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vocaloid-song-of-the-day · 4 months ago
Enemy Circulation by titana feat. IA
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voca-song-a-day · 1 month ago
Today's featured song is: "Kyouizon" Titana feat. Flower!
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kanobarlowe · 1 month ago
Titana - People of Titanium
The Titana are a highly populous people who can take on magic with ease. They are a common presence among hard labor groups, guard and warrior clans, and are a valuable asset to military operations. Their seraphic body is Vis, which marks the fifth month of the year.
The Titana are a group who believes the body is everything. Like the Cupra, to those outside of their circle, they all appear to be one sex when one does not have a view of their genitalia—while the Cupra all appear to be women on the surface, all of the Titana appear to be men on the surface. Massive, strong, these warriors believe adulthood is an award won by a feat of physical greatness.
The Titana, like the Niccola, heavily populate the Solis Imperium, while simultaneously ruling a rivaling kingdom that stands against the Imperium called Titanhold.
The Titana's magical gifts are that of supernatural speed and strength, able to use unnatural quickness and strength at command. The cost is high, however—Titana often die young from over exerting their bodies, as their organs and bones often cannot compensate for the pushed limits for more than a few decades at most.
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violettranslations · 2 years ago
Goodbye, Honor Student (さよなら、優等生)
指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本のます 指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本のます 指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本のます 指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本のます 指切った I pinky swear it, and if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles. I pinky swear it, and if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles. I pinky swear it, and if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles. I pinky swear it, and if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles. I pinky swore it. 良い子にゃ餌をやろう お前には頭を垂れてやろう 頭隠さず尻隠せ 生きるのは辛いだろう 一度死んでみるのもありだろう 次があるかは知らんけど I feed the good kids, and I hang my head to you. Take your head out of the sand and cover your vitals!¹ Life’s tough, isn’t it? It kinda makes me wanna give dying a try. Not that I know for sure if anything would come next. きっとこの世は敵だらけで あなたに出会えたのは 神様からのプレゼント さぁ感情論で語りましょう ハイ論破!!って煽りましょう バイバイ 鷹の爪 I’m well aware this world is full of enemies, so my meeting you must be a present from God. C’mon, let’s make some sentimental arguments, let’s fire ourselves up shouting “nope, I win!!” Bye-bye, hawk talons.² ベースボール ヤンキーだらけのジャンキー市街は どうにも出口が無いようで 哀愁漂う売春ガールも 買い占めてこうぜ 犯罪歴とか関係ないのさ 今日から人生リスタート 1 2 3 4 足並み揃えず 怠惰に生きろよ ラッタッタ Baseball, there’s no way out of these junkie cities chock full of delinquents, so how about we go buy up the time of those doleful ladies of the night over there? Criminal records don’t matter here. From now on, life’s gonna restart. 1 2 3 4 Don’t bother falling into step with the rest of them and live indolently! Ra-tta-tta ガラクタ ガランド ガラパゴス メルシー メントス メメントス バリカタ ハリガネ 湯気通し ニンニク マシマシ チョモランマ 何でそんなことするの? かさぶたが取れたら合図だぞ 意味があるかは知らんけど Garbage, gutted, Galapagos, Merci, Menthos, Mementos, Barikata, Harigane, steamed, extra garlic, as much as you can add.³ What the heck are you doing? Once the scabs come off, that’s the signal. Not that I know if there’s any point to it, though. ずっと自分から逃げてきた 偽物に憧れた 心はいつも空っぽで もう嫌になんだ 苦しいのは 散々だ おままごとは さよなら、優等生 I’ve always been running from myself, longing for something fake, my heart forever empty. Ugh, I’m sick of all this painful shit. All this playing house is just awful. Goodbye, honor student. デッドボール 最近噂の賞金稼ぎは どうやらたちが悪いようで 雷神気取りの黄金バットで ぶっ飛ばして行こうぜ 将来安定 脳内感染 無個性工場抜け出して 1 2 3 4 空振り三振 前だけ見てろよ ラッタッタ Dead ball, All the gossip-mongers in the area have seemed weirdly nasty lately, so let’s take up a pair of golden bats like we’re some gods of thunder and go knock some sense into ‘em! Future stability, cerebral contagion; we slip free from the factory of conformity. 1 2 3 4 Strikeout! Keep your eyes forward! Ra-tta-tta ヤンキーは僕の最大の敵だ ヤンキーな俺の最強の敵だ Delinquents are my greatest enemies. The strongest enemies of a delinquent like me. ヤンキーだらけのジャンキー市街は どうにも出口が無いようで 哀愁漂う売春ガールも 買い占めてこうぜ 犯罪歴とか関係ないのさ 今日から人生リスタート 1 2 3 4 足並み揃えず 怠惰に生きろよ ラッタッタ オーパッパッパラッパッパッパラ はぁ? There’s no way out of these junkie cities chock full of delinquents, so how about we go buy up the time of those doleful ladies of the night over there? Criminal records don’t matter here. From now on, life’s gonna restart. 1 2 3 4 Don’t bother falling into step with the rest of them and live indolently! Ra-tta-tta Oopa-ppa-ppara-ppa-ppa-ppara Whuh? 指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本のます 指切りげんまん 嘘ついたら針千本のます 指切った I pinky swear it, and if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles. I pinky swear it, and if I lie, I’ll swallow a thousand needles. I pinky swore it. ¹ From the expression 頭隠して尻隠さず “to hide one’s head without hiding one’s bottom” meaning to inadvertently expose a weak point while trying to protect oneself. ² I assume this is a reference to the proverb 能ある鷹は爪を隠す “a skilled hawk hides its talons.” ³ The first two lines seem to be meaningless alliteration, but the second two lines are phrases for ordering ramen. Specifically, “barikata” is “extra-firm noodles” and “harigane” is “extra-extra-firm noodles.”
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translations-of-alexandra · 1 month ago
Beni Sevdiğini Söyle (好きって言って)
Orijinal Sanatçı: titana Vokal: ONE View the official MV here
"Ben bir numarayım!" diyorum delirmişçesine, Kaotik bir şekilde şarkı söyleyerek. Seninle son trene binmemde bir sakınca yok Ama biz nereye gidiyoruz ki?
Seni seviyorum, seni seviyorum. Yalnızca istediğim kelimeleri duyuramıyorum. Giderek bundan bıkmaya başladım. Artık kafamı durduramıyorum.
Beni sevdiğini söyle, beni sevdiğini söyle. Bu doğaüstü fenomen, bir hologram. Âşık bir kız olarak yeniden doğsam bile Bakışlarım hep üstünde olacak.
Beni sevdiğini söyle, beni sevdiğini söyle. Beni bir hava yolculuğuna götür. Ah, hiçbir şey düşünemiyorum. Ateş et, ateş et, ban ban ban!
"Ben özelim!" diyorum gururlanırcasına, Bunu ağır ağır silip süpürüyorum. "Seni çok seviyorum." diye itiraf etmemde bir sakınca yok Ama sonrasında ne yapacağım ki?
Seni seviyorum, seni seviyorum. Kendimi futona sarıp sihirli sözcükleri söylüyorum. Tamamıyla acı içindeydim. Artık geriye dönemem.
Beni sevdiğini söyle, beni sevdiğini söyle. Bir el feneri çıkartıyorum. Karanlığı aydınlatıp bakmaya çalışsam bile Bakışlarım hep üstünde olacak.
Beni sevdiğini söyle, beni sevdiğini söyle. Bugünden itibaren seni adınla çağırabilir miyim acaba? Çok garip hissediyorum. Ateş et, ateş et, ban ban ban!
Beni sevdiğini söyle, beni sevdiğini söyle. Sorun yok, sadece senin sevdiğin kişi olmak istiyorum. Yüzlerce yıl sonra yeniden doğsam bile Bakışlarım hep üstünde olacak.
Beni sevdiğini söyle, beni sevdiğini söyle. Ve her şeyin sonunda sıkıca sarıl bana. Ah, ne aptalca bir fantezi. Ateş et, ateş et, ban ban ban!
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xjustjeanyx · 1 year ago
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Some pics of my titan guardian from Destiny 2
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fuzzychildchopshop · 2 years ago
Jewelpet Titana by Mythic-Alice
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trekzonenetwork · 2 years ago
Kurzrezension: Star Trek: Picard 3x10 - "The Last Generation" Lest hier unsere spoilerfreie Rezension zum Serienfinale von "Star Trek: Picard", "The Last Generation". Was meinen wir mit "spoilerfrei"? Es gibt sehr unterschiedliche Auffassungen dazu, was "spoilerfrei" bedeutet. Damit ihr selbst ents... ... weiterlesen
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idestroyhumanity · 2 years ago
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Did not realize the #TitanA was that big. #startrek #picard https://www.instagram.com/p/CrM8JcmLcww/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deconstructthesoup · 3 months ago
Weird D&D character concept: A paladin who is literally just a secretary. Like, typing-on-a-typewriter, hair-always-immaculate-and-in-a-1940's-style, heels-and-cat's-eye-glasses secretary. Her oath is about keeping her boss out of trouble and making sure everything is done on time, and done well. She can be stressed and in over her head, but nobody can deny that seems to somehow pull off everything she does.
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vocaloid-song-of-the-day · 1 month ago
China Girl by Titana feat. IA and ONE
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useless-catalanfacts · 7 months ago
Listen on YouTube / Listen on Spotify.
This is a traditional work song from the Valencian Country that used to be sang in the storehouses, with lyrics talking about their working rights. In this recording, it's sang by two of the most recognized Valencian singers of traditional style of the moment: Pep Gimeno "Botifarra" and Noelia Llorens "Titana". Botifarra has learned this song from elderly women and has added one new stanza as homage to them.
As always, here's the original lyrics in Valencian/Catalan and the translation of each stanza in English.
Ja ve l'aire, ja ve l'aire! Ja ve l'aire del migdia I ha vingut un pardalet A portar-nos l'alegria The breeze is arriving, the breeze is arriving! The noon's breeze is arriving And a little bird has come To bring us happiness.
Senyor amo, senyor amo A això no n'hi ha raó Que han tocat les dotze i mitja I encà estem en el muntó! Mister owner, mister owner This is nonsense For [the bells] have rung 12:30 And we're still at the pile!
Ací estan les triadores Fortes com els diamants I les encaixonadores Perles fines encaixant Here are the sorters [women] Strong like diamonds And the packers [women] Fine pearls [when it comes to] encasing.
Allà està el tapador Passa el dia repicant I l'embalador que embala I el carreter carrejant There's the capper [man] Who spends all day pricking And the wrapper [man] who wraps And the cartwright [man] carting.
Ja s'emporten les taronges Ja les duen al vagó Ja se'n va l'amo a València A forrar-se el jaquetó They're already taking away the oranges They're taking them to the coach The master is going to València [the capital city] To get the get his refeer coat lined
Ja ve l'amo, ja ve l'amo Ja ve l'amo dels diners Porta paper, porta plata I calderilla també The master is coming, the master is coming The money's master is coming He brings paper, he brings silver And loose change, too.
Ja se'n van totes les xiques Molt contentes se n'anem Amb el jornalet a casa Que el tinguem ben guanyadet All the girls are leaving We're leaving very happy With our salary [we go] home For we have earned it hard.
Ací estan les perles fines Braç a braç amb els diamants Repicant amb alegria Volem tot: les flors i el pa! Here are the fine pearls Shoulder to shoulder with the diamonds Pealing merrily We want all: the flowers and the bread!
[Repeat the first "ja ve l'amo..." stanza]
Ja ve l'amo, ja ve l'amo Ja ve l'amo dels diners Perquè les hores són nostres Si en vol més que en pague més! Perquè les hores són nostres Si en vol més que en pague més! The master is coming, the master is coming The money's master is coming Because the hours are ours If he wants more of them, he shall pay more of them. Because the hours are ours If he wants more of them, he shall pay more of them.
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cryptdidnt · 4 months ago
Breeze vs Titana
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Titana is an eco-terrorist using her massive size to destroy polluting companies' factories.
faced with such an enormous threat breeze opted to reason with Titan who was all too eager to share her ideals. Breeze had to admit she brought up some great points but ultimately property damage wasn't the way to go about change.
Breeze was able to outmaneuver Titan and pin her under an under-construction building. Before Titana was shipped off to a holding cell she urged Breeze to look into the Quatros Project.
curious Breeze looked for the Quatros Project in the Hero Factory records and found files under the name classified. With a little help from Nex, she soon had access to the files. What she found shook her to her core.
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theafterearthreport · 6 months ago
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that applications to the zine project will close in October, so please sign up now! https://forms.gle/J8XeY5KCP1tLgPF7A
Please also join our Discord: https://discord.gg/RfZx8cMwD9
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stopka124 · 3 months ago
Doing character designs for my comic
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Ivyrus 🌱 Titana 🪓 Amanita 🍄 Acuta ⚔️ Sabul 🪨 Mercury ⚒️ Finn 🪸 Carnella 🫀
Tried putting quite a lot of emphasis on their shape language hehe
Feedback welcomed!
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vitinho2004 · 6 months ago
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