#Timothy you almost died ma’am
magicalcreeks · 3 months
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Tim is struggling to hold off the parademons and his mind immediately goes to Kon even though they were butting heads.
I’m totally okay.
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butwhyduh · 4 years
A Few Kisses
Tim drake x female reader
Warning: smut
Tim Drake was an idiot. Okay, he was actually almost a genius. But he couldn’t tell you the day of the week to save his life. It was Valentine’s Day and he probably didn’t even know it was February. And he was elbow deep in work at the Wayne Enterprise skyscraper downtown.
You’d had enough. You were not going to be that girlfriend that saw her boyfriend once a month when he almost died from some major calamity or his mental health deteriorated until he was almost comatose. And today you were going to the office.
You ran your hands along the clothing that hung in the walk in closet. Definitely a bonus to Tim being stupid rich. You came to a dress and stopped. Tim had bought it after feeling guilty for missing a date. You hadn’t even put it on before he cancelled the next one and the dress hung in the closet since. You knew he’d like it.
Dark red with a thigh high slit and a low neckline. Tim always had a thing for legs. You dolled your hair and makeup before smiling in the mirror. He so owed you and you were going to punish him.
You shed your coat in the elevator and sat it on Tim’s secretary’s desk. She gave you a surprised look before grinning as you breezed past and into his office before she could even inform him. Tim was hunched over paperwork, a blue print to be exact.
“Helen,” he said thinking you the secretary. “Can you get me a coffee? It’s going to be a long night.”
“No,” you answered and he looked up. The pencil in his hand dropped as he looked you over. His eyes lingered on your exposed chest and thigh before gulping.
“Wow, babe. Sweetheart you look amazing,” he said sitting up straight. “What- why? I mean, I’m not complaining by how did I get so lucky? What’s the occasion?”
“It’s February 14th, Drake,” you said walking around the desk to sit on the edge in front of him.
“Is it,” he said glancing at the calendar on his desk. “I didn’t even realize. I’m so sorry. How can I make it up to you?”
“Well,” you said pushing the slit open to show your bare pussy. Tim gasped slightly. “I can think of one way...”
“I’ll lock the door,” Tim said pulling at his tie. He pushed a button to electronically lock the door.
“Leave it on,” you said and you grabbed his hand when he went to his belt. Tim looked at you confused. “On your knees,” you said and luckily he looked down as you couldn’t help but smile as you were surprised he was just going along with it.
“Yes ma’am,” he said looking up at you from on the floor. He pushed the dress all the way over to get better access. Tim kissed your inner thigh before moving your leg onto his shoulder. He kissed your other thigh before doing the same with your other leg. Tim kissed everywhere besides where you needed him. You whined as he nipped at your hip.
Tim chuckled against your skin. “I’ve got you. Be patient,” he added. A cheeky glint was in his eyes. He thought he was in charge but you were patient and he was going to pay.
Tim finally kissed your folds before slowly licking around. You gasped softly. He started moving his tongue all over before flicking your clit and you whimpered. Tim held your thighs before darting his tongue in your core. He repeated the action a few times before going back to your clit. He licked and sucked at the bud.
You threw your head back, lost in the moment. Papers fell from the desk and you made small moans and whimpers. Tim looked up to a perfect view of you. It wasn’t long before your thighs started to tighten and you came against his face. You rubbed against him and moaned his name loudly as you finished. Tim licked you through your high before pulling back with a roguish grin. He wiped his chin and stood up.
“Feeling better, sunshine,” Tim said all cocky. He moved in for a kiss and you ducked him before fixing your dress and standing up. Tim looked at you confused and you almost laughed. His lips were swollen and his face flushed and he had the most obvious erection in his dress pants. He was just a shade off of desperate.
“I’m going back to our $2 million dollar penthouse for the evening,” you said moving to the door. He stared, open mouthed. “Either you can join me and I’ll make it up to you in so many ways,” you said with a wink. “Or you can finish paperwork.”
“I- that’s not fair. You’re just going to leave me like this?” He said looking down. “I can’t exactly leave the building with a full fucking boner,” Tim said bright red. “And I don’t see it leaving any time soon after what we just did.”
“You can hide an entire second life, Timothy. You can hide that. Please don’t make me be alone for Valentine’s Day,” you ended softly. His eyes softened and he sighed.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I’ll figure it out,” he said giving you a hug. You turned your hips away as his cock pressed against you. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he added before finding his coat.
To Tim’s credit, he didn’t get caught on the way downstairs and calmed down enough to get back to your apartment in one piece. You made it up to him 3 times that night before you both crashed in a champagne bubble bath. It was one of the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever had.
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Chapter 4
August 25, 2019 3:00 pm
“So what do you think?”
“I think it’s a good idea," Jennifer responds.
“I won’t stay if you don’t want to. It is entirely up to you.”
“And yet you were the one to check it out. Lizzie, I said yes. If you decided it has been thoroughly considered. I’ll go out there.”
“I’m sorry. I was thinking too much. I thought you wouldn’t want to.”
“I just don’t want to be separate from you. Like we promised last year. I want to get away and back to you.”
“The nightmares have gotten worse.”
---- ---- ----
December 10, 2011 4:00 pm
“Liz, this is Jennifer. Jennifer, this is Elizabeth.” Roxanne says, from my left.
I sigh at the use of my full name and roll my eyes to look at the third person.
“Jennifer is going to be your new bunkmate. Since you’re older show her the way, Liz. I hope you’ll get along.”
I hear the threat in that statement and smile sweetly at Roxanne.
“You almost fool me every time.” She says, before turning and walking away.
“Hi, I’m Jenny.” The little girl says taking a step closer.
“I’m seven. How old are you?”
I open my mouth to answer.
“Do you have siblings? What happened to your parents?”
I glare at the girl.
“Don’t ask those questions here.” I grind out.
The girl jumps back and folds into herself. She’s shaking and keeps opening her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” I say, sighing. “People aren’t going to want to answer you and some might respond worse than me.”
I put my book down and scoot back on my bed.
“Come sit by me and tell me about yourself since you want to talk.”
Jennifer twists and turns. I’m about to pick back up my book when the weight changes on my bed.
“You remind me of my cousin. You’re younger but she was always engrossed with something.”
Engrossed? From a seven-year-old? Before I can answer she continues talking.
“My mom died in childbirth and my dad died flying an airplane when I was 4. Aunt Samantha took me in. I lived with her and my cousin Lucy until two months ago. They died in a fire. I only survived because L-lucy woke me up and Aunt Samantha threw me out the, the window.” Jennifer starts crying.
I put my arms around her and glare at anyone in the room to keep them away.
“I’m sorry, Jenn. I’m so sorry for all that has happened in your life.” I whisper in her ear.
And just like that, I feel like I’m being pulled back to reality.
----- ----- -----
August 25, 2019 6:30 pm
“So you’ve decided…” Delilah prompts.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize I’d paused. I like the teachers, the town,” I look around. “And all of you.”
“Thanks,” Belle says grinning. “What did Jennifer say?”
“She’s cool with it.”
“Yay!” Allison says, jumping up and hugging me.
“I take it you’re happy?”
“She’s been talking of nothing else for two days,” Mandy says.
“Ok, then. We’ll just have to get your transfer papers.” Belle says.
“We’ll go do that and arrange your flight to get your things and your sister.”
Belle glares at Delilah but I don’t think about it long. I’m thinking of all the flying I’ll be doing.
“Yes, we’ll be doing that,” Belle says. “Girls, entertain yourselves. Stephan is a call away if you want to go anywhere.”
“Thank you,” Mandy says.
The sisters walk out.
“So movies?” I ask.
“It’s too bad Finn and Nicole are busy,” Allison says. “They love the home theater.”
These girls spend the summer with him. This should be eye-opening.
----- ----- -----
August 27, 2019 12:00 pm
I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up.
“Finn? What are you doing here?” I ask, sliding off my headphones.
“Flying back to school. Same as you.” He says, sitting next to me.
“Yes, but when did you get here?” I ask and then frown. “Obviously you’ve been on the plane the whole time.”
“Yup. Didn’t my dad tell you I was coming?”
“No. He said that a security guy would be flying back.”
Not that I need it but I wasn’t going to argue with Timothy Campbell.
“And here he is.”
“I would feel safer if it wasn't you,” I say, laughing. “Wait, why did you only wave when I said hello hours ago?”
“I was up until three training and then getting lectured. Sorry for sleeping at 10 in the morning.” He says sourly.
“Well, if you want to be like that,” I say, picking up my headphones.
Finn taps me again after a few minutes.
“Look, I shouldn’t have said that. There’s just a lot going on.”
“Anything you want to talk about?”
“Not today. Not yet. I’ll tell you in a couple of days.”
“But Jennifer and I are flying back then.”
“I’ll tell you at breakfast. I’m supposed to drive you both to the airport.”
The phrase supposed to isn’t lost on me but I don’t say anything.
Finn starts talking about all the different times he’s been on this plane flying to and fro school and on vacations.
“The Simms must really like your family.”
“I guess. Dad’s worked for them for 10 years. But more than that they just like helping out.”
Yes, I know. I owe them a lot.
“If you know this plane so well can you tell me what’s over there?” I ask, nodding towards it.
“What?” Finn asks, not even looking.
“Seriously?” I stand and pull him up.
“What is that?” I ask, pointing to the blue paper on a chair’s wooden armrest. “It wasn’t there a few days ago. It says don’t remove yet it doesn’t seem like it’s holding anything up.”
“You care about the most random things. Does it really matter?”
“It could be life-changing. I will find out.”
“All your secrets,” Finn adds, mocking me.
“Whatever. Hidden things raise the suspicion of curious people.”
“Just remember.”
“Please don’t say curiosity killed the cat.”
“Actually I was going to say revelations may give you more than you expected.”
“That is true.”
“All passengers take their seats. We’re entering landing.” The captain says.
“All? Is there another person on board?”
“Don’t be facetious, Eliza. It was just a slip of the tongue.”
I grin at Finn and ask him more about his summer breaks.
----- ----- -----
August 30, 2019 10:00 am
“I heard you were leaving but I didn’t believe it.” Milly’s voice makes me stop.
“Just ignore her,” Lindsay mutters as I turn around.
“Is it the clothes and lifestyle we have that drove you out? Or the fear that you couldn’t be first this year, either?” Macey asks, coming to stand next to her sister.
“We have 25 students in our year and you have Milly to tutor you. And yet, have you ever even been on the top 15?” Lindsay asks.
Macey mutters and Milly glares at her. That sure quiets her down.
“I don’t care about money as much as Macey does but that must be it since no one denied it. I thought better of you than that.” Milly shrugs. “Anyway, I’ll miss the competition for second after Lindsay.”
Lindsay blushes and starts pulling me away.
“Probably just about how much I’ll miss having a Musgroves in every class,” I say.
I’m glad I didn’t just let them talk, I think smiling. Until I see Finn’s expression that is.
“Really, Eliza?” He asks. “Do you have to be sarcastic with them?”
“Why do you always come at the part that makes me look like the bad guy?”
Finn sighs and shakes his head.
“Where are the others?” He asks.
“They’re sitting on Jennifer’s suitcase trying to make it close,” I say.
“That’s not going to work.” Finn states.
“And why not?” Lindsay asks, glaring at him as he walks to the car.
“Because it’s full of books if I know her. Sitting not going to make them more compact.” He says. “I’ll go get them.”
I nod and he leaves.
“How’s he going to help?” Lindsay asks.
“Sneering isn’t attractive, Linds. He had a duffel bag with him. I’m guessing he’s going to give it to Jenn.”
“And he saves the day.”
It’s just a bag. But I know it isn’t.
“Lindsay, what now?”
She turns to me and her expression softens.
“You decided you like him when school resumed in January. And then ‘your oldest friend’ disappeared for the rest of the year. You can see why I’m not happy with this development.”
“He was busy.”
“The boys’ academy is 3 blocks away.”
“Fine, let’s just say I agree. What does that have to do with now?”
“His dad works for the Simms family. They offer a slight scholarship for their employees’ children. If he wanted to be closer to home, for I don’t know ten weeks, they would make it happen.”
I don’t see why that would be a bad thing. But I don’t get to voice that.
“Alright, we’re here,” Bianca says.
“What’s this?” Nascha asks.
We all gather around the trunk.
“It’s my luggage.”
“Why is it still here?” Mikayla asks, confused.
Finn looks at them and then me.
“They forgot to tell you?”
“Who forgot to tell who what?” Jenn asks.
“The Simms and my dad asked me to be your bodyguard. I’m moving back. I’m going to school with you two.”
“You’re moving back with your parents for ten weeks to work for your dad and go to the boys’ academy?” I ask.
“You’re right until the academy part.” He replies.
“He is going to school with you and Jenn. He’s going to the girls’ academy.” Lindsay says.
I hear the anger in her voice and hope that it’s as lost on Finn as it is my dorm mates.
“You’re going to be the only guy in an all-girl school?” Tess asks.
Finn nods.
“I would not trade places with you,” Rizalyn says.
Nascha says something I don’t hear as I’m being dragged away.
“If I was going to an all-boys school, Nascha.”
“See? And it’s worse than I expected.” Lindsay whispers once we’re a safe distance away. “He’s going to be around you all the time.”
“Not all the time.”
“He’s a senior and your bodyguard. He’s going to have your exact schedule.”
“And if he does?” I ask more confident than I am.
“Just take care of yourself, Mistress."
“We’re loaded,” Jenn calls.
We walk over.
“Line up,” I call.
They get in line, in age order.
“Lindsay and Mikalya are in charge. I will be getting weekly emails so… Yes, Bianca?”
She puts her hand down.
“I’m older than Mikalya. Why can’t I be in charge?”
“You’re only older by a few weeks. And you’re the troublemaker.”
The girls start laughing.
“As I was saying, I will be getting weekly emails so don’t act any differently than you would if I was here. If you don’t, the winter of 2019 will not be a happy one.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The girls say, standing taller.
“Mikalya, I know this is a new position but I’m sure you can do it.”
“Thank you.”
“Tess and Bianca, I expect you to take care of yourself.”
“We will,” Bianca says looking at Tess. She nods.
“Are you saying we can’t?” Rizalyn asks, shyly.
“I know you can. But the academy is a big change so I want you to use the resources you have. I wish Lindsay and I had more than Headmistress when we were your age.”
Nascha nods.
“Otherwise, keep up the good work. And Rizalyn, follow Tess around.”
“Why would you tell her that?” Tess asks, wary.
I'm losing control of this meeting.
“It’s good for you to be together. However, you should try to be more independent, Rizalyn.”
“I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”
“The commander is having another meeting. They’re so weird.” Macey says.
Ugh, will I ever get through this?
“Do you think they’re actually scared of her?” Bea asks.
“From how they’re standing, I think they are. She can’t even have friends when they live with her.” Macey says, louder to make sure I hear her.
“Nascha, this was going to be my advice anyway but thanks to that, I’m sure you understand why. Don’t let anything said to you or about you get you upset. But at the same time don’t let praise make you egotistical.”
She nods with big eyes. I think she’s starting to understand the dynamics of the academy.
“Lindsay, don’t forget to keep in touch.”
“As if I could.”
I smile and hug her. This ends the meeting and we’re surrounded.
“You’re moving in with the Simms, right?” Bea calls, as we separate.
“Yeah,” I answer back just to be polite.
“Don’t think that just because you look like them, with your big eyes and face structure, they’ll take you in. You will always be, well you.” Macey says.
“That’s not insulting, Macey,” Milly says, leading a driver past them into the building.
That’s the second time today that she semi stood up for me.
“They just had to come back to school early,” Mikalya says.
“We’ll miss you,” Tess says.
“We will too,” Jenn replies as we get in the car.
“Love you,” Bianca calls, leading the group backwards.
“Love you too,” I say.
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