#TimothyHolmseth DanielLee QAnon LARPparty LARPLizards
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larplizard-blog · 5 years ago
Timothy Holmseth LARPer and PEdo Lover ExtraORdinaIre
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Dirty street preacher Daniel Lee nearly creamed his filthy jeans whenLARPer Timothy Charles Holmseth agreed to appear on his youtube channel. 
Who is Timothy Charles Holmseth you ask? We are journalistically investigating him to reveal who he really is.
Timothy Holmseth is disgusting. He has written extensively on the “assaulted vagina” of a toddler.  NO normal decent man talks like that.  Is he harboring his own pedophilic thoughts and this is how he gets off?
Here’s a run down of the video and the FACTS since Dirty Danny and Toucher Timmy don’t know what the truth is.
This is the current criminal case Holmseth will be in front of a judge for.  Note the charges.
Case # 60-CR-18-439 1. Contempt of Court - Willful Disobedience to Court Mandate
2. Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate and knows of temporary or restraining order
These are the open cases and you can view them by going to the link above and typing in a new search using any of these case numbers.
60-CR-18-343 60-CR-18-439 60-CR-18-441 60-CR-18-2074 (guilty)
Timothy Holmseth was not “thrown out of journalism in 2009″ for writing about child sex trafficking. What Timmay did was write disgusting things about a missing toddler and wrote extensively about her assaulted vagina. What kind of a sick fuck even talks about a little girl like this? There are about 4,890 results for the terms “Holmseth” and “vagina”. ALL referring to a missing baby!
Timothy Holmseth was arrested because he violated a restraining order for stalking.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO CONGRESSIONAL TASK FORCE that is protecting Timothy Holmseth. This is utter madness.  What task force? Timothy and Daniel are mentally ill.
His security team vetted Dirty Daniel? LOL OMFG!
Claims he was arrested for publishing already public court records. That’s not the case. He was not allowed and was PROHIBITED from speaking of the woman he has harassed and stalked for 10 years.  He is not allowed to publish records because he has harassed and stalked a woman for 10+ years. He would not stop and was warned endlessly by the courts until they were forced to arrest him for contempt.
He was successful with his motion to vacate and that Mr. Holmseth has presented a significant amount of information regarding his investigations. He has NEVER been granted a Motion to Vacate. He filed a motion to dismiss in his custody case and it was denied, but he has never prevailed on a dispositive motion that he has filed with the court. Here is the current case. Click the link and search for “vacate” to look for a motion to vacate filed by Holmseth. There isn’t one. It DOES NOT exist. He is lying. Judge Yan was his custody case judge and has nothing to do with the matters at hand.Judge Rasmusson is his judge on all of his criminal matters.  Case Type:Crim/Traf Mandatory Date Filed:03/06/2018 Location:Polk Judicial Officer:Rasmusson, Anne Marie http://pa.courts.state.mn.us/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=1625499935
There absolutely is NO congressional task force. This is a lie and I challenge Holmseth to prove this. His word is worthless and he is a known liar. Proof or it didn’t happen.
Daniel Lee claims that Timothy Holmseth has been outing Mike Pence even before he was VP and when he was governor of Indiana. A quick Google search proves that this is a LIE.  Click on the “cached” item and it will show you that nowhere from January 1, 2015 through November 30, 2016 did Holmseth EVER discuss Mike Pence. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22holmseth%22+and+%22pence%22&client=firefox-b-1-d&biw=1280&bih=686&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A1%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F30%2F2016&tbm
The Pentagon isn’t monitoring people for Holmseth. This is just ridiculous and far fetched.
Daniel Lee is the best journalist out there but no one knows who he is LOL
Melania Trump the ex porn star is helping Holmseth?
Holmseth and Dirty Daniel talked about revamping the court system. Ridiculous. Did either of these mongs graduate from high school? There is much discussion about maritime law and admiralty law and that Polk County, Minnesota does not have jurisdiction over Holmseth because they are running a maritime court. Preposterous. Again, this is the rantings of a man who is obviously mentally ill.  Maybe that’s why he has been forced to take four psych evals with the court? They don’t make you take those just because.
Holmseth claims that he can assure Dirty Daniel’s viewers that he is being assisted by a Congressional Task Force and will prevail. (wanna bet?)
Holmseth claims that the name of the building is not a courthouse so it’s not really a courthouse. WHAT!
Holmseth claims that the title of Esquire is a violation of the founding papers. Esquire is the proper term used by attorneys for years.  The term esquire has a different meaning in English Law. It is used to signify a title of dignity, which ranks above gentleman and directly below knight. In the United States,Esq. is written after a lawyer's name, for example: John Smith, Esq. 
Timothy Holmseth claims he caught the prosecutor in the act, but in reality what does that even mean? The Judge didn’t censure him, only Holmseth was making his psychotic accusations against him; who he has also accused of pedophilia.  If you upset Holmseth, you are automatically a pedophile. Methinks he doth protest too much considering the way he writes about the genitals of missing babies. Sicko.
He doesn’t say WHY he was accused of violating his probation, does he? Conveniently that part is left out. He was directing individuals on the jail phone to harass his victim.
Dirty Daniel trying to explain jurisdiction is laughable. What law school did he go to again? Spanking Spoon School of Legaleze?
You do not have to have a warrant to record jail phone calls. Damn, Holmseth, don’t you even watch Law & Order? Idiot.
Check the case file because there is no Motion for Default Judgment. That doesn’t even exist in criminal court. It’s a remedy for a civil action when someone doesn’t pay a debt.
William Barr is also helping him? HAHAHA!
OMG SHOCKING!!! The private prison complex is making money from their jails! YOU DON‘T SAY, EINSTEIN? LOL Timothy Holmseth is so stupid it hurts.
Packing the courthouse isn’t going to intimidate the court. It is only going to piss the judge and prosecutor off.  There is nothing historical about Holmseth’s case.  He appears to be having a psychotic episode and is someone who appears to need mental help. Listen to him. He is all over the place and can’t focus on a single thought. Anyone watching him (except other mentally ill people) will recognize his behavior.
Listen to him talking about “semen and pubic hair on a little girl’s body”. This was never an issue in the Anthony case as Caylee’s remains were decomposed and skeletal. Again, Timothy Holmseth has some very disturbing fantasies about missing toddlers.
Holmseth’s printed out paper claiming he always knew about Epstein is hilarious. The antics of a psycho.
Has Timothy ever shown proof of this?  NO.  No he hasn’t. EVER.
I’m halfway through this video and I can’t do this anymore. Although I will comment on him saying that others have accused him of being a pedophile.  Timothy Holmseth accuses EVERYONE who pisses him off as a pedophile.
Stay tuned,
Reverend Lizard
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