#Tina Goldstein fanfic
mayabooowrites · 11 months
A Lovers Lies
Summary: three months after Tina and Newt's breakup, she sees Newt out with another woman.
Toxic Newt
Three months had passed since Newt and Tina's heartbreaking breakup. Tina was trying her best to move on, but the wounds were still fresh, and the pain lingered within her.
One crisp autumn day, as Tina was going about her usual routine, she happened to catch a glimpse of Newt walking hand in hand with a pregnant woman. A woman who appeared to be in the late stages of pregnancy and ready to give birth.
Her heart sank as realization dawned upon her.
The pain and confusion that she had pushed aside were suddenly like a raging storm within her.
Tina's eyes widened as she watched them with disbelief and anger. It all started to make sense. Newt had left her because he had cheated on her and gotten this woman pregnant
Determined to confront them and demand the truth, Tina crossed the street and approached them.
"Tina?" he stammered, trying to compose himself. "What are you doing here?"
Tina's voice shook with an amalgamation of emotions as she pointed accusingly at Y/N's growing belly. "Don't try to deny it, Newt. You cheated on me with her!"
Y/N looked at her with curious eyes, unaware of who Tina was or what she was talking about. On the other hand, Newt wore a mask of surprise mixed with a touch of panic.
"Newt, who is she?" She asked, her voice filled with innocence.
Ignoring Y/N's question, Tina took a step closer to Newt, her voice tinged with sadness and frustration. "I know the truth, Newt. You cheated on me and got her pregnant. Don't deny it."
Newt's eyes darted nervously between Tina and Y/N. "Tina, your doing this again? I thought you were over me, but you're back to trying to break up my relationships."
Tina's heart shattered. She had hoped deep inside that Newt was incapable of such manipulation, but the evidence seemed to be staring her in the face. Defeated, Tina turned and walked away.
Years passed, and Tina saw glimpses of Newt and Y/N occasionally, always with their toddler daughter.
She watched as the toddler ran around, blissfully unaware of the tangled webs that had brought her into this world.
Determined to make one last attempt at reaching Y/N, Tina approached them cautiously. Newt recognized her immediately, his face etched with worry.
"Tina," Newt spoke with an air of superiority. "Will you ever stop trying to ruin our lives?"
Tina's voice quivered. "Newt, please, stop treating me like I'm crazy, and tell your wife the truth of how you convinced that child."
But Newt laughed dismissively. "You're still convinced I cheated on you, even years later? That's just sad, Tina."
Tina took a deep breath,  "Y/N, please listen to me. I know you may think I'm crazy, but Newt cheated on me years ago, and your child is the result of it."
Y/N's face contorted with confusion and disbelief. She looked at Newt, searching for the truth. Newt, ever the expert manipulator, quickly interjected,
"Tina's lying, Y/N. She's always been obsessed with breaking us up. Don't listen to her."
Y/N hesitated momentarily. Slowly, she shook her head and turned away from Tina. "I'm sorry, Tina, but I can't believe you. Newt has never given me a reason to doubt him."
Tina's heart sank as she glanced at the little girl beside Newt. She saw innocence in her eyes, untainted by the lies and betrayals of the past. Newt escorts his wife and child away far from Tina's view.
She had tried her best, but it seemed that Y/N was too far gone, caught in Newt's web of lies. Too consumed by the fantasy that Newt had woven around her. She had lost herself in his lies, unable to see the true colours shining through.
Years later, Tina occasionally read articles about Newt, Y/N, and their daughter. The sight would bring a mixture of pain and resignation. She had done all she could to expose the truth, and now she had to accept that some stories would forever remain shrouded in secrets and deception.
Newt had successfully manipulated Y/N, painting Tina as the villain in their love story. 
Maybe one day, the truth would reach Y/N, and justice would prevail.
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lunatheseus · 1 year
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Random things Newt Scamander would do:
Never correct the Starbucks employees when they get his name wrong + tip always
Buy random things for people just because the item reminds him of them
Carry something of Tina's wherever he goes because he's just THAT whipped
Write down all his ideas in a notebook the moment he thinks of them
Have hidden pockets sewn into his clothes
Collect sand from each beach that he visits
Sketch every creature he sees
Keep jars and jars of curious things
Collect tokens to commemorate each place that he's visited
Talk to his plants
Write letters (not just because of the time period he resides in)
Keep a piece of chocolate or candy in his pocket/hat
Be one of those awkward but wholesome vloggers to document his discoveries and experiences
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 3 months
~ Fanfic Recommendation ~
My second fic rec ^^
"An American Auror, a British Magizoologist and A Parisian Sewer Monster" by Gnimmish
An absolutely adorable little One-shot set after the Fantastic Beasts first movie.
The pairing is Newtina and it's just so sweet
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afrenchaugurey · 1 year
Just a little sweet nothing this morning
Because I'm sure Newt loves to say Porpentina.
And Tina likes that, very much.
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He is the only one from whom she likes to hear pronouncing her complete name.
He does that only on rare occasions, generally when they’re in the park, leaning back against a tree, her back against his bust, his nose buried in her neck, a book on her lap, as his arms surround her with a shield making her invincible. Between his lips, these four syllables transform into a soft melody, a prayer, a sweet little treat, the promise of a joyful future. He is the only one, since her parents left, who gives her a respite, a semblance of happiness. These few weeks she spent with him restored some colours on the dark canvas of her life. He is hope. He is love.
Even the good moments with Queenie don’t feel the same.
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uefb · 1 year
New fic (2 chapters up!): Hope is the thing with feathers x
Summary: The month before the invasion of Normandy (D-Day), Newt Scamander is spotted working suspicious magic near a meeting of Muggle and Wizarding political leaders in London. The problem, of course, is that Newt Scamander is nowhere near London but, instead, over 14,000 kilometers away in the middle of the Pacific. But "desperate times call for desperate measures" (and even Tina and Theseus aren't entirely above scrutiny this go round), so Newt finds himself rather unsurprisingly compromised. // As usual, everyone else is dismayed to find Dumbledore may or may not have a plan at all, while the clock on Newt's life—-and the joint Muggle-Wizard military action years in the making—-begins to quickly tick.
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Chapter 1 opening scene:
Wednesday, May 3, 1944 / Seatown, Dorset, England, UK
Porpentina Goldstein Scamander prided herself on being somewhat unflappable, but her brother-in-law grabbing her by the arm as she emerged from St. Mungo’s with her daughter before spinning them off in a whirl of apparition was certainly not on the list of things she had been expecting to encounter on her day off... A vomiting child, a misbehaving diricawl—even an absent husband or Muggle airstrike—she’d prepared for, but this?
Well, suffice it to say, she definitely blamed nearly bursting into tears after smacking Theseus upside the head upon their rematerialization in Dorset on the exhaustion inherent to solo-parenting an ill toddler.
“What the hell, Theseus?!”
But Theseus only shushed her, dragged her and Leora—who was understandably wailing in displeasure at the surprise apparition—up the back-steps of the Scamander Goldstein farmhouse, before gingerly disentangling her arms from Leora while shouting for Queenie and Jacob. It was, however, a broadly grinning, 9-year-old Gideon who came pounding into the room, before he took one look at his uncle’s face and immediately ran out the front door to the beach, screaming for his parents.
“I swear to high heaven, Theseus Scamander—what is going on?!”
Theseus bounced Leora on his hip and wordlessly summoned a plush toy from her room to distract her (a niffler made by Queenie for her birthday) as he focused on Tina intently. “You remember how we made that little emergency plan last year? After Newt was bitten by that kelpie—”
“Moira,” Tina supplied absently.
“Yes, Moira — and then he was criminally charged with all sorts of made-up things by that rat in his own department, which put our entire task force’s security at risk?”
“Yes,” said Tina with a suspicious frown, and she reached out to take Leora back from her uncle, crossing to the kitchen for the small refrigerator, where she pulled out a pyrex container of fruit Newt had chopped and charmed for freshness before he’d left to travel.
Theseus stared at her as if waiting for the other shoe to drop and—after a moment—it abruptly did.
“Now, wait a second—”
She summoned the pair of child-sized earmuffs Lally had made to silence adult voices and shoved them onto Leora’s head before settling her in a high chair and dumping the fruit out on its tray. Leora began talking to herself as she played with the fruit, and when Tina looked back to him, Theseus was grimacing.
“Are you kidding me?”
“Unfortunately not, sister mine…” he answered grimly.
“Is this all because of the thing last year, then?”
“More like the thing next month, but seeing as that’s also related… Yes.”
Tina peered out the window to check if Queenie and Jacob were responding to their son’s summons yet, but the only thing in sight was one of Newt’s half-trained half-kneazles innocently gamboling through the grasses (though a mildly predatory look flitted across its face). X
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the-al-chemist · 10 months
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Lots of Little Miracles
Written for @hp-12monthsofmagic’s December prompt, Merry and Bright. Christmas gets a lot of coverage at this time of year, but I’d like to wish a Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate.
Warnings: This story features a small child who does not appreciate religion as much as she appreciates food.
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The night was dark as pitch and cold as ice, with hail battering the walls and the winter wind rattling the windows as it blew in from the wave-crashed cliffs. Inside, however, it was warm, and the smell of frying oil was wafting through from the kitchen.
Artemis smiled as she turned her attention to the row of thin candles that had been placed on the windowsill, each of their little flickering flames reflecting on the dark glass behind. There were nine of them in total, one for each year of her age, all held by a candlestick with outstretched arms like the branches of a tree. She raised one forefinger and gently tapped the flames in turn, smiling as they bobbed away from her touch.
“Come away from there, Artemis.”
At the sound of her great-aunt’s voice, Artemis turned her back on the nine candles, but she did not move away from them.
“It’s fine, Aunt Tina. They don’t hurt,” she said. “They’re only teeny tiny fires.”
“I know, but I don’t want them getting put out accidentally,” Tina replied. “It’s the last night of Hanukkah, so it’s important that they all stay lit tonight.”
“Yeah, but if one goes out you can just set it on fire again.”
“That’s not really the point, honey.”
Artemis’ nose wrinkled. “Then what is the point?”
“Well, you know the story of Hanukkah, don’t you?” When Artemis shook her head, Aunt Tina frowned. “I assumed Sara would have told you.”
It had been a long time since Artemis’ mother Sara had been in a mood to tell stories. Maybe once upon a time, before her dad had died and her brother ran away from home, Artemis might have sat on her mother’s lap and been told the story of Hanukkah. If she had, she had since forgotten it.
Luckily for her, she still had Aunt Tina to tell her stories.
“A long time ago, there was a kingdom far away from here,” Tina began. Artemis listened carefully. All her favourite stories took place in far-off lands. “And in this kingdom, the king decided that he did not like people following different gods to his. So, he ordered his soldiers to take over all of the temples and stop people from going in, and get rid of all the oil they used to light candles.
“Now, the people who followed one god, the one me and my family follow, they weren’t happy about that at all. They fought back, and they managed to win back their temple. It was all in ruins, but they managed to piece it back together slowly. But, they didn’t have enough oil for their lights; they only had enough for one night.
“So, the people lit their candle, thinking it would only last that one night, but their god knew all about their struggles, and to thank them for having faith in him against all odds, he granted them a miracle. That little bit of oil, which should only have burned for one night, burned for eight whole nights.”
Aunt Tina smiled. Artemis did not.
“What, is that the end?” she asked, and her great-aunt nodded. “It’s not a very exciting story.”
“I think it’s a very exciting story.”
Old people had strange ideas about what was exciting. Artemis sighed heavily. “It’s about oil, Aunt Tina.”
“It’s not about the oil,” said Tina. “It’s about the miracle.”
Artemis was not as easily impressed as her great-aunt.
“It’s not much of a miracle,” she said. “Anyone can make a bit of oil last longer, you’d just need a spell or a potion. Or you could just make flames with magic, and you wouldn’t even need the oil at all. I don’t get why it is worth this big celebration every year.”
“But these people weren’t magical, honey. They were all Muggles.”
“They can’t have been. One of them must have been a witch or a wizard and lying about it. They were in disguise or something, I don’t know.”
It was at that moment that Artemis’ great-uncle Newt, Aunt Tina’s husband, came in. He settled himself on an armchair, around the back of which a Kneazle was sleeping. Artemis turned to him for support.
“You agree with me, don’t you, Uncle Newt? That thing with the oil isn’t a miracle, it’s just magic.”
Newt fixed Artemis with a peculiar expression. “Why can’t it be both?”
“Well, because,” Artemis said with a shrug, “miracles are miracles. Magic happens all the time.”
“So do miracles.” Uncle Newt was clearly wrong, and Artemis opened her mouth to tell him so, but he continued before she could speak, “Maybe not big miracles, but life is full of lots of little miracles. Last week, I visited an old friend and saw his phoenix burst into flames before my eyes and emerge reborn, young and new again.”
“That’s what phoenixes do, Uncle Newt.”
“If you or I were to do that, or Milly here” — Newt raised one hand to scratch the chin of the Kneazle behind him — “that would be a miracle, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, but…”
“Yesterday morning, you went down to the beach and you picked up a pebble and painted it for me. It’s on my desk now. Until yesterday, it was just one pebble among thousands of others, and you happened to pick that exact one to paint. Years ago, that pebble would have been part of the cliff, and it’s only because of the waves washing over it in different ways over the years that it’s become a pebble at all, let alone one that was picked out and is now painted and special to me.”
“I grew up all the way over the sea in America,” Aunt Tina added. “And one day, your Uncle just happened to travel there, and on that day the two of us happened to be in the same place at the same time. If that hadn’t happened, I might have met someone else and fallen in love with them. But I didn’t, I fell in love with him.” Her dark eyes sparkled as they met her husband’s. “And, out of all the millions of people in the world, he fell in love with me, too. The same thing happened when your parents met, and now all three of us are here together. I think that’s pretty darn miraculous.”
It was all very nice, what they were saying, but Artemis wasn’t sure that she really understood what they meant.
“But then, everything and everyone could be a miracle, if you go by what you’re saying,” she told them. It wasn’t a joke, but they both chuckled. “What?”
“Well, that’s what we are trying to tell you, honey. Everything can be a miracle, you just have to think it. To the people in the temple, the oil was a miracle. To some people, magic is a miracle. To us, you are a miracle.”
“That’s why we need to be kind to everyone and everything,” said Uncle Newt. “Because this whole world and everything in it is just as miraculous as we are.”
Aunt Tina placed one gentle hand on Artemis’ dark-haired head. “Now, don’t you think that is worth celebrating?”
“I guess so,” Artemis replied, though she was still a little confused.
“Great. So, let’s stop playing with the Menorah, and go and make some latkes.”
Artemis followed Tina into the kitchen without hesitation. She might not have fully grasped the point of Hanukkah, but she did know that she liked latkes. And, seeing as her great-aunt and uncle considered her to be a miracle, she was sure that she could persuade them to give her at least one extra portion.
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 1 year
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Chapter Five - Two Souls United
He watched with wide eyes as she reached for his hand and gently moved it towards her lips, just barely kissing the tips of his artist’s fingers. They were slightly calloused from many hours of work and sketching, and yet so gentle, so soft, that it made a strong wave of yearning wash over her - and she knew immediately what she wanted, what she had been wanting deep in her soul since he had saved her from ending her own life.
Tina looked up at him, her slow exhale warm against his fingers. “Put your hands on me, Newt.”
His breath hitched as he stared at her, unable to believe his own ears; his hand was shaking as she pressed it firmly against her clothed breast, fingers laced with his own, and it was only then that he found himself able to move. Overcome with desire for her, Newt leaned in and kissed her desperately, squeezing the curve of her soft bosom through the fabric of her dress; she moaned softly beneath him, pulling him over her as she slid down in the seat underneath his welcome weight, her legs opening to cradle the berth of his hips as he settled atop of her.
Let me make it clear right now that this story's rating has changed from M to E, and it's specifically because of a certain moment in this chapter that happens in a steamy car. In the film it cuts away just as they lie down in the car, and then after a couple of other scenes it switches back to them post-coitus - in my fic, I decided that fuck it, let's do the love scene. I must admit that I took a LOT of inspirations for the love scene from countless Titanic fics I've read about Jack/Rose's time in that car - obviously it's not directly copying anything but I have to give credit to the incredible authors of the Titanic (1997) fandom for their work because they all manage to capture the film and the couple so beautifully that it made me want to do the same for Newtina here!
So, to sum it up, this is my official warning that there is a sex scene in this chapter; I think it's relatively tame in all honestly, the focus is more on the connection between two people as they express their love in an adult way, the focus is very much on their emotions. Having said that, it's still a sex scene and it's obvious what they're doing! I suppose I also have to give a small warning that like Rose in the original film, Tina is seventeen and Newt is twenty like Jack was; by today's standards, I can understand why this may make people uncomfortable, but this part of the fic is set in 1912...and let's be real, in the film Rose (and by extension Tina in this fic) was betrothed to a much older man who's closer to his forties, so a three year age gap between the main couple is really NOT a big deal all things considered.
Anyway, with that in mind... enjoy!
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ravenclaws-eulchen · 1 year
AdA, Kapitel 78: Nur das Beste für Newt
Noch vor wenigen Tagen hatte Newt geglaubt, dass er sich nie wieder vor einer sozialen Situation fürchten würde, jetzt, wo er es erfolgreich geschafft hatte, Tina um ihre Hand zu bitten. Damals hatte er nicht darüber nachgedacht, dass er zum Sonntagstee bei seinen Eltern aufkreuzen musste, gerade einmal eine Woche, nachdem er sich das letzte Mal dazu durchgerungen hatte – um ihnen zu eröffnen, dass er tatsächlich und entgegen allen Erwartungen der Verwandtschaft bald ein verheirateter Mann sein würde. Er hegte keinerlei Zweifel daran, dass seine Familie sich freuen würde. Aber er fürchtete die Aufregung und das schiere Ausmaß an Organisation, das seine Mutter für nötig halten würde, und die Einmischung in Fragen, die eine Angelegenheit zwischen Tina und ihm waren. Er hatte von dem ganzen Wirbel bei Theseus‘ Verlobung schon mehr mitbekommen als ihm lieb war.
Weiterlesen hier: Kapitel 78: Nur das Beste für Newt
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Rewrite Fantastic Beasts
We get it. The writer sucks. Her world is problematic. But there are hints of a good story here and there.
I was rewatching the first movie (arrr, there do be pirates here) and couldn't help but think 'I can do this better'. I had many adorable ideas for Queenie and her relationship with Jacob, but also Tina and Queenie, and Tina and Newt--
Even the confrontation between Dumbledore and Grindelwalt already popped up in my head. (And yes, it will be gayer than it is now, which is not hard at all.)
I have a little preview written here (about 600 words) for those interested. I am going to try and make the world less problematic (more diversity, both in race and sexual and gender identities, no slavery, and any racism will be in line with the racism of the time). I will be making Newt trans because I want to and because fuck you to the writer. Be aware of this. Though there is no word of this in the first preview, it will come up later.
Basically. If this goes well, I'll continue writing. If not? We'll forget this ever happened, okay? Okay.
Travelling by boat was always an ordeal, Newt Scamander thought to himself. It would be so much easier to just use a portkey, but those were regulated and the entire point of getting to New York was to do it undetected. Well. As undetected as possible anyway. His hand hovered over towards his suitcase, mostly to check whether it was still closed since it had been causing some trouble recently. No creatures had gotten out, luckily, but he had a feeling that at some point some would escape. He’d just have to prevent that.
Once he was sure everything was still locked, he turned his attention back to his newspaper. The date read January 15th, 1926. Newt grimaced somewhat as he read through the articles, all of which were about Grindelwald.
‘HOGWARTS SCHOOL INCREASES SECURITY’ (Pfft, as if they needed that with Dumbledore on the premises.)
Everything in the news was related to him nowadays. He folded the newspaper again, put it in one of his many pockets – there was a mild complaint from the bowtruckle who had currently taken up residence there (he really needed to return him to the rest of the colony sometime soon, but he needed to make sure that it was healthy first).
“Sorry,” he whispered. He checked once again on his suitcase, took it in his lap and closed the latch that had once again jumped open. “Dougal,” he whispered. “You settle down now, please. It won’t be long.”
He waited for a moment as the creature settled down somewhat – as requested – then looked up at the world around them. He spotted the Statue of Liberty and a smile spread across his face. He was almost there. Fifty days of sea travel were finally coming to an end. (At least he’d stopped feeling nauseous after a few days.)
He remained on his bench until the ship had safely docked and the captain had announced that it was time for debarkation. He didn’t need to go back to his cabin to collect everything, everything he owned could be found in his suitcase. Therefore, he was one of the first off of the boat and off towards customs. It was a long line – multiple boats must have arrived at the same time – but Newt had all the time in the world.
His time in America had not yet come to an end – and he definitely still hadn’t reached his destination.
Ah, turned out that it was his turn already. He handed over his passport – it looked like it could fall apart at any second now, and Newt was aware of this – and smiled nervously at the muggle in front of him. He always disliked fooling them, lying to them, but he understood why he had to.
“British, huh?” The customs official said eventually.
“First trip to New York?”
“Yes,” answered Newt.
Then the official gestured towards his case. “Anything edible in there?”
Newt swallowed tightly and nervously. “No.” Subconsciously, a hand covered his breast pocket.
And of course that was when the latch flicked open again. “Must get that fixed,” Newt said quietly as he closed that again. (Just stay quiet a little longer, he thought to the animals in there.) “Ah, no.”
Apparently his denial wasn’t convincing enough – lying had never been his strong suit – and the official immediately wanted to take a look. Newt placed the case on the desk and quickly flicked a switch that set ‘muggleworthy’. There was always a chance that magic could fail, but not today. As the case was opened, it revealed nothing but his pyjamas, maps, a journal, an alarm clock, a magnifying glass and his Hufflepuff scarf (he was never far from Hogwarts in his heart). The official seemed satisfied, because he closed it and grunted: “Welcome to New York.”
As Newt gathered his case and his passport, he muttered a ‘thank you’ and moved on, finally setting foot in New York City.
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shipperoffanonships · 1 month
HP-FBAWTFT crossover fic
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zeldamacgregor · 4 months
For the emoji ask game: 🎢, 💋, 🍷, 🎯, and 😬 (any or all), please!
Thanks for the asks! I deserve this revenge lmao
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? Not to echo a recent ask response too much, but definitely Star Mile. I started it in 2007 and wrote pretty consistently on it throughout that year and into 2008. But as a grad student at the time with an enormous amount of other work and regular life stuff to deal with, it got away from me and I got away from it. I never stopped thinking about it, though and I would still get messages on ff.net and emails about it as recently as last year! So bringing it back now has been exciting, at times emotional, but so far very rewarding! So I guess it's a wild ride because it feels more like an old friend that's been with me through a lot of stuff in about 18 years, if that makes sense?
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em? I'm not sure I have much of an opinion on them. It would depend on the ship and the context, I guess?
🍷 Do you drink and write? Sometimes! Usually Prosecco if that's what's up.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which? Yes, recently @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter messaged me during her read of Star Mile and said "oh I don't think Wendy's going to be thrilled about this" and I was like welllllll (it's not a huge spoiler - go read it for yourself and tell me if you can guess what she meant!)
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? Haaaaaaaaa lmao man it's hard to say. I'm pretty open about my hobbies with my friends these days, so I don't think much would surprise or horrify them, but the sheer volume of stories in the Charming series could do it, although I doubt they'd be shocked to know I thought that much about Stargate. They could potentially be creeped out by Star Mile if they ignore Wendy is an adult now, but again it's something I've been talking about for decades and this is not hyperbole.
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aslanscompass · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter & Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Rolf Scamander, Scamander Family (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: sorcerer's stone au Series: Part 17 of ....and how to save them, Part 1 of The Boy Who Loved Summary:
It's Harry's eleventh birthday. Time for his Hogwarts letter.
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lilyerida · 5 months
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Percival Graves x Tina Goldstein (x files au)
Im in looove with this fandom and GoldGraves!!
Inspired by this fanfic (use google translate, you wouldn’t regret, I promise 🥹): https://ficbook.net/readfic/9851535
Small description:
Percival Graves is entrusted with a difficult task: to infiltrate the FBI X-Files department and convince agent Goldstein that magic doesn’t exist.
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afrenchaugurey · 8 months
I realize I forgot to post here but I posted chapter 4 of my New Year's fic.
Summary : After a complicated moment, Newt finally mixes with the New Year party.
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And the introduction scene
In the centre of the room, a large table sagged under the profusion of drinks, food and cutlery. Soft music came from nowhere, and would have bathed the area with a tender lullaby if it hadn’t been covered by all the other voices and noises. The chanting soapy bubbles had disappeared when Adeline had sat at the table, Evie replacing them by hovering oranges, pinecones and cinnamon sticks –mirrors of the tree’s decorations– that filled their noses with forest smells.
Evie had probably circled the dining space with Fencing Charms , as the dog and the puffskeins herd remained far from the food. The pre-dinner mini-sandwiches trays and drinks replenished automatically as soon as they emptied, offering enough provisions for a whole army.
“Snidget, you’re back! Come, and have a firewhisky!”
Theseus’s face had turned crimson, and Newt didn’t want to know how many glasses he had drunk already. Apparition or flight wouldn’t be an option to come back home for his brother that night; Newt would have to make sure of it.
“Snidget?” asked a woman Newt didn’t recognize, but whose cheeks gleamed as red as Theseus’s.
Her hair was like the plants frozen over the lake, a dark brown surrounded by white, and something in her gaze –traces of a complicated and heavy past, courage, and empowerment– reminded him of Tina.
“That was Newton’s nickname as a child, Sunshine,” Titania whispered in the other witch’s ear, before she wove their fingers and kissed her knuckles.
The woman’s eyes opened wide, and she stared at Newt who intensely looked at the ground.
“Of course! Snidget ! Newt Scamander! How could I have forgotten this!” she exclaimed, “I’m Poppy Sweeting.
Thank you for reading !
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uefb · 1 year
Fantastic Beasts One-shot: Far Away from Temple After Sunset
SUMMARY While often a requirement when working against a Seer, under-explained missions still don't always end well... The evening of December 24, 1940 sees Newt and Tina reunited on a bloody battlefield in southern France, and if Newt were properly religious, he'd have attributed their miraculous survival to the day of the year...
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December 24, 1940 / Christmas Eve and 1st Night of Hanukkah / Limousin Region, Southwest France
Newt had come onto this particular mission off the tail of another, only stopping at home long enough to drop off his case per instructions before apparating to a bombed theatre in the West End to retrieve the portkey and coordinates Dumbledore had had hidden for him there. He’d worked hard to get back from his last trip in time for the holidays, but once he’d learned Tina was already in France, he decided it didn’t much matter anyway, and thus threw himself into the broken flower-pot portkey on a wing and a prayer.
Consequently, just under three hours ago, he had arrived (already exhausted) into what was—but probably should not yet have been— utter chaos, after which it became quickly apparent that this was either not one of Dumbledore’s more thoroughly strategised plans or, alternatively, someone had regrettably betrayed them...
In the end, they’d taken rather more damage than they’d dealt, and though it had been at least ten minutes now since the ambush had finally petered out in a series of popping disapparitions and poorly timed enemy portkeys, the air was still heavy with the scent of noxious potion bombs and Muggle explosives.
It would be an utter lie to say they were not having trouble locating one another in the aftermath and, to make matters worse, both night and the temperature were quickly falling.
Newt had lost sight of Tina just a handful of minutes before—no more than a quarter hour, he was sure of it. But distracted by a landmine someone’s identification spell had apparently failed to highlight during reconnaissance and that had therefore been triggered by a fleeing acolyte, he’d spent the better part of that time making sure Yusuf didn’t lose an eye from the blast; while simultaneously stymieing the steady flow of blood from his own wounds, tending mainly to the careful removal of the shrapnel lodged far too close to his tibial artery for comfort... He’d frantically woven a bandage out of the Horned Slug mucus packed in the pouch on his belt, before testing Kama’s left-side vision and manoeuvring them both clumsily to their feet.
He shifted under the weight as the man shuffled along beside him, a hand clutching his bandaged face. It was all Newt could do to drag his foot along, too—(something he couldn’t repair on his own was injured, something had clipped a nerve, perhaps – well, definitely - from the mechanics of it)—and he squinted about for his brother, or Tina. Miller or Ramos, or Macmillan.
There was a minute sound from behind an abandoned woodshed at the closest edge of the pockmarked field and Newt froze like a creature under threat, casting a heavy disillusionment charm on him and Kama, before shoving the man behind him to clutch his shoulder for a guide as they continued their wary approach.
A half second later and the woosh of an identification spell shot over him, and Newt’s heart could have stopped then and there, so when Theseus’ head appeared from around the corner of the shack just moments later, he choked on a cry of relief. His brother’s face broke with a tired smile—though tear tracks had cut the dirt on his cheeks from squinting too long through the smoke—upon visually confirming what the spell had already assured him: the Scamanders had made it out alive.
(Or, at least — so far — the original two of them had…)
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 2 months
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Welcome to the Murder Husband and Murder Family language of flowers fanfic collection, Words Are Not The Only Way, REBOOT.
This collection will be posted on AO3 and feature stories with the theme of the language flowers.
Rules and list of flowers below cut!
Click the LINK to enjoy the works of the participants!
The rules are simple: Claim a flower from the list posted below, and write a story featuring the flower and its meaning. It can be a Will/Hannibal, Will & Hannibal, Will & Abigail, Hannibal & Abigail, or Will & Hannibal & Abigail.
What is NOT allowed is Abigail paired with Will or Hannibal, or smut. Sexual content is allowed, so long as it is non-graphic, cut to black, or implied. No Explicit fics are allowed, unless it's for canon-typical violence.
AUs are allowed, including omega verse and mpreg.
Original child characters may be mentioned, so long as they are not the main focus of the story.
Past pairings are allowed. Will/Molly and Will/Margot and Hannibal/Bedelia and Hannibal/Alana are allowed as well in various capacities, but otherwise, Murder Husbands. No thruples or anything, please. No crossovers or anything within the HEU. Keep it Hannibal.
Stories may be any length you wish.
Post at any time. The collection will remain open for you.
Flowers are claimed on a first come, first served basis. Please put your claim in the notes below. I will make a list of who has claimed which and attach it. If more people would like to participate, I will add more flowers. Many flowers have many different meanings, so you may pick one meaning among the others, or choose to incorporate them all. That is up to you.
Rosemary- Remembrance- Claimed by @tina-mairin-goldstein
Zinnia- I mourn your absence, friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness, lasting affection
Snowdrop- Hope
Lilac- First emotions of love, happiness, tranquility
Hyacinth- Forgiveness and sorrow (purple), desire (general)
Eglantine Rose- Pleasure and pain
Butterfly Weed- Let me go
Cyclamen- Resignation, diffidence, goodbye
Lavender- Distrust, serenity
Marigold- Grief, jealousy- Claimed by @bliss-is-in-blood
Peony- Bashfulness, happy life, shame
Salvia- I think of you (blue), forever mine (red)
Bittersweet- Truth
Hellebore- Anxiety
White Rosebud- Girlhood
Petunia- Anger, resentment, your presence soothes me
Amaryllis- Pride
Forsythia- Anticipation- Claimed by @k1ngl30n
Lady's Mantle- Comfort, I am here for you
Willow- Sorrow
Honeysuckle- True happiness, good fortune, sweetness toward one another
The flowers themselves can appear in many different forms, too! In the garden, bouquets, out in the wild, spotted at the florist, made into a tea, in a drawing, as a scent; anything you like! If it's in tea or food, make sure it isn't poisonous, unless your goal is death or sickness. Have fun!
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