#Tkorat AU
your-ne1ghbor · 5 months
Hello friend, could you please show me the complete and colored version of Asha's dress?
Of Course!! So here is the TKoRaT! Asha!
(The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns)
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Here is somewhat what I was going for, that includes one with her done in water colors!!
Here is her more close up!
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First draft of her design is here, and I did it on my phone so yeah there is a stark difference in style :3
So the main outfit of her dress color wise is somewhat like her OG design, this is the concept art I used as refrence:
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I also added gold to the blue part of her design that is similar to the original villain design.
Another note here is that Asha has more freckles that isn't just on the face. Plus, she has box braids, since it grew on me :3
Anyways, thanks for the question! Sorry I didn't answer right away, I actually didn't have a full design until now so yeah. I'll also take more questions in the future since they are a lot of fun to do!
Sorry for not being online, I've been busy with school as we grow closer to summer haha-
Hope you guys have a great night/day
Random question to:
@oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire
Does your Star Boy's Dance? :3
(idk who else in the fandom to tag haha-)
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signed-sapphire · 3 months
Hiiii @your-ne1ghbor!
(Sorry, I wanted to send this in as an ask but I can’t seem to attach images in your askbox)
I don’t know what time zone you’re in, but it’s around 5 for me right now and I wanted to get something for you in time for your birthday!
Soooo, here!
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Happy birthday!
Angst isn’t a happy bday gift
Hold on
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There! Much better
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spectator-zee · 2 months
Hey there! I saw you've been starting to expand your own rewrite so I'd thought of a few questions or you! Now I'm not fully versed in your Wish AU, but I'm genuinely curious. So here we go:
How did you come up with the idea of your rewrite? Was it from watching the Disney movie or other people's rewrites?
How does SFTS!Asha interact with other Wish AU Ashas?
Same as #2, but with Apollo and the other Starboys. 😂
How long does your storyline go on?
Uhhhh.... Any Angst, I'm still new to it. 😅
How many songs are you including in your rewrite? Do they include A Wish Worth Making, or This is the Thanks I Get or perhaps an original song?
Is there a Flazino in your rewrite?
When can we expect the first chapter?
Are all 7 Teens included in SFTS, or is it reduced? Or are they just wiped from existence? 😂
Out of questions, but I want to give you a hug:
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Good luck on your stuff! 😎
1. How did you come up with the idea of your rewrite? Was it from watching the Disney movie or other people's rewrites?
I got inspiration from both my mutuals, the movie, some tropes i love from watching different anime and reading multiple Webtoons.
So my little wish au was born. It was initially was just going to be my little secret, just drawing my own version of Asha and Starboy and writing down some ideas for the AU whenever I have ideas for it, but when @signed-sapphire tagged me to recreate my Asha and Starboy on this picrew they found, well-
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I was forced to reveal my two kiddos 🤧
(Just kidding Saph ily platonically-)
Lots of stuff changed compared to the first draft too.
I actually had two other wish AUs before the current one i have right now.
One is a sort of villain AU of Asha and Starboy, where i named that Starboy Alzir. (I can't remember why i named that guy like that tho)
And one where Asha is the thought to be dead princess of Rosas turned vigilante of some sorts, also with a Starboy (also named Orion). The guy was WAY less traumatized than the current Orion, Good for him!
2. How does SFTS!Asha interact with other Wish AU Ashas?
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns 🥀(by @your-ne1ghbor) My Asha enjoys spending time with Neighbor's TKoRaT!Asha, they would probably talk about hobbies and what they do to alleviate boredom when confined inside a castle. Though my Asha mostly focused on her job of doing paperwork and castle finances and whatever the heck a princess's job is inside the castle idk. Imagine Navier from Remarried Empress, i definitely got inspired by her a lot when it comes to my Asha.
The Fallen Star 🌠 by @signed-sapphire She would probably not get along with Saph's Asha very much, she'd also try to reel TFS!Asha back whenever she's being rude to someone.
I feel there would be a scenario where TFS!Asha would be ranting to my Asha about the TFS!Seven teens for not appreciating their perfect and benevolent princess and my Asha would just be looking at paperwork and be like-
"Mhm" "Yes, that must be awfully tragic"
My Asha would NOT be listening at all LOL
Reach for the Stars 🌌 @oh-shtars At this point she's not surprised that there's an AU where she's a servant instead. She'd also be kinda akward towards her. since most of the castle staff in my AU knows of her existence but hasn't seen her personally or thinks she's intimidating/standoffish and she'd try her best to not "scare" RFTS!Asha.
Aled Wish au 🏙️ by @uva124 They'd bond over coffee and overworking maybe?
The Kingdom of Wishes 🌟 by @annymation She'd ask advice on how to draw other people, as she only knows how to draw herself, her surroundings and some animals.
Wish Granted @rascalentertainments She can't tell if WG!Asha doesn't like her or not because of her sarcasm. Though she thinks that WG!Asha probably already doesn't like her due to her being adopted by the Royal couple.
The Wishing Kingdom 🏰 @chillwildwave She'd relate on to her not being good at magic and both of their Magnificos berating them for not being good at it, she'd try to teach some of the spells she learned by herself to TWK!Asha tho.
The Assistant and the Star 📚 @tumblingdownthefoxden If she ever hears about TaatS! Asha was being stalked, she would have been pretty pissed and if she had the authority, she would have had them arrested and served prison time or community service.
3. Same as #2, but with Apollo and the other Starboys.
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns 🥀 With Neighbor's TKoRaT! Star, Orion sees him as his first Starboy friend, his homie, his first partner in crime! Whenever he wants to hang out with someone (that isn't Asha), he goes to find him first...and drags him along with his shenanigans
The Fallen Star 🌠 With Saph's Cielo, he now has a pranking buddy! (Besides TKoRaT!Star of course) He does get concerned that he trusts so easily towards strangers. But good thing he's a living lie detector and he'll look out for any bad guy that wanna take advantage of him....aaand cue him shooting an arrow at TFS!Mag. Sorry Saph-
Reach for the Stars 🌌 Sueño my boy, Orion would play music for him whenever he sees Sueno is upset or uncomfortable to calm his nerves. When he heard about how he got imprisoned by Magnifico and got his magic drained for years...well, let's just say he had a violent reaction and RFTS!Magnifico is going to be a pincushion once Orion gets his hands on him--
Aled Wish au 🏙️ Wish Uva's Haedus, he had to do a double take cause he can sense that Haedus is pretty powerful. But after getting over that, he thinks that he's really cool to hang out with. Orion would also love Naos and Nembus, he'd try to teach them how to perform spells that they can do even with weak magic.
The Kingdom of Wishes 🌟 He'd be in awe over Aster's cool cape and question how the heck did he manage to defeat his Magnifico. He'd also applaud that Aster was ready to square up against his Magnifico too, i still remember the swords he made out of stardust, even though it didn't hurt Magnifico, it was still one of my favorite moments.
Wish Granted 💫 WG!Star!!!! i love this little bundle of Joy, Orion would have a bit of a hard time keeping up with Star's energy at first though. He'd also be pretty protective as Star doesn't seem to recognize how dangerous his royal couple is.
The Wishing Kingdom 🏰 I remember wave mentioning that Antares has a tendency to lie a lot. Due to a past experience, Orion manifested the ability to tell when someone is lying. Whenever Antares lies about something, Orion...would not call him out on it, in public at least. He'd first yank him somewhere private and ask if he's okay and that he's here if Antares needs someone to talk with.
The Assistant and the Star 📚 He can heavily relate with having healing powers yet not being able to save people who they needed to protect. (I love Altan's backstory btw) On a less angsty note, They'd bond over being the only Starboys having fluffy fur on their outfits. Orion would start a "Starboys with Fluffy fur on their outfits" club, only with two members at the moment :')
4. How long does your storyline go on?
In universe it would either be a few months or a year at most.
Cause I feel like it would be like an anime/cartoon(??) series with episodes in it to show dynamics of side characters with one another, or Asha and Orion shenanigans, The Royal couple shenanigans, even an episode dedicated to Asha's owl and Amaya's cat just having beef with each other. Asha and Orion needs time to establish trust with one another over time. Gain allies to stand against the King and Queen, Make the people doubt about the Royal couple, Arc where Asha gets to explore outside the castle walls!, Asha having her first public appearance, episode showing what happened to Rosas' previous King and second prince, Orion backstory, 7 teens POV, all that fun stuff.
(Disclaimer: I am NOT writing all that- I have NO writing experience whatsoever, my au is just a fun little concept that i would just either draw out or share little fun facts about whenever inspiration strikes)
5. Uhhhh.... Any Angst, I'm still new to it. 😅
Magnifico gifted Asha a crown made of thorny vines for her birthday, she still wears despite it being hurting because it's the only crown she has. And to remind herself that a princess's job is a heavy/painful burden.
6. How many songs are you including in your rewrite? Do they include A Wish Worth Making, or This is the Thanks I Get or perhaps an original song?
I don't really plan on Writing this au, it's more like a fun concept that i would share fun facts of or draw occasionally. But if there would be music in it, it would include most of the Songs that are already in the movie except:
• I'm a star • This is the thanks i get • Knowing what i know now
and i would replace them with songs like:
• Wouldn't you like
(Because i freaking LOVE Epic the Musical okay? and Orion would be the type to sing a happy tune with some sinister lyrics sometimes lol)
Here, Orion makes an offer of partnership between him and Asha, he'd be her ally in the quest of preventing Magnifico and Amaya's plans, he also sings some of their crimes during the song too
"She can turn you into an animal that would end up on a plate! "She can all but make you fall in love, like you're on your hundredth date! "He can turn into a monster! And he'll grind you to the bone" "They have all the ways to haunt ya, if you take them all alone!"
He sings these crimes that they they have done in a catchy tune so Asha won't get too spooked but he makes sure that she understands that those two are definitely dangerous and you should be very cautious around them. Because they have definitely done these acts, and would definitely do it again to any person who would oppose them.
• They're only Human
Here the Royal couple sings a duet, looking down on the people that are so far beneath them. Also I'd imagine them singing the Annapantsu and Caleb Hyles Cover instead of the OG version (I still love the og tho)
Not entirely sure what rebellion song I would replace "Knowing what I know now" though
And if there would be an Original song, it would be a song about Asha singing/comforting Orion because he's having a mental breakdown. Singing to him along the lines of- "Deep breaths" "Count with me" "And Repeat"
Idk I'm not a songwriter
And it would be named something like- "Don't blame yourself" or "Things that weren't your fault"
And at some point, Orion would sing this back to her, like a reprise of sorts when she's the one who needs comforting
p.s. I just realized that "Here comes a thought" from Steven Universe would be a perfect alternative instead oh my god-
7. Is there a Flazino in your rewrite?
Oh yeah he exists, Asha gave him a raise once, surprised that he didn't quit being Magnifico's magic apprentice since all the previous ones quit and was never seen again (She's secretly investigating where they are as she caught wind of their families being worried sick about them). Flazino didn't know why his salary increased and who did it, cause it's definitely not Magnifico or Amaya, but he's grateful to that person.
He also goes around Rosas to help with his magic, as he's one of the only people in the kingdom authorized to use magic. (Being Magnifico's apprentice and all)
8. When can we expect the first chapter?
I'm not really a writer, so i actually plan to show some happenings in my au with drawings once motivation strikes once in a while, or if some people asks me about stuff about my au cause i don't really talk about stuff unless someone asks me about it
9. Are all 7 Teens included in SFTS, or is it reduced? Or are they just wiped from existence? 😂
They exist! They help their parents who work at the castle, like an internship of sorts so they would take their places once they have come of age. (This might change in the future who knows)
10. Out of questions, but I want to give you a hug
❤️❤️❤️HUG!! ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ❤️❤️❤️
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oh-shtars · 4 months
RFTS! Maggy, do you hate rats? Plus, why do you hate the stars so much?
RFTS! Amaya, what do you think about Stars?? Do you hate them? Are you neutral with them?
RFTS! Sueño, how did you feel about Asha after you met her?
RFTS! Asha, how did you and Sueño meet? :3
shimmy shimmy yay shimmy yay shimmy ahhhh
RFTS!AU AskBox #3
Oooooh! There’s one question for each character this time! :D
Yayy, another set of asks but it’s @your-ne1ghbor’s edition this time!! X3
1. Does (pfft-) Maggy hate rats? And why does he hate the stars so much?
I’ve taken your idea of having every Magnifico in any universe just have this dislike of rats and made it canon. After all, why shouldn’t a literal Disney villain hate a rat?
So yes, RFTS!Mag dislikes pests, especially mice. When he meant pests, it also includes nosy people who are too curious for their own good and filthy goats.
TKoRaT!Mag would be interested to hear this, RFTS!Mag also hates starkind upon discovering their existence for doing literally nothing when his village got destroyed as a young child. He’s also furious that through all the hardships he went through, he thought that the stars had just ignored the sound of his crushed desires. (Which they didn’t. They can’t turn back time, you know?)
Sooo Mag let loose his frustration onto Sueño, a young star that wasn’t even there when his tragedy happened. My poor boy doesn’t even know half of what he’s being blamed about.
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2. What does Amaya think about the stars? Does she hate them or is she neutral with them?
Amaya didn’t believe in the myths about Wishing Stars at first. There’s very old accounts from people who claim they’ve seen one but they all contradict each other, so she didn’t consider it concrete evidence. She has more real and interesting things she could be learning about than just some fairy tale.
But once her husband surprisingly proved her beliefs wrong by capturing an actual Wishing Star, well….lets just say her views had changed. Suddenly, there’s a whole new kind of magic available for her to explore.
3. How does Sueño feel about Asha after he met her?
Upon first meeting her, he was scared and distrusting. Flinching away at any attempt of physical contact like she had the plague. He’s not going to let anyone get him down under their control again. But over time as he starts warming up to her company, Sueño discovers a kinder and warmer side to humans through Asha.
And with that, he stars seeing her as a genuine friend who sincerely and selflessly desires the best for others. But interestingly enough, Sueño observes that when Asha encourages other people’s capability to achieve something, it seems she’s unwilling to do so herself.
What is she so afraid of? Why be afraid to dream and wish? How could a beautiful and amazing person with the brightest amber eyes that twinkle like clusters of stars whenever she smiles look at herself and say she’s nothing out of the ordinary?
(Wait. Woah- That last question was worded a bit weirdly. Hmmm…..)
4. How did Asha and Sueño met?
This post :3
*vibes* 🎶💃🎵
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
OG Magnifico meets TKoRaT Magnifico
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@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @spectator-zee @rascalentertainments @uva124
Ya'll gonna like some Maggy lore. I'm serving it on a silver platter. 💃
I keep seeing other Maggy's meeting each other, so why not have Maggy meet the Wish version of himself (heh get it?....sorry)
Ngl, whenever I think about these 2 meeting, I'd always think the OG Maggy would just pity him. They both went through basically the same thing, but had a different outcome.
Both built a kingdom out of nothing just to have other people be protected under their rule.
However, the reason why is completely different.
OG Maggy had his home and possibly his family killed/destroyed when he was a boy. Hense the tapestry we see in his study.
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He went out of his way to help people so they wont go through the same thing he went through. (WHICH IS SUPER NOBLE OF HIM LIKE WHAT)
TKoRaT Maggy built his kingdom not because his home was destroyed, but simply because he wanted people to live in a place away from harm. He sympathized so much with people less unfortunate than him, that he built a kingdom to help those "poor unfortunate souls" (ha, see what I did there?). So, he built his kingdom and people flooded into it to be safe either from other people, monsters, kingdoms, wars, ect. Until someone, with a star, came to their kingdom and almost killed everyone that lived there.
Instead of trying to do better, TKoRaT Maggy became more worse. It was like a slap in the face from the world. He basically became what he saught to avoid, somewhat like the OG Maggy. In a way, this is sort of OG Maggy's story, but somewhat in reverse yk??
Ah sorry for the tanget, I just sympathize a lot with his character, same goes for Amaya 💀
Anyways, here is another random picture of the 2 with one of my monsters from the AU
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(I still dunno what the bottom half of this thing should be 😭)
Also if OG Maggy ever meets RFTS Maggy, he probs would be horrified of him tbh 💀
Same goes with the other Maggy's but idk Im just guessing 🧍‍♂️
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your-ne1ghbor · 4 months
Hi ne1ghbor! (Can I call you that? Do you have a nickname?)
I love TKoRaT so far! I'm curious to see what other parallels our AUs have, it would be funyn sicne @oh-shtars and my AU are polar opposites
I have a drawing request! Could I see some Fallen Star characters in your style? Maybe interacting with TKoRaT characters? (Cielo would be super welcoming. Asha would probably be horrified that a princess she expected to also be haughty is... nice *shudder*)
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TKoRaT Asha is to horrified of FS Asha and fucking died lmaooo
(She just was in shock that she sees another version of herself since this is her first time interacting with another version of herself lol)
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They are talking about what they like about earth (wholesome)
uhh yeah, Fallen Star Asha sees some stars and abouta do some crippling damage out of them (not wholesome)
Also I wanna type out a convo with them since Im too tired to draw rn lol (11 pm hehe)
FS Asha: Why the hell are you soooooo niceeee? Like seriously-
TKoRaT Asha: Ummm...well I just wanna show the kindness Magnifico and Amaya showed me when they took me in you know?
FS Asha: Butttt its kind of funnnnnnn being a little bit mean to people you know?????
TKoRaT Asha: I gett....kind of scared talking to people???
FS Asha: SCARED??? WHY?! 😡
Meanwhile with the Star Hommies
TKoRaT Star: Wanna steal some weapons from Maggy?
RFTS Star: Wait, didn't you tell me that you are deathly afraid of him?
TKoRaT: 😡Anyways........RACE YOU THERE (casually transforms into a deer and blasts off)
FS Star: HEY NO FAIR, YOU GOT A HEAD START 😡(chases after him (idk if he transforms too))
Anyways hope you like them! Sorry if the designs aren't accurate from the OG 😭
And BTW, you can call me neighbor if you want too lol
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
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I think this comic strip really tells the state of the wishes of Rosas.
Btw the Stars sometimes HAVE to not tell the other stars about certain things in order to protect them from the dangers of the human realm, even if those said stars don't really understand why.
Oh, and none of them told star boy what happened a century ago where a star helped hurt thousands of people. Either because they are to prideful to admit a star did something wrong or because they don't want to bring attention to it so that other stars don't become afraid when it comes to guiding the user's.
I think I am getting there in terms of how the magic system works, but I do know how the wishes play into the magic system! Which is pretty nice tbh 😭
And yes im leaning into the: Star Boy = monster territory. I just think that concept is intresting itself since it can literally be interpreted in so many ways <3
I love traumatizing both of them 💕😝
Even of it makes me cry myself to sleep🧍
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your-ne1ghbor · 4 months
I got the storyboard all done.
Plus the reason why I changed it was because legit the other one I kept on imagining different characters not the characters I wanted to use and I didn't like how anything was coming out.
But after I explored that universe for a week or so, I think that it is better for me to show off another star design that will show what is happening. Plus I imagined it a lot more than the other one. Don't worry, star boy gets injured more in this one than he did in the other one :3
So here it is, FW is in the video but Blood and Death Warning
Plus I get to show off the designs I recently made and enjoyed making
So anyways, ya'll probably confused, but I feel like only 3 or 2 maybe 1 stars can predict the future, only because they are old as fuck. So yeah, Maggy summoned a very ancient star by accident. Or that this song isn't really, cannon just that the event of a Star saying "you should change your viewpoint of your world before you damn youself" is going to stay cannon in the story.
One thing I really tried near the ending is that she gets very angry at him since he hurts a star, a young one at that and she is despratly trying to scare him into changing what he will become in a positive way, but it was prevented for a while, until the grief got too much for him and he became what was foretold. Or as I said, the future part just probs wont be cannon, but the fact that magnifico will go down a dark path after this and becomes the moster rawr rawr rawr
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They are blue btw (kind of like the blue fairy, which is what they are largely based off from)
Anyways I got math first period tomorrow kill me bye bye
(also the other reblogs that @uva124 @signed-sapphire and @oh-shtars did was fucking adorable imma reblog my reactions to them after summer comes along)
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If the future thing ends up being cannon in the story, I am just going to say that the limitations is that they can only see so far into what that can become. They can't see beyond that point, so that way it is mainly up to the person to prevent what will happen to them or not.
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
Do you think you can draw Asha with her new dress that I will show you in the following image?
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I've actually seen that dress when I was doing design refrences for Asha. I still prefer the dress I put her in though since it fits her more plus keeps the theme of her needing a lighter dress to be moving more (plus it is more what she prefers).
As Asha says here, and it goes for the other dresses, she would wear this/bigger dresses during balls (idk if Maggy and Amaya would do this tbh) or to ceremonies (which is what they definitely do but it is minus the other ceremony since that dress would not fit that certain ceremony)
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Her current dress rn (which I am keeping since I really like it I just gotta add more floral to the design) is intentionally not as long so that she isn't uncomfortable when she is walking around the castle, plus a young sorcerer needs more movement for certain spells. A bigger dress will just drag thus ruining the spell <3
It's basically shorter the dress = less drag = more efficiency when casting a spell!
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
Monster in TKORAT au 😜
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Idk man it came to me in a dream
Maggy is depressed af lmao 😝😝😝
Btw idk what the bottom half of the design should be tbh 💀
Ah well imma read some facts on the Dementors kiss to get some ideas 🧍
I was gonna do some Asha angst but I had to go somewhere so all I have is just this image with no dialog so here:
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Bye bye 😜🐀
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
God damn it
my birthday is in 2 days FUCK-
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your-ne1ghbor · 4 months
Could you make a drawing and a story about how Magnífico and Amaya are Asha's parents?
I don't think they will be telling the truth...but I'll show
And Amaya was the one who found her, not Magnifico.
)FW: Blood Warning)
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Yes...Amaya did drug her so she could come with her.
And also yes, they made her forget.
After all, why should they face the problem when they can simply make it go away?
You may be wondering why she showed her mercy here, and to that I say, she isn't THAT ruthless. I feel like she, at that point couldn't. She felt sympathy for Asha, not because her parents are dead (probably a little bit), but the fact that she is the daughter of people who rose up against them.
I might come up with a better reasoning why she showed mercy here, but I will go with this, for now.
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @annymation @rascalentertainments @uva124
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
Guess my inspiration for the star realm 🧍
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
If you met TKoRaT Maggy and Amaya, what would their reactions to you be? Would they try to assimilate you into Rosas? Know that you’re the one that gave them all the angst?
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Uhh yeah they would kill me smh 🤦
They just don't understand that it was for the lore 🤷
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
Yayyyyy! Questions!!
(Forgive me if you’ve already made posts about some of these ;-;)
1. How was Asha adopted into royalty? Does she remember anything from her biological parents?
2. How does the realm where stars live work? What’s your Starboy’s relationship with the other stars? Are they family? Is he Isolated?
3. Amaya backstory. Is her eye injury related to a star?
4. Mind explaining the monster creature thing that Magnifico has chained up?
5. How do Wishing Ceremonies work in your AU? Or would you rather keep that as a surprise for now?
6. How old are each of the characters?
7. Are you going to write out your story or is it through art dumps or animatics? What’s the duration of your story? Days? Weeks? Months?
8. Which Wish AU do you think the characters of your AU would most get along with? Which one would they get along with the least?
9. How are you placing the 7 teens in your plot?
10. Sorry. Random thought. Buuuuuut. I think you’ve mentioned your Starboy not knowing what pain felt like until he went down to Earth. Which is a sad and startling discovery, I’ll say.
Meanwhile, Sueño is just there, familiar with pain as an old friend of theirs. Imagine them just staring at TKoRaT!Star and just go: “First time?”
And before I leave, let me sprinkle some positivity and good luck in your workplace before bidding you adieu~
Oo love the questions @flicklikesstuff ✨️
1.) How was Asha adopted into royalty? Does she remember anything from her biological parents?
Amaya found her at the "kingdoms doorsteps". I made a post about it here.
Asha does remember some things about her biological parents, like how her father playing music seemed to make the sound dance in the air as her mother drew images that always seemed to move and glow in a way when they told her stories. But that's all she remembers about her parents. Only what they did, not for the stories about the stars and warnings they gave about the royal couple.
2. How does the realm where stars live work? What’s your Starboy’s relationship with the other stars? Are they family? Is he Isolated?
I vaguely know how the Star Realm works, but is somewhat works like @oh-shtars star realm, but still different enough to be its own thing. Something about the star realm is that there are multiple worlds, or to them, islands that each hold a lake and a wishing tree. Inspired by Neverland from Peter Pan. The lake is basically the entrance to the human realm. But one simply cannot enter the lake unless wished apon. This is where the wishing tree comes in. The wishing tree holds the wishes of the people. These wishes take shape into a ribbon shape form, which is really how they can enter the "Middle World" I call it. (Human realm just sounds weird since there are other things in that realm that isn't just humans, but monsters as well). The ribbons call the star when they are wished apon from that world, which all they have to do is take the ribbon off the tree and enter the lake. They go through like a transportaion like from the movie Enchanted to enter the world. Ofc, the star doesn't have to accept it. If a star doesn't accept the wish, the wish would fade away and later will be forgotten. Some worlds are sometimes too dangerous to enter (like the world Asha resides in) or the wishing tree is too withered away due to the less amount of dreams people are dreaming from. Wishing trees thrive with the dreams and wishes of people. It doesn't have to be told to have the tree thrive. If told to the sky, a ribbon appears if that makes sense. Plus, the lake can also be a source of looking into that world, like knowing what they are getting into before entering it with the ribbon. Stars have to have the ribbon with them at all times. Luckily, only the user can take off the ribbon, which makes the star return to the sky. Another way for a star to return to the sky is if the wish is granted. The ribbon will fade, and thus, the star will fade back into their world.
Star Boys relationship with the other stars is basically them treating each other with care like a family!
...At least...when he was little. After he "helped" his first wish (it went terribly wrong), the stars started to not trust him with wish granting/guiding. It's more of they want him to learn how to use his powers responsibly. But even when he did, they still worry that the same thing will happen again. So they told him he is too dangerous to actually help anyone. Especially in Asha's world. Her world is too dangerous for stars (Maggy in the corner as he grows in anger to the stars is a prime example of that)
3. Amaya backstory. Is her eye injury related to a star?
I want to go into a different post about her overall backstory, but her eye injury is somewhat related to the star. She and some guards ran into the duo to stop them from killing the people that resided in Rosas, but she gotten her eye taken out in the process.
4. Mind explaining the monster creature thing that Magnifico has chained up?
It isn't necessarily chained up, more of him sending it back to hell since it should stay there and where it came from. The monster is something I dubbed "Star Eaters." It isn't because they eat stars, no, it more called that way due to the positive essence that the stars give off when they enter the Middle World, which is something they feed off from: Positive Emotions. They are a combination of restless souls that can never move on unless they eat positive emotions. The positive emotions works as some sort of healing processes the souls go through in order to move on. If the eat someone's positive emotions, it doesn't really kill them, it more leaves the person in a more depressed state, somewhat like how Mag steals the wishes that leaves them in a more depressed state too.
5. How do Wishing Ceremonies work in your AU? Or would you rather keep that as a surprise for now?
What do you think?
6. How old are each of the characters?
Idk yet, I haven't really figured that part out yet lmao 😭
7. Are you going to write out your story or is it through art dumps or animatics? What’s the duration of your story? Days? Weeks? Months?
I already answered the 1st part of the question in another post.
The duration of the story I'm not entirely sure yet. It maybe be possibly within a month or 2.
8. Which Wish AU do you think the characters of your AU would most get along with? Which one would they get along with the least?
This one is hard cause it varies for each of the main 4.
TKORAT Mag would probably ask RFTS Mag for notes he took when he picked and abused Sueño as TKORAT Amaya would probably sympathize with RFTS Amaya. She would 100% Enjoy seeing Sueño getting abused tho 💀
Star would really get along with Sueño but would give him a hug and become horrified of that mag in the process of knowing him. Plus after he gets stabbed, Sueño would ver much sympathize with his situation. TKORAT Asha relates to RFTS Asha and enjoys how she cares for people, but also doesn't understand it as RFTS Asha relates to her shy side of her😭
FS AU is also something cause TKORAT Mag and Amaya would see FS Mag and Amaya as their former selves. People who care and greets the world with open arms (before they become the villains) and relates to how they lost their home due to the stars. They basically find them a bit nostalgic, meanwhile FS Mag and Amaya would probably be horrified of them. They went through basically the same thing but instead became the worse versions of themselves. They would probably have the most arguments between them.
FS Asha would be in shock that TKORAT Asha actually KNOWS magic but also disapproves of what TKORAT Asha does to the wishes as TKORAT Asha would probably die. I don't necessarily see them getting along well, but I also see them getting along? Idk I'm mixed on that. Ceilo and TKORAT Star would probably become BSF tbh. (Polieties and Telamecus be like) 😭
WG Star and TKORAT Star would get along very well on the same levels as FS Star. WG Asha meanwhile is just worries for TKORAT Asha's mental state as TKORAT Asha envies her support system 💀
WG Mag and Amaya and TKORAT Mag and Amaya is something idk entirely at the moment, but they probs plot some very devious plans together.
TWK Mag and Amaya would be annoyed at the fact that they went out of their way to kill Asha's parents instead of doing it later on and TKORAT Mag and Amaya would be annoyed that they kidnapped Asha instead of killing her grandparents then gaslight her. Idk I see them being annoyed at each other. TKORAT Asha would probably feel sympathy to TWK Asha's situation and TWK would probably avoid her due to what she does to the wishes.Idk much on TWK Star a the moment, so I probs need to read up on that.
@annymation 's AU Mag and Amaya would not get along with TKORAT Mag and Amaya. They see them as "too nice" for their status but approves on what they do to their kingdom meanwhile TKORAT Mag and Amaya cannot tolerate them at all. They find them annoying.
Her Asha would see the villains in her universe be somewhat the embodiment of what they do into TKORAT Asha. Sure, TKORAT Asha crushes wishes, but I see that causing some flashbacks to them absorbing Star's powers and let him die in front of her so TKORAT Asha would avoid her to not remind her of that. TKORAT Star is just curious on Aster's shape-shifting abilities as Aster is with him.
Now @spectator-zee 's Asha and TKORAT Asha would get along very well. They both relate to each other the most in my eyes. Both are just on the same level of isolation and enjoys each other's company.
Orion and TKORAT Star are homies to me. Don't ask why, they just are.
9. How are you placing the 7 teens in your plot?
Like I said in another post, I'm not entirely sure yet.
10. Sorry. Random thought. Buuuuuut. I think you’ve mentioned your Starboy not knowing what pain felt like until he went down to Earth. Which is a sad and startling discovery, I’ll say.
Meanwhile, Sueño is just there, familiar with pain as an old friend of theirs. Imagine them just staring at TKoRaT!Star and just go: “First time?”
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(@oh-shtars sueño is comforting star hehe)
Yeah...pretty much.
Here's the thing. The way I am framing the "stabbing" if you call it, is basically his empathetic side coming into play.
Anyone he had hurt or hell, Maggy's pain, he felt all of the grief washing over him when he got stabbed.
I very muched liked how I framed it, it's just that it is a very huge part of the story and I probably won't be able to spoil it until I know what I am writing 💀
Anyways, thank you so much for the questions! I very much had a fun time answering them :D
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your-ne1ghbor · 4 months
The title says it all man-
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