#Timey tries to mun
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forgotten-fable · 5 years ago
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications.
      i don’t normally do chainmail just for future reference, BUT i’ll answer this anyway and see if i can send some regular asks to a few folks instead-- and i definitely do appreciate the thought!1, i’m garbage for a good story ok. mix together the right amount of angst, plot, and hope, and i’m all on board-- whether it’s a roleplay, a tv series, a videogame, whatever. i’ve always been in it for the story, whether i’m hearing one or telling one.2, trying new foods, honestly. like? i’ll eat damn near anything, and i always like finding new stuff that i’ve never tried before. bonus points for anything spicy, as long as it’s not like... melt your face off hot.3, dragons. dragons are just Good Shit ok. i’ve loved them ever since i was a kid, there’s just something really cool about them and about their varying lore and designs across different regions, you know? i always have a blast doing designs of muses as dragons too because they’re fun as heck to draw. (maybe I should bring that meme back over here sometime)4, even tho i don’t get to very often, I really love traveling! guess it’s kind of in the same vein as trying new foods; i like just... seeing new places. I loved the mountainous regions out by Colorado in particular, it’s absolutely gorgeous.5, this is probably gonna sound corny as HELL but, like? i just enjoy entertaining people, weird as that might sound. If my crazy plots and weird muses manage to give somebody something really fun to work with, I call that a huge win. I love knowing that I’m on the right track and that I’m not the only one having a blast, it’s why I talk in the tags so much. I usually get super invested in my threads, so it always feels great when I know who I’m writing with feels the same way.
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timey-roleplay-hub · 5 years ago
OOC; blog updates
     So! Might as well give an update on what’s up, since i haven’t popped onto here in quite a while-- and a number of my old blogs have been gathering dust for quite some time, too.
     I won’t be deleting any, but there’s a number I’m going to effectively be archiving; either from lack of muse, lack of continuity, or just having way too much on my plate. Instead I’ll be putting my focus onto just a handful of them that I have more inspiration for.
      I’ll list the blogs I’m keeping down below; if it’s not listed, feel free to assume that I probably won’t be returning to it. I’ll order them by activity level too. Some newer ones are WIPs, so I’ll place those as ??? for now. Those marked as inactive I don’t have muse for currently, but hope to return to at some point.
     I plan to go through and rework this hub a bit too, though this blog is just a holding place for sideblogs anyways so that is less pressing.
     Lonely Pearl + Fable     -     forgotten-fable     (f2f, moderate activity)
     Kris Dreemurr     -     unchained-lightner     (f2f, low activity)
     Gregor the Overlander    -    warrior-no-more     (f2f, inactive)
           -     bite-me-sandwich     (ic blog, ???)
     Edward Erwick     -    not-an-earwig     (f2f, inactive)
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unchained-lightner · 6 years ago
me: so what all do i have in my drafts anyways--
me: ah,
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cowardicemasked · 7 years ago
     Okay, so, gonna finally start trying to revive this blog because... Gosh dang, I really need to. My attention will still be a little bit split since I’m also working on completing my roleplay group(which is getting pretty close now, I think) and also... art... But yeah. I also have some other blogs I need to revive, though my muses aren’t being very cooperative right now.
     In the meantime, feel free to just like, whack me upside the head if you’re wanting to plot or smth. BUT FIRST... Time to tackle drafts. Wish me luck.
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ask-an-earwig · 7 years ago
friend: *reminds me of an obscure forgotten character that exists*
me, twenty minutes of brainstorming later: consider them adopted
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warrior-no-more · 7 years ago
     Alright! Now that I’ve reached a rhythm with two blogs(sort of), time to add Gregor to the mix. So, feel free to like this post or reply with a sideblog name and I’ll send a starter! They’ll likely start small to keep things manageable, but I’m open to making them into longer threads as we go along.
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not-an-earwig · 7 years ago
PSA; Updates!
     So, some general updates here since I’ve tweaked a few things here and there and want to make sure everybody knows about the changes.
    First; I have added some more information(namely, a personality section) to Erwick’s About page... And at the bottom of it, you can now find a section for relationships. I’ll be updating that as more interactions happen, so don’t worry too much if you’re not there yet; once Erwick gets to know your muse, you’ll likely make the list, too.
     In addition, I changed one of my rules a bit, because I wanted to make it more precise and also include that I was a sideblog in there, and what the main blog is. I mean, it says in a few places and I have a link in my navigation, but you can never be too careful y’know? It also explains something that I’m going to have to do to keep my dash from getting totally insane, which is cutting back on how many people I follow back. Since I have several sideblogs attached to one hub, it’d get kind of crazy if I was following back every single blog that follows any of the sideblogs. On top of that, most blogs I follow back wind up never actually doing anything, so... Yeah. Basically, I’m going to reserve follows for once I know we’ll actually be interacting.
     I’ll go ahead and put the whole rule below so you don’t have to hunt for it.
- Following, Unfollowing and Following Back.
I only follow blogs which I foresee writing with; in other words, if I find that we’re not going to be writing together, I will unfollow. It’s nothing personal, it just causes me too much unnecessary stress. I also may not follow every blog back; don’t take this as a sign of rejection, as I am not mutuals only. If you’re interested in interacting and I haven’t followed, feel free to send memes, asks, IMs, answer open starters, or otherwise interact in whatever way you would like, within reason. Mutuals and non-mutuals alike can also hop into my IMs or askbox and ask to plot, if you prefer to tackle roleplay that way. Odds are I’ll go ahead and follow once I know you’re really here to write with me. I pretty much never unfollow mutuals, unless you’re posting lots of drama or untagged nsfw images. I may unfollow if you go inactive for an incredibly long time as well; if you come back, just give me a nudge and I’ll gladly follow again. Note that this is a sideblog, so I will be following back from Timey-Roleplay-Hub, which is my main blog and an experimental multimuse.
     Anyway, that’s everything. Thanks for reading!
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no-warrior-here · 7 years ago
literally anyone: -vaguely mentions a potterverse-
me: I..... should really work with my potterverse here more...........
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can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest?
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰
I tried to sort all of them and I got too confused because of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff! 
I can say that Kismet is the youngest and Heimdall is the oldest, with a gap between the two of them of around several millennia!
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forgotten-fable · 5 years ago
so folks i’m tired and braindead but how about those SU: F eps huh...
i watched in dreams 3 times in a row and i regret nothing
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timey-roleplay-hub · 6 years ago
PSA, if I followed:
     Quick reminder! If I followed you recently from this blog, there’s a 99% chance it’s due to my Kris Dreemurr roleplay sideblog! I honestly barely even roleplay on this blog, it’s just random clutter. I can’t follow back from Kris since, well, it’s a sideblog, so I have to follow from here. Okay? Okay.
     I do have some other roleplay blogs listed on my sideblogs tab, but aside from Kris they’re on hiatus for now. Feel free to yell at me if any sound interesting though; I am looking to revive some of them in the future, and that could help me choose which ones to prioritize. Also, Erwick has an Undertale AU I’ve gotten to use like once. Just throwing it out there.
     You may now carry on with your day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/whatever hour I happen to post or reblog this. That is all.
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unchained-lightner · 6 years ago
me: wow i should really have more interactions sometime-- me: me: me: me: oh. right.
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cowardicemasked · 7 years ago
-looks in my drafts-
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ask-an-earwig · 7 years ago
next on Things Timey Will Never Forgive FMA 2003 For At 2 AM:
     - creating a canon au ed then only giving him four words to say
     - killing him then everyone just forgetting instantly
     - never telling us absolutely anything about him ever
     - even shamballa didn’t freaking mention him
     - there is no concept art of him anywhere, how did they animate him
     - what did they do sketch him on a post-it note then throw it away
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no-warrior-here · 7 years ago
     Just a quick update;
     I should be back to normal activities soon, but alas... This mun has a cold. So, it might be another day or two before I start posting anything of real substance, and I’ll definitely be a bit more selective on replies than usual. Once I’m feeling better though, I’ll make sure to get things done!
     Apologies again to everybody who’s sent starters/replies over the holidays(or before, for that matter) that I haven’t gotten to yet. I’ll be tackling those as soon as I can. And if another week or so passes and there hasn’t been a response, give me a nudge, I probably missed it.
     Anyways, here’s hoping everybody had a happy holiday season!
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melting-for-you · 8 years ago
me: I’m off my hiatus, guys!
me: -goes on hiatus for another month-
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