#Timmy kinda adopts Hazel as a little sister
alanaartdream · 3 days
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I think @cubbihue and @katescribblesabit are some of my favourite fairy Timmy aus out there atm (heck giving ideas to my own fairy Timmy au (although mine I’m adding in more to do with Jimmy Tommy power hour and nicktoons unite games (I use to love watching YouTubes of those games like crazy heck I managed to get the 1st to to play with my siblings but it was 2nd hand glitch copy of the first in the series of games that series did so it would take forever to load at times but was fun game)
If they ever bring those games to the switch I’d play them for sure; thanks to the jimmy Timmy power hour series doing so well the games were a great hit and the games were so popular that quite a few were created and more characters would get added in the more popular the games got the last in the series was the one we’re Invader zim & dib or was it globs of doom one? Not sure ended up watching YouTubers do those (was more watching for the cut scenes of those games at the time)
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Anywho back to my own fairy Timmy Au I could see Wanda’s sister Blonda coming over to patch up her relationship with Wanda and being a fun aunt to Peri/poof and Timmy once Timmy gets fairy adopted
But schnozmo not sure how good of a uncle he’ll be being he’s a bit of a conman
(Timmy wouldn’t forget how he tried to trick Cosmo out of a lot of things the last time they met aaannnddd I know Jimmy and the nicktoons gang wouldn’t trust him too much either
I feel like now that Timmy is a fairy would hang out at Jimmy’s a lot when not in fairyworld being as Timmy as a fairy wouldn’t see anything from his old life in the human realm part of his own universe but being as the nicktoons unite characters are all from different universes Timmy can still hang out with them;; although Jimmy has met the people in Timmy’s old human life and to be honest they didn’t appreciate Timmy when they had him so they kinda deserve to suffer a little now that they’ve lost him (Timmy’s birth parents most of all) because before he found out Timmy was turned into a fairy he did get to see how ignorant Timmy’s friends AJ & Chester seem to be to the neglect & abuse Timmy was going through from his parents/ babysitter and cocker but just seem to ignore it heck didn’t even try to help out when Timmy was getting bullied on top of that; think the only one Jimmy would feel mostly sorry for is maybe Toothie (although he had to admit her love of Timmy kinda bothered on creepy at times) it was only when Timmy was truly gone from their lives do any of them realise what they’ve lost so he’s not gonna let anyone from Timmy’s old life know what happened to him for sure;; Jimmy doesn’t trust them anymore
Think it’s not until years later when poof becomes Peri and he and Timmy have grown up a bit themselves and Hazel and Dev show up does he even get curious about the humans in Timmy’s universe
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facelessanimator · 12 days
I have so many questions about your Guardian Angel AU
Like I would assume this was after Timmy loses his fairies?
Also what happened to him, like how did he became an angel? Why?
How did the council managed his appearance and what happened when he woke up?
Who assigns him his charges and how exactly his duty as a Guardian Angel works?
Also what happened with his previous life? Like I guess the 500 years coma was in Fairy World years, since he beccomes Hazel's Guardian so on Earth things kept going, what happened with his parents, his friends?
Hoo Boy this is a nice doozy! SO!!
1 and 2: This AU takes place when Timmy is only 17, just One year shy of losing his fairies forever. Unfortunately the combined stressors of: - Knowing He's gonna lose his Fairies. - His parent's neglect becoming worse after age 14 to the point he spends weeks alone. - Cosmo and Wanda talking out loud about properties in Fairyworld they're looking into once they leave. -Francis's bullying taking an even harsher turn to the point Timmy was put in the hospital a few times. - The thought of losing Peri, the only one who took his emotions into mind at all times. and a whole lot more, sadly caused him to become Pataint 0 of a brand new disease that effects mainly godkids.
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The Disease was named T.H.S [Timmy's Heart Syndrome], it shares similarities with BrokenHeart Syndrome but it mainly effects godkids who have been subjected to intense amounts of stress due to neglect or bullying. Timmy was affected with all the factors of it, at once, for the length of YEARS, so his death made the disease easier to contract as it sorta evolved.
After his death, Timmy was found, in pretty rough shape, at the rainbow bridge of Fairyworld by random civilians. He was quickly taken to the hospital where it was discovered his rough shape was due to his new wings growing in. Of course something of this magnitude has to be called in. Effectively putting the hospital on lockdown, none allowed to enter without explicit permission from the Council or Jorgen.
The death of a godkid was unheard of.
3: Once the Council learned of Timmy's fate, they basically locked the hospital he was at down TIGHT. Nobody outside was allowed to see him and any information of him was swiftly redacted from everywhere, even his Godkid file was sealed under the highest security. Timmy was basically wiped from everywhere in efforts to protect him from the eye of the public and media not even Cosmo, Wanda or Peri know he lives in Fairyworld, and he was put under strict 24/7 monitoring by none other than Jorgen, cause nobody wanna mess with him tbh.
But the news always spreads.
Waking up from his coma was a whole fiasco on its own.
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Its a tad bit terrifying going to "sleep" with immense chest pain in your room and suddenly waking back up in FairyWorld with a whole new look and some BIIIIG reserves of magic that you have no idea how to control. Its the main reason Timmy has a halo rather than a crown. The Council and Some very powerful fairies put so much magic into Timmy's halo in an attempt to curb or even completely halt his magic until hes able to control it himself.
Which sorta takes the next 500 years. COUGH
4: HIS CHARGESSS!! As before- with his new powers comes with new abilities- and in the beginning his ability led him to kids who were suffering T.H.S at stage 2. His abilities and the spread of the disease made it harder and harder to keep under wraps so the Council decided that a new wing was needed to both study and attempt to stop the spread of the disease. Thus The Guardian Wing of FairyWorld was born. The Council held reign over it for a while, splitting into 2 to lighten the load until a proper Commander could be assigned.
Jorgen and More Higher Ranked Fairies were assigned to train Timmy in how to control his powers, leading to a few unexpected explosions till he managed to get a handle on it.
Lets just say Timmy out of Mortal School was actually a very quick and advanced learner. Advancing through most of his trainings, within the 500 years it took, with efficiency and speed not many fairies possess. Wasn't long before he was advancing through the ranks. TLDR- Timmy is actually the Guardian Commander, most Guardians are actually assigned charges by HIM. Tho Guardians are assignment status is a totally different process If anyone's interested!
5: ......His previous life was......not so good. His parents came home from a 5 week vacay to notice the house was exactly how they left it. Barely realizing their son was gone until a few days passed. Only then did they realize something was wrong. Once they entered his room and found it a mess with some blood scattered around did they THEN call in the emergency...
unfortunately no body was found. Chester and AJ were devastated once Timmy's disappearance was announced in the school. They honestly though that he was finally taken on vacation by his parents.. They spent years grieving their friend and even meet up on his birthday to remember him. [Disclaimer: In this AU Fairyworld and Earth kinda run on different times, time in the Fae realm kinda goes faster than Earth.]
Trixie acted like a total attention hog, claiming how she was so endeared by Timmy's crush and acting like she lost the love of her life- [I had personal beef with her as a kid XD]
Hell even Crocker and Francis paused their antics for a while once it was announced. Francis eventually went back to his old ways but Crocker became quiet, a more introverted teacher until he retired.
Tootie took his kidnapping the hardest cause she's the only one who knows. She knows he passed on. She was on her way to visit when she spotted the ambulance and a strange family rushing out with Timmy in their arms. She found where he was buried....and every year, without fail, on his birthday, she left flowers at his grave. She never told anyone, in fear they may see Timmy's memory in negative light or use it for attention.
As Well as a Personal Favor to a Strange Pink Haired Woman.
Bonus: Tormented Creator
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