
Okay, I’ll get off of my soap box now. I hope you slightly enjoyed this breakdown Nivi! Can’t wait to see what you say and what other comparisons you can think about haha 🫶🫶
Hi lovely <3
I love soapbox asks. They're my favorite so like y'all please never hesitate to send me long asks.
I think I've subconsciously had all of these thoughts but damn seeing it all laid out like that, the parallels go kind of insane. I think we often talk about it in terms of personality, but yeah Paige-Tobin and Azzi-Christen have such similar playing styles, it's actually uncanny.
Okay I actually do have a parallel that I've been thinking about and it's about Gemini-Capricorn (Preath) parings and Libra-Scorpio (Pazzi) pairing. Both of these pairings are very much opposites attract pairings (which we see in real life obviously) to the point where honestly in most situations, these pairings aren't compatible. Except from what I've read, there are certain exceptions who know how to take their opposite approaches to various problems in life and find the perfect way to mesh them together. As a result the "exception" are some of the most strongest couples there can be and I think that's kinda beautiful because I think both Pazzi/Preath together and individually are the exception to so many supposed rules.
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dragontamerno3 · 4 months
DS9 S3 E25 - Facets
Another good one and one that was a lot of fun to watch, too.
The whole time I kept thinking how the IRL cast must of had some fun playing different people for a minute. Their mannerisms, their speech, all of it was so different for who they normally are and it was interesting from a character standpoint, fun from a break in character place, and intriguing to see the small ways each previous life changed Jadzia.
Obviously seeing Quark femme it up for a while was a silly twist but I think I really enjoyed seeing Miles as Tobin and Kira as Lela the most. With Lela it honestly felt like she was a sweet but powerful old grandma that would give the best hugs before she stormed some political stage. With Tobin, he was a shy, anxious man that I just wanted to hug and tell him that he was going to be okay.
Sisko as Joran was one I was looking forward to and it was pretty much everything I expected. I'm glad she put her Klingon fighting skills to use, in a way proving him wrong about how 'weak' she is.
I liked Curzon the least. I'm not sure if that was the intended read on him but I know I wouldn't be able to spend two minutes alone in a room with him. Him as Odo was probably doubly bad cause I'm still not Odo's biggest fan. But then they went and made it weird with the whole love storyline. If they had made it love like granddaughter or something I would have accepted it but this was too icky for me.
That aside, I did get a little teary eyed when he saw Sisko for the first time. The way Sisko's face lit up at the idea of talking to his best friend again? Such a good moment. And then there was the Quark kiss, that was fun too.
I am happy that Jadzia got some closure there and that Odo and her now how a deeper understanding of each other because of their bonding. Odo is probably my least favorite person on the show but I think he deserves someone who actually understands him to an extent.
But the B plot!!!
Nog passed his test! He's going to Starfleet Academy!
And Rom buying a cadets uniform from Garak?! Best dad ever!
My very favorite moment, though, was Rom cornering Quark in a hallway and threatening to burn the bar down in Quark ruined it for Nog again. The fact that he admitted that he loves his son more than latinum had me literally punching the sky in cheers. Best moment and best dad.
7/10 - I want to give this an 8 but honestly the whole Curzon thing really icked me out, like a lot.
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andystweets · 19 days
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Recently I've been thinking about who could do Splinter's voice.
and I think Diana Agron is perfect!
Glee is one of my favorite shows and watching it constantly I think she could fit Splinter's personality very well.
The other option I had was Becca Tobin, from the same show, they have similar singing voices and she is another very good one!
I love seeing those things, I feel like they give more life to what you draw.
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OMITB S4:E1 "Once Upon a Time in the West" Recap
The show is finally back! We no longer have to deal with Tobin, Loretta is back, and we've got a star studded cast of guest stars. I can't wait to see what's in store for this season. I'm bummed we only get one episode to kick off the season instead of two but I'm hopeful that means there's going to be a lot of twists, drama, and etc to get through in due time. Time to dive into the first episode.
Our favorite trio is recording their final episode of their newest season on Ben Glenroy when the power briefly goes out. To celebrate the end of yet another season they decide to go to Charles' place for a nightcap and Charles remembers Sazz never came back. On the way to the apartment Oliver mentions a cold case and I can't help but wonder if this is foreshadowing for next season 👀 Anyways they go into Charles' apartment and find the wine but there's no body!
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Mabel being the clever woman she is spots blood spatter on the stove but I don't think she realizes yet what it is. Or does she and assumes it was a cooking accident? As the camera zooms out we realize that the trio has yet to notice the gunshot hole in the kitchen window. The fact that the body is missing is such an interesting concept because how do you solve a murder with no body or proof just the window and the stove if that?
And they don't even know it's a murder because whoever killed Sazz and haphazardly cleaned up the scene texted Charles the next day impersonating her and stating that she had to go be a double for Bakula in LA. So I think it's safe to assume the killer is one of the new characters in LA. Speaking of LA, a mysterious Bev Melon who has kept contacting the trio has invited them to come visit because Paramount wants to make a movie based off of their podcast. How convenient that "Sazz" is in LA and now the trio is as well. I'll be confused though if that whistling keeps happening to Charles even across the country.
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When they get to LA and meet Bev, she's disrespectful as hell when describing their personalities. Oliver is the one she wants to strangle or hug, Charles is the un-fun uncle with a turtle face, and Mabel is a millennial with no job, no house, and basically a failure. Charles leaning across the table to give his folded note was hilarious, especially when Oliver tried to help him up only for the number to say 4 🤣 While it rolls off Charles and Oliver's backs, Mabel is offended and rightfully so. It's only one episode so far but Selena is doing a great job at showing this side of Mabel. You can really see her shrink into herself and that she's less confident than she was in the previous seasons.
Because Mabel doesn't yet want to sign away her life rights, there's a party that evening which will give her a chance to reconsider. But before then, you know the cast has to explore LA. Driven by Charles' old chauffeur in his limo, we see the trio standing in the sunroof while driving down a street lined with palm trees, In-N-Out Burger food and drinks in hand. Side note: I miss In In-N-Out Burger so bad. Their animal style fries are my favorite! But I digress.
Charles mentions that Sazz's apartment is located in one of the places on the tour so they make a detour to see if she's home. There is a stack of unopened mail and packages outside her door which is odd considering the text message said that she was in LA. How can she be in the city but her house deserted? Thankfully Charles picks up on this but tries his best not to worry and be fun to prove he's not the unfunny uncle.
The party is as awkward as you'd expect but with some fun moments. Loretta shows up and she and Oliver talk about their future and if Oliver will move to LA to be with her. It's a complex decision that I don't expect to be answered anytime soon. Charles is still worried about Sazz and Mabel just looks like she doesn't even want to be there.
We discover the actors playing the trio are Eugene Levy, Eva Longoria, and Zach Galifianakis. None of the trio vibe with their counterparts. Eva tries too hard to be young and hip with Mabel, Zach is rude and dismissive to Oliver, and Eugene bores Charles with his impressions. Plus again, the Sazz disappearance is concerning. Seeing someone in a hat and trench coat, Charles follows them and the person is revealed to be Bakula. When asked about the body double work, Bakula reveals that Sazz never showed. Now the warning signs are fully going off in Charles' head. But wait! Things get even more weird because Charles gets a call from Lester that they couldn't get the window changed out that day. The same window that no one has noticed has a whole bullet hole through it. So that's where the whistling came from.
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Howard got a new dog named Gravy because he can no longer adopt cats from the shelter and this is an interesting development because Gravy used to be a working dog. We don't know what job but I assume some sort of police work because when Gravy entered the middle of the kitchen where Sazz's body was she would not stop howling. So either a cadaver dog or maybe one used to sniff out certain substances? The killer could have messed with something in Charles' apartment that is causing that ringing that he's experiencing. We'll find out soon enough by episode 9 or 10. Ok it turns out that we won't have to wait because it's not Gravy it's Gravey because she is in fact a cadaver dog! I was right!
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When the trio returns to New York, Howard brings over Gravey who searches the apartment and follows the trail up to the incinerator that was labeled out of order. When they go into the incinerator room and check what was recently incinerated all they find in the ashes is the replacement joints that Sazz received in Bulgaria. And the fake Sazz finally drops the act and texts back "Not your fucking friend" meaning we're dealing with a cold killer and one with a grudge against Charles for whatever reason.
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I think this is honestly the saddest death in the series because this is someone that they all knew and was a good friend to Charles. He knew something was wrong just not what, and now his fears have been confirmed in the worst way. Not only did they kill her but they incinerated her too which is just so cruel to me that they'd dispose of her like that. It also makes me wonder what she had on her body that they didn't want to be discovered because a note can be thrown away but another thing such as a birthmark or tattoo can not. All I can say is that Charles is a very good friend for not only worrying about Sazz but going out of his way to find out where she went and I'm sorry for his loss. He'll be devastated when he realizes he was the target.
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They really came out swinging with this first episode and I really hope they keep the momentum going because if so, it's shaping up to be the best season yet.
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hardtchill · 1 year
Did you watch the stream? Tobin is so freakin quiet unless someone scores or almost scores a goal. Then she basically starts screaming lol. Meanwhile Christen was so loud even though she didn’t say a word 😂 she was making so much noise in the kitchen making breakfast and she also walks with a heavy foot. Definitely not a light stepper. No wonder Tobin wakes up the same time as her in the morning, she doesn’t have a choice hahahaha. Also I know this has been said a million times before but oh my god I wish Tobin would become a coach. I know that retired players don’t always make good coaches, but l really feel like it’s Tobin’s calling. I’m personally offended that she stopped pursuing her license
Lmao yes, Tobin is so funny to watch. It's almost as if she gets so enthralled in the game she forgets to talk 😂
Favorite quote for me (when she was listing all the things RE stands for)
"we date, sometimes each other"
Ma'am wtf
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creepedverse · 4 months
Will or does Nico and Bonnie get along?
I wanna hug them both so bad i cannot decide who should be my favorite yet i guess Tali wins (ha)
Tommie looks warm to hug:( and Dia too
Okie ill stop yapping but how would they react to people hugging them? Well- if they break the fourth wall and knowing that theyre a character:3??
Nico and Bonnie's relationship goes through several changes as the story progresses!! At first Nico's very skeptical of her, does not like her at all bc she thinks Bonnie's a major pushover. She doesn't like people who are all soft all the time. She thinks it's disingenuous, but when she sees that Bonnie has things that frustrate her, or like the underlying darkness that comes with her ghosts, she warms up to her. Knows she's not faking being such a baby all the time. And she starts to actually find her endearing enough to want to hang around. As for the hugging though, if you don't know her it's an absolute no she will cut ur arms off... But Nico's a very physical person, with her close friends she's very keen on physical contact. She'll lounge against them, or play with their hands or their hair. She's surprisingly pretty affectionate by nature. - N BASICALLY everything Nico said. From Bonnie's perspective, she's really intimidated and kind of annoyed with how blunt Nico is with her distaste for Bonnie. But she legitimately struggles to call Nico out on it, so it's not until Nico warms up to her that Bonnie can relax. She does envy Nico's ability to take-no-shit and appreciates her encouragement to grow a spine. Even if its a little aggressive.... Bonnie really needs a friend like Nico and grows to appreciate her. Regarding the hug, Bonnie's alright with light side-hugs from people she doesn't know too well (with a reason, like greeting, departing, celebrating) but she'd think it's weird if someone is hugging her straight on. otherwise, she's alright with her friends touching her causally (hugs, hooking arms, playing with her hair) but she doesnt like to initiate.
Tali violently hates to be touched, even in passing, so a hug is an absolute no-go. She immediately goes into fight mode and starts getting combative towards anyone who tries. The only exception is Tobin. She always needs to be touching him in some way. Helps her feel more real.
Tobin is similar but hes more open to being touched by people hes close with, like Scout and Tali. He gets uncomfortable and hostile if someone tries to hug him without his permission though and getting his permission is rare in itself. Good luck getting a hug without ending up with a bullet in your head...
Dia is a very physically affectionate person and can be seen almost always touching one of her friends in some small or big way. Arm slung around Bonnie’s shoulders as she pulls her close. Sitting side by side w Nico in a booth Dia’s thigh touch’s Nico’s. Holding onto the hem of Tommies shirt/jacket when walking w him. But with people she’s not as comfortable with or strangers she’d be very uncomfortable, although she might not show it. She wouldn’t hug back if it was an unexpected hug and her smile gets a little more forced.
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multiimistakes · 2 months
okay im gonna be insANE and just do this @platiinums
Kerian - gonna be good for any muses that are either chill and tragic (Kell for example) or muses that are usually antagonistic and scare anyone else off. He's got that nice mellow and chill but firm vibe but also has the muscle for anyone that tries to step on him for being a lil' nice dude. i dont think i have him with any AUs yet outside his supernatural hunter main plot. Lauden might be a good fit. I could see Bas being some sort of professional connection. Obviously Kennedy since they're both friendly monster hunters it seems. Uhh Buffy too maybe. I see them more as a good sturdy but comical buddy duo.
Liluthe - good for any girliepops, frankly. she's mean and has a temper but isn't impossible to thread with. prob' also good for any supernatural or supernatural adjacent since i dont see her as very AU-able.
Emerick - if you have any DBD aus or characters gimme
Gavin - I got zilch for him aside from messy drama plots involving Gavin running into Kell before he met Bubbles and obviously Kellam finding out Gavin is Bubbles' mainly fucking antagonist kjfnbdfg
Peter - I see chill things with tb!Kell. Any sort of muse that isn't gonna super push him out of his comfort zone. general werewolf stuff would be fun. he's a good muse to just be chill and platonic with otherwise. i can see him a tobin having a mini fucking book club. peter doesn't really TV or anything so he reads a lot. i can see him venturing out to be a regular.
Kaden - idk much but my brain immediately sees him and Owen. Kaden is a spoiled brat with lots of daddy issues so fdkjbgdg he's a harder muse to interact with because he's so insufferable. he's like Clark's foil so maybe anyone that wouldn't get along well with Clark??? jhfdbgfg
Meya - Kinda same with Liluthe. She's pretty solitary and hard to get along with but def' more lenient with girliepops. I like the thought of her and Salem interacting if only cuz sister vibes dfhgdfg. anyone that's shacked up with clark gets an automatic shot at family/platonic stuff. even if it's the....awkward stepfamily vibes with her kbdkjg. Anyone higher class or up in the business world would be a good fit. anyone super high intellect.
Lance - vampire rich boy so any anything that vibes with that is automatically on the table. in terms of shipping, their poly potential is super specific. him and destrian are sort of that immortal couple that is just off and vibing with their own plots most of the time. so the third or fourth or whatever would have to also be sort of chill like that kdfgbdg. if that makes sense. anything sexual or romantic on lance's side would need to be masc but des swings whatever way so it could totally be a femme in a lil. ykno queer platonic but also more than platonic poly situation.
at a first glance for interactions in general, immed go to Eric. any other vampires could be good fits for antagonistic or friendly dynamics. again, anyone higher-class and up there in status could be coming across him.
Destrian - See above. I like to describe Des as a dryer, more sarcastic version of Clark so anyone that might fit that fdkjgnbdg. lotta trauma tho. also the curse thing so like. their poly ship or even anyone platonic would need to like...be able to stomach him just being dead pretty often.
Lucifer - Eric so far kdfjgbdfg. Anyone that's a girlboss type character or ig any character up there that needs to be gently humbled oop. She's super put together and big time healed from their own trauma so any muse that might need that sort of rock, ig.
Michael - The opposite. she's messy and angry and like actively trying to work through her shit. any artists or writers or related to books would be good for her. anyone that can stomach her personality. she's essentially the second favorite child going through burnout so i can see characters that might be the foil to her sort of messy and chaotic state working.
Olethe - Kenny seems like a good fit either way. otherwise she's def' a girl's girl. i can see her and salem matching well. Speaking of your lovers on the run, Dallas or Mayhew might be fun with either of the cursed siblings. Bas maybe
Mi-cha - sapphic older hitman/assassin? cmon my brain immed goes to Beatrix or any of the KB babes. or even Kell might be a good muse to thread with.
Kyle - Brain says Lauden because both old dumb men. otherwise Kyle is this older hunter with a reputation from when he was young. he's 'retired' but is always itching to get back in. Would be fun to have him matched with a character that can immediately see past that cute dorky single guy energy and see him for the trained killer he actually is fdkjgbdfg
Cassius - I dont have him on here yet but he was a Payday oc i made general crime. If you've got any grungy rat people, he's your dude. So any tattoo artists or criminals or Dacre with the street racing and forging, Jessen might work. He's totally primed for any sort of supernatural au so that's an option too. (the obvious route is to make him a werewolf but iDK lmaoooo)
Cache - She's a bit harder since she really doesn't do in person communication. she's essentially this information hub and hotline for hunters. honestly i love her to death but she makes for a better BG character or npc than anything kdjfgbg. but im always open to ideas with her. but obviously she's gonna be good for any monster hunter or even just supernatural creature in general. she is very anti-vampire though so there's that.
Elliot - Anyone crime, tbh. Again, he's more of a good connection and character to mention in the background. i haven't really put my thought into him so far kfdnbggf.
And then I just have faces I wanna do stuff with but no real concrete places for them yet. dkjfgbdg
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also kinda wanna reboot an old ass and chaotic oc who i made a joke to be the complete opposite of Clark and he gained sentience lmao. He started purely crime as this comical henchman character but i developed him into supernatural by making him such a lucky and chaotic motherfucker he pulled a Devil Went Down to Georgia and walked away being unable to die. just like idk if you smushed loki and dionysus and every fun loving chaos entity together and made him a douchebag looking dude except he's actually super chill but like in a i think we should beat sex offenders to death with bricks type chill jdfbgdfg. no fc ive settled on but honestly i just picture that tall cringe white boy wearing crazy shit vibes yung gravy brings to the table.
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"You think you're the only brown-skinned person who ever felt like this world ain't got no time or space for them unless they proved that they were good, like—really fucking good—at something?"
That hit different. Tobin talking about his parents in the 70s hit different. As a black girl and as a POC in general, I think we all know how important it is to get to see our experiences in media and how little representation there is for us, so the little things (Even Tobin mentioning Miles as his favorite) mean so damn much to me.
I seldom get to see such relatable topics in IFs or stories in general so I would like to say thank you for not shying away from these topics and thank you for making this IF. It made me cry and smile at the same time. My apologies for how rambly this might be, I just had to express my joy!
Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that those little moments meant something to you (like the Miles Morales moment in the library!), and of course the bigger moments, like Tobin's POV scene or the talk that Deepal has with Rayyan. I'm quite proud of how the latter shaped up! I think it gives both Rayyan and Deepal more depth as characters.
I'm excited to explore Deepal, Rayyan, and Tobin's different ways of dealing with being POC on the team even more as we get into the middle chapters of the IF.
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the IF!
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careol · 4 months
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full name.   carol ann peletier (nee jackson)
nicknames / aliases.   boss lady, queen
height.   5′6”.
age.   42-53, verse dependent.
zodiac.   capricorn.
spoken languages.   english, ASL
hair colour.   grey, reddish brown when she was younger
eye colour.   blue.
skin tone.   fair, a pale peachy color. she's not super white but she's not tanned either.
body type.  thin, rounded hips, tiniest bit of fat on her belly
dominant hand.   right.
posture.   not completely straight as it should be, but it's not terrible either
scars.    many, but the most distinct scar she has is the letters ED carved on her hip. she's been forever branded by her abusive ex husband.
tattoos.   none, she never had the chance to ever get one.
birthmarks.   a few here and there, but nothing significant that is easily noticeable.
most noticeable features.   bright blue eyes, freckles across her cheeks and nose as well as her chest and shoulders. people also tend to notice the grey hair.
place of birth.   atlanta, georgia
siblings.  none (my carol doesn't have one, but i have an oc that is carol's sister that is connected to @unheald so... lmao)
parents.   thomas jackson and elizabeth jackson
occupation.   she had always been a stay at home mom. if she never met ed, she would've been a nurse.
current residence(s).   alexandria, virginia.
close friends.   daryl dixon, maggie rhee, rick and michonne grimes, connie, ezekiel, jerry. so many more but i can't list all the canon characters lmao
relationship status.   currently single. ed peletier was her first husband who was killed (thank god) so she was widowed, then she briefly entered a relationship with tobin but it was just for distraction, then she married king ezekiel and eventually divorced after their son was murdered. (also is secretly not so secretly in love with daryl)
criminal record.  none, but if those were still a thing in the apocalypse she'd have a very high list of offenses.
vices.   pride, wrath, lust
sexual orientation.   bisexual but she very heavily leans towards men
preferred sexual role.   generally she is the dominant one, but she doesn't mind being submissive once in a while either.
libido.   fairly high
turn-ons.   charm, kind hearted, understanding personalities. kissing, caressing, whispered words for physical.
turn-offs.   mean-spirit, aggression, verbal and physical abusive qualities
love language.   physical touch, acts of service, quality time
relationship tendencies.   she generally needs that emotional connection first in order to form a true bond with someone. she can easily have sex with someone without it being a relationship, but for a real relationship she needs that connection, that understanding and the friendship.
hobbies to pass time.   reading is one of her favorite things, particularly romance novels. she also enjoys cooking/baking.
mental illnesses.   definitely has depression and ptsd
self-confidence level. it's pretty dependent on the timeline actually, but as of right now her confidence level is pretty good. not super high but she doesn't hate herself either.
tagged by: @foxtaeil
tagging: whoever wants to talk about their muse!
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Tobin bell (the actor to plays jigsaw) has such an attractive voices
(And question have you seen the saw movies if yes which one is your favorite)
Cause for me I’d say saw 6 it’s my personal favorite
I do like saw 3D cause it fully shows up the reverse bear trap kill
Honestly based
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rorykillmore · 1 year
saw x is so fucking great. maybe my favorite saw movie. tobin bell is compelling every second he’s on screen (which is a lot), shawnee smith was both poignant and very funny this time around, the movie just overall has a very strong sense of what people actually care about. the first (tamer) half was almost harder for me to watch than the second bc of how upsetting it was to watch john get conned.
the traps are all pretty solid but nothing INSANELY memorable imo (or maybe i just wasn’t super fazed bc of how many of them have been publicized/spoiled already). the twist is a little bit transparent by virtue of us already knowing what happens in the later movies, but i also think it’s just way more interesting and better executed than spiral (where i complained about the transparency of the twist). like i think we all saw it coming in my audience but there was huge applause as soon as hello zepp kicks in. it’s very fun and satisfying even if not “shocking” & im gonna be real the ending is kind of cheesy as hell but in a weirdly endearing way (it plays almost like a fucking disney movie where the heroes prevail and the antagonist is just like “AW RATS ):<“). I wasn’t mad about it
it had a few kind of dumb parts but again, in an endearing way that’s become kind of trademark to the series. cecelia i think was also incredibly fun and the franchise rly needed another “memorable” character whereas imo spiral was not exactly rife with them (jigsaw had like one or two depending on your taste). im not gonna talk too much more about my thoughts on her bc i feel like they’re inherently spoilery. but all in all an EXTREMELY good entry into the franchise, might not end up being everyone’s personal #1 but i think it is undeniably the best saw movie there’s been in a very long time
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whatinthehale17 · 1 year
I'm thinking about a new USWNT fanfic but with them in the Harry Potter world. It's a mix of all of my favorite players (most of them are from the 2019 world cup). I've been working on a one-shot for them but i might make it into like a little story. Here's one of the ideas-
Title- But your empty eyes seem to pass me by (Leaving me dancing with myself)
Summary- With the Yule Ball coming up, 4th years and above were desperate to find dates. That included Emily Sonnett and Kelley O'Hara. So, why not strike up a bet? Be the first one to find a date to the ball. If you lose, you have to do whatever the other wants for a whole week. Of course, both of them had someone in mind.
But, asking out that person was harder than each of them thought, seeing as they weren't the only ones interested. Now it was a race against the clock to not only ask them before the dance, but also ask them before someone else gets to them first. What could go wrong?
Ships/friendships- Emily Sonnett & Kelley O'Hara, Emily Sonnett & Rose Lavelle, Kelley O' Hara & Tobin Heath, Kelley O'Hara/Alex Morgan, Emily Sonnett/Lindsey Horan, Tobin Heath/Christen Press, Ashlyn Harris/Ali Krieger, Sam Kerr/Kristie Mewis, Sue Bird/Megan Rapinoe
I guess the world cup got me back into my USWNT obsession lmao.
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hypermania · 1 year
all your caryl posting is so bittersweet because i LOVE caryl but then i remember how hard the show tried to pull them apart and i get so mad all over again about tobin/ezekiel/connie/leah 😫
oh no don't get mad!!! just bask in all the caryl love.
this is so funny though because all of those people strengthened caryl in my eyes. the only one that even makes me angry is leah but it's not for caryl reasons. like tobin was just a role carol was playing and i'm sure she cared about him as much as she cared about any of the people at alexandria but it wasn't exactly a romance for the ages. he was just some dude and she was just playing a part. she would've sacrificed him for any one of her people at any given moment lol
and while i do believe she loved ezekiel, it was never fully real to her. it was a fantasy, like she said. she wanted to pretend it was happily ever after but in the end, he wasn't her person, and she wasn't the person she was trying to be when she was with him. i think all of that is really important character work for carol but even if it wasn't, their relationship was worth watching just to see ezekiel ask daryl to stay out of their marriage (despite daryl not doing anything other than existing) because ezekiel Knew.
the connie thing was cute and daryl deserves to have friends but like. it wasn't exactly romantic. every time it felt like the show was about to go there, daryl was like HEY LOOK IT'S MY BEST FRIEND CAROL WHO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE WORLD TO ME DO YOU GUYS KNOW ABOUT CAROL HAVE YOU MET CAROL I LOVE CAROL.
and leah. well. daryl wasn't even willing to choose her over negan lmao and i think it's telling that the only time during the course of eleven seasons that he has something even close to a romantic or sexual relationship with someone is when his best dude friend is missing/presumed dead and the love of his life is married to someone else.
the leah thing does bother me though because it served no purpose other than what feels like the shittiest fan service in existence. like, she did not need to be daryl's ex-lover for that storyline to play out, especially given that in the end neither of them chose each other and neither seemed to have a particularly difficult time not choosing each other. she could've just been some woman he came to care about and check in on because that's who he is and then one day she was just gone.
anyway, i assume leah was a bone the show threw at all the norman reedus girlies but like... those people want to see him fuck and/or be romantic or whatever. they want to be able to imagine that they're the love interest and the show depicted exactly zero of that so what even was the point lol
but mostly i dislike the existence of leah because she was the most boring possible option. ten seasons into this show and you already have queer!daryl (whether that means some version of asexual or gay or both) laid out in front of you and this is what you do? you were so perfectly set up for literally anything else and you decided that what people really needed to see was the fan favorite character with a conventionally attractive blonde woman who nobody cares about and who has zero impact on the narrative? cool. definitely not a waste of an episode.
anyway sorry for going on a rant. you did not ask about any of this but apparently i had some things to say asl;dfdjsa
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