#Tilly and Rosie are kind of evil partners in crime in the original text and they're both still very close but less evil
artemismatchalatte · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 1
Hey, everyone! So I’m going to be daily word count posts for my NaNoWriMo 2022 Project: Matt & Hess. 
Day 1 total Word Count: 2,971
Total Word Count To Date: 2,971
I left her, but tears sprang in my eyes. Most adults had been lying to us our whole lives and Rosie believed them. They always praised her for being such a beautiful, lovely girl. How proud our parents must be! What an equally beautiful, lovely bride she’d be. No one asked Rosie what she thought. I realized then with a bitter chill; no one cared. She was pretty and that’s all that mattered.
But they usually started when they saw me sitting or standing nearby. What a fetching lad her brother is! They would burst forth and wonder why I flushed and said nothing to them. Mama would correct them and apologize for my unusual dress.
It’s a shame your Matilda wasn’t a young man- the girls would fall over themselves to speak to her, thinking she was a strapping young lad.
There was a beauty to me is what I heard them say over and over again but it was masculine not feminine.
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