#Tina Lewis x OC
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soft-persephone · 1 year ago
I Don't Want You to Leave
Doug Renetti x Black!OC x Tina Lewis
Explicit: MDNI // WC: 5k // masterlist //
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Angel perked up when Doug walked in the door. 
She smiled and bounced over to him. The embarrassment she used to feel waiting around for him to reach a lull in his work or at how people might look at her ditching work every now and then to hang out with him were long behind her. 
She was here so much, people were no longer interested in what she did here as long as she stayed out of their way. 
“Do you wanna get dinner later?” She studied his face. He smiled back at her, but it was polite. Nothing more or nothing less. 
She quickly pivoted.
“It doesn't have to be anything fancy. We could stay at home and  do something simple, or maybe go out,” she put  up her hands in a effort to ease him, just whatever feels less intimate and more casual to you!” Angel giggled a little before snapping her fingers.
“Oh I know!” She smiled even more, “we could order a pizza? Eat it on the couch? Watch some good and or terrible movies? Your choice?”
His smile wavered a bit before coming back into place. 
“May..maybe some other time.”
He patted her on the shoulder before brushing past her to his office, closing the door behind him.
It felt worse than the quietness that stretched between them or his constant need for isolation.
She sucked it up, gave him his space… but it’s been weeks now, and he’s still acting funny. 
This polite smile you’d give a well intentioned stranger to leave you alone, or the one you’d give an elementary student when they ask you to buy something for a fundraiser.
She blinked the tears budding in her eyes and sat in the chair she pulled up by Tina’s desk. 
She kicked off her shoes, and sat down on one leg, making the other one dangle above the little rug Tina’s space heater sat on.
Tina was bustling away, paper after paper rustled from one place to another. Some were filled with tabs as she made a call or two, taking notes. 
People came by and gave her even more paper’s which she absentmindedly put away into their designated piles for her to eventually deal with. 
Angel tried opening her sketch book and finishing some she already started on. Maybe she could finally finish one and start making a painting for it, but they felt too lonely or held so much love that she wasn’t quite sure she was up for looking at for an extended period of time. 
The newest one felt out of place from the previous ones. 
Her art started taking a sad turn as soon as Doug started going through whatever he was going through. 
But now, after what just happened, she could only fill the page with a few droplets of tears, her hand still as it clenched and  unclenched on the page with her pencil in hand.
She attempted to hide a sniffle by burying her face in the crook of her arm, quickly drying her eyes with a sly movement of her hands, but Tina was too quick to turn around. 
“Hey,” she placed down the papers in her hand and faced Angel completely, “hey now,” she started softly with a comforting smile, “what’s wrong? Didn’t Doug just come in?”
Oh fuck.
Angel started to cry for real now. She was a silent cryer, so no one would know what was up, unless they were walking by or looking in their direction. 
But that was just it, wasn’t it?
She only teared up when she missed Doug. Angel’s just a sweet sensitive soul in the honeymoon phase of her relationship, so she cries every now and then when she misses Doug, but once he walks in that door everyone knows little ole Angel will be okay. 
“Does.. does Doug hate me now?”
Tina bit her lip before pursuing them together in a frown. 
“Doug… gets wrapped up on his own bullshit from time to time, and he won’t talk about it or do anything about it which just makes it worse.”
Angel nodded, not really sure where this was going, but it helped… kinda.
“So you noticed it too?” Angel fought the urge to sob.
Tina grabbed a tissue of her desk and cupped the side of Angel’s face before wiping at her tears. 
Angel tried to push back in her chair away from the touch, averting her gaze towards the floor at the same time. 
“Mm-mmh,” Tina whispered softly, “look at me, baby.”
Angel softly laughed with a hiss of breath. She bit back her smile as best as she could before slowly looking back at Tina.
“Doug does not hate you.”
“B-but why won’t he spend time with me anymore? He won’t t-talk to me either and he barely looks at me anymore.”
New fears fell down her face and Tina whipped them away as they fell.
Tina sighed. 
“Doug hates himse—“
“—Wh..what does that have to do with anything?” Angel almost spoke a little too loudly. 
Tina gave her a pointed look and Angel fought the urge to start shouting out of spite. 
The disappointment and bitterness was building up a storm without her and she couldn’t even let it out at the person who deserved it because they were avoiding her. 
“I will talk to him,” Tina pulled back, smiling softly as she noticed Angel absentmindedly following the movement of her hands as she was pulling away from her her, “but we all decided that if this was going to work between us, we’d have to communicate.”
Angel balled up the tissue in her hands, not looking up at Tina.
“I’m trying Tina.”
“I know you are,” she smiled softly, “i will do my best to talk to him, but whatever is happening between you two is for your two to sort out.”
After calming Angel down, Tina encouraged her, forced is a more accurate word, to go to her job and actually work some, regardless of the fact that she’d get paid anyway, and to come back in the afternoon when she was done. 
That time was creeping up slowly, so she made her way to Doug’s office. 
He worked today like it was my normal day, but Tina had left more than enough passive aggressive tension in the air to let him know how pissed she was. 
She walked over to the minibar by his couch and made herself a drink before taking a seat. 
He gave her a smile like normal and went back to reading whatever he was reading. 
Tina hated him when he did things like this. 
He would outright lie to her, sometimes when he had the grace to be even a sliver of something resembling a human being, he would give her the grace of saying the sweetest things he could. Telling her how sorry he was for putting her in a certain position, making her do certain things.He would plead and beg for forgiveness. He would do anything and everything he could to make amends.
When it was like that, it made forgiving him easie. She chalked it up to having a vision for the future she couldn’t see. 
He was fucked up, but he  had his own ways to get to the right place in the end, but then there were times like this.
“How are things between you and Angel?” 
Doug’s neutral smile morphed into something unpleasant, not quite a frown, but equally unappealing. His eyes dimmed down to something almost cold, but not quite. 
Doug never could completely cool down or detach. 
He ran hot, and he always will.
Doug put down the papers and leaned back in his chair to give Tina an appraising look. 
In place of his usual defensiveness, his anger, or argumentative nature when accused of something he only looked at her. 
Tina didn’t know what this was about. 
“Doug, why are you pushing her away? You are the one that wanted this!”
“We..” His voice was low and gravely.
He’s been drinking Tina sumerises from the sound of his voice. And when he starts drinking too much, his voice always gives it away, displaying the evidence of being unused for an extended amount of time. 
“We wanted it.” He corrected again. 
“And has that changed.” Tina raised an eyebrow. 
Only he could fuck up something so easy. 
“She..you…” he sighs, looking up at the ceiling. It stretches out between them before he speaks again, “neither of you need me.”
Tina stays silent. 
Doug isn’t the poster child for emotional openness, so when he speaks on them for once, she just listens. 
“I’m just going to fuck this up. Just like I fucked up with us.” He licked his lips. “Maybe I let her find out now before it’s too late.”
Tina nodded to herself for a moment. 
Doug could be a self sabotager, but not intentionally, not usually.
But this was.. new. Something only Angel could bring out of him. 
“Why don’t you just.. tell her how you feel?”
Doug’s eyebrows scrunched together as he looked at Tina.
“Angel won’t.. she doesn’t…”
“She does and she will.” Tina deadpanned. Burying the laugh bubbling within her. 
“Angel is the most emotionally patient and understanding woman I have ever met.” Tina stood up and took a seat at the edge of Doug’s desk. “She puts up with all your other bullshit. Why would this be any different?”
Doug eyed Tina's legs dangling off his desk before looking up at her face. 
She smirked down at him. 
“I.. I don’t…” his focus wasn’t on the conversation anymore. They were alone and everyone else was home for the day. He moved to touch her but she slapped his hand away. 
“You still lied to me.” Tina said casually. 
Doug gulped, his atoms apple bobbed a little, making Tina bite her lip.
She watched the wheels turning in his head. She watched him second guess whether to smile and charm his way out of this one or start lying some more. 
“I’m taking Angel to the movies, I’m going to spend the night at Angel’s,” she mocked him, “we’re going to do this, we’re doing that.”
Doug shifted in his seat, his eyes darting around the room as she spoke. 
“I—“ he started with a tremor and another bob of his throat.
“Shut up.” Tina spoke in the same tone. Not raising or lowering her voice.
She commanded, he listened. 
He swiveled his chair back slightly, making room between him and the desk. 
She stood above him. The frantic rise and fall of his chest making her throb. With every second going by his cheeks grew an angry red, his chest slowly matching. 
She leaned down close to him, slowly moving to unbuckle his belt. He kept his hands firmly on the arm rest. His knuckles strained white with the effort, remembering their rule of keeping his hands to himself. 
With less than a tilt of her head she looked from his hands to his face. 
“Good boy.” She purred.
He groaned, his hips bobbed forward in a small thrust but he overall remained still. 
“You're so good, Dougie,” she wrapped her hands around his cock, moving her hand in slow tantalizing movements, “you behave so well now but you’ve been so bad lately. Being good now won’t let you escape your punishment.
A whine escaped his lips. His loud and desperate pants were growing by the second and Tina had to clasp her thighs closer together.
“Do you understand?” She closed her hand around him a little tighter than normal.
“Y..y-yshhhh.” He stuttered out in a strain before letting out a higher pitched whine than before. 
Fuck. If he kept this up Tina wouldn’t last.
Angel walked through the doors of Bottom Dollar. 
All the lights were off save for the golden light spilling out of Doug’s office. 
She bit the inside of her cheek to avoid becoming.. emotional, about Doug. 
She doesn't want to deal with the trouble of taking the bus or getting a ride from work to get there and back here, but Tina insisted she keep busy and clear her mind, but now she is not “keeping busy” and has nothing but time to just think about it.
Tina gave her a call before she got off telling her, “Doug has slanting he wants to say to you.”
She didn’t know what to expect. 
However, she did not expect to hear moans traveling out of Doug’s office. She did not expect to walk in to see all the buttons of his shirt undone with his cock bobbing up and down as Tina sat on her knees palming at his balls. She didn't expect to see Doug fight the high pitched whines and desperate strained moans with one hand over his face as the other held the arms rest in a death grip.
“Oh.” Her voice was a dangerously low whisper. Her hands tensed around the bag at her shoulder and the bifold in her hand. Her throat felt tight and the room too small and stuffy. 
Despite how low and soft she had spoken, Doug had heard her. His eyes fell on her at the sound and he threw his head back with a violent groan. 
“Angel,” Tina’s tone was sweet, disturbingly normal even, “you made it!”
Tina enveloped one of his balls in her mouth and Angel inhaled sharply. With a pop of her mouth she pulled back, sitting higher before wrapping her hand around Doug’s dick once more.
“Tell her what you told me,” Tona stroked him suddenly, his chest rising with the movement, filling the room with a loud ragged groan, “say. It.” Tina emphasized her words with a squeeze of her hand, choosing now to rub at his weeping head with her thumb.
Angel’s panties had never been so wet so fast. 
She matched Doug’s gaze, and he let out an even louder sound. 
His face half covered with his hand in effort to muffle his sounds, various teeth marks in place from how hard he’d been biting his own hand. 
“Sc..sc-scared you’ll hate me.” He whined out, and Tina stroked him harder, “don’t…d,” he moaned and Tina stilled her hand, squeezing him, “don’twantyoutoleaveme—“
Angel moved behind his chair. She moved his hair out of his face and cupped his face with one hand. She moved the other along his chest. Sliding it up and down in slow languid movements to comfort the frantic rise and fall and he let out desperate pant after pant. 
Tina stopped touching him altogether, and his face scrunched up into something frustrated, but his eyes were closed as he leaned into the semi embrace from Angel.
“It’s easier to push you away,” he kicked his lips, calmed down more now that Tina momentarily stopped her onslaught of teasing and torture, “and make you leave me first.”
“I don’t want to do to you what I did to Tina… What do to Tina.”
“I could never hate you.” Angel rubbed his cheek with her thumb. She closed her eyes to avoid his and Tina’s gaze. 
“You aren’t… the first terrible person I’ve dated.”
Angel opened her eyes, and looked down at both of them. 
Tina seemed more relaxed, but her gaze held a little tension as she briefly made eye contact with her. Angel ignored that worry for a moment. She focused on Doug and the way he sank back in the chair further, his brow relaxing and the way his eyes started to glow.
Angel thought about every horror story she’s heard about him. Everything Tina’s hinted at but never told her. The warnings from all her friends and family. All the things she pushed toward the back of her mind and avoided thinking about.
He smiled. Bringing his hand to cover hers on his cheek.
“Doesn’t change what he put you through over the past few weeks though.” 
Angel looked down at Tina’s dark heated gaze. 
She hummed.
“No..it doesn’t.”
Doug looked up at her with raised eyebrows. 
He felt betrayed. 
She almost felt bad, but it was nice to be the one Tina wasn’t teasing for once. To be the watcher. She moved her hand from his face to run it through his hair. Pushing out of his face, before she pulled at it tightly.
His throat bobbed and he inhaled and exhaled in sharp movements. 
A new sensation of anticipation and an excitement she never felt before twisted at Angel’s stomach. Without thinking she moved to kiss at the large expanse of his exposed neck. 
She mouthed and sucked at it. Leaving as large of a mark as she could. 
Mine, she thought with a grin as she felt the pleasant hum from his throat vibrate in her mouth. 
Fuck, she needed to do that again. 
“Angel, stop.” Tina was looking up at her with a warning glance. “He’s not supposed to enjoy this.”
Angel moved her mouth from him with a frown. 
She would outwardly complain about it, but she didn’t want to risk the attention moving towards her. 
Satisfied with one hand in his hair and one on his chest, Tina moved her hand back on his cock. 
There were plenty of sex toys and tools about the office. Probably in a box or room somewhere, but the precum dripping from Doug’s tip since Tina started her slow sensual torture was more than enough to get his dick wet as she jerked him off with her hand. 
Angel bit her lip at the sight. His thick hard cock strained against his belly above the dark crop of his hair. 
She wanted to lick it. Lap at the precum on his tip as he moved the hair on her head  anyway he pleased, gripping it to keep her close to him, telling her how well she was doing for making him feel so good. Telling her what he’d do to pay her back as she bobbed her head up and down his length. 
She hid her moan with a hum. She didn’t want to risk diffusing the situation with how horny she was without anyone even touching her. 
Doug’s head suddenly turned the other way, bumping into hers, and Angel simply moved to place her chin on his other shoulder. 
He was gritting his teeth hard to hide his sounds, but he was failing. The more Tina’s hand moved, the louder he became. 
Angel rubbed small circles on his chest. She was mesmerized by how it puffed up and down with every pant and moan. 
Tina licked the underside of dick starting from the base to his tip. 
He covered his face with a hand, moaning out a whine before biting down on the finger closest to his mouth. 
“Don’t.. don’t hide.” Angel murmured softly, "You sound so pretty like this.”
He only groaned louder around his finger, closing his eyes tightly. 
Angel ignored him with an amused huff. 
Tina was jerking him off at an even faster pace now, steady but still not too fast, his hips bucking into her hand after every other movement. Her mouth was wrapped around one of his balls before switching back and forth.
Angel wanted to help him forget where he was and what’s happening. 
He needs to let go.
She pried his hand from his mouth and he opened his eyes. Without looking away, she put her finger in his mouth. 
He opened it, letting her slide it along his tongue. 
“Cute,” she murmured in his face, “but that’s not what I wanted you to do.”
She added another finger on his tongue and smiled as he closed his eyes again. She noticed a pattern between him closing his eyes and how his eyebrows tightly knit together. A very familiar pattern. 
He was annoyed… irritated. 
She pinched his nipple with the hand that was resting on his chest and he closed his mouth in a hiss around her fingers.
“See,” she pinched at him harder before rubbing slow small circles along his nipple, “that wasn’t so hard.”
Tina hummed, moving her hand faster. 
“You look like your enjoying this, baby. Have you done this before?”
Angel felt her cheeks grow hot.
“No.” She murmured into Doug’s hair in an effort to hide from Tina’s heavy gaze. “Maybe I picked up a few tricks from someone.” Angel smiled into his raven curls that were becoming looser and messier by the minuet. 
“Think I’ll have to make you prove it to me later.” Tina said nonchalantly.” 
Ang was suddenly aware of how hard her own nipples were  under her clothes. 
She took her fingers out of Doug’s mouth with a pop.
He covered her his face with his free hand, letting all his sounds fly. The other held the armrest in a death grip. His thighs and lower abdomen were drawn tight, straining the material of his pants.
Tina winked up at Angel and she averted her gaze as her thighs suddenly became even wetter under her skirt. 
Tina didn’t hold back anymore. 
Her hand was hypnotizing as it moved.
But all Angel could focus on was Doug’s face. The sounds spilling out of his mouth as he came closer and closer. 
“What do you finally have to say, baby boy?”
“Im s-rrryy.” He whined loudly. 
She was definitely saving that for later. 
Angel matched Tina and sped up her fingers over his nipples, causing his whines to reach an octave she never would have believed possible.
“Imsorryimsirrhyimsorry.” Each sorry was more tense and breathy than the last. Every part of him an angry red, tears falling down his face in pain. 
He couldn’t stop. His limbs were tense and like jelly at the same time. He was on fire and boneless.
“I know you are. You are aren’t you,” Tina cooed, “you can cum now.”
Thick hot spurts of cum splattered over his chest. Glittering under the light of his office.
Doug’s pants were ragged and heavily, filling the room.
Some of it was on her hands. 
Angel would feel shame for it later, but her mouth watered at the sight. She moved to put her hand in her mouth but Tina stopped her. 
Angel fought the urge to smack her teeth. 
“Put it in his mouth.”
Doug opened his eyes with an unreadable expression. The vein in his neck rolled with how hard he was clenching his jaw. 
“You made such a big mess, baby.” Tina rose slowly to her feet, sitting on the desk in front of them, “you gotta clean it up.”
Angel swallowed. 
Tina only ever called her baby, but she was looking right at Doug with such a heavy look, matching the glare he was sending her way. 
Is this what they were up to when she wasn't around? 
Angel carefully moved her hand from the back of the chair without making a sound. The other hand, glistening with Doug’s spend she placed it in front of Doug’s mouth as he and Tina glared at each other. 
He tilted his head away as her hand got closure. 
Angel looked at Tina, unsure what to do.
It was like that for a few moments. 
Doug sighed through his nose.
“Tins, you can’t be serio—“
Tina had pushed Angel’s hand into his mouth. 
“Suck. It.” Tina smirked into his face. “I don’t wanna see any left on her fingers when she takes them out, or I’ll make you eat all of it.”
That was it for Angel. 
Was she turned on by this? Or just the situation overall, she didn’t have the effort to decide. 
With the hand she had carefully hidden. She pulled her panties to the side and slowly pushed them past her lips, but she was too wet and the sound was loud and obvious. 
Recent events involved and the feeling of her fingers on her clit moving in slow circles, she let out a quiet moan. 
“You touching yourself back there, baby.”
Angel moaned again. Louder this time, nothing to hide now that she’s been caught. 
“Yes.” She mewled. 
Her eyes widened at the sound. Her face on fire. 
Tina appraised her with raised eyebrows and a Cheshire smile. Doug looked up at her with dark intense eyes. 
“Come from back there. Let us see you.”
Fuck.. she was in it now.
Angel slowly made  her way to the side of the chair. The hand at her side glistened with how wet she was.
“Come. Here.” Tina hopped down from the desk and moved to Doug’s lap. 
Angel nodded, before swallowing. She moved to take Tina’s place.
Doug was hard again. 
They made her spread her legs and touch herself until she came. Again and again and again. 
Now, Tina started kissing along her thighs, her fingers dipped inside of her, sliding in and out at a languid pace. Her  mouth wrapped around Angel’s clit, making her whine. She couldn’t stop the tears from how overwhelmed she was. 
“You're doing so good, Angel.” Doug groaned. Tina slapped at his thigh with her free hand and he put his fingers back inside her, matching the pace of Tina’s fingers in yours. He’d been trying to rub his dick along her folds for a while, but Tina wouldn’t let him. 
“Just give us another one. I know you can.”
“Can’t,” Angel panted, “can’t. No more. Please.. no.. no more.” She mewled again. 
Tina sat up and whipped her mouth with her thumb with a satisfied smile. 
“I knew I could get you to make that sound again.”
Angel layed back on the desk.
Something prickly was poking into her back but she didn’t care. 
She was so overstimulated she was sure she was going to feel this tomorrow. 
She looked down between Tina’s thighs at the wet spot she was leaving on Doug’s pants, at how his cocked bobbed between her thighs. 
“So you aren’t gonna?” Angel started.nsure what to say or do.  For some reason Tina makes her nervous sometimes. Especially when she was like this. 
Tina raised an eyebrow at her with a huff.
“I’m fine. I made myself cum plenty of times when I was jerking him off.” She slapped at Doug’s thigh for emphasis, making his cock bob.
“No…” Angel played with her hands, smoothing down her skirt a little. She isn’t a prude when it comes to having sex, but she hates talking about it, “I mean, you or me aren’t gonna..” she looked down at Doug’s dick again.
Tjna laughed.
“You don’t understand what a punishment is, do you?”
“But you.. we.. it’s not over?”
“No.” Tina smirked at her frown and Angel ignored how that made her feel. 
“So is this like a you punishing or a me punishing—“
“—it’s both of us. He does not deserve it.” Tina frowned.
Angel bit her lip. 
She was not going to make it. 
“How,” she cleared her throat, “uhm, how long is he on punishment?”
“Angelina!” Tina glared at her, and Angel nodded.
She was so fucked. 
She watched Doug push back as Tina slid off his lap. She  watched as he put his cock back in his pants as he stood up, jumping a little to get the zipper over the bulge without irritating it. 
Buttoning the three to four bottom buttons of his shirt he caught her staring and winked at her, before buckling up his belt.
She pursed her lips tightly to hide her smile and fought the urge to move her hair behind her ear as she did so.
Tina groaned in frustration. 
“Angel, if you fuck him, your gonna get it worse than he did.”
“Alright! I get it!” Angel huffed. “I don’t get why I’m being punished just because he’s getting punished.”
“You can’t go a few days without dick?”
“A few days?!?” Angel stood up in a panic. “I can’t have dick for a few days? I thought this was a day after tomorrow type of thing.”
“I think Angel is making a very good point.” Doug chuckled and put on his coat before grabbing his keys from behind Angel on the desk. 
“Just take her home without fucking her.” Tina deadpanned. 
“And remember,” she added as she walked out the office, “I always know.”
3 notes · View notes
mrprettywhenhecries · 3 months ago
i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) redux [b.h]
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three. | start your engines
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (OC)
✗ w.c. 2.3k words ✗ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, suggestive themes, smoking, illegal car racing ✗ a/n. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated 💚✨
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
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Win wasn’t surprised that come Monday morning, Vicki was giving her the silent treatment, turning her nose up at her every time their paths crossed, but it wasn’t until third period gym that she found out why.
Coach Walsh was in the midst of splitting the boys up for a game of five on five, shirts versus skins, while the girls sat on the sidelines to watch, which Win was more than happy to.  When Billy was assigned skins, he wasted no time pulling his gym shirt over his head and tossing it aside while shaking out his hair.  When he caught Win watching, he winked, flashing a cheeky grin her way.  Rolling her eyes, she quickly looked away, only to notice the other girls sitting with their heads together, whispering amongst themselves.
“Tommy said he saw them leave the bathroom together, half undressed, after being in there a while,” Carol said, cutting off when she noticed Win listening.
“Win?” Tina cried, looking betrayed.  “You hooked up with Billy at my party and you didn’t even tell me?”
“What?” Win demanded, her eyes narrowing as they fixed on Carol, who shrugged, the ghost of a pleased smirk on her lips.  
“That’s what Tommy told me.  He saw you guys go into the bathroom together,” she said, the look on her face just daring Win to deny it.
“Well Tommy’s fucking wrong,” Win snapped.  “Nancy-fucking-Wheeler spilled punch on me, so I went to the bathroom to clean up and Billy followed me,” she explained.
Carol snorted.  “Yeah, and when you came back out you were only wearing your bra,” she pointed out, smacking her gum.
“Because my shirt was soaked!” Win countered, growing more aggravated by the second.
“So, if you didn’t fuck, what were you doing?” Vicki asked.
“We talked.  That’s it.”
“Uh huh, sure,” Vicki scoffed.  “You know, Billy’s not denying it.”
“Of course he’s not,” Win grumbled under her breath, looking back out at the court just as Billy knocked Steve to the ground and stole the ball, throwing a trick shot under his leg.
“Steve!  I need to talk to you.”
Nancy Wheeler’s sharp voice cut through the air, followed by Mr. Walsh’s shrill whistle.
“Go on, Harrington, but make it quick,” he warned, jerking his head toward where Nancy stood by the door, her arms crossed over her chest.
Though curiosity tugged at her, Win took advantage of the brief timeout to hurry down the bleachers and grab Billy by the arm, dragging him toward the hall.
“Hey Win,” he chuckled, amusement sparkling in his ocean blue eyes as he let himself be led.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she hissed once they were alone.
“You mean, other than dominating on the court?” he asked, his lips curling smugly.  “Did you see that shot I just made?”
“Billy,” Win warned, planting her hands on her hips.  “Why does everyone think we slept together?”
“Oh that,” he mused, frowning as he shrugged.  “I didn’t say anything.”
Win growled, taking a step closer.  “That’s exactly my point, you’re not denying it!”
“Yeah, and–?” Billy asked, blinking at her as he tilted his head infuriatingly.
“Tell them it didn’t happen,” Win ground out, jabbing her finger into his sweat slicked chest.
For a moment he didn’t respond, chewing his lip as if deliberating.  “I don’t think I will,” he finally said, wearing a grimace as if he actually felt bad about it.
Taken aback by his alacrity, Win merely gaped at him, unable to formulate a scathing enough response.
“I figure it’ll be true sooner or later, so why deny it?” he explained, smugness radiating off him in waves.
“You–you absolute creep!” Win exploded, fury running through her veins.  “Do you actually think I’m gunna want to sleep with you after this?”
Billy’s husky chuckle brought her up short.  “Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you’re angry?” he asked, amused by her indignant expression.
All Win could get out was a furious “You–!” before Mr. Walsh interrupted.
“Hargrove, Lewis, quit flirting and get back in here, we have a game to play.”
“We’re not–” Win began, ready to argue when Billy cut her off.
“C’mon Win, you heard the man,” he said, flashing a grin.  Appeased, Walsh nodded brusquely before turning and heading back inside, not waiting to see if they were following or not.
Stepping past her, Billy paused, leaning in closer.  “For someone who can dish it out, you sure can’t take it, can you?”
For a moment, Win merely stood there, rooted in place, seething with incredulous disbelief, her pulse thundering in her ears, hating the effect he had on her.  “I’m gunna kill him,” she muttered under her breath once she finally followed, setting her jaw and sitting as far away from the other girls as she could.
If looks could kill, Billy Hargrove would have been dead long before the end of gym class.
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By the time lunch rolled around, Win was still stewing, barely paying attention as Heather and Tammy Thompson joined her at her table, far away from where Tina, Carol, and Vicki sat.
“Did you hear about Nancy and Steve?” Heather asked, opening her milk carton and her question roused Win from her thoughts.
“She seemed pretty pissed this morning.  Wonder what that was about,” Win mused, moving her peas around her tray with her fork, and Tammy leaned in conspiratorially.
“Apparently they broke up at Tina’s party.”
“Poor Steve,” Heather murmured, shaking her head solemnly.
“Yeah…” Win agreed halfheartedly, feeling eyes on her.  When she lifted her head, she wasn’t surprised to see Tina and Vicki staring at her from across the room and she rolled her eyes.  “I kinda have bigger fish to fry right now though,” she muttered.
Heather glanced over her shoulder, following Win’s eyeline to the other girls, now huddled together whispering about something, no doubt Win.  “There are worse rumors they could be spreading,” she pointed out, her lips quirking into a small smirk.  “They’re just jealous.  And who can blame them?”
“I guess…” Win groaned, piercing her meatloaf with more force than necessary.  “He’s just so smug, it makes me wanna knock him down a few pegs.”
“Well, it’s not like you can make him admit the truth,” Tammy said.  “Talk’ll die down eventually and people will move on to new gossip.”
“Wait.  That’s it!” Win exclaimed, oblivious to the other two girls’ confusion at her sudden outburst.
“What’s it?  What’re you talking about– Win?  Where’re you going?” Heather cried as Win scraped back her chair and jumped to her feet, already heading for the door.
“To issue a challenge that even Billy Hargrove won’t be able to pass up!” Win called, not looking back, making her way to the bleachers, having a feeling he might be there.
Sure enough, Billy was leaning against the railing, cigarette between his lips, and Win wondered for a moment if he’d merely stolen her favourite spot or if he’d been waiting for her, the thought making her stomach flip traitorously.
“Hargrove,” she called.
Billy pulled his cigarette from his lips as he turned to her, lazily blowing out the stream of smoke as his gaze traveled over her.
“Well, well, well, wondered if you were gunna show up,” he drawled.  “Couldn’t stay away, could you?” he taunted.
“Actually, I’ve come to issue a challenge,” Win said, raising her chin defiantly, her eyes flashing.
“Oh yeah, what sort of challenge?” Billy asked, his brows raising as he wet his lips.
“A race.  Your Camaro versus my Chevelle.”
Billy’s grin grew, no doubt thinking he’d have it in the bag.  After all, as far as he knew, Win wasn’t supposed to be driving her daddy’s car, so how good could she actually be?
“What’re we playing for?” he asked, flicking his cigarette away and moving closer.
“If I win, you have to tell everyone we didn’t sleep together.”
Billy considered for a moment.  “Alright,” he finally drawled.  “What do I get if I win?”
Win shrugged.  “What do you want?”
A smug grin spread across Billy’s face at her question.  “A date,” he answered simply.
“A date?” Win asked, her brows pinching in confusion.
“Yeah, Princess, a date,” he repeated.
Win shrugged.  “Alright, fine, whatever you want.”
“So when and where is this little race taking place?” Billy asked, inspecting his fingernails, as if he couldn’t really care less. “Four p.m., Quarry Road,” Win answered.  “That good for you?”  
“Sure thing.  See you there, Princess,” he drawled, grinning confidently.
“Don’t be late,” Win warned, turning her back on him to head back to the lunch room.
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When Win arrived at the Quarry Road, she was surprised to find that word had spread and a small group of their classmates had already gathered to watch the race.  Sneaking the car out a second time hadn’t been too difficult with her father at work, and for once she was glad for his long hours.  
The more spectators there are, the more witnesses there’ll be when I win, she thought as she got out of the car to face Billy, who was already waiting, leaning against the hood of his Camaro, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Shall we go over the rules?” Win asked, holding his gaze as she approached.
“Yeah, whatever,” Billy scoffed, pushing off the car to meet her, towering over her.
“The length of the race will be a quarter mile and the first to cross the finish line wins.  Sound good?” she asked.
“Yeah, let’s do this,” Billy said, holding out his hand for her to shake.
Win looked at it for a moment before taking it.  Billy’s hand tightened around hers and he leaned in to whisper in her ear.
“Better start thinking where you want me to take you out on our date,” he drawled, wearing a cocky grin.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re expecting something more?” Win replied wryly.
“Depends on how good the date goes, right?” Billy chuckled.
“Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, Hargrove.”
Win pulled her hand free and climbed behind the wheel, the Chevelle rumbling loudly to life as she turned the key in the ignition, the vibrations seeping into her.  Billy’s engine roared obnoxiously in response and several of the guys on the sidelines cheered.
Carol took up position in the middle of the road by the designated starting line and Billy cranked his radio up, his hands drumming on the steering wheel as the music blared.
“Ready?” Carol called, lifting her arms above her head.  Win revved her engine in response, her hands flexing on the wheel.   
“Three, two, one–!”  Carol cried.  On ‘one’, she dropped her arms and let out a shriek as both cars tore past her, their tires squealing loudly.
Billy’s Camaro pulled ahead and Win could hear him crow over the roar of the wind and the radio.  Unbothered, she pressed the gas pedal down, watching the speed climb as she switched gears smoothly, finally opening up the throttle fully.  She crested a hundred as she caught up to him–knowing he was about to top out in speed.  Turning to flash him a smirk, she floored it, passing one twenty as she hurtled past him, leaving him in the dust, the wind whipping her hair.
The look on his face as she passed him was gold–his incredulous expression darkening as she crossed the finish line ahead of him.  There was no contest, it was more than obvious who the winner was.
Win’s Chevelle skidded to a stop several yards away and she climbed out just as Billy parked next to her–the others running over to join them.
“Win!  Win, you did it!  You won!” Heather cried, nearly knocking her over in her excitement.  “That was so rad!”
“Thanks,” Win laughed, peering through the crowd, searching for Billy’s face.
When he noticed her looking his way, he scowled, shrugging Tommy’s hand from his shoulder before striding toward her purposefully.  However, as he stopped in front of her, he wet his lips and turned his eyes on her car.  Opening the hood, he took one look at her engine and let out a wry laugh at the sight, shaking his head.
“Well, colour me impressed,” he drawled, shutting the hood.  “Even if you are a sneaky little thing.”
“That’s on you for underestimating me,” Win countered, crossing her arms over her chest and raising her chin defiantly to hide the tremor of adrenaline still coursing through her and vibrating outward.
“No, no, I can admit when I’ve been beat, especially when you looked so good doing it,” he added before shrugging.  “It’s just a shame we won’t get that date.  That is, unless you’d like to reconsider?” he murmured, watching her expectantly.
“In your dreams, Hargrove,” Win replied, a grin playing at her lips.  “Now I believe you have something to tell them,” she said, nodding toward their classmates clustered nearby.
“Yeah, yeah,” Billy muttered, turning to them and whistling loudly to get their attention.  “LISTEN UP!” he bellowed, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his deep voice.  “Let’s get the record straight!  Me and Lewis here, haven’t fucked–”
He turned to look at her, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face.
“ – YET!”
Billy’s announcement sent a ripple through the crowd, while some didn’t seem to believe him, others let out relieved sighs at the news.  Win, however, turned away from them, unsure how it made her feel.
“That what you wanted?” Billy asked, appearing behind her, looming over her shoulder.
“For your information, it is,” she countered, spinning around to regard him.
Or at least, close enough.
Billy shrugged, reaching for a smoke.  “This isn’t over yet,” he said, giving her a pointed look as he lit his cigarette.
“If you say so,” Win replied coolly, opening her car door.  “See you at school.”Billy nodded, blue eyes darkening in thought as she pulled away.  She’d definitely won that round, but Billy wasn’t about to give up yet–he merely needed to change tactics.
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Bear with me a moment while I talk a little bit about the car Win’s Chevelle is based on because I like to nerd out about this at any opportunity I get:
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This particular ‘69 Cevelle COPO was originally owned by my dad when he was young. Now what made COPO's (an acronym for Central Office Production Order) stand out from the other cars of the time was its 425hp L72 V-8 engine. This was one of the most powerful engines put into a car on the regular market, because they were specifically built with special hardware right off the assembly line rather than have them modified by a third party, but they weren't well known because in outward appearance they looked like regular Chevelle SS's and they weren't advertised in dealer brochures.
In 1969, only 323 COPO Chevelles were produced. Of those 323, only 3 were the tuxedo black and red pinstripe finish. And of those 3, only 1 was the four speed manual transmission shown above. This is literally a one of a kind car and it was a part of my family’s history.
The last I had heard of this car, it went to auction and was sold for over $300k several years ago. I will forever weep that for whatever reason, my dad let it leave his possession (I believe he literally just gave it to one of my uncles who sold it), so I decided to give it to Win in my heart.
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✗ taglist. @super-unpredictable98 @sailorskunk @heartbreak-sandwich @princess-marida
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mysteryideasgroup · 30 days ago
MSA X FNAF Movie: The Case of Silver’s Magic Restaurant Palace and Theme Park AU Chapter 12: Night 4/They are investigating Mitford's Visitors/Guests Photo Book/Open the identities of Missing Investigators Teams and 12 Children
-- Back Mystery Teams' Homes and Jenny's Home --
Sarah: We’ve found the Photo Book that says: Mitford's Visitors/Guests Photo Book... Wait for night 4...
Jenny: Right, I agree. What happened to Missing Investigators Teams and 12 Children...
Varian: Yes, true...
-- Nigh 4 of Silver's Magic Restaurant Palace and Theme Park --
Mystery Teams and Jenny have investigated Mitford's true revealing and true secrets
They darted their eyes back and forth cautiously. Slowly, they opened the book. They found that 11 children and 1 female child were with Mitford.
Bluford Grayson (1), Eleanor Gomez (2), Wilma Honeyson (3), Dylan Wilson (4), Henry Jackson (5), Maxwell Sullivan (6), Cecilia Davis (7), Tina Fenton (8), Felix Eastwood (9), Sammir McLaughlin (10), Luke McLaughlin (11), Sandhi Baecki (12)
They are surprised to recognize that 12 children... and next turn to... Missing 6 Investigators Teams!
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They are very horrified that Mitford is a True Killer have murdered 12 Children and missing 6 Investigators Teams!
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*flash frame is Lightning Thunder frame of normal pics to flash horror pics*
They are shocked backwards in horrified
Sarah: Oh my god! He tried to kill us!
Vicki: !!!
Velma: ?!
Others Mystery Teams are very horrified
Jenny: Not good! It's not safe, I thought Mitford was the next new targets for us! We are becoming more new victims!
Lewis: Better to warn Silver and his friends!
Sarah: Right, I’m agreed!
For @laura-the-yellow-cat
AUs Alternate Universes CUs Crossovers Universes belongs to me
All of my MSA X FNAF ocs sonas belongs to Me and All of my new MSA X FNAF ocs sonas belongs to Me
All of my MSA X FNAF ocs sonas belongs to You and All of my new MSA X FNAF ocs sonas belongs to You
All belongs to my MSA ocs sonas and my New MSA ocs sonas, (my MSA X Five Nights At Freddy/Five Nights At Freddy’s FNAF ocs sonas and my New MSA X Five Nights At Freddy/Five Nights At Freddy’s FNAF ocs sonas) 
All belongs to her MSA ocs sonas and her New MSA ocs sonas, (her MSA X Five Nights At Freddy/Five Nights At Freddy’s FNAF ocs sonas and her New MSA X Five Nights At Freddy/Five Nights At Freddy’s FNAF ocs sonas) 
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows/Shows Series 
Five Nights At Freddy/Five Nights At Freddy’s FNAF Games belongs to Scott Cawthon
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matchalovertrait · 2 months ago
A-Z Challenge: Sims Edition
I was tagged by the lovely @purplesimmer455 !! Thank you 💜💜
I'll do my relevant OCs from the Alegría Legacy 😼
A: Ángel Alegría, Antonio Romero, Alex Marino, Alfonso Alto, Alicia Romero
B: Benjamin Moore
C: Cosita Alegría, Carlo Mancini
D: Dulce Alegría, Daniela Maravilla, Dominic Fyres
E: Erick Wade, Esperanza Medina, Enzo Bianchi
F: Francisca Hernández
G: Guillermo Medina
H: Hilary Laurent
I: Irene Quintanilla, Isabela Campos
J: Juliana Romero
K: Kaitlyn May
L: Leslie Caruso, Lewis Mack, Lorena Ochoa
M: Matthew Fyres, Mia D'Angelo-Ramirez, Moira Fyres
N: Noemí Alegría
O: Orange Bailey-Moon
P: Palmira Medina, Pavan Shah
R: Rubiya Jabal
S: Sofia Bjergsen
T: Teodor Medina, Tina Tinker
V: Valeria Medina-Moore
X: Ximena López
Y: Ynez Alegría, Yoltic Xicoténcatl
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the-witching-ash · 1 year ago
💘 + Elphie?
Valentine's Ask Game
Send me 💘 + an oc and I’ll tell you:
Favourite romcom: Ever After (google says it counts?)
Favourite love song: Bleeding Love, Leona Lewis
Jewelry, chocolates, or flowers?: Chocolates! (She doesn’t wear jewelry often and she can’t keep plants alive rip)
Ideal Valentine’s date?: Trip to a record store to get some new records and cd’s, getting take out & going for a long drive to eat and listen to the new music.
Favourite family member?: Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes
Favourite food?: Street Tacos!
Favourite pair of shoes?:
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Who would they consider their best friend?:
…in her solo-verse, I don’t think she has one?
Dream crossover (romantic or platonic) for them?:
Platonic: Carla Carla Carla!! (Also any non-shitty St.James family members Jesse is basically her honorary older brother!!!)
Jaci Jones, Colton, Betty for other platonic crossovers?
Romantic: Abbie maybe, Demi, Cece (OT4 with Mike & Tina?), somehow thinking Elphie x Cole is a vibe??
If they weren’t with their ship, who else would you ship them with?:
Her endgame is Mike but I could see her with Sam, Brit, maybe Tina?
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soft-persephone · 2 years ago
One Lazy Morning: Doug Renetti x Tina Lewis
Step By Step Ch. 2 
// WC .95k // Warning: Almost nude character. Watching someone sleep // Masterlist
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Tina did her best to ignore him. 
She had things she needed to do around her house anyway. She was definitely behind on laundry, she should probably go through her fridge and make sure nothings spoiled, and maybe finally set aside those dresses and skirt sets she needed to take to the dry cleaners. 
But there was something about the way he was spread on the bed in her guest room. 
She had opened the blinds in an effort to wake him up, but that did little to stir him from his slumber. His hair shined in the sunlight, making it look even softer and glossier than it normally would. 
He was so tired last night that he fell asleep as soon as his body touched the bed. 
She remembers easing his medallion off his neck and taking his shirt off his shoulders which was not hard since he barely used any of the buttons. 
However, she did not remember going anywhere near his belt or his pants.
But there he was, laying in the sunlight. His hair formed a raven halo around his face. His cheeks a soft red that matched the color of his chest as it unassumingly rose and fell. The sheet was still intact, only keeping him barely modest as his legs lazed behind him, sparsely less hairy than his chest. 
She was encroaching on a private moment witnessed fewer than one hand could count. 
Perhaps rarer than that. 
She turned to go do her laundry. 
Two loads done, she walked by the door once more to find him still soundly asleep. He had moved from his side onto his stomach. His arm supporting his head underneath the pillow at his head, showing off his broad shoulders and expansive back. The new position led his hair to fawn over his face. The stray curls that laid over his nose moved back and forth with each exhale. 
Now was a good time to go through all her clothes and give away what she hasn’t worn in three years. Why just pull aside the dry cleaning? She could multitask. 
It took her surprisingly two hours. It used to at least take up four, and if it wasn’t done by then, she would usually leave everything where it was and just handle it later when she felt like it. 
Today was not her day. 
She mentally pinched herself. 
She had to wake him up. 
He was usually an early riser, and if she let him sleep this much, he might get upset. Since she was the only other person around, he would take it out on her, and she did not feel like getting fussed at. Not after yesterday.
It was the hottest day of the year, and it might have actually broken a record. 
On top of that, their new distributors were trying to fuck them over because of how new their company was. On a normal day when it wasn’t so hot, Tina would have convinced him to cut their losses and just move onto someone else, but he wanted to take things to a different level, so they ‘would learn not to fuck with us’. Which ultimately led to the worst case of fighting fire with fire in an actual fire that was yesterday's heatwave. 
They were running around all day in the sun blackmailing, threatening, and bartering other people to leave or fight this one trucking company.
It may or not have been a mob, and the mob may or may not be their new distributors. 
She sat on the corner of the bed. He was back on his side. The afternoon sun left him in an equally ethereal glow as the morning. One of his arms dangled lazily over the edge of the bed, the other cuddled into his side.
She brushed her hand up and down his chest in slow motions. A groan rumbled in his chest, making the hair on his skin tickle her fingers, but he didn't rise.
She brushed her hand through his hair, surprisingly dry after the day that was yesterday, and softer than it usually was and equally as fluffy. She fanned his hair out of her face with one hand, moving to draw a finger faintly over his lips with the other. Slightly chapped, but otherwise soft. She moved her hand across his cheek, lightly brushing at his eyebrows. 
They furrowed in response, but otherwise, he did not move. 
Going back to running her hand on the expanse of his chest. She eventually resulted in drawing circular movements along his back. 
He was so warm. She mused to herself. 
There were no lines of worry or anger on his forehead. His brows relaxed and even. 
Tina longed to see him like this more. One day when their hard work pays off, he'd look like this forever. The money would flow in constantly and easily. They wouldn't have to worry about appeasing or mob or anybody fuck them over just because they can.
“Tina.” Low and horse. He moved to sit up, keeping a hand at his waist so not to expose himself.
With one movement of his arm, he grabbed her with one large hand and pulled at her shirt. His other hand grabbed her leg, and pulled it around his, so she could straddle his lap. 
Once he had her where he wanted, he buried his face in the crook of her neck. 
The warmth from his skin radiated off of him. Filling every pore and sense she had. His smell, his touch. . . he was overwhelming her senses.
“How long was I asleep?’
“Long enough.” she huffed softly. “Get the fuck of me so I can finish my chores.”
“Fuck chores.” He laughed lowly in her ear.
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soft-persephone · 2 years ago
Captured by the Storm
Doug Renetti x Black!Female OC x Tina Lewis
Word Count: 1k
Warnings/Mini Summery: Melancholy, soft angst. Loss. Sad but not too sad. Funeral. Mourning. Grief. Light comfort. Tiny bit of longing.
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Angel shifted on top of  the quilt that stayed with her through her youngest years of childhood. The heavily floral pattern worn with age brought back memories as stuffy as the room she was in. The good and the bad.  .  . . her mother. She could smell them all on the quilt, in this room, in the air, humid as it was.
The humidity captured her, holding her hostage to the little girl she used to be. To the time she spent in this town. It tortured her, leaving behind its evidence with a thin but growing sheen of sweat on her skin. The cup of ice water on her old nightstand was melting away into condensation within minutes. No matter how much she drank of the warm water, her tongue stayed thick and heavy in her mouth.
Her only comfort was the sound of the rain. The smell of it. 
It enraptured her in the  swaddling nostalgia that was home. Reminding her of the good, but left her equally as forlorn. Her comfort soon became another enemy. Torturing her along with the  humidity. Helping it rise higher and higher into the night. 
The moon itself was not in the sky, keeping itself scarce, leaving her in the dark with her capturers.
Everyone else was asleep. 
She would be too if it wasn’t the only time she could talk to Doug and Tina without being disturbed. 
She turned her head to face the clock. It was barely midknight. 
Tina said they would be working late tonight. They might be home around 20 past midnight or something like that. She couldn’t really remember. She tuned out after Tina said midknight. 
It was too long.
It was too long to go without talking to Tina or Doug. 
She was used to not being around them when they were all in the same city, but now, she was across the entire country without them. Her time zone was  an even two hours ahead. She was used to waiting hours upon hours until she saw them again, but now being so far away. .. made it completely unbearable. 
She never would have said it back in California, but she hated the high stakes reward nature of their job. 
Everything was a gamble with few guarantees. That meant an irregular unpredictable work schedule. She could go from seeing them everyday to not at all in such a short span of time. The rollercoaster of time they had to spend together was a nightmare for her clingy at heart nature. 
She was comfortable laughing it off with a joke about her mom passing away when she was young, but they didn't find it as funny as she did. 
She couldn't pretend it didn't bother her anymore. 
Licking her lips, she picked up the phone and dialed their number.
“Angel?” Doug's voice was warm and thick, adding to the unbearable humidity. Her skin felt stickier than it already was a moment ago, “Why are you still up? Are you okay? Did you want to talk about your aunt?”
“N- no. . .” That's why she was here wasn’t it? Her Mom’s sister had passed. The last of her grandmother’s children. They were all together now. That gave her some comfort. “I. . .I just miss you and Tina so much.”
“What about your family? It's been a while since they've seen you! All the way from California!”
“Yeah.” she replied weakly, not really sure what else to say. 
“That has to be exciting!” 
His voice washed over her in waves. Not loud, not a shout, he was mellow and refreshing. She  talked just enough. Saying the minimum polite requirement of words to carry a conversion, so she’d have the courtesy of just laying in the dark, listening to him. 
“Wh– What– what did you wear today?” she croaked out. 
He paused, but she could hear his smile. The sound of it brightened the room around her. It was her saving grace away from her captures in the night.
“The two piece blush pink suit.” He sounded a little deadpan but still utterly amused. “Sorry I didn't have time to find something sexier before you called.” he laughed, making the room grow that much brighter, making her feel less alone, “I thought I had more time.”
She laughed with him.
The heat and the memories fading away into the background. . .into a different reality.
“What about Tina? Angel smiled, pretty dumbly too if anyone made her admit it. The anticipation left her senses fumbling into stupidity. 
“Uhm,” his falter gave her pause, “A red dress. I think it's new?’
The darkness of the room was back, and she snapped back into reality. 
She was still far away.
Angel’s tongue darted along her lips and her eyes frantically searched in the dark. She already knew every little object in the room, but she needed to look at them all again. 
Words came tumbling out of her mouth, asking, begging, and pleading for the details, but her tongue felt thick and unfamiliar. It was hot and sticky in her mouth as her skin was from the humidity and sweat. 
“Woah woah, slow down.” Doug chuckled. “You're talking too fast and your accent sounds like it's gotten thicker since you’ve been home. I can't understand you.”
“Can you put Tina on?” 
Angel grabbed the glass for another sip of warm water before laying back down.
“Hey,” Tina said softly. Her voice was sultry and seductive. It was soothing. . . warm, “it's funny how lonely it feels over here when you're all the way over there.” She paused, “It's crazy to think how one person makes such a big  difference in our lives.”
Angel’s body was overwhelmed with heat. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything sentimental or sweet. It was breaking her, and it would only get worse when the sun came up. 
“Why. . .” Angel inhaled sharply, “did you wear it today? You know I'm not there?” 
Tina didn’t say anything and she started to feel a little agitated. 
“You know I wanted to see you in it first.”
"Maybe I wanted to hear you get upset,” Tina teased.
Angel laughed. Despite the hot humid room, it was cold, rueful, and dry. 
“Fine!” she managed to spit out, “Just wait till I get home! I’m not bringing you a surprise gift either.”
“Then I'd say. . .it was worth it.��
Angel huffed.
“I don't wanna hear you complain when Doug gets the biggest, most awesome gift.”
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soft-persephone · 2 years ago
Time After Time 4
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Rated: M
WC: 2.2k
Link: Time After Time Insert 4: Day to Day Night by Night
"Doug and Tina were early risers. They got up, showered, got dressed, had breakfast at home, or they’d stop somewhere and grab something to share with the rest  of the staff. 
But on the rare occasions where they could take their time, 
Doug would wake up first and kiss her.." . . . . . . "Nights,  were different"
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soft-persephone · 1 year ago
I Don’t Need Another One
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MDNI // WC:4k // AO3 Link // masterlist //WA:NA
Angel lifted of her neck with a wet pop, “Your job sucks and you already have one person to endlessly worry about. I am not,” she pulled Tina away from Doug with a firm grip of her chin towards her, “one of them.” She squeezed her thumb and forefinger into the skin of her face.
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mrprettywhenhecries · 4 months ago
i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) [b.h]
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one. | the new arrival
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (oc)
✗ w.c. 2.9k words ✗ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, suggestive language, smoking ✗ a/n: I decided to update/rewrite parts of this fic, and repost it, changing it to eventual Billy/oc/Steve further down the line in a completely self-indulgent move. Most of the major changes will begin in part two, but there will be slight changes/additions in these next few chapters, and hopefully some of ya'll will still be interested. Even if not, I'm still excited to tell Win's updated story. 💚
[ masterlist ] [ win's bio ]
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7:00 AM.
It was the innocuous click of Win’s clock radio that woke her.  Ever since she’d moved to Hawkins, sleep had been elusive. It was too quiet – the familiar sounds of the city that used to lull her to sleep were long gone, now replaced with nothing but the lonely chirping of insects and the wind.  She thought waking up to the radio would make the process easier, but she usually ended up hitting snooze before the music even began to play.  
Groaning, she rolled back over, pressing her face into her pillow.  She thought after nearly three months she’d be at least a little used to Hawkins, but it was starting to seem like it would never feel like home.
A faint sound from the kitchen caught her ear and she lifted her face.  The scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air – the strong brew her father liked after a long shift at the lab, even if he often fell asleep in his chair after drinking only one cup.
At least some things never changed.
He’d actually made it home before she had to leave; most days she never even saw him, leaving for school before he returned home and going to bed before he woke.
Knowing it was only a matter of time before her alarm went off again, Win pushed herself up to get dressed, turning her alarm off as she went.  By the time she washed her face, applied her makeup and fixed her hair, shaking it out as she sprayed a cloud of Farrah Fawcett hair spray to give it that bounce, she’d have just enough time to toast some Eggos and down a glass of OJ before her ride arrived.
When she finally walked into the kitchen, she found her dad leaning heavily against the counter, coffee cup forgotten in one hand, half raised to his lips as he stared blankly off into space.  
At the sound of her voice, he roused, nearly splashing the scalding liquid over his wrist in alarm.
“Shit, sorry,” he breathed, hastily setting the cup back down and running his hands through his thin dark hair.  “I was just… thinking,” he mumbled, shaking his head wearily.
“They’re working you too much,” Win said, crossing the kitchen to the fridge, pulling out the carton of orange juice before opening the freezer for her waffles.
“There’s a lot going on.  You wouldn’t understand, sweetheart.”
“You always say that,” Win muttered, placing two frozen waffles in the toaster and pressing down the lever with more force than necessary.  “Why can’t you just go back to your old job?” she asked, pouring herself a glass of juice.  “If you’re going to be working the same lame hours, can’t it at least be somewhere better than here?”
“You know I can’t do that,” David sighed, adjusting his thick glasses on the bridge of his nose.  “We’ve talked about this, Win.  You’re just going to have to make the best of it here.  You’ll make new friends, find fun things to do,” he insisted.  “What about those girls that drive you to school?” he asked, gesturing vaguely toward the street.
Win snorted, collecting her waffles and dropping them to her plate, letting them cool a moment before taking a large bite and downing her juice.  “Heather’s nice, and Tina’s alright, but Vicki Carmichael and Carol Perkins are her friends,” she said, as if the distinction were important.
David sighed, the long deep tired sigh Win came to expect from him.  “Just… just keep your head up.  Things’ll get better,” he finished wearily.  It was his mantra–the only thing he could think of to say anytime Win complained about their situation.
Win rolled her eyes, but didn’t argue, knowing it was fruitless anyway.
“It would be nice if I had my own car to drive,” she ventured, not for the first time.
“You’re not driving the Chevelle,” her father said, knowing exactly what she was hinting at.
“No buts,” he said, cutting her off.  “Do you know how much that car cost?  Besides, that’s not a car you drive every day, not with the price of gas as it is now.”
“That’s bullshit,” Win grumbled, the sound of tires on gravel pricking her ears.  “You just don’t trust me.”
“We’ll get you your own car once I get some money saved up,” David said, trying to placate her, avoiding her last comment.
“Yeah, a piece of shit,” Win muttered under her breath as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.
If her father heard her, he made no sign of it.  “Plus, look on the bright side, at least you don’t have to take the bus.”
Just then, Tina honked her horn impatiently, and Win scowled.  “Yeah, I’m super lucky,” she mumbled, pulling open the front door.
“Try to have a good day,” her father sighed, following her to the door.  “Love you!” he called and Win raised her hand in acknowledgement as she made her way to the back passenger door, yanking it open.
“What took you so long?” Tina asked as soon as Win slipped into the seat, reaching for the seat belt.
“Arguing with my dad about the car again,” Win replied, leaning back in her seat to look out the window as Tina pulled back onto the street and drove off.  The trees that slid past were already in full autumn bloom, the ground beneath decorated with fallen leaves.
“Ugh, he’s so lame.  It’s not like you’re gunna wreck it,” Tina scoffed in solidarity.
“Is he one of those guys that treats his car like his baby?” Carol asked with a derisive snort.
“Sort of, but not quite that extreme,” Win explained.  “He always says it's for special occasions, but like, what if I want every day t’be special?”
“Speaking of special,” Vicki segued, already tired of the topic, “What is everyone wearing to Tina’s Halloween party this weekend?” she asked,  flipping down the visor to check her lip gloss in the mirror.
“I’m dressing as Madonna from the ‘Like a Virgin’ music video,” Tina exclaimed excitedly.
“I’m going as Alex Owens from Flashdance,” Carol added with a grin.
“How about you, Win?  Do you have a costume planned yet?” Tina asked and the others turned expectantly, waiting for her answer.
“I was thinking of going as the Road Warrior,” Win answered, tearing her eyes from the Indiana scenery to look at them.
“What?” Vicki asked, her face scrunching up.
“You know, Mad Max?” Win added. “But that’s a dude,” Carol pointed out, giving Win a strange look.
“So?” Win asked, meeting her stare head on.  “I look good in leather.”
“Ooh, all leather. Sounds bitchin’,” Tina laughed, pulling into the school parking lot.
As Win stepped out of the car, the roar of an engine filled the crisp air and a dark blue Camaro with California plates whipped into the stone lot, kicking up a cloud of dust in its wake.  Parking a few spots over, the car screeched to a halt, its engine still revving loudly, competing with the heavy metal music blasting from its speakers.
Suddenly the engine cut out and the driver’s door swung open.  A booted foot hit the ground, and moments later Win got her first glimpse of the occupant.  Clad all in denim, save for his tight white undershirt, one of the most gorgeous guys she’d ever seen straightened, shaking out his rumpled golden curls as he fixed the collar of his jean jacket and surveyed the parking lot, an unimpressed look on his face.
“Who is that?” Vicki exclaimed, gaping at him shamelessly.
The other girls stared just as enthralled, their gazes following him as he passed.
“I have no idea, but would you check out that ass?” Tina gasped, her mouth falling open as she ogled him, twisting a lock of dark hair between her fingers.  “Just look at it go!” she giggled, biting her lip.
Win rolled her eyes at their reaction, but found herself looking nonetheless.  His snug Levi’s left little to the imagination, hugging his hips just right, making looking at anything other than his ass nearly impossible.
“He has to be new,” Vicki exclaimed, hurrying to shut the car door behind her and follow after.  “I would have definitely remembered that face.”
"Or that ass!" Carol laughed.
“C’mon, let’s go find out who he is,” Tina said, grabbing Win’s arm and hauling her toward the entrance.
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It didn’t take long for the new kid’s name to be on everyone’s lips, his appearance the most interesting thing since Win’s own arrival.
“Did you hear?  That new kid, Billy Hargrove, is from California!” Heather Holloway exclaimed as Win set her lunch tray down next to hers.
“Yeah, I saw the plates on his car.”
“Do you think he knows how to surf?” Heather mused, resting her chin in her hand.  “He’s so bodacious!” she sighed.
“He certainly is,” Win agreed dryly, bemused by her friend’s reaction.  “He might even give Steve a run for his money,” she murmured, catching sight of Steve Harrington as he walked past with his underclassman girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler, and her lips twitched downward.  Before Billy had arrived, Steve was the best looking guy in their class, but he was decidedly off the market, much to Win’s chagrin.   
“No way.  Billy’s way hotter than Steve,” Tina argued, joining them at the table, followed by Vicki.
“I’m gunna make a move and ask him for a ride home,” Vicki said, wearing a smug grin.
“You do that,” Win muttered as she opened her milk carton.
Wanting to sneak a cigarette before afternoon class, she finished her lunch quickly, slipping away while the others were preoccupied, still discussing boys.
Pulling her half empty pack from her jacket pocket, she plucked one of the slim rolls free and placed it between her lips as she made her way to the bleachers by the practice field.  A group of guys were lounging near the top and Win spotted none other than Billy Hargrove’s windswept mullet as she made her way to her secret hiding spot.
Ducking into the shade under the metal bleachers, she fished her lighter free and lit up, inhaling deeply.  Blowing the smoke through her nostrils, she felt the instant calming effect of the nicotine roll over her and she leaned back against the support beam, closing her eyes.
It wasn’t long before the boys’ conversation above drifted down, pricking her attention, and Win tilted her head to listen in.
“What’s it like there?”
“No man, what’re the babes like there?”
Billy let out a scoff.  “They’re way hotter than any of the cows you have around here.”
Several guys laughed, clapping Billy on the shoulder while a few others–the ones with girlfriends, no doubt–muttered under their breaths, not wanting to seem lame in front of the new cool kid.
“You saying you haven’t seen any chick you like yet?” Tommy Hagan asked, and below, Win rolled her eyes, flicking a line of ash from her cigarette.
Wait til he hears his girlfriend has a hard on for his new hero, she thought smugly.
“None that I’ve seen.  I’m starting to think high school girls might be beneath me anyway,” Hargrove answered and Win had to fight back a derisive snort.
“Asshole,” she muttered under her breath, crushing her cigarette butt underfoot as the bell rang.
The rest of the afternoon passed unremarkably and Win was rather relieved she didn’t share any classes with Billy.  She didn’t think she could stomach any more girls fawning over him, especially after what she’d overheard at lunch.  Just because he was attractive didn’t mean he was a catch.
“Win!” Tina called as the final bell rang and everyone funneled out into the hall.  “Help me pass out the party invites?” she asked, pulling a stack of orange flyers from her backpack as Win waited for her.
“Yeah alright,” Win agreed reluctantly, taking half the stack, knowing she wouldn’t be able to leave until Tina’d passed them all out anyway.  At least with the two of them handing them out it would go faster.
“Great, you’re the best!” she chirped.  “Meet me by the parking lot once you’ve handed them all out.  Oh!  And only give them to upperclassmen, okay?” she called as Win headed in the opposite direction.
Sighing, Win positioned herself by the bottom of the staircase, handing a flier to every student that passed, whether they were seniors or not, just wanting to get the task over with.
“Halloween night, come get ‘sheet-faced’ at Tina’s!” she exclaimed flatly, reading off the words on the page.
“Oh hey, can I snag one of those?” Steve asked, shrugging the strap of his backpack up higher on his shoulder as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
“Uh, yeah, you thinking about going, Harrington?” Win asked, passing him one of the orange fliers.
“Yeah, it’s been too long since I’ve just cut loose and partied,” he admitted, looking over the sheet before slipping it in his bag.
Win had heard stories about King Steve, and how he’d lost his touch since dating Nancy Wheeler, at least according to Carol.  Apparently she, Tommy, and Steve had been pretty tight up until last year when they had some falling out and Tommy had beat the shit out of Steve.
“This’ll be my first official party in Hawkins,” Win mused.  “I kinda doubt it’ll hold a candle to the parties I’m used to though.”
“Probably not,” Steve chuckled, shaking his head ruefully.  “But I’m sure it’ll be fun, nonetheless,” he shrugged.  “Beats staying home.”
“I guess you’ve got a point,” Win agreed, sharing a small grin with Steve.
“Well, I better get going, I gotta find Nance,” he said, glancing at his wrist watch.  “See ya, Win.”
“Yeah, see ya,” Win muttered, sparing him a glance as he walked away, her grin souring.
Once she’d been wiped out of fliers, she went in search of Tina, finding her just finishing up as well.
“Do you think Billy’ll come?” Tina asked as they walked to the parking lot together.
Win huffed an annoyed breath.  “Who cares?  That jerk’s so full of himself,” she muttered, noticing his blue Camaro was still parked ahead.
Tina’s brows rose, wondering what Win could possibly have against him already.  “That’s fine, if you’re not interested, all the better for the rest of us,” she laughed, flashing Billy her best smile as they approached.
True to her word, Vicki was already at his side as he leaned against his car, chewing on a toothpick, as if waiting for something.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Billy mused as he smirked, looking Win up and down appraisingly, completely ignoring Vicki.
Before Win could sling a snappy comeback Tina answered for her, eager to please.  “This is Win, and I’m Tina,” she added, batting her eyelashes at him.
Billy rolled the toothpick to the corner of his mouth, his tongue lazily swiping across his bottom lip.  “You’re not from around here, are you?”  he asked, still looking only at Win, though it was less of a question and more an observation. “You can tell that just by looking at me, can you?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
The low chuckle he let out in response made her stomach somersault, but she kept her face straight, not giving anything away; reacting would only fuel his ego.
“Oh, I can tell a lot by just looking at you.”  Billy’s words held a cocky insinuation and though Win couldn’t deny how fucking attractive he was, there was nothing she wanted more than to knock him down a few pegs.
“I thought High School girls were beneath you,” she said, wearing a calculated frown, her brows pinching in faux confusion as she repeated what she’d overheard back at him.  At her words Tina and Vicki gaped at her as if she’d grown another head.
Billy, however, merely huffed in amusement.  “That’s till I met you,” he said, leaning in closer, his blue eyes flashing at the unspoken challenge.  “I’d definitely like you beneath me,” he said, tilting his head as his gaze flicked up to hers, a coy smirk playing at his lips.
Win’s own lips twitched as she stared back, a wicked grin suddenly gracing her features.  “Too bad, I prefer being on top,” she said with a shrug.
Without another word, she slipped past him, smirking at the look on his face, while Tina shared an incredulous look with Vicki before giving a start and hurrying after her, directing a wistful look back over her shoulder as she trailed behind.
“Your sister coming, or what?” Vicki huffed, jealous of the almost predatory way Billy’s gaze followed Win.
Annoyed at the interruption, he tore his eyes away, a scowl marring his features.  “She’ll be here, she knows better than to make me wait.”  He pulled the toothpick from his lips, turning his head and spitting.  “And don’t call her that–” he snapped, pointing at Vicki over the top of his car.
“What?” Vicki asked, frowning at his sudden shift in mood.
“Sister,” he exclaimed.  “She’s not my sister.”
“What the hell was that?” Tina cried, rounding on Win as they reached her car.
“What was what?” Win asked innocently, waiting for her friend to unlock the doors.
“I thought you weren’t interested!”
Win fell silent, unsure how to answer.  As she climbed into her seat, she looked back toward Billy’s blue Camaro, trying to ignore the way he’d made her insides flutter.  Maybe he was a smug bastard, but Win couldn’t deny there was something dangerous and exciting about him, not to mention the fact he was sex on legs, and unlike Steve “the Hair” Harrington, single.
“I’m not,” she insisted, though it was clear she wasn’t fooling anyone.  
Tina rolled her eyes as she put the car in gear. “Yeah, sure.”
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mrprettywhenhecries · 4 months ago
i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) redux [b.h]
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two. | 'sheet-faced'
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (oc)
✗ w.c. 3.5k words ✗ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, underage drinking, flirting, my thinly veiled dislike for nancy oop lol ✗ a/n: Hopefully the bits I've added of Win lowkey crushing on Steve aren't too heavy handed, but I wanted to show that that attraction has been there from the beginning. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated 💚✨
[ masterlist ] [ win’s bio]
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It seemed that Tina had forgiven Win for flirting with Billy his first day in Hawkins, but Vicki certainly had not, glaring her down as she climbed into Tina’s car the next morning.  
Dying to ask Vicki how her ride home with Billy had gone the afternoon before, Win bit the inside of her cheek, resisting the urge to be a little shit as she buckled her seat belt, especially since she suspected it hadn’t gone well.  Honestly, she didn’t really care if Vicki ever spoke to her again or not, but for Tina’s sake, she held her tongue, not wanting to create too much drama and lose her own ride to and from school.
Pulling into the dusty parking lot, it seemed Tina was purposefully searching for Billy’s Camaro, hoping to once more park nearby and get another show as he walked in.  This time when he pulled up, however, Win noticed a young girl with long red hair quickly jump out of the passenger seat and skate away without a backward glance.
A sister? she thought, though they didn’t seem to look anything alike.  Before she could spend too much time wondering, Billy’s car door slammed shut, pulling her attention.
“Hey there ladies,” he greeted, flashing them a smile that seemed directed at Win more so than the other two.
“Hey Billy!” Tina and Vicki exclaimed almost in tandem, however, preening at his attention.
“Hargrove,” Win replied curtly.
Billy smirked at her cool reception.  “You’ll warm up to me sooner or later, Lewis,” he chuckled smugly, walking on ahead, his long strides leaving the girls behind. “You keep thinking that,” Win muttered, rolling her eyes, though she didn’t hate watching him leave, even if she knew it was a calculated move on his part.
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This time, at lunch, Billy was waiting by the bleachers when Win arrived, leaning back, his arms crossed nonchalantly over his chest. “There you are, thought you wouldn’t show up,” he said, pushing off the wall to block her way. “What’re you doing here?” she asked, staring up at him defiantly.
“I know you overheard my conversation the other day,” he said, cocking an eyebrow at her.  “It took me a second to figure out where you could have been hiding, and then it came to me.”
“Yeah, and–?”  Win countered, not backing down.  “Oh, did you not want me to repeat what I heard?  At least I didn’t tell Vicki you think she’s a cow,” she snorted, placing a cigarette between her lips and lighting it, blowing the smoke in his face.
Billy watched her for a second, not responding.  Without warning he snatched the cigarette from her fingers and brought it to his own lips, tilting his head back when she reached for it, her brows pinching in frustration.
“Give that back.”
“I don’t think I will,” Billy replied, the cigarette bobbing between his lips as he talked.
Frowning, Win relented, instead pulling her pack back out to get a fresh one.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Billy exclaimed, grabbing the box as well and holding it above his head with a smirk.
“C’mon asshole, give it back!” Win snapped, pressing against him as she stretched on her tiptoes to reach for it, her fingers barely brushing the bottom of the box.
“You want it?” Billy taunted, rattling the crumpled pack tantalizingly while pulling the lit cigarette from his lips and blowing out the stream of smoke, carefully directing it away from Win’s face.
“Billy–” Win warned, hating the petulant note to her voice.
Billy’s eyes lit up at the sound of his name on her lips and a smug smirk crossed his face.  Relenting, he finally let her snatch the cigarette back from his hand, watching her take a long drag.  Snorting softly, he took a fresh smoke from her pack before handing it back to her.
Win watched him with narrowed eyes, stuffing the cigarettes back into her pocket.  “So, you and Vicki, huh?” she asked wryly, wanting to needle him.  “Have fun driving her home yesterday?  I’m sure she was full of scintillating conversation.”
Billy rolled his eyes before a smirk tugged at his lips.  “Someone sounds jealous,” he drawled smugly.
“Oh, please,” Win scoffed, turning away from him as she took another drag off her cigarette.
“Y’know, I’d much rather drive you home,” Billy said and it was Win’s turn to roll her eyes.
“Gag me with a spoon,” she muttered under her breath.  “I already have a ride,” she countered and Billy shrugged.
“Yeah, well, if you ever decide to upgrade, the offer’s there.”
“Speaking of rides,” Win said, keen to direct the subject away from herself. “Who’s that kid that you drive to school?” she asked, remembering the redhead from earlier and Billy’s expression twisted.  
“My pain in the ass step sister,” he answered reluctantly.  “We’re not related,” he insisted, scowling, his blue eyes turning hard as he pointed his cigarette at her, as if to drive the point home.  
Win held her hands up defensively.  “Never said you were.”
A moment went by and Win flicked her spent cigarette away, crushing it with her heel.
“You going to that dumb excuse for a party tomorrow night?” Billy asked suddenly, breaking the silence. “Yeah, I’ll be there,” she answered, shoving her hands in her pockets.
“Then maybe it’ll be worth going to,” Billy murmured, dropping his own cigarette as the bell rang.  “Can’t wait t’see what you dress up as,” he smirked before walking away.
“Asshole,” Win muttered under her breath before walking in the opposite direction, but she found herself half hoping he’d show up, if only because it might make things more interesting.
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The night of the party, Win took her time getting ready, wanting to arrive fashionably late.  She’d been to countless house parties back in the city, but this was her first in Hawkins and she wanted to make an entrance.
Grinning at her reflection in the mirror, she slipped her leather jacket on and adjusted the collar before spraying another coat of hairspray in her hair, making sure it was bouncy enough.  
“Perfect,” she murmured under her breath, turning this way and that to admire herself.  Once she’d made some alterations, the thrifted jacket looked just like the one Mel Gibson wore in Mad Max.  
Now she just had to complete the look.
Snatching her father’s keys from the bowl on his bedside table, she made her way to the detached garage in the corner of the lot, electricity thrumming through her as she threw the door up and climbed behind the wheel of his tuxedo black Chevelle.
“Hello, old friend,” she murmured, running her hands over the smooth wooden steering wheel before twisting the key in the ignition.  The engine rumbled to life and she pressed her foot to the pedal, revving the motor loudly.
“Time to fucking party,” she breathed, turning up the radio and pulling out of the garage.
The streets in town were already teeming with costumed kids, screaming and laughing as they moved in hoards from house to house, buckets and pillow cases full of candy in hand.  Win cruised past, windows down, her music spilling out into the street, and when she pulled up in front of Tina’s house, people took notice.
“Holy shit, you actually drove it!” Tina exclaimed, hurrying down the sidewalk as Win threw the car in park and got out.
“I mean, I had to, right?” she replied with a smirk.
“Guess who’s here!” Tina exclaimed in a hushed voice as they made their way back up toward the house.
“I dunno, who?” Win asked dryly, knowing exactly who her friend was so excited about.
“Hey Lewis, nice ride,” Billy’s voice called amidst the crowd on the lawn, answering her question for Tina.
“Thanks,” Win replied, finding him leaning in the doorway, flanked by Tommy Hagan, Carol, and Vicki, who sneered at Win.
“Thought you weren’t allowed to drive daddy’s car.”
“What my dad don’t know won’t hurt him,” Win countered, holding Vicki’s glare.
Billy, on the other hand, seemed mildly impressed.  “Badass,” he drawled, looking her up and down as he took a drag from the cigarette in his hand.
Win flashed him a tight smile—as if that wasn’t the impression she’d been going for when she’d set out for the night.
“So, who you supposed to be?” he asked, gesturing to her getup and Win planted her hands on her hips.  
“Max Rockitansky, and you?  Wait, lemme guess… douchebag in leather jacket?” she ventured sarcastically.
Billy snorted.  “I’m The Terminator, obviously.”
Win looked him up and down, her gaze sliding over his bare chest beneath his open leather jacket.  “Maybe I shoulda been Sarah Connor instead,” she teased, bringing a grin to Billy’s lips.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m rather parched,” she said, slipping past him into the house before he could say anything else, feeling his eyes on her as she went.  
Weaving her way through the crowd, she headed for the kitchen where the drinks were.  The island counter was littered with assorted half full liquor bottles and an array of different mixers, while a large glass bowl filled with red punch sat innocuously amidst a stack of red plastic cups.  Avoiding the punch, Win poured a splash of whiskey in a red plastic cup and filled the rest with coca-cola.  
Taking a sip, she glanced around the room, silently watching her costumed classmates dancing to the music blasting from the stereo, while others sat on the couch, holding drunken conversations, and several couples made out in the shadows.
“Hey, you came!”
Win gave a start as Steve reached past her to ladle some punch from the bowl into a cup, and she quickly cleared her throat, swallowing down the drink she’d just taken.
“Yep, I’m here,” she replied, taking in Steve’s dark sports coat and the sunglasses pushed up into his hair.  “Joel Goodsen, Risky Business?” she asked, gesturing to his outfit with her cup and he grinned, nodding.
“Yeah, Nancy came as Lana,” he said, glancing to where his girlfriend stood against the wall, waiting for him to return with her drink.
“Rad,” Win replied dryly, following his gaze before hiding her unimpressed scowl in her cup.
Though she didn’t exactly know Nancy Wheeler well, something about her rubbed Win the wrong way and she couldn’t quite put her finger on why–stubbornly refusing to consider jealousy as a factor.
“Well, I better get back,” Steve said, rousing Win from her thoughts.  “Don’t have too much fun,” he said, flashing her a teasing grin as he backed away, earning him an eye roll, Win grinning in return in spite of herself.
“You too,” she exclaimed, raising her cup in salute.  “Careful of the punch, it sneaks up on you,” she warned, watching Steve make his way back to Nancy and handing her the cup.
Sighing, Win tipped back her own drink, taking several gulps before nearly choking when Tina rushed over to grab her by the arm and tug her toward the front door.
“What the fuck!” Win spluttered, wiping her chin where her drink had splashed and trying not to trip over her feet as her friend led her outside.
“C’mon, Billy’s gunna try to beat Steve’s keg stand record!” she gasped excitedly and Win had no choice but to follow, careful not to spill the rest of her drink as she stumbled across the front lawn toward the group of spectators already gathered around the kegs.
Tina pushed through the crowd, dragging Win to the front with her just as Billy stepped up to the keg, his eyes catching Win’s as she came to a stop directly in front of him.  His mouth pulled into a smirk and he ran his tongue over his teeth, smoke curling from his lips as he handed his cigarette to Tommy.
Win crossed her arms over her chest as Billy leaned forward to grab the keg handles, glancing up to watch her for a second before two guys from the wrestling team grabbed his legs to hoist him up into a handstand.  Once he was in position, Tommy brought the keg tap to Billy’s mouth and the crowd began to count, cheering him on as he began to drink.  
Win caught sight of Vicki and Carol in the crowd across from her and let out a soft snort, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes.  Of course they’d be right there.
As the count grew higher, the crowd cheered louder.  
“Forty one, forty two!” Tommy yelled before Billy finally tapped out.
Landing back on his feet, he let out a victory yell, spraying beer in the air and down his front, his chest shining wetly in the moonlight.
“THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT, HAWKINS!” he crowed, retrieving his lit cigarette from Tommy while the others cheered his name, clapping him on the back.
Amidst the commotion, Win slipped out of the press of bodies and headed back to the house, in serious need of a refill, and needing to distract herself from how inexplicably hot the scene outside had been.  On her way back to the kitchen, she passed Steve and Nancy dancing while Mötley Crüe’s Shout at the Devil blasted over the speakers.  From the unsteady way Nancy was moving, it seemed she was already halfway on her way to wasted and Win’s brows climbed at the sight.  She’d never seen the Princess of Hawkins’ High so unwound.
Just as she’d finished refilling her cup, a commotion near the front door announced Billy’s arrival, his gaze slowly sweeping the room as he stepped across the threshold, and Win half wondered who he was searching for, hoping it wasn’t her.  As soon as Tommy and his other lackeys joined him, however, Billy made a B-line across the room straight to Steve who sobered as he turned to face him, pulling his sunglasses from his face, his tongue darting across his lips nervously.
“Looks like we’ve got a new Keg King, Harrington,” Tommy drawled, sneering as he stepped into Steve’s space.
“Yeah, eat it, Harrington!” another guy exclaimed while Billy stood there smugly, his chest puffed out as he looked down his nose at Steve, sizing him up.
Steve shrugged.  “Yeah, so?” he replied, as if he should care.
“So, you’re not the king around here any more.  You’ve been dethroned,” Billy said in a low voice, leaning in menacingly.
“Whatever, man,” Steve countered, while disgusted, Nancy pushed past, heading straight for the punch bowl, nearly bumping into Win on her way.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, and Win watched her out of the corner of her eye as she forwent the plastic ladle and dipped her cup straight into the punch bowl before gulping it down like her life depended on it.
She’s gunna regret that in the morning, Win thought, taking another sip of her drink while watching the exchange between Steve and Billy over the edge of her cup.  She’d heard stories about the former King Steve from some of their classmates, painting him as an entitled party boy who’d slept with most of the girls in their class.  She had to admit it was hard to picture him like that, though apparently he’d changed a lot since dating Nancy.
Feeling eyes on her, Win realized Billy had noticed her and was pushing past Steve to head her way.  “Shit,” she muttered, holding her cup up to keep from spilling it as she slipped around Nancy and into the crowd, heading in the opposite direction away from him.  In fact, it seemed most of Win’s night was spent avoiding Billy, circling the house and yard any time she caught sight of him.
She had just returned to the living room after growing bored with Tina and the others’ unruly drunken conversation when someone ran straight into her, the drink in their hand splashing down her front.
“Hey, watch it!” she cried, throwing her hands up in disgust as the culprit recoiled, stumbling backwards.
“Oh shit, sorry!  I’m so sorry–” Nancy slurred, her glazed gaze sliding downward, realizing her own shirt was just as stained as Win’s.  
Win grimaced, lifting her gaze to search for Steve.  “You better collect your girlfriend, Harrington!  I think she’s had enough!” she huffed in exasperation, raising her voice to be heard over the music, her displeasure clear, and Nancy quickly covered her mouth with her hand as if ready to hurl.  Steve hurried over to help Nancy as Win pushed her way out of the crowd in search of someplace quiet she could get cleaned up, completely over the party.
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath as she slipped into the small bathroom tucked in the back of the house near the laundry room.  Looking in the mirror, she assessed the damage–her top was completely soaked, stained bright red from the punch Nancy’d been downing.  
At the sound of the door clicking open behind her, Win looked up sharply, ready to snap at whoever had entered, only to find herself face to face with Billy Hargrove’s reflection as he shut the door behind him and leaned back against it, his bare chest glistening at eye level.
Not bothering to look back at him directly, her jaw flexed as she held her tongue, merely glancing at him in the mirror, his smug expression only fanning her anger further.  
“What happen, you have a little accident?” he drawled, clearly amused by the situation.
“Nancy Wheeler spilled her fucking drink on me, that’s what happened,” Win bit back, drying her hands on the towel on the counter.  “Do you mind?” she asked pointedly when Billy didn’t move.
“Not at all,” he replied, watching her expectantly, a shit eating grin on his face.
When it became clear he had no intention of leaving, Win set her jaw, staring him down in the mirror as she shrugged her jacket off and gripped the hem of her ruined shirt, defiantly pulling it over her head–not wanting to lose this battle of wills.
Billy’s grin grew, his eyes trailing her dark bra and exposed midriff greedily.  “I must say, that’s certainly an improvement on your costume.”
Win snorted, grabbing her jacket as she finally turned to him.  “Yeah, now we match.”
“You know, I saw you out there watching me earlier,” Billy said suddenly, stepping into her path to block her exit.  
Rolling her eyes, Win gave up trying to get past him and leaned back against the counter, crossing her arms over her chest.  “Yeah, I saw it.”
“I beat Harrington’s record,” he boasted, watching her expectantly.
“Congratulations,” she replied dryly.
“That’s it?” Billy scoffed.
Win frowned.  “What, you expect me to be impressed, Keg King?” she mocked.  “Sorry, but it takes a little more than that to get into my pants.”
“Yeah?” Billy asked, moving closer.  “What does it take?”
Win’s eyes met his as he stepped into her space.  This close she could feel his warmth radiating from him and she swallowed.
“Why don’t you go find Tina, or Vicki, or any of the other cows from school to fawn over you, cause I’m sure they’re dying for the opportunity,” she snapped instead, ignoring his question.
“What if I’m not interested in any of them?” Billy asked, leaning in closer still, one half gloved hand pressing to the mirror behind her back while the other lingered at her hip.  “What if I want you?”
Win’s breath hitched as his breath washed over her cheek and the musky scent of sweat and booze mixed with his spicy cologne invaded her senses.
“You only want me because you can’t have me, and it’s driving you crazy,” she countered, anger and unwanted desire coursing through her.  “I know exactly what you are, Billy Hargrove.  You are nothing but a playboy, and once you get what you want, you’ll move on to the next girl.  I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like being just another conquest for you to brag about to your friends,” she hissed, not backing down.
Billy, however, only grinned in amusement.  “You can lie to yourself all you want, sweetheart, but I can see in your eyes just how much you want me,” he drawled, unphased by her words, his lidded gaze studying her face as if he could read her thoughts.  “It would be so easy to kiss you right now,” he chuckled, leaning in further still till his lips just barely brushed hers.  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
At his words, a shiver ran up her spine and Win closed her eyes, trying to ignore the insistent ache growing between her legs.  All she had to do was tilt her chin and capture his lips; just give in.
Groaning, she forced her eyes open.  
No, she couldn’t give the cocky bastard the satisfaction of having her that easily.
“Sorry Billy, I’m beat, maybe some other time,” she said, ducking under his arm and slipping out the door while his defenses were down.  “See you at school Monday!” she called over her shoulder, flashing him a triumphant grin.
Billy watched her go, an aggravated scowl marring his features.  “Can’t have you, huh?” he mused, losing sight of her as she melted into the crowd.  “We’ll see about that.”
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mrprettywhenhecries · 1 year ago
i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) [b.h]
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six. | i was made for lovin' you
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (ofc)
⇾ w.c. 4.9k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, underage drinking, smut, blowjobs (m!receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, cream pies
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
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By the end of the week, if anyone had missed the memo that Win was officially dating Billy Hargrove, they had to be blind.  Between their casual PDA in between classes, their not so clandestine lunch period makeout sessions, and the fact that he was now driving her to and from school, it had become painfully obvious.
“What’re you doing tonight?” Billy asked, leaning against the locker next to Win’s as she approached to stow her books from last period.
“Hmm, I dunno, probably finish some homework before going to bed early,” she teased, flashing him a cheeky grin.
“Very cute,” he snorted, not buying it, and Win laughed, shutting her locker door and stepping closer, lifting her chin to steal a kiss.
“Heather Holloway’s having a bonfire tonight.  Wanna make an appearance?” she suggested with a half shrug and Billy slung his arm around her shoulders as he fell into step with her.  “If it’s lame, we can bounce.  My dad works nights, so we’d have the place to ourselves,” she offered.
“Sounds like a plan,” Billy replied, nodding to Tommy as they passed.
“Ugh, why do you hang around with him?” Win muttered only for Billy to shoot her a wry look.
“Cause he does what I say,” he shrugged and Win let out a disgusted groan, rolling her eyes.  
“At least you’re honest.”
“Max better not be late, if she knows what’s good for her,” Billy said as they approached the Camaro.  “She knows I hate waiting.”
“At least you’ll have good company,” Win teased, dropping her bag in the passenger seat.  As she straightened, she happened to lock eyes with Tina as she passed, Vicki and Carol in tow.  The three practically turned their noses up at her, Vicki glaring daggers.  Win forced herself to hold their gaze, not wanting to appear weak, but it stung–not Vicki or Carol’s animosity–she really didn’t give a fuck about what they thought, but Tina, Tina stung.  Of course Win knew she was a bit of a stuck up bitch, but she’d been the first person in Hawkins to talk to her.
Billy’s gruff voice pulled her from her thoughts as Max skated up, hopping off her skateboard and flipping it smoothly up into her hand.
“Took ya long enough.  C’mon, we got shit to do.”
Max made a face at him as she pulled the back door open, jumping in before Billy could make another impatient remark.
“Don’t listen to him, we haven’t been waiting long,” Win assured her, climbing in as well.  
“I don’t know how you put up with him,” Max huffed, rolling her eyes as she turned to look out the window.
Billy glared at her through the rear view mirror before peeling out, kicking up stones as his tires spun.
“There’s a few things inside I wanna grab before we go,” Billy said, throwing the car in park in front of a modest little place on Cherry and kicking his door open.  Win followed him and Max, climbing the steps to the enclosed front porch.
“Mom, we’re home!” Max called flatly, instantly taking off toward her room as soon as they were inside and a woman stepped out of the kitchen to greet them.  She had the same fiery hair and blue eyes as her daughter, but that’s wear the similarities ended, and she offered Win a hesitant smile as her gaze fell on her.
“You must be Win,” she said, hastily wiping her hands on the kitchen towel before reaching out to take Win’s hand.
“Yeah, that’s me,” Win answered, glancing at Billy who quickly averted his eyes, a faint pink hue dusting his cheeks.  It seemed Max hadn’t been lying when she said he’d talked about her.
“Win, this is Susan,” Billy introduced, careful not to refer to her as his mother.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Win said, returning Susan’s smile.
“Susan, can you tell my dad I can’t watch Max tonight?  We’ve got plans,” Billy said, keeping his expression carefully neutral, but Mrs. Hargrove was quick to assure him that it was alright, that they’d be staying in tonight and that he and Win should have fun.
“Great, thanks,” Billy said brusquely, grabbing Win’s wrist to pull her down the hall.
“Nice room,” she mused, stepping just inside as Billy strode to his closet with purpose.
“Thanks,” Billy muttered, shrugging off his jean jacket and pulling his t-shirt over his head.
Win’s brows rose as she watched him, itching to smooth her hands across his muscular back and feel his warm tan skin.  Clearing her throat, she quickly tore her eyes away as he pulled a dark maroon shirt from its hanger and slung it on, buttoning the bottom few buttons and leaving the top half open.
As he finished getting ready, Win ambled around his room, taking in his sparse decor, letting her fingers run over the records stacked neatly by his stereo, and picking up the dog eared paperback on the table by his bed.
“You hungry?” Billy’s voice cut through her thoughts and Win looked up to find him adjusting the collar of his worn leather jacket.
“Yeah, I could eat,” she murmured, setting the book back down where she’d found it. 
“Cool, let’s grab a bite before the party.”
By the time Win and Billy arrived at Heather’s, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon and the party was already in full swing.  Heather had a decent sized fire blazing in her backyard and several of their classmates lingered around it, beers in hand as they talked and laughed, their voices melting into the music playing from a boombox on the nearby deck table.
“Hargrove, you came!” Tommy called, raising his beer can as he caught sight of Billy.  Carol stood at his side, arms crossed over her chest, against the chill in the autumn air.  When she noticed Win, she rolled her eyes.  
“Lewis, lookin’ good,” Tommy added with a grin and Win fought the urge to grimace in disgust.
“I want a drink,” she said, peeling away from Billy’s side to head toward the table, finding a couple large coolers stocked with ice cold beer.  She grabbed two cans before ambling back toward where Billy stood with Tommy.  Luckily, Tina and Vicki were nowhere to be seen.
“Thanks babe,” Billy murmured, accepting the beer before pulling her close to his side and cracking the can open one handed, his other hand slipping around her waist.
Win watched him take a long draw from the can, his adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow,  before she too brought her can to her lips.
“Hey Win!  Good to see you!” Heather exclaimed, joining them by the fire, the flickering light of the flames casting eerie shadows against her face.  
“Hey, you too,” Win replied.  She’d never really spoken much to Heather Holloway, they tended to run in different circles, but maybe that’s what she needed now—a different circle.
“Let’s play a party game, something to spice things up,” Tommy exclaimed loudly, crumpling the empty can in his hand and tossing it into the bonfire.
“Yeah, like Never Have I Ever,” Carol suggested, a wicked smirk gracing her pinched features.
“Oooh yeah, sounds like fun!” Heather exclaimed.  “Think we need something stronger for this though,” she laughed, running over to grab the bottle of vodka on the table.
Win downed the rest of her beer before accepting the plastic cup of booze.  
“Win, why don’t you go first?” Heather asked and Win grimaced.  
“Uh, alright,” she murmured, watching the fire for a moment as she thought.  “Never have I ever… gone cow tipping,” she said, wrinkling her nose at the most cliched country activity she could think of, wondering if anyone actually did that.
Billy let out a snort when Tommy chuckled, bringing his cup to his lips.
“Guess it’s my turn,” Tommy said, a grin spreading across his face.
“Never have I ever moved to a different state,” he said, raising his eyebrows at both Win and Billy.
“Very funny,” Win muttered, rolling her eyes, but taking a drink along with Billy.
“Hmm, never have I ever broken a law,” Heather said and once more both Win and Billy took a shot, Tommy joining them as well.
“You got that right, Hargrove!” he exclaimed, raising his hand for Billy to high five.
“My turn?” Carol asked and Win didn’t like the way she smirked as she deliberated.  “Never have I ever stolen my friend’s date,” she said finally, her eyes flicking purposefully to Win’s.
Setting her jaw, Win didn’t move, and everyone’s heads swung toward her.
“Well?” Carol prompted expectantly, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Can’t say I have,” Win replied with a shrug.  “She’d have had to been my friend for that to be true.”
For a moment Win thought Carol was gunna come at her, the tension nearly suffocating, when suddenly Billy hefted her up, throwing her over his shoulder.  “This party’s a major snorefest,” he announced loudly, tossing back the rest of the booze in his cup before striding toward the front yard.
Win could barely believe it, gaping back at the others as they retreated into the distance, bouncing against Billy’s shoulder with each step he took.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?” she said as they were back in the Camaro and on their way down Win’s quiet street.
“Do what?  That party was lame,” Billy insisted, glancing over at her.  
“I can take care of myself.”  Her muttered words sounded petulant and Win wished she could take them back.
“I know that,” Billy huffed, carefully not looking at her, his hands flexing on the wheel.  “Besides, I wanted to get you alone.  You’re way better company than those assholes,” he muttered.
Win smiled down at her hands, hoping he couldn’t see her expression in the dark as he pulled into her empty driveway.
“You hungry?” she asked,  pulling her house key from her pocket.
“Fucking starved,” Billy replied, following her to the front door.
“I don’t know what all we have in the fridge, but I’m sure there’s something,” Win said, pushing the door open and gesturing him in, flicking on the light switch.
Billy ambled after her, letting his gaze roam the room almost curiously, a stark contrast to the bored way he usually took in his surroundings.
“Uhh, there’s not a lot in here that’s easy to make,” Win mused, shutting the fridge door with a frown.  “I could probably make us some mac and cheese…”
At her words, Billy joined her in the kitchen, opening the fridge himself to have a look before checking the freezer.  “There’s some frozen ground beef, I can make us some burgers to go with it,” he offered.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s not hard,” Billy snorted, raising an eyebrow at her as he pulled the package from the freezer.  “Something tells me you’re not exactly at home in the kitchen,” he ventured, shrugging his leather jacket off, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, I’m a heinous cook, bite me,” Win replied, sticking her tongue out at him as she flipped on the radio on the counter before pulling out a skillet and a pot.
Billy chuckled, shaking his head ruefully, opening several cupboards in search of a microwave safe plate to defrost the meat on.  “You should probably work on that, unless you plan on living off frozen dinners the rest of your life,” he teased.
“Maybe I’m planning on marrying a guy that can cook, how about that?” Win countered, planting her hands on her hips jauntily and Billy couldn’t help but laugh.  
“Was that a proposal, Lewis?” he teased and Win felt her face flush, quickly turning away to turn the radio up when the song changed, the opening to Call Me by Blondie playing through the speakers.
“Oh, I love this song,” she exclaimed, moving her hips to the music, for a moment forgetting that Billy was standing there.  
“Please don’t tell me you listen to this shit,” he snorted, only for Win to gasp at him.
“Take that back!” she exclaimed, giving his arm a playful smack.  “Debbie Harry is my icon!”
“You’re kidding, right?” Billy scoffed, transferring the defrosted hamburger to the skillet.  “Here I thought you had better taste than that,” he said, fighting back a grin as he held his hands up, preparing for another attack.
Win’s mouth fell open.  “I like you, don’t I?” she countered, pinching his side.  Billy laughed, squirming away from her fingers, and Win’s expression turned mischievous.
“Ticklish, are we?” she asked, doubling down and attacking his sides without remorse until Billy managed to grasp her wrists, spinning her and pinning her back against the counter as he caught his breath.
“You little brat!” Billy exclaimed, leaning in imposingly, but Win raised her chin in defiance, her lips parting expectantly.
“What’re you gunna do about it, Hargrove?”  Before she could barely get the words out, Billy’s mouth was on hers, his tongue forcing its way between her teeth.
Win’s breath caught in her throat and she moaned, melting into him.
The loud sizzling from the stove broke the mood and Billy swore under his breath, reluctantly pulling away.  “To be continued,” he drawled, winking at her before turning back to the skillet, seasoning the burgers before flipping them and adjusting the heat.
“You wanna fill this up with water?” he asked, handing Win the empty pot before grabbing the milk and butter from the fridge.
Win obeyed, setting the water on the stove and turning on the burner.  “So, uhm, how’d you learn to do all this?” she asked, leaning against the counter to watch him, the music playing softly in the background.
“This ain’t nothing,” Billy snorted.  “This is pretty simple shit.”
“I guess,” Win said, rolling her eyes.  “But you know what I mean.  How’d you learn how to cook?”
Billy let out a soft huff, keeping his eyes on the stove.  “I kinda hadta learn how to take care of myself from a young age.”
“I’m sorry…” Win breathed.
You don’t have to apologize,” Billy said, cutting her off, finally looking up at her, a vulnerability in his blue eyes that she’d only caught a glimpse of once before.
Opening her mouth to say more, Billy once more interrupted her, clearing his throat.  “The water’s boiling, we should finish up the macaroni.”
It wasn’t long before the food was ready and Win plopped down on the couch with Billy to eat, turning the tv on for a distraction.
“You still sure this is more fun than getting wasted at the bonfire?” Win asked, still finding it hard to believe he’d really rather be there with her.
Billy set his empty plate on the coffee table before taking hers from her hands and setting it aside.  “I’m very sure,” he drawled, easing her to her back, his mouth finding hers as his hand slipped beneath her shirt, drawing a soft moan from her lips.
“Here,” she breathed, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor.
Billy smirked down at the sight of her, his hand reaching around behind her to unhook her bra.  “That’s better,” he murmured, enveloping her breast with his hand, his fingers pinching and rolling, coaxing her nipple to stiffen while his mouth descended on her exposed neck.
“You look so fuckin’ cute on your back,” he growled against her skin, nipping at her collarbone as he pressed his knee between her thighs.
Win’s sharp gasp at the sudden pressure against her throbbing cunt brought a husky chuckle to Billy’s throat, his cock stirring in response, pressing almost painfully against the confines of his tight jeans.
“You should stay, with me, tonight,” Win gasped between Billy’s hungry kisses, her back arching into his touch.  “It gets so lonely, and I have a hard time falling asleep in an empty house,” she murmured.
Billy pushed back to look down at her, blue eyes flashing in the darkness.  “I don’t sleep a lot either these days,” he admitted, caressing her cheek, his thumb catching her bottom lip.  “You know, I can think of some ways to wear you out,” he drawled.
“Oh really?” Win breathed, letting out a surprised yelp as he suddenly lifted her, one arm wrapping around her back while the other fit under her bent knees, carrying her easily to her bedroom.
“Really,” he answered, smirking as he dropped her atop her bed, kicking the door shut behind him.
Win gasped as she landed, bouncing slightly.  Before she could formulate a response, Billy was already unbuttoning his shirt and toeing his boots off.
“Enjoying the view, Princess?” he chuckled when he caught her staring and Win quickly ducked her head as her face flared hotter, focusing on working her jeans down while she peered at him through her dyed blonde bangs.  
“Didn’t think you flustered that easy,” Billy teased, dropping his jeans and hooking a finger under her chin, tilting her face up.
“I’m not flustered!” Win countered, her heart pounding in her ears as he eased his boxers down, letting his cock spring free, the weight of it making her mouth water.  “ –I’ve just not gotten a good look at your dick yet,” she murmured, wetting her lips distractedly.
A proud grin tugged at Billy’s mouth and he stepped closer to the edge of the bed.  “Well, what do you think?” he drawled.
Win crawled closer, taking a deep breath in through his nose as she wrapped her hand loosely around his length, her cunt aching as she caressed him.  Billy’s breath hitched, catching in his throat as she touched him and his cock twitched eagerly in her hand.
“So sensitive,” she breathed, grinning at his reaction.  Though he liked to play it cool, it was reassuring that deep down he might be as flustered as she was.  “You have such a pretty cock,” Win murmured, leaning in to lap up the glistening bead of precum gathered at his tip.  Slowly taking him into her mouth, her tongue traced the thick vein on the underside of his length as her eyes flicked up to his, looking incredibly sinful on all fours like that with his cock disappearing into her mouth.
“Oh fuck–” Billy grunted, bucking forward involuntarily, unable to stop himself.  “Fuck, that feels good.  Your mouth’s like heaven,” he growled as his tip hit the back of her throat and she gagged, his pubes tickling her nose.
Win merely moaned in response, gripping the base of his cock with one hand to hold him steady so he couldn’t take her by surprise again.
“Shit Win,” he gasped, tangling his fingers in her chin length hair, blunt fingernails scraping her scalp as she hollowed her cheeks to suck as she pulled back, her velvety tongue curling around him, caressing him with each bob of her head.
“If you keep that up–” Billy’s words cut off and he hastily pulled free of her mouth, his fist in her hair holding her still.  “As much as I would love to cum down your throat, sweetheart, I wanna make you scream,” he growled, releasing her hair to wipe the drool from her chin with his thumb, the tenderness of his actions at odds with the harsh way the words left his mouth.
A thrill ran through Win and she scooted backwards atop the bed, giving him room to join her.
“Get those panties off, or I’m gunna have to rip ‘em off you,” he said, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“That actually sounds kinda hot,” Win laughed, laying back against her pillows, her arms resting behind her head, her posture just daring him to do it.
Billy’s eyes flashed at the challenge and he grabbed her by the ankles, yanking her back toward him.  Win let out a shriek of laughter, but didn’t struggle, biting her lips as he clutched her underwear, his gaze boring into hers.
“You sure about that?” he drawled, hesitating, and Win nodded.  Billy’s grin turned predatory and he gave a sharp tug, easily ripping the thin cotton from her body.  
“Oh fuck–” Win breathed, heat rolling through her at the display.
“There, that’s better,” he purred, discarding the ruined garment and pulling her legs apart.  “I wanna look at this pretty pussy.”
Win’s breath hitched as he slid a finger between her folds.  “Sucking me off made you this wet?” he marveled, slipping a second finger in, stretching her around him.
“I told you you had a gorgeous cock,” Win teased, huffing a breathless laugh as his thick digits curled inside her, dragging against her spongy g-spot.
“Billy, stop teasing me,” she pouted, rolling her hips impatiently against the heel of his hand.
“You keep pouting like that and I’ll make you wait longer,” he taunted, pulling his fingers free with a wet squelch and taking a moment to study the silvery translucent strands that stretched between them.
“If you won’t get me off, I have other ways–” Win began, huffing indignantly until Billy pushed her back, crawling between her legs and grabbing her wrist as she reached toward her sex.
“Ah ah ah, you don’t get to touch yourself right now, that’s my job,” he growled, releasing her wrist and giving his cock a few strokes before teasing his swollen head between her folds.  “You ready, baby?” he asked, taking her aback that he’d asked.
“I’m ready,” Win breathed, moaning as he pushed into her.  He kept his head down, watching the spot where their bodies connected, her cunt sucking him in greedily, inch by slow inch, creaming rings around the base of his cock with each slow thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Billy groaned, dropping his forehead against her shoulder, his necklace hovering over her chest, grazing her sternum lightly as it swung in time with his measured movements.
Each time his hips met hers with a soft smack of skin on skin, Win let out a soft moan, her hands sliding up his back, feeling every dip and swell of taut muscle stretched beneath his fevered skin.  “Oh fuck,” she gasped, whining sharply, her fingers biting into his shoulders as he hit her cervix, bottoming out.
“You make such pretty sounds for me.  Your daddy’s not home, you know.  So, you don’t have to hold back,” Billy growled, thrusting into her harder, enough to make the bed frame squeak, her tiny frame rocking beneath him.  “I meant it when I said I wanted to make you scream.”
Win’s lips twitched and she let her eyes flutter shut.  “Kiss me,” she breathed, the warmth pooling low in her gut spreading outward, driving her to the precipice.  Needing to feel all of him pressed against her, she tightened her hold on him and Billy obliged, a deep groan catching in his chest as his lips collided with hers, kissing her breathless as he pumped into her faster, a desperation in his movements that grew with each moment.
Something had changed–this wasn’t like the time they’d fucked in the back of his car, this felt different, and Win’s head swam as her pleasure crested, threatening to carry her away.
“Billy–!” she gasped, teetering on the edge.  “Want–want you to cum inside,” she managed to get out, rolling her hips to meet his, angling him deeper.
Billy nodded, breathing heavily, his thrusts growing jerky, sloppy.  “Fuck, I’m–” he cut off with a guttural growl, his cock swelling and spasming as he came, unable to hold back any longer, and it was only moments later that Win followed, crying out his name as he rode her through it, pumping her full.
When they finally stilled, Billy collapsed atop her, his chest heaving against hers and Win pressed her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his sweat and the lingering spicy smell of his cologne.
With a soft grunt, Billy rolled to his back, pulling out of her and Win whined at the loss, feeling his seed slowly rolling down her inner thigh.  
“You were right, you knew exactly what I needed to wear me out,” she sighed contentedly, turning toward him to rest her cheek against his shoulder, draping her arm over him.
Billy chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.  “I know how to take care of you,” he murmured proudly, reaching for Win’s pack of cigarettes on the nightstand nearby.
“Open the window and share that with me,” she said, scooting closer to his side and Billy did as she asked, lighting the cigarette pinched between his teeth and blowing the smoke toward the window above her headboard.
Taking another pull, he offered it to her, wrapping his other arm around her back to hold her against him, though he knew he should be doing the opposite–disentangling himself and getting dressed.  It was late, way past his curfew, but the feel of her warm body pressed against him was sweeter than the threat of his father’s wrath and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this relaxed.
“What was California like?” Win asked, her abrupt question taking him by surprise, and when Billy glanced down at her, he found her watching him.
“Warm,” he said, fighting a lump in his throat.  “The sun was almost always shining.  I used to spend a lot of time at the beach,” he continued, glancing away.  “Then… things changed, and–” Billy hesitated, plucking the cigarette from her fingers to bring to his lips.  “Well, let’s just say there was always plenty of shit to do to keep me outta the house,” he muttered, still feeling Win’s large doll-like eyes on him. 
He could sense she was gearing up to ask a follow up question and he quickly changed the subject, not really wanting to dredge up shit from the past.
“How late does your dad work?  He’s not gunna come home soon and catch me in bed with you, is he?” he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he remembered the look on her father’s face the first time they’d met.  If he found them like this, he’d probably really freak.
“Nah, he works nights, so he won't be back til about six or seven,” Win answered.
Billy chanced a peek at her while he ashed the cigarette in the glass ashtray on her bedside table.  “You don’t see him much,” he observed, a spike of jealousy pricking his stomach.
Win shook her head, reaching across him to steal the last few hits off the cigarette. 
“Ever since my mum died, it’s been like this.  Like he doesn’t wanna process shit, and he’d rather just throw himself into work or something, I dunno,” she muttered.
“I wish my dad was like that,” Billy murmured and Win’s brows drew down.
“Don’t say that.”
Billy huffed a humourless laugh, finally looking her in the eye.  “I mean it,” he insisted.  “If you knew my dad, you’d understand.  If he disappeared tomorrow and I never saw him again, I wouldn’t shed a fuckin’ tear.”
Win nodded, finally understanding. With everything he’d said about his home life, things were beginning to make a lot of sense.
“Shit,” she suddenly hissed, catching sight of the time.  “It’s way later than I thought–”
Billy cut her off, knowing she was about to ask if he needed to leave, and while he knew he probably should, he’d already made up his mind.
“It’s fine,” he said, a decisiveness to his voice that discouraged any argument.  “Besides, your bed’s way more comfortable and there’s a smokin’ hot naked girl in it,” he added, his lips twitching as he ducked his head to steal a kiss.
“Charmer,” Win murmured, once more melting, deciding not to press the issue.  It wasn’t like she wanted him to leave anyway.
Billy put out the spent cigarette and waved the smoke away before getting under the blankets and pulling Win closer, letting her meld against him, stifling a yawn behind her hand.
“Night Princess,” he murmured, but she was already drifting off.  
The sound of her dad’s car pulling into the gravel drive woke Win and she blinked blearily, vaguely noticing the weak sunlight streaming through her window, which was still cracked open from the night before, the November morning air chilling her room.
Whining softly at the chill, she pulled the comforter up higher and rolled over, seeking Billy’s warmth.  When her hand slid across the cold empty space next to her however, she bolted awake.  Billy was nowhere to be found, his blankets thrown back as if he’d gotten up.
Crawling to the edge of the bed, she found the spot on the floor he’d left his boots empty as well and her fear of her father catching him there shifted to empty disappointment, her heart sinking, though she knew she was being irrational.
Laying back down with a huff, she stared at the ceiling, not bothering to shut her window.  It almost felt like she’d only imagined falling asleep in Billy’s warm embrace, sleeping more soundly than she had since she’d moved to Hawkins.  Turning her head to glance at her clock, a slip of paper on her bedside table caught her eye and she sat up to get a better look.
Billy’s hasty scrawl covered the scrap paper and Win couldn’t help but smile, hearing his voice in her head as she read his words.
Morning beautiful,  Sorry I’m not there when you wake up.  Thought it would be safer to leave before your dad gets home.  Last night was fun.  Slept better than I have in a while.   I’ll call you later. —Billy P.S. you’re pretty cute when you’re sleeping, you actually look kind of innocent.
Suddenly feeling much lighter, Win flopped back into bed, holding Billy’s note to her chest as she fell back asleep, hoping his dad hadn’t noticed he’d been out all night.
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⇾ taglist. @b1tchywheeler @wherethewitchersare @super-unpredictable98 @santacarlahorrorshow @oliver-sykes @elliethesuperfruitlover
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mrprettywhenhecries · 1 year ago
separate ways [b.h]
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one. | don't tell me you love me
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (OC)
⇾ w.c. 4.5k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, angst, mention of child abuse, drinking, violence, blood, Billy's really bad at emotions :c, slight dubcon (if you squint) ⇾ a/n: Yay! Here we are at the beginning of the two part part two, which will bridge the gap between the events of season two and three and will be from Billy's pov.
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
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“We’re done.”
As soon as the words had left his mouth, he’d regretted them.  They’d hung in the air between him and Win, as if just waiting for him to take them back and beg her forgiveness.
But Billy Hargrove didn’t beg.
What was left of his pride and the sharp hot rage yet running through his veins wouldn’t let him.  Instead, he’d turned on his heel and walked out.
Billy was half way back to Hawkins when the weight of what he’d done finally sank in.  By the time he’d turned back to retrace his steps, Win was gone, the Byers’ house left empty.  It was then that he felt the telltale signs of panic truly begin to grip him.  He had no idea where Max had gone, when or even if she’d be back, and there was no way he could show his face back home without her.
Torn between waiting there for her and going after Win, hoping she’d headed back to her place, he settled for calling her, holding his breath as the line rang, and rang. 
And rang.
When Max returned with the Camaro, it was nearing midnight and Billy didn’t say a word to her as he climbed wearily into the driver’s seat.  Her threat was still fresh in his mind, but it wasn’t fear that held his tongue.  He was just too tired to fight any more and he still had his father’s inevitable wrath to look forward to.
Though at that point, Billy couldn’t think of any punishment worse than losing Win.  As much as he wanted to believe that by Monday she’d cool down and all would be well, he had a feeling it wouldn’t be that simple.
That night, as much as he hated himself for it, Billy Hargrove cried himself to sleep, the angry red welts left by his father’s belt stinging as much as the raw empty space in his chest where his heart had been.
Monday, the ride to school was a quiet one, and as soon as Billy parked, Max left the Camaro without a backwards glance.  Billy watched her skate toward the middle school with a scowl on his face.  While she’d gotten a fair share of their parents’ ire, it was he who’d shouldered the lion’s share.  
How was that for fair when the whole thing had been her fault in the first place?
Rolling his shoulders uncomfortably against the bruises that had started to form along his back and ribs, he slammed his door shut and strode toward the school entrance, several stray snowflakes beginning to fall, catching in his hair.
It seemed merely the fact that Win hadn’t rode to school with him that morning was enough to set the hall aflame with gossip, speculation as to the state of their relationship racing ahead of him.
“Is it true?  Did you and Win split?” Carol asked, meeting Billy by his locker, smacking her gum as she waited for his answer, her blue eyes alight with curiosity.
“No,” Billy replied gruffly, pulling his locker door open with more force than necessary.  “We just had a little spat.  That’s all,” he insisted, radiating disdain.
“Uh huh,” Carol mused doubtfully, blowing a pink bubble as she studied him, popping it before shrugging and walking off, no doubt going to spread the news to Vicki and Tina.
Billy grabbed his books and stalked off, trying to put on a normal facade.  His morning classes came and went, but he barely paid attention, too occupied with his own thoughts.
This was a completely new experience for him.  He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Win she’d been his first real girlfriend.  He’d never been serious about anyone before, so it never hurt when he eventually kicked them to the curb.  Billy had always been the one to love ‘em and leave ‘em, no one had ever broken up with him before, and he didn’t like it, this hollow ache in his chest that only grew worse as the day wore on.
Though he wasn’t hungry in the slightest, by the time the lunch bell rang, Billy made his way to the cafeteria, keeping his eyes peeled for Win, hoping to get her by herself and have a word.  However, as soon as she noticed him, she pushed her chair back from the table and practically fled the room, leaving her tray of food untouched.  The sight of her red rimmed eyes before she’d left made Billy’s heart drop into his stomach, but before he could even attempt to follow her, his path was blocked by Holly, her dark eyes flashing.
“Don’t even think about it, Billy boy,” she snapped, placing her hands on her hips.
“Oh, cool it, Hampton,” Billy sighed, placing an unlit cigarette between his lips.  “I just wanna talk to her.”
“Haven’t you done enough?” Holly exclaimed, not backing down, and the look on her face made Billy scowl.
“Look.  Just tell her I wanna talk to her–” he ground out, but Holly crossed her arms across her chest.
“Look,” she repeated back to him, a hard edge to her voice.  “Just stay away from Win, got it?”
When it became obvious she wasn’t going to let him past, Billy let out a frustrated huff, giving her one last look before turning around and striding away, heading for the bleachers.  
If Win wanted her spot back, then she was gunna have to take it from him.
After the day he’d had, Billy was actually looking forward to basketball practice.  It would be good to blow off some steam on the court and Lord knew he had some pent up aggression he needed to get out.
“Good job out there today, Hargrove,” the coach exclaimed as practice wound to an end, his teammates heading for the locker room to hit the showers.  “Wish I had four more of you on the court,” he chuckled, slapping Billy on the back.
“Thanks Coach,” Billy grunted, gritting his teeth against the sudden flare of pain before hissing out a breath as he joined the others in the locker room.
“Dude, did you see Steve?” one of the guys exclaimed loudly as Billy passed, heading to his locker.
“Yeah, his face is fucked up!  Wonder who did it to him.”
“I heard it was Billy,” another piped up, snickering.
Contemplating whether or not he should just shower at home, not exactly wanting to field any questions from his teammates about the bruises covering his back, Billy couldn’t help but smirk to himself, still pretty proud of knocking Steve down a few pegs.
“Speaking of Hargrove, I heard he and Win are splitsville,” one the guys hissed in a hushed tone.  “Maybe I can finally tap that,” he chuckled.
Billy’s smirk disappeared and he turned away from his locker, letting his eyes sweep the room as he pulled his sweat soaked cut-off over his head, discreetly searching for who’d spoken.
“You gotta be kidding.  After what he did to Steve?  Ain’t no way I’d cross Billy.”
The first voice snorted.  “Nah man, she’d be fuckin’ worth it–”
Following the voices, like a panther stalking its prey, Billy slipped a fresh shirt on as he rounded the corner to where Braydon Miller and Taylor Rupp were huddled together, his eyes narrowing as he sized them up.
“Wanna run that by me again, Miller?” Billy drawled, leaning against the low of lockers, cutting off their escape, a dangerous note to his low voice.
His teammates stiffened, realizing they’d been overheard, but Billy’s attention was all on Braydon, who cleared his throat awkwardly.  “It’s just… if you’re not together any more–” he trailed off under Billy’s glower.
“Anyone else want a turn with my girl?” he exclaimed, throwing his arms wide as he slowly turned to address the rest of the locker room.
No one spoke, several of his teammates dropping their gazes to their feet, and Billy nodded to himself.  “Now, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but Win is still very much mine,” he growled, staring at Miller for emphasis.  “So, if I find out about any of you making a pass at her, you’ll get worse than Harrington got.”
If possible, the locker room got even quieter and Billy let out a huff.  “Do you understand?” he asked.
When no one answered, his lips twisted in a scowl and he raised his voice, emphasizing each word.  “I said.  Do. You. Understand?” 
This time, a frantic chorus of voices replied, leaving Billy satisfied with their response.  “Good.  Tell your friends,” he said, shoving Miller back against his locker as he retreated, grabbing his things and leaving.
December 22nd, 1984
“Max, honey, stay still,” Susan chastised lightly.
“Ow!  Mom, that’s too tight!” Max whined in response, their voices floating down the hall from the bathroom.
Billy rolled his eyes, getting up to shut his door.  Standing in the doorway, he peered out, catching sight of Susan braiding a strand of Max’s fiery hair to pin back out of her face, helping her get ready for her dumb little middle school dance.
For a moment, Max turned, holding his stare and a wave of resentment washed over him.  Without a word, he stepped back into his room, shutting his door firmly.  He’d kept his word, he’d left her and her stupid friends alone, and where had it gotten him?  She was going out, having fun, and he was stuck there, alone.  With a pang of regret, he couldn’t help but wonder what Win was doing right then.  
He’d heard that Hawkins Lab had been shut down suddenly, and he wondered if she’d actually get to spend the holiday with her father.  He glanced across the room at the small gift wrapped box sitting on his dresser.  He’d gotten her a gift shortly after Thanksgiving, while they were still together, but now it seemed like it was going to go to waste and Neil’s words echoed in his head, taunting him.
Wonder how long it’ll last before you fuck it up.
Taking a deep breath through his nose, Billy set his jaw and strode across the room, snatching the box.  Grabbing his keys, he set out before he could change his mind.  He’d given Win space, forced himself to pass her by at school and hold his tongue as if he didn’t have a million things he wanted to say to her, missing being able to just talk to her, but it was obvious to anyone with eyes that she was hurting, and for what?  
Obviously neither of them wanted this, so why were they still apart?  It was stupid and Billy was determined to make her see that.
Pulling up to her house, Billy turned off his headlights as he parked on the street–close enough to be able to see the front of the house, but far enough away that his car wouldn’t be spotted.  Glancing down at the box sitting in the passenger seat, he wet his lips before his gaze flicked back to the house.
The front curtains were open and he could easily see into the living room.  Win and her dad were decorating the tree, stringing a strand of multicoloured twinkle lights around its branches.  For a moment, Billy let himself imagine he was inside with them–Christmas music playing softly from the radio in the kitchen as It’s a Wonderful Life droned on in the background.
Win’s smile was radiant and he wanted to live in the fantasy a while longer, but the cold was beginning to creep into the car, chilling him, his breath misting in the air.  Opening his eyes he tried to imagine what would really happen if he walked up to the door–his heart in his hands.  And every scenario ended with him being turned away.
Turning the key in the ignition, Billy gave one last wistful look at the window and the warmth that seemed to radiate from within before pulling away from the curb, Win’s present forgotten in the passenger seat.
He couldn’t do it.  He couldn’t face the possibility of her rejection.
He’d give it a week, he decided.  Maybe by then he’d find the courage to try again.
December 31st, 1984
It was already dark by the time Billy left the house on Cherry St. and he turned up the radio as he turned onto the main drag through town.  He’d taken a little longer getting ready, meticulously styling his hair to look as effortless as possible before choosing an outfit specially designed to catch the eye.  Though he sped through town, he aimed to arrive fashionably late, wanting to make an entrance.
Heather Holloway’s New Year’s Eve party had been the only thing anyone had been talking about for the past few weeks and he had it on good authority that Win was gunna be there.
And after his cowardice at Christmas, he was determined to win her back.
Glancing up at his reflection in the rear view mirror, he flashed his best grin.  “Hey Win,” he said, speaking aloud to the empty car as if she were there.  “Hey Win.  Winnie,” he repeated, chuckling softly as he switched his inflection, practicing what he wanted to say when he saw her.
“You’re looking good.  Though, you always look good,” he drawled, biting his lip before winking at his reflection, radiating confidence.  “What’s that?  You miss me?” he asked, his expression shifting to calculated surprise.  “I know you do, babe.  And I… I miss you too,” he breathed, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Why don’t we put this whole foolish mess behind us, huh?” he asked, catching his gaze in the mirror, his eyes softening.  “Come back to me and we’ll forget any of this ever happened,” he urged, letting just enough emotion tinge his voice while still keeping it smooth and warm.  “I mean, after all, we’re perfect together.”
Catching his tongue between his teeth, he grinned, pleased with his performance. 
“She won’t be able to resist,” he breathed, bringing the cigarette perched between his fingers to his lips.
By the time the party was over, Billy was confident she’d be his again.
The road in front of Heather’s house was nearly packed full by the time Billy arrived, but he found a spot further down the street and parked, lighting a fresh cigarette before kicking open the door to step out into the slush.
God, but he still couldn’t stand the snow.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he made his way to the house, the music blaring inside seeping out into the cold night air.
Tamping the snow from his boots as he stepped inside, Billy blew out a long stream of smoke, feeling his cheeks and fingers sting at the sudden change in temperature.  Pushing his way through the crowded living room, he went in search of Win, spying Tommy and Carol in the corner with Tina.
Tina noticed him looking her way and smiled, waving to him.  He acknowledged her, but didn’t head over, still searching for Win’s dark rooted platinum bob amongst the crowd.  When he finally spotted her, his stomach twisted, white hot jealousy racing through his veins at the sight of her standing next to Eddie “the freak” Munson, one arm casually slung around her petite shoulders.
It had barely been a month since they’d split, she wouldn’t have moved on that quickly.  She couldn’t’ve.  Especially not with someone like him.
Win seemed to feel his gaze on her and turned, her doll-like eyes widening when they landed on him.  For a moment, she looked torn, her gaze holding his before Tommy clapped a hand on his shoulder, a smug grin on his freckled face as he joined Billy, and she quickly looked away again, slipping past Eddie to go get another drink.
“I heard she’s been hanging out with Munson and his lame band, and Nancy Wheeler’s bitchy cousin,” Tommy exclaimed, watching Billy from the corner of his eye, as if just waiting for a reaction.
Billy’s first instinct was to stride over there and introduce Munson to his fist, but something deep inside tugged at him—a tiny voice that sounded suspiciously like Win’s—telling him that that would only dig his grave deeper.
Though his jaw flexed and his hands balled into fists, Billy kept his expression as flat as he could, shrugging Tommy’s hand off his shoulder as he pushed into the crowd, away from Munson, instead following Win to the kitchen.  He found her by the counter, a half empty bottle of whiskey in her hand, the mouth of the bottle just leaving her pink lips, and he couldn’t help but grin at the way her gaze trailed over him, her face flushing.
He clearly still had an effect on her.
“What’re you doing here?” she asked, the defiance in her voice mostly for show.
Billy shrugged, stepping closer, his fingers wrapping around the bottle in her hand.  “It’s a free country,” he said, wetting his lips as he plucked the bottle from her hand, bringing it to his mouth and taking a swig, the amber liquid warming him as it burned down his throat.
Win quickly tore her eyes away when he handed her back the bottle, his gaze focused on her.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
She snorted.  “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Bullshit–” Billy scoffed, leaning against the counter, boxing her in.  “I think you wanted to see me,” he drawled.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she exclaimed, though her body language told a different story and for a moment Billy let his mask drop.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmured softly and Win’s eyes snapped back to his face, surprise flitting across her features.
“I’ve… missed you too,” she admitted in a small voice, her hand involuntarily clutching at his jacket as Billy took a chance and tucked her hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering at the curve of her jaw.
“Yeah?” he breathed, leaning in closer, surprised at just how easy it had been to lure her back in.
“Mhmm,” she hummed, her breath hitching as his lips hovered just out of reach.
Billy grinned, bridging the remaining distance between them, his mouth pressing to hers, gentle at first, testing the waters.  When she hesitantly kissed him back, he dropped all pretense of holding back, his hand as her cheek slipping into her hair to cradle the back of her head as his tongue swiped against the seam of her lips.
With a soft moan, she opened her mouth to him, her tongue meeting his.  She tasted like whiskey and nicotine and Billy’s head swam while his heart hammered in his chest.  If he took Win’s hand and pressed it over his heart, she’d probably be able to feel it.
Suddenly, however, she tensed, pulling back abruptly, her hand against his chest the only thing stopping him from chasing her retreating lips and Billy’s eyes snapped open, his brows furrowing.
“Win, what–?”
“I can’t,” she choked out, squeezing her eyes shut as a conflicted expression twisted her face.  “I can’t do this,” she repeated, her voice growing firmer.
“Why the hell not?”
The words were out of Billy’s mouth before he could stop them, knowing the gruff demand would surely spur Win to retaliate, her defenses slamming securely back in place.
Hating that he was right, Billy grimaced as she pushed him back, her stormy eyes flashing.
“Is it cause of that freakshow you came here with?” he spat, his anger boiling over, getting the better of him.
“What?” Win snapped, her gaze like daggers.
“Munson.  You sleeping with him?”  he demanded, unable to back down now and Win scoffed, incredulous.
“No, it’s not like that,” she exclaimed, but Billy rolled his eyes, a humourless grin stretching his face as he barked a hollow laugh.
“C’mon Win, don’t fuckin’ lie to me.”
“I haven’t slept with anyone since you,” she insisted levelly, hurt flickering in her eyes.  “Have you?” she snapped instead, wordlessly pleading with him to deny it.
Billy took a step closer, his breath ghosting across her face as he loomed over her.  “The only person I’ve even been able to even think about these past weeks, is you.  So, no.”
Win scoffed, turning her face away, blinking back the dampness that caught in her lashes as she crossed her arms over her chest.  “If you truly want me back, Billy, you need to prove you’ve changed,” she whispered, making herself meet his gaze.
“Do better.”
Without another word, she pushed past him, leaving him to contemplate what she’d said.
Growling, Billy snatched the bottle of whiskey she’d left behind and tossed it back, downing the rest of the amber liquid in several long swallows.
Do better?  What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Grabbing a quarter full bottle of vodka from the counter, Billy skulked back out to the living room, joining Tommy and the others.  His mood effectively soured, he sullenly watched the party from his spot against the wall, glowering as every so often he took a swig from the bottle in his hand.  Once he’d polished off the vodka, he’d grown bored, pushing off the wall to head to the keg across the room, scowling when he realized Tina had followed him over.
“Hey Billy,” she chirped, sidling up next to him as he grabbed an empty cup, filling it from the spigot, careful not to get too much foam.
“Tina,” he grunted in response, bringing the cup to his lips.
“Wanna pour me one?” she asked, holding her cup out to him.
He rolled his eyes, but did so anyway, ignoring the way she batted her eyelashes up at him.
“I heard about you and Win splitting,” she said, leaning in closer.  “Mondo bummer,” she murmured, though she didn’t sound very broken up about it.
Billy stared at her flatly, not in the mood for her games.  “Excuse me,” he muttered, stepping around her and stumbling back out into the crowd, his vision swimming slightly.  If Tina said something else, he didn’t hear it.
Glancing down at his watch, he realized it was nearly midnight and the urge to find Win again was growing stronger.  Letting his gaze sweep the room, he finally spotted her dancing with Beck, and though there was a smile curling her lips, it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Despite the distraction, she was hurting.
Billy didn’t sense Tommy coming up beside him until he spoke, his voice slurring slightly.
“Dude, give it a rest already,” he said, bringing his drink to his lips.  “Sure Win’s hot an’ all, but there’s loads of other hot girls.  Girls that would willingly throw themselves at your feet.  You could be swimming in pussy,” he exclaimed, his sweeping gesture taking in the room.
Billy’s expression darkened, but he didn’t speak, and Tommy barrelled on.  “Face it, Billy, she ain’t comin’ back, and you know what, I’m gunna tell you somethin’.  You should be glad, because your little girlfriend?  She was a bitch,” he exclaimed.
The shit eating grin on his face faltered when Billy turned suddenly, grabbing shirt, his eyes flashing danger.  
“You wanna run that by me again?” he asked, his voice like a taut spring and the people around them went quiet, turning to watch.
Tommy’s eyes lit up in amusement, his grin returning wider as he held Billy’s fierce glare.  “Thought there were plenty of bitches in the sea, Hargrove?  Isn’t that what you told Harrington?” he taunted, brushing out of Billy’s grasp.
There was a beat where Billy merely gaped at him, seething, and Tommy began to laugh, making the mistake of turning his back on him.  He was still laughing when Billy caught his shoulder, spinning him back around, his fist connecting with Tommy’s stupid face.
The blow staunched Tommy’s laughter, wiping the amusement from his face, and he swung right back, missing Billy by an inch.  Taking the opening, Billy’s fist found Tommy’s nose, bloodying his knuckles.
“Fuck you, Hagan!” he growled, feeling hands on his jacket pulling him back.
“Fuck you Hargrove!” Tommy countered, blood streaming down his chin.
Taking advantage of Billy’s momentary distraction, Tommy threw a right hook, his fist catching Billy’s left brow before he was hauled back, the two pulled apart.  With a huff, Billy shook the hands off him, tugging at his jacket and wiping the blood from his brow before it could run into his eye.
As he straightened he found Win watching him, disappointment etched in her gaze before she turned away, following Eddie and Beck toward the door.
“Win, wait!”
Billy’s feet moved before his thoughts could catch up and he stumbled out the door after her, nearly losing his footing in the snow outside before he caught up to her, grabbing her arm to haul her back.  Without a word, he pulled her into his arms, his mouth colliding with hers in a searing, desperate kiss.
“Billy, no!” Win exclaimed, pushing him away, her voice cracking.  
“No, you know you want this,” he growled, his grasp on her arms tightening, not letting her pull away, trying to kiss her again.
“I said no, Billy!” she repeated, the sudden crack of her palm across his face leaving him stunned.
Fighting the urge to press his hand to his stinging cheek, his hands fell to his sides, balling into fists as a flash of heat washed through him–embarrassment and inappropriate arousal quickly tamped down as anger took its place.
“Fuck you, Win.”  His voice was level though he fought to keep it that way, his hurt and anger swelling, like an uncontrollable wave.  “You left me, just like she did.”
Win’s eyes widened at his words and she flinched as if he’d been the one to slap her.
“That’s not fair,” she breathed, her voice wavering.
“But it’s the truth,” Billy spat, the wave threatening to pull him out to sea.  “You left me just when I needed you the most!”
Win shook her head, tears welling in her eyes.  “Don’t compare me to her!  She left because of someone else’s actions.  I left because of yours.”
She swallowed, lifting her chin, the unshed tears sparkling in her lashes.
“The one wasn’t your fault.  This was.”
Before Billy could come up with a response, Win turned away, climbing into Munson’s van as Beck asked her if she was alright.
Billy’s breath misted in the air as it left his parted lips.  It wasn’t until the van pulled away that Billy realized people were staring and he felt bile rise in his throat at the humiliation.
Win’s slap had been the final death knell for whatever hope he’d had left that she’d come back to him.
“The fuck are you looking at?” he barked, scattering the remainder of the watchers.
As he lit a cigarette with shaking fingers, he heard the partygoers inside counting down the last seconds to midnight, but he was already heading to his car.
Tomorrow he’d keep up appearances, tonight he just wanted to be alone.
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⇾ taglist. @b1tchygh0sts @heartbreak-sandwich @santacarlahorrorshow @super-unpredictable98 @vampyreddiemunson @alwaysstuckinsecondgear @elliethesuperfruitlover
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soft-persephone · 2 years ago
Small Spaces
AO3 Link
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She placed her hands on his chest, slipping them beneath the silk of his shirt. She moved her hands along the exposed expanse of his skin. Solidifying the memory of his skin into her mind, so she could always remember this moment. 
He moaned lowly. The sound of it reverberated through his chest, vibrating on her hands while she explored his skin as she had done too many times to count, making her feel much warmer in the small space. 
He wasted no time.
He slipped his hand up her thigh. 
The massive things they were, smooth and callused.
She adored his hands. She would have to paint them. Or sculpt them one day to immortalize the tools made for her very destruction. As a warning, a sign, a gift.
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soft-persephone · 3 years ago
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Time after Time
Small Spaces
Day to Day, Night by Night
Captured by the Storm
I Don’t Want You to Leave
I Don’t Need Another One
Step by Step
What didn’t work out
One Lazy Morning
Viva Las Vegas
Fuck You
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soft-persephone · 4 years ago
Masterlist // 18+
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Pedro Pascal
Maxwell Lord
Do You Remember Yesterday // TWO 
Din Djarin
Scattered Promises // TWO // THREE // FOUR //TBC….
Frankie Morales
Triple Frontier
~ Pirate TF Boys x Mouse Reader plot blurb
Jake Johnson
Jake Johnson Masterlist
Oscar Isaac
Moon Knight
Searching For Stardust
ft Jake Johnson
John Boyega
They Cloned Tyrone
I Will Be Your End // Pt TWO
- vampire Fontaine & Abel Morales (Oscar Isaac)
The Boys
- Mostly MM/Laz Alonso
Home training -Butcher MM Threesome
No Pain No Gain
A Fresh Start
You Don't Have to Be Mad if You Don't Want To
Aaron Pierre
Summertime Firsts
You Know You Love It
The Flash
Laying With The Devil
Flirting and Secrets
Alex Cross
~ coming soon
John Sampson
Something Real
~ the rough drafts (and I mean really rough drafts)
Some Things Never Change // TWO
What happened in time out?
This and That: Oscar and Pedro
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