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monriatitans · 3 years ago
Announcement - Twitch Affiliate
The Path to Affiliate on Twitch will no longer be followed; with Twitch being a free service, the platform will not be abandoned either (YouTube is a backup if this ever changes).
Reasons being:
Twitch's inaction in response to the hate raids and to the harassment of marginalized streamers as a whole; #TwitchDoBetter.
#Subtember being announced while the #ADayofTwitch protest was being organized.
Twitch announcing its new "pay to win," stream boosting, money-grabbing system.
Twitch taking 50% of subscriptions; #SubOffTwitch.
Twitch’s contract demanding exclusively to their platform.
Streaming on Twitch costs them money; if I am not an affiliate, they cannot recoup the cost of hosting me.
In addition, #Tiptember, suggested by @CYREELism in response to #Subtember, is extending into #Tiptober, suggested by @JockyRhonson. 
If Twitch doesn’t get their act together, #Tipvember, #Tipcember, and so on will, be encouraged.
If there is interest in learning the goals and purpose of the stream, please click here. If there is interest in supporting the stream, please click here.
To see the Twitter thread announcement, Quote Tweeting the Tumblr announcement, click here.
Thank you for reading. May every decision you make in the future be in the spirit of fairness and may the rest of your day NOT go to $#!7.
Watch WGS on Twitch and YouTube! Check out the Artist Shout-Out posts on Instagram, Tumblr and in the #artist-shout-outs Discord channel!
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tzufcallsmeshomps · 5 years ago
Tiptober day 1: Ring
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monriatitans · 3 years ago
#Tiptember Instead of #Subtember
@sixybb suggested #Tiptember in response to @Twitch’s announcement of #Subtember on Twitter on August 26th.
#Tiptober was suggested in response to sixybb’s #Tiptember tweet.
Given Twitch’s inadequate email response to the hate raids towards marginalized streamers, #Tiptember and #Tiptober are excellent ideas.
However, @NTSTwitch posed a question on August 30th: 
Twitch Streamers: How are you rewarding your viewers for supporting your stream via donation instead of subscribing?
A legitimate question and concern.
Suggestions for Rewards for #Tiptember/#Tiptober:
Move emotes to BTTV.
Create designated roles in Discord for those who donate.
Make sure whoever you go through has Discord integration: 
The only one I know of who can assign roles to donators is Ko-fi.
Give Donators their own channel in the Discord server.
If you have Sub-Only community days, let them participate.
Example: 5 Games for Subs, 3 Games for Donators
Suggestions for Rewards for #SubOffTwitch:
Move emotes to BTTV.
Create designated roles in Discord for the off Twitch subscribers.
Make sure whoever you go through has Discord integration: below are two I know of:
However you spent your time with your Twitch subscribers, keep it up with your Off-Twitch subscribers.
Any additional rewards will depend on the streamers; don’t overthink it.
Ask yourself how YOU want to interact with your community; there’s no harm in asking your community for feedback.
Thank you for reading; may every decision you make in the future be in the spirit of fairness and you have a nice rest of your day.
Watch live on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/monriatitans. See past streams on YouTube.
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tzufcallsmeshomps · 5 years ago
Tiptober day 4: freeze.
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tzufcallsmeshomps · 5 years ago
Tiptober day 2: mindless
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monriatitans · 3 years ago
I suspect @Twitch, with their new #paytowin, stream boosting, money grabbing system, is trying to recoup their losses from #SubOffTwitch and #Tiptember.  Now #Tiptober.
And, if they keep this $#!7 up, it’ll be #Tipvember and #Tipcember. 
Thank you for reading and/or watching; may every decision you make in the future be in the spirit of fairness and I hope the rest of your day doesn’t go to $#!7.
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