#Tilly is describing when she and Hess go to the bar for the first time together
artemismatchalatte · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 4
Today was even better for writing (word count wise). However, I’m writing way out of order and all over the place so this is going to suck to try to slap together at the end of the month or whenever I’m done drafting this. I wrote three partial scenes from different parts of the novel. 
I have classes off this week so this is when I had the least obligations from school. So the further I get this week, the easier it will be for me to get to 50k.
Day 4 Word Count: 4,205 words
Word Count Total to Date: 13,090 words
Excerpt (one of several scenes at the Victorian Lesbian bar): 
One wife was a lovely lady of forty with a husbandly lover who was likely also near her more mature age. The other couple was probably close to Hess and I in age, maybe only a few years older. The older lady seemed to know Hess, I realized. She had never told me how she came to know about this place. Perhaps she had been here before.
Her husband looked at me with an assessing wise brown eye but said nothing. His gaze intimidated me. What did he think of me? Did he think me worthy of Hess? He gave me a secretive smile and wink.
"You're alright, kid." Was all he said after that tense moment. 
I felt warm as though I had received extremely high praise but I couldn't begin explain to you why that was. His look of approval made me feel fortified. I knew without having to even know his name that he was another female husband, out enjoying a night with his wife and their likeminded friends. If I wasn't aware of the concept of female husbandry, I would have simply thought him a neat little gentleman who was with his wife. 
He wasn't smoking but handed me his flask. "Mulberry wine, it's the wife's recipe. She came from a brewer's family, makes the finest alcohol in this part of the country. I'd bet my best pistol upon it." He told me, urging me to take a drink.
Ah, it was so delicious! 
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